
What is an antibody test during pregnancy. When is antibody testing done? Antibody titer in Rh negative pregnant women


If a woman plans to soon become a happy mother, it must be remembered that pregnancy itself can become a real test for the body.

As a result of this, a sharp exacerbation of old chronic diseases is possible, which leads to a strong weakening of immunity, therefore, the female body becomes too vulnerable to a variety of infectious diseases. This can be dangerous not only for the health of the woman herself, but also for the future baby.

Antibodies and pregnancy

Probably everyone knows what the concept means, as well as the fact that in the case of incompatibility of rhesus in a child and a mother, as a result, it can lead to rather serious problems. But, at the same time, some difficulties may appear if the expectant mother has a negative Rh, and the baby has a positive one. As a result, the blood mixing process takes place. Most often, this phenomenon is possible in the event of a rupture of the placenta.

In this case, the baby's positive blood cells will enter the mother's blood, which the immune system perceives as dangerous foreign bodies. Consequently, the immediate production of antibodies begins, which come into direct struggle with them.

If the birth is the first, then this kind of mixing can occur at the time when the baby is born. Consequently, even if the mother's body began to immediately produce antibodies to fight foreign bodies, they are no longer able to harm the baby.

However, in the event that a woman decides to give birth again and becomes pregnant, then the antibodies that have already been developed in the mother's blood can cause quite serious harm to the baby. In some cases, it is the result of exposure to antibodies that the development of hemolytic disease becomes. In the most severe cases, the death of the child still occurs in the uterus.

If a hemolytic disease has been diagnosed in a newborn child, a blood transfusion method can be used to fight it, and it is desirable to carry out this treatment procedure while the child is in the uterus. At the same time, immediately after birth, the baby will have to be placed in intensive care, after which a second blood transfusion is carried out.

In the event that such a disease does not manifest itself with practically any external signs, the further development of jaundice will still occur in the child's body. This disease is treatable in newborns by using special luminescent radiation, due to which there is a significant decrease in the level of bilirubin in the blood.

In order to be able to prevent the development of such problems, which are directly related to a serious conflict between the Rh factors of the child and the mother, Anti-D gamma globulin should be used. It is he who is able to prevent red blood cells from entering the mother's blood, and also prevents the onset of the development of antibodies that can cause serious harm to the child's health.

If the mother has a negative Rh and a baby is born to her, then the baby's blood should be taken for analysis. In the event that the doctor determines the risk, then anti-D gamma globulin can be administered. Such injections are recommended for all women, since today it is simply impossible to determine the Rh factor of a baby.

It is also believed that injecting gamma globulin is necessary after a variety of situations that can provoke the onset of bleeding during pregnancy from the placenta. These factors include absolutely any gynecological procedures, as well as rupture of the placenta, severe abdominal contusion and others.

The fact is that gamma globulin is not capable of causing absolutely any harm to the fetus, therefore, it can be injected without any fear. Only an experienced doctor can establish the need for such injections, so the expectant mother needs to regularly visit a doctor who monitors pregnancy.

Rh factor, destructive antibodies

The formation of the Rh-conflict can occur if the Rh factor of the child and the mother does not completely coincide. The likelihood of a conflict increases significantly if the fetus has a positive Rh. At the same time, in the opposite situation, the likelihood of conflict will be much lower, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible, and the risk to the baby's health will be much greater.

In the event that the expectant mother had a negative Rh factor, and the father had a positive one, then in about 75% of cases, the development of the Rh conflict will be observed. As a result of such a conflict, an active production of unique antibodies that perform a protective function begins in the woman's blood, since in this case the fetus will be perceived as an infection. Such antibodies, after entering the baby's blood, begin to actively have a destructive effect on red blood cells.

As a result, the child begins to experience a rather severe lack of oxygen, which in turn leads to the development of hemolytic disease. In this case, a pregnant woman, without fail, passes a special analysis to determine antibodies, and the analysis itself will have to be done regularly.

In the event that an increase in antibodies occurs, it means that there is a Rh-conflict, and in order to maintain health, and in the most difficult situations and the life of a child, it is necessary to take immediate measures, since an irreparable tragedy can occur without timely qualified medical care. If necessary, in the presence of a Rh-conflict, a special anti-Rh immunoglobulin will be administered to a pregnant woman (in the seventh month of pregnancy), as well as three days after childbirth.

During pregnancy, the development of the Rh-conflict can also occur, not only in the case of the presence of a negative blood group, but also with completely identical results, and in some cases, with different blood groups of the parents, which also cannot be excluded.

For women with the first blood group, experts recommend that they must undergo appropriate tests aimed at determining group antibodies.

Also, during pregnancy, it may be necessary to pass tests and to determine the presence of antibodies in the body to various serious diseases, which include. These analyzes will have to be carried out exactly two times - the first at the initial stage of pregnancy, and the second just before the upcoming birth.

In some cases, during pregnancy planning, the doctor may advise the woman to do an analysis of her husband's sperm to determine the presence of antibodies. It becomes necessary to perform this in the event that the pregnancy is not the first, and all the previous ones ended tragically (). If normal, the analysis should show the complete absence of antisperm antibodies.

It is worth preparing for the fact that donating blood for analysis is not the most pleasant procedure, but at the same time one of the most necessary, because one must not only find out, but also try to prevent not only the development of dangerous diseases, but also the likelihood of negative consequences for the unborn baby ... Therefore, it will be possible to have a little patience, but throughout pregnancy and after childbirth, remain completely calm and not worry about the health of the child.

A blow to infections

Experienced experts advise you to pass all the necessary tests at the preparatory stages for the upcoming pregnancy in order to determine the presence of antibodies in the blood to dangerous infections, which include.

It is important to remember that the listed diseases pose a serious danger to the health and proper development of the child. They are able to have a negative effect on almost all organs and systems of the child, as well as on the nervous system, significantly increase the risk of miscarriage, the development of deformities in the child or the birth of a still fetus.

With the initial infection of a woman with these infections, it becomes necessary to terminate the pregnancy immediately. If, before pregnancy, antibodies to such diseases were found in the blood, then the woman can safely enjoy the pregnancy and not worry, since they will not threaten the child.

It is most important that the analyzes show that antibodies to rubella are present in the woman's blood, since in the absence of immunity to this dangerous disease, or the amount of antibodies is too low, then there is a need to vaccinate the woman even before pregnancy.

They donate blood for the determination of antibodies to infections at the eighth week of pregnancy. It is best to undergo a full medical examination not only for the mother, but also for the future father before conception.

Antibodies during pregnancy, what to do?

In the event that a woman gives birth for the first time and she was found to have a negative Rh factor, and the child has a positive one, then there is no reason to worry. This is due to the fact that most often, during the first birth, blood mixing occurs after the baby is born, therefore, there is practically no danger to his health.

The fact is that during the first pregnancy, antibodies will not be present in the mother's body, since the beginning of the process of their formation occurs only after the blood has been mixed, that is, after childbirth.

But in the case of subsequent pregnancies, antibodies will already be present in the mother's body, therefore, the likelihood that the woman's immune system can kill the fetus while it is in the uterus increases significantly.

But, nevertheless, the Rh-conflict is not always capable of leading to the death of a child. Much more often the development of a hemolytic disease occurs, the treatment of which is carried out with the help of blood transfusion. For the child himself, it will be best to carry out such treatment while he is still in the uterus. And immediately after birth, the child will need appropriate resuscitation manipulations, and of course, the implementation of repeated blood transfusions.

In some cases, the presence of a conflict of the Rh factor leads to the fact that the baby develops a disease such as jaundice. Most often, its treatment is carried out using special lamps, since they can significantly reduce bilirubin levels, but only an experienced specialist can choose the correct treatment.

It is also possible to use gamma globulin, due to which red blood cells are prevented from entering the mother's bloodstream, therefore, the production of antibodies does not begin. Since such injections are not capable of harming the baby growing in the womb, they are recommended for all women in labor.

The appearance of fetal red blood cells occurs during the first few weeks of pregnancy, and it is they that will contain the Rh factor. In the case of the development of maternal antibodies, they are able to enter the fetal bloodstream and have a damaging effect on red blood cells, starting at 22 or 23 weeks of gestation. Since these antibodies are capable of provoking development, it will manifest itself in the form of anemia, hypoxia, jaundice.

During pregnancy, the activity of antibodies may remain unchanged, in some cases, decrease or increase. That is why, throughout pregnancy, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy and take all the necessary tests, thanks to which it becomes possible to prevent the development of severe consequences.

The presence of a negative Rh factor in the expectant mother can become a serious problem if the future dad is Rh positive: the child can inherit the father's Rh factor, and the possible result of such an inheritance is the Rh conflict, which is potentially dangerous for the baby and mother. The production of antibodies begins in the mother's body by the middle of the 1st trimester, it is during this period that the manifestation of the Rh-conflict is possible.

How are Rh-negative mothers diagnosed, and is it possible to treat Rh-conflict in the process of carrying a baby?

Diagnostics of the Rh-conflict during pregnancy - when and how are tests for titers and classes of antibodies taken?

The doctor learns about the amount of antibodies in mother's blood using tests called "titers." The test indicators demonstrate whether there have been “meetings” of the mother’s body with “foreign bodies”, for which the body of the Rh-negative mother also accepts the Rh-positive fetus.

Also, this test is necessary to assess the severity of the development of hemolytic disease of the fetus, if it occurs.

Determination of titers is carried out through a blood test, which is taken without any special preparation of a woman, on an empty stomach.

Also, the diagnostics may include the following methods:

  • ... Or the intake of amniotic fluid, carried out directly from the fetal bladder, with mandatory ultrasound control. With the help of the procedure, the blood group of the future baby, the density of the waters, as well as the titer of the mother's antibodies to Rh are determined. The high optical density of the investigated waters may indicate the breakdown of the baby's erythrocytes, and in this case, experts decide how exactly to continue the pregnancy.
  • Cordocentesis ... The procedure involves taking blood from the umbilical cord vein while monitoring an ultrasound probe. The diagnostic method allows you to determine the titer of antibodies to Rh, the presence of anemia in the fetus, Rh and blood group of the future baby, as well as the level of bilirubin. If the result of the study confirms the fact of negative rhesus in the fetus, then the mother is freed from further observation "in dynamics" (with negative rhesus, the baby never has a rhesus conflict).
  • ... This procedure evaluates the size of the baby's organs, the presence of puffiness and / or free fluid in the cavities, as well as the thickness of the placenta and umbilical vein. In accordance with the condition of the expectant mother, ultrasound can be performed as often as the situation requires - up to the daily routine.
  • Dopplerometry ... This method allows you to assess the performance of the heart, the level of blood flow rate in the umbilical cord and blood vessels of the baby, and so on.
  • Cardiotocography ... Using the method, it is determined whether there is fetal hypoxia, and the reactivity of the baby's cardiovascular system is also assessed.

It is worth noting that procedures such as cordocentesis and amniocentesis by themselves can lead to an increase in antibody titers.

When is antibody testing done?

  1. In the 1st pregnancy and in the absence of miscarriages / abortions: once a month from the 18th to the 30th week, twice a month from the 30th to the 36th week, and then once a week until the very birth.
  2. In the 2nd pregnancy: from the 7-8th week of pregnancy. When titers are detected no more than 1 to 4, this analysis is repeated once a month, and when the titer increases, it is 2-3 times more often.

Experts consider the norm in "conflict" pregnancy titer up to 1: 4.

The critical indicators include credits 1:64 and up.


If, before the 28th week, antibodies were not detected in the mother's body at all, or in a value not exceeding 1: 4, then the risk of developing a Rh conflict does not disappear - antibodies can manifest themselves later, and in rather large quantities.

Therefore, even with a minimal risk of Rh-conflict, specialists are reinsured and, for preventive purposes, inject the expectant mother at the 28th week of pregnancy anti-rhesus immunoglobulin D so that the female body stops producing antibodies that can destroy the baby's blood cells.

The vaccine is considered safe and harmless to mom and baby.

Re-injection is done after childbirth in order to avoid complications in subsequent pregnancies.

  • If the blood flow velocity exceeds 80-100, doctors prescribe an emergency caesarean section to avoid the death of the baby.
  • With an increase in the number of antibodies and the development of hemolytic disease, treatment is carried out, which consists in intrauterine blood transfusion. In the absence of such an opportunity, the issue of pre-term birth is resolved: the formed lungs of the fetus allow the stimulation of labor.
  • Purification of maternal blood from antibodies (plasmapheresis). The method is used in the 2nd half of pregnancy.
  • Hemisorption. An option in which, with the help of a special apparatus, mother's blood is passed through filters to remove toxic substances from it and purify, and then return (purified) back to the vascular bed.
  • After the 24th week of pregnancy, doctors may prescribe a series of injections to help the baby's lungs mature faster for spontaneous breathing after an emergency delivery.
  • After childbirth, the baby is prescribed a blood transfusion, phototherapy or plasmapheresis in accordance with his condition.

Usually, Rh-negative mothers from a high risk group (approx. - with high antibodies, if a titer is detected at an early stage, in the presence of the first pregnancy with Rh-conflict) are observed in the JK only until the 20th week, after which they are sent to the hospital for treatment.

Despite the abundance of modern methods of protecting the fetus from mother's antibodies, delivery remains the most effective.

As for intrauterine blood transfusion, it is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. The introduction of blood under the control of ultrasound into the abdomen of the fetus, followed by its absorption into the bloodstream of the child.
  2. Injection of blood through a puncture with a long needle into the umbilical vein.

Prevention of Rh-conflict between mother and fetus - how to avoid Rh-conflict?

Nowadays, anti-Rh immunoglobulin D is used for the prevention of Rh-conflict, which exists under various names and is known for its effectiveness.

Preventive actions are carried out for a period of 28 weeks in the absence of antibodies in mother's blood, given that the risk of contact of her antibodies with the baby's erythrocytes increases during this period.

In case of bleeding during pregnancy, using methods such as cordo- or amniocentesis, the administration of immunoglobulin is repeated to avoid Rh-sensitization during subsequent pregnancy.

Prevention by this method is carried out, regardless of the outcome of pregnancy. Moreover, the dose of the drug is calculated in accordance with the blood loss.


  • A blood transfusion for an expectant mother is possible only from a donor with the same rhesus.
  • Rh-negative women should choose the most reliable methods of contraception: any method of terminating a pregnancy is the risk of antibodies in the blood.
  • After childbirth, it is imperative to determine the baby's rhesus. In the presence of a positive rhesus, the introduction of anti-rhesus immunoglobulin is indicated, if the mother has low antibodies.
  • The introduction of immunoglobulin to the mother is indicated within 72 hours from the moment of delivery.

The site warns: this article will in no way replace the relationship between doctor and patient. It is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a guide for self-medication or diagnosis.

Blood donation for antibodies during pregnancy is mandatory. This group of studies includes a blood test for the presence and titer of antibodies of type G, M, A, E to various kinds of allergens. Do not think that we are talking about oranges or pollen. Antibodies in the blood during pregnancy determine the presence of a reaction to fetal erythrocytes, cells and substances produced by its own body, to viral and bacterial infections. Of particular importance, when a blood test is performed for antibodies during pregnancy, is present in antibodies to TORCH infections. In addition, it is important to take into account antibody indicators for phospholipids, group and alloimmune indicators for fetal erythrocytes.

Why do you need to be tested for group antibodies during pregnancy? Many girls ask this question. To answer it, it is worth talking a little about what it is. The human body is constantly faced with external influences. To fight all sorts of "misfortunes", the mechanism of antibody or immunoglobulin production is used.

The production of antibodies during pregnancy or simply in a healthy person begins at the moment when antigens appear in the body. The main immunoglobulin task is to defend against bodies that are of foreign origin.

If immunoglobulin production acts as a protective organismic response, then why are antibody titers determined during pregnancy, you might ask. The fact is that during the period when the child is in the womb, they can show their function related to the protection of the body, while provoking many complications in pregnant women, up to termination of pregnancy. It is important to understand what group antibodies will turn their attention to during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, situations are not excluded when the organism of the expectant mother will define the fetus as an object of foreign origin and begin to fight with it. Parents with different Rh indices or incompatible blood groups often find themselves in this situation. This is fraught with pathological problems - immunological conflict, which in turn provokes problems during childbirth.

Antibody testing during pregnancy can help prevent all kinds of risks that are associated with the health indicators of the unborn baby. The analysis for immunoglobulins is one of the most important, therefore, it cannot be neglected.

Preparation and analysis itself

Analysis for hemolysins, antibody titers can demonstrate false readings if you do not properly prepare for the procedure. The delivery of such an analysis on a mandatory basis is carried out by all women with a negative Rh factor.

The procedure is performed once in the first trimester in the eighth week. In the second trimester, two analyzes are already carried out. To get as close to real indicators as possible, it is recommended to start preparing two to three days before delivery.

It is about normalizing the diet, avoiding fatty, spicy and fried foods. It is forbidden to drink caffeinated drinks and soda with sugar. On the eve of surrender, you should not perform procedures related to physiotherapy. Some drugs can change the parameters suggested in the results, so it is important to inform your doctor about taking them beforehand.

Blood donation is performed in the morning after a preliminary eight-hour fast. A vein at the elbow is used for the fence. It is important to take the Rh factor test on a monthly basis until the 32nd week in case of a combination of negative maternal rhesus and positive paternal.

If the antibody titer shows an increase, then there is a risk of developing various kinds of pathologies in the fetus. Everything can be so serious that termination of pregnancy is indicated. If the analyzes demonstrate IgM antibodies, then we are talking about the development of the disease, which provoked the infection. The presence of lgG indicates that the woman has encountered an infection even before the moment of conception, which means that the child is out of danger.

TORCH infections

The group of diseases, the presence of which can be determined by the result of the analysis for TORCH infection, includes four options:

  • rubella;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • herpes;
  • toxoplasmosis.

All of these infections pose a particular danger when it comes to pregnant girls. Having recovered from any of them in the first trimester, the expectant mother may face congenital malformations of the child, developmental anomalies or spontaneous abortion.

Even herpes simplex is able to provoke polyhydramnios, termination of pregnancy, miscarriage, the development of an infection inside the womb, and premature birth. If a woman is faced with such a problem for the first time, then the risk of "presenting" the child with the corresponding infection is 50-50.

Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous when infected in the third trimester. If the mother becomes infected within the first three months, then the child faces a 25 percent risk of developing the corresponding disease. If we are talking about the third trimester, then the figure is already rising to 90 percent.

Rubella is also not the most pleasant option. The presence of such an infection during the first four months is fraught with fetal death, the development of cephaly in macro- and micro-manifestations, or the presence of the Gregg triad.

Cytomegalovirus is dangerous because of its negative effect on the brain of the unborn child. This can cause the development of cerebral paralysis, pathologies with analyzers associated with hearing and vision.

Decoding indicators

Certain antibodies are almost always found in the blood. Moreover, they have their own norms. So, the level of lgA should be in the range of 0.35-3.55 g / l, lgG 7.8-18.5 g / l, lgM 0.8-2.9 g / l. If the last two antibodies were not detected in the test results, it means that such infections did not appear in the body, and there is a risk of infection.

In contrast, a positive result is an indicator of a recent infection. This could have happened both before and during pregnancy. Doctors usually prescribe additional examinations, since some fetal dangers are associated with these conditions.

Positive lgG values ​​in combination with negative lgM indicate an infection that has been transferred, but it will not have any effect on the fetus. If we are talking about the opposite combination, then the infection occurred exactly at the moment when the child was already conceived.

When a study of antibodies to TORCH infections is performed, the lgM norm is its absence. It is important to emphasize that if it is about rubella, and there is no lgG indicator for it, it is recommended to get vaccinated. It can be set only if the lgM level is shown to be negative.

In this case, anti-rubella bodies will be present in the blood. After vaccination, pregnancy can be planned after two to three months. Antibodies to fofolipids in the normal state of affairs should be at a level of less than 10 U / ml.

Rhesus conflict

When a woman first comes for a consultation about the onset of pregnancy, the doctor necessarily finds out the Rh factor of the father of your child. This is not a simple clarification of information, it is an important indicator that will allow the doctor to calculate the possibility of developing an immunoconflict between the mother and the unformed fetus.

Mothers with a negative antigen face such a conflict if the child inherits a paternal rhesus with a positive indicator. As a result of this incompatibility, the female body begins to produce antibodies that destroy the fetal blood cells. Often, girls encounter such a conflict not in the first pregnancy, but when it comes to repeated pregnancy. This significantly increases the chance of negative consequences for the mother and child.

In especially severe cases, you can face a stillbirth or intrauterine death of a child. Rhesus incompatibility can be the cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn, which is dangerous due to the development of possible complications.

We are talking about developmental delay, encephalopathy, nuclear jaundice and liver failure. The same conflict hazard appears with incompatibility of blood groups. It is about incompatibility in terms of antigenic characteristics. This conflict is also dangerous due to the possible formation of HDN. However, in comparison with Rh incompatibility, the number of side effects is less.

Until the middle of pregnancy, a Rh test is carried out monthly, then twice a month. From week 36, the check should be done every week. If, within the framework of the initial analysis, specific immunoglobulins were not found, then a conflict can be avoided. For this, a special drug is used that blocks immunoglobulin synthesis.

In this case, it is important not only to detect antibodies, but also to identify them. The risk of developing HDN is determined by the titer. So, if the test results show a value of 1: 4, then the immunological reaction has just started. Most often, such indicators are encountered during the first pregnancy. If the ratio is 1:16, then puncture of the amniotic fluid is carried out, their further study, which is aimed at identifying intrauterine pathology. If we are talking about an indicator of 1:64, early delivery is required.

When a pregnant woman has to deal with the words "antibody titer" and "Rh-conflict", she can not always understand what is behind them. This causes a lot of worries, so we will try to figure out what is the meaning of the voiced concepts.

Antibodies are an integral part of the immune function called immunoglobulins. How are they formed? The brain is in a continuous process of maturation of stem cells. Ripening quickly, they are transformed into leukocytes. A certain number of leukocytes, which are called β-lymphocytes, migrate to the lymph nodes, where they begin to produce antibodies against foreign bodies from the outside. The rest of the leukocytes are sent to the thymus, and are transferred to the rank of T-lymphocytes.

These two types of lymphocytes interact closely. T-lymphocytes detect and "study" the antigen, provide the information received to β-lymphocytes, which begin to produce antibodies, memorizing the principle of their production (this is the essence of the formation of immunity). As a result, the number of antibodies increases in order to completely destroy the antigen (embryo) that has invaded the body.

The body is capable of synthesizing 5 types of antibodies. They have a different structure and set of amino acids. More details in the table of antibody titers during pregnancy:

The amount of antibodies in the serum is determined using a simple laboratory test. The results obtained make it possible to determine whether there was a "collision" of the mother's immune system with a foreign body.

Having a negative Rh factor in a pregnant woman turns out to be an unpleasant and dangerous problem. As a result, the titer of antibodies rapidly increases during pregnancy, which begin to fight the fetus.

Antibody titers during pregnancy. The mechanism of development of Rh-conflict during gestation

In order to establish in advance the incompatibility of Rh factors, and then isolate the increase in antibody titer during pregnancy, determine the Rh status.

Variations in Rh factors are shown in the table:

The blood study system is based on the identification of more than 50 antigens. With the development of Rh incompatibility, the leading position is occupied by the D antigen.

During the first pregnancy, the mother's blood does not interact with the blood of the fetus, and the Rh-conflict is not aggravated before childbirth. As a result, a woman's immune bodies memorize the antigen and trigger the mechanism for the formation of stable immunity. With the onset of the second pregnancy, immunity is quickly activated and begins to produce antibodies aimed at fighting the fetus.

On a note! A blood test for antibody titers during pregnancy allows you to diagnose hemolytic disorders in a baby.

Features of the analysis for antibody titers during pregnancy

It is preferable to investigate the antibody titer in a woman's blood at the stage of pregravid preparation. This allows you to find out in advance whether the Rh factor of the parents is compatible.

Preparation and timing of the analysis for antibody titers

An antibody test is required for Rh negative pregnant women. Its frequency at the first gestation is monthly from 18 to 30 gestational weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until delivery.

In case of repeated pregnancy, the analysis is carried out from the 8th gestational week. If there is no increase in titers, the analysis is done once a month, if the increase is intensive, weekly.

When determining the Rh-conflict during pregnancy, antibody titers depend on compliance with the rules on the eve of blood sampling. Necessary:

  • Stick to a diet for 2-3 days, avoiding fatty, too spicy and fried foods.
  • 24 hours before the analysis, you need to refrain from drinking coffee and performing strong physical activity.
  • Conduct blood sampling strictly on an empty stomach until 11 o'clock in the morning.
  • On the eve of the procedure, it is forbidden to undergo physiotherapy procedures.
  • If a woman is taking any medications, this should be reported to the laboratory assistant.

Important! Only venous blood is suitable for analysis.

Antibody titer during pregnancy: normal

The reference values ​​of antibody titers in different laboratories are different, so you need to focus on the indicators indicated in the form. The differences are due to the use of different reagents and equipment, therefore it is wrong to compare the results obtained in one laboratory with other accepted standards.

For a clear example of decoding the result of the analysis, we give the average standards. Please note, however, that the reference limits below are approximate:

Explanation: for example, the lower limit of lgM 0.7 indicates a negative result - lgM-, and the upper limit of lgM 3.2 or more indicates a positive result - lgM +.

Antibody titer exceeds the norm: consequences

We repeat that during the first pregnancy, there is practically no risk to the fetus, since the woman's body is not yet able to form immunity so quickly. But with repeated conception, the antibody titer during pregnancy with a negative rhesus in the mother grows much faster, which disrupts the development of the baby.

The higher the antibody titer, the more actively they attack the fetus. High titer of antibodies during pregnancy leads to numerous autoimmune disorders of the fetus. With a pronounced Rh-conflict, the baby may experience the following anomalies:

  • hemolytic anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • dropsy;
  • hypoxia;
  • neutropenia;
  • jaundice.

Hemolytic anomaly often provokes dysfunction of internal organs in a newborn. After birth, the baby is diagnosed with a pathological enlargement of the liver.

Important! If a high titer of antibodies is determined, the woman undergoes ultrasound and amniocentesis. In this way, gross malformations, the likelihood of pregnancy fading are excluded.

In addition, a woman also has an increased risk of:

  • reactivation of TORCH infections and STDs (rubella, syphilis, CMV, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B);
  • the formation of pleural effusions;
  • the appearance of lingering toxicosis or gestosis;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • development of miscarriage or prematurity.

How to lower high antibody titers during pregnancy

Even an insignificant Rh-conflict obstetricians-gynecologists try to keep under control. For this, the pregnant woman is injected with anti-rhesus immunoglobulin D at 28 weeks of gestation. This treatment stops the production of antibodies that destroy the fetal red blood cells. Additionally, one more injection is given after delivery.

If the Rh-conflict has caused complications, additional treatment is prescribed:

  • When hemolytic disease occurs, intrauterine blood transfusion is performed.
  • Plasmapheresis produces a good effect in the second half of pregnancy. The procedure consists in cleansing the woman's blood from the antibodies that have arisen.
  • It is possible to carry out hemosorption. Women's blood is filtered from toxins, and then poured back into the vascular bed.
  • If at the 24th week of gestation, the growth of antibodies continues to grow, the woman is injected with drugs that stimulate the active maturation of the lungs in the fetus for subsequent stimulation of labor.

Important! After delivery, the newborn may need blood transfusion, phototherapy, or plasmapheresis.

If you have a negative Rh factor, be sure to plan a pregnancy under the supervision of a doctor, and immediately get registered after conception. This will save you and your baby from the serious consequences of the Rh-conflict.

Video: "Rhesus conflict and gestation"