
You and I are so different class time. Class hour: "We are so different, but we are one family" (conflict and ways to resolve it) - Education - Pedagogical portal. They treat you cruelly

Pathology of the uterus


1. Promote the formation respectful attitude and tolerance towards people of different nationalities, different social classes, and other religions.

Classroom tasks:

1. Teach students to reflect, draw conclusions within the framework of the discussed moral problem.

2. To foster internationalism, humanity, respect for the people around them, regardless of their nationality.

3. To acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance"

Preparatory work:

1. Questioning of students and processing of questionnaires

2. Preparation of messages by students about famous people of different nationalities.

3. Preparation of national dishes.

Application form

1. Does a person's skin color and nationality affect his intellectual and moral qualities?

2. Does kindness depend on nationality?

3. Do you have friends of other nationalities.

4. Do your parents have friends of other nationalities !?

5. How would your parents react to the fact that your friend, whose nationality differs from your nationality, came to your house?

Lesson equipment: Interactive whiteboard, computer for playing music.

On the blackboard are the words:

Tolerance Is a great art of people who try to understand each other.

Class hour

Teacher Reads S. Marshak's poem "World Round Dance":

Poems for children

All peoples and countries:

For Abyssinians

And the English

For Spanish children

And for the Russians,


Turkish, German,


Negroes whose homeland is

African coast;

For the redskins

Both Americas.

For yellow-skinned,

Who need to get up

When we go to bed

For the Eskimos,

What's in the cold and snow

In a fur bag

For the night;

From tropical countries

Where in the trees

Countless monkeys;

For kids

Clothed and naked -

Of those that live

In cities and villages ...

All this noisy

Perky people

Let it gather

In one round dance.

North of the planet

May it meet the South

West - with East,

And the children are with each other!


- What is this poem about?

(That children of all skin colors should be friends with each other.)


- Why should all children, regardless of nationality and skin color, live in harmony?

(So ​​that there is no war on Earth and everyone lives happily.)


May 9, 2010 is a significant date in the history of our country. 65 years ago, our country was liberated from the German fascist invaders. Much has happened in more than half a century. The society, the territorial boundaries of the country, its economic and cultural appearance have changed. But the respect and boundless gratitude to the people who gave their lives to serve the Fatherland remain unchanged. People of different nationalities and religions fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

During the Great Patriotic War, when the Nazis captured Russian cities, many Russians were evacuated to the south, where the war had not yet reached. They were warmly received by people of other nationalities: Tajiks, Uzbeks, Georgians, Armenians, etc. The Russians were provided with housing, food, clothing and others. necessary things... People did not look at the fact that the refugees were not of their nationality, with a different color of eyes and skin! And that is why our country won in such a difficult and terrible war. People helped each other, did not allow the weak to perish, all united together against the common enemy - the Nazis. If we live in peace with all people, then there will be no wars or terrorist acts on Earth.


- Children must understand that people, even if they are of a different nationality, must be treated with respect, understand their grief, sympathize in trouble.

The world, like nature, is diverse, and that is why it is beautiful. Its beauty lies in the fact that peoples and nations live on Earth, unique in their culture, traditions and customs. And we are all people of this planet and are connected with each other by visible and invisible threads. Being tolerant of each other, trying to understand each other, regardless of nationality - this is a great art and it is called tolerance.


- And now let's try to explain what the word "tolerance" means.

Statements of children.


- In order to understand what tolerance is, I will tell you the parable "Good family"

Chinese parable "Okay family"

Do you agree with what the head of the family wrote on the piece of paper?

Love, forgiveness, patience - this is tolerance.

I have depicted the word tolerance in the form of the sun. Let's represent your answers in the form of rays. You can choose the answers from the suggested words:

Patience, a sense of humor, misunderstanding, respect for the opinions of others, ignorance, selfishness, benevolence, self-control, intolerance, expression of disdain, irritability, ability to listen to the interlocutor, indifference, cynicism, understanding and acceptance, sensitivity, curiosity, humanism, unmotivated aggressiveness.


- First of all, tolerance manifests itself at home, at school. Everyone knows that you need to live in harmony, but sometimes it is difficult to restrain ourselves when we see the shortcomings of others. Sometimes we get the feeling that we are being nagged. Striving to be strong, we become intolerant and alone. How can we become tolerant? First of all, you must remain yourself, see your mistakes. Let's play. I name the situation, and you raise the red circle if the first expression suits you, black - the second.

Younger brother broke the toy.

1. You forgive him.

2. You hit him.

You quarreled with your sister.

1. You are trying to explain to her.

2. You take offense and take revenge.

You are being treated cruelly.

1. You respond in kind.

2. You say no and seek support.

You are not happy with yourself.

1. You say that there are no people without flaws.

2. You blame everything on others.

You don't want to go for a walk with your loved ones.

1. You throw a tantrum.

2. You go for a walk with them.


- At school, as elsewhere, everyone is different: there are small, big, thin, fat, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians ... Why do we sometimes laugh at them? Because we are afraid of them, we do not want to share, or we are not confident in ourselves. Being tolerant means respecting others, being considerate of people, regardless of differences. It means paying attention to what brings us together.

Is it possible to live peacefully and not quarrel?

How to do it?

Yes, you need to show respect for your classmate, regardless of his nationality, religion, respect for his values ​​and traditions. It is necessary to understand that your neighbor, a person who differs from you in the way of thinking, in the style of clothing, is not necessarily your enemy.

What examples of tolerant behavior can you give?

"Golden Rules":

- Do not do to others what you would not want others to do.

- Do not do to another what hurts you.

- In joy and sorrow, we must treat all people as we treat ourselves.

- As you think about yourself, so think about others.

If you follow these rules, you can avoid conflicts. Conflicts are as old as the world. People have always tried to understand the world and each other. This is sometimes difficult because not everyone sees problems the same way. Listen to an Indian tale and try to determine the cause of the sages' mistake.

Sages and the elephant

A long time ago, there were six blind sages in a small town. Once an elephant was brought to the city. The sages wanted to see him. But how? “I know,” said one wise man, “we will feel it.” - " Good idea, - said others, - then we will know what kind of elephant he is. " So six people went to see the elephant. The first felt a large, flat ear. It moved slowly back and forth. "The elephant is like a fan!" - shouted the first sage. The second sage touched the elephant's legs. "He looks like a tree!" He exclaimed. "You're both wrong," said the third, "he looks like a rope." This man groped for an elephant's tail. "The elephant is like a spear," exclaimed the fourth. "No, no," the fifth cried, "the elephant is like a high wall!" He spoke thus, feeling the side of the elephant. The sixth sage tugged at the elephant's trunk. "You're all wrong," he said. "The elephant is like a snake." - "No, on the rope!" - "Snake!" - "Wall!" - "You're wrong!" - "I'm right!" The six blind men shouted at each other for an hour. And they never knew what an elephant looks like.

Classroom hour"We are all so different, this is what we are beautiful about" 1


Create a situation of opportunity to touch one of the causes of intolerance in the world - differences between people,

To help the participants understand that “dissimilar” does not mean “bad”, to realize the “beauty of differences”,

Develop the ability to put oneself in the shoes of another, which is the basis of tolerance.

Teaching and education methods: verbal, visual, partial search, research, problematic.

Predicted result:

Having experienced unexpected feelings for themselves, participants will be able to relate differently to manifestations of intolerance and their victims;

The level of interpersonal relationships in the classroom will increase,

Participants will understand the need to take responsibility for their attitude towards people.



Exercise pistachios (two per participant);

Colored stickers 4-5 colors,

Sets of markers or pencils of the same colors, paper.

KR - The topic of the class hour "We are all so different, this is why we are beautiful."

KR - In order to tune in to the upcoming conversation, let's mark in each one that character trait or appearance that you like, that is, let's say a compliment to each other.

(Exercise "Compliments", participants stand in a circle. The facilitator suggests coming up with a compliment for the neighbor on the right and saying it, referring to the neighbor by name. Participants say their compliments in turn).

KR - Different people live on earth, they are not similar to each other. Different in skin color and age, in appearance and outlook on the world, material status, culture and traditions. There are many differences. Often we do not think about the fact that each person has the right to his own uniqueness, individuality.

Cl. hands. - I have pistachios in my hands. I will give you two inshell pistachios. Please do not eat them yet and do not remove the shells.

Please tell me,

What are pistachios to the touch?


Do pistachios have the same size and shape?


Are the pistachios the same color?


Are the pistachios cracked or slightly chipped?


Shake the pistachios. Do you feel the sound?


Open the pistachios. Are they different from the inside than the outside? What are the differences?


Eat pistachios. What do they taste like?


Can pistachios be classified as good and bad?


KR - At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, a certain Talleyrand Perigord, prince of Benevent, lived in France. He distinguished himself by the fact that under different governments he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a person who was talented in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the mood of others, to treat them with respect, to look for solutions to problems in a way that would least infringe on the interests of other people. And at the same time, preserve their own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey circumstances. This story formed the basis of the concept of "TOLERANCE". 9 What is Tolerance? Tolerance (from Lat. Tolerantia - patience) - tolerance, indulgence towards someone, something. And tolerance is also respect, equality of people, acceptance of others as they are, forgiveness, cooperation.10

KR - There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their fates are like the history of the planets:

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like her.

We are all so different! Good or bad - we will try to figure it out. I offer you an interesting creative competition. Our guests will be the jury.

2. Exercise "World of Differences" 11

Objective: to realize in practice the benefits of diversity in society; improve communication processes in the group.

KR - Stickers on your badges different colors, I ask you to come to the table that matches your color. Before you on the tables are felt-tip pens and paper. Pick up a pencil and do not give it to anyone. Your task is to paint a picture of our city in a short period of time. Whoever does it faster wins. And the jury will appreciate your work.

(the jury estimates the work very low)

KR - Tell me what caused this result? What do you need to do to make the result of your work better. Make your own decision and make a new color drawing.

(works are posted on the board)

Discussion. Part 1:

1. How did you feel when everyone got the same low score?

2. And what had to be done so that such feelings did not arise, but the heart felt good?

3. Was it difficult to come to an agreement and start painting together?

4. Did the joint picture come out better than the one painted with the same color?

CR - And now I invite each group to try to formulate a definition of tolerance and write it on a piece of Whatman paper.

CR - Pay attention to what definitions of the concept of tolerance are given by scientists.

Definitions of Tolerance: 12

1. Cooperation and partnership.

2. Willingness to put up with other people's opinions.

3. Respect for human dignity.

4. Respect for the rights of others.

5. Acceptance of the other as he is.

6. The ability to put yourself in the shoes of another.

7. Respect for the right to be different.

8. Recognition of the equality of others.

9. Respect for other people's opinions.

CR - You turned out to be close to the true definition.

KR - How tolerant are you? Pick up the sheets with the qualities of tolerance, if you have such a quality, then put a "+" sign in front of you.

Exercise "How tolerant am I?" thirteen

1. Patience

2. Trust

3. Ability to control oneself

4. Benevolence

5. Ability not to judge others

6. Tolerance of differences

7. Ability to empathize

8. Ability to listen

CR - Who would like to share their results with us? (children's performance)

What qualities do you have developed?

What qualities do you lack?

How to form these qualities in yourself?

CR - Every person is a unique person. And everyone needs to believe in their exclusivity. Each of us is truly a "gift" for humanity. I am a gift for humanity, as I am a teacher, kind and demanding, smiling and responsible, I love to sing, I love children. Continue the phrase "I am a gift for humanity, since I ..." Write it down on the pieces of paper.

(read out as desired)

CR - At the end of the class hour, I want to tell you a parable. The father ordered his sons to live in harmony; they did not obey him. So he ordered them to bring a broom and said: "Break it!" no matter how hard they fought, they could not break. Then the father untied the broom and ordered to break one twig at a time. They easily broke the bars one by one. The Father says, “This is how you are: if you live in harmony and peace, no one will prevail against you; and if you quarrel, but all apart, everyone will easily destroy you.

CD - we all have many opportunities, many things that make each of us unique, and that which unites everyone. Therefore, we need each other, and each person can achieve success in life and make it so that other people next to him were more cheerful and joyful to live. We are different and this is our wealth, we are together and this is our strength.14

"We are all so different"

Objectives: 1. To acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance", with the main features of a tolerant personality;

2. To develop the ability to adequately and fully cognize oneself and other people; continue the formation of a tolerant attitude among classmates; develop students' tolerance for differences between people;

3. Fostering a sense of collectivism, solidarity; foster a sense of respect for each other, for customs, traditions and culture different nations;

Form of conducting : lesson with elements of training, work in a circle.


Hello. I am glad to welcome all of you! For our communication to succeed - prepare good mood, a desire to speak out, a positive attitude towards each other.

Guys, different nations have their own customs of greeting. Today we will try to be representatives of other countries and say hello like other nations.

Game "Let's greet each other »

1.Hug and kiss three times alternately on both cheeks (Russia);

2. A slight bow with arms crossed on the chest (China);

3.Simple handshake and eye contact (Germany);

4. Slight bow, palms folded in front of the forehead (India);

5. Rub your noses against each other (Eskimo tradition).

6. A handshake with two hands is called a handshake in Kazakh.

7. Fold your hands (as in "prayer") at chest level and bow (Japan);

8. Rub your noses (New Zealand);

All sit in a circle.

    Exercise "Call, call, call ..."

Pupils sit in a circle and all in turn, starting with the presenter, say: "When I was very little, my name was Valyushka, at school my name was Valya, and now my name is Valentina Iskakovna."

Wonderful! So we met!

    Actualization of the problem. We will now complete the exercise.

    Before you is a sheet of paper. Fold it in half.

    Please tear off the upper right corner.

    Now tear off the bottom left corner.

    Now tear off a piece in the center.

    Expand yourleafletand see. Compare yourleaflets with neighbors.Do you havesomeoneexactly the same? (Children compare the leaves.)

- What conclusion can be drawn from thisexercises?( Everyone has guys got something your own.)

So inlife:each person is a unique personality,andon the whole earth, this no longer exists.

People to light

Born different:

Different, peculiar.

To others

You could understand

It takes patience

To educate in yourself.

It is necessary with good

Come to people in the house,

Friendship, love

Keep in your heart!

We are all so different: adults and children, blondes and brunettes, good and bad, plump and thin, bald and with pigtails, smart and not so. And we all must live and understand each other. There is such a beautiful word"tolerance" (word appears on the board). What is Tolerance? How do you understand it?

Tolerance - tolerance, the ability and willingness to respectfully, with understanding, tolerant attitude to other, often dissimilar, strange, strangers, to their behavior.

Video film "What is tolerance"

Children read the poem "Tolerance".

1. What is tolerance?
Maybe love for your grandmother?

2. Or maybe this is what mom
Have I brought it for your birthday?

3. I realized that this is respect
To the opinion not only of his own.

4. Seeing someone else's pain
I think I can already.

5. I will give a coin to a beggar,
I will help the elderly.

6. I won't leave a friend in trouble,
I will not let anger in the group.

7. If you tolerate friends,
You can listen to anyone.

8. If necessary, then ready
You always come to the rescue.

9. You believe in miracles, kindness.
You respect adults

10. Don't be rude to mom and dad,
You do not offend the younger ones.

11. So, it's not for nothing that everyone says
That you are tolerant.

12. Remain them always and
Be still gallant.

13. What is tolerance?
Kindness, love and laughter.

14. What is tolerance?
Happiness, friendship and success.

15. If everyone is tolerant of each other,

All together (in chorus):

If everyone is tolerant of each other,
Together we will make our world tolerant.

"Are you tolerant?"

Educator .- Let's play. I name the situation, and you raise the red circle if the first expression suits you, black - the second.

Younger brother broke your toy.

1. You forgive him.

2. You hit him.

You quarreled with your sister.

1. You will try to explain to her and make peace.

2. You take offense and take revenge.

You are being treated cruelly.

1. You respond in kind.

2. You say no and seek help.

You are in a hurry for a friend's birthday, and an unfamiliar grandmother asks you to help her cross the road.

1. You leave, explaining that you are in a hurry.

2. You help her.

You are not happy with yourself.

1. You say that there are no people without flaws.

2. You blame everything on others.

I'm glad that all of you basically raised red circles.

Educator ; Being tolerant means respecting others, regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

I would also say that TOLERANCE - it is the ability to live in a world of dissimilar ideas and people.

People are not the only ones who can be tolerant. But also the heroes of our favorite cartoons.

Tolerance in cartoons

Want to know who they are?

    The most tolerant cat in the world, famous for his call to live in harmony. (Leopold)

    They sang a song together, lying in the sun. (Lion cub and turtle)

    This girl helped three companions to fulfill their most cherished desires. (Ellie)

    Their family took in little boy in the jungle. (Wolves)

    This girl's love turned the monster into a handsome youth. (Belle)

    What helped Little Raccoon become friends with the pond dweller? (smile)

    Guys, who helped Little Raccoon with good advice: go and just smile? (Mother)

Mothers are the most tolerant people on earth. They love their children and always help them regardless of the color of eyes, hair and skin, occupation, character and age.

Any person does different things in life. In some situations, he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens and vice versa ...

DISCIPLE: I will read you the story "There are two roads before you, choose"

“The young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. On the curb sat a poorly dressed elderly man. A battered bag lay beside him. He moaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I'll go to him, - said the girl.

Do not even think about it. He is dirty, you will pick up the infection, - answered the young man, squeezing her hand.

Let go. See, his leg is broken. Look, he's got blood on his leg.

And what is it to us? It's his own fault.

Put my hand down, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I tell you: he himself is to blame for everything. You have to work, but he begs, steals, drinks. Why help him?

I'll come anyway. The girl snatched her hand away.

I won't let you in. You are my girlfriend and do not dare to communicate with "everyone." Let's get out of here. ”He tried to get her away.

You know what, I ... How can you? It hurts! It hurts, do you understand? No, you don’t understand! The girl pushed the guy away and walked over to the man. The guy tried to hold her down again. She pulled her hand back resolutely.

What's wrong with you? She asked the man. - what's wrong with your leg.

I broke it ... I have blood. I don’t know what to do and where is the hospital in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me see. Be patient. We need to call an ambulance.

Listen, - the girl turned to young man, who approached them - do you have a "mobile phone"?

The guy said nothing. The girl looked at him inquiringly and suddenly felt disgust that emanated from all his posture, look ... She got up and approached the guy.

Get out! Never call me or come again! I don’t want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some bum, an alcoholic? Stupid! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and dropped to her knees again. The guy walked away.

You have an open fracture, ”she said. - I'm going to call the doctor. Be patient, - she quickly went to the telephone.

Young woman! - the man called out to her - Thank you! - The girl turned around and smiled.

You will definitely find happiness for yourself. "

Educator (Questions to students)

1. Why did the young man refuse to help?

2. What would you do in this case?

3. What do you usually do when you see that a person needs help?

4 What should we do with people who ask for alms?

(students answer, give examples from their own lives)

Conclusion. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, be it a casual travel companion, a vagabond, or a friend, this will be a manifestation of kindness.

Educator pay attention to the posters:


"Treat others as you would like them to treat you"

The golden rule of ethics

"We do better for ourselves when we do better for others."

Chuang Tzu

"Three things to avoid in life: hatred, envy and contempt"

Eastern wisdom

"If I do not resemble you in something, I do not offend you at all, but, on the contrary, I endow you."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Educator : these are sayings of different peoples and nationalities, different centuries, but what unites them?

(Student responses.)

Educator : Guys, there is a very good saying: “Change yourself, and then your attitude to the world will change. " Of course, it is difficult to change the whole world, reduce conflicts, prevent wars, violence, cruelty. But you need to start with yourself, with your attitude to those people who surround you.

Now, let's formulate a rule based on everything that we have learned in our lesson. This rule should be very important for all of us, and we must always follow it!

Let's formulate the rule:"It is forbidden to offend someone for not being like you." We will keep this rule in our hearts, deeds and actions!We are all different, but still we are together!

Exercise "Palms"

Instructions: circle your palm on a piece of paper, write your name in the center. Then, exchange your palms with each other. On each finger, write the good qualities of the "master of the palm". Try not to repeat yourself, write only those qualities that are the hallmarks of this person. After all the fingers are filled in, the drawing is returned to the owner.

Discussion in a circle: Look at your palms, do the inscriptions reflect the true qualities of your character?

What caused the greatest response?

What didn't you like?

Performance teamwork Tolerance tree .

Blank: a tree trunk drawn on a Whatman paper or on a board.

Children attach their palms to a tree with wishes for their classmates.

We are all so different: healthy , wise , artistic, dancing , voiced , running fast climbing high , far jumping , always shy , always ready to help , who can play what …………….. well, and most importantly, we are sooooo cute and friendly

Good afternoon. I would like to start our meeting with a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Love. It was boring for her to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived a hundred years in the world:

Help me, grandfather, to choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all the life God has given me.

The wizard thought and said:

Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds start singing, and the dew hasn't dried up yet ...

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, love came to the appointed place ...

She came and saw: there are five beautiful girls, one more beautiful than the other.

Here, choose, - said the magician, - one is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, the fifth is Kindness.

They are all beautiful, - said Lyubov. - I don't know who to choose ...

Your truth, - answered the magician, - they are all good, and you will meet with them in life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them, she will be your friend for the rest of your life.

Love for the girls came closer and looked into the eyes of each. Love wondered.



Extracurricular activity on the topic:

"We are all so different, this is what we are beautiful."

Prepared by a German teacher

MKOU "School No. 2" of the city of Nikolaevsk

Volgograd region Israelian A.A.

Target: to acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance", with the main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality.

Objectives: 1. To develop the ability to fully and adequately know oneself and other people.

2. to form the ability to independently replenish knowledge by reading reference literature.

3 ... foster a respectful, caring attitude towards people around them, regardless of their nationality.

The course of the class hour.

Good afternoon. I would like to start our meeting with a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Love. It was boring for her to live in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived a hundred years in the world:

Help me, grandfather, to choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her all the life God has given me.

The wizard thought and said:

Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds start singing, and the dew hasn't dried up yet ...

In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, love came to the appointed place ...

She came and saw: there are five beautiful girls, one more beautiful than the other.

Here, choose, - said the magician, - one is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, the fifth is Kindness.

They are all beautiful, - said Lyubov. - I don't know who to choose ...

Your truth, - answered the magician, - they are all good, and you will meet with them in life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them, she will be your friend for the rest of your life.

Love for the girls came closer and looked into the eyes of each. Love wondered.

Who would you choose? Why?

Love approached a girl named Kindness and held out her hand to her.

Why did Love choose Kindness?(Answers guys).

Kindness- it is what helps people to communicate.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said:"If I do not resemble you in something, I do not offend you at all, but, on the contrary, endow you."His words are not only a lesson for us living in the 21st century, but also a confirmation that the world, like nature, is diverse and that is why it is beautiful. Its beauty lies in the fact that peoples and nations live on earth, unique in their culture, traditions and customs. And the continuation of this beauty is that we are all people of this planet. We are connected with each other by visible and invisible threads, it is in our interests to make our life happy, comfortable, joyful, so that subsequent generations not only continue our traditions, but also admire our ability to do good and be tolerant of each other, which means to be tolerant ...

And today our conversation is devoted specifically to tolerance. Not everyone may be familiar with this word and at first glance it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but also a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others.

What is tolerance?(students' answers). Let's summarize everything you said and imagine tolerance in the form of a sun that shines on people and warms them up. We will depict your answers with rays. What can warm a person, make his life brighter? (slide)

So the term tolerance is defined as tolerance, commitment and ability to establish and maintain communication with others.

Let's take a look at how the word tolerance is defined in different languages ​​of the world. (slide)

Which definition appeals to you the most? (guys answers)

Why do you think in different countries definitions are different? (guys answers)

What do these definitions have in common? (guys answers)

Why is tolerance so important nowadays?(guys answers)

Let's take a magical journey through the land of Tolerance.

1 stop "Magic Anagrams".

Several qualities of character are given, but the letters are rearranged. Arrange them correctly.







_ Are we the only good character traits?

Can bad qualities be dealt with?

Can a tolerant person be angry and selfish?

We see that there are two ways of personality development - tolerant and intolerant.

2 stop "Tree of Tolerance"

There are two trees in front of you. Your task is to select 7 traits inherent in a tolerant personality and the traits of an intolerant personality.

Trees on the board.

All people on earth are different. How can they differ? Let's try to find these differences. (Students may name: gender, age, nationality, race, religion, appearance, physical data and disabilities, character, temperament, material wealth, position in society, health status, culture of behavior, etc.)

And what if all people were similar to each other and did not differ in any way? Is it interesting to live in such a world? (students' answers). I think the answer is the same for all - "No". Is it good or bad that we are all different? And how should one get along in such a society? People complement each other with their distinctive features, so we must know at least some national and cultural characteristics.

3 stop "Customs and traditions of the peoples of the world."

  1. You walk down a street in Seoul, the capital South Korea... Suddenly you are pushed by a passer-by, you turn around and see that he is not laughing out loud. What will you do? Why is it so?
  2. You are sitting in a cafe in Sofia (in Bulgaria). A waitress comes up to you and asks if I should bring you some ice cream. You nod happily and wait, but there is still no ice cream. Frustrated, you go to find out what's the matter. “But you gave up ice cream,” says the surprised waitress. What happened?
  3. In Europe, when they meet, people shake each other's right hands. How do you think they shook hands with each other in ancient China?
  4. You came with your parents to China to visit your father's friend (Chinese). At lunch, you were first served salads and meat with vegetables, and only at the end of lunch - soup. How will you feel? And what do you think of the Chinese people?
  5. A European traveler was invited to visit India. The family had a very sweet baby, and the traveler kissed him on the head. How do you think the parents of the child reacted to this?
  6. At a business meeting with a Japanese businessman, the European thought about it and scratched his head. After that, the Japanese quietly changed the topic of the conversation and gradually stopped the conversation. Why do you think he did this?
  7. Iranians never ask each other how their relatives are doing. Why do you think?


  1. It is probably best to show that you are not angry and forgiving the awkward bystander. The point is, a low laugh in Korea means embarrassment.
  2. The waitress is right. In Bulgaria, a nod of the head from top to bottom means denial (in our culture, shaking the head from side to side).
  3. When they met, the ancient Chinese shook hands with themselves - with the right they shook the left.
  4. Do not think that the Chinese do not understand anything about food and dining. In China, this is the order of dishes that is considered traditional and correct.
  5. The child's parents were very offended and scared. There was no need to kiss the child on the head. In Asia, they are sure that the soul of a person is there and a kiss can offend it, it will immediately leave the body.
  6. Rubbing the head with the tip of the middle finger is perceived in Japan as a sign of deception or cheating.
  7. In Islamic countries, personal life is a "strictly guarded territory". Questions about family are not allowed.

There are many nationalities in our city. Tell me, do we need to know the culture and customs of these nationalities? Why?

There are a lot of cultures in the world. Ignorance of the cultures of other peoples even led to wars.

This means that a person should strive to change himself into better side, live in peace with yourself. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. We must be attentive to any person with whom we interact - this will be a manifestation of kindness.

4 stop "Animation"

Show cartoon "Little raccoon"

What do you think is the meaning of the cartoon.

A class is a small family. And I would like to see kindness, respect, mutual understanding always reigned in our family, there would be no quarrels, no swearing. And what is needed for this?

Thus, we talked a lot about tolerance, about a tolerant personality. Let's try to draw up the rules for tolerant communication:

  1. Respect the interlocutor.
  2. Try to understand what others are talking about.
  3. Defend your opinion tactfully.
  4. Look for the best arguments.
  5. Be fair, ready to admit that the other is right.
  6. Strive to take into account the interests of others.

We cannot overnight make our own behavior or the behavior of other people tolerant, and we do not have to reproach ourselves for this. However, even the smallest step in this direction is important. The important thing is not what we say and what we played during the lesson, but what you bring out of it into real life, how to change the relationship with the people you meet.

annotation: This class hour is intended for students in grades 7-8 and reveals the problem of tolerance in modern world... The event is preceded by a varied preparatory work. The urgency of the problem and different shapes work makes the class hour productive and interesting.


1. To promote the formation of respectful attitude and tolerance towards people of different nationalities.

2. Teach students to reflect, draw conclusions within the framework of the discussed moral problem.

3. To cultivate a respectful, caring attitude towards people around them, regardless of their nationality.

4. To help students appreciate the contribution of representatives of different nationalities in maintaining peace on earth.

Preparatory work:

Questioning students on the problem under discussion.

Creation of the project "Universe - Common Home"

Preparing moral situations for discussion. Theatricalization of an excerpt from the play "Dragon" by E. Schwartz.

Essay competition “On mercy and tolerance. The history of our home "

Questionnaire No. 1

Try to explain these concepts:

Tolerance -

Genocide -

Xenophobia -

Extremism -

Tolerance -

Questionnaire No. 2

Try to analyze the situations and suggest solutions:

1. There is a new student in your class. He has a different skin color. Classroom teacher invites you to sit with him at the same desk. You…

2. You walk down the street. A gypsy boy comes up to you and asks for money. You…

3. Before your eyes, a person is insulted because he is of a different nationality. You…

4. You are offered to join an organization that fights against people of a different faith and nationality. You…

5. The guys in the yard laugh at people who profess a different religion, make obscene remarks about them. You..

Questionnaire No. 3

1. Does a person's skin color and nationality affect his intellectual and moral qualities?

2. Does kindness depend on nationality?

3. Do you have friends of other nationalities?

4. How would your parents react to the fact that a friend of a different nationality came to your house?

Creation of the project "Universe - Common Home"

To create a puzzle project, a group of students prepares their own project in the following areas:

History of the state “The Universe is a Common Home”;

Administrative and legal system;

Principles of intercultural communication;

National anthem and coat of arms

Principles of cooperation and building relationships with another state

Class hour

Tolerance is a great art of people who try to understand each other.

Once Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: "If I do not resemble you in something, I do not offend you at all, but, on the contrary, I endow you." His words are not only a lesson for us living in the 21st century, but also a confirmation that the world is like nature. It is diverse and that is why it is beautiful. Its beauty lies in the fact that peoples and nations, unique in their culture, traditions and customs, live on Earth. And the continuation of this beauty is that we are all people of this planet. We are connected with each other by visible and invisible threads, it is in our interest to make our life happy.

Apparently, therefore, the International Day of Tolerance was established, which is celebrated on November 16.

What does it mean to be tolerant?

Tolerance, tolerance has back side... It manifests itself, first of all, in the fact that a person divides everyone into “strangers” and “friends.” Most often, this division occurs along ethnic lines. It is sometimes referred to as a stereotyped opinion.

What stereotypes have you encountered in assessing people and nations?

Theatricalization of a fragment of the play by E. Schwartz "The Dragon"

Knight Lancelot enters the city. He is told about the kindness and justice of the tyrannical ruler of the city, the Dragon, who did a lot of important and useful things for the country.

Exchange of views on the passage.

Analysis of student essays "On Mercy and Tolerance"

Results of the survey

Defense of the projects "Universe - Common Home"