
Nursery rhymes and jokes are small genres of oral folk art. Differences between a joke and a nursery rhyme. The word as a means of creating an image. Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Rhymes for Toddlers Create and write nursery rhymes

Breast cancer

Please help me compose a nursery rhyme based on a drawing. 2nd grade

  1. The woman went on the water,
    The granddaughter followed her,
    Suddenly out of nowhere,
    Hare, apple, rooster
    Hooked up ...
  2. Apple tree, apple, buckets of water, animals, a woman and a girl. Why torture parents like that?
  3. An apple fell from a branch,
    The hare was hit right in the forehead.
    Where-where? Where-where?
    All the water splashed.
  4. oh li-li, oh li-li - we all went on the water ...
    grandma and granddaughter, hare and hen,
    mouse-violator - everyone and girlfriend ...
    they ran through the water - they watered the apple tree,
    so that the apples ripen ...
    bulk apples, golden apples ...
    the mouse ran with a bucket - it touched the apple tree,
    the apple fell - the bunny was hurt ...
    the chicken flew up - dropped the bucket,
    the granddaughter ran to them, and the grandmother somersault ...
    oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, let's go like this!)))
  5. bunny with a mouse had fun-
    buckets were thrown at people.
    The chicken crawled past
    She took the bunny with an apple.
  6. This is not a lie! Copy this 5 comments, pat 5 times, close your eyes for 10 seconds, look under the pillow there an iPhone!

    I made! I have an iPhone 5s!
  7. This is not a lie! Copy this 5 comments, pat it 5 times, close your eyes for 10 seconds, look under the pillow with your iPhone!
    This was checked by 200 people, checked.
    I made! I have an iPhone 5s!
  8. crow, crow!
    grandma plopped into the river,
    she went to fetch water and stepped on a mouse,
    screams, noise, commotion,
    the poor hare almost died,
    I filled a gray bump,
    loved apples a lot,

    Something like that.

  1. Loading ... In kindergarten they gave a task - please help me draw a non-existent road sign! Draw three trees, cross them on top with a criss-cross with red stripes and a car next to it. A...
  2. Loading ... Who is for and against removing tonsils? pros and cons???? To children I mean if you delete? I am against Possible chronic pharyngitis, violation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, who removed, ...
  3. Loading ... Children's hat with one solid tie. How to wear / tie it? fold it in half, bending it in the middle and thread it into the buckle, you get such a "slider", pull it to ...
  4. Loading ... the child was asked to compose as many words as possible from the word potato help pliz words any peat, artel, mullet, one-root or come up with phrases? trill, spruce, trout, ...
  5. Loading ... How to wean a child from a computer? Disconnect some important wire, and tell the child that the computer is broken; enroll the child in some kind of sports section; AND LESS THAN ...

Previously, nursery rhymes and little dogs were an integral part of raising a child. They were passed down from generation to generation, and it was a wonderful way to communicate with a baby. Today we use these funny folklore rhymes less and less and do not even suspect about the colossal benefits that they bring.

First of all, nursery rhymes and little dogs are a way to establish contact with a baby and pleasant emotions. During the little pest, you can do a light massage to the child, stroke the arms and legs. When mom pronounces a rhythmic little pestle or nursery rhyme, she does it expressively, affectionately, stretching out vowel sounds. Babies like such speech, they understand it, and thus the foundations for the development of speech are laid from the first months of a baby's life. And for this you do not need to do anything on purpose - it’s just pleasant to spend time with the baby, accompanying some of your actions with nursery rhymes or little pies.

With the help of nursery rhymes and little toys, you can play with your child and introduce him to the world around him through simple and easy communication. They are also irreplaceable when it is necessary to distract or calm the child, to teach him to the daily routine: wash, dress, comb, go to bed. With nursery rhymes, native speech is mastered, fine motor skills, a sense of rhythm develop and an emotional connection between mother and baby is being established.

All of these are good reasons not to forget to pamper and entertain your baby with funny nursery rhymes, jokes and little pies.

In the morning when the baby woke up

We woke up,
We woke up.
Sweetly, sweetly stretched.
Mom and Dad smiled.

Here we woke up, stretched,
Turned from side to side!
Stir-fry! Stir-fry!
Where are the toys, rattles?
You, toy, rattle, raise our baby!

In the little hands - gratuitous,
In the legs - walkers,
In the mouth - talk,
And in the head - a mind!

Who, who lives in this room?
Who, who rises with the sun?
It was Mashenka who woke up
Turned from side to side,
And, throwing back the blanket,
Suddenly she got up on her feet!
(A. Barto)

The sun looks out the window,
Shines in our room.
We clap our hands -
We are very glad to the sun.

Golden scallop,
Butter head,
Silk beard.
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let Sasha sleep?

For washing

Ay, fret, fret,
We are not afraid of water
We wash cleanly
We smile at mom.

Okay, okay,
Wash my paws with soap.
Clean palms
Here's some bread and spoons.

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make the eyes shine
To make your cheeks turn red
So that the mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites!

Swan geese flew
They flew into the open field,
They found a bathhouse in the field,
Lebedenka was redeemed.

Bunny began to wash.
Apparently he was going to visit.
I washed my mouth
I washed my nose
I washed my ear
That's dry!

For combing

You grow, grow, scythe,
Up to the silk belt:
How do you grow up, scythe,
You will be a beauty to the city.

Cockerel cock,
Brush my comb.
Well please, please
I'll comb the curls.

For dressing

Masha put on a mitten.
"Oh, where am I doing?"
Masha took off her mitten,
Look, I found it!

We have Vanechka alone,
We will not give it to anyone.
We will sew a coat for him,
Let's send him for a walk.

Our Katya is small
She is wearing an alenka fur coat,
The edge is beaver,
Katya is black-browed.

When we cook food

Okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window.
We will force you to cool down.
And if they cool down, we'll eat
And we will give it to the sparrows.

Cunning pan
We cooked porridge
She covered it with a handkerchief.
And waits, waits
Who will come first?

Carcasses, tutu,
Mom baked whitushki,
Mom baked her
For beloved Ilyushka.

Ay, tu-tu, ai, tu-tu,
Cook porridge cool
Pour in the milk
Feed the Cossack.

In the oven, rolls
As the fire is hot.
For whom are they baked?
For Masha kalachi,
They are hot for Masha.

For feeding

Clever girl, Katenka,
Eat sweet porridge
Delicious, fluffy,
Soft, fragrant.

Delicious porridge is smoking
Sasha sits down to eat porridge,
Very good porridge
We ate the porridge leisurely.
Spoon by spoon
We ate little by little.

The cat went to the stove -
Found a pot of porridge.
On the stove, rolls
As the fire is hot.
Gingerbread cookies are baked
Cat in paws are not given.

Our Vanyusha is fidgety,
Will not finish eating lunch in any way.
They sat down, got up, sat down again,
And then they ate all the porridge.

Lyuli, lyuli, cradle,
Gulenki arrived,
The ghouls began to say:
"What should we feed Mashenka with?"
One will say: "Kashkoyu"
Another: "Curdled milk"
The third will say: “With milk,
And a ruddy pie. "

Crumpet, flatbread
I sat in the oven
She looked at us,
I wanted to put it in my mouth.

Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Do not grumble, pans,
Don't grumble, don't hiss,
Cook sweet porridge.
Cook sweet porridge,
Feed our baby.

The cat went to the market,
I bought a cat pie
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.
Does it have
Or Masha to take it down?
I'll bite myself
Yes, and Mashenka will take it.

For the first steps

Baby, baby is small
Little remote
Walk down the path
Stomp, baby, foot

Big feet
We walked along the road:
Little feet
We ran along the path:
Top top top top top!

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scatter!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
Will fall through the pussy.

For consolation

Don't cry, don't cry
I will buy a roll.
Do not whine, do not whine,
I will buy another.
Wipe away your tears
I'll give you three.

Don't cry, don't cry baby
A squirrel will gallop up to you
Will bring nuts
For the car nursery rhyme.

The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby
Meow meow - say the pussy
Our baby is good.

For putting to bed

Little bunnies
Wanted bainki
Wanted bainki
Because the bunnies.
We will sleep a little
We'll lie on the back.
We'll lie on the back
And we'll take a little nap.

The night has come
The darkness has brought
The cockerel dozed off,
The cricket sang
It's late son
Lie on your side
Bayu-bye, go to sleep ...

Already you, kitty cat,
Kitty is a gray tail!
You come to spend the night with us
Download our Masha,
Download our Masha,
Oh, how am I to you, the cat,
I'll pay for the work:
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk.

There is a dream at the cradle -
Bayu, bayu.
Whose eyes wanted to sleep here -
I know I know.
You do not have three of them with your fists, close them,
Sleep rocks the cradle.
Go to sleep.

(bend our fingers)
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, do not make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!
(fingers unbend)

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In this lesson, you will get acquainted with pestushki, nursery rhymes and jokes, learn what purpose they are used for, and learn how to read them correctly.

This is a comic quatrain with funny words. And to find out what the people call such rhymes, you need to decipher the following word:


Read it from right to left:

Nursery rhyme

Nursery rhyme is a funny folk song. Word nursery rhyme comes from the word make fun(to laugh without malice; to make fun of someone, something). Nursery rhymes are called folk, because they are created by the people. When children were lulled or amused so that they would not cry, they were told or sung such nursery rhymes.

Read some of them:

Knocking, strumming down the street:

Thomas rides a chicken

Timoshka on a cat

On a crooked track(fig. 2) .

Rice. 2. "Knocks, strumbles down the street" ()

There was a clock on the wall

The cockroaches ate the arrow

The mice tore off the weights,

And the clock did not go.

And cat, cat, cat,

Curly little pubis

Stole a ball from my grandmother,

And hid it in a corner

And grandmother caught up

I tore it by the chubochka(fig. 3) .

Rice. 3. "A cat, cat, cat ..." ()

Read a few rhymes:

- Fedul, that pouted his lips?

- The caftan burned through.

- Can I sew it up?

- Yes, there is no needle.

- Is the hole big?

- One gate remained(fig. 4) .

- I caught a bear!

- So bring me here!

- It doesn't work that way.

- So lead yourself!

- He won't let me in!(fig. 5)


- Dog, what are you barking?

- I scare the wolves.

- The dog that tucked his tail?

- I'm afraid of wolves.

Think about the difference between the verses read above and nursery rhymes? Both are funny, but the last verses are built in the form of a dialogue (a conversation between two people or animals). These are not nursery rhymes, these are jokes.

Among the people, small fairy tales, short funny stories, sometimes in the form of a dialogue, are called jokes .

Jokes differ from pestushki and nursery rhymes in that they are not associated with any game movements. But they have some kind of fabulous plot. For instance:

Fidget babies

Light head,

It floods, sings,

Just like a nightingale!

It doesn't matter that there is no skill,

A lot of singing joy(fig. 6) .

Get out of the way cat!

The doll Tanechka is walking

The doll Tanechka is walking

Will never fall!

The Russian people, like any other, have their own invaluable wealth - folklore. Mothers, grandmothers, nannies composed jokes, songs, pestushki for their little children.

Pestushki - these are small poems, which were accompanied by the movements of a small child with arms and legs.

Word little dogs comes from the word foster- groom, cherish, nurse.

When the baby wakes up and stretches, they stroke him on the tummy and chant:



mouth talking

grabbing hands,

The baby's knowledge of the surrounding objects is formed depending on what he is told, therefore the animals are endowed with human qualities.

Nursery rhymes, jokes, pestushki need to be told in a special voice: affectionately, tenderly, so that the child understands that they are addressed specifically to him, and so that the child understands what it is with these nursery rhymes or pestushki that the mother, nanny or grandmother wants to tell the child. Read them slowly, chantingly, gently. For instance:

Dog in the kitchen

He bakes pies.

Cat in the corner

Crackers are crushing.

Cat in the window

The dress is sewn.

Hen in boots

Sweeping the hut(fig. 8) .

Rice. 8. "The dog in the kitchen ..." ()

This is how the baby grows:

  • pestushki - we swing in our arms, we lull;
  • nursery rhymes - play with hands and feet;
  • jokes - we teach to know the world around.


  1. O.V. Kubasova Favorite pages: A textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  2. O.V. Kubasova literary reading: Workbook for the textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  3. O.V. Kubasova Methodical recommendations for textbooks of grades 2, 3, 4 (with an electronic application). - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  4. O.V. Kubasova Literary reading: Tests: grade 2. - Smolensk: "Association XXI century", 2011.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  1. Give a definition to little dogs.
  2. Explain the difference between nursery rhymes and jokes.
  3. Learn your favorite nursery rhyme by heart.

Your baby still does not know how to speak, looks at you and the world around him with surprised eyes, as if he wants to understand something, ask about something. And you so want to tell him as soon as possible about a life full of miracles, about the meaning of words and objects, about how much you love him and will always, always be there until he becomes big and strong ... How can you start talking with your tiny child like this so that he understands you and smiles happily back? For this, for a long time, the people have invented affectionate verses-sentences, the so-called nursery rhymes designed to help parents communicate with the baby in an accessible form.

Nursery rhymes for newborns

Many will ask: “Why read nursery rhymes to a recently born baby? After all, he is still too young to understand something ... ”However, it is not in vain that nursery rhymes for newborns have existed for many centuries and are still popular to this day. After all, the baby reacts positively to the gentle calm voice of the mother, he stops crying and listens carefully when he is told the nursery rhyme. Over time, children get used to the fact that all the daily processes of caring for them are accompanied by funny rhymes, they begin to rejoice and smile as soon as they hear familiar words. Moreover, as a rule, nursery rhymes for the smallest are accompanied by pleasant gentle stroking of the hands, tummy, legs and back of the child, as well as a kind of speech exercises. At the same time, the little person establishes contact with his mother, learns to understand human speech, gets to know his body and the surrounding reality.

Oh, swing, swing, swing,
In the heads of something rolls,
There are gingerbread in the handles
There are apples in the legs,
On the sides of the candy
Golden twigs.
(Alternately touching the head, arms, legs.)

The river is wide
The shores are high.
(On the first line, arms to the sides, on the second line, stretch your arms up.)

Little chin
Cheeks, cheeks,
Spout, sponges.
And behind the lips is the tongue
He was used to being friends with a pacifier.
Eyes, eyes,
Eyebrows, eyebrows,
Forehead, forehead-clever -
Mom will not admire.
(Sentence, showing where the eyes, nose, etc.
On the last line, you can kiss your miracle.)

Here we woke up, stretched,
Turned from side to side!
Stir-fry! Stir-fry!
Where are the toys, rattles?
You, toy, rattle, raise our baby!

We woke up, we woke up.
(Handles to the sides, then cross over the chest).
- Sweetly, sweetly stretched.
(Pull the knobs up)
- Mom and Dad smiled.

Nursery rhymes for children under one year old

The growing baby is more and more interested in everything that surrounds him. All this time he is open to communication. Funny nursery rhymes for children under one year old will bring a lot of pleasure to both participants in the "dialogue" if they are simple, short and telling about interesting and understandable things for the kid. By the middle of the first year of life, children are quite familiar with their body parts. They understand where their nose is, where the eyes are, where are the arms, legs, fingers ... To learn and consolidate this knowledge in a playful way, nursery rhymes for kids, such as the well-known "Ladushki" and others, help them.

There is a wattle fence above the city.
The animals sat on the fence.
Boasted all day.
The fox boasted:
- I am a beauty to the whole world!
The bunny boasted:
- Go, catch up!
The hedgehogs boasted:
- Our fur coats are good!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden scallop,
Butter head,
Silk beard,
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?

Like our cat
The coat is very good
Like a cat's mustache
Amazing beauty
Bold eyes
The teeth are white.

Owl owl
Big head,
Sits on a stump
The head turns,
Looks in all directions,
Yes ka-a-ak
Will fly!
(Raise the child's hands up.)

Here lie in the crib
Pink heels.
Whose heels are -
Are they soft and sweet?
The goslings will come running
Pinched by the heels.
Hide soon, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!

Where are our ears?
The little dogs are listening!
Where are the eyes?
Watching fairy tales!
Where are the teeth?
Hiding sponges!
Well, the mouth is on the lock!

Okay, okay,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Koshka.
- What did you drink?
- Mint.
Kashka butter,
Sweet brew
Nice grandma,
Drank, ate,
Home, let's fly! (Wave the handles, and then put them on the head)
They sat on the head!
Ladies began to sing.

Nursery rhymes for all occasions

From time immemorial, nursery rhymes for children have come down to us, which were invented by caring mothers and nannies for use in a variety of situations. It is good to pronounce them regularly when the child wakes up, washes, eats.

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make the eyes shine
To make your cheeks turn red
So that the mouth laughs,
To bite a tooth.

Ay, fret, fret,
We are not afraid of water
We wash cleanly
We smile at mom.

We washed.
Have you washed?
And the eyes?

Here we spread our hands,
As if surprised.
And to each other to the ground
Bowed to the belt!
Bent over, straightened up
They bent down, straightened up.
Below, below, do not be lazy,
Bow down and smile.
(Do exercises with the child. Starting position
- feet shoulder width apart. Recite a poem by performing movements.)

Pinocchio stretched
Once - bent down,
Two - bent down,
Three - bent down.
He spread his arms to the side,
Apparently, he didn’t find the key.
To get us the key
You need to stand on your toes.
(Recite a poem with the child,
performing all movements in the text.)

(Bend our fingers one by one)
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.

This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger - a mushroom,
This finger took its place
This finger will lie closely
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got fat.

Spider, spider,
Anya grab the barrel.
Frog, frog
Grab Anya's ear.
Deer, deer,
Grab Anya's knees.
Doggie, doggie,
Anya grab the nose.
Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,
Grab Anya's belly.
Wasp, wasp,
Grab Anya by the hair.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,
Grab Anya by the shoulders.

(substitute your child's name)

Who will be the kup-kup here,
For some water - squish-squish?
Quickly into the bath - jump, jump,
In the bath with a foot - jerk, jerk!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will disappear somewhere.

Ah, cock-sock,
The little eyes are wet.
Who will offend the baby
That goat will butt.

Don't cry, don't cry
I will buy a roll.
Do not whine, do not whine,
I will buy another.
Wipe away your tears
I'll give you three.

The pussy hurts
The dog is in pain
And my baby

Rails, rails (draw one, then another line along the spine)
Sleepers, sleepers (draw transverse lines)
The train was traveling belated (we "ride" with our palm on the back)
From the last window
Suddenly peas fell (knocking on the back with the fingers of both hands)
The chickens came, pecked (tapping index fingers)
Geese came, pinched (pinch the back)
The chanterelle came, (stroking the back)
She waved her tail
An elephant passed, (we "walk" on the back with the back of our fists)
The elephant passed, ("we go" with our fists, but with less effort)
A small elephant passed by. ("Walk" with three fingers folded into a pinch)
The director of the store came, (we "walk" on the back with two fingers)
I smoothed everything, cleaned everything. (Stroking the back with palms up and down)
Put the table, (we represent - the table with a fist)
Chair, (chair - pinch)
Typewriter. (Typewriter - finger)
I started typing: (we “print” on the back with our fingers)
To my wife and daughter,
Ding-dot. (On these words every time we tickle the barrel)
I am sending you stockings
Ding point.
I read it, (we move our finger, as if we are reading)
Crumpled, smoothed, (pinch and then stroke the back)
I read,
Crumpled, smoothed
Sent. ("Put the letter" behind the collar) Calls for lunch.
The ducks have eaten
The cats have eaten
The mice ate.
Are you not yet?
Where is your spoon?
Eat, at least a little!

Magpie crow
I cooked porridge,
I rode on the threshold
I called the guests.
There were no guests
We didn't eat porridge,
All my porridge
Magpie crow
I gave it to the children. (Bend our fingers)
This gave
This gave
This gave
This gave
But she did not give this:
- Why didn't you saw wood
- Why didn't I carry water!

Crumpet, flatbread
I sat in the oven
She looked at us,
I wanted to put it in my mouth.

When and how to use nursery rhymes?

Also nursery rhymes are used:

  • when the child is dressed for a walk;
  • bathe;
  • help to wake up in a good mood;
  • if the child is naughty or naughty;
  • to play with him;
  • for teaching a kid in a playful way, etc.

In addition to the above-mentioned positive aspects of using nursery rhymes in raising young children, they contribute to the formation of a sense of humor, rhythm, and creativity. On this page we present to you a collection of nursery rhymes that we have lovingly assembled. We will be glad if they help you and your baby to understand each other better. Communicate with pleasure!