
How to make your own family tree. Genealogical tree: a template to fill out. Genealogical tree: templates to fill out


In this article, you will find answers to questions: where to start compiling your own family tree, what steps should be taken to productively study the genealogy of your family, why study a family archive, and what are the ways to formalize family history.

Where does the compilation of your own family tree begin?

Start by interviewing your immediate family. It is they who can provide the initial information on which you will build the foundation of future research. Name, place of residence, dates of birth and death - you can find out this and other important information within two or three generations without actually leaving your home and simply by asking your parents, grandparents. The value of such memories lies in the fact that often only your relatives can name facts that are not in official documents: habits, appearance and distinctive character traits of a particular ancestor.

However, in order to compile an objective picture of the genealogy of one's family, it is not enough to confine oneself to the oral information of one's relatives. The next step is to analyze the family archive. It is necessary to find and study letters, diaries, old photographs, various certificates (about marriage, birth and death), work books and certificates. Particular attention should be paid to documents from registry offices. Often such family papers and testimonies of the past are boxed and sent to dust on a distant shelf - when, when carefully examined, they can reveal who your predecessors were and what kind of life they led.

Keep a dossier on each relative found during the study in order to save and systematize the data obtained

The third stage is an appeal to the regional and state archives, where a person can obtain information about himself and his immediate family within 75 years (the term for protecting personal secrets). First, ask the archive staff to issue a birth and marriage certificate for your parents, then look for a similar certificate for your grandparents, etc. So, step by step you will move deep into the centuries. One request to the archive can be processed within 2-3 months, but they do not have the right to refuse you completely. To understand which archive area to apply for information search, you need to know locality in which the ancestor of interest lived. It is also necessary to indicate a certain chronological framework for the requested information, since it is not practical to require that all bearers of your surname be found in the archive.

In addition to the personal history of a person, official archives contain information that will help you better understand the history of the region where your ancestors lived. This is data on the history of cities and villages, on the composition of the population, on the activities and most famous representatives of the region. With special luck, rare photographs, documentaries, and audio recordings can be found in archival funds, which will only complement your genealogical research with colorful confirmations.

How to write a family history?

There are several ways to process the information obtained during the study about your family, of which the following are the most common:

  1. Genealogical tree
  2. Genealogical table
  3. Generation painting

Create family tree your family, you can either independently or with the help of professionals - depending on the scope of your study. According to their structure, trees are ascending(from descendants to ancestors) and descending. Among Russian families the first option is most common: here the person from whom it is built is indicated by the trunk of the tree, his parents are depicted in the branching, and grandfathers, grandmothers, etc. are depicted on smaller branches. Thus, the ascending genealogical tree clearly demonstrates the connection between the current generation of the family and the previous ones. In a descending family tree, the opposite is true: the ancestor is located in the roots, and his descendants are in the crown. This option is especially convenient when it comes to building a pedigree of a famous person or there is a desire to prove your relationship with a famous person.

Family trees can also be divided into male and mixed. In men's, as the name implies, only male ancestors are indicated with the mention of the name of their spouses, in mixed - all direct ancestors along both lines of kinship. It should be noted that historically in Russia kinship is considered to be direct exclusively through the male line: from father to son.

In medieval Europe, family trees were traditionally painted in certain distinctive colors. For example, the names of men without offspring were often written on a red background, and married women on purple.

For those who want to do without special decorative elements, there are other graphic ways of depicting pedigrees, one of which is genealogical table. In the table, as in the tree, each generation is located strictly on one horizontal line, and the seniority of persons in each goes from left to right.

There are three types of pedigree tables:

  • Ascending and descending
  • Horizontal: on the left is the ancestor, on the right are its descendants (also ranked by seniority)
  • Circular: in the center is a person who makes up the tree, and around him are the ancestors of the father and mother

Another option for designing a family genealogy is compiling generational painting. In it, in the form of a list of people broken into knees, information about descendants (descending painting) or about ancestors (ascending painting) is presented. Unlike genealogical tables and trees, in which kinship is displayed in a graphical form, a generation list is usually a numbered list of all members of the genus, where information about each of them begins on a new line. The advantage of this type of design is that there is free space to add biographical information about each name in the family: from place of birth to family rumors and legends.

However, it is not necessary to dwell on only one of the options listed above. "Project Life" provides an opportunity to combine various ways designing your genealogy in one product. When ordering a genealogical research from us, you receive not only a genealogical book, which presents a complete generation list, the origin of the surname is revealed and the history of the native land is described, but also a family tree made in a unique author's style, which will take a special place in your home.

In order to compile a genealogy of their family, some people do not limit themselves to searching for information in home archives and the stories of grandparents. Many enthusiasts go to the graves of their ancestors, because even the tombstone contains valuable data that helps to recreate the family tree. Where to start looking for roots?

Relatives survey

The collection of the necessary information always begins with a survey of relatives, as well as acquaintances who may know some important details from the history of your family:

It is quite difficult to draw up a pedigree, since this occupation is not two or three days. To collect all the necessary data at least within two or three generations, you will have to stock up on patience and perseverance.

Genealogical tree is based mainly on the memories of relatives. After all, it is they who provide information that was not recorded in official acts and documents (external data, facts from life, attitude to work, habits and characteristics). When interviewing the older generation, you can find out information about social origin, dates of birth and death, admission to military service, marriages, etc.

family archive

In order to give an objective assessment of the events that took place several generations ago, one should carefully study all the available archival documents of the family. You can start with preserved front-line letters, personal diaries, diplomas, baptismal and birth certificates, medical records, work books, and photographs.

It will be easier to create a family tree if all the documents found are sorted correctly. It is advisable to make copies of securities in case of loss of any of them. A thorough analysis of the data will make it possible to establish by whom the documents were signed and in what years.

How to capture data?

How to make a family tree of a family with your own hands? The first step is to get a diary to record all the information found. It will reflect the results of the information found in the archives, as well as a survey of their relatives and friends.

Keeping a diary is desirable for several reasons:

  • Since genealogical research can take several years, answers to some important questions will not come immediately. Therefore, you will have to write your story for a long time, and a diary will help you with this. It will allow not to lose logical chains with family ties;
  • Sometimes there is too much information, so in order not to confuse some facts and not miss important points, you will have to record not only the data, but also the sources of information.

How to present the results?

How can you make a family tree? It is very important to learn how to properly format all the materials and facts found. Therefore, in order to create a family tree with your own hands, you will have to think over the storage system. In this case, a personal dossier will help you, with the help of which you will be able to systematize information.

All information provided should contain only important information:

Be prepared for the fact that at first many of the above columns will be empty. But as soon as you start to raise archives and find out information from relatives, many of them will begin to be filled with the necessary data.

Under conditions of strong information deficiency»Try to pay attention to the little things, they can be the key to unraveling many family secrets.

How to analyze archives?

Where should one start to make a family tree? To get started, pick up all the archival documents available in the house. They may contain very valuable and reliable information about your relatives, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about oral stories. In many acts (for example, work books) there is curious information about the activities of your ancestors, the awards received, as well as the local authorities that issued this or that document.

Knowing the year and place of residence, one can clarify general information about the history of the city itself, about the size and composition of the population, as well as the average financial situation of citizens of that time. But here the question arises: where can I make a request to get such information? Public archival funds and local museums may contain valuable photographs, TV news and historical films that will allow you to recreate the picture of that time.

The principle of drawing up a pedigree

How to make a pedigree of your family? When collecting the necessary data, be sure to start designing a draft diagram, which can be radial or vertical-horizontal (tree-like). The radial option is convenient to use when very large numbers relatives. In any case, the pedigree should be easy to read.

Therefore, it is worth adhering to the following principles:

Help from experts

Where to make a written request to find out your pedigree? If you are unable to collect all the necessary data for the design of the family tree, seek professional help. Then experts will collect the facts, but for a fee.

Keep in mind that useful data can be concentrated not only in the state archive, but even in local history museum or historical departments of the city. Invaluable support will be provided by bibliographers who specialize in collecting data on a specific subject. Old newspapers, autobiographical sketches, memoirs, as well as genealogical guides can be used, which will definitely help you with the design of the pedigree.

The history of the clan is the history of every person, it is full of interesting events and unexpected discoveries, which are not easy to learn about and which are very important to preserve. How to understand the compilation of a pedigree, says Natatnik.

Where to start collecting information?

Ask your parents about ancestors. Questions should be asked a variety of - family history is made up of little things. The most important thing to know and write down:

  • Name of grandparents;
  • Year and date of their birth;
  • Religion (useful for searching records in registers of births);
  • Place of birth and place of burial (if your relatives are no longer alive);
  • Names of godparents and dates of their birth (as early as 50-70 years ago, relatives were often taken as godparents);
  • All children, grandchildren, their full names.

If possible, go straight to grandparents, preferably for a personal meeting. Take a voice recorder with you or install an appropriate application on your phone, grab a camera.

Questions to ask second generation relatives:

  • Siblings, their full names, places of birth and burial;
  • Place of residence of siblings;
  • Full name of parents (i.e. for you great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers - relatives of the third generation), date, year and place of birth and burial;
  • Religion of parents;

Do you need accurate data?

Write everything down - in any case, this will simplify the search in the next steps. To get an idea of ​​family history, ask also:

  • Where did grandparents live, in what house;
  • What did their parents do?
  • What did they own (land, houses, chickens, cows);
  • Were they rich or poor?
  • What are your favorite meals?
  • With whom did you make friends in the village, how did you spend your leisure time?
  • What family values ​​did they have?

Questions can be very different, and they will help you get at least a rough picture of the life of the family. So, older people cannot always figure out what their grandchildren want to hear from them. And the questions will help them immerse themselves in memories and tell, for example, how they sowed grain, what kind of bread was in the family, what were the traditions in its baking, how children were brought up, how clothes were sewn for them. Perhaps it turns out that my grandmother knew how to sew on a typewriter. BUT sewing machine even stored in the attic of an old village house.

Relatives of the second tribe are not alive. What to do?

Contact other relatives. Suddenly, grandfather's brother is alive? Or his great-nephew lives in the entrance next to you. Take courage and go to visit relatives with your list of questions. As a rule, people like to share what they know. Ask how your grandfather (grandmother) was. Ask to see a family photo album and make a copy or photo of the pictures. If you suddenly ask to take photographs home to scan them, be sure to return them to the owner. Old people are very worried about the loss of memorable pictures.

I don't know anyone! How to find?

Reach out to younger generations. Yes, sometimes they are hard to find. Go in search of Odnoklassniki. You will find many namesakes there. It may turn out that, for example, 23 Viktor Viktorovich Virko lives in Belarus. Write to them all! A short message might look like this:

"Hello. My name is ... I am compiling a family tree and looking for information about my ancestors of the 3rd generation. My great-grandmother's name was Valentina Viktorovna Virko (maiden name). She had a brother Valery Viktorovich Virko. Tell me, did such a name meet in your family? Thanks".

If a short message seems dry to you, you can write a letter. Great example of a letter.

The answers you get from relatives will greatly expand your family tree.

Where else to look for information?

At all stages, it is important to ask loved ones as much as possible about where your common relatives and ancestors are buried. Now is the time to pick up a phone with a good camera or a camera and go to the cemetery. You will need to spend a lot of time here. Sometimes it can take an hour, sometimes two.

Advice: take pictures of monuments with signs of all your namesakes. Yes, many photos will be unnecessary for you. But do not rush to remove them. Create a folder on your computer where you will dump all the pictures. Perhaps after some time you will return to it.

Can you search on the Internet?

Of course. With knowledge about the first, second, third and maybe even the fourth generation, go to the Internet. Searching the web will help you expand your existing knowledge and discover something new. List of sites that can help: - Here you can build your family tree. The site has the ability to search for namesakes. - victims of political terror in the USSR. Alphabetical search. Just go to the letter you need and carefully study the full name of all namesakes. Maybe, cousin your grandmother was repressed. Write down his name in a notebook. This information may be useful to you. and - the sites contain information about the participants of the First World War. Carefully enter the names and names of your ancestors. Please note that surnames could be misspelled, come up with different spellings. For example, instead of Kolyadich, try searching for Kalyadich, Kalyadzich, Koledich, etc. - information about the participants of the Second World War. Here you will find out what awards your grandfather received, as well as find relatives who died in the war. Often in the sheet on the loss of a soldier there is information about the year of birth, the place of death, and also about who was left to wait for him at home. is an encyclopedia of people, places and events. This is a public database where everyone can not only search for records about their relatives, but also enter information about their ancestors, close people, make family and social links, link them to places on the map and events in order to preserve the memory of them. is a database of people who sailed to the United States in the early 20th century. If your relatives went to work in America, it is very likely that you will find information about this on the site. Press the "Passanger search" button and start searching. Write the names of your ancestors in different ways, because it is completely unknown how the Slavic surname was transferred to the Latin alphabet 100 years ago. Write in English and Polish, change letters. is an extensive network for finding a relative. Its plus is that for some villages in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, scans of parish registers are freely available. You can find them through the search: enter the name of the village in which the church stood or stands, and follow the active link. Some users do not advise compiling a family tree on the site, since after it it cannot be deleted. is the most popular forum in the post-Soviet area for compiling a pedigree.

Is it necessary to go to the archive?

Preferably - it is in the archives that parish registers are stored. These are church books that recorded information about the marriage, birth and death of church parishioners. Knowing the location of the metric books (pick up a metric book), go to the archive. The website of each archive contains information about the work and rules for working in the archive.

What do you need to work in the archive?

  • Passport - you will be asked to write a request to work with books;
  • A pen;
  • Notebook;
  • Notebook.

It is strictly forbidden to take pictures and talk loudly in the archive. If you requested documents and cannot make out what was written, you can make a photocopy. However, a photocopy is not a quick procedure. How to get through it, the archive workers will tell you. Boldly, but in a whisper, ask other readers of the archive for help in parsing handwriting.

As a rule, documents for work in the reading room of the archive are issued the next day after the application is submitted. Get ready for the fact that you will have to work for several days, since the metric books are large and cover several years at once.

I'm in the archive. What to do?

Write down all the known birth years of your ancestors. Once in the archive, order a register of births, which will contain data for the year you are interested in. For example, to 1910. Once you have the book, open the data for 1910 and look up the name of your ancestor. Having found the name, in the next column you will see the full names of the parents of your ancestor and the names of his heirs.

Finding out the marriage date of your ancestor's parents is much more difficult. You will have to order metric books covering a large period of time. Find the section "About the Married" and look through all the records, looking for a familiar name. Often successors (godparents) are relatives of your ancestor's parents. Look carefully at the patronymic, and if it matches the patronymic of your ancestor's parents, write down the name of the successor under the question mark. Perhaps this surname will be the new surname of your family.

Having found the right line about marriage, pay attention to the age of the bride and groom. Subtract the age of the newlyweds from the year of marriage.

The next step is to look for birth records in books. Unfortunately, not all parish registers are available in the archives. It also happens that the baptism of an infant took place in another parish unknown to us.

How to organize and store data?

Be sure to draw your family tree from the very beginning. It's best to keep it online. So you can access it at any time. There are also free programs for compiling your family tree. MyHeritage Family Tree Builder is one of them.

Make backup copies of your family trees. Data tends to get lost, and you can always restore your work from a backup copy.

Print your tree and go to your relatives with a printout. You can take two copies in case a relative is also interested in the pedigree.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Often questions about relatives and ancestors arise in the family circle, when grandparents begin to remember their childhood, parents and other relatives. How to make a family tree quickly and easily without knowledge of genealogy?

Why you need to make a family tree

This is one of the most important stages - motivation. He simply will not allow to abandon the compilation of the tree in a couple of weeks, but to bring it to the end. There are several reasons that encourage people to think about compiling a family tree:

  • the desire to satisfy the inexplicable sentimentality that comes with age;
  • let your children feel respect for their roots, relatives, family history and customs;
  • visually show your children how large the number of relatives you can rely on in difficult times;
  • to realize how big your family tree is, to feel like a part of large community having its own destiny and purpose;
  • Satisfy your curiosity about being distantly related to celebrities, find something interesting and mysterious in your roots and branches.

Chances are you have other motives as well. Those who build a family tree professionally recommend not starting an investigation of their tree for belonging to noble families or classifying themselves as descendants of famous historical figures. Usually this does not lead to anything good, since these searches will cost big money, the evidence will be inconclusive, and the case itself will quickly get bored and is unlikely to end successfully.

How to build a family tree

Paper constructions, grouping of relatives, folders with papers are already a thing of the past. Although there is sometimes a need to make some notes, it is best to use specialized programs that help you conveniently compose the found data about relatives and display them in a convenient and pleasant way. There are also various online services that can help you collect data about your relatives.

There are sites where wood is possible. With their help, deciding how to create a family tree becomes as simple as possible. Usually, free registration is required, information is entered for each relative, his family ties and photos, and the service itself produces a graphical construction of the family tree. There are professional services such as myheritage, with a large number of settings that will not only show you how to compile a family tree correctly, but also analyze the surname, search through archives, etc. Online services are convenient for those who do not take the issue very seriously , or to build a simple tree and its design. According to statistics, sites on average "live" up to 5 years and different reasons may disappear from the information space along with your data.

For more in-depth work on your pedigree, it is best to use special programs, information from which can be saved, archived, duplicated and processed on any device and at the same time be independent of the Web. Free programs are mostly very simple, have little functionality and are good for simple tree building. More professional programs are usually paid, but with them the question of how to make a family tree of a family, even a very large family, is solved efficiently and conveniently. For example, the program in the free version has some limitations, but allows you to get acquainted with its work. AT full version costs about 400 rubles. The amount is not very large, but it allows you to think about how seriously you are set to work.

We start the formation of the tree with ourselves

After choosing a means of building a tree, questions arise: how to make a family tree and where to start creating it? It's easiest to start with yourself. In a program or service, enter information about yourself, then about your immediate environment - about everyone you know personally and about whom you have information. You insert photos of these people from your hard drive or, if they are not there, scan or re-photograph paper portraits from albums. Attach photos, make connections, enter comments (such as a short biography) until personal knowledge runs out.

We continue to form the tree

The next step is a meeting with relatives. We arrange a meeting with relatives from the necessary “branches” of the tree, take a cake and a laptop (or better, a voice recorder). During the conversation, you can get a lot of information that fills in the gaps in the family tree. At the same time, you can make a big mistake not going to relatives, but collecting them. a large number of in one place to poll. This usually results in old people correcting each other, disagreeing on different dates, arguing about events, and generally causing significant chaos in the orderly scheme of your work. Therefore, thinking about how to make a family tree quickly, it is better not to take risks, but to talk with each relative separately.

Visit the oldest relatives first. They can tell the most about distant relatives, time gaps, and if they are in a good position, they will allow you to use their rare photographs in albums.

It will be more convenient to conduct a conversation if, before starting it, make up a mini-questionnaire for 10-15 questions: first and last names, important dates in life (birth, wedding, life events, death), children and parents.

We continue to collect information

After we have collected data from everyone who was nearby, the next step is to communicate with those who live far away, in other cities and countries. The easiest way to communicate with them is by phone, Skype or through social networks. After talking with them, you can ask them questions and briefly tell them how to make a family tree. They can build their own branch and send it to you to add it to your big tree. This is very convenient, since it is quite difficult to do such work alone. Therefore, having interested your relatives in this process, you can significantly facilitate your work. You can promise them a free copy of the tree when it is completed or the maximum possible is collected

Working with archives and databases

The last step in collecting information is working with archives. After collecting all possible information from "living" sources and their memories, the next step is to work with paper and electronic archives. This work is especially useful in cases where the branch broke off at some stage and it is not known, for example, whom the great-great-grandfather married or on which front and when the great-grandfather died in the Finnish War, what awards the grandfather received during the war. Such information can be obtained from various archives or databases. Be sure to double-check the information, as there are often namesakes, even full namesakes of people, otherwise your searches may go into other people's "trees".

Family tree construction schemes

When the information is collected, the question arises of how to make a family tree. The layout and placement scheme may be different. The difference in the schemes is the person placed as the basis. You can build from a well-known representative of the genus to the modern generation. This option more clearly shows the presence of children in this ancestor and their division into different family branches.

There are other options for how to make a family tree. An example of a standard scheme, the most common, is shown in the figure. The tree is usually built like this: you are located below, your parents stand above, then grandparents, etc. The branches expand from the bottom up. Below are the children. You define yourself as the foundation.

Everyone at least once thought about who his ancestors are, where the family comes from, and based on the stories of his grandparents, he makes up his family tree ...

By Masterweb

19.04.2018 00:01

Everyone at least once thought about who his ancestors are, where the family comes from, and based on the stories of his grandparents, he makes up the family tree of the family with his own hands. For the school, each of us compiled a pedigree, but not everyone will be able to remember how to do it correctly. In this article, we will tell you in detail about how to find out and compile your family tree on your own, without knowledge in the field of genealogy. The family tree of the family will allow your descendants to remember relatives.

Why you need to know the pedigree

Building a family tree requires motivation. Some will find this to be a complete waste of time, while others will constantly put off compiling a family tree until later. Having an idea of ​​why this should be done at all, everyone will think about compiling a pedigree.

  1. With age, everyone develops a certain sentimentality. Everyone notices that grandparents are beginning to remember their distant relatives, great-grandfathers. Give them some joy, make a family tree of the family with your own hands, show the old people that the family is important to you, and you remember your roots.
  2. If you have children, then make a family tree in order to instill respect for your child's roots. Children should remember their ancestors, know the history of the family and its traditions.
  3. The genealogical tree of the family will clearly show you how big the family is, how many relatives you have - feel like a part of history, a big family.
  4. Satisfy your curiosity: perhaps you have nobles or even kings in your family! And suddenly you have this moment there is a celebrity in the relatives, but you don’t even know it?

Professionals in compiling family trees do not recommend starting the search for ancestors among nobles and historical celebrities, since this business is very troublesome, and most importantly, costly. Basically, the data on such individuals is indirect, and the search for relatives among them will not lead to a positive 100% result. People who have nobles and historical celebrities in their family usually know about it. If you do not have data on this, then most likely they will not be found.

What to use when searching for ancestors

Today, folders with documents in the archive have already lost their relevance, no one will group their family in paper form. The easiest way is to use special programs for notes and notes that are available to all Internet users. Such programs will allow you to conveniently and beautifully compose the collected information and display it in a neat form.

Online programs will help in the search for relatives and ancestors. Almost all such services are paid, but they give a good result quickly, efficiently and in full.

Online programs are convenient in that you just need to register in them, enter your data, if there are photos of ancestors, distant relatives, then upload them to the service, and it will independently compile a graphic family tree.

Pay attention to how long the service on which you decide to register works. If he is still young, then most likely he will give out not entirely accurate information. There is also a huge chance that one day the program will simply cease to exist, and all the data you entered will be lost on the Internet.

Good services for compiling a genealogical family tree

We offer a list of proven programs that have been "living" for quite a long time, they store a lot of information about people, among which one hundred percent there is at least one, but your relative:

  • is a popular online program. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that when entering information, a peculiarity of the Russian family is taken into account - patronymic!
  • Site of the All-Russian genealogical tree. It contains information about all historical figures whose relatives are currently alive and living in Russia.
  • Center for Genealogical Research. Communication is carried out in the forum, where everyone can tell each other something. Also on the site you can find an archive of documents on chronology, estates, registration, land ownership and other information.
  • Website of the Russian Nobility Assembly. It stores information about all descendants (including possible ones) who belong to the nobility.
  • - family website social network, where you can find lost relatives, chat with people who know your relatives or know your ancestors.

Free programs for compiling a pedigree

In addition to many paid programs, there are good free ones that will help you create a family tree.

  1. "Tree of Life" - on this site you can find relatives, find out the degree of relationship with a particular person. You can upload information about yourself, your ancestors and descendants, photos and video files.
  2. "Family Chronicle" - the creation of a tree is colorful, bright! Save photos, documents, videos and other information about your family.

Of course, these programs are free only in case of providing informational information. To use the full interface, you need to pay a small amount - within reason.

The beginning of the formation of the tree

If you are interested in how to draw a family tree of a family with your own hands, then do not give up online programs, they will help you learn more about the genus.

Start building a family tree with yourself - this is the easiest option. Cut out the photo, stick it on a sheet of paper from the very top, write brief information(date of birth, first name, last name and patronymic).

If you have children, attach their photo next to yours. Write down the information with the degree of relationship.

If personal knowledge has dried up, resort to the help of older relatives.

Relatives survey

It is not necessary to collect all the grandparents for the survey in one room. As a rule, their knowledge may diverge, they will begin to argue, knocking down your pace of work on compiling a family tree.

Visit each relative separately (on the mother's side and on the father's side, of course!), let them talk about their ancestors and relatives in a calm atmosphere.

If opinions are divided, then make a pedigree based on the data that agreed, so there will be the smallest error.

Photo collection

The penultimate stage is the collection of photos. Look for them in family albums, grandmothers, great-grandmothers.

If there were no photos of some relatives, you should not remove them from the tree. Ask how they looked, try to at least roughly depict (hair color, eyes, approximate physique). Don't be afraid to draw, even if you have no skills at all!

How to draw a family tree

Having collected information and photos, proceed directly to the creation of the tree. This is not at all difficult, use the instructions, which describe in detail how to draw a family tree of a family with your own hands.

  1. At the root of the tree there should be a photo of the oldest member of the family (identify by the degree of relationship, date of birth).
  2. Make offshoots from the elder, to which you attach photos of his children. Branches from children are already their children.
  3. Form the tree neatly, clearly, attaching photos higher and higher until you get to your photo and photos of your children.
  4. Make the branches of the closest relatives higher, and the distant ones (cousins ​​and so on) - to the sides.
  5. Finally, decorate the tree with a crown with leaves, draw a trunk and a root.

You can see an example (photo) of a family family tree in this article. Based on it, you can easily create your own.

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