
How to fall in love with your husband again? How to love a husband who loves you How to fall in love with your husband again


When we get married, we have a huge sense of responsibility. We feel loved and loved. What to do if the happiness that you collected together bit by bit melts right before your eyes. The husband, who has become a support, does not come home on time, does not pay attention to you. One might assume that he simply might have fallen out of love. Why did the first feelings fade away? What was the reason? Is it possible to return them?

When you love, you are ready to give your feeling without demanding anything in return.

When we meet a person, recognize him, fall in love, we do not see his negative qualities. We are captivated by his sense of humor, determination, moral spirit, and tolerance. It seems like he will always be like this. And the future along with it is depicted as bright and bright. But time passes, you are already husband and wife, everyday problems appear, various life trials appear that change a person’s inner world. Everyone learns from their own mistakes. New habits, qualities and characteristics appear. No person can live this life without reconsidering his views and attitude towards it.

Save or Destroy

And at that moment when we stand in front of the altar and promise before God to love our betrothed until death do us part, we do not know what will happen in 10 years. And in 30? Do we realize that family is the work of both parties. Will we be able to gain tolerance towards each other and maintain this happy marriage.

Everyone has quarrels in life, sometimes not even worth attention, as well as personal tragedies. At such moments, your significant other shows only patience and tenderness. Do not forget that everyone has their own pain and sadness, which together can be called suffering.

Sometimes, in such moments of depression, you want to forget about all the mistakes, shortcomings, and end this relationship, which was once called love.

Is this love?

Sometimes the question of whether you love is complex and difficult to answer. You lived with this person for a certain period of time, you have children together, of course, you love. But how? As the father of his child, as a person. How to live without love and passion?

Psychologists say that such a marriage can be saved, all you need is desire. Everything can be fixed, the most important thing is that both want it. It will take years of hard work, but it will be worth it. Imagine how strong and complete your family will become if you go through such difficulties together.

How to fall in love with your husband again

Your husband is still the same person you once fell in love with, but he has changed. His habits became different, new qualities appeared. Together you form a single whole, protect the interests of your family, and are an authority for each other. Youthful dreams have already become a reality, you have already visited the places you dreamed of, given birth and are raising children. And you did all this together. You have changed together, but for the better, you have matured. And all these are the results of your own desires and actions. You have become who you wanted to be.

Positive thinking

You need to have a positive attitude towards all changes. You need to understand that you loved your husband for who he was and is. You need to see your own mistakes and correct your behavior, then you will notice less the shortcomings of your significant other. The fewer flaws you see, the stronger your love.

Take note: all bad thoughts about your husband’s behavior and actions need to be replaced with positive ones. You won’t even notice how your thoughts about him will become positive. Malice and anger will be replaced by devotion and compassion. Try to praise each other more often, even over various trifles.

You both need to accept each other for who you are. Accept weaknesses, shortcomings, habits, share experiences and fears. It’s so easy to say: “I can’t do this alone. I need help".

To feel the revived sincere love, which has only become stronger, having gone through difficulties and joys, painstaking work is needed on both sides.

Little things to pay attention to

You need to be careful with little things that can affect your relationship. Don't let them ruin the marriage that brought you happiness.

A woman must show her respect and sincerity of her feelings.

Do something together with your husband, such as planning a family budget. There is no need to complain that you cannot buy yourself an expensive bag, because your significant other works hard every day so that you do not deny yourself anything.

As mentioned above, do not think negatively, because negativity is draining.

It is also very important that your man feels that he is your first priority. Work, parents, girlfriends should fade into the background. Of course, this will raise his self-esteem. Many marriages break up precisely for this reason; young people neglect each other’s feelings, they fade into the background for each other.

The main point in marriage is physical affection, although you should not forget about spiritual affection. Men are designed in such a way that they crave and need not only platonic love, but also physical love. But under no circumstances should you use intimacy as a tool to control your significant other. This is your personal, what binds you to each other.

Women love hints, perhaps this is genetic. But men just don't understand them. Don't waste your time making subtle hints, he won't understand them anyway. Speak frankly to each other. Be honest and open about your feelings.

Start with yourself

If you want to fall in love with your husband again, try giving him gifts. Remember childhood fun: write love notes to each other. Look at your lover with different eyes. You can make a list, point by point, why you once fell in love with him. Tell only good things about your husband. This will only have a positive effect on the relationship.

Start with yourself, say in front of the mirror that you love and are loved, that you have a happy marriage and a husband whom you truly love. You have overcome so many life difficulties together that you simply must be happy. Take a vacation and go on a romantic trip together. A warm country, sea or walks around the city at night will definitely bring something new to your relationship.

How to fall in love with your husband again? Can this be done after many years of marriage? Women often turn to a psychologist with such questions. Years have passed. Daily bustle, professional activity, frequent emotional overload, everyday life - all this negatively affects feelings. And gradually it can provoke the spouses’ distance from each other, the loss of romance. But you can fall in love with your man again, you just have to want it and try a little.

The reason for the fading of feelings

When you just fell in love with your chosen one, at this stage there is an increased production of hormones in the body. In the initial stages of relationship development, the main hormone that is responsible for all emotions is dopamine. Thanks to him, one feels euphoria, all positive emotional manifestations, and an irresistible craving for the chosen one. But this hormone prevails over others for only a short time - about two years. It is at this time that a person in love experiences inspiration.

After several years, the hormone dopamine is replaced by oxytocin, which is responsible for stability and stability in relationships. The stage of rethinking all values ​​is coming, so now quarrels and disagreements, as well as dulling of feelings, are quite possible. Those partners who are again striving to bring romance back into their relationship and change their hormonal levels must try very hard and work on themselves mutually.

When a woman falls in love, she does not see the negative character traits of her chosen one. His charisma, sense of humor, visual attractiveness - all this is very attractive. But after the wedding, while living together, you begin to see the shortcomings of your loved one.

And after a while they no longer seem cute and harmless. Some of them even become downright annoying. Therefore, it is important to be able not only to preserve your feelings, but also to move to a new stage: passion should be replaced by stability and confidence in your partner.

As for long-term relationships, the reason for the fading of feelings is routine. Every day resembles the previous one, it becomes boring. And relationships can deteriorate. There are a large number of ways to bring back your former passion and romance. But they all require patience.

Changes in yourself

How to fall in love with your husband again? To bring back the passion and romance to a relationship, it is important to work on yourself. This may just be such a period in life. At the moment, you may be irritated and unhappy with your partner. Therefore, first it is important to eliminate your own negative attitude. Analyze what could have caused your depression. And you will understand that sometimes your husband behaves the same as before, you just began to perceive it differently.

Take responsibility for your relationship into your own hands. Don't let things go to chance. Look at your family from the outside. The husband does not insult, does not humiliate, does not drink, does not cheat, and does not waste money in slot machines. It is very important.

Sometimes spouses may experience a vicious circle. For example, my husband had a crunch at work and came in a couple of days in a row later than usual. You don’t understand, you begin to get offended, express dissatisfaction and complaints. And he comes even later. Deciding to take revenge, you don't cook dinner. Naturally, he doesn’t like it, and quarrels begin.

Now imagine. He came home from work tired. A delicious dinner and a caring wife awaits him at home, who will always ask how his day was. This is the correct tactic. Try to restrain yourself for a few weeks. And you will see changes. Both in him and in himself. It is important to understand that you have the power to change the situation. You just need constant work on yourself, the ability to restrain yourself and not take your bad mood out on an innocent person.

The best motive for change

How to fall in love with your spouse again after many years together? Remember, your spouse is the same as he was when you fell in love with him. Every person needs approval and praise. The need to accept him as he really is is also important. Many problems begin to appear precisely in the reluctance of one of the spouses to perceive their partner as real.

Therefore, in order to love your husband again, it is important to stop criticizing, and, on the contrary, learn to find virtues and positive character traits. Yes, your views on some things and situations may differ significantly. But with your critical remarks you are unlikely to be able to change it. On the contrary, you can provoke people to do everything out of spite.

What does the psychologist recommend? Make a list of the positive qualities of the man you love. Look how much good there is in it. Keep adding to this list. Also make the opposite list. Surely the person you once chose will have many more positive qualities than negative ones.

And praise, be sure to praise. And for caring, for helping, for spending time with the children and helping around the house. Emphasize that only thanks to him the child brought a good grade from school or you had such a delicious dinner.

Praise greatly stimulates new good deeds. It also strengthens relationships and creates a desire to continue to be a friend and helper.

Make friends with your husband

Remember, probably when your relationship was just beginning, you knew how to talk to each other about everything in the world. They were always interested in each other’s affairs, constantly called, wrote romantic messages. It is important to establish communication and become a friend to your loved one.

Spend at least a quarter of an hour a day just for the two of you. Call, talk about trifles. But at the same time, do not encroach on his personal space. If he comes home from work tired and wants to be alone, there is no need to pester him with questions. And don’t be offended if he wants to read or watch TV. He just needs rest after a hard day at work.

Take care of yourself

How to fall in love with your husband again? One of the common reasons that a husband loses interest in his wife is her behavior. She no longer tries to look perfect; she only applies makeup before going out. And at home she prefers to go bare-faced, in an old robe. She's no longer trying to impress. This is sad.

Bring back your old self. Finally change your home clothes. Throw away floor-length nightgowns. To replace them, buy an erotic set. Take care of your appearance and figure. Become an interesting conversationalist.

Act as if you just started dating and are trying to please a man. This applies not only to appearance, but also to behavior, smiles, flirting, and romantic messages. All this can be returned if desired. It just takes a little effort.

There are simple ways to bring romance and love back into a relationship:

  1. Constantly tell him that you love him. Smile at your reflection in the mirror every day. Such training after a while gives colossal results.
  2. Remember your acquaintance, first meetings, walks and dates. Feel what you felt in those moments.
  3. Feel free to talk. When speaking, learn to calmly express your emotions. Diversify your sex life.
  4. Spend time together. It could be a vacation or, at worst, a weekend. Send the children to their parents, arrange a romantic date.
  5. Go diving together, skydive, and take part in other extreme sports. Emotional turmoil will help you get closer.
  6. Imagine your life without him. Feel that fear and pain, loneliness and despair.
  7. Give your spouse compliments. Praise a delicious dinner, a new purchase, a haircut, thank you.

Remember, you once chose this person yourself. Of course, time passed, he changed. But you also change, he perceives you with all your shortcomings. It is quite possible to love your spouse again. But you will have to work hard, make some efforts. And then mutual understanding, happiness, and prosperity will return to your family union again.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to love your husband again. You will find out for what reasons old feelings may weaken. Learn valuable tips.

How to understand that feelings have cooled down

In order to realize that you no longer have strong feelings towards your husband, you need to answer several questions.

  1. Do you want to spend all your free time next to your spouse?
  2. Do you dream of your husband touching you, showing his tenderness, kissing you?
  3. Do you think about him throughout the day, do you remember him at least once?
  4. Do you like spending time in the company of your husband, is it interesting to communicate with him?
  5. Do you tell your spouse about your worries, do you share your opinions and thoughts?
  6. Do you try to avoid quarrels and compromise?

If the answers to the questions are negative, then it’s time to save your relationship, because the feelings disappear.

Why does love fade away

Before you think about how to love your husband with the same intensity, you need to understand the reasons that led to the disappearance of old feelings:

  • romance disappeared from the relationship;
  • the man’s appearance changed (he gained weight, stopped taking care of himself, became unkempt);
  • the spouse looks less successful and less attractive compared to other men;
  • everyday problems, quarrels ate away the former passion;
  • problems in intimate relationships;
  • different views on life.

It happens that a woman feels the need to love her ex-husband or her current husband, for whom her feelings have cooled, but it doesn’t work out for her. Why can this happen? Perhaps true love never existed or there was infidelity (whether on the part of the wife or husband), after which the woman cannot pretend that nothing happened.

I bring to your attention advice from psychologists that allows you to awaken old feelings.

  1. If the whole problem is in the external changes of the spouse, then the woman can try to make her partner more attractive. If your husband has extra pounds, it is unacceptable to reproach him for this. This way you will only run into new conflicts. The wife should be wise, for example, you can suggest joining a gym or visiting the pool with the whole family. The man will not be so offended, because you are also going to study. In addition, visiting the pool or gym together will further strengthen family relationships and will also have a beneficial effect on your health. If a man has lost his taste for clothes and started dressing ugly, then his wife can take care of purchasing the right things and give them as a gift.
  2. Sometimes a man may appear in a woman’s life who will awaken stronger feelings in her than her husband. Often this passion can push to betrayal. At such a moment, it seems to a woman that she loves a new boyfriend and feels nothing for her legal husband. In fact, the monotony of the relationship with your spouse and boring life may be to blame. And the appearance of a gentleman allows you to feel your need, to introduce variety, passion, which was in a marital relationship only at the beginning of life together. But you need to think about whether what you feel for your lover can really be called love or is it just passion and everything will fade away over time. Try to analyze your husband without thinking about a new gentleman, remember how you treated him when your family was just being created. Is it worth ruining everything now or is it necessary to make changes in your life with your husband and awaken old feelings?
  3. If your couple does not have proper communication that would arouse interest in both spouses, perhaps you do not talk about your worries, then you need to try to find ways of common ground, to identify topics that would be interesting to both of you. After all, fruitful communication has a significant impact on feelings in the family.
  4. If you realize that your feelings have begun to fade away due to the fact that you have too much free time or are simply nagging your spouse, then it is necessary for some kind of hobby to appear in life that could absorb you. Then you will understand that you were too picky, all out of boredom.
  5. Female psychology is such that sooner or later, a woman begins to compare her partner with other representatives of this species. It begins to seem to her that other men are much more beautiful and successful, they are more attractive. If you are faced with such a problem, you need to realize the fact that the idea that you have about other people is most likely false. You only see the positive traits of these people. Your task is to stop comparing your spouse with other men, and try to identify his positive qualities, to realize that there is a worthy person next to you.
  6. It happens that a woman’s feelings fade away due to lack of proper attention from her husband. If you notice that your partner has begun to treat you indifferently, then you need to make adjustments to your life. Try to do everything to awaken old feelings in your spouse. While you are trying to impress him, making changes to your character, appearance, making a lot of effort to achieve his favor, you realize that he is very dear to you, your feelings have become stronger than before.
  7. If your relationship has been consumed by everyday life, you need to go on some kind of trip with your husband, be alone with him, remember the past romance, the feelings that you experienced many years ago.
  8. You can also engage in self-hypnosis, every day convincing yourself that your feelings for your spouse are strong, it’s just that your mind is clouded. Praise him, admire him in your thoughts.
  9. If your feelings for a man have disappeared because he has stopped satisfying you intimately, then you need to diversify your close relationships yourself. Try to change something, intrigue your husband,

Complete well-being, a wonderful husband who anticipates every whim, a cottage in a holiday village, a car - well, what more could a woman possibly want?

And the woman is bored!

If we trace some historical analogies or take a closer look at each of our lives, we will understand one paradoxical pattern: when a man is absolutely in control, we begin to become impudent, sad and rude.

A client came to me last week and said: “I have a wonderful husband and four children. I am 30 years old. I'm fine. I'm bored. I'm just bored at home. I understand that I have a wonderful husband, that he loves me and the children. Any wish is fulfilled unquestioningly. No difficulties. I once asked for a job, he said: “Why do you need this? I'll give you more than you can earn! If you want to have fun, grab your girlfriends and go to Paris for a week! Maybe I should give you a store?”

And then she had a lover. She dated him for a while, and then finally decided to leave him. She says: “Why do I invent misfortunes for myself? I don't want to go home. Here I have just cooled down from a kiss with a young man to whom I give money, whom I teach, for whom I bought a car, rented an apartment for private meetings. But, of course, I have already tamed him. Even if I don’t meet him, I will still help him for some time. But I go home unhappy. At first I felt guilty, but now I don’t even feel guilty. It seems to me that my husband, with his capabilities, has known for a long time that this young man exists, and he allows this relationship.”

And I thought...

Indeed, people have now begun to ask a very non-standard question: “How can I love my own husband?”, “What can I do to make my wife look at me with different eyes again?”

Buying a woman happiness with money doesn’t require much intelligence or talent!

But even for money now some women say: “I’ve already got everything. I can already erect a monument to our relationship with you. Buy an apartment, a car, put some money into your child’s account. Open a business for me, and now I’ll finish my studies and I’ll leave.”

You must understand that a man who does not let a woman leave the house quietly cultivates quiet hatred in her. This must be clearly understood: not now, but in four years she will stop loving you, because these walls will become a cage for her! Whatever they are!

Therefore, law No. 1: try to crawl out of your territory. You have to get out of the hole. Any woman, even if she receives 15 thousand rubles a month, 10, 5, will know the value of money. She will save well. She has great respect for a working man. She understands the word: “I’m tired.” She herself is tired to such an extent that her heart rate drops, her “blah blah blah” frequency ends and normal human conversation begins. Or a heroic dream, which is also important. Again, it’s wonderful when people are in the same state and mood.

As long as a woman wants to “work on a man,” as long as she wants to change his clothes, educate him, make sure he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t swear, and is absolutely perfect, she’s interested. As soon as it becomes absolutely perfect, it is waste material!

In order to please your husband, he always needs to show some facets that he has not yet seen. Sometimes dramaturgy needs to be included. Even if you want to be still good, become a little bad. Give the man a reason so that he has something to complain about. Such small squabbles and clashes also help develop relationships.

If you want to love your husband, give him gifts. If you want to love your husband, be a little bad so that he has the opportunity to forgive you. Or even punish her a little lovingly, because it’s so sexy to punish, and then forgive your “bad girl.” Give a hint - for example, put an intimate gel in a prominent place (Ecofemin hypoallergenic gel is ideal, it is sold in a pharmacy), and you will see with what joy he will punish and then forgive his rebellious beloved, and both of you will get great pleasure, refreshing your feelings . If you want to love your husband, get bored, go somewhere to the ends of the Earth. Come up with affectionate names for yourself. If you forgot about them, remember what they were. Write notes to each other - on the glass with your finger. Just like it was in my youth. Why do we forget about all these things? Have we become different people? Be afraid when there is no trouble. Be afraid that he might disappear somewhere! He could die tomorrow, and another woman could take him away, he could stop loving you!

In order to love your own husband, you need a certain algorithm. First think about why love passed? And then - why do you still want her back? When the situation becomes absolutely clear to you, take action. Your goal is to fall in love with your own husband, and this is much more difficult than just falling in love. Therefore, your path should be enchanting. And first of all, you need to get rid of boredom in yourself! Despite your age and relationship experience, you simply must be fresh - in smell, in actions, in thoughts, in ideas! Buy unusual sexy lingerie, write him a note with hearts, take a new approach even to personal hygiene - refresh everything connected with everyday life. For intimate hygiene, Ecofemin women's intimate soap is perfect, and for “sudden” sex in unusual places like a car or elevator, carry Ecofemin intimate hygiene wipes in your purse - for yourself and for him, and do everything with your own hands. Your overall happiness is in your hands, and most importantly, in your head and heart - happy changes must be wanted and planned! Any effort to be happy together will always bring results. If you put “I want” instead of “need”, you will definitely succeed. And then just open your heart. Dull your head a little and open your soul. And you will succeed!