
Summary of an open lesson in the junior group “Flight into space. Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group Topic: “Flight into space 2 or group space according to the Federal State Educational Standards is


Summary of direct educational activities
2nd junior group


Target: formation of basic knowledge about space, stars, astronauts, the names of the planets of the solar system.


1. Educational:

  • Explain the meaning of the words “cosmonaut”, “spaceship”, “cosmodrome”, “weightlessness”, “space suit”, “gravitational force of the earth”, “Solar system”, “star”, “astronomer”.
  • Develop the ability to use new words in speech, encourage children to answer questions.

2. Developmental:

  • Develop fine and gross motor skills,
  • contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste
  • create conditions for an emotional response when learning new knowledge
  • introduce a sense of rhythm by listening to poems, develop memory and speech

3. Educational:

  • Develop the ability to communicate and negotiate with peers in the process of joint activities
  • To promote respect for people in interesting and dangerous professions, to help realize the importance of their work for society and individuals.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Materials : demonstration material about space (photos, illustrations).

Preliminary work: viewing telescope visuals, making a telescope (coloring paper towel rolls).

Q: Guys, we received a letter, written by Lisa Barboskina (the hero of the famous animated series “Barboskina”), she is very upset, because her brother Druzhok wants to become an astronaut and fly into space, but she doesn’t know who an astronaut is and what he can do fly there.

Educator: Guys, do you know who an astronaut is? (children's answers)

Q: That's right, this is a man who flew into space on a spaceship.

Q: Do you want to become an astronaut and go on a space journey? Then we need a spacesuit - this is special protective clothing for working in outer space, because there is no air there and it is very, very cold:

GAME "Cosmonaut":

I want to become an astronaut! (hands on belt)

I put on a spacesuit (imitation of dressing)

I'll fly on a rocket (raise your arms up and connect above your head)

And I will open all the planets (make a big circle with your hands)

Q: Guys, the first person to fly into space was our compatriot Yuri Gagarin, and before man’s flight, dogs named Belka and Strelka visited space and returned safely to Earth a day later.

Q: On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew around our planet Earth, where we live, on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, and from the next year, at the suggestion of the country’s second cosmonaut, German Titov, the holiday began to be celebrated in our country Aviation and Cosmonautics Day every year.

B: reads V. Stepanov’s poem “Yuri Gagarin”, the children all repeat it several times together (then the children stand in a circle):

In a space rocket, (move in a circle, holding each other's hands)

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars. (raise hands up)

Sings songs about it (arms raised up, body swaying)

Spring drops: (they lower their hands and hold hands)

They will be together forever (converging to the center)

Gagarin and April!

Q: So, young cosmonauts, what will we fly into space on?

D: On a rocket!

Q: Where can we get a rocket, because we only have modules, but no spacecraft.

Children offer to build a rocket (there are illustrations of a rocket hanging on the stand).

Build a Rocket GAME


Flies from the Earth into the clouds

Like a silver arrow.

Flies to other planets


Children:. (rocket)

Q: That’s right, astronauts fly into space on a rocket (spaceship), and where does it take off from, do you know? The rocket is launched from the cosmodrome, this is a specially designated and equipped place from where rockets are launched into space (show photo).

Q: Now, take on the road, in your opinion, everything you need and get ready for the flight.

Q: (Children sit on the carpet around the built rocket). 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – START!

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets.

Whichever one we want -

Let's fly to this one!

Q: Guys, what do you think, an astronaut should have excellent health, be fearless, strong, smart, because he has to work in unusual conditions, in zero gravity. What do you think it is - weightlessness? (Children's answers). Let's think about what it is?

(The teacher shows a photo of astronauts in the zero-gravity zone).

In Space, a person is not affected by the gravitational force of the earth, due to which we stand firmly on our feet and do not fall, there is no gravitational force there, so astronauts cannot stand on their feet, they seem to “float”, but not in water, but in air.

GAME "Zero Gravity"

The teacher invites the children to get up from the carpet and jump up as high as possible.

Q: While you guys are in the air, you don't feel the weight of your body. You can also feel weightlessness on Earth when you are in an elevator, at the moment it begins to move down, when you jump on a trampoline, when you are driving a car and suddenly fall into a hole.


The rocket has a driver (raise your arms up and connect above your head)

Zero gravity lover (put your arms to the sides and shake your body)

In English, astronaut, (arms spread to the sides and shrug)

and in Russian... (Cosmonaut) (hands on belt)

Children imitate the movements of astronauts in space, smoothly move their arms, “float in the air”

Q: Now let's see what items you took with you on your space journey. (Children show spoons, forks, blanket, fruit)

Q: Guys, you won’t be able to eat with a spoon and fork in space. Why do you think, probably because of weightlessness, right? It won't be possible to put food on plates either, because it will scatter all over the spaceship, because... there is no gravitational force of the earth. That's why astronauts take food in special tubes, similar to toothpaste. And you won’t be able to sleep on the pillows either, they will simply fly away from under your head. There are no beds in space either. The astronauts sleep in special sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of the rocket (The teacher shows a photo).

Q: Guys, let's play the game “Breakfast for Cosmonautics.”

GAME “Breakfast for astronauts”.

Children eat fruit puree from the package. Young astronauts just need to press on the bag and eat the puree themselves, after first unscrewing the caps.

V: Well, guys, we’ve refreshed ourselves! Did you like the astronaut breakfast? Now we get into the rocket and fly back to the kindergarten.

Children join their hands above their heads and “fly” several circles around the room, accompanying their flight with characteristic sounds, and each land on their own “cosmodrome” - a chair.

Q: So we arrived on earth. And now we are in the laboratory, prepare your telescopes for observations (this is a special device that allows you to observe stars, greatly enlarging and zooming in on the image) now we will be astronomers (scientists who observe celestial bodies: stars, planets, i.e. what is happening in space).

The teacher distributes paper towel rolls that the children have previously painted in different colors.

Q: Astronomers, now you will observe the planets through a telescope, and I will show you the planets of our solar system on a flannelgraph.

GAME “Exploring the Planets”

Q: Guys, all the planets of our solar system revolve around the sun (attach a yellow circle, and then as you read the poem, attach other planets of different colors and sizes to the stand).

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.(A. Hight)

Q: Guys, do you want to make a model of our Solar system? Just how can we do it, can you tell me? We have glue, cardboard, models of planets (cut out circles of different colors), a photograph - a sample of the Solar System.

APPLICATION “Planets of the Solar System”


black or dark blue cardboard, glue, cotton swabs, red, yellow, blue gouache, pre-cut circles of colored paper - planets:

Mercury is a small brown circle;

Venus – a larger pink circle;

The earth is a blue circle, slightly larger;

Mars is a red circle the size of a pink circle;

Jupiter is gray in size like blue;

Saturn is white with a ring the size of gray;

Uranus – blue, same size as blue;

Neptune - purple, like blue;

Pluto (optional, as scientists now tend to agree that Pluto is not a planet) is white, about the size of brown.


  1. We glue the sun - a yellow circle.
  2. We glue other planets around the sun.
  3. We glue a pre-cut ring around one of the planets (Saturn).
  4. Using cotton swabs of the suggested colors, we make dots - these are stars.

Q: Guys, do you look at the sky late at night? What do you see there? Probably the stars, the moon, right? Do you know that earlier in ancient times people thought that stars were silver nails driven into the sky, but in fact they were hot balls of gas, and our Sun, which shines so brightly in the summer, is also a star. And the color of a star depends on the temperature of its surface. So, the hottest stars are those with a blue or white color, less hot ones emit a yellow color, and just hot ones emit a red color. Let us draw colorful stars using cotton swabs, and we will get a wonderful picture of space.

Q: Guys, Lisa Barboskina is very worried and worried about her brother Druzhka, how can we calm her down, show her how interesting it is in space, how beautiful it is? Look at the pictures you made about space, and do you want to show her? Let us make an exhibition and show it to everyone, Lisa Barboskina and your parents and grandparents.

(The next day, leave a letter from Lisa Barboskina and read it to the children when they come to kindergarten:

“Dear guys, I am very grateful to you for your beautiful works, now I see why my brother Druzhok so wants to fly into space, because it is so interesting and beautiful there. Thank you very much!!! Lisa Barboskina")

Q: Did you guys like our adventure today? What new words have you learned? Do you remember what games we played today? What do you remember most? Did you manage to build the rocket right away or did you have any difficulties? What do you think, if there were no such wonderful professions as astronaut, would people know so much about space as astronomer?

Project "Cosmonautics Day" in the second junior group.

Project type: educational and creative.

Project type: short-term.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, teacher.

Target: Formation of ideas about space and astronauts. Introduce the first cosmonauts: dogs Belka and Strelka, Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova.


1. Give children knowledge about the holiday April 12 - Cosmonautics Day, about space
2. Develop children's speech, imagination and thinking. Develop skills to interact with each other, encourage children to collaborate.

3. Foster respect for the profession of astronaut. Instill love and pride for your country. To develop in children the ability to listen to adults.

4. Activate the dictionary: planet, space, rocket, spacesuit, moon, universe, astronaut.

Expected results:

1. The children became interested in the topic of space, and their cognitive activity showed.
2. Children show initiative in looking at illustrations, children ask questions; They construct rockets from building materials, construction sets, according to their own ideas, and show creativity and imagination in their work.
3. Enjoy drawing and playing

Educational activities: Looking at illustrations on the topic « Space» ( Introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, to space, to the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.).

“Space for kids” (expand knowledge about the profession of astronaut, activate the vocabulary - satellite, solar system, space, star dust, etc.), conversation-reasoning “What is the toy sad about?” (learn to handle toys and books carefully), “Porridge for an astronaut” (stimulate interest in healthy food for children), “Flight into space” (reinforce colors, geometric shapes, consolidate knowledge about space, about the first cosmonaut, develop logical thinking , imagination), “Space” (forming an idea of ​​the parts of the day, expanding vocabulary, learning to draw conclusions when solving riddles). Conversation "What's happened space ( form ideas about space, evoke a desire to participate in the conversation).

Drawing« Unknown planet » .(Acquaintance with a new technique of unconventional drawing - drawing with salt. Develop the ability to create a plot. Teach a child to convey his impressions of the surrounding reality. Development of color perception).

Modeling: "Flying saucer"(Development of tactile sensations of fine motor skills of the hands, the idea of ​​alien creatures. Learn to sculpt a semicircle).

Crafts made from waste material "Rocket Flight" Target: Develop the ability to convey an image space rocket, through manual labor, appliqué, development of fine motor skills of the hands, development of children's imagination, thinking, relieving muscle tension.

Plot-role-playing game: "We astronauts» , "A fun trip to space» , “Preparing food for astronauts.”

Target: cultivate curiosity, the desire to be like astronauts; Forming the ability to perform several game actions, united by a plot, with the help of an adult.

Listening to songs "Let's color all the planets"(Barbariki, "White-winged horse clouds". Audio recordings about space.

READING fiction. Literatures: A. MITYAEVA "FIRST FLIGHT", G. Ilyin “The Tale of the Moon”, Christmas tree and Arrow”, O. Emelyanova “Solar system-mysteries”.

Target: To develop children’s interest in fiction and educational literature.

P/games : "Sun and Rain", "Sunny bunnies", “Find the object”, “Bell”, “Planes”, “Spaceships”, etc.

Target: To develop the ability of children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, and to quickly respond to a signal. Develop perception of contrasting moods, guess the weather.

Didactic games : “Fold from geometric shapes”(rocket, stars, etc., "Complete the figure" (sun, rocket, etc.), “Who needs what objects”, “Guests have come to us”, “Funny prepositions”, “Arrange the figures according to a Montessori drawing”, “Find a twig from a tree”.

Target: consolidate geometric shapes, develop creative imagination, the ability to complete an incomplete drawing.

Game situations : "We - astronauts» , "We're flying on a rocket"

Target: encourage children to play out the plot, include improvisation, involve them in preparing the subject environment for games.

Theater activities:“Mashenka helps to clean the house”, creative game “Guess by the sound”, “Trip around the world”, directing game “Birthday”, finger game “Rocktail Hen”.

Construction: “Lego spaceport”, “Building a rocket”, “Chair for an astronaut”.

Working with parents: prepare illustrations on the theme “space” for decorating a corner in a group. Making a “Space” layout.

Final event:

Exhibition of children's works: craft made from waste material "Rocket Flight"; drawing « Space trip» .

Project on the theme "Space"

Conversation in the 2nd junior group on the topic: “Space”

Target : summarizing children's knowledge about space


- Guys, today is April 12th, and on this day there is a holiday in Russia and it is called Cosmonautics Day. Today, we will go on an amazing journey into space.

- We have been preparing for this flight all week and already know a lot

- Let us now remember what we know about space and astronauts

Slide show on the topic “Space”, accompanying conversation

- Guys, who can tell me the name of the very first astronaut?

- That's right, this is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. You know, guys, in order for him to go into space, he worked and trained a lot

- If we want to go on a space flight, then we also need to train

- And so, our training begins. To control a rocket, our fingers must be flexible and work well. Now we'll train them

Finger gymnastics “Family”

A game:

Guys, astronauts fly into space, it’s very difficult. Let's try it too.

- Cubes of different sizes and colors are laid out on the floor. Your task is to run, jumping over cubes

- Well done, everyone completed the task. Now I think we can go into space. So, take your seats on the rocket!

Children board the rocket (line up one after another).

- Here we are! Wow! Something is flying around us. Guys, what is this?

- That's right, these are planets. What shape are they? What color?

Children move from planet to planet, naming its shape and color.

- That's how many unexplored planets we saw. And now it's time to go home

- Returning home, each astronaut takes air baths. Let us also perform aerial procedures. Children lie down on the carpet and rest.

- Guys, where have we been? What did you see? Do you want to become real astronauts? What is needed for this?

Le Work plan from 04/09/2018 to 04/13/2018 TOPIC OF THE WEEK: Space. Goal: to introduce children to the Russian holiday Cosmonautics Day, to space, to the first cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin. The result is an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme of the week. Work with parents: 1. Folder moving “Holiday April 12, Cosmonautics Day”; 2 Consultation for parents “Introducing a child to space.” 3.Lapbook “Space”; 4. Conversation “Prevention of influenza”. Complex of morning exercises No. 15 Complex of invigorating exercises after sleep No. 15 Organization of a subject-oriented development environment in the group: 1. Introducing illustrations on the topic “Space”; 2. Organize exhibitions of children's creativity on the theme of the week; 3. Coloring pages “Space”; 4.Presentation “Space”; 5.LAPBUK “Cosmos”; 6.Involve parents in making crafts dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

Objectives of ECD Educational activities of a teacher with children TOPIC OF THE WEEK: Space MONDAY astronaut. from 9.009.15 development. Cognitive world Familiarization with nature/introduction to sociocultural values. Space. Abstract. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the profession To give an idea of ​​the planet Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Develop thinking, memory, imagination, give an idea of ​​the astronaut profession. 9.259.40 Physical development. Lesson No. 32, Penzulaeva, page 63. Goal: practice walking with a stop at the teacher’s signal; repeat crawling between objects: practice maintaining stable balance while walking on elevated support. fantasy. Morning 1. Morning exercise. Goal: increasing overall vitality and thereby ensuring immediate inclusion in daily activities. 2.KGN to strengthen the ability to wash hands correctly in a certain sequence, wipe dry with a towel.3. Conversation: “What kind of sky is there?” .Goal: to develop children's observation of the state of the sky. 4.P/game “Jump to the star.” Goals: teach children to jump high on two legs. 5. Labor. Observing the work of the teacher (loosening the soil of flowers). Goal: to continue to cultivate the desire to work, to introduce children to a new type of work activity, to explain its purpose, and to develop appropriate work skills. . 6. Game situation “What rolls, what doesn’t roll.” Goal: to form ideas about which objects roll and which don’t. 7. Game “Edible inedible”. Goal: to train children in the ability to identify food products. Walk: Observing the work of a janitor. Purpose: to form an understanding of the work of a janitor. Labor: removing snow from the site. Goal: continue to teach how to use a scraper and shovel. Evening:1. Gymka after sleep. Goal: soft awakening, raising muscle tone in children.2. CHHL “Here is the starry sky” Purpose: to teach children to listen to fairy tales; encourage children to finish individual words and phrases; involve children in looking at illustrations in books.. 3. Ind. slave learn the “Stargazer” counting rhymes with Masha, Misha, Elina. Goal: learn to recite the rhyme after the teacher, clearly pronouncing all the sounds. 4.D/i “Our kindergarten”. Goal: to instill in children a love for kindergarten. 5.Work assignments: collect toys. Goal: to continue to reinforce that each toy has its own place. Independent activity of children Morning: Subject pictures and plot, illustrations about space. Day: Games in the gym, jumping on two legs. Evening: Games in the construction corner. "Let's build a rocket"

T O R N I K 9.009.15 Cognitive development. FEMP. “Front, back, top and bottom,” Pomoraeva I.A., p. 39. Goal: to consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model. 9.259.40 Artistic and aesthetic development. Music. (according to the music director’s plan) place, leave order in the group. 6.Learning the poem “It’s so cool in space...”. Goal: to develop children's memory, emotionality and expressiveness in reading. Morning: Offer children geometric shapes “Make a rocket out of geometric shapes” Day: Offer puzzles Evening: Games in the music corner Morning 1 Morning gym.. Goal: increasing overall vitality and thereby ensuring immediate inclusion in daily activities. 2.KGN Repetition of table manners: sit at the table with clean and dry hands, eat with a spoon, use a napkin after eating. 3. Conversation “What professions are needed for a person to fly into space.” Goal: to develop dialogic speech; learn to listen carefully to the teacher’s speech; arouse interest.. 4. Finger exercise “Clouds”. Purpose: to stimulate tactile sensations. 5 Plot-role-playing game “Cosmonauts”. Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of an astronaut.. 6. Didactic game “The house in which we live.” Goal: expand children's understanding of the world around them. Know the house you live in, your neighbors, adults and children. Walk: Watching the sun. Goal: to introduce children to the phenomena of inanimate nature: changes occurring with the sun, with the concept of “length of day.” Didactic game. “Tender words” form nouns using diminutive suffixes. Game "Spring". The goal is to develop coordination of words with movements, to work on the tempo and rhythm of speech. Outdoor game "Burners". The goal is to teach how to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity and speed. Evening tone in children, as well as ensure the prevention of postural disorders and set the child in a positive mood in the emotional sphere for the rest of the day. 2. ChHL “How a boy became an astronaut” by L. Obukhov. Goal: to teach children to listen and understand the plot of the story. Answer the teacher’s questions.3. "Astronaut". Goal: to teach children to think logically and develop the ability to compare. 4. Conversation “Planets of the Solar System.” Goal: to introduce children to the planets. 5. Make riddles about space. Goal: development of speech, memory, logic. :1.Gymka after sleep. Goal: gentle awakening, muscle lifting

6.View the presentation “Space”. Goal: to give children an idea of ​​what space is. W E D A 9.009.15 Speech development. Speech development. ZKRzvukf. Gerbova, p. 72 Purpose: to teach children to clearly and correctly pronounce the isolated sound f and onomatopoeic words with this sound. 9.259.40 Physical development. Lesson No. 32, Penzulaeva, page 63. Goal: practice walking with a stop at the teacher’s signal; repeat crawling with objects: practice maintaining stable balance while walking on elevated support. between Morning 1. Morning exercise.. Goal: increasing overall vitality and thereby ensuring immediate inclusion in daily activities. 2.KGN continue to develop basic skills of behavior at the table, proper eating. 3.Conversation “Why you need to be neat and tidy.” Goal: to develop in children a sense of neatness in appearance. 4. Finger game: “We will fly in space.” Goal: development of fine motor skills of the fingers. 5. View the presentation “The first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin”. Goal: to give children knowledge about the first cosmonaut on planet Earth, Yu. Gagarin.. 6. P/i “Sun and Rain”. Goal: learn to hop on two legs, listen to the text and run away when given a signal. 7. Games. ex: “shoes quarreled and made up.” Goal: continue to learn how to put shoes on the right and left feet. .Walk: Watching the sky and clouds. Goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature. Clarify the concept of “cloud”. Didactic game. “What sky?” children look at the sky and describe it. The goal is to teach how to select relative adjectives. Outdoor game. "Bubble". Goal: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider or narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. Labor in nature. Collect natural materials. Individual physical exercises. Throw the ball up and catch it. Evening: 1. Gymka after sleep. Goal: soft awakening, raising muscle tone in children, as well as ensuring the prevention of postural disorders and setting the child up in a positive way in the emotional sphere for the rest of the day.2. Di. "Vice versa". Goal: to develop children's intelligence and speed. 3.CHHL: “Flight”. Goal: to promote the development of dialogical speech, listen and Morning: Looking at the album “Cosmonauts” Afternoon: Listening to audio recordings of the songs “Let’s paint all the planets”, “Clouds” Evening: Laying out cosmonauts from counting sticks

understand the question. Discussion of the story read. 4. Game situation “Help a friend.” Goal: the formation of positive personality traits based on specific situations of mutual assistance F E T V E R G 9.009.15 Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing. "Rockets are flying into space." Abstract. Goal: expand children's understanding of the world around them. 9.259.40 Artistic and aesthetic development. Music. (according to the plan of the music director) Morning 1. Morning exercise.. Goal: increasing overall vitality and thereby ensuring immediate inclusion in daily activities. 2.KGN to consolidate table manners skills: drink and chew food silently. 3. Conversation: “The Star Family of Sunny.” Goal: to introduce children to the planets. 4. Plot-role-playing game “Preparing for flight.” Goal: to form a relationship between children, develop a plot, and take on a certain role. 5. D/i “Finish the phrase.” Goal: to teach how to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case. “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. 6. P/i "Day and Night". Goals: develop the need for physical activity. 7.Labor. . "Maintaining order in the closet with toys and aids." Goal: continue to teach children to arrange toys and aids on their own, maintain order in closets. Walk: Watch the wind. Goal: to concretize and consolidate children’s knowledge about wind. Learn to determine the strength of the wind. Didactic game. “What wind?” children talk about the wind and describe it. Goal: to teach how to select relative adjectives. Outdoor game. "Aircraft". Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving. Labor in nature. Collect leaves scattered by the wind. Individual physical exercises Morning: Space coloring pages Afternoon: Exhibition of children's works Evening: Games in the theater corner

High jumps on the spot Evening: 1. Gymka after sleep. Goal: a gentle awakening, raising muscle tone in children, as well as ensuring the prevention of postural disorders and setting the child up in a positive way in the emotional sphere for the rest of the day. 2. Role-playing game “Barbershop”. Goal: to develop the ability to interact with each other, to develop the plot of the game. 3.CHL “What the telescope told us” by P. Klushantsev. Goal: to teach to show interest in reading, develop memory, and form knowledge through fiction. 4. Work in the corner of the book “Knizhkina Hospital”. Goal: to continue to instill in children a caring attitude toward books. 5. Individual work fixing parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night with Zhenya, Masha, Masha, Arina, etc. P I T N ITS A 9.009.15 Artistic and aesthetic Modeling/application. development. Abstract. Goal: to consolidate the ability to sculpt a person, convey the relationship between parts of the body and give them movement, and create an overall composition. "Astronaut". Physical development (at the site) Lesson No. 32, Penzulaeva, p. 63. Goal: exercise in walking with a stop on Morning 1. Morning exercise. Goal: increase overall vitality and thereby ensure immediate inclusion in daily activities. 2.KGN repetition of the rules of behavior at the table: do not sit at the table without putting away toys, without washing your hands, use a napkin, do not indulge in food, thank adults. 3. Situational conversation “Why you shouldn’t put dirty hands in your mouth.” Goal: instilling kgn 4. Finger game: “We are a space squad.” Goal: learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text. 5. D/i “Collect pictures.” Goal: learn to assemble a whole from 9 parts. 6..Board game “Blocks of Dienesh”. Goal: to develop attentiveness and memory. Walk: Bird watching in spring. Goals: to deepen knowledge about the life of birds in the spring. Labor activity. Clearing paths of snow.. Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve goals through joint efforts. Outdoor games “Catching birds on the fly” (Russian folk). Goals: to learn to act quickly on a signal; run without bumping into each other. "Hit the target." .Goal: practice throwing at a target, develop Morning: games with mosaics Afternoon: exhibition of children's works.

between repeat the teacher’s signal; crawling with objects: practice maintaining stable balance while walking on elevated support. agility. Evening: 1. Gymka after sleep. Goal: a gentle awakening, raising muscle tone in children, as well as ensuring the prevention of postural disorders and setting the child up in a positive way in the emotional sphere for the rest of the day. 2. Theatricalization of the river. n. fairy tales "Kolobok". Purpose: to evoke a desire to listen carefully, understand, and remember a fairy tale with cyclical content. Encourage them to take a role and act out a fairy tale. 3.Labor. Bringing order to the group. Goal: continue to teach children to rationally perform appropriate work actions. Encourage the desire to work, cultivate diligence. 4.ChHL “Why are the stars so beautiful” by P. Klushantseva. Purpose: to teach to show interest in reading, develop memory, and form knowledge through fiction. 5. Outdoor game “Bird in the nest”. Goal: imitate movements, enrich children's motor experience. Evening: offer children books about space. Complex of morning gymnastics No. 15 Complex of the outdoor educational institution “Guli Gulenki” The Gulenki flew to the children, The Gulenki sang a song to the children: - Little children, don’t be naughty, Little children, come over. Stand in a circle around us, Take a place in the circle. We will fly around you, we will play with you. 1. “Gulenki warm their wings in the sun” I. p.: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Hands forward; turn your palms up and down, say “hot.” Return to i. n. Maintain a stable position. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Gooligulenki are flying” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Swings: one hand forward, the other back, slightly springing the knees; after 3-4 hand movements - rest. Return to i. n. Accustom to large amplitude. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3-4 times. 3. “Little girls peck at the crumbs” I. p.: legs apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward, look down; move your arms back up, straighten up. Return to i. n. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5 times. 4. “Little girls are jumping and dancing” I. p.: legs slightly apart, arms down. Light bouncing and shaking of the hands. Repeat 3 times, alternating with walking after 6-8 movements. Breathing is voluntary. 5. “The little walkers flew away” I. p.: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Return to i. p., while exhaling, say “aaah.” Repeat 3-4 times. Low mobility game “Gulenki” Children form a circle with the teacher and hold hands. As the teacher reads the text of the poem, they dance in a circle to the right: Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki! Gulenki have arrived to us, Gulenki have arrived. They sat down near the cradle. (Everyone walks together in a circle in the opposite direction) They began to coo, not letting Vanya sleep. Oh, you ghouls, don’t coo, Let Vanechka sleep. (The children stop) The first ghoul says: “We need to feed him some porridge.” (Children imitate eating with a spoon) And the second one says: “You should tell Vanya to sleep.” (Children squat down, hands under cheeks) And the third ghoul says: “We should go for a walk.” (Children scatter around the playground, walk next to the teacher) Gymnastics after sleep No. 13 Little Kitty I part. On the beds: Wake up, my friend, and smile. - stretching Turn from side to side - turn to the right You will turn into a cat. - then to the left In the group: On the bench by the window, squatting, the cat lay down and dozed. hands under the cheek Pussy, open your eyes - stand up, hands up,

And start charging! hands up and down to the shoulders Our cat wanted to tilt left and right. Sharpen her claws a little. hands movement up and down the leg The cat will wave its tail, and the “spring” will smoothly straighten its back. - tilts forward and backward We are funny cats, - tilts right and left We'll jump a little - jumping in place One-two, one-two, - jumping in place We'll jump a little. - jumping in place Part II. Breathing exercises: - “The cat washes itself, wipes it with its paw” (water - 5 rubles) - deep breath, exhale - “s-s-s-s-s”, “wash” the face - “The cat is angry "(5r) - deep breath, exhale - “fir-fir-fir”, unclenching and squeezing the little fingers. III part. Path of health. Part IV Self-massage with rubber balls: - “the cat plays with a ball” - straight movements of the feet on the ball - “rolls the ball in a basket” - circular movements of the foot on the ball - “catches up with the ball” - movements of the toes on the mat to the ball, “hug” the ball toes

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten s. Dolgoye Veydelevsky district, Belgorod region




"Cosmonautics Day"

Gvozdenko Olesya Alexandrovna.

village Dolgoe

Problem : children do not know the holiday - Cosmonautics Day, about the first flight of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin into space. This project was created to solve this problem.
Justification of the problem:
1. Parents pay insufficient attention to Russian holidays, namely, Cosmonautics Day.
2. Children have no knowledge about space, the first person to fly into space, or the existence of a holiday in Russia - Cosmonautics Day.
Project type: cognitive and creative.
Project type : short.
Project participants : children of the 2nd junior group, teachers, parents.
Target: Introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, to space, to the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin
1. Give children knowledge about the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, about space, about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. Arouse interest in looking at illustrations about space. Teach activity and collectivism.
2. Activate auditory and visual analyzers, develop speech, imagination and thinking in children. Develop skills to interact with each other, encourage children to collaborate.
3. Cultivate respect for people working in space, discipline, and curiosity. Instill love and pride for your country. To develop in children the ability to listen to adults.
4. Activate the vocabulary: planet, space, constellation, rocket, spacesuit, moon, universe, astronaut.
Expected results:
1. Children’s interest in the topic of space, the manifestation of their cognitive activity.
2. Allow children to take the initiative on their own: in looking at illustrations, participating in conversations, discussions, constructing from building materials, construction sets, rockets according to their own ideas, and showing creativity and detail in their work.
3.They enjoy drawing, sculpting, and playing.
4. Participation in joint activities of parents, celebration of Cosmonautics Day.
Project activity product : Decoration of the group and locker room; exhibition of children's works "Space Travel"; travel folder for parents “Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.”
Project implementation:
1. Working with parents:
- consultation “Introducing a child to space”;
- folder – movement “Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day”
- conversation “What forms of work can be used to introduce children to space and the Cosmonautics Day holiday.”
- crafts and drawings made together with children “This amazing space”.
2. Working with children (see appendices):
1. Review of material on the topic “Space”;
2. Conversation “What kind of sky is it?”;
3. Application “Space travel”;
4. Reading poems, asking riddles on the theme “Space”;
5. Laying out rockets, stars, airplanes, and the sun from counting sticks (by overlapping);
6. Outdoor games: “Sun and Rain”, “Sunny Bunnies”;
7. Finger gymnastics “Clouds”, “The sun is shining”;
8. Role-playing game “Flight into space”;
9. Breathing exercises “Breeze”;
10. Physical education lesson “Rocket”;
11. Watching cartoons “Belka and Strelka”, “Luntik”, “Dunno on the Moon”.
12. Listening to the songs “Let’s paint all the planets” (Barbariki), “White-winged horses clouds.”
Result of the work:
1. Exhibition of works “This amazing space”
2. Collective work with children “Space travel”


Application "Space travel"

Tasks. Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Space Travel”. Teach children to make an image of a rocket from ready-made shapes (square, triangle, circles of different sizes). Strengthen the skill of gluing ready-made forms. Practice drawing with a sponge and palms. Create conditions for independent selection of materials and means of artistic expression. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate curiosity and confidence.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about space (postcards, photographs, teaching aids). Outdoor games “Sunshine and Rain”. Laying out a rocket from different objects (pencils, counting sticks, laces).

Finger gymnastics “Cosmonaut”.
The stars shine in the dark sky,
(Fingers clench and unclench)
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
(Palms clasped above head)
The day flies and the night flies
And he looks down at the ground.
He sees the fields from above,
(join fingers)
Mountains, rivers and seas.
(Hands spread to the sides)
He sees the whole globe,
The globe is our home.
(Palms over head “roof”).
Materials, tools, equipment.
A sheet of colored paper. Paper shapes - squares, triangles, circles, glue, cloth napkins. Visual material.
Contents of the lesson.
The teacher reads the poem “Rocket” to the children:
Pilot in a space rocket
looked at the Earth from above.
No one yet, no one in the world
I have never seen such beauty.
The teacher draws up an image of a rocket on the board using geometric shapes (body - squares, nose-triangle, etc.). Draws children's attention to the parts prepared for work. Children make applications.
Dynamic pause "Rocket"
And now we are with you, children,
(Stand on toes and lift)
We're flying away on a rocket.
(Up and stretch as high as possible)
Get up on your toes,
And then hands down.
(Gently lower your hands down).
One two Three! Stretch.
(Reach up).
Here's a rocket flying up!
(Run in place at a light jog.)
Then, if desired, comets and the sun are added.
After class.
Design of the exhibition “Space Travel”. Poem reading:

Conversation “What kind of sky is there?”

Tasks. To revive in children’s memory a holistic image of the sky, phenomena in the sky, to activate the emotional sphere of children and thereby make them want to participate in the conversation. Activation of all mental processes by asking children questions. Enrichment of vocabulary.
Progress of the conversation:
Children, every day we go outside and look at... (children's answers). Raising our heads up, we find out whether today is cloudy or clear, cloudy or rainy. What is heaven? (children's answers). Now listen to the poem:
Black, scarlet, blue, red
The sky is varied.
The morning, like the evening, is illuminated in red,
Black at night when the candles go out
Lamps, lanterns and lanterns,
You see the stars and the moon. Look.
Morning. And the sun sends rays,
Our sky is turning blue again.
The sky is a huge space above the earth. Sometimes it is expressed as the blue dome of the sky. The sky is all the space that we see above our heads. Tell me guys, what is the sky like? (children's answers).
During the day it is light, blue or dark blue. On clear days the sun shines in the sky. At night the sky darkens, becomes black, decorated with stars and a moon. Clouds float across the sky both day and night, but sometimes the sky is clear, clear, and cloudless. Clouds are a collection of tiny droplets of water or tiny pieces of ice (in the cold season, water vapor condensed in the atmosphere). There is always water vapor in the air.

What kind of sky is there?

Why is the sky black and gloomy? What is there in the sky? What do clouds look like?
There is nothing higher than the sky
There are clouds walking there.
The sky breathes a breath,
There are stars in the sky from afar,
Like beads flickering.
Decorating the sky,
And in the morning they disappear,
Dissolving like a dream.
Birds are flying freely in the sky,
Only they are given wings,
But sometimes people dream:
They fly above the ground.
To the right is the sky, to the left is the sky,
Well, you fly, fly:
Either it's true or it's fiction,
You won't be able to tell right away!
Like forget-me-not flowers -
Soft blue.
Sometimes, like cornflowers,
And sometimes, like the sea!
But there are days when,
Angry and dark
That's when it changes color -
He frowns and turns black.
At night - in the bright stars,
During the day - with the radiant sun!
With clouds, the color of snow...
What is this? This is... (Sky.)

Reading poems on the theme "Space".

There is one garden planet,
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,
It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here,
They look into the river in surprise...
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!
(Yakov Akim)

Solar system.
Meets solar storms first
Elusive, little Mercury.
The second, behind him, is Venus.
With a heavy, dense atmosphere.
And the third, the carousel spins,
Our earthly cradle.
Fourth – Mars, the rusty planet,
The red-orange one.
And then they rush, like a swarm of bees,
Asteroids in their orbit.
The fifth is Jupiter, very big.
It is clearly visible in the starry sky.
Sixth – Saturn, in luxurious rings,
Charming, under the rays of the sun.
Seventh - Uranus, lay down like a couch potato,
After all, his long path is difficult.
The eighth is Neptune, the fourth gas giant,
A dandy in a beautiful blue shirt.
Pluto, Charon, ninth in the system,
In the darkness, the duet while away the time.
(Yakov Akim.)

Shine on us, sunshine, shine...
It's easy to live with you!
And even a song along the way.
It sings itself.
Behind the clouds from us,
Don't go, don't!
And the forest, and the field, and the river
The warmth and sun are welcome.
- Shine on us, sunshine, shine on us,
Don't go behind the clouds!
In the bright sun, hedgehogs
The thorns grow faster
-The rumor was spread in vain,
That the sun disturbs us.
The frog occasionally croaks,
Loves to warm up too!
- Shine on us, sunshine, shine on us,
Waking up early in the morning.
While you are here, we will not fly away,
To the south, to foreign countries.
Yakov Akim.)

Travel on the Moon .
-By the lunar sea
Special secret -
It doesn't look like the sea.
The waters in this sea
Not a bit
And there are no fish either.
In the waves of it
Impossible to dive
You can't splash around in it,
You can't drown.
Swim in that sea
Convenient only for those
Who swim
He still can’t do it at all!
(Gianni Rodari.)

I asked my dad one day:
"Who is Yuri Gagarin?
He's probably very important
I don't know much about him..."
And dad then answered me:
"I'm glad you asked me about this,
He is a brave and courageous pilot,
He glorified the country throughout the world.
Gagarin was the first in the world
Who once flew into space?
To the boys on our planet
He gave me the dream of becoming an astronaut."
Now I'm proud to know
Who was Yuri Gagarin?
Ask me, I will answer you proudly:
He is an astronaut who was the first to reach the stars
I want to become an astronaut
Gagarin is an example to me.
He was the first to fly into space
Then in the USSR.
The whole world listened with excitement,
Isn't it a miracle for everyone?!
Flew into space for the first time
Soviet man!
Many years have passed since then.
We're used to it
What happened there to visit
Not alone anymore.
It's Cosmonautics Day here.
I want that too.
I just need to grow up
And I'll fly into space!!!
(Tatiana Shapiro.)

G. Sapgir
Spreading its fiery tail,
A comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Wonderful news
Heavenly news!
Rushing at wild speeds,
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the Earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I was flying away from the Earth,
Ships were flying after me!
G. Sapgir)
What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And also add,
What's more, it's always
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!
Rimma Aldonina)
What a luxurious wonder!
Almost occupying half the world,
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers above the Earth.
And I want to think:
- Where
Has a bright miracle come to us?
And I want to cry when
It will fly away without a trace.
And they tell us:
- It's ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
It doesn’t matter, a Miracle is coming to us,
And Miracle is always wonderful!
(G. Sapgir)

Riddles about space.

There is a special pipe
The Universe is visible in it,
See the stars Kaleidoscope
Astronomers in... (telescope)

There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to Earth to everyone.
Like a lonely mysterious traveler,
An artificial one flies in orbit... (satellite)

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows: both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.

Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.
The yellow plate gives everyone warmth.

At the door, at the window
There won't be any knocking
And it will rise
And it will wake everyone up.

At Grandma's over the hut
A piece of bread is hanging.
The dogs bark and they can’t get it.

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,
Rushing among the bright stars in the void
She is not a star, not a planet, the Mystery of the Universe - ... (comet)

Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep, She has no time for sleep,
There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

Laying out counting sticks and matches.

Outdoor games

"Sun and Rain"
1.Goal: To develop the ability of children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, and to quickly respond to a signal.
How to play: Children sit on chairs. When the teacher says sunny - everyone is walking, playing, it’s raining - they quickly run to their seats.
Rain, rain, more fun,
Drip, don’t spare a drop,
Just don't kill us,
Don't knock on the window in vain!

"Sunny bunnies"
Goal: Learn to perform various movements, develop visual sensations, and form ideas about light and darkness.
Material: mirror.
Progress of the game: Having chosen the moment when the sun looks through the window, catch a ray with the help of a mirror and draw the kids’ attention to how the sunbeam is jumping on the wall, ceiling, chairs. Offer to touch the light spot - catch a sunbeam.
Sunny bunnies,
Jumping on the wall
Sunny bunnies,
They gallop in silence.
A bright ray of sunshine
He let the bunnies in.
Girls and boys
The ray woke me up.

Finger gymnastics

"The sun is shining"
Goal: To develop correlative movements of the hands, fine motor skills of the fingers, to learn how to unfasten and fasten clothespins.
Materials: Yellow circle (double-sided), thick cardboard with a diameter of 15 cm, clothespins.
Progress of the game. Start the game with the story: “Look out the window: you see how bright the sun is shining. Let's make the same sun. We will turn this circle (shows) into a sun. We will give him some rays." Show the children how to attach the clothespins to the edges of the circle. Pay attention to the fact that you need to press the ends of the clothespin with two fingers at the same time. Then invite the children to “remove” the rays. (“Now the sun is not shining brightly”).
We intertwined our fingers
And they stretched out their arms.
Well, now we are from the Earth.
We push away the clouds.
Exercises are performed standing. Children interlace their fingers, extend their arms with their palms forward, and then raise them up and stretch as high as possible.

Role-playing game.

"A space flight"

Goal: To give children knowledge about the work of astronauts, about space flights; cultivate curiosity, the desire to be like astronauts; activation of the dictionary. Forming the ability to perform, with the help of an adult, several game actions combined by a plot episode.
Game material: building material, toys, game attributes, illustrations.
Progress of the game: To develop interest in the game with children, we look at the illustrations “Cosmonauts” in encyclopedias, books, talk with them about space professions, about the qualities that an astronaut should have. We discuss with children the characteristics of people - astronauts. The ship's commander, calm and confident, reports to Earth about the results of observations in space; The dispatcher receives information from space and transmits it to the ship. “Flight into space” may include the following moments: training of astronauts, examination by a doctor, boarding a rocket, launch of a spacecraft, work in space, messages from on board the spacecraft, flight control from Earth, landing, meeting on Earth, medical examination, rest of the astronauts after the flight , submission of a report on the passage and completion of the space flight.
Then invite the children to build a rocket from building material.
When constructing a rocket structure, he identifies its parts, the nose, hatches, compartments,
portholes, control panel. First, the teacher takes on the role of an astronaut, then invites the children (ship commander, cosmonaut). Encourage children's desire to independently select toys and attributes for acting out, using substitute objects.

Breathing exercises


Training the skill of correct nasal breathing; formation of deep exhalation. The teacher demonstrates the correct execution of the exercise: inhale through your nose, purse your lips and blow for a long time, like a breeze. Make sure your mouth is closed when inhaling. Repeat 4-5 times.

Physical education lesson “Rocket”


One-two, there's a rocket.
(child raises his hands up)
Three or four, take off soon.
(spreads his arms to the sides)
To reach the sun
(circle with hands)
Astronauts need a year.
(takes hands to cheeks, shakes head)
But dear we are not afraid
(arms to the sides, body tilts left and right)
Each of us is an athlete
(bends his elbows)
Flying over the earth
(spreads his arms to the sides)
Let's say hello to her.
(raises his hands up and waves)

Consultation for parents “Introducing a child to space.”

Space is a huge space without end and edge that surrounds our planet. Stars move in this space, planets revolve around them, comets and meteors fly.
Earth is the planet on which we live. From space it looks like a beautiful blue ball (look at the globe or illustrations of planets with your children). Most of the Earth is covered by the blue water of vast oceans. White spots are clouds, snow and ice. The land is huge expanses of green-brown color, spaces covered with stone and soil.
Earth is the only habitable planet we know of. People, plants and animals can live on Earth because it is neither too hot nor too cold. On Earth there is water to drink and air to breathe. They are necessary for all living organisms.
Planet Earth, along with other planets, comets, asteroids, and meteorite matter, is part of the Solar System, which in turn is part of a huge star system - the Galaxy. The solar system is formed by nine large planets with satellites and a single star - the Sun, around which all the bodies of the system revolve.
“Why does the moon turn into a month?”
The appearance of the Moon changes every day. At first it looks like a narrow sickle, then it gets fuller and after a few days it becomes round. After a few more days, the full Moon gradually becomes smaller and smaller and again becomes like a crescent. The crescent moon is often called the month. If the crescent moon is turned to the left, like the letter “C,” then they say that the moon is “aging” and soon disappears completely. This phase of the moon is called the “new moon”. Then gradually the Moon turns from a narrow crescent turned to the right into a full one again. Before becoming full, it “grows”. To explain the fact that the Moon is so different and gradually changes from a barely noticeable “sickle” to a round bright beauty, you can turn to the model with a globe. To do this, you will need a globe, some kind of light source, for example, a candle and a small ball - “Moon”. Show the children how the Moon revolves around the Earth and what happens to lighting and how it affects the appearance of the Moon. Revolving around the Earth, the Moon turns towards it with a completely illuminated surface, sometimes partially illuminated, sometimes dark. That is why the appearance of the Moon continuously changes throughout the month (examination of illustrations depicting the moon, month).
A satellite close to the planet,
Shines with reflected light.
Now it’s like a month, now it’s round,
Gives us little warmth.
It pulls water behind it.
In the oceans from the sky,
And so the water
Moves back and forth
There are ebbs and flows.
And she's beautiful too
If everything is illuminated -
There is a full moon in the sky.
"Planets and Stars".
Our Earth is a huge ball. Everything that surrounds our Earth, including the planet itself, is called the Universe, or space. Space is very large, and no matter how much we fly in a rocket, we will never be able to reach its edge. In addition to our Earth, there are other planets: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto. In addition to planets, there are stars.
Stars are huge glowing balls of fire. The Sun is also a star, it is a hot ball of gas, a source of light, heat and life in the Solar System. It is located close to the Earth, so we see its light and feel its heat. There are stars many times larger and hotter than the Sun, but they shine so far from the Earth that they appear to us as just small dots in the night sky. In order for the child to understand this phenomenon, you can compare the light of a flashlight during the day and in the evening in the dark. During the day, in bright light, the flashlight beam is almost invisible, but it shines brightly in the evening. The light of the stars is similar to the light of a lantern: during the day it is eclipsed by the Sun (observing the sun and stars on the street while walking with a child). Therefore, stars can only be seen at night. Sing the song “Sunshine” with your baby:
This is how the sun rises -
Higher, higher, higher!
(Children slowly raise their lowered hands and stand on their toes.)
By night the sun will go down -
Below, below, below.
(Children slowly lower their hands.)
Good good
The sun laughs.
And under the sun for everyone
It's fun to sing.
(Children dance freely.)
You can play the game “Sunny Bunnies” using a mirror. And also an outdoor game with elements of finger gymnastics “Sun and Rain”:
Sun in the sky
Shines merrily.
Shines merrily
Keeps the kids warm.
(Children raise their arms and wave their open palms from side to side.)
It's raining a little,
Wet the paths.
Drip, drip, drip, drip.
(Children tap their fingers on their palms.)
Wet the paths.
(Lightly shake hands.)
Rain, don't scare us,
(They shake their finger.)
You, rain, catch up with us!
(They run in all directions.)
So, speaking about the development of children’s cognitive activity, namely on the topic “Space,” L.S. Vygotsky noted that in the absence of knowledge, questions do not arise. Consequently, the questions asked by children reflect their level of awareness in a particular area of ​​knowledge and allow us to identify the zone of proximal development.

"Let's fly into space"