
DIY starch powder. DIY cosmetic rice powder. How can you replace powder: a recipe for natural rice powder


How to make powder at home

Do you have oily skin? Is this good or bad? On the one hand, oily skin is good; it stays young longer. But on the other hand, an oily sheen appears on the face. Natural powder, how to make powder at home, oatmeal powder
How to deal with it? First of all, think about what you are eating. Sweet foods and fatty foods, very salty and spicy foods, and especially canned foods clog the pores and sebaceous glands.
There is another secret: Do not wash your face with water very often. If you wash your face, do not use tap water, but exclusively boiled or mineral water (but not hot), finishing with cool water or an ice cube. This will help reduce oily skin.
Many people begin to fight oily shine with the help of foundation or powder. The powder says: anti-greasy or with a mattifying effect. You must clearly understand that it is better to use powder when you need to look especially formal (a date, a trip to the theater, a wedding, a party...) Why? The powder contains a substance such as kaolin (white clay). Kaolin powder is not suitable for oily skin. Kaolin absorbs excess sebaceous glands and expands pores and can injure the skin. Therefore, it is better to use powder when it is important to look good, and when there is an opportunity, you need to give your skin a rest and use some other product to combat oily sheen. For several decades now, women who take care of themselves have been ordering special products and special handmade powders. These are powders made from natural materials, without kaolin.

How to make natural powder?

Cucumber rice powder
Cucumber seeds

1. Take a large overripe cucumber, remove the seeds, dry them for about 5 days and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder
2.Take long white rice. Do not wash, grind in a coffee grinder
3. Take 2 tbsp. l cucumber flour and 4 tbsp. l rice flour
5.When applying the powder, the skin will first become a little lighter, and then after a few minutes it will become equal to the skin tone.
6.This powder will not clog our pores and sebaceous glands.

Application and storage:
1.Powder should be applied to the skin with a cotton pad, each time you need to use a new pad, but not a foam sponge
2. Apply the powder to a cotton pad, shake it off a little and apply it to the skin using blotting movements. We start applying from the forehead.
3.Store the powder in an airtight jar
4.If the powder appears in lumps, then it needs to be replaced and a new one made
5.Your skin will be healthy, matte and will delight you every day

Oatmeal powder
This powder is rich in vitamins for the skin. This is also an excellent product that will control shine. This powder applies very easily and adsorbs. It is transparent and hypoallergenic and transparent. Do you prefer natural and organic cosmetics? Then be sure to try making this powder at home! Just a day - and the healthy powder will be ready!

What you will need:
Oatmeal (10 tablespoons)
Unscented paper towels or napkins

How to cook:
1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder
2.Pour the resulting mixture into a jar and add 1 liter of water
3. Mix well.
4.When large pieces of oatmeal settle a little, the water needs to be drained.
5.The procedure needs to be done about 4 times until maximum starch is washed out.
6.Leave the jar until sediment appears.
7. Strain the sediment through 3 layers of unscented paper napkins or towels.
8.Dry the sediment on a napkin for about a day.
9.After drying, carefully remove the sediment and grind in a mortar
10. Transfer to a clean container. All our powder is ready.

Apply oatmeal powder to face using a powder brush.
Oatmeal powder applies very easily to the face and does not clog pores. And this is very important in winter skin care.

Powder- this is an important element of any makeup, but sometimes it is worth using very light textures, and sometimes it is necessary to apply a dense professional product. We should also talk about rice powder, because it appeared on the market quite a long time ago, but not all girls know about its beneficial properties and versatility.

You can buy a ready-made product, or you can make it yourself at home. The downside of purchasing one is its high price, and running into a fake is not as difficult as it seems. Rice powder perfectly heals small wounds, whitens the skin and absorbs excess sebum. Surely this is the kind of care you dreamed of. We present to your attention a recipe for making rice powder.

A step-by-step description of how to make rice powder yourself

1. Take 4 tablespoons good expensive rice and rinse it thoroughly to remove various contaminants and dust. To do this, use cold running water and a tea net.

2. Now you need to take a clean sterilized jar, in it you need the rice will brew. If you do not process the glass container well enough, there is a high probability that the rice will spoil and you will not be able to prepare the powder. Place rice at the bottom of the jar and fill it with boiled water. This is also an important point, otherwise fermentation may occur.

3. The bank needs refrigerate(this could be a refrigerator or a balcony in the cold season). Cover the container with cotton cloth or gauze to prevent the entry of various small organisms and dust. Every day the water must be changed to fresh so that the fermentation process does not occur. Replace the water with exactly the same boiled water.

4. After a week, rice will crumble into many tiny particles, this will mean that it is time to proceed to the next stage. Take the rice out and put it in a mortar, then turn it into a monotonous paste.

5. Now add to rice a new portion clean boiled water and carefully move the liquid until a uniform mass is formed. After a few minutes, the rice will settle to the bottom, and the water will acquire a cloudy white color, which is exactly what we need.

6. Milky water is necessary pour into a clean jar, and grind the mixture again to a paste and fill the container with water again. You should end up with two portions of cloudy water that need to be removed.

7. In the end you will have nothing left some rice porridge, which must be strained through a cotton cloth or napkin. The liquid will pass through the fabric or paper, and a white sludge will remain on it.

8. Shift it to absolutely dry paper napkin and put it in a warm place to dry for a day. Once the mass has dried, wrap it in a thin cloth and grind again to a powder.

9. That's all, the powder is ready. Now find a nice jar for it that can be tightly closed so that moisture and air do not pass through, and pour the resulting mixture into it. You can use a jar of old loose powder, or you can take any container with a lid that is convenient for you.

Who is rice powder suitable for?

- Rice powder Suitable for those with oily or combination skin. An excellent solution to the problem of oily shine, which does not decorate anyone. Rice powder provides excellent mattification for a long time, so you can apply it over your foundation or even on clean skin.

For those who want to give their skin even light shade. Rice powder perfectly brightens the skin, making it soft and tender. Using such a product, you can advantageously hide age spots and visually remove several years of age.

- Rice powder suitable for those who dream of cosmetics that do not harm the skin. Unfortunately, today many cosmetic products are made using synthetic dyes and fragrances. Often even irritation and rashes. Some representatives of the fair sex even experience allergies, so they should pay attention to cosmetics based on natural ingredients. If you make rice powder yourself, you can be completely confident that your skin is receiving an absolutely natural product without artificial colors or preservatives.

For those who want visual tighten pores without clogging them. Many foundations and powders have good coverage, but can look like a mask on your face or even sometimes clog your pores. Rice powder is ideal for any skin type without causing any harm to it. It is suitable for both women and men, so you can safely use it in your image, making your face perfect and well-groomed.

- Rice powder Suitable for those who dream of soft skin. Rice powder provides excellent softening and retains moisture, preventing it from evaporating. Because of this, the skin becomes soft and elastic, like a baby's. Girls who have tried the miraculous effect of this product will confirm that no other powder gives such an effect.

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What can you replace face powder with?

If you don’t have money for good powder, then don’t despair, because any cosmetic product can be made yourself at home. The benefits of homemade powder in a natural composition. When buying cosmetics in a store, you don’t know whether the manufacturer has added anything harmful to it, because... Often such things are not indicated on the packaging (or are written in small print). Another thing is a home remedy made with your own hands.

The main components of homemade powders:
1. rice starch;
2. baby powder;
3. talc;
4. ground oatmeal;
5. white flour.
You cannot use exclusively the above ingredients as powder, because... they will constantly fall off your face and roll off. But if you mix them with other products and apply them to the skin, you get an excellent alternative to expensive mattifying products. Here are some good recipes for homemade powder:

Vegetable starch powder
The fastest and easiest version of homemade powder is based on corn or potato starch. There are two recipes for such a remedy. The first one is much easier, but it cannot be called completely natural, because... the composition includes other stale cosmetics. We will need:
1. A quarter cup of corn or potato starch;
2. Remains of unnecessary blush, eye shadow or bronzer;
3. Small bowl and mortar.
Sift the starch through a sieve (you can use any thin material, such as gauze), remove all lumps and pour it into a bowl. Next, grind the remaining cosmetics in a mortar and add it to the starch in small portions until the desired shade is achieved.
This product perfectly mattifies the skin and evens out the tone. However, you should not expect a long-term effect from it.

The second recipe is a little more complicated, but much more natural. It contains dry green
1. clay that cares for the skin and gives the face natural freshness. We will need:
2. cocoa powder;
3. dry green clay;
4. any starch (preferably corn);
5. several bowls and a mortar;
Sift all the ingredients to remove any lumps. Combine starch and green clay powder in a 1:1 ratio and mix well. Then add cocoa in small portions to achieve the desired shade. You can add a little golden shadow, they will smooth out all the unevenness and give delicate skin a natural shine.

Oatmeal powder
Preparing this product takes longer, but its effect lasts longer. We will need:
1. 6 tablespoons of large oatmeal;
2. 1 liter of clean water;
3. glass jars;
4. sieve;
5. gauze and paper towels.
Grind the oatmeal and fill it with cool water for 30 minutes. Then mix, waiting for small particles to settle to the bottom, and carefully pour the liquid into the jar. Leave for several hours and drain the liquid again. At the bottom there will be a mixture that, when dried, will turn into powder. It will need to be sifted before use.
The advantage of such products is their long shelf life, because... they contain dry products that do not spoil (unlike expensive powders containing fragrances and liquid flavors).

How to apply mattifying powder to skin
The powder must be applied to the face with special brushes or sponges. They are sold in a set with the product, as well as separately in cosmetic stores. For loose powder, a large, angled kabuki brush is perfect, and for pressed powder, a powder puff or sponge. Some people advise applying powder with your fingers, but you should absolutely not do this, as the tone turns out uneven and looks unnatural.

Powder, which can be purchased at any cosmetic store, will help you hide the imperfections of your skin and also get rid of oily shine. However, it can clog pores, especially if used frequently. Try making natural powder from minerals and herbs that is harmless and can heal your skin.

In order to prepare the powder at home, you will need: one teaspoon each of kaolin clay, comfrey root and slippery elm bark powder and beet powder, half a teaspoon of ground colored mica, 90 g of arrowroot powder, as well as five to ten drops of essential oil. lavender or sweet orange oils.

Place comfrey root powder, kaolin gum, slippery elm bark, and arrowroot powder in a glass bowl. If you are unable to obtain the powder of these herbs, you can grind them in a coffee grinder.

Mix these ingredients with a wooden spoon, gradually adding essential oils to this mixture. Essential oils should be added as needed. Lavender has a stronger scent, so add a drop at a time, monitoring the intensity of the scent.

The shade of the powder should be tested on the face, adjusting it by adding beetroot powder. To make it easier, first measure the required amount of ingredients, adding them in small quantities. And check the powder on your face every time until it acquires the desired shade.

Natural powder should be stored in a small glass jar with a lid that fits tightly to it. Dip a small brush into the jar, shaking off any remaining residue into the jar, and apply it to your face using circular movements. Using a cotton pad, blend the powder over your face.

Be sure to write down how much colored mica and beet powder you added so that next time you can immediately grab the required amount of ingredients and easily create a new batch of powder that suits your needs.

You can also add glitter mica or some small glitter to the powder for a glittery powder.

Experiment with different shades of mica, and in addition to powder, you can also create blush, eye shadow, bronzer and much more.

Pros and cons of homemade powder

The disadvantages of creating powder at home include the fact that this process is slow and requires some effort. But the effect of the created product will please the most demanding beauty. After all, the self-created powder is universal - it is suitable for women of any age with any skin type. You can be one hundred percent sure of the safety of such powder, because you prepared it yourself! And, of course, it will cost you much less than its store-bought counterparts, and can become your best face powder.

Homemade powder has many wonderful properties:

Types of homemade powder

Powders that you can create at home yourself are divided into two types:

  1. Mineral powders

The first ones are created from what almost every housewife has in her kitchen cupboard - rice, oatmeal, starch, various herbs. And mineral powders, as the name implies, contain minerals - myki sericite, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide.

Powders made from plant ingredients

Plant components have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, treat acne and pimples, and make the skin matte and moisturized. Thanks to the presence of microelements and vitamins in its composition, plant components make the skin more elastic, fresh and noticeably rejuvenated.

Starch powder

Corn starch is often used in cosmetic products, which perfectly treats various skin diseases. It is a milky white powder obtained by special processing of corn. You can use it to make homemade face powder. The recipe is extremely simple.

We will need:


Gently sift the starch, green clay powder and cocoa powder through a strainer. Then mix the starch and clay, grind with a pestle in a mortar until smooth. Now add cocoa in small portions to give your mixture the desired shade. After this, thoroughly grind the resulting powder again. Ready! All that remains is to pour our mixture into a jar.

Green clay is an excellent absorbent. It absorbs excess sebum and sweat, leaving your face completely matte.

Herbal powder

We will need:


Mix 1 part each of larkspur, arrowroot, clay and red elm bark powders, add 1 drop of your chosen essential oil, mix. Then create the shade you want by adding beetroot powder in small portions to the resulting mixture. Pour the product into the jar and screw the lid on tightly.

Larkspur has the ability to stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, which leads to natural tissue rejuvenation. White clay has excellent absorbent properties. Arrowroot powder is a natural thickener, gives a soft, silky texture to powders, mattifies the skin and is an excellent alternative to talcum powder. Red elm bark has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Rice powder

Rice powder is simply a salvation for the skin! It accelerates the healing process of minor injuries, giving the skin a matte appearance, has good absorption, and cleanses pores.

We will need:


First, the rice needs to be sorted and washed several times.

Pour the cereal into a sterilized jar, pour water into it, cover with a piece of clean cloth and leave in a cool place. Change the water 2-3 times a day. After a week, drain the water from the jar, grind the rice until mushy, pour in clean water and stir. Carefully pour the cloudy water into the second jar so that the grains of rice remain at the bottom of the first jar. After an hour, you will see a white sediment at the bottom. After carefully draining the water, strain this sediment through a paper filter. What remains on the filter is the preparation of our future powder! Dry it for 12 hours, then pass it through a thin nylon and crush the resulting powder in a mortar. All! You can pour the mixture into a jar for storage and enjoy using it!

Oatmeal powder

Oatmeal, ground into powder, helps to cope with oily shine, does not cause allergic reactions and has no contraindications for use. The effect of oatmeal will immediately affect your appearance: your face will become soft and smooth, and its color will be even and radiant. Oatmeal powder cooks much faster than rice powder.

We will need:


Sort and thoroughly chop the rolled oats, pour it into a jar and add water. Leave the mixture to sit for a couple of hours and then grind again. Pour the cloudy water into the second jar, pour in clean water and stir. Do this a few more times, each time pouring the cloudy water into the jar. Wait for sediment to form in the second jar, drain the water (the grounds should remain at the bottom) and filter the residue using a paper filter. Let the resulting paste dry, then gently crush it in a mortar and pestle. Place in a storage container.

Mineral powders

Minerals, despite their seemingly scary names, have an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. They provide the skin with hydration, nutrition, treat inflammation and dry out pimples. Mineral-based cosmetics prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. And what is important, the minerals are absolutely natural and hypoallergenic, which means they can be used on any skin type. You can find them in specialized stores, in particular, in online stores.

How to make powder at home from minerals?

For this we need:


First, mix the pigments to create a color base.

There is the following rule for creating an average flesh color: 3 parts yellow combined with 0.25 parts blue and 0.25 parts red pigments. If your skin has a yellowish tint, then you will need a little less blue pigment. For a pinkish tint, the red pigment must predominate over the blue. For olive undertones, use a little more blue pigment and a little less red.

Once the desired color is achieved, prepare the base by mixing miku sericite, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Grind the mixture in a grinder (a special hand-held device for grinding substances) or in a bag, tightly closing it and placing it between your fingers (you need to grind for about half an hour, in a grinder this process will take less time). Then gradually and carefully add the colored base to the base using the tip of a toothpick until you get the shade you want. Pour the finished product into the container in which it will be stored.

Additional components

In addition to all the ingredients listed above, you can add the following to your homemade powder if desired:

  1. Cinnamon, which is exceptionally rich in vitamins. It will help get rid of excessive pallor or sallow complexion and give it a pleasant shade.
  2. red clay, which will help you forget about irritation, redness, peeling and itching.
  3. yellow clay, which contains a lot of potassium and iron. They actively remove toxins and enrich epithelial cells with oxygen.
  4. White type of clay, which has antibacterial properties, tightens pores and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  5. blue clay, to get a whitening effect and lighten even freckles and age spots. Blue clay accelerates intradermal metabolic processes and gives a rejuvenating effect.
  6. Green tea fights toxins and has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Selection of components according to skin type

To get the maximum benefit from use, you need to know which components are best suited for which skin type.

Rules for storage and use

Homemade powder is best preserved in a porcelain or glass container with a wide neck (for example, a cream jar) or in a special jar with a sifter - a lid with small holes. The powder should be applied with a clean, thick mineral foundation brush, which will ensure economical product consumption and even coverage. When applying, movements should be circular and soft so that the powder lies on the face and does not fly through the air.

How to make face powder at home?

    In fact, making such powder with your own hands is quite simple and will be beneficial for your skin. I can give you a simple recipe that I also use myself, for this take:

    coconut flakes (grind with a coffee grinder or meat grinder to flour)

    ground cinnamon

    a couple of drops of natural essential oil (if available, for greater viscosity)

    zinc oxide powder (antiseptic if you can find it)

    Grind all ingredients until finely ground in a special container, pour into a jar for storing powder!

    I, as the owner of oily problem skin, decided, unfortunately not so long ago, to use more natural products and less purchased ones. No matter how the manufacturers of natural cosmetics talk, they still always contain chemicals. So I came to a natural, safe, and ideally also healthy powder.

    After scouring the Internet, I chose the best option that combines benefits and ease of preparation. This is oatmeal powder.

    To prepare it, I took simple oatmeal. It is recommended to grind them, but I did without it. I poured warm boiled water over the oatmeal, let it sit for 30 minutes and poured the white liquid into a jar. I repeated this 4 more times and filled a liter jar. I let it stand. This took about 4 hours. Then I drained the cleared water and poured the white thick mass onto a flat dish. It dried overnight and I crushed it and crushed it into powder.

    They write that you can use this already, but for me it doesn’t appeal and I decided to add tone and benefit. For benefit, I added half a teaspoon of blue clay, and obtained the required shade by adding cocoa and cinnamon.

    The result exceeded expectations. The powder mattifies, mattifies for a long time, evens out the complexion and slightly masks imperfections. The main thing is that I'm not afraid to use it! The powder does not provoke any new inflammation and absorbs sebum.

    This is how you can prepare healthy powder within a day, without unnecessary hassle.

    If you are interested in details, write in a personal message)

    The powder can be prepared at home; for this you will need white refined rice.

    Wash the rice and cover with cold water, then place in the refrigerator for 5 days. The water needs to be changed daily, the rice will spoil if you don't change it. The rice will be well saturated with water, and when pressed with your finger, it will easily break.

    Next, you need to transfer the rice into a container and grind the grains to a homogeneous mass (not metallic), add cold water again, stir, let it sit for 5 minutes. Pour the white water into a separate bowl. Then repeat this procedure several times until the water becomes clear.

    Let the white water stand until sediment settles. And after draining the liquid, dry this very sediment on gauze and pour it into a special jar. The powder is ready!

    To tone the powder, add ground cinnamon or cocoa powder.

Progress, alas, does not always entail positive trends. Despite the fact that the cosmetics industry is developing at a rapid pace, its downside is fraught with a lot of dangers. Moving away from natural ingredients towards more chemical ones creates a real health hazard. A whole series of articles in our magazine is devoted to this topic. You can read more about this in the section “Articles on the topic of Health“.
Also, we try to publish recipes for various natural cosmetics for the body, face and hair that are no less, and perhaps more effective. You can find them in the corresponding subsections of the Beauty section.
Today's post will be devoted to making a light mattifying face powder. It is made with herbs that help relieve skin irritation and soothe it. Other components contained in it also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and do not clog pores. This powder is a godsend for those with oily skin, especially in summer. It mattifies, evens out the complexion and gives it freshness and a healthy glow. The powder is also suitable for normal and dry skin.
- 3 tablespoons of arrowroot starch (if unavailable, can be replaced with potato starch)
- 3 tablespoons rice flour
- 2 tablespoons of colloidal oatmeal (this is oatmeal; you can prepare it yourself by thoroughly grinding the oatmeal until it becomes powdery)
- 1 tablespoon tapioca starch (can be replaced with corn starch)
– 1 tablespoon red Moroccan clay
- 1 teaspoon dried chamomile powder
- 1/2 teaspoon dried lavender flower powder (if not available, then replace with an equal amount of chamomile flower powder)
- 1/4 teaspoon dried rose hips, ground into flour
The technology is extremely simple: mix all the ingredients very thoroughly and transfer to a glass jar with a lid. Apply with a brush to clean skin. By the way, this powder can also be applied over foundation. We assure you, it will instantly replace synthetic powder from your cosmetic bag. Moreover, you will know absolutely exactly what you are applying to your face, unlike industrial products.

Are you fighting oily shine on your face with store-bought powder? Of course, such a product allows you to even out your complexion and remove oily shine, but is it always safe? Often, the use of store-bought powders containing various chemicals leads to dry skin, clogged pores, acne and inflammation. That is why I suggest preparing safe, healthy and healing powder at home.

Homemade powder: benefits and benefits

Almost all girls and women are accustomed to hiding various skin defects with the help of foundations and powders. This is completely justified from an aesthetic point of view, but is not always useful and safe for the condition of the skin. Most powders contain kaolin - a seemingly harmless white clay, but after application to oily skin, it begins to increase in volume, thereby gradually enlarging the pores, which leads to their expansion, and as a result, pollution, the appearance of pimples, blackheads.

Of course, there is no point in giving up foundation completely, because it is they that allow us to look flawless on special, important occasions. But for daily use, such store-bought cosmetics can be replaced with safer and harmless ones.

Homemade powder will help you fight oily shine, small rashes and skin unevenness perfectly, quickly and effectively. Homemade powder is absolutely safe, hypoallergenic, it:

  • eliminates oily shine;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • carefully cares for the skin;
  • removes inflammation and minor redness, pimples.

The product is suitable for all skin types and all colors, even very tanned ones. It evens out the tone of the skin without changing its color or making the skin lighter/darker.

A stunning mask from Kim Basinger will help make your hair voluminous and thick.

Making your own loose face powder

To cook at home loose face powder, You only need two ingredients:

1. Cucumber seeds(you can make it yourself from an overripe cucumber or purchase it in agricultural stores). Cucumber seeds contain biologically active compounds, including vitamin B, which take part in the formation of skin protein, deeply nourish and moisturize. In addition, they have an astringent effect, which will make the powder convenient for application;

2. Rice flour(Grind white rice into powder (do not wash!). Rice contains fiber, B vitamins, PP, which eliminate oily shine, reduce pores, moisturize and nourish the skin. Surprisingly, rice flour is the main ingredient in almost all purchased, even very expensive powders.

Cooking technique: Cucumber seeds should be ground until flour forms. If the resulting flour is a little damp, it should be dried. Combine cucumber seed powder and rice flour in a 1:1 ratio. Our powder is ready!

Application technique:Using a wide brush or cotton pad, apply rice powder to your face using a blotting motion. Don't be afraid if a powdery white coating remains on your skin; after a few minutes it will go away and your skin color will even out. It is noteworthy that this product can be used even for very tanned skin.

How make powder at home watch the video

Every woman loves powder, which helps hide imperfections on the face, tone and improve the appearance of the skin. Makeup typically consists of a solid “base,” which includes foundation that shouldn’t be visible on the face. The powder is also matched to the skin color, which should look natural. Usually, powder is applied at the very end and only to certain areas of the face that have an oily sheen. You should not apply too much powder to your face, especially if your skin is dry.

Also, when buying face powder, you need to take into account the type and tone of your skin, so that when applied it looks natural, hides imperfections and emphasizes advantages. Today there are eight types of different powders (powder): loose powder, compact powder, mattifying, transparent, antiseptic, camouflaging (acne, pimples), shiny, bronze (replaces foundation). Powder is usually matched to the color of the foundation.

Today there is a huge selection of different types of powder for high-quality makeup. However, for your loved one, it is better to choose powder that does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe (high quality powder). As part of the quality, the powder may contain additives that protect the skin from environmental influences and moisturizing agents. If, when using powder, the skin dries out and flakes, then the product is of poor quality.

Every woman chooses her own cosmetics based on her financial capabilities. Many girls cannot afford to buy an expensive product, but do not despair, because face powder can be made at home from natural products. Homemade face powder is no worse than an expensive brand, and maybe even better.

All store-bought powders contain talc (50–80%), zinc oxide, titanium oxide, inorganic pigments, starch and zinc stearates (10%). Therefore, such chemical composition is best avoided. Some manufacturers add white clay to the composition, which absorbs excess oil and makes the skin matte; starch - eliminates shine; colored pigments.

However, there are cosmetic companies, such as Isa Dora, that create 100% mineral powders without fragrance or chemical additives.

How to make face powder at home?

Homemade powder consists only of natural ingredients, which makes the skin feel more comfortable.


  • corn starch, potato starch or arrowroot (the basis of homemade powder);
  • cocoa powder;
  • cinnamon powder;
  • ground turmeric;
  • ginger (powder).

How to do it?

Take 1 teaspoon each of corn and potato starch, pour into a bowl, then gradually add the remaining ingredients, a small pinch at a time: cocoa powder, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, until you achieve the desired powder color.

Be careful when creating the color, it should match your skin tone. Persons who are allergic to these products should refuse to use the powder or exclude a certain product from the composition.

Loose homemade powder (corrective)

A loose powder that can be created at home can hide skin imperfections. For example, it can be used to even out skin tone and also to hide dark circles under the eyes (read here).


  • 3 tablespoons of white clay;
  • 3 tablespoons white rice powder;
  • natural ocher pigment (to create the desired shade);
  • 3 drops of rosewood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of jojoba oil.

Pour the powders into a sterile container, mix, add pigment to obtain a suitable color. After this, add essential oils and mix with a whisk. Homemade powder is ready!

There are also other recipes for homemade face powder. The basis of which is a natural food product, for example, corn and other starch without GMOs. Next, colored spices, various food products in powder form (nutmeg, cocoa, cloves, sage) and 1 - 5 drops of essential oil (lavender) are added to it for aroma.

Mix and store the composition in a sterile glass jar. Do not use metal powder if you are making powder from bentonite clay. Mix the mixture with a wooden spatula. Arrowroot starch is considered to be an ideal base.

Every woman loves powder, which helps hide imperfections on the face, tone and improve the appearance of the skin. Makeup typically consists of a solid “base,” which includes foundation that shouldn’t be visible on the face. The powder is also matched to the skin color, which should look natural. Usually, powder is applied at the very end and only to certain areas of the face that have an oily sheen. You should not apply too much powder to your face, especially if your skin is dry.

Also, when buying face powder, you need to take into account the type and tone of your skin, so that when applied it looks natural, hides imperfections and emphasizes advantages. Today there are eight types of different powders (powder): loose powder, compact powder, mattifying, transparent, antiseptic, camouflaging (acne, pimples), shiny, bronze (replaces foundation). Powder is usually matched to the color of the foundation.

Today there is a huge selection of different types of powder for high-quality makeup. However, for your loved one, it is better to choose powder that does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe (high quality powder). As part of the quality, the powder may contain additives that protect the skin from environmental influences and moisturizing agents. If, when using powder, the skin dries out and flakes, then the product is of poor quality.

Every woman chooses her own cosmetics based on her financial capabilities. Many girls cannot afford to buy an expensive product, but do not despair, because face powder can be made at home from natural products. Homemade face powder is no worse than an expensive brand, and maybe even better.

All store-bought powders contain talc (50–80%), zinc oxide, titanium oxide, inorganic pigments, starch and zinc stearates (10%). Therefore, such chemical composition is best avoided. Some manufacturers add white clay to the composition, which absorbs excess oil and makes the skin matte; starch - eliminates shine; colored pigments.

However, there are cosmetic companies, such as Isa Dora, that create 100% mineral powders without fragrance or chemical additives.

How to make face powder at home?

Homemade powder consists only of natural ingredients, which makes the skin feel more comfortable.


  • corn starch, potato starch or arrowroot (the basis of homemade powder);
  • cocoa powder;
  • cinnamon powder;
  • ground turmeric;
  • ginger (powder).

How to do it?

Take 1 teaspoon each of corn and potato starch, pour into a bowl, then gradually add the remaining ingredients, a small pinch at a time: cocoa powder, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, until you achieve the desired powder color.

Be careful when creating the color, it should match your skin tone. Persons who are allergic to these products should refuse to use the powder or exclude a certain product from the composition.

Loose homemade powder (corrective)

A loose powder that can be created at home can hide skin imperfections. For example, it can be used to even out skin tone and also to hide dark circles under the eyes ().


  • 3 tablespoons of white clay;
  • 3 tablespoons white rice powder;
  • natural ocher pigment (to create the desired shade);
  • 3 drops of rosewood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of jojoba oil.

Pour the powders into a sterile container, mix, add pigment to obtain a suitable color. After this, add essential oils and mix with a whisk. Homemade powder is ready!

There are also other recipes for homemade face powder. The basis of which is a natural food product, for example, corn and other starch without GMOs. Next, colored spices, various food products in powder form (nutmeg, cocoa, cloves, sage) and 1 - 5 drops of essential oil (lavender) are added to it for aroma.

Mix and store the composition in a sterile glass jar. Do not use metal powder if you are making powder from bentonite clay. Mix the mixture with a wooden spatula. Arrowroot starch is considered to be an ideal base.

Do you have oily skin? Is this good or bad? On the one hand, oily skin is good; it stays young longer. But on the other hand, an oily shine appears on the face. Natural powder, how to make powder at home, oatmeal powder. How to deal with it? First of all, think about what you are eating. Sweet foods and fatty foods, very salty and spicy foods, and especially canned foods clog the pores and sebaceous glands.
There is another secret: do not wash your face with water very often. If you wash your face, do not use tap water, but exclusively boiled or mineral water (but not hot), finishing with cool water or an ice cube. This will help reduce oily skin.
Many people begin to fight oily shine with the help of foundation or powder. The powder says: anti-greasy or with a mattifying effect. You must clearly understand that it is better to use powder when you need to look especially formal (a date, a trip to the theater, a wedding, a party...) Why? The powder contains a substance such as kaolin (white clay). Kaolin powder is not suitable for oily skin. Kaolin absorbs excess sebaceous glands and expands pores and can injure the skin. Therefore, it is better to use powder when it is important to look good, and when there is an opportunity, you need to give your skin a rest and use some other product to combat oily sheen. For several decades now, women who take care of themselves have been ordering special products and special handmade powders. These are powders made from natural materials, without kaolin.
How to make natural powder?
Cucumber rice powder
Cucumber seeds
1. Take a large overripe cucumber, remove the seeds, dry them for about 5 days and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder
2.Take long white rice. Do not wash, grind in a coffee grinder
3. Take 2 tbsp. l cucumber flour and 4 tbsp. l rice flour
5.When applying the powder, the skin will first become a little lighter, and then after a few minutes it will become equal to the skin tone.
6.This powder will not clog our pores and sebaceous glands.
Application and storage:
1.Powder should be applied to the skin with a cotton pad, each time you need to use a new pad, but not a foam sponge
2. Apply the powder to a cotton pad, shake it off a little and apply it to the skin using blotting movements. We start applying from the forehead.
3.Store the powder in an airtight jar
4.If the powder appears in lumps, then it needs to be replaced and a new one made
5.Your skin will be healthy, matte and will delight you every day
Oatmeal powder
This powder is rich in vitamins for the skin. This is also an excellent product that will control shine. This powder applies very easily and adsorbs. It is transparent and hypoallergenic and transparent. Do you prefer natural and organic cosmetics? Then be sure to try making this powder at home! Just a day - and the healthy powder will be ready!
What you will need:
Oatmeal (10 tablespoons)
Unscented paper towels or napkins
How to cook:
1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder
2.Pour the resulting mixture into a jar and add 1 liter of water
3. Mix well.
4.When large pieces of oatmeal settle a little, the water needs to be drained.
5.The procedure needs to be done about 4 times until maximum starch is washed out.
6.Leave the jar until sediment appears.
7. Strain the sediment through 3 layers of unscented paper napkins or towels.
8.Dry the sediment on a napkin for about a day.
9.After drying, carefully remove the sediment and grind in a mortar
10. Transfer to a clean container. All our powder is ready.
Apply oatmeal powder to face using a powder brush.
Oatmeal powder applies very easily to the face and does not clog pores. And this is very important in winter skin care.

Every woman has probably seen white powders from different manufacturers on the shelves of a cosmetics store - these are the so-called transparent powders. Despite their original color, they do not create a white coating, but are intended to form a finishing effect and fix the already created makeup. The product is sold in loose form, the packaging is usually slightly smaller than that of conventional powders - this is explained by the need to use only a small amount of the product during the process of applying makeup. Transparent powder is simply irreplaceable due to its basic properties:

  • allows you to even out the surface of the skin without giving it any tint, which is very important for many women who find it difficult to find the most suitable coating tone for themselves;
  • it simply perfectly mattifies the surface of the skin and can replace all other products used for this purpose when applying makeup to oily skin;
  • suitable for every woman, regardless of skin tone;
  • gives the cover a well-groomed appearance and a velvety surface;
  • there is no pigment in it, which is especially important for those who have already begun to develop wrinkles - as it settles into folds, it does not highlight them with a more saturated color, like regular powders;
  • With a UV filter, this product also protects against harmful effects on the skin.

Of course, such powder is not capable of masking serious skin defects on its own, but for women with good facial condition, it can completely replace tinting products.

From the name you can guess that transparent powder has no shade or tone. However, this does not mean that she does not create it on her face. In the container, the product looks white, and on the skin it lies completely transparent, giving it a special matte shade depending on the foundation and natural complexion. When purchasing, there is no need to consider the shade of the foundation. This powder is considered universal, ideal for all skin types and colors.

The consistency of the transparent powder is crumbly. Its purpose is to fix the base of makeup, give it a natural look, correct minor facial defects and at the same time keep pores free. The crumbly texture helps to distribute the product evenly over areas of the face and create a thin, weightless layer. Any loose powder contains components that nourish the skin, reduce its oiliness and reflect light rays, which gives the skin radiance. Of course, this statement only applies to natural and luxury cosmetics.
The use of a transparent base does not cause allergic reactions and is well suited for women with sensitive skin. This cosmetic product is indispensable during seasonal inflammation and redness. The powder effectively combats oily shine and visibly refreshes makeup. This is one of the few products that visually masks fine wrinkles. At the same time, particles of fragrant powder used for cosmetic purposes do not accumulate in skin folds, making wrinkles more noticeable.

What is white face powder for? Transparent powder: what kind of cosmetics is it?

Transparent or translucent powder is necessary if you want to achieve a glowing effect and set your makeup. This product will give your skin a noble matte finish and make it perfect. The product looks completely unattractive in the packaging. But when used correctly, white powder can work wonders. The main thing is to apply the powder correctly.

Most often, transparent powder is sold in loose format. But there are also compact versions of a transparent product. Their main difference is ease of application. Loose cosmetics are more suitable for home use, since they need to be spread over the skin with a brush. But it is advisable to apply compact powder to the face with a small round brush. The tool will help make the layer loose.

The new powder lies on the skin like a transparent veil. It does not clog pores, but only helps to avoid the appearance of greasy shine throughout the day. The layer of cosmetics does not need to be renewed periodically. The transparent composition lasts 6-8 hours and does not crumble.

Depending on the type, translucent powder may contain luminous particles. This supplement evens out skin tone and makes wrinkles less noticeable. The delicate glow refreshes the face and creates the so-called Photoshop effect.

Transparent powders are produced today by many cosmetic brands. The product has ceased to be the privilege of celebrity makeup artists. You can easily purchase a budget product and use it to fix your makeup and mattify your facial skin every day.

It is not advisable to use the transparency immediately after a vacation by the sea. On a tanned face, the white powder may be too noticeable. It is better to replace it with regular colored powder with matting properties. Dense textures will also be needed in cases where it is necessary to disguise pronounced imperfections. Transparent cosmetics will not cope with large defects.

Why do you need white face powder? What is white powder used for and what is it eaten with?

White powders are primarily finishes and are not intended to set foundation. It is correct to apply them on top of the powder as a final touch to polish the makeup to perfection. They contain a lot of reflective particles, which makes it easy to overdo them - with any flash or bright lighting, the powder will most likely appear as white spots. It will feel like you've dived into flour.

There are a lot of photographs of such “flour ladies” and similar punctures with makeup on the Internet and, as a rule, they are all associated with the use of white powder. In real life the powder is not visible, but when flashed it appears as a bright white color. Therefore, when using such powders, the rule always works - the less, the better.

If you apply just a little white powder, it will very delicately highlight the necessary areas and make them visually very smooth. The result is a Photoshop effect without Photoshop. Thanks to its smoothing effect, this product is indispensable on filming. It also has good mattifying properties and fixes makeup. But in general, you can safely do without white powder in daily use.

Clinique Stay-Matte Universal Blotting Powder controls shine while setting makeup (however, the manufacturer claims that it can be used independently). It appears completely white, but when applied to the skin it does not give any tint and blends out perfectly. There is, perhaps, only one downside: the lid of the powder compact from the “criminalist’s dream” series collects fingerprints. De-Slick powder from Urban Decay. The pressed white powder copes well with oily shine and immediately after application absorbs excess sebum. De-Slick contains rice powder, which has absorbent properties, and tea tree oil, which is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory effects - in my opinion, this is a great product for those with problematic skin. In addition to the powder, the beautiful purple case contains a mirror and a thin sponge. Kanebo Sensai Loose Powder Translucent Powder. The powder contains small reflective particles. Apply the product with a soft, voluminous sponge, which is included in the kit. I didn’t notice any “flour” effect on my face - the powder applied very easily and evenly to the skin. Ideally evens out complexion, minor redness, freckles, and has a mattifying effect. Manufacturers advise applying the product to a makeup base before foundation. I don’t use foundation, so even without them I was more than happy with the result. The powder is very economical to use - it will definitely last for a year.

Make Up For Ever HD Pressed Powder. Here's what the manufacturer writes about it: Ultra-thin, smoothing powder of the new generation “Immaculate complexion.” The spherical shape of absorbent light-reflective microparticles provides a “soft focus” effect, ideal for all skin types, 100 percent mineral. The powder is in a case with a large round mirror inside. There is no sponge or brush. Powder can be applied to the face immediately after moisturizer and after foundation.

Prep+Prime Transparent Finishing Powder from M.A.C. The product is applied in a thin layer using a fluffy brush and easily makes the skin matte for the next few hours. If you need to extend and quickly refresh your makeup, this product is ideal.
Powder from NYX-HD Studio Finishing Powder SFP01 A definite plus is that the powder is transparent (although white in appearance), suitable for any skin tone (with or without tan). Using a flat brush, it is convenient to fix the concealer under the eyes with it - then it lasts all day.

Video How translucent powders work. Graftobian Presentation - Part 2

Every woman loves powder, which helps hide imperfections on the face, tone and improve the appearance of the skin. Makeup typically consists of a solid “base,” which includes foundation that shouldn’t be visible on the face. The powder is also matched to the skin color, which should look natural. Usually, powder is applied at the very end and only to certain areas of the face that have an oily sheen. You should not apply too much powder to your face, especially if your skin is dry.

Also, when buying face powder, you need to take into account the type and tone of your skin, so that when applied it looks natural, hides imperfections and emphasizes advantages. Today there are eight types of different powders (powder): loose powder, compact powder, mattifying, transparent, antiseptic, camouflaging (acne, pimples), shiny, bronze (replaces foundation). Powder is usually matched to the color of the foundation.

Today there is a huge selection of different types of powder for high-quality makeup. However, for your loved one, it is better to choose powder that does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe (high quality powder). As part of the quality, the powder may contain additives that protect the skin from environmental influences and moisturizing agents. If, when using powder, the skin dries out and flakes, then the product is of poor quality.

Every woman chooses her own cosmetics based on her financial capabilities. Many girls cannot afford to buy an expensive product, but do not despair, because face powder can be made at home from natural products. Homemade face powder is no worse than an expensive brand, and maybe even better.

All store-bought powders contain talc (50–80%), zinc oxide, titanium oxide, inorganic pigments, starch and zinc stearates (10%). Therefore, such chemical composition is best avoided. Some manufacturers add white clay to the composition, which absorbs excess oil and makes the skin matte; starch - eliminates shine; colored pigments.

However, there are cosmetic companies, such as Isa Dora, that create 100% mineral powders without fragrance or chemical additives.

How to make face powder at home?

Homemade powder consists only of natural ingredients, which makes the skin feel more comfortable.

  • corn starch, potato starch or arrowroot (the basis of homemade powder);
  • cocoa powder;
  • cinnamon powder;
  • ground turmeric;
  • ginger (powder).

How to do it?

Take 1 teaspoon each of corn and potato starch, pour into a bowl, then gradually add the remaining ingredients, a small pinch at a time: cocoa powder, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, until you achieve the desired powder color.

Be careful when creating the color, it should match your skin tone. Persons who are allergic to these products should refuse to use the powder or exclude a certain product from the composition.

Loose homemade powder (corrective)

A loose powder that can be created at home can hide skin imperfections. For example, it can be used to even out skin tone and also to hide dark circles under the eyes (read here).

  • 3 tablespoons of white clay;
  • 3 tablespoons white rice powder;
  • natural ocher pigment (to create the desired shade);
  • 3 drops of rosewood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of jojoba oil.

Pour the powders into a sterile container, mix, add pigment to obtain a suitable color. After this, add essential oils and mix with a whisk. Homemade powder is ready!

There are also other recipes for homemade face powder. The basis of which is a natural food product, for example, corn and other starch without GMOs. Next, colored spices, various food products in powder form (nutmeg, cocoa, cloves, sage) and 1 - 5 drops of essential oil (lavender) are added to it for aroma.

Mix and store the composition in a sterile glass jar. Do not use metal powder if you are making powder from bentonite clay. Mix the mixture with a wooden spatula. Arrowroot starch is considered to be an ideal base.

Characteristics of transparent face powder

This type of powder does not have a pronounced shade. But this does not mean that cosmetics do not add tone to the skin. Yes, in the original packaging the cosmetics look white, but when applied, the skin acquires a matte tint, the intensity of which will depend on what foundation was used. And reflective particles in cosmetics will add shine to the skin. Colorless powder will be “friendly” with almost all shades of foundation.

The main purposes of transparent powder:

  • fix the base for makeup and extend its durability,
  • “highlight” the desired areas of the face,
  • even out skin tone,
  • visually “disguise” fine wrinkles,
  • eliminate oily shine.

After applying colorless powder, the skin is transformed - you can easily “fix” your makeup! But what it is not suitable for is “correcting” severe defects on the skin (inflammation, acne, deep wrinkles, age spots) - only concealers, foundation and pigmented powder can cope with this task. Please also note that this type of cosmetics is not at all suitable for girls with dark or heavily tanned skin - it will give an unpleasant earthy tint to the skin!

Transparent powder can be loose, cream or compact. Loose products are more popular among women - they are easier to apply and look much more “natural” because they create a weightless haze on the skin. High-quality cosmetics often include caring components. Such products will provide reliable protection to the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevent “clogging” of pores with dirt and will not emphasize flaky areas of the skin. High-quality colorless powder is quite expensive - but the effect will justify all the expenses. Choose cosmetics only from trusted brands so as not to be disappointed with the results!

Transparent face powder is considered a universal decorative cosmetic that is suitable for any skin type. It will be especially useful for those with sensitive skin prone to seasonal inflammation and rashes. And all thanks to the “gentle” composition - as a rule, high-quality products are made from mineral components. It is worth trying colorless powder for those who are often allergic to “synthetic” cosmetics - products from famous brands rarely contain harmful “chemicals” in the form of fragrances and pigments.