
How many months does the child hold the back. Lessons for moms: when does the baby start to sit? If the child does not sit down by himself, then it is strictly forbidden


How many months does the baby start to sit? It is believed that this happens at about 6 months. At the age of six months, the baby can pull herself up, holding her mother's hands, and sit down. It may seem that the baby wants to sit down. In fact, he has a well-developed grasping reflex. He grabs his mother's fingers and pulls towards him, like everything that falls into his hands. This desire has nothing to do with the baby's desire to sit down. However, adults often confuse this innate ability of the baby and immediately try to seat him. There is no need to rush in this matter. Children begin to sit when they are physiologically mature for this skill.

Why is premature sitting down dangerous?

How do you know that it's too early? If the baby falls on its side, his back is strongly rounded - these are clear signs that you can wait. Do I need to cover it with pillows and bolsters? In no case! Of course, this old grandmother's method makes mom's life much easier. Yes, and the baby is happy, an overview opens up in front of him, there is something to do. But artificial back support for a baby, according to professionals, is a disservice.

If the child begins to sit too early, a great deal of stress is put on the fragile spine. In the future, this may turn into scoliosis, deformities of the pelvic bones. Doctors recommend not to rush to seat the baby. The later his body takes an upright position, the better for the development of the skeleton. The main thing in this process is not to help! You should not encourage sitting, but,.

How to sit properly

Pay attention to the position of all parts of the body when the child is sitting.

  • Head. Leaning slightly forward.
  • Neck . Unbent.
  • Upper spine... Unbent.
  • Arms . They are located in front as a support.
  • Loin. Bent.
  • Hip joints... Bent and tilted forward.
  • Legs . Turned outward, divorced. The main focus is on the side surface.

If the body parts are located differently, the baby will quickly get tired. This means that his body is not yet ready for this skill, and the natural physiological curves of the spine have not yet formed.

Skill development stages

What does the ability to sit entail? There are many other opportunities for developing gross motor skills. The baby will learn to kneel, pull up, get up, stand,. All of these actions are associated with the ability to maintain balance. Sitting, like all other motor skills, is developed sequentially.

  • ... Can sit uncertainly, leaning on one or both arms. Often loses balance and falls on its side. Does not sit on its own, only pulling up by the handles. The child can be planted at the age of six months, but only for a short time. A few minutes are enough for a workout.
  • ... Sits more confidently, without support on hands. Sitting, turns the body in different directions, while maintaining balance. Can sit up on his own from a prone position, leaning on his hands.
  • ... By this age, most babies sit confidently, easily rise to this position from any position - lying on their back, stomach, side. And just as easily change it.

The baby can sit on its own as early as six months. This is a sign of the norm. If he sits down two months later, that will also be normal. It is important to know that children who sat down early should not be in this position for more than one hour. If the child does not sit on his own, it is not recommended to carry him for a long time in an upright position or to carry him in a stroller in a sitting position.

How to help: 8 ways

There are situations when a child is sitting confidently, but it is difficult for him to take this position. Or he can't keep his balance. What to do?

  1. Start simple... Try seating your child from a reclining position on their back. The crumb will spend less effort, the load on the spine will decrease.
  2. Build your abs... Do the most basic exercises. From a prone position, lift the baby by the handles at an angle of 30 °, but do not sit down. Raised - lowered. Do this several times in a row. You can also swing your abs while lying on your stomach. Let the baby grab your fingers, lift him slightly by the handles so that his back arches.
  3. Strengthen your back muscles... Lay the baby on its stomach. Place one hand under the baby's chest, the other between the legs. The baby should rest them against your belly. At the same time, the muscles of his back and buttocks are tense, his neck slightly arches back.
  4. ... The muscles of the whole body are evenly trained in the water, while the load on the spine is minimal. If possible, you can sign up with a baby in the pool or for water aerobics. If not, you can exercise at home in the large bathroom.
  5. Sitting at the right angle... If the child is often in a stroller or highchair, the correct seat inclination must be adjusted - 40–45 °. Many mothers are wondering if it is harmful to carry a baby in a backpack? The baby can be planted in a kangaroo. It is only important to choose a model with a rigid back, so that the main emphasis is not on the crotch. The vertical load on the back should be minimal. There are time limits: wear no more than three hours.
  6. Come up with a motive... It's boring to just pump the abs. You can hang toys in front of the baby. He will try to reach out and train the muscles at the same time.
  7. Don't make up anything... Maybe the kid is just lazy? Why sit down if mom will sit down, pull up, help?
  8. Take away your comfort. Create uncomfortable conditions that will stimulate the baby to the desire to sit down without your help. Let him try to find a more comfortable position for his body. Give him the opportunity to fall on his side, feel how his body is balancing, find balance. This is the only way he learns to sit on his own.

If your little one is good at crawling and doesn't want to sit down, don't worry. His time has not yet come. It won't even be too late! You also need to know that the safest transition to a sitting position is from a position on all fours. In this case, there will be the least stress on the spine. You can teach a child to sit down from a prone position if he already confidently sits down from a position on all fours.

When can the baby be planted? It is better to focus on the individual development of the baby. If the child is actively moving, he does not have any problems with the musculoskeletal system and neurological disorders, rest assured that he will definitely learn to sit on his own. And most often it develops this skill without the help of adults.

Until the age of five months, the newborn lies most of the time and shows little activity. However, after he reaches this age threshold, parents begin to notice how he pleases and surprises them every day. The fact is that by about 5 months of age, the baby's back and neck muscles are already well-strengthened. In this regard, he begins to master more and more new motor functions: independently keep the body in an upright position, hold the head, roll over and sit.

When a child begins to sit, the world around him begins to open up for him in a completely different way, which he previously perceived mainly from a horizontal position. These first motor skills will soon be followed by others: and taking the first steps.

Many parents are interested in how many months their baby will begin to sit on their own and are looking forward to this moment. and, this suggests that he is ready to sit on his own.

In different babies, this can occur at different ages, however, it is generally accepted to consider the optimal period from 4 to 7 months. Almost all babies can sit on their own by 8 months of age.

Of course, parents can artificially plant a child at any age, but in order for him to start sitting on his own, he at least needs to learn how to hold his head. For this, in turn, it is necessary that the neck muscles are sufficiently strong. The rapid development of this muscle group usually begins at 4 months of age. Usually, by this age, the baby independently holds his head, lying on his stomach, and this skill begins to consolidate and improve every day.

In the future, parents will be able to notice how the baby begins to lift his shoulders, do push-ups on the handles and, first for a moment, and then for a longer time, sit down with their support. The main thing that prevents him from sitting confidently at the first stage is the lack of the ability to maintain balance. When the child learns to hold him, first leaning on the handles, he will begin to sit on his own, without support and outside help.

In general terms, a child's acquisition of the sitting skill may look like this:

  • at 6 months begins to sit for a short time with outside support;
  • at 7 months can sit for a short time without support;
  • by 8 months sit down independently, sit confidently and can also lie down independently from this position.

When should you start worrying?

Knowing the developmental norms of children and how many months they must master certain stages of their physical and psycho-emotional development, parents can easily notice pathologies. If you apply for qualified help in a timely manner, you can correct the situation without any further consequences. Today there are special exercises and other methods of strengthening muscles.

If the child does not begin to hold his head after reaching 6 months of age and to rise on the arms from a prone position on the tummy, parents better show it to the pediatrician... This skill is basic for all babies, without exception, and further physical development depends on it.

It should be borne in mind that weakened and not born full-term babies master the first motor skills a little later than the rest. And children who are active and stronger can begin to sit down earlier than others by 1-1.5 months. According to pediatricians, both the situation is considered quite normal.

Is it possible to seat a child artificially

Some parents, in anticipation, try to artificially seat the baby, propping up pillows on all sides, no matter how old the baby is. Without exception, all orthopedists and pediatricians claim that it is absolutely impossible to do this, since giving a child's fragile spine an upright position up to 6 months of age is unnatural and fraught with consequences in the future, for example, curvature of the spine.

Until the muscles of the child are properly strengthened, he is not ready to withstand such a load. If the child sat down on his own at the age of earlier than 6 months, then there is no point in putting him back. The only thing that parents can do in such a situation is to limit the time the child is in a sitting position. This time is normal should be no more than 1 hour per day.

  • to carry the child in a stroller while sitting, the permissible angle of fixation of the back of the stroller is 45 degrees;
  • carry in special means for the transfer of the "kangaroo" type;
  • sit the child on your lap;
  • do muscle strengthening exercises at a very early age.

How parents can help

Parents can help their child to quickly master the new body position. You can induce him to start raising his head and hold it as soon as possible by placing a bright toy in front of the baby lying on his tummy that can interest him, and he will try to raise his face to examine this object. These exercises will help strengthen your neck muscles.

This technique with a toy can be used even after the child has begun to sit down on his own. It is necessary to fix it at an unattainable distance so that the baby concentrates on it, examining it. Thus, he will learn to maintain balance. In this case, it is very important to protect the child from a possible fall. The best option would be the constant presence of one of the parents nearby or the creation of a safe environment. For example, you can use pillows to keep the fall as soft as possible.

To strengthen the muscles of their child's back, parents can do special exercises, do a back massage, or attend a special group in the pool. You can start performing such activities from the age of 3 months of the baby.

Features of sitting down boys and girls

Many parents believe that it is possible earlier than the girl. In reality, artificially seating girls and boys before they reach 6 months of age is equally harmful.

In addition, if the parents started early, then in the future this may affect on the correctness of the formation of female genital organs... Early attempts to sit down can lead to deformation of the pelvic bones. Modern medicine is of the opinion that if a girl independently made an attempt to sit down before the age of six months, then there is nothing to worry about, because every child's body is individual and unique and it is difficult to predict when it will sit down.

A baby is born helpless and is constantly in a stationary state. In the first months of life, he develops very actively - he learns to smile, respond to his parents - albeit in his own language, keep his head up.

Parents will not have time to rejoice that some stability has come - by 3-4 months, children begin to behave more calmly and sleep at night, since the attacks of infant colic subside by this time, and the baby is already starting to roll over from the back.

Again, you can't even leave him alone for a minute - except for the time he spends only in a crib.

From the changing table or from the parent's bed, he can roll.

Parents need to understand at how many months the child begins to roll over, because at this time they will have to double the "supervision" of the baby.

After all, the next stage is crawling, and this is the development of the surrounding space.

Stages of development

Parents should know at what age it is time for the baby to raise his head, when he needs to hold it firmly, from what month the baby should roll from his back to his stomach. This knowledge helps them to adequately assess the level of physical development of their child. Motor and reflex activity show how the child is developing normally. Time boundaries are rather arbitrary, and vary even by pediatricians. For example, 30 years ago, it was believed that a baby needed to raise his head as early as 21 days. Then the terms were pushed back to a month.

However, it has been established that by 2 - 2.5 months the child should already confidently keep his head lying on his back, and by 3-4 - make attempts to roll onto a side.

By 6 months, the baby should turn over on his stomach, by 7, crawl, by 9, get up in the crib. But do not sound the alarm if the child does not turn over at 4 months - the time interval of plus or minus 2 months is the norm. Each living organism is individual and develops according to its own algorithm.

If developmental delay begins to bother you, you need to help the child - then he will master the turning technique earlier.

Causes of Delayed Reflex Skills

Why do children start to hold their heads, turn, sit and stand on their feet at different times?

Pediatricians attribute the delay in behavioral skills to the following reasons.

  • Baby's set and weight. Fuller babies show a calmer temperament. This is understandable - being in constant motion cannot gain mass. And with excess weight, it is quite difficult to roll over. But this does not mean at all that the baby should be put on a diet - he will begin to roll over on his stomach later than his thin peers, by 2-4 weeks, no more.

But children with underweight can lag far behind - they simply do not have enough strength to exercise. Dense babies, with well-developed muscles, master turns on the stomach at 3-4 months;

  • Temperament and character. These distinctive features are laid down from birth. Even in one family there are no two completely identical children, let alone different babies. One prefers to sleep more, the second - constantly trying to make out something from the stroller and crib, it would seem, from birth. Choleric and sanguine people are actively exploring the world, overtaking their melancholic peers by 2-3 weeks. Phlegmatic people, if parents do not think about how to teach a child to roll over, can thoughtfully consider the ceiling up to 6 months, without making attempts to change the situation;
  • Hereditary factors... If older children and the parents themselves showed increased
    activity almost from birth, then the baby will begin to master reflex skills ahead of time;
  • Social conditions. The child's development is influenced by the mood and capabilities of the parents. When they have the opportunity and desire to deal with the baby, spend time with him, he is full and calm, does not lag behind in weight gain, he is not influenced by climatic factors - he raises his head, turns over, crawls and gets up on time.

As soon as the flips on the stomach are fully mastered, they proceed to the next exercises - flips back onto the back. The main period of increased physical activity is from 5 to 7 months. It should not be forgotten that specific deadlines are individual.

Gymnastics for babies

The difficulty of exercise increases gradually based on the age of the infant. Already from a month, babies are laid out on their stomachs, from 1.5 months they must hold their heads. In order to stimulate the reflex, a bright toy is placed in front of the face. Hands are placed at the feet of the crumbs laid out on the stomach - let him lean and develop early crawling skills.

It is not so easy to hang beautiful rattles in front of the baby's face - it is necessary to develop a grasping reflex. Parents should even massage healthy babies - fold the crossed arms on the breast, bend-unbend the legs. From 5 months it is already possible to master the exercise - the baby grabs his fingers and tries to rise himself.

From 4 months, it is already necessary to stimulate the baby to turn on the stomach. They cover the baby with a hand and turn onto the side. Then the leg, which turns out to be on top, bends, and the baby's hand is fixed over the shoulder.

In this position, the rolls begin to turn. You should act carefully so as not to create pressure on the hand through which they turn over - otherwise the baby will remember the unpleasant moment and completely refuse to turn on its stomach.

This is not a joke. There are children who have not learned to master this simple skill up to one and a half or even up to 2 years. In order to lie on their tummy, they get up, and only then lie down.

Therefore, it is very important to create comfortable conditions for working with your child. For gymnastics to be enjoyable, the baby must get enough sleep, be healthy and well-fed. It is best to start exercising 1.5 hours after a meal. The room is ventilated - if the batteries are too hot, they are covered with a wet towel. The optimum room temperature is 20-24 ° C.

The baby is laid out naked on the changing table. While he is taking air baths, his arms and legs are stroked with massaging movements, and his stomach is stroked in a clockwise direction. Turn over on the stomach and massage the back. While the massage is being done, his attention is attracted by toys laid out next to him. Let him stretch, raise his head, try to consider.

The baby should try to perform all the movements himself - adults only help and guide.

To improve the quality of classes, you can purchase a fitball - a special ball. Exercises with the help of a sports device stimulate the development of muscles of all groups and relieve excessive tone. Children sway with pleasure on an elastic ball.

Causes of reflex delay

When a child does not roll over on his own at 5 months, it is too early to worry. As we have already noted, the time interval for mastering this reflex is from 3.5 to 6.5 months.

When do children start sitting? Most babies can start sitting when they are 4 to 7 months old. Up to this point, the child has definitely learned to roll over and hold his head. Upon reaching 8 months of age, the baby should sit upright for several minutes without tipping over.

Rolling over, however, is not uncommon, even for those children who have already learned to sit on their own, as they may be tired of sitting for a long time.

Gradually, the muscles of the baby become stronger with each coming month, he will be able to sit without support for a longer time. When the child is eight months old, he tries to sit up on his own, leaning on his hands, when he lies on his stomach. During these attempts, the back muscles are strengthened and the balancing ability is improved. However, most babies should be able to sit up on their own by eleven months.

Babies who spend a lot of time in a crib or without much physical activity reach this stage around their ninth month.

3-4 months

During this phase, the baby’s neck muscles are strengthened at a rapid rate and have enough strength to allow the baby to raise his head while lying on his stomach. Soon, the baby's shoulder muscles will become strong enough to support the body, and the baby will begin to load them and lift the chest from the support, as if doing a mini-push-up.

5 - 6 months

When the baby reaches six months of age, he will be able to sit properly, keeping his head straight. However, the baby will not be able to stay in this position for a long time and will need support to stay in this position.

At this stage, it is best to surround the baby with pillows so that if the baby topples over, he will not be hurt.

Keep your baby in sight at all times. Don't use overly plump pillows. This will reduce the risk of suffocation.

When a child reaches six months of age, he will understand how to maintain balance while sitting in an upright position and will begin to use his arms to provide support.

7 - 8 months

At 7 months of age, a baby can sit upright without support, even without relying on his hands to maintain balance. He will most likely be able to turn around while remaining seated to reach the toy with his hands. Soon, using the hands, the child will confidently sit up from a recumbent position.

How to teach a child to sit?

At what age a child begins to sit independently depends on the readiness of his muscles to support the body. Therefore, you will not be able to teach the baby to sit ahead of time.

But parents can help the baby to train the muscles so that sitting will be easier for the baby when his body is ready for it.

1. Let the child spend more time lying on his stomach.

The first step to an ideal sitting position begins with the ability to hold your head firmly. The best way to achieve this is to strengthen your neck and back muscles while lying on your stomach.

Place the baby face down on his stomach and place his favorite toys in front of him. Encourage your toddler to look at these toys with their head slightly raised.

When the baby learns to sit, repeat the exercise. This will help the infant learn to maintain and shift body weight while sitting. Hide the toys and have your child look for them with his eyes while he is on his tummy. This will cause the baby to lift his body.

2. Move the child yourself.

One way to introduce a child to movement is to first show him the movement itself. Place the baby on a soft surface and turn gently. This will help your toddler develop a sense of orientation so that he can move on his own.

3. Support seat.

As your baby is six months old, you can teach him to sit with support. The best way to do this is to use your body as a backrest for the baby.

Sit on a bed or soft rug and place your child's favorite toys in front of you. Let your baby sit on your lap with your back on your chest and abdomen. Let your baby play with her toys.

This will strengthen the muscles in the back and train the child to the sensation of sitting.

4. Use the infant's curiosity as a tool.

By the ninth month, the baby will be able to sit up by itself. Now is the time to encourage him to stay in this position as much as possible.

Place objects of interest within his arm so that the toddler can access them while sitting. You can also sit next to your child and play with him.

5. Focus on strengthening your muscles.

Any movement of the body involves the use of muscles. Stronger muscles mean the child will learn to sit faster. Massage your baby regularly and use active games daily to strengthen the muscle structure of the baby's body. In addition, activities such as crawling, rolling over, and lying on your stomach are natural ways to strengthen your crumb's muscles.

How to teach a child to sit down. Exercises and games to help your child sit up

Here are some simple yet great games and activities you can use to help your child sit up.

Find the rattle

Age to play: four months.

The exercise: Place the baby on the tummy and bring the rattle into the field of view. When the baby begins to turn its head in the direction of the sound, bounce the toy over it so that the baby has the trouble to bend backward to watch the rattle.

Advantages: Work is underway on the muscles of the neck, lower back and bone framework. The infant can use their arms to move their torso and also use their shoulder muscles in this process.


Age to play: four months (when the baby can hold his head).

The exercise: Place the baby on your feet with the legs facing you. Hold the baby by the arms and gently pull upward in a movement that resembles a swinging abs.

Make sure you move your child smoothly. To add some rhythm to your activity, recite a poem.

Advantages: The exercise will work on the muscles in your lower back and abdomen, which are needed to help you learn to sit.


Age to play: 6 months.

The exercise: Lay the baby on her back. Place the toy in front of him and slowly turn the baby on its side so that he does not take his eyes off the toy. By this age, many babies can roll over. Therefore, the child will try to roll over in order to better see the object. When the baby does this, praise him. Repeat this exercise regularly, especially when the infant shows a willingness to play.

Advantages: Strengthens the back and oblique muscles, which help the child to get into a sitting position.

A bike

Age to play: 6 months.

The exercise: Place your baby on a soft surface. Carefully lift the legs up. Slowly make circular movements with your feet, simulating cycling. Add some funny sounds and noises to keep your baby interested. Pause for a few seconds after cycling five times.

Advantages: Strengthens the muscles of the lower back.

Help in getting up

Age: Eight months.

The exercise: Plant the baby. Hold the baby by the arms and gently lift him to a standing position. Repeat this three to four times and then omit. Wait a few seconds before resuming the action.

Advantages: Strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen and hips. By the age of eight months, babies can sit up on their own and make their first attempts to get up.

Caution: your child's body is delicate. Only do these exercises when you are sure you are not harming your baby. Do not overdo it. In addition, precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the child.

Respect the natural development of your child.

You will never give solid food to a child until they reach a certain age. Likewise, you should never force your toddler to sit before he reaches an appropriate milestone in his life.

Children learn to roll over at the age of four months, and any chance of sitting will only arise after that moment in his life. Moreover, the baby's body is best ready for sitting only six months after birth. Therefore, encouraging the infant to sit before this age will result in unsatisfactory results. It also hurts the development of the child.

  • be with your child as he learns to sit to avoid any danger;
  • Place pillows around your child for support so that they do not fall or hit a hard surface.

Let the baby practice the ability to sit, preferably on the floor, using a play mat, and not a high surface or the edge of the bed.

What if the child is not sitting?

Some babies may slow down in their development, but what if your baby shows zero ability to sit even after nine months?

What should you pay attention to?

  1. If the baby is born prematurely, then it may gradually slow down in its growth and development. It is quite possible that the baby will miss the mark at the stages of development and reach them later in comparison with children born on time.
  2. Babies who have a serious infection or a complex illness at an early age inevitably develop more slowly. The disease can delay their ability to exercise physical skills such as rolling over, crawling, and sitting. When the child is fully recovered, he will continue his course of development, albeit slowly.

If the baby is not premature, does not suffer from the consequences of a previous illness, but still cannot sit, you should first look for other disabilities in physical development:

  • the child is unable to raise his head while lying on his stomach after reaching the age of five months. His face just falls, and the baby does not lift him up;
  • the baby cannot roll over even after six months. Needs support even for basic movements;
  • does not crawl after nine months;
  • unable to crawl and stand with support at 1 year;
  • does not walk or run after 18 months.

If the child shows the above signs, consult a pediatrician. Usually, the inability to sit is accompanied by other developmental problems that must be interpreted by the doctor.

It is always a good idea to keep a diary of your child's developmental milestones and discuss it periodically with your pediatrician.

Remember that not being able to sit should not cause panic or anxiety while your child learns other skills his age. Take your time, do not force the baby to sit. If this does not happen this month, it will happen a little later. The child sits down when completely ready.

Approaching the age of five months, the baby becomes very active and inquisitive. The child gazes around, turning his head in different directions, confidently grabs and holds toys with ease. Some kids even try to sit down, which for parents becomes a reason for pride and admiration, because every mommy is looking forward to that happy time when their child begins to sit on their own ass.

When the baby starts to sit down on its own

According to pediatricians, a child should develop and sit down approximately according to the following indicators:

  • at 6 months - sits with support;
  • at 7 months - sits without support;
  • at 7.5 - 8 months - easily sits down on its own and can lie down from this position.

Union of Pediatricians of Russia: The transition of a child from a supine position to a sitting position

It happens that active and physically strong children sit down a month or a month and a half earlier. In other babies, this happens a little later. According to doctors, such indicators are also considered normal.

If an experienced doctor is asked the question of how many months children usually begin to sit down, he will answer that each little man has his own term, because the path of development of each baby is individual and unique.

Is it possible to sit down a child on purpose

The opinion of pediatricians and orthopedists on a popular question from young parents "Is it possible to help and sit down the child" unequivocally: the vertical position of the spine is unnatural for a child under six months of age. Artificially seating the baby would-be parents can harm the health of the little one. Already at school age, this can backfire with serious problems with the spine. If the back muscles are not sufficiently strengthened, then the crumb itself will not sit down because it is not yet ready for such a serious load.

It's another matter if the child sat down on his own earlier than he was six months old. But even in this situation, the baby should not be in the "sitting" position for more than 1 hour a day.

The moment when you can sit down the baby comes when the little one is 6 months old. I emphasize, not sit down, but sit down.

Doctor Komarovsky advises: When to sit down the baby? How many months?

A series of exercises with a child to strengthen the back

What should parents do to help their baby learn a new and necessary skill?

Every day, from 3 months of age, do gymnastics and massage with a child, swim in a bathtub or pool (in large cities there are pools for a joint visit with young children). Thus, the muscle corset will be well strengthened.

Exercise 1. The child lies on the table. As soon as he reaches out with his hands to his mother, extend his index fingers to him. The kid will try to sit down, grabbing his mother's fingers. The child's back is torn off the surface by 45o, in this position the baby is held for several seconds and again returns to the "lying" position.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Exercise 2. "Airplane". Put the baby on the tummy. Raise the child, supporting him with one hand under the chest, with the other under the legs. The legs rest against the chest of an adult, the buttocks and back are tense, the head is raised. Fix the position for a few seconds.

Valentina Ershova: How to teach a baby to sit

It is recommended for the physical development of the crumbs to hang over the crib rings, for which he can grab and try to rise. While laying out on the stomach at a short distance in front of the baby, place a bright object (toy), to which he will try to crawl.

It is important for every young mother to know how to sit down the child correctly (this was already mentioned above) and what should not be done.

If the child does not sit down on his own, then you cannot:

  1. Sitting him in pillows;
  2. Carry in a stroller in a sitting position (you can fix the back of the stroller at 45º)
  3. Carry in various carriers of the "Kangaroo" type in the "sitting" position;
  4. Sit on your hands (you can keep it on your knees in the "reclining" position).

The child first time to sit down (video)

Boys and girls: assumptions and facts

In the philistine environment, there is an opinion that boys can be placed before girls. In fact, regardless of gender, sitting down earlier than six months is harmful to both those and others.

In addition, when girls begin to sit up early, in the future this can lead to deformation of the pelvic bones and serious problems of the female reproductive system. Therefore, pediatricians of the older generation often express the opinion that a girl should not be put down at all until the baby is 6-7 months old. Modern sources adhere to a less categorical position: it is believed that there is no great fear if the little princess decided to sit down on her own earlier than six months, and the fears of grandmothers are not greatly exaggerated.