
How to choose a wedding date: which months are best to get married? Wedding in July omens If a wedding in July omens


Hot sun, bright sky, lush greenery and a riot of colors - that's what July is all about. And how can you refuse a July wedding, if this month everything around you is more than ever filled with beauty, romance and positive emotions?!

But when planning a beautiful celebration, the portal advises paying attention to the signs and advice of the stars in choosing your ideal date. Finding out favorable days for a wedding will never be superfluous even for inveterate skeptics.

Marriage in July: signs and favorable dates

If you believe in omens, a wedding in July promises the couple a prosperous life. However, love can fade over time, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to rekindle the smoldering ember of feelings.

Wedding in July and folk beliefs:

  • Rain with a thunderstorm - to financial well-being in the family.
  • Signing after dinner means family happiness for many years.
  • Starting a family in July means a “striped” life. However, alternating black and white stripes will only help the couple get to know each other better and strengthen their relationship.
  • It is a good sign to accidentally lose something on the day of the celebration.
  • Before the wedding, the bride should have a good cry. The ancestors believed that this way the girl could cry all her tears so that there would be no place for them in her future married life.

Yes, astrologers advise avoid registering marriage in July on the days of lunar eclipses (as well as three days before and after), on days when the Moon is in the constellation Aries or Taurus, as well as during the period of new moons and full moons. The best time is the waxing moon phase. You can find out what phase the Moon is in on the day you are interested in using the lunar calendar, which is updated every year.

If we talk about dates, July is considered a good sign to get married 8th, Saints Peter and Fevronya Day. However, it will not be possible to get married on this day, because... There is a fast until the 12th. Also note the following wedding dates in July: July 13, 17-23. Astrologers say that it is on these days that lovers will be able to create strong and happy families. But don’t forget that family happiness primarily depends on you!

Marriage registration in July: ideas for the holiday

Have you decided on the date? It's time to choose the right ideas for a summer wedding. And, fortunately, there are plenty of them! Share in the comments what you choose!

Ideas for registering a marriage in July:

If you decide to get married in July, then make it as bright and rich as possible! It is unforgivable to do a holiday on a hot summer day according to all the boring traditions. Don't be afraid to surprise and fascinate with your ideas!

Where to go on a honeymoon in July

Despite the fact that in July you can bask in the sun even in our latitudes, newlyweds tend to go on their honeymoon somewhere new and unfamiliar. And it is right! When, if not on your first marital vacation, should you go to heaven for new emotions?

Where to honeymoon in July:

  • Indonesian Islands,
  • island of Malta,
  • Greece,
  • Spain,
  • Italy,
  • Portugal,
  • Tunisia,
  • Finland,
  • Brazil,
  • Mexico,
  • Chile,
  • Peru.

In any place you can organize a symbolic wedding ceremony or even get married among colorful landscapes. The portal is sure that you will more than once remember the exciting emotions that will overcome you when you again agree to connect your life with your loved one, exchanging vows, but already on the shore of an endless sea or ocean under the quiet whisper of soft waves.

Useful tips

A wedding or the birth of a family is no less important an event than the birth of a person. It depends, so to speak, on what day and hour this happened."character" of the family itself , relationships in it, fertility, duration of marriage and much more.

But unlike the time of birth of a person, which we almost cannot choose, the date for the official registration of the newlyweds can be chosen so that the family turns out to be as harmonious as possible. A wedding ceremony is something for which we can choose a date using simple astrological techniques.

The lunar calendar is based on the position of the Moon relative to the zodiac signs and other planets. But to choose the best time, the Moon alone is sometimes completely insufficient. In this lunar calendar we will also take into account the position of the two gender planets – Mars and Venus. When choosing the date of painting, they also play an important role.

The position of Venus should be especially taken into account when choosing a date. In this lunar calendar we will also indicate the periods when Venus will be strong or weak.


  • The birth of a family or marriage begins from the moment the newlyweds put their signatures in the registration book and the registry office employee declares them husband and wife. It is this time that is important to consider. In this calendar we indicate the most favorable time for this moment, but the holiday itself, banquet, photo shoots, etc. You can plan for a completely different time.
  • Wedding time It’s not so important if you register your marriage at the registry office, so you choose the date for the wedding according to the church calendar, but it’s better to choose the registration based on the astrological calendar.
  • The most accurate dates for marriage registration are selected purely individually, based on the personal cards of the newlyweds.
  • There is no perfect date, there may always be certain factors that in some way prevent you from finding the ideal time. Therefore, the choice goes in favor of more positive factors.

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Lucky days in 2018 for a wedding:

In 2018, the best time to get married is first half of the year. During these periods, the planet of love and relationships, Venus, will fall into the most successful signs of the Zodiac - Pisces and Taurus, which will undoubtedly be a big plus for an event such as a wedding. Although every month will have more or less successful days for painting, the following periods are the best times to plan a trip to the registry office:

  • February 27 - March 7, 2018;
  • April 1 – April 24, 2018;
  • August 14-31, 2018.

Read the month descriptions below for details.

Unlucky days in 2018 for a wedding:

Not the best periods for marriage - from September 7 to December 23 2018 (except for a few days in November). Almost the entire fall and December will not be the best for marriage. These days Venus will do many unfavorable aspects, and will also become retrograde from October 5 to November 16, 2017.

Venus retrograde for marriage– an extremely negative factor, since the relationship between partners in such a marriage can change greatly over time, not for the best. Hasty marriages are especially dangerous at this time.

When Venus is retrograde, feelings are perceived somewhat distorted, and what seems to be a light and bright feeling is in a fairly short time can turn into disappointment. In marriages that began with Venus retrograde, after some time you can hear: “Where was I looking? Why didn’t you notice it before?” Unfortunately, such marriages most often fall apart.

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What marriages are acceptable during Venus retrograde?

  • Repeated marriages (with the same partners);
  • Marriages of partners after breakup and reunion.

However, even if such marriages are permissible, it is better not to risk it and still go to the registry office in better time, if possible.

Also unfavorable days for registering a marriage are days near eclipses:

  • From January 28 to February 4, 2018;
  • From February 13 to February 20, 2018;
  • From July 12 to July 15, 2018;
  • From 8 to 13 August 2018.

To choose a wedding date, you should first look at the church wedding calendar, since weddings, as you know, are held on certain days and are excluded during periods of fasting and holidays.

Read also:

Church wedding calendar 2018

(days on which weddings are permissible are marked in pink)


: No

: 1, 8, 13-17, 28-31 January 2018

Marriage in January should be concluded only as a last resort, and it is better to postpone it completely. remember, that Venus will be in the heart of the Sun approximately from January 8 22:00 to January 10 14:00 2018 . On these same days, it will be charged with the powerful energy of Pluto.

Compound Sun+Venus+Pluto January 8-10, 2018 can have a profound impact on the nature of the relationship in such a marriage. They will be explosive, passionate, intuitive, but whether they will last is a moot point. However, such a marriage can be based on love and respect, because Venus will be well aspected by the union of Mars and Jupiter.

January 31, 2018another thing will happen total lunar eclipse, so the last days of the month are January 28-31, 2018- not very successful.

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Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 1-4, 7, 13-20, 23-25 ​​February 2018

From 1 to 4 February 2018– a bad time for marriage, as these days are near an eclipse. Plus, Venus will be in an unfavorable aspect with Jupiter at this time. It may attract quarrels in marriage over money.

A negative aspect of Venus with Mars will make days February 23-25, 2018- not the most successful for a wedding, since such a marriage can be spoiled by the incompatibility of partners in sexually.

WITH February 11, 2018 Venus will move into the sign of Pisces - very favorable for marriage, since it is very strong in this sign. But it's best to choose for marriage February 27 and 28, 2018 when Venus will tend to favorable aspect with Jupiter, and the Moon will be located in the sign of Leo.

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Calendar of favorable days for a wedding

MARCH 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable wedding days : No

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 8-13, 16, 17, 24, 31 March 2018

VENUS: in token of e Pisces ( before March 7 201 8 ) , in the sign Aries (from March 7 to March 31, 2018), in the sign (March 31, 2018)

MARS: in the sign Sagittarius ( until March 17 201 8 ) , in the sign Capricorn ( With March 17 201 8 )

March is the month of fasting, so weddings are not being held now. But if you would still like to go to the registry office in March 2018, it is better to choose either the first day of the month, or March 20, 21, 2018.

It is better to schedule a wedding on March 1, 2018 after 9 am, since when Moon without course It is better not to hold such events. At this time, the Moon will have time to move into the sign of Virgo (not the most successful for a love marriage, unless it is a marriage with a widower), but Venus will approach very good aspect with Jupiter.

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Having passed into the fire sign of Aries, Venus will be narrower March 13, 2018 afflicted by malefic Saturn. From 8 to 13 March 2018– an extremely bad time for marriage, especially on the day March 13 2018 . Marriages that take place on this day will fail very quickly, and the partners may remain so offended that they will not be able to come to their senses for a long time.

In general, Venus in the sign of Aries is extremely unlucky for marriage, since this is the place of her exile. In this situation, people often go to rash acts in a relationship, so marriage can happen quite quickly, and there will be little use. If you are still sure that you want this wedding, choose March 20 or 21 2018 , when Venus will not be affected by Saturn, and the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. However, remember that a marriage concluded these days can bring surprises.

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APRIL 2018

The best days for a wedding : 4 (after 10:00), 5, 12, 13 (before 14:30), 17 (after 11:00), April 23, 2018

Acceptable days for a wedding : other days, except unfavorable ones.

Acceptable wedding days : April 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 8, 14-16, 22, 29 April 2018

VENUS: in the sign (until April 24, 2018), in the sign Gemini (from April 24, 2018)

MARS: in the sign Capricorn

This month the Catholic and Orthodox churches celebrate a great holiday Easter respectively April 1 and 8, 2018. Weddings will begin with April 15, 2018- the first Sunday after the holiday (Red Hill). But how good is this day according to the lunar calendar? Unfortunately, this is the very end of the lunar month, 29 lunar day, so a visit to the registry office highly undesirable.

Read also : DIY wedding crafts and decorations

Venus more than 3 weeks will be in the sign of Taurus, which is very favorable for wedding ceremonies. If you do not depend on the church calendar and do not plan to get married on the day of the painting, you can sign 4 (after 10:00), 5, 12, 13 (before 14:30), 17 (after 11:00), April 23, 2018. The position of the Moon these days is more or less favorable for marriage, and Venus will still be in the sign of Taurus.

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April 23, 2018 is a pretty good day for registering at the registry office and weddings are also allowed on this day, although it is Monday, the lunar calendar also advises choosing it. Remember that you can have a banquet on any convenient day, but it is better to plan the painting at the registry office on favorable time! On this day the Moon will be in the sign of Leo.

ATTENTION! Until April 15 2018 Mercury will be retrograde, so you should be very careful when preparing any documents! Carefully check the documents and any papers you sign. Draw up and sign marriage contracts until April 18, 2018 highly undesirable.

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Lunar wedding calendar 2018

MAY 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 2 (after 14:00), 3, 9, 16, 20, 27, 28, 30 (before 10:00) May 2018

Engagement : No

Acceptable wedding days : 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25 May 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 24, 25, 29 May 2018

JUNE 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 1, 7 (until 9:30), 11, 16 (from 10:30), 26, 29 June 2017

Acceptable wedding days : No

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 6, 13, 18-25, 27, 28 June 2018

Wedding day according to the church calendar

JULY 2018

The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 3, 4 (until 12:30), 8, 10, 21, 22 (until 12:00), 26 (until 16:30) July 2018

Acceptable wedding days : July 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 6, 12-15, 20, 23, 24, 27-30 July 2018

July 21 and 22, 2018Venus comes into a favorable aspect with Jupiter, which significantly increases the chances successful marriage during these days. But already July 24, 2018 she will be in opposition to Neptune, which can attract deception and disappointment in marriage.

A very bad day - July 27, 2018. Besides the fact that on this day there will be a lunar eclipse so the Sun will also be in very unfavorable aspects with Mars and Uranus. Such a marriage will fail very quickly, and with very unpleasant consequences! It's better not to take risks!

Mercury retrograde from July 26, 2018! Be careful with the preparation of any documents, and it is better not to sign marriage contracts at the end of the month!

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The best days for a wedding : 14 (from 08:00), 28 (from 09:00 to 17:00), 31 (from 10:00) August 2018

Acceptable wedding days : 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 29, 31 August 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 4, 8-13, 18, 26 August 2018

The best days for a wedding in 2018


The best days for a wedding : No

Acceptable days for a wedding : 3 (from 08:00 to 13:00), 14 (to 12:00), 15, 18 (from 12:00), 19 (to 20:00), 22 (from 16:00), September 23, 2018

Acceptable wedding days : 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 28, 30 September 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 2, 4-9, 16, 24 September 2018

ATTENTION! Marriages concluded from September 9 to 12 can bring many unpleasant surprises. They will be full of jealousy and suspicion and are more likely to end up unhappy and a failure!

September 23 and 24 are more successful days than the rest, since the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, which is very favorable for marriage. This is especially successful for a love marriage and will help to ensure that love lasts longer in the marriage, although Venus in Scorpio does not promise that partners will always trust each other and will not be jealous.

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The best days for a wedding : No.

Engagement : No.

Acceptable wedding days : 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31 October 2018

Extremely unfavorable days for registering a marriage : 1-11, 16, 24, 31 October 2018

VENUS: in the sign Scorpion (until October 31, 2018), in the sign of Libra (October 31, 2018)

MARS: in the sign Aquarius

If you are planning a wedding in July 2018, then you need to submit an application in advance. The fact is that mid-summer is the most popular and sought-after time among future newlyweds. It is in July that the weather is the most predictable, there is an opportunity to hold an on-site registration and celebration in nature, there is an opportunity to go to celebrate a holiday on the beach, or have a party in the pool right in formal attire. Why not throw a fun foam party for your guests? But, of course, the guests themselves should know about this decision of the newlyweds in advance. To at least be able to prepare myself a change of clothes.

But what do the stars advise? How favorable is July? What did our ancestors think about this? There are many conflicting opinions on this matter. So, the newlyweds decided to celebrate their wedding in the middle of summer.

If the newlyweds have chosen July, the wedding date must be determined in advance. What did they think about the top of summer in the old days? Summer was not a particularly popular time for weddings among our ancestors. But, if the guy and the girl really insisted on marriage, their wishes could be listened to. There were reasons for this. On the night of Ivan Kupala, girls launched wreaths with candles along the river, and the guys had a great opportunity to catch the flowers of the girl they liked and get married in the same month. Couples in love jumped over the fire in the hope that they would stay together forever. And the now favorite date, July 8 - the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, was held in high esteem by our ancestors. It was believed that only July marriages, played out of mutual love, could be lasting.

It is not surprising that in the old days, weddings in July were not particularly held in high esteem. Of course, at this time fruits and vegetables were already appearing, and in July due to the heat there were days of rest, but still autumn was richer in this regard. But that's not the only reason summer weddings have been unloved. At this time, it was just the height of field work, and someone had to drive the cattle to graze, and it was necessary to start thinking about making hay for the cold season... What if the family had many children, and small ones at that? They had to be watched. And family members who came from field work had to be met: they had to prepare food, clean the house, take laundry to the river to wash... There was more work in the summer than at any other time of the year. And therefore, the girl’s desire to get married, and therefore to deprive the family of extra workers at the most crucial time, could not please the bride’s parents. But the family she visited was very positive about it. For them this was just a big plus. Another working hand appeared, which was very useful in the middle of summer. However, if a guy and a girl decided that they would have a wedding in July, the signs predicted a strong marriage.

How lucky is July? For believers, this is a suitable period for a wedding. Petrov or Apostolic Fast occurs only on the first days of the month. The moon predicts successful days in 2018 in the second half of the month. As for signs, rain on the day of marriage promises a quick acquisition of wealth for the newlyweds. It is believed that if an item is lost on the wedding day, there is no need to look for it. The spirits took him, and in return they will give him happiness and prosperity. The bride should have a good cry on her wedding day. This also promises a happy life.

What do astrologers think? A wedding in July 2018 is successful if it takes place on these days: 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30.

If the newlyweds decide to get married in 2019, you should pay attention to these numbers: 15, 20 and 23.

Of course, like any month of the year, July has not only positive, but also negative sides.

Pros of getting married in July:
  • The weather is more predictable than in any other month. Even if it rains, July will most likely still be warm.
  • You can conduct registration and celebration outdoors.
  • You can have a beach party, a pool party, a foam party.
  • In July, a photo shoot can be held in a park, outdoors, on the beach... Anywhere!
  • Wide choice in terms of topics.
  • Possibility to choose light outfits.

Disadvantages of a July wedding:
  • Vacations. Not all guests will be able to come to the wedding.
  • Heat. Someone might feel bad.
  • Great popularity in July. Registration must be done several months before the event.
  • Restaurants are very full.

But still, July is a wonderful month. The very time when summer is in full bloom. So, if young people love each other, they should believe the best signs. And favorable days for a wedding in July will be from the first to the last for them.

One of the most important, expensive and main days in the life of every person is the day of the wedding celebration. Every bride wants to become the most beautiful and happiest, and for this reason she is sometimes very worried about the signs and superstitions that still exist in everyday life. Therefore, new brides often make themselves faint because of the fear of doing something wrong.

After all, if you make a mistake, you will have to pay for it for a long time with well-being in your family life. According to signs, the month of the wedding and the day of the week greatly influence the future life of the newlyweds.

But oddly enough, many newlyweds simply forget that the most important thing is the correct month and date for the celebration. Often it depends on them how happy the couple will be next to each other, whether they can expect a rich life or one full of worries and worries.

Regarding the folk signs for the celebration by month, everything is very precise here. Prediction is the same for any couple, regardless of when the guy and girl were born. Each couple can decide for themselves exactly how to choose the date for the upcoming celebration, focusing on climatic conditions and weather, signs or personal tastes.

  • The first month of winter - January- occasionally enjoys the love of the newlyweds. Constant holidays and significant frosts make January the least favorite month for a wedding in the whole year. And in popular belief, it is believed that a couple who formalized their marriage in the first winter month will have a hard time, and the spouse can quickly become a widow.
  • If you believe popular views on wedding timing, then in winter it is recommended to get married in February, as he promises a long and strong life together.
  • But the newlyweds who signed the March, destined to live life in a foreign land.
  • Weddings in youth April promise the couple variety, joys and sorrows.
  • If you celebrate your wedding in May, they say that the couple will have to suffer all their lives.
  • June– a very happy month for creating a marriage, it will give the marriage sweetness and passion.
  • July not that successful. If you believe the signs, then a family born this month will not be happy.
  • To remain devoted friends, and not just lovers, you should get married in August.
  • Will give a calm and harmonious family life September.
  • October promises the couple many problems and inconsistencies along the way.
  • Wealth, prosperity and profit will give new families November celebration.
  • And for those who are very sensitive to their feelings, and not to money, it is better to play a triumph in December.

By day of the week

It must be remembered that previously there were some days on which the celebration was simply not customary to celebrate.

Weddings were strictly not celebrated on the thirteenth of any month. In ancient times, they generally tried not to celebrate anything on such dates, since they believed that the devil might come to witness.

  • Monday denoted wealth.
  • Tuesday- good health.
  • Wednesday promised success in all endeavors.
  • Thursday promised heavy losses.
  • Friday– frequent deaths in the environment.
  • Saturday- not a good day.

Signs of astrologers

Based on the opinions of professional astrologers, in order for the marriage to be strong and durable, and the passion between spouses to only flare up more strongly over the years, it is necessary to get married on the fourth, fifth, seventh, tenth or eleventh month from the date of your birth. So, if a person was born in January, it is better for him to get married in May or August.

If the couple believes the astrological moments for the wedding, by month they can simply calculate the best date for the celebration, using their own birth dates.

For example, for a groom who was born in February and a bride who was born in early autumn, the best months will be June or December.

In addition, having an astrological calendar, you can easily identify the months when Venus will be strong. This planet is the patroness of lovers, so it will help newlyweds find happiness.

Ancient signs

  • in January - grief and death;
  • February - agreement and harmony;
  • March - living in another country or in a new place;
  • in April - unstable happiness, successes and troubles together;
  • May - you can suffer all your life, and also witness betrayal in your home (before the celebration, parents must kiss the groom three times so that the omen does not come true);
  • June - the honeymoon with passion will last a lifetime and love will be just as strong;
  • in July - often signified grief and even regret about what had been done;
  • in August - the husband will be both beloved and friend;
  • in September - it will give peace and quiet;
  • in October - a busy life, but happiness will be a rare glimpse;
  • November - promises a very luxurious life;
  • December - every year love will become stronger and brighter;
  • spring wedding - carefree fate;
  • summer - care and tenderness in the family;
  • autumn - reliability and stability;
  • Leap year is a bad option;
  • celebration during Maslenitsa - the life of the young will go like clockwork;
  • wedding during Krasnaya Gorka (the first day after Easter week) - the family will become happy, well-fed and have rich offspring;
  • wedding on the holiday of Ivan Kupala - great wealth;
  • wedding on Thekla Zarevnitsa Day - a good celebration and strong feelings;
  • an ideal day for a wedding - a wedding on Intercession - true happiness;
  • wedding on the first day of the week - to a rich life;
  • in the second - to good health;
  • the fourth day of the week - to frequent difficulties;
  • Wednesday and Friday are very unlucky days for a wedding celebration;
  • a wedding celebrated on the 7th or 12th - to reliability and fidelity;
  • happy and joyful numbers for the holiday - 3, 5, 7, 9;
  • have a wedding on an even number - a baby will be born, an odd number - a baby will be born;
  • a wedding in the afternoon is a sign of great luck.

A wedding is a wonderful thing, and if you're planning such an important event, you're probably wondering about choosing the perfect date. Many couples get married in the summer season, and lovers especially often choose July. Will such a month bring happiness in family life? There are many superstitions and signs associated with it that are definitely worth learning about.

July has always been considered a pretty good month for weddings. Firstly, it became the peak of summer and was the hottest. Likewise, the relationship between young people who tied the knot during this period should be passionate and full of warm feelings.

Another belief says that if lovers got married in July, then they will have to work on their relationship and make efforts to create a truly strong family. This belief is most likely due to the fact that the second month of summer always marked the peak of the harvest. The people worked in the fields and gardens to provide themselves with food for the coming year. Likewise, each spouse must contribute to the common treasury of the family’s well-being and happiness.

Old people promised those getting married in July a sweet and sour life, because at this time a variety of sour and sweet berries ripen. There will be both fun and troubles. And if living in happiness is easy and interesting, then unpleasant moments will cause trouble, make you worry or be sad. But the couple will survive the dark periods if mutual support, care and sincere love reign in it.

Since July is rich in harvest, the union of the young must certainly be fruitful. The spouses will soon have offspring, and will also be able to start a common business that will bear fruit. In addition, the family expects profit, prosperity and prosperity.

What signs should you believe in?

If the wedding is planned for July, then the following signs are relevant this month:

  • Precipitation in the middle of summer is an infrequent occurrence, but if it rains during a wedding celebration, this will be a very good sign, promising financial well-being for the future spouses.
  • In addition, the downpour symbolizes tears: and since the sky will shed them, the bride will not cry, and her life with her husband will become happy and carefree.
  • A thunderstorm accompanying heavy rain is also considered a good sign in July, promising prosperity: the family will not need anything in the future.
  • If the wind picks up on your wedding day, it can make life together windy and fickle. But this does not necessarily promise betrayal and instability: some changes can only be for the better if you approach them philosophically or calmly. But the husband and wife will definitely not get bored with each other.
  • A hurricane or storm that suddenly overtakes the newlyweds on the most important day for them can signify future troubles, problems and vicissitudes on their joint path. But if lovers maintain composure, do not succumb to panic and are able to support each other, then through joint efforts they will overcome everything and only strengthen the union.
  • If the young couple are overtaken by insects, then you shouldn’t be afraid: such a sign will be exclusively positive and will bring money to the couple.

What are the best dates to plan a wedding in July?

Some lovers are sensitive and responsible when choosing not only a month, but also a specific date. This is logical: the day will be one of the most important, marking the birth of a new family and the union of two loving hearts. When choosing a suitable date for marriage, you can be guided by different rules, and the main principles are discussed in detail below.

Church traditions

The clergy have their own opinion about weddings in July, dictated by Orthodox canons. The main principle is determined by the ban on any celebrations during fasting and major church holidays.

In July, the Petrov (Apostolic) fast, which began in June, continues, which ends every year on the same date - the twelfth of July. And until this day, it is strongly not recommended to organize weddings with feasts.

On July 8th, a major Orthodox holiday is celebrated annually - the day of Fevronya and Peter, famous for their invincible love and patronizing all lovers. This holiday also became an all-Russian calendar holiday, receiving the name Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Many lovers choose this day for their weddings. On the one hand, the date is special: the saints themselves bestow sincere feelings on the young people. On the other hand, the Apostolic Fast has not yet been completed, which imposes a ban on celebrations. You definitely won’t be able to get married on such a day, but you will be able to register your marriage at the registry office (if there is no day off).

Starting from the 13th of July, that is, after the end of Peter's fast, you can choose any dates for your wedding. But if you are planning to get married, then it is worth remembering that the most successful days of the week for such a sacrament are Fridays and Sundays. In the coming year 2020, these will be the 17th, 19th, 24th, 26th and 31st. Churches do not have weddings on Saturdays, Thursdays and Tuesdays.

Good to know! Another successful day for creating strong unions is the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which falls on July 21st. Such a significant icon is often used to bless young people for health and happiness.

Moon influence

The moon affects not only natural phenomena such as the ebb and flow of tides, but also the lives of people, as many believe. Therefore, according to the lunar calendar, plants are planted, hair is cut and important events are planned.

You should not plan a wedding on the new moon: during such a period, people’s energy is weakened, so creating alliances is not recommended. On a full moon, the night luminary has a strong impact on the human psyche, which is why misunderstandings and quarrels can arise between lovers. During the waning moon, strength dries up and the flow of energy stops, so marriage may not bring the desired happiness. Wedding celebrations are prohibited on the days of lunar eclipses, as well as three days before them and three days after them.

The most successful time for starting families is considered to be the growth phase of the Moon. During such a period, the luminary sends a powerful energy flow to the surface of the Earth, which has a beneficial effect on any undertakings, which include the construction of a new cell of society.

Lunar days are not related to the calendar, so the influence of the night luminary should be assessed annually. And in 2020, the most successful days for marriage will be:

  • 3 July. Having had a wedding on such a day, the husband and wife will be able to constantly discover new sides and facets in each other. Lovers will always be interested in communicating and spending time together; they will certainly find common interests and be able to do common things. There will be no omissions in the family.
  • July 25. By choosing this number for marriage, the spouses will lay a reliable and strong foundation for creating a happy family. And even after years, romance, care and tenderness will remain in the relationship, which will allow you to live together for a long time without getting bored of each other.
  • 26 July. Lovers who create a union on such a day will build a reverent, high relationship that will be the envy of everyone. The couple will become very extravagant and unusual: problems will be solved in creative and non-standard ways, which will help maintain ease in the relationship and avoid major troubles and misfortunes.
  • July 30. If the wedding takes place on this day, then prosperity awaits the husband and wife. The couple will gain one hundred percent trust and confidence in the future, which will become a good basis for prolongation of the family: the spouses have every chance of becoming loving parents with many children.

There are no dates that are completely unsuitable for weddings in July 2020, but there are some concerns regarding the 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 18th and 23rd .

Helpful information! If the wedding is planned not in 2020, but later, then you can track the influence of the earth’s satellite using the lunar days that move annually (find them out according to the lunar calendar of the corresponding year). The sixth, tenth, eleventh, seventeenth, twenty-second and thirty-first days of the Moon are ideal for weddings.

Astrology is a science that studies the influence of stars on people's destinies. And, of course, the star influence also affects personal relationships within couples. If two lovers are going to move to the next level and legalize their relationship in July, then they should study the astrological forecast for this month.

Astrologers are confident that in the coming year 2020, July will be the most successful month for creating couples and families. Something new will appear in the relationship, it will move to a different quality level.

Helpful information! Astrology experts advise avoiding registering a marriage on days when the Moon is in the Taurus or Aries phase. But being in the signs of Aquarius, Sagittarius and Pisces, on the contrary, favors the creation of strong and successful unions.

Other lucky dates

If you don’t believe in horoscopes, don’t pay attention to the movements of the Moon and don’t follow church traditions, then you can choose almost any day in July for your wedding celebration. Recently, it has been fashionable to hold such events on dates that are mirrored, symmetrical, or have repeating numbers, and in July 2020 next year these will be 07/20/20, 07/02/20, 07/07/20, and also 07/27/20. This choice will allow you to get a beautiful number on your marriage registration certificate.

You can coincide the wedding with any holiday. On the sixth of July, Kissing Day is celebrated all over the world, and there will definitely be plenty of it at a wedding celebration. The seventh of July is the day of Ivan Kupala, and it is also suitable for weddings. The fifteenth of July is the day of Beregini, who in Rus' was considered the main keeper of the hearth in families. If the celebration takes place on this date, lovers will be able to maintain the warmth of their relationship, find and strengthen true love and avoid troubles, betrayals and quarrels.

A few final words

Only you can decide whether to believe in omens or ignore superstitions. If the date has already been chosen, and you suddenly find out about a belief that is unfavorable for the couple, you should not change your decision just because of this. Drive away bad thoughts, think about good things and don’t let anyone or anything undermine your feelings and confidence in your second half.

If you have been convinced more than once of the power of omens and are worried that the worst will come true, then you can enlist the support of higher powers and perform a ritual for a strong relationship. There are many rituals that guarantee the success and strength of the union, and they will instill confidence in you in love and in the future.