
How to dry wet clothes quickly? To the last drop: how to dry clothes correctly and quickly How to dry clothes faster after washing


The freshness of your laundry depends largely on how dry it is. Clothes that persist in a damp room acquire a musty smell, especially if washed without soap. Therefore, it is important to competently organize the drying place, organize ventilation and the flow of warm air.

We calculate the time

Knowing how to dry things quickly, you can easily calculate the time for them to dry. This will come in handy if you only have one pair of jeans or only a pair of hole-free socks left. Drying of laundry takes place in the process of removing moisture from the fibers of the fabric, so the drying rate will depend on five factors.

  1. Spin. The better you wring out the garment, the faster it will dry out.
  2. Material. Clothes made from natural fabrics dry more slowly than synthetic products, since silk, linen and cotton absorb moisture well. Drying of dense fabric also takes a long time.
  3. Air circulation... Moisture from wet laundry will remain "hanging" around the dryer, preventing further evaporation. Therefore, it is important to create a draft: open a window, turn on an air conditioner or a fan.
  4. Air temperature... High and low temperatures almost equally contribute to the quick drying of laundry.
  5. Hanging density... Hang bulky items on top of the dryer and small items on a lower level. Free space on the rack will help you dry your laundry faster.

10 ways to dry your clothes quickly at home

Modern household appliances are often misused. One of these functions is the accelerated drying of laundry. But the choice of method, how to properly dry wet things at home, must be approached based on the degree of humidity, material, clothing size and permissible temperature. These nuances are important so as not to spoil the thing. Let's look at ten creative ways to quickly dry wet fabrics.

  1. Washing machine... You can dry wet clothes without heat using an automatic machine using a special function - spinning. This is the most gentle drying method when there is a shortage of time, when the laundry is not exposed to prolonged heat exposure. To speed up the process, also throw a couple of dry terry towels into the drum. At maximum speed, almost all excess moisture from things will go away, and they will only have to be ironed out. In addition, modern washing machines have a built-in drying function: select the maximum temperature suitable for the fabric and activate the mode. But this method is not suitable for products made of wool, linen, silk.
  2. Hair dryer. Lightweight fabrics, small wardrobe items and woolen items can be dried using a hair dryer or thermal fan. Turn on the appliance at maximum power, direct a hot jet of air onto your clothing. The distance to the heating element should be at least 30 cm. Dry evenly, blowing the item from all sides. You can dry wet clothes with a hair dryer in half an hour if the product is medium in size.
  3. Iron . A popular way to dry laundry without a hairdryer. Turn off the steam function on the iron and iron the garment on both sides. Then let the thing hang for about 15 minutes, iron it again until completely dry. You can additionally use a cotton cloth. If you iron through it, it will absorb excess moisture. The method is not suitable for silk and wool.
  4. Oven . Preheat the oven and leave the door ajar. Place a chair next to her, hang clothes on it. It is possible to hang the piece on the oven door, but this method requires careful observation! In addition, the oven must be clean so that your favorite sweater is not saturated with meat or fish odors. This method is great for woollens that need to be dried without an iron.
  5. Microwave . A flammable method for drying small items, so do not leave the appliance during the process. Place the socks on a tray and turn on the microwave for 30 seconds. Repeat the action several times. Before starting the procedure, make sure that there are no metal accessories on the products.
  6. Drying machine... A modern device for fast drying of clothes. Reviews of the electric dryer from housewives are mostly enthusiastic. Hang up wet laundry and plug in the appliance. After a couple of hours, the sweater or jacket will be dry.
  7. Battery or heated towel rail... Suitable for drying small items: socks, panties, T-shirts. Remember to turn items to dry evenly. But do not put woolen products on the heating radiator, as they can shrink and become stiff.
  8. Terry towel... This type of drying is most preferred for thick fabrics such as denim. Wring the jeans well, then place them on a dry towel and wrap them in a roll. If the towel gets wet immediately, take the following. Now squeeze the tourniquet with all your strength. For the best effect, sit on the rolled up clothes for a few minutes. The towel will take up most of the moisture. Now dry your jeans in front of the oven or with an iron.
  9. Sun and wind. In summer, the easiest way to dry your wardrobe is in the fresh air. Hang things on the balcony: the sun's rays and light wind will quickly do their job. Hang outfits made of bright fabrics on the wrong side to avoid burnout.
  10. Freezing . In the cold season, frosty air and low temperatures, no worse than the sun, cope with extreme drying.

Put a stain on your shirt in the office? An electric hand dryer will help to cope with the oversight. Wipe off the stain, blot with a paper towel and place a damp blouse under the hot air of an electrical appliance.

Getting smart on the hike

Going to nature, you need to take care of replacement shoes and clothes. You can get caught in the rain, wade across a river, or simply sweat. Keep your clothes dry to avoid getting sick, so change into a spare set of underwear as soon as possible.

When hiking, wet clothes can be dried in the sun or wind. To do this, hang it on tree branches, ropes, put on an awning. Free the pockets from all items, turn out. Dry wet items overnight by placing them under a sleeping bag. During sleep, body heat will dry out your pants or sweatshirt.

Drying things by the fire is only necessary as a last resort. Place them at some distance from the fire source so that only warmth is felt, not heat. Constantly monitor the state of things, one spark - and you risk being left without things at all.

Drying wet clothes without a dryer after rain will help paper handkerchiefs. Remove excess moisture with them, dry clothes with a hairdryer or iron.

Remembering the rules ...

Do not overuse accelerated drying - it leads to damage to the fibers of the fabric, faster wear of the thing. In order for the products to retain their shape and presentation during drying, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • outerwear- dry on a hanger with sleeves stuffed with paper;
  • hats - wear over sized plates or bowls;
  • shirts - fasten with buttons so that there are no creases;
  • hosiery- squeeze through the fabric, and then hang by the toes;
  • knitwear and wool- dry on a horizontal surface;
  • lace items - put in the fabric for half an hour, and then immediately iron;
  • silk blouses - wrap in terry cloth, hang on a hanger, dry in a cool room.

Shake things after taking them out of the washing machine. This simple trick will make ironing easier, as the fabric can become stiff during drying. This is especially true for jeans.

... and caveats

Many experimenters, in pursuit of new ideas on how to dry clothes in 5 minutes, completely forget about safety precautions. The consequences can be dire. Forbidden:

  • use an open fire for drying;
  • hang items on an electric heater;
  • neglect the tips that are indicated on the label;
  • dry shoes on a battery due to possible deformation of the sole.

There are many ways to dry wet clothes very quickly, and they really help in a tough situation. But always remember the negative side of this process. Think about washing in advance, try to dry your favorite things in a natural way, then they will delight you for a very long time.

When in the morning it turns out that the clothes washed the day before are not dry enough, and because of this, the whole carefully thought-out image crumbles, do not rush to despair - you can still fix it. There are some proven easy ways to dry your clothes quickly.

The easiest and best way to dry your clothes is to hang them up and let them dry naturally. If this tactic does not suit you, read this article.

To dry clothes efficiently and quickly at home after washing or being exposed to rain, they use all possible sources of heat: an iron, a hair dryer, batteries, and even an oven. The main thing is to be careful and not rush. Attempts to dry clothes very quickly, for example, over an open fire of a gas stove or on electric heaters, in which there is a possibility of electric shock or short circuit, can result in damage to things and even fire. What is the correct, safe and quick way to turn wet clothes into dry ones using household tools and standard household appliances?

Unpleasant surprises in the form of wet clothes are often presented by the weather.

Terry towels

The easiest way is to wrap damp items tightly in dry terry towels. For this, a towel is spread on a horizontal surface, clothes are laid out on it and folded into a tight roll. In order for the water to be absorbed faster, it is advised to press the resulting roll with your own weight, that is, sit on it for a while.

The method with towels is considered the most suitable for drying woolen items, jeans, products made of delicate and delicate fabrics.

If, after unrolling the roll, it turns out that the terry cloth has become wet, and the thing is still too wet, then you need to take another dry towel and repeat the procedure. An iron or hairdryer can help you dry your clothes.

We bring to your attention a video where a person, using towels and an iron, dries a shirt in 6 minutes.

Washing machine

If your washing machine model has a drying mode, then it is most convenient to use it. It is important not to overdo it with the temperature - set the recommended one for things and suitable for the types of fabrics from which they are sewn.

It is better to take things out after drying in the machine, slightly damp, and then dry them with an iron.

If there is no dryer in the washing machine, you can use the spin mode. Here, too, it is important to consider what maximum speed of revolutions the fabric will withstand. Place some dry terry towels in the drum along with wet items. They effectively absorb excess moisture and help dry wet clothes significantly quickly. After that, things are additionally ironed with a warm iron.


Ironing is considered the most traditional method of drying wet clothes. In this case, do not forget to turn off the steaming mode on it.

When drying things with an iron, you do not need to drive them over the fabric - it is more correct to lower the iron with the entire sole and press it slightly for a few seconds, gradually rearranging it from place to place

It is better to iron a wet cloth through a dry cotton rag or gauze, which absorbs water well from the garment and prevents the glossy shine that often occurs when ironing dark fabrics. It is advised to start drying with an iron from the most dense multilayer parts (belt, collar, cuffs), single-layer ones - to iron on both sides. If things are too damp, don't try to dry them out in one go. Just hang the ironed clothes on a hanger and let them catch their breath for 10-15 minutes, and then iron them again.

Iron drying should not be used for wool and silk products.

Hairdryer and fan

Drying with a directed jet of hot air from a hair dryer or fan heater is one of the recommended safe methods for woolen garments.

Hair dryer helps not only to tidy up the head, but also to quickly dry clothes

Clothes should be hung on a hanger and, holding a hair dryer at a distance of 40-50 cm, direct hot air at it. During the drying process, a damp item must be turned so that the airflow is uniform from all sides.

We offer for viewing a video where a person, using a floor fan, dries a T-shirt in 5 minutes.

Kitchen appliances

Non-standard solution: many advise using kitchen equipment - ovens and microwaves - to speed up drying clothes.

The slightly open oven ensures constant circulation of hot air in the room

Inside ovens it is still better not to dry things (although some do this, laying them out on a wire rack or hanging them on the door itself). It is more correct and safer to place wet clothes on the back of a chair, which must be placed near the oven. If there is convection in the oven, it is advised to turn on the fan, set the heating mode to a small one: 100-120 ℃, leave the door ajar. It is advisable to constantly rotate and re-hang things during the drying process.

If you decide to use the oven to quickly dry your clothes, first wipe the bottom and walls from carbon deposits and grease residues.

Microwave as a drying equipment is suitable only for small things: socks, mittens, gloves. It is important that the inside of the oven is clean, otherwise the clothes will become not only dry, but also greasy and smelling food. Heating must be turned on for literally 20-30 seconds, after which the door must be opened, allowing the water vapor to erode and the things to cool down. This is done several times until the thing is dry.

Before placing any items in the microwave, inspect them carefully to make sure that there are no metal fasteners or trimmings.

Heating radiators

A familiar and understandable method to quickly dry clothes after washing is to put them on a battery.

Clothes dry on a radiator within a few hours

To speed up the process, it is recommended to turn over large items, cover a terry towel or an old sheet under the clothes, which will absorb water and also protect from dust and possible stains (if the batteries are old, with rusty streaks).

Drying multi-complex

Among modern household climate control devices, devices have appeared whose functions include quick and soft drying of clothes.

Drying multicomplex solves several tasks at once (dehumidification, air purification, ionization, aromatization, drying of clothes)

The advantages of drying multicomplexes are that in addition to drying clothes (with aromatization), they have a wide range of programs: they allow you to achieve the required level of humidity in the room, purify the air (ionize). It helps to cope with dampness and mustiness, and prevents the development of mold.

Natural drying

The most affordable solution to dry clothes quickly for many is natural drying on the balcony or outside. The main thing is that the day is warm, sunny, and slightly windy. Under these conditions, the clothes do dry out quickly and evenly.

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Household expert and culinary master (according to family and friends). I got used to relying on common sense, everyday experience and female intuition.

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Do you know that:

There are special traps to fight moths. The pheromones of females are added to the sticky layer with which they are covered, attracting males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The habit of using the washing machine “sparingly” can lead to an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on the inner surfaces and actively multiply.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate is table salt. Place a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to maximum, and apply light pressure several times over the salt mat.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are capable of withstanding from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don't have to worry about leaks from the neighbors on top.

The dishwasher is not only good for dishes and cups. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

If the first signs of gestation appear on your favorite things in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and efficiently shaves off clumped fabric fibers and makes things look worthy.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Life often brings surprises: you washed your dirty skirt at work, you suddenly ran out of fresh linen, or you just got wet in the rain. In any case, you need to quickly resolve the problem and dry the necessary clothes as soon as possible.

How to dry clothes quickly

How to dry clothes quickly

There are several different ways you can dry your clothes as quickly as possible.

- If you are at home, leave the necessary item in the machine immediately after washing. Set the drying mode to the maximum setting for your fabric type. If this function is not available, then put a couple of dry white towels with the item. Then set the maximum spin on the washing machine. Terry towels will quickly absorb moisture.

- Heat the iron and iron the damp item from the front and then from the wrong side. Hang the product on a chair for 10-15 minutes, and then iron it again. Remember to turn off the steam function.

- If you need to dry a blouse or jumper made of wool, then in this situation, use a hair dryer. Hang the product on a chair and blow warm air at it from a distance of 40 cm.

- You can also use the oven for drying. Heat it up, then open the door and place a chair with hanging clothes in front of it. Remember to turn the item over while drying.

- Small items of clothing (socks or mittens) dry quickly when hung on a radiator or heated towel rail in the bathroom.

- Clothes can be dried in the microwave. Place small items on a platter and then turn on the oven for 30 seconds. Repeat the procedure several times.

- If it's summer, you can hang your clothes out to dry directly in the sun. It is best to turn it inside out to prevent the fabric from fading.

Now you will not be puzzled by the question of how to dry clothes quickly after washing, and you can easily cope with this task.

Safety precautions when drying clothes

When drying, do not forget about basic safety rules. If you use a hair dryer for drying, then do not turn it on at maximum power and keep it at a distance of 30–40 cm. Do not hang clothes directly on the oven door if you do not want to burn them. Do not dry woolen items in the microwave oven, as well as items that have metal fittings. When ironing a thing with an iron, do not turn on the maximum mode to speed up drying, so as not to damage it.

In life, situations periodically arise when it is necessary to quickly dry things. This may be required after rain or an unscheduled wash. Today, there are many ways to solve this problem. Many people use household appliances and other tricks. So how to quickly dry your clothes after washing?

Drying clothes means removing moisture from them when several conditions are met. These include good air circulation and exposure to high temperatures.

In order to dry the thing with high quality and not damage the product, you need to follow certain recommendations. First you need to study the label on the clothes. This will help you find the best drying conditions for your fabric.

A number of factors affect the drying rate of clothes:

  • type of fabric;
  • spinning;
  • the density of hanging things;
  • temperature regime;
  • air circulation.

The removal of liquid from the laundry begins even during the spin cycle. The better the product is pressed, the faster it dries. It is worth betting to get good results. When washing by hand, the quality of the spin is influenced by the material of the product and the strength of the hands.

Experts advise against squeezing delicate or too much. When washing such things, it is worth allowing excess liquid to drain off on its own.

Twist clothes carefully - delicate fabrics can be damaged

The type of fabric is also important. The more the material absorbs moisture, the longer the product will dry. First of all, this should be attributed to natural materials - wool, flax, cotton. Synthetic fabrics dry much faster, since moisture does not enter the structure of the fibers and evaporates rather quickly.

The density of the fabric also affects the speed of drying of things. Thick and dense materials take significantly longer to dry than thin and light materials. Therefore, drying a jacket is much more difficult than a shirt or blouse.

Exposure to the sun or frosty air helps speed up the drying process. At home, this effect can be achieved by turning on the stove or heating devices. However, drying in the open air is much faster than in a room.

Air circulation is another important factor. If this condition is not met, moisture will create a vapor cloud over the laundry, which prevents the rapid evaporation of the remaining liquid. That is why things dry much faster in a light breeze.

If you need to dry your clothes at home, you should open a window or window. It is best to create a draft. An air conditioner, cooker hood or fan can help speed up the drying process.

Important: The key factor that affects the rate of evaporation of moisture is the density of the hanging of things. The small distance between the layers of fabrics prevents moisture from evaporating. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang things too close to each other.

How to dry things: popular ways

There are various ways to dry damp items after washing. This is done in natural conditions or using special devices. In this case, it is important to follow specific recommendations.

A wide variety of devices can be used to dry wet clothes very quickly. When choosing a specific method, it is worth considering the type of fabric and other features.

Electrical apparatus for drying clothes

Washing machine

To dry a wet thing, you should follow these recommendations:

  • take damp clothes or clothes and place them in a pillowcase;
  • so that the products do not fall out, the pillowcase should be tied;
  • place the item in the drum of the machine and turn on the spin for 10-15 minutes;
  • take out the dried clothes and hang them neatly.

Hair dryer or fan heater

Such devices are often used for drying products made of lightweight materials or wool. First you need to remove excess moisture as much as possible.

For convenience, the item should be placed on a hanger or chair back. Then the hairdryer is turned on at maximum power and a jet of hot air is directed. In this case, the distance should be at least 50 cm. To speed up this process, the product is processed on each side. It also needs to be turned inside out.

To dry the pants faster, force warm air to escape through the fabric.

Drying with a hair dryer takes 10-30 minutes. The specific duration of the process is determined by the density of the material, the size of the item and the power of the device. As an alternative to a hair dryer, you can use a fan heater.

Many fabrics do not respond well to hot air. If clothes dry out, they become tighter. To cope with this problem, you need to sprinkle the thing with water and lemon juice. For 500 ml of liquid, you only need a few drops of the product.


In the heating season, an ordinary battery will help to speed up the drying of things. Of course, this method cannot be called the fastest, but natural drying will take much longer. This method is considered more effective in relation to lightweight things of a small size - T-shirts, socks, etc.

Clothes dry on a battery in a few hours


To dry wet clothes faster, you can iron them thoroughly. It should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to turn on too high a temperature on the iron. Using this device, it is permissible to dry sweaters, dresses, shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts. This method is also effective for bed linen and handkerchiefs.

Important: Before carrying out the procedure, you need to carefully study the information indicated on the labels of the washed clothes. Using an iron to dry the garment can ruin satin, nylon, silk and organza garments.

You need to iron the seams and the belt with special care - in these places the fabric dries the longest

How to quickly dry clothes without a hair dryer or iron

There are methods that should only be used in emergencies when the washed clothes need to be urgently put on. Of course, it will not be possible to dry it in 5 minutes, but these methods will significantly speed up the drying process.


To do this, it is worth heating up to 180-220 degrees. Next to her you need to put a chair and hang clothes. Open the door slightly and wait 30-40 minutes. In this case, it is forbidden to hang clothes on the oven door, since the risk of fire increases significantly.


This method is suitable for drying small items. To do this, it is enough to place the laundry in the pallet and turn on the heating for half a minute. Before starting the procedure, you should make sure that there are no metal parts on the clothes.

Handy tools for drying clothes

Electric dryer

It is a modern device that is easy to use. The price depends on the size and properties of the device.

Air conditioner

Things should be placed in front of the air conditioner and the device should be turned on. The clothes will be dry after a few hours. This method is safe and suitable for any clothing.

Terry towel

This method works well for drying denim items. Recommendations:

  • wrap the thing with a terry towel, and place a heavy object on top;
  • after a few minutes, unfold the towel and assess the condition of the clothes;
  • if not dry, the procedure must be repeated 2-3 times;
  • each time you need to take a dry towel.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations for drying clothes:

  1. To accelerate the evaporation of moisture, it is strictly forbidden to use an open flame.
  2. It is rather dangerous to use electrical devices for drying, as damp laundry is conductive.
  3. You need to carefully study the information that is present on clothing labels. So, it is strictly forbidden to dry things made of silk or wool by means of an iron.
  4. Do not use quick drying too often. This is fraught with tissue damage.

Special tools can be used to speed up the evaporation of moisture from wet items. However, before using any of the methods, it is worth examining the composition of the product. Sometimes there is a risk of damaging the fabric and even provoking a fire.


Life often creates such situations, after which the question arises of how to dry clothes quickly. If things did not have time to dry out after washing, torrential rain made its own adjustments to the daily routine, or you had to wash your favorite T-shirt urgently, you have to go on experiments that do not always end well.

In order to prevent negative developments, it is necessary to consider in advance all possible solutions to the problem and choose the best one. At home, you can find many devices that can quickly and easily improve the situation, and some of them have a chance to be used even in the workplace.

Drying options that bring more problems than good

When resorting to the use of aids for quickly drying things, one should not forget about basic safety precautions. Some approaches are too dangerous, and at the same time, you can count on a positive result only in half of the cases.

The quality of the fabric after the emergency drying will not be affected if you remember the following points:

  1. Electric heaters are absolutely not suitable for this manipulation. In the best case, a dry product will be covered with static charges, in the worst case, even during processing, it can shock.
  2. The use of open fire is equally dangerous. Some types of fabrics can catch fire even at a considerable distance from the flame.
  3. Wool and silk must not be ironed. This can melt the fibers and form holes in the fabric.
  4. Do not overuse high-speed drying. Only with the natural course of the process can one count on the long-term preservation of products in their original form and condition.

All other heat sources and approaches are relatively safe. But even when using them, you need to remember the specifics of the fabric.

The most efficient quick drying options

When starting to process the product, it is necessary to evaluate the arsenal of available auxiliary devices, select the safest type of exposure and carry out the manipulation according to the recommendations:

  • Processing in a washing machine. If the things are simply not completely dry after washing, they need to be loaded into the drum again and run through another drying cycle. In this case, we set the maximum temperature for a particular type of fiber. On a slightly damp piece of clothing, all that remains is to walk with an iron.

Tip: If the machine does not have a drying mode, then the maximum allowable spin will help you quickly dry your clothes. Be sure to load a couple of dry terry towels into the drum along with a wet product, they will remove all excess moisture from the fibers of the product.

  • Ironing. For this approach, an iron preheated to permissible numbers is used, with the steam function turned off. In this way, a fabric jacket, dress, lightweight trousers or blouse can be processed. Iron the damp product on both sides, hang it on a hanger or the back of a chair, wait 10 minutes and process it again with an iron.
  • Hair dryer, fan with warm air supply. Ideal for quick drying of wool. We hang a jacket or sweater on a hanger and direct warm air from a distance of at least half a meter. To obtain a very quick result, the product must be processed from all sides, including from the inside out. You can dry your denim clothes quickly in the same way.

  • Oven. We turn on the oven, while it warms up, keep the clothes on the back of the chair as close to the heat source as possible. Then we lay out the product on a dry and clean baking sheet, for fidelity it is even recommended to degrease it first, put it in a cabinet. We keep the door open, otherwise moisture will not come out and the approach will not give any result. If you need to quickly dry a jacket or other bulky product, then it is better to hang it directly on the oven door, covering it to the maximum.
  • Microwave. This device will only help if you need to dry small things, for example, socks. We lay them out right on the bottom of the household appliance and run for 30 seconds. If necessary, we make several approaches, but the heating duration is not exceeded.
  • A complex approach. It is a suitable solution for quickly drying thick fabrics such as trousers. Wrap a damp thing in a dry and warm terry towel, make a few squeezing movements, but do not twist. You can sit on this structure for a few minutes. Then we change the towel to dry and repeat the manipulation. We do this several times until the material is only slightly damp. Then we finish drying it with a hairdryer or iron.

Thanks to the listed methods, it is possible to speed up the drying process of washed or wet items of clothing several times without damaging their texture and shape, without spoiling the original appearance.