
Protein in urine during pregnancy - what does it mean? Increased protein in urine during pregnancy: what does it mean If a pregnant woman has protein


Urine tests are performed to detect infections, to determine the level of glucose, calcium, leukocytes or ketone bodies. Pregnant women are additionally advised to control the amount of protein in urine. A deviation from the norm is called proteinuria and indicates a deterioration in the health of the expectant mother. Ignoring the pathology can result in miscarriage or premature birth.

Normal values ​​of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman

In healthy people, there is no protein in the urine. An indicator up to 150 mg per day is a variant of the norm. In pregnant women, the limit value, which does not require medical intervention: 300 mg per day. The change in the indicator is due to the fact that in the process of carrying a baby, the load on the kidneys increases.

High protein in urine during pregnancy is a marker of health abnormalities

The increased protein in the urine alters the results of the pregnancy test. HCG is a protein hormone, so test strips can show false positives. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the increase in protein levels even at the planning stage of conception.

Also, the laboratory assistant can detect a special type of protein in the urine: albumin. Average amount of liver protein in a healthy person:<30 мг в сутки. У беременных женщин, страдающих от высокого кровяного давления, наблюдается значительное превышение нормы.

Why is a urine protein test prescribed?

During the registration of a pregnant woman, a full range of blood and urine tests are performed. However, the condition of the expectant mother can change in just a few weeks. Regular comprehensive examination of the body is impractical. The simplest urinalysis helps to quickly identify the presence of common abnormalities that negatively affect the process of bearing a fetus.

Increased urine protein levels late in pregnancy can lead to preterm labor

If protein, glucose or leukocytes are detected in urine, additional diagnostic examinations are prescribed. It is especially important to monitor the quality of urine in late pregnancy, when the maximum load on the organs of the urinary system is observed.

How to diagnose proteinuria at home

You can check it at home. You must purchase a test strip kit and collect your morning urine. Due to the applied reagent, the paper will change color after interacting with the protein. Each manufacturer puts a palette in the package to decipher the results:

  • the norm is a yellow strip, does not change color;
  • there are traces of protein - the paper takes on a light green or light green hue;
  • high level: deep green, blue color of the strip.

Different reagents may slightly change the final color of the test strip. It is important to compare the results with the palette printed on the packaging, and not with the photo on the Internet.

Analysis in the laboratory

In laboratory conditions, urine is evaporated or checked with an electronic analyzer. The manual method is more time-consuming and laborious, but it allows detecting not only protein, but also erythrocytes. Electronic devices help to get the most accurate result in a short time. The woman just needs to collect morning urine and bring it to the laboratory.

The reasons for the increase in protein in urine can only be determined by laboratory analysis.

To obtain a comprehensive picture, a daily protein analysis is prescribed. A special container collects all the urine that was excreted within 24 hours. You do not need to collect the first morning urine. It is recommended to keep the sample in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage. Since urine will have to be collected for 24 hours, you must either spend the entire day at home or carry around sealed containers.

What are the signs that you can suspect an increase in the level of protein in the urine?

Even if there are no express test strips on hand, the characteristic signs of proteinuria should be a reason for seeking medical attention. It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of urine. Foamy urine with visible white sediment is the first sign of increased protein levels. An implicit symptom of proteinuria: severe swelling. Excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues, gestosis usually manifests itself in the last trimester. But if swelling appeared in the first months of bearing a child, it is worth doing an unscheduled laboratory urine test.

You can check the protein level in urine with test strips.

The most dangerous consequence of proteinuria in the last trimester of pregnancy is preeclampsia. Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of vision;
  • pain under the ribs;
  • migraine;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn.

Any deviations in the state of health should be the reason for going to the hospital. You should not treat unpleasant symptoms with home remedies without the prior permission of your doctor.

Urinary tract infections

A constant urge to urinate usually occurs late in pregnancy due to the pressure of the fetus on the bladder. But if the process of urination is accompanied by a burning sensation, it is necessary to pass an analysis for daily proteinuria. Most likely, the discomfort is triggered by inflammation of the urinary tract.

If you ignore the infection, you will develop:

  • fever;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • back pain.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection alone will not affect the fetus, but they can trigger preterm labor.

Preeclampsia: what it means, how it affects the level of protein in the urine

Proteinuria in late stages in most cases is a sign of preeclampsia. The pathological condition occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. The disease is dangerous by the development of seizures, premature birth of a child with a low body mass index.

24-hour urinalysis for protein can help detect preeclampsia at an early stage

During preeclampsia, the filtering functions of the kidneys deteriorate, as a result of which protein enters the urine. Early diagnosis can prevent complications and dispense with drug therapy.

Less Common Causes of Increased Urine Protein Levels

HELLP syndrome is a rare pathology characterized by a sharp increase in the level of protein in the urine during pregnancy, along with a simultaneous decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. The syndrome is diagnosed in women with eclampsia. If you do not seek medical help on time, serious consequences such as stillbirth, thinning of the placenta will develop.

A slight increase in the level of protein in the urine can provoke:

  • stress;
  • dehydration;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • diabetes.

It is almost impossible to independently identify what exactly triggered proteinuria.

Home remedies for lowering urine protein levels

Since proteinuria is not considered a disease, there is no specific treatment protocol. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the appearance of protein in the urine. If a slight excess of the norm is detected, you can cope with the pathology without taking synthetic medications.

The effects of high protein in urine are hazardous to maternal and fetal health
  1. Reduce salt intake. In the early stages of pregnancy, women have a craving for sour and salty foods. A sharp increase in salt intake leads to an increase in the level of protein in the urine. If you can't resist pickles, you should at least give up snacks with monosodium glutamate in the composition.
  2. Reduce sugar intake. Avoiding sweets will help prevent gestational diabetes. Too frequent consumption of sweets provokes a strong feeling of thirst. The woman begins to drink more water, which puts stress on the kidneys, leads to an increase in protein levels.
  3. Control your weight. Gaining weight too quickly is not good for the baby. A high body mass index of the expectant mother provokes the excretion of protein in the urine.
  4. Avoid stressful situations. A good night's sleep helps you recharge your batteries. Constant nervous tension not only negatively affects the fetus, but also provokes an increase in the production of cortisol. A weakened body is less resistant to infections.
  5. Observe the rules of hygiene. To prevent bacteria from entering the urinary tract, you need to wash yourself after each trip to the toilet. You need to wipe from front to back, wear only cotton underwear.

It must be remembered that such simple rules will help to eliminate only minor deviations. Too high protein in urine during pregnancy clearly requires medical attention.

Medication to lower protein levels

Taking any medications during pregnancy must be coordinated with your doctor. First, the specialist will determine the trigger for an increase in protein levels, and then select drugs that are safe for the fetus. If the main cause of proteinuria is gestational diabetes, it is necessary to take antihyperglycemic drugs, to give up sweets. For hypertension, angiotensin receptor blockers are prescribed, and for severe infectious diseases, antibiotics.

If bacteria are the reason for the appearance of protein in the urine, you cannot do without antibiotics.

Treatment for preeclampsia is aimed at maintaining the pregnancy. The first sign that the therapy is successful is a decrease in the level of protein in the urine. But if severe eclampsia or HELLP syndrome is diagnosed, the woman is prescribed corticosteroid medications. Medicines improve liver function, promote platelet production. Corticosteroids also accelerate fetal lung maturation.

An intensive course of hormone therapy increases the chances of survival of the premature baby. If eclampsia is complicated by seizures, magnesium sulfate-based drugs are additionally prescribed. As soon as the ultrasound shows that the fetus is sufficiently developed, labor is called.

Small amounts of protein in a pregnant woman's urine are normal. A sharp development of proteinuria indicates abnormalities in health. If such an important indicator is regularly monitored, the threat of premature birth can be avoided. It is worth buying home test kits and checking your urine protein level at least once a week.

Protein in the urine of pregnant women is not always a cause for concern. The increased load on the kidneys is manifested by moderate changes in the general analysis of urine.

It is important to evaluate this indicator over time, along with other changes in the analyzes, taking into account the general state of health.

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There are certain norms by which the doctor concludes that an increased protein has been detected in the urine. For a healthy woman, the norm of protein in urine during pregnancy is less than or equal to 0.033 g / l. A quantity below this is regarded as a variant of the norm. Anything higher - protein 0.2 g / l or 0.3 g / l - is regarded as a pathological sign and is usually combined with other changes in urine and blood. and .

Traces of protein in urine, especially as a one-off fact, are not cause for concern.

Squirrel footprints

In the form of a general clinical analysis of urine, you can find such a concept as "traces of protein". This means a slight increase, which, as a rule, does not require special treatment and close attention. The laboratory doctor detects a slight increase in the protein fraction in the urine, but technically cannot determine its exact concentration, since it is very small.


This medical term denotes high protein in the urine. Often, the doctor's conclusion indicates a slight proteinuria (protein 0.5 g / l) or significant proteinuria (protein 1 g / l). Such changes are regarded as a sign of serious pathology.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to retake the analysis

The causes of protein in urine can be divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological provoked by the lifestyle or the nature of the diet, do not require medical intervention. These include:

  • predominantly dairy-plant diet;
  • prolonged stay in an upright position;
  • stressful situation;
  • insufficiently thorough preparation for research.

The pathological reasons, from which there may be protein in the urine of a pregnant woman, include all diseases characteristic of this condition of a woman, and not only. The most common are:

  • preeclampsia (in the old way, toxicosis) of the first or second half of pregnancy;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive sphere (vulvovaginitis, colpitis).

For the differential diagnosis of physiological and pathological causes, repeated analysis and other (laboratory and instrumental) examination methods are required.

Only a doctor can answer the question of why protein appears in the urine of pregnant women.

Norm for pregnant women

The normal protein content in pregnant women is the same as in a normal woman. For diagnostic purposes, it is important to determine even a slight increase, for example, a protein of 0.1 g / l, since this is a sign of an incipient but not yet advanced pathology.

How much should it be?

There should not be a lot of protein in the urine. A variant of the norm is less than 0.033 g / l. Anything above is a sign of pathology or the result of improper preparation for research.

What does it increase from?

Protein increases in a pregnant woman for the same reasons as in other people. Physiological causes and pathological ones are described above. Only a doctor leading a woman's pregnancy can say for sure what the appearance of protein in the urine means and how dangerous it is.

Why is the condition dangerous?

The danger is not proteinuria, but the condition that provoked it. First of all, what is dangerous about protein in urine during pregnancy is the suspicion of gestosis - a multifactorial disease that develops during pregnancy, characterized by vascular lesions, placenta, in severe cases leading to the death of the mother and the fetus.

Signs of preeclampsia

What is the threat at a later date?

In the early stages, gestosis can provoke spontaneous abortion. At a later date, this threatens with difficult childbirth and the possibility of death. Most obstetricians adhere to the point of view that at a later date, protein in the urine and other signs of severe preeclampsia are indications for urgent delivery. Protein in urine at 37 or 38 weeks is a reason for urgently contacting your doctor.

Daily analysis

To correctly assess a person's condition, to exclude or confirm a serious pathology, other laboratory and instrumental studies are needed.

A daily urine test for protein and other indicators is available and informative. It is also called Zimnitsky analysis. The point of the study is to collect urine in different containers every 3 hours. Next, urine is analyzed for protein and all traditional indicators in each portion of the collected biological fluid.

How to lower the high rate?

The main task is to establish the cause of the appearance of protein in the urine. If the reason is physiological, then it is enough to adjust the lifestyle and diet. How to reduce protein in urine, if the reason is kidney disease or pregnancy, the attending physician will tell you. This will require infusion therapy, vascular and antihypertensive drugs according to a certain scheme.

Is treatment required?

Therapy is required only with the development of gestosis, diseases of the urinary system and other systemic pathology. How to lower protein in urine and improve other indicators depends on the type of disease.

Treatment is not about targeting protein in the urine, as this is only a symptom. Therapy is prescribed depending on the cause and type of the disease. Hospitalization in a hospital is necessary with the threat of termination of pregnancy and severe gestosis.

Proteinuria in other groups

The appearance of protein in urine can occur in men, children, and women outside of pregnancy. Diagnostic criteria and treatment principles are similar to those described above.

Protein in the urine of men appears with urolithiasis, inflammatory processes of the urinary sphere, systemic processes (collagenosis, amyloidosis). Diagnostics is based on laboratory and instrumental methods.

Places of formation of stones with urolithiasis

Protein in the urine of children is an indicator of the inflammatory process in the kidneys or ureters. But first, the analysis should be repeated after careful preparation. and .


  1. The detection of protein in urine is a reason for examination, but not for panic and self-treatment.
  2. How to reduce this indicator will become clear when the reason for the changes is established.
  3. It is important not to self-medicate, since antimicrobial drugs, antihypertensive drugs are not always needed, but side reactions may develop that will harm a person.

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During pregnancy, a woman is registered with a doctor for regular check-ups and tests. This is done in order to timely diagnose the appearance of abnormalities in her state of health and to carry out appropriate treatment. Without such preventive measures, most pregnancies would be at risk, since many pathologies are initially asymptomatic. One of such insidious and potentially dangerous diseases for a pregnant woman is proteinuria or the presence of protein in the urine. In order to take a responsible attitude to this pathology, let's figure out what protein in urine means during pregnancy, what criteria this indicator must meet and how to prevent fatal consequences.

Normally, urine in the kidneys appears by extraction from the blood, therefore, at the first stage of filtration, the absorption of a small amount of amino acids (proteins) is the norm.

With the subsequent filtration of urine, the protein returns back to the blood system, and minor traces that remain in the urine cannot be identified in laboratory research.

If the concentration of protein is less than 0.03 g / L, then it is simply not captured by modern reagents.

During gestation, the female body experiences a double load, and the kidneys are no exception. A woman may have mild proteinuria as a result of displacement of internal organs under the weight of the uterus, or, conversely, a severe form of pathology develops that threatens the life of the mother. Therefore, any deviations in the analysis of urine are the reason for a thorough examination of the woman.

Depending on the cause of the appearance of the protein and the severity of the woman's condition, there are three types of prototyping:

  • Functional proteinuria... With minor deviations in a woman, traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy (from 0.034 g / l to 0.14 g / l) can be determined, which indicates weak metabolic disorders. At the same time, there are no signs of malaise and worsening of the course of pregnancy. The protein index either rises or comes back to normal, which does not at all indicate a possible kidney pathology. The reason for changes in urine analysis is physiological clamping of the ureters, pinching of the vertebrae in the lower back, insignificant displacement of the kidneys, excessive stress, prolonged stress and imbalance of water-salt metabolism. This condition is considered benign proteinuria and is easily corrected by diet and changes in daily routine. Complications do not arise if the doctor's instructions are followed.
  • Pathological proteinuria... When the protein indicator sharply exceeds the norm and reaches the level of 0.25 g / l and above, we are talking about an exacerbation of the pathology. The root cause of proteinuria is inflammation in the kidneys and genitourinary system, problems with the cardiovascular system, neoplasms in the kidneys or adrenal glands. Another cause of the pathology is the strong pressure of the uterus on the kidneys, as a result of which their blood supply deteriorates.
  • False positive proteinuria... If proteins in the urine are elevated during pregnancy, but the woman has no signs of the disease, it is important to differentiate false proteinuria. In this situation, the protein in the urine will fluctuate in the range of 0.031-0.055 g / l. The reason for such tests may be insufficient morning hygiene, improper collection of urine, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, infectious genital diseases. If there is an infectious inflammation, then the protein and leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy will be determined simultaneously. There may also be many red blood cells, traces of blood and pus, and when urine is submitted for bacterial culture, pathogens will be identified.

Regardless of the reasons for the increase in protein and the form of proteinuria, all women with increased protein are at risk and should be registered with a nephrologist.

Protein in urine during pregnancy: significant causes

Protein in urine is not a disease, but only a consequence of a number of pathologies in the body. The protein does not get into the urine because the kidneys filter it out thoroughly. But if a malfunction occurs in the body, and the protein still enters the urine, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon.

Many factors can provoke proteinuria, and not all of them indicate serious illnesses. So, the main provoking factors include the following:

  • The presence in the diet of a lot of protein foods.
  • Severe fatigue on the eve of passing urine.
  • Collection of urine in accordance with the instructions.
  • Constant stress.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun and, as a result, increased sweating.
  • Epileptic seizure preceding the test.

As a rule, with the elimination of the above factors, repeated urine analysis is normal.

But there are more serious reasons for an increase in protein in urine during pregnancy, provoking consistently increased analysis rates. These include preeclampsia and various inflammatory diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis... The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the renal tissue as a result of urinary stagnation and infection. The condition is accompanied by an increase in protein and leukocytes in the urine, pain in the lumbar spine, fever, weakness, and frequent urination. In the chronic form, external signs may be absent. Most often, the diagnosis is made between 22 and 24 gestational weeks. At the same time, the protein level exceeds 1.7-2 g / l. If the disease is left unattended and the protein increases to 5 g / l, the risk of intrauterine death of the baby increases.
  • Cystitis... A very common cause of proteinuria. It is possible to understand that inflammation is in the bladder by the characteristic symptoms: burning sensation when urinating, frequent urge to use the toilet, small portions of urine (maybe even a few drops).
  • Glomerulonephritis. It is an infection of the glomeruli of the kidney that eventually involves the renal tubules. The woman's condition is gradually deteriorating: breathing becomes difficult, pain syndrome intensifies, fever begins, headache, extensive body edema, and daily urine output decreases. With the rapid course of the disease, the protein in the urine in late pregnancy continues to increase, and the patient begins preeclampsia and hypertensive crisis. At the same time, the protein level rises to 25 g / l, and the number of erythrocytes increases several times. For this reason, the urine becomes red in color.
  • Nephropathy. This is a violation of the full function of the kidneys. This condition develops towards the end of pregnancy and proceeds in tandem with gestosis. Signs of the disease - edema, sleep disturbance, dizziness, hypertension, impaired urine flow. Depending on the condition of the kidneys, the protein level can vary from 1 to 5 g / L.

There are two more common causes of increased protein. The first is the inability of the kidneys to withstand stress. As the baby grows, the amount of proteins in the body increases, and the kidneys are not able to filter it out. This often happens if the pregnancy is multiple or the baby is large.

The second reason is non-compliance with the rules for collecting urine. As a result, other biological materials with protein content enter the urine container. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out after a thorough morning toilet and use only sterile containers.

Protein in urine during pregnancy. What symptoms indicate the development of proteinuria

The clinical picture of proteinuria depends on the cause. If the protein is caused by the reproduction of pathogenic flora (staphylococci, Proteus, E. coli) and inflammation of the kidneys, women, regardless of the gestational age, may show the following signs of the disease:

  • Decreased working capacity.
  • Chronic weakness.
  • Sharp bouts of vomiting.
  • Change in the number of daily urination.
  • Pain in the projection of the kidneys.
  • Blood pressure surges.

Against the background of such symptoms, the result of a urine analysis for protein during pregnancy will be tens of times higher than the upper limit. Also, an increase in erythrocytes and pathogenic microorganisms is determined by urine.

In the case of an increase in protein against the background of preeclampsia, the symptomatology resembles an inflammatory process, but the general condition of a woman is much more difficult, which worsens with an increase in gestation.

In the first and second trimester, a woman may experience toxicosis, accompanied by indomitable vomiting, dehydration, and salivation. This causes a violation of the water-electrolyte balance and metabolic exchange. Against this background, the protein in the urine is greatly increased. Therefore, the symptoms of proteinuria correspond to the signs of toxicosis.

If protein in the urine during pregnancy and late gestosis persist in the third trimester, the following symptoms are added to the previous symptoms:

  • Violation of the production of hormones that affect the course of pregnancy.
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • The beginning of the rejection of the baby by the female body.
  • Swelling of the limbs, convulsions.
  • Deterioration in fetal performance due to contamination of amniotic fluid.

A high concentration of protein in the urine is indicated by the presence of flakes and heavy sediment in the morning urine portion.

The norm of protein in urine during pregnancy

In the absence of pathology in a pregnant woman, there is no protein in the urine. Towards the end of pregnancy, a slight increase in protein up to 0.033 g / l is considered acceptable, which indicates a strong load on the kidneys. In some situations, an indicator of up to 0.14 g / l is even considered a variant of the norm, especially if the pregnancy is multiple.

When the protein rises above 2-3 g / l, we are talking about pathological proteinuria. This condition requires hospitalization and long-term treatment.

To confirm proteinuria, an analysis is performed to determine the daily protein in the urine during pregnancy. Normally, the protein index is 100-200 mg / day. Excess concentration above 300 mg / day. confirms severe proteinuria.

With the initial appearance of protein in the urine, the woman must be re-examined urine. And only with the next increase in protein, the diagnosis of proteinuria is confirmed.

Urine protein table during pregnancy:

Ways to diagnose protein in urine at home

During pregnancy, women periodically donate urine, where it is tested in a laboratory using special reagents. But if the diagnosis of proteinuria has already been confirmed, you can control the protein using express strips. This is much more convenient than constantly going to the clinic.

You can buy test strips at any pharmacy without a prescription. The diagnostic principle is very simple: you need to collect the middle portion of urine in the morning after hygienic measures, immerse a strip in it and wait 2 minutes. Then the indicator on the strip will receive a certain color, which must be compared with the attached instructions. If the indicator indicates an excess of the norm, you need to consult a doctor.

Why is protein in urine dangerous during pregnancy?

Only pathological proteinuria, which has not been treated, can pose a serious threat to the mother and the unborn baby. If during pregnancy the protein in the urine is high, the consequences can be very diverse. The most serious complications include:

  • Accession of a purulent process.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Infection of the placenta, amniotic fluid and fetus.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  • Fetal malformations.
  • The lethal outcome of a woman.
  • Premature birth and death of the child.

Protein in urine during pregnancy. Treatment of proteinuria during gestation

The therapeutic tactics of proteinuria largely depends on the reasons for its development and is complex in nature. The woman is recommended medication, a diet and a gentle daily routine.

Proteinuria caused by a urinary tract infection requires antibiotics. As an additional treatment, herbal preparations based on lingonberry, cranberry, bearberry are used. It is also recommended to adhere to a salt-free diet for the speedy normalization of kidney function.

If protein in the urine is provoked by gestosis, treatment is reduced to the following procedures:

  • Decrease in fluid intake.
  • Taking sedatives or herbal preparations.
  • A course of antioxidants (tocopherol, vitamin C and A).
  • Means for normalizing the state of the placenta (Curantil).
  • Antihypertensive therapy.
  • Taking magnesium (MagneB6 or infusion with magnesium).
  • Drugs with a diuretic effect.

These treatments are effective for mild to moderate proteinuria. If a woman's condition is extremely serious, a premature delivery is performed.

You can eliminate the accumulation of urine in the kidneys with a simple exercise: you need to take the knee-elbow position for 10 minutes daily until the protein level normalizes.

Prevention of an increase in protein in urine during pregnancy

To reduce the risk of increased protein, you need to closely monitor your health:

  1. Keep weight gain under control.
  2. Pass all gynecological examinations according to the plan.
  3. Stick to proper nutrition.
  4. Limit spices, salt, and fried foods.
  5. Coffee and tea should be completely eliminated.
  6. Measure pressure regularly.
  7. Normalize physical activity.
  8. Avoid colds.
  9. Eat well.
  10. Spend a lot of time outdoors.

If you have kidney problems before pregnancy, you should see your nephrologist regularly.

Timely delivery of tests and a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is the only way to identify and cure proteinuria in time. Follow all the recommendations of your doctor, and your pregnancy will proceed without complications.

Video “Pregnancy and kidneys. Analysis of urine"

Protein is the main criterion that doctors pay attention to when studying the results of a pregnant woman's urine analysis. The presence of a substance in a biomaterial may be the first sign of a condition that is most dangerous for a woman and a fetus - gestosis. Normally, in expectant mothers, this figure is 0.033 g / l.

But the result of the study may show deviations not only due to the renal factor, late toxicosis. Therefore, it is important to correctly differentiate the causes and determine when there is a serious danger, and when minimal treatment will help.

The kidneys are to blame

The kidneys act as a filter. They drive blood through themselves, remove water with salts and metabolites from it, but retain vital substances - glucose and protein. Sugar should never normally pass into urine. There are exceptions for protein. So, it may be due to the peculiarities of kidney function, have physiological reasons. Often manifests itself late in life, before childbirth. Then, in the analysis, up to 1 g / l of protein is determined. Renal (renal) proteinuria occurs when the organ's capacity is impaired. In this case, an increased rate is recorded after eating a large number of eggs of physical activity, severe hypothermia.

But deviations may indicate pathologies. They arise when a structural unit of the kidney (nephron) is damaged and are manifested in the following diseases:

  • acute and chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • renal failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • amyloidosis of the kidneys;
  • nephrotic syndrome.

These changes are persistent and long lasting. The amount of protein that is lost at a time exceeds 1 g / l. If the cause is damage to the glomeruli, then the losses can reach 10-20 g / l.

Late toxicosis

Any kidney disease that a woman had before pregnancy increases the risk of developing preeclampsia. This is a serious pathology that makes itself felt after 20 weeks of gestation. It is characterized by severe edema, protein loss, and increased blood pressure. The severity of the condition is determined according to a special table. It takes into account seven indicators, one of which is the amount of protein in the urine.

If proteinuria does not increase during pregnancy, this is a favorable prognostic sign. If, on the contrary, there is a gradual increase in protein in the analyzes, preeclampsia is considered progressive. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required.

Usually, along with the loss of protein, a persistent increase in blood pressure is observed, and edema increases. This is due to the fact that protein is able to bind large amounts of water in the body. With its loss, the substrate is also lost, which holds water in the bloodstream, so it goes beyond the vessels, soaks the tissues.

Severe preeclampsia passes the stage of preeclampsia or nephropathy of pregnancy. In this case, in addition to the main symptoms, additional ones appear:

  • headache;
  • heaviness in the back of the head;
  • flashing "flies" before the eyes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain on the right under the ribs;
  • memory impairment;
  • insomnia;
  • lethargy and irritability.

Preeclampsia often leads to eclampsia and seizures. Moreover, the process is developing very quickly.

Other reasons

Not always the reasons lie in kidney damage. Influenced by conditions that are associated with the pathology of the underlying urinary tract:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • colpitis.

Unlike late toxicosis, these pathologies can appear already at an early gestation period. But it is not typical for them to determine a large amount of protein: usually the concentration does not exceed 1 g / l. But there will certainly be other impurities - leukocytes, erythrocytes. Inflammatory diseases are rarely asymptomatic. The usual signs for them are:

  • violation of urination;
  • frequent urge to use the toilet;
  • pain and burning;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying.

With colpitis, profuse discharge from the genital tract, itching, pain during intercourse are also noted.

If, during inflammation in the vagina, it is wrong to collect urine, then the ingress of secretions into the analyzes will lead to incorrect decoding. Therefore, the sampling of biomaterial is done after a thorough toilet, covering the genital gap with a piece of cotton wool.

Risks to woman and fetus

A pregnant woman regularly takes urine tests in order to identify pathological processes in time and avoid the development of complications. The latter can be extremely dangerous for the health of the mother and child.


Colpitis, cystitis or urethritis are always infectious in nature. Any microbial focus in the body is associated with the risk of infection of the fetus. In the early stages, this often leads to miscarriage, in a later period, it causes intrauterine infection, polyhydramnios, and affects the placenta. Inflammation in the genital tract increases the risk of transmission of the pathogen to the baby during childbirth.


Often this condition is accompanied by the development of placental insufficiency, chronic fetal hypoxia. Children are born small, with reduced adaptive abilities.

There is a risk of premature detachment of the normally located placenta, antenatal death. This most often occurs with prolonged persistent high blood pressure.

For a woman, gestosis is dangerous by the development of the following complications:

  • acute renal failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • hemorrhages in the adrenal glands and other organs;
  • cerebral coma;
  • HELLP syndrome.

It is impossible to cure gestosis at home. Delay in this situation or hope for folk remedies can lead to the development of irreversible consequences.


Diagnostics is aimed at establishing the causes of proteinuria. Already a clinical analysis of urine will help to approximately suggest a diagnosis.

  • Infection. If the kidneys are affected (pyelonephritis), then a large number of leukocytes appears, a cloudy sediment. With an infectious process, bacteria and mucus are also determined in the bladder or urethra. The tests of Nechiporenko, Addis-Kakovsky help to differentiate the estrangement from renal proteinuria.
  • Gestosis. There is no sediment in the biomaterial, the amount of protein may vary.

For an accurate diagnosis, special studies are required:

  • daily diuresis;
  • loss of protein in the urine per day;
  • the nature of the sediment;
  • test according to Zimnitsky;
  • blood test for uric acid, urea, creatinine.

The total weight gain of a woman for the entire period of gestation is also estimated.

During pregnancy, the daily protein in the urine is considered normal if it fits into the figure of 0.025-0.150 g / day. A reduced value is not considered a disease. On the contrary, it is a good sign that there are no complications associated with kidney function.


Traces of protein in the urine are not considered a pathology if there are no additional signs. But the combination with arterial hypertension, edema, damage to other organs speaks of a serious illness. Treatment depends on the identified causes and severity of the condition.

You can get rid of an infection in the bladder and urethra using antibiotics. Most often, these are protected penicillins that can be prescribed at any time. From the second trimester, cephalosporins join them. A diet that acidifies urine, drinking cranberry juice and decoctions of "kidney" herbs is recommended.

Gestosis and any kidney pathology requires a special approach. Only first-degree edema can be treated at home. The second and third - require hospitalization. Women with proteinuria and high blood pressure should not eat salty foods. Given the loss of protein, foods should be rich in protein, but reduced in fat.

The goal of treatment is to restore and preserve the function of vital organs, prevent seizures, and help a woman give birth to a child. To reduce pressure, a solution of magnesium sulfate is prescribed. To normalize the volume of circulating blood and its rheological properties, solutions of crystalloids and colloids are used. Also, drugs are needed to improve the condition of the placenta, to promote sedation of the woman.

Premature delivery

But there are indications in which early delivery becomes the only treatment method:

  • the average degree of gestosis- there is no expected effect of treatment for seven days;
  • severe gestosis - no effect for two to six hours;
  • regardless of the severity- delayed fetal development of the third degree during treatment.

With eclampsia and its complications, a decision is made within two to three hours.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers are repeatedly examined, sometimes they have protein and leukocytes in their urine.

Such indicators always alert the doctor, as they may indicate quite serious health problems, up to the development of severe complications from the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) or may be a sign of severe toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy (gestosis).

It is in order to identify these problems that women take a urine test before each regular visit to the doctor, and the results of these tests are carefully evaluated.

What does protein in urine mean during pregnancy?

During the carrying of a baby, the load on all organs and systems of a woman gradually increases, including on the kidneys and the entire excretory system as a whole.

Due to the growing fetus and uterus, they are displaced from their usual place and the ureters are compressed, which aggravates the situation.

When any components that are not characteristic of it under normal conditions appear in the urine - protein, leukocytes, cylinders or erythrocytes, we can say that the kidneys suffer and cannot withstand the load for some reason.

These may be previously undetected malformations of the kidneys, inflammatory processes, hypertension or metabolic disorders.

Whatever the cause, it must be immediately identified and eliminated.

The norm of protein in urine during pregnancy

Small amounts of protein may be present in the urine of otherwise healthy women outside of pregnancy.

An increase in the amount of protein in the urine is called proteinuria, and it can be caused by excessive consumption of protein foods, exercise or stress. In this case, one speaks of physiological proteinuria, which is temporary, i.e. variant of the norm.

Modern research on automated analyzers in healthy women does not detect protein in the urine.

In expectant mothers, traces of protein in the urine (tra ce - indicated in the analysis of urine on the machine) are permissible during pregnancy or the amount of protein up to 0.001-0.002 g / l in one portion of urine.

Sometimes, by the end of pregnancy, an increase in the norm in daily urine up to 0.033 g / l is allowed, the so-called weak proteinuria due to very high loads on the kidneys.

Abnormal proteinuria is a persistent increase in the level of protein in the urine. If the indicators are exceeded, we can talk about serious pathologies on the part of the kidneys, and if an increased protein in the urine is detected during pregnancy more than 1-3 g / l, the situation requires immediate hospitalization and treatment.

Sometimes a study is carried out for protein in daily urine: the norm is up to 100 mg / day, but during pregnancy it is permissible to double it.

Why did protein appear in urine during pregnancy?

With the initial detection of protein in the urine of pregnant women, they are prescribed a repeated urine test - a general or daily analysis for protein. This will help confirm suspicions or refute them.

The fact is that during pregnancy, the appearance of protein in the urine may not be associated with disorders of the kidneys or other organs, but be the result of defects in urine collection or physiological characteristics.

An increased protein in urine during pregnancy may be due to the fact that on the eve of urine collection a woman consumed a lot of protein products - cottage cheese, eggs or milk.

Also, protein skipping could be the result of physical exertion or a nervous state, experiences.

Protein could also rise if the woman had a fever, sweated profusely, or took a cold shower before the test. The state of false proteinuria can be when passing a urine test in baby food jars (and not special containers) or non-observance of intimate hygiene of the genitals.

Therefore, to clarify the nature of proteinuria, the analysis is revised with preliminary preparation for it.

A woman is given a special sterile cup for urine, in the morning, on an empty stomach, she needs to thoroughly wash herself, eliminate all vaginal discharge, if any, covering the opening of the vagina with a cotton swab, collect the middle portion from the urine stream into a container. Only with such a collection will the correct result be obtained.

Protein in urine during pregnancy: causes

Abnormal amounts of protein in urine during pregnancy can occur with fairly serious pathologies.

First of all, the main cause of proteinuria during pregnancy is considered such a pathology as gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women).

In the presence of protein in the urine in combination with severe increasing edema, increased pressure and a general unsatisfactory condition (severe weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, headaches), gestosis is suspected.

This pathology usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy, most often after 26-28 weeks. Why is protein in urine dangerous during pregnancy, if it is gestosis?

The building elements necessary for the fetus are lost, the properties of the mother's blood are disrupted and her condition deteriorates sharply. This threatens premature birth, death of the mother or fetus due to the development of eclampsia - a convulsive condition with severe progression of gestosis.

However, protein in urine during pregnancy is not always a sign of gestosis; it may indicate other, equally severe and dangerous kidney pathologies.

A small amount of protein combined with a large number of white blood cells and microbes usually indicates pyelonephritis.

This causes back pain, bladder soreness, fever, and intoxication.

The combination of protein with red blood cells can be a sign of glomerulonephritis. With it, urine of the color of "meat slops" is released and all kidney functions are impaired.

How to lower urine protein during pregnancy?

To determine how to remove protein from urine during pregnancy, you need to accurately determine the cause, which will need to be influenced in treatment. If traces of protein in the urine are detected, treatment is prescribed based on the clinical symptoms.

In the presence of protein not higher than 0.033 g / l and if it has arisen due to inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract, anti-inflammatory drugs of herbal origin, renal antiseptics, and, if necessary, antibiotics and diuretic drugs are used to normalize the outflow of urine.

In order to eliminate the stagnation of urine in the kidneys, it is not recommended to sleep on your back. You should take the knee-elbow position for 15 minutes several times a day, move more and walk. Usually, these problems heal quickly and the protein disappears.

Much more difficult is the question of how to remove protein in the urine during pregnancy, if this is a sign of preeclampsia. If, during all the standard measures, the condition has not improved and the amount of protein increases, this may be a sign of impending preeclampsia.

Its treatment is extremely difficult, usually they seek to stabilize the condition and indicators and wait for childbirth, often doctors manage to hold on to a woman until urgent birth, but there is always a threat of premature birth with gestosis.

The most terrible with gestosis will be the development of eclampsia with the death of the mother and child, therefore, with the slightest deterioration in the condition and the threat of eclampsia, the pregnancy will be interrupted, the woman will be kept under vigilant control in the hospital and, if necessary, will immediately go for a cesarean section in order to save life.