
Abdominal pain during pregnancy at different times. Causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy. Can my stomach hurt in the first days after pregnancy? What makes pregnant women hurt


During pregnancy, the arising abdominal pain always causes concern in the expectant mother. Even if they are insignificant, a woman perceives them as a threat to the health of her unborn child. Unpleasant sensations of varying strength can be evidence of changes that are natural for pregnancy, but can also be the first symptom of an ongoing pathological process that cannot be ignored.

Pains are of a different nature: sharp and sudden, aching, cramping, stabbing or constant, chronic. For diagnosis, it is important to determine the localization of discomfort and pain.

Causes of pain in the first half of pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, pain localized in the lower abdomen can be divided into physiological and pathological. In the first case, unpleasant sensations are caused by natural changes, in which the entire body undergoes restructuring. Such sensations are not dangerous. In addition, they are often insignificant, do not worsen over time and do not cause great physical discomfort.

Very often, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman experiences abdominal pain, as with menstruation. Often, the expectant mother does not even pay attention to them, believing that menstruation will begin in a day or two. This is especially true for those who are suffering. In fact, this discomfort is caused by the insertion of the ovum into the endometrium.

There are other reasons as well:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • excess of the amount of progesterone;
  • stretching of the ligaments;
  • increased sensitivity of the mother's body to errors in nutrition;
  • changes in the center of gravity of the body.

There may be more serious causes of pathology:

Ectopic pregnancy


The umbilical hernia itself does not cause pain. The hazard is the risk of pinching. This pathology can cause stabbing and cutting pains in the lower abdomen and in the navel, vomiting, nausea, heartburn. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor.


Painful sensations that occur in the lower abdomen when walking can be caused by inflammation of the pubic symphysis (symphysitis). It leads to the softening of the pelvic bones under the influence of hormones. Because of this, discomfort in the perineal region and a characteristic duck gait are noted. While walking, pain often occurs caused by diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system, which are aggravated due to increased pressure on them.

Premature birth

Drawing pains localized in the lower abdomen is the main symptom (28-38 weeks of gestation).

Other signs include:

  • feeling of heaviness, "stone" stomach;
  • aching pain in the lower back, sacrum;
  • brown or watery vaginal discharge;
  • feeling of pressure on the perineum;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • upset digestion.

The cause of pain can be a dangerous pathology - premature. The condition belongs to the most serious complications that threaten the life of the fetus and require immediate medical attention.

What are training contractions?

A slight pulling sensation at 38 weeks of gestation is an indicator that the body is strenuously preparing for childbirth. They are called harbingers of childbirth. They also include:

  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • slow movements of the fetus;
  • increased aches in the lower back;
  • stopping weight gain;
  • mucous vaginal discharge, sometimes streaked with blood;
  • separation of the mucous plug;
  • increased fatigue, unstable emotional state.

Painful sensations can be cramping in nature. Sometimes they are perceived by women, especially primiparas, as the beginning of labor pains. In gynecology, they are usually called. They are less painful, non-cyclical, and less prone to buildup. Training contractions should not be a cause for concern, but they do mean that a woman needs to be mentally prepared to start labor.

38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the child is fully formed and viable. Labor activity can begin at any time.

What to do?

In case of severe cramping attacks in the first trimester, complicated by bleeding and fainting, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, since there is a very high probability of an incipient miscarriage or.

To reduce the unpleasant symptoms caused by toxicosis, the following rules must be observed:

  • adhere to fractional meals 5-6 times a day;
  • eat light plant foods, lean meats, fruits, vegetables;
  • exclude smoked meats, spicy, fried foods from the diet;
  • provide the pregnant woman with a plentiful drink in order to protect herself from dehydration (unsweetened tea, dried fruit compote, chamomile broth, rosehip infusion);
  • do not lie down immediately after eating and do not eat at night.

To prevent toxicosis in the morning, before getting out of bed, you need to eat a handful of nuts, crackers or crackers. Ginger, from which teas is prepared or its root is added to salads or cereals, helps to reduce attacks of nausea.

Every mother-to-be should remember that pain relieving drugs can temporarily eliminate painful discomfort, but not cure the disease that causes it.

The pains caused by stomach and other internal diseases will be overcome after the disease that caused them is treated. For accurate diagnosis, general tests, ultrasound and computed tomography are prescribed.

For minor abdominal discomfort that is not caused by chronic or acute illnesses, you can improve your condition by following these tips:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower regularly. The water should not be very hot.
  2. Periodically go to rest, listening to light music, meditating.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially if you have a tendency to swelling.
  4. Take leisurely walks in places where there are no crowds. Staying in the fresh air supplies the placenta and other organs with oxygen, accelerates the elimination of toxins and toxins.
  5. Perform, do yoga, fitball exercises.
  6. Avoid stressful situations, physical and mental stress, unjustified experiences.
  7. Follow a diet that supports the intestinal microflora, prevents dehydration, and relieves swelling.
  8. Visit your gynecologist regularly and follow all his prescriptions and recommendations.
  9. Combat constipation: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, eat foods rich in fiber, and exercise. Taking laxatives, especially without the advice of a doctor, is undesirable.
  10. Monitor blood pressure, consult a doctor if it rises sharply.
  11. To alleviate the condition during training fights, you can lie on your left side, placing a pillow under your stomach, take a knee-elbow position for a few minutes, inhale deeply for a count of four and exhale for a count of six. The same exercises in the future will alleviate the condition during childbirth.

We have compiled a "hit parade" of typical pains that women often experience during pregnancy, and because of which you should not panic.

During pregnancy, our body undergoes many changes to ensure the normal development of the fetus and preparation for childbirth (see ours). And these changes can bring a variety of painful sensations, many of which are the norm. But how do you know if this pain is common during pregnancy or is it worth worrying about?

Abdominal cramps during pregnancy

As the size of the uterus increases, cramping during pregnancy is normal. Gas and constipation can be other causes of cramps.

If the spasmodic pain is stronger than what you experienced during your period, in addition, accompanied by bleeding and lower back pain, then consult your doctor immediately. Also see a specialist if you experience severe pain on one side c.

Headache during pregnancy

Pain and pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Sciatic nerve pain can be accompanied by numbness, tingling, or unpleasant, painful sensations radiating to the legs from the lumbar region. As the uterus enlarges, pressure increases on the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back along the thighs. Plus, the baby and the relaxed pelvic joints act on the nerve.

Bending over, lifting heavy objects, or walking can make the pain worse. Often, pain and pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy is not a cause for concern, but tell your doctor about it, especially if the pain is persistent or you have difficulty walking.

Convulsions during pregnancy

Leg cramps during pregnancy are common in women during the second and especially at night. Convulsions during pregnancy can be accompanied by nervous, jumping sensations.

This is due to the extra weight that pregnancy brings, the pressure the baby puts on the vessels and nerves in the legs, and changes in blood circulation during pregnancy.

Round ligament pain

This occurs when the uterus begins to enlarge and the round ligaments stretch accordingly. This can provoke a sharp pain in the abdomen, side, groin, when you spin at night or get up. But there is no reason to worry, unless the pain lasts longer than a couple of minutes.

Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions are false contractions that can happen during. They help your body prepare for a real birth, and you may experience a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

Unlike real contractions, (false contractions) do not follow any pattern and may vary in duration and strength. They are more likely to bring discomfort than pain. If you are in severe pain or count more than six false swatches per hour, then this can be a signal of premature birth, so it is better to see a doctor in order to understand the nature of the contractions.

Pains that shouldn't be ignored

You shouldn't ignore a sharp stabbing pain lasting longer than a couple of minutes, burning and pain when urinating, shoulder pain, pain in the upper right abdominal square, under the right ribs. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor.

Based on materials from the site

If you are worried about pregnancy headaches, pregnancy back pains, false contractions or pregnancy cramps, you can discuss it with experienced moms on our forum.

The condition of a woman during pregnancy changes in unpredictable ways. Girls in position can experience a lot of unusual sensations, and quite often pregnant women have lower abdominal pain. Do not be afraid and panic, this will only aggravate the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

It is worth remembering that in most cases this condition is of a physiological nature and does not pose a danger. But sometimes such pain can warn of the development of pathologies during pregnancy, so a young mother should know all the subtleties of this unpleasant sensation. And it is very important not to hide this condition from the specialist who leads the pregnancy, since it can talk about very serious violations and even indicate the possibility of losing a child.

Firstly, there are different types of pain, and secondly, the week of pregnancy in which the girl faced this feeling is important. This is what the doctor assesses when consulting in cases of such complaints.

When lower abdominal pain is a safe symptom

Since from the very beginning of the conception of a baby in a woman's body, there are many changes that are imperceptible at first glance, pain can be observed, which should not be considered a pathology at all.

Thus, the body simply signals an unusual state.

Harmless causes of pain can be as follows:

  1. In the early stages, this sensation may be a sign that a fertilized egg is being introduced into the tissue of the uterus. This process is called implantation of the ovum, and after a few days the pain will disappear.
  2. Unstable functioning of the digestive system due to pregnancy. In this case, the girl often experiences a feeling of bloating in her abdomen and difficulty in defecating (constipation). Stool consistency and color also change. These symptoms also disappear without treatment after the body gets used to the presence of an embryo.
  3. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus becomes larger and changes its location. This provokes pain. Stretching of muscle tissue can cause this condition.
  4. The increased production of the hormone progesterone, which helps with the formation of the birth canal during pregnancy, can also provoke abdominal pain, because it makes the ligaments and joints more elastic. The action of the hormone extends to the uterus, which causes the characteristic pain.
  5. At a later stage of pregnancy, somewhere in the third trimester, the cause of this phenomenon may be kicks of the baby's legs or arms. When the baby has grown up, his movements can cause pain if he sharply pressed on any internal organ. This happens especially often when the mother has a full bladder.

Only a specialist after examination and examinations can affirmatively say that the reason is harmless. A woman should not wait and hope that everything will go away by itself. By keeping silent at the first signs of violations, you can provoke a lot of complications that are unsafe for the health of the mother and child. Therefore, it is better to immediately tell the doctor about the unpleasant sensations than to ignore the problems and bring the situation to a critical one.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy as a signal for the development of pathologies

Carrying a baby is a rather long and difficult process for the body of any woman. And, unfortunately, not everyone goes through it without pain and various deviations. If a pregnant woman has a pain in the lower abdomen, then immediately you need to assess the possibility of the presence of such violations as:

  1. Hypertonicity of the uterus is the most common cause. This condition is quite dangerous, it requires medical supervision and treatment. The uterus becomes inelastic, making it difficult for the baby to sit normally in the womb and can lead to miscarriage. Abdominal pain in this case is also accompanied by a pulling pain in the lumbar region.
  2. Frozen pregnancy, when the baby loses its vitality while still in the womb. Often in this case, there is an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, and the symptoms that accompany pregnancy disappear.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This means that the embryo does not develop within the uterus and in the tubes. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, this can lead to rupture of the tubes, which has quite serious consequences for the woman's body and can greatly complicate further attempts to get pregnant.

Such conditions are often accompanied by smearing secretions of various colors and consistencies, this is a sure sign that you need to immediately contact a specialist. Such conditions can lead to irreversible consequences, so one cannot hesitate, it is necessary to immediately eliminate the problem under the strict supervision of doctors.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

In a woman in the early stages of pregnancy, immunity decreases so that the body does not reject the embryo. This can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, this phenomenon can arise as a result of an increased load on all organs and systems, since during this period a woman needs to cope with ensuring the vital activity of two organisms.

Moreover, the intensity and type of pain can be very varied. Despite the fact that these conditions do not directly affect a girl's ability to bear a child, they can indirectly cause a developmental disorder of the baby or a sharp deterioration in the mother's condition and her inability to fully spend the period of pregnancy and childbirth.

Conditions that can cause abdominal pain during pregnancy include:

  1. Cholecystitis is a disease of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by sharp pains in the right side of the abdomen. Also, the girl's body temperature rises sharply and vomiting appears. In addition, bitterness in the mouth may occur.
  2. Gastritis can also become aggravated precisely during pregnancy, since the compression of the stomach during the birth of a new life in the uterus can impede the excretion of gastric juice, which provokes a relapse of the disease. In this case, in most situations, the pain spreads to the upper abdomen, and only sometimes it is transferred to the lower abdomen.
  3. Pyelonephritis, inflammation in the kidneys, often occurs due to the fact that it is difficult to remove metabolic products from the organs. The condition is characterized by aching pains, as with menstruation, which radiate to the lower back. Inflammation can pass without an increase in temperature, but simple tests will immediately show the presence of this pathology.
  4. Cystitis is a disease of the bladder, a dangerous spread of infection through the reproductive tract, which can lead harmful microorganisms directly to the child. This ailment is accompanied by painful and frequent urination. Blood impurities in the urine may also be observed.
  5. Acute appendicitis. The situation arises when the organ is inflamed, and urgent medical attention is required, often surgical intervention. In a woman, such an ailment is accompanied by a prolonged attack of pain, which changes in intensity, while the temperature rises and vomiting begins.

All these diseases are considered serious and dangerous for both the mother and the baby. They need serious, attentive therapy, which is mainly carried out in a hospital. Often, doctors have to use drugs that are strong enough to preserve the woman's ability to bear the baby. But you should not hope that you will be able to recover from these diseases on your own.

Without the attention of the doctor, ailments will develop and provoke new deviations.

At the time of bearing a baby, the proper functioning of each organ is important, therefore it is necessary to monitor the general state of health. When preparing for pregnancy, a woman needs to undergo a high-quality examination and, if possible, solve health problems.

These tips can be used only after consulting a doctor and a clear understanding that there are no pathologies and chronic diseases, since if any, the doctor prescribes a certain treatment and gives specific recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle. In some cases, for example, it is necessary to minimize movements throughout the pregnancy and follow a strict diet in order not to provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

But if abdominal pain appeared due to non-dangerous physiological reasons, then you should remember several important recommendations:

  1. Don't overeat.
  2. You need to spend at least 4 hours a day outside.
  3. It is important not to forget about measured walks in the morning and evening.
  4. You need to eat light foods that reduce the burden on the digestive system, kidneys and liver.
  5. You do not need to take any medications, even vitamin complexes, without a doctor's prescription.

All this will help strengthen the body and give it the resources to cope with such a difficult task as carrying a child. If there are no pathological factors at the base of the pain, then it will go away within a few weeks.

After giving birth, a woman will be able to completely forget about these unpleasant sensations. The main thing is to closely monitor your health and changes in the body. It is worth listening to your body, and he himself will tell you what disorders it has. Modern gynecology and obstetrics, in turn, have a large arsenal of tools in order to make pregnancy as comfortable and painless as possible.

Pain during pregnancy can occur in the back and in the perineum, in the chest, in the navel, in the kidneys. During pregnancy, women experience various pains, different in nature, degree of intensity and localization. Sometimes it seems that all at once or separately can be ill. The head and pelvis, heart and, finally, joints can hurt. Pains can be constant and periodic, aching, stitching and pulling. You can list it for a long time, in detail, but it is better to learn in more detail about the reasons that result in pain - fear and panic of any pregnant lady.

Probably, the greatest fear in pregnant women, cause pain during pregnancy with localization in the abdomen, because this is the baby's "house" and once it hurts, it means the child is bad. Painful sensation during pregnancy can be due to several reasons:

  • the growth of the abdomen itself (muscle strain);
  • hormonal changes in the body (high tone of the muscles of the abdominal region);
  • exacerbation of "old" diseases, "awakened" in response to violent processes in the body.

The pains during pregnancy arising in the abdomen cause fear with their unknown, because the abdomen is a "repository" of a large number of organs and, look, which one of them hurts at a given time. One can only assume, in many cases with a high probability, by the nature of the pain, which organ is sending the alarm signal. Consider the types of pain during pregnancy. To separate the pain associated with bearing a fetus from pain associated with a direct disease of specific organs, in medicine, a conditional division into obstetric and non-obstetric pains during pregnancy is adopted.

Obstetric pain during pregnancy

Obstetric pain during pregnancy can occur due to strong fetal movement, especially in the later stages. Quickly emerging and quickly passing, minor pain in the sides, associated, again, with the finding of the fetus, which "stretches" the walls of the abdominal cavity, causing them to overstrain, especially in the evening hours. This type of pain is associated with physiological changes in the body, therefore, it is considered not dangerous either for a woman or for a baby.

Concerns should cause cramping and pulling pains in the lower abdomen or pulling in the sacrum. Pain of this kind is a harbinger of an imminent miscarriage, and is often accompanied by bloody discharge. In such cases, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, every missed minute can cost the baby's life.

Sharp pains during pregnancy in the lower abdomen in the first weeks, especially if the woman is unaware of her condition, may signal that the implantation did not occur in the uterine cavity, but in the tube, in other words, an ectopic pregnancy has occurred. Pain indicates that the fallopian tube, both the woman's health and the life of the fetus, are at risk.

Dangerous obstetric pain during pregnancy can be justified by premature placental abruption, which can occur at any time. As you can see from many of the above examples, any pain is not a small cause for concern. To remain confident that you are doing everything right, you should not ignore the discomfort and trust your doctor more during pregnancy.

Non-obstetric pain during pregnancy

Pain of this type is the result of a disease of one or several internal organs at once, not related to the pregnancy process:

  • inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis);
  • inflammation of the bladder (cystitis);
  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • chronic gastritis and duodenitis;
  • toxicoinfection.

For each type of disease, the pain is characterized by high intensity, persistent or cramping in nature. In any case, you cannot endure pain during pregnancy. Any suspicion of inflammation in the abdominal cavity or in the pelvic cavity requires urgent intervention by medical professionals. The course of pregnancy should always be under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Diagnosing pain during pregnancy

It is difficult to examine the body of a pregnant woman for any diseases using special devices. The maximum permitted procedure is ultrasound, in difficult situations computer diagnostics is possible or, in the absence of modern equipment, on the basis of a medical institution, in severe cases, it is possible to use a simple X-ray examination. As a rule, a simple examination based on the collection of anamnesis (history preceding the onset of pain), gynecological examination and palpation of the painful area, passing general blood and urine tests are quite enough in order to correctly establish the diagnosis and prescribe sparing treatment, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and individual characteristics of a woman's body. It is important to remember that pain during pregnancy is rare.

With the onset of the long-awaited pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to listen carefully to the slightest changes in the body and many reasons for concern cause various pain sensations:

  • - at the initial stages, they are caused by hormonal changes occurring in the body; at a later stage, they indicate the prolapse of the fetal head into the small pelvis and the imminent forthcoming birth;
  • - can be caused by an increased load on the lumbar spine or signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, which requires immediate medical attention;
  • - during pregnancy, they can be caused by compression of the growing uterus of the digestive canal organs and the slow movement of food through the body;
  • Pelvic pain most often occurs from the second trimester of pregnancy and is caused by the divergence of the pelvic bones;
  • - in the early stages of pregnancy, they arise as a result of hormonal changes in the body, at later stages they can signal the development of preeclampsia;
  • - during pregnancy, they are the first symptom of a cold, which requires immediate treatment.

It is important to remember that many are contraindicated for expectant mothers during pregnancy. It is strongly not recommended to use any medications in the early stages of pregnancy, when the main organs of the fetus are laid.

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