
Precious stones as an investment tool. Is investing in gemstones profitable? Investing in gems

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It is known that the post-crisis years are the most favorable period for the acquisition and accumulation of various jewelry. Because, despite the fact that precious things do not depreciate at all, their value during this period becomes much lower than during normal times. And, of course, after the “revival” of the economy, prices rise again and, accordingly, they can be sold at a much higher price.

To date, the most optimal and promising investment in jewelry is the purchase of precious stones: sooner or later they will definitely rise in price and they can be sold, having bailed out a fairly good profit. The only disadvantage of such a "precious" investment is the time spent. The value of stones increases rather slowly. Therefore, it may take a week, a month, a year, or even several years before they gain the “right weight” for sale.

Theoretically, become rich by selling gems you can in just a couple of years, buying them at a very low price and selling them at a high cost. The most important and, perhaps, the most difficult thing is to catch exactly the same right moment for investment.

Investments in gemstones can be divided into three types:
1) purchase of various jewelry inlaid with precious stones;
2) purchase of certified gems;
3) the purchase of securities, the value of which is “linked” to the value of precious stones.

As in any business, acquiring jewelry, keep in mind that even here there are pitfalls that novice investors, and sometimes “hardened wolves” can stumble on: you will not be able to recoup too much expensive stones unless you find a buyer with too much money. In this case, you will either have to sell them at a very "fallen" value, or leave them to posterity.

It is quite difficult to find a worthwhile private buyer for a piece of jewelry that does not represent any artistic or historical value. Because it is easier and cheaper to buy the right product in a jewelry store, where they will give a 100% guarantee on the authenticity of the stones, than to buy it from you.

If you still failed to sell your jewelry to a true connoisseur, you can always hand over the product to a specialized store or pawnshop, however, there you will be offered mere pennies for your stones.

Another type of "precious" business is the purchase of a certified product. Moreover, you can purchase both a separate gemstone and a set of several jewelry and stones at a cost much lower than in a store. Considering the modern age of Internet technologies, now, to find out the price of a certain product (stone), you just need to go to the stock exchange or a specialized site, open a calculator and enter data. In a few moments you will know the approximate price of the stone. True, on the exchange you will not be able to follow the quotes of diamonds. This information is available only to brokers (“diamantaires”) who compare prices with a special Rapaport index.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? It is possible to invest in jewelry, but it is necessary to have certain skills, have an excellent understanding and understanding of stones and valuable products, as well as constantly monitor the situation on the world market and be in the trend of events.

    As with any commodity, the prices of stones depend on the combination of supply and demand in the market. But, unlike gold, stones are not created by nature the same. In addition, prices are affected by:

  • political situation
  • wars
  • scientific developments and

Investing in gemstones requires a good level of expertise - knowledge and research.

Given these risks, investing in stones is a profitable business. Moreover, if buying “ordinary” gems like rubies, sapphires and emeralds will provide you with excellent investment potential, then investing in rarer and less popular stones sometimes brings even more income.

Ideally, gems intended for investment purchases should be at least 2 carats in weight and rated "above average" for color, cut, clarity, strength, provenance, and rarity.

For a group of the most famous gemstones in the world (rubies, emeralds, sapphires and alexandrites), the average cost of a stone should be at least 3 thousand US dollars. The reason is that less expensive stones are likely to be too “ordinary”, and an “investment stone” must be rare and valuable (more on the criteria for the value of jewelry stones).

Stones such as spinels, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, blue tourmalines, tsavorites, demantoids and alexandrites may well be considered for investment purposes. Over the past 30 years, they have shown good upward trends in prices, and the value of some of them (for example, spinels, demantoids, tsavorites, alexandrios and Paraiba tourmalines) has increased over this time by more than 20 times.

If you are investing in stones for the first time, investing in blue sapphire is the safest, but also the most expensive venture. Sapphires historically have the most significant value. They are strong, hardy, and will be highly valued if they are large enough to be considered rare.

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Gemstones - investor reviews and comments

Well, I have essentially a similar program, just not precious stones, but precious metals. I invest through Sotsagrofinance. I like that the interest is high, and you can receive them monthly, even if the contract is concluded for the maximum period. The only drawback in the company is the office, guys, well, one office for such a large country, with your volumes!! And nuka, expand))), in fact, it’s not very expensive for me to drive a car, but for Rostov or someone else it will already be far away. But I think it's a matter of time, they will definitely expand soon

But in times of crisis and with the development of inflation, devaluation, even a person with huge money bags suffers. At such moments, it is wise to invest in "eternal values": precious metals and stones. Which can be profitably sold when the economic situation normalizes and people again have a desire to purchase luxury goods. The price of precious stones (diamonds, brilliants) falls during the crisis. Investing in gemstones can be very profitable. But, you need to understand that such a long-term. And the important point is right choice the moment of buying and selling precious stones. In total, there are three options for investing in precious stones.

1. Investment in gemstone jewelry
It must be said right away that investing in ready-made jewelry is a losing option for investing in precious stones. The cost of a piece of jewelry consists not only of the price of the precious metal, but also of the setting for it, the work of the jeweler, the brand of the seller, commissions, etc. Not only do you run the risk of overpaying a decent amount when purchasing a piece of jewelry, but it’s also not a fact that with an increase in the price of precious stones, you will be able to profitably sell the item. And the seller, in parallel with you, is slowly buying new rough stones, making them to the jeweler and planning to weld 70% on the sale. Therefore, it is worth investing in loose gemstones, diamonds, for example. Then place an order with a jeweler, successfully select the design of the jewelry and sell it in a few years. Even taking into account all the costs of making jewelry, when selling it, you can get up to 60% of the profit from the initial cost of an unset stone. The choice of diamonds for investment is just as important. For true connoisseurs, diamond items with a weight of at least one carat, clarity LC-VS1, color D-G are attractive. The advantage of such investments is that the demand for jewelry with diamonds or other precious stones is greater than for certified stones. And you can wear these jewelry before you sell it. As for diamond certification, the quality must meet the requirements of HRD, GIA or IGI.
2. Investment in certified gems

Certified stones are diamonds (diamonds, etc.) that have passed an examination of quality and authenticity, following which they received standardized certificates. The sale of these stones is carried out only in boxes sealed with a tape of a specialized body. The stones inside the box are sealed. Certificates contain basic information about the characteristics of the stone, such as weight, color, origin, etc., as well as a sketch of the gemstone with a detailed designation of cracks and chips. In most countries, quality assurance is confirmed by a passport, which indicates the characteristics, as well as a trademark. Quality certificates issued in Russia do not inspire confidence among foreigners. The purchase of a certified stone must be carried out at a specialized dealer. You can find out the approximate price of investing in a particular gem on the website using the cost calculator, indicating all its characteristics. The only downside to investing in an uncut stone (diamond, for example) is that it cannot be worn as jewelry.
3. Investments in, which are tied to the price of gems
These days, there are not many financial instruments whose value is based on the price of stones. But in the Netherlands, Israel there are stone exchanges, of which there are not so many in the world. Many precious stones are traded on such exchanges, but diamonds are preferred. Changes in prices for diamonds (according to the special Rapaport index) cannot be monitored through the terminal, where quotes are closed, and auctions are conducted by so-called diamantaires. As you can see, investing in precious stones is a rather complicated task. And if you decide to do this, then the first thing that will need to be sorted out (except for the situation in the world of stone trading) is in the precious stones themselves, because. there are many varieties of them. And the chance to buy a fake is as great as the price of a diamond weighing 1.

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To start investing in precious stones, the first step is to make sure that a potential investor has a sufficient amount of funds, which may fall out of circulation for many years. In fact, this method of making a profit is more suitable for those categories of people who tend to rather preserve what they already have than to significantly increase it. And yet, if you deal with the problem really in detail, give it a lot of effort, money, opportunities and efforts, then there will be a great opportunity to get a very solid income.

Short story

Throughout its history, humanity has preferred investments in precious stones and gold to all other types of making a profit or storing funds. And if everything is more or less clear with precious metal, since it was quite capable of being used as an independent payment unit, then with stones everything is much more complicated. It was necessary to understand the issue in detail, to know the right people capable of "converting" them into money, and so on.

However, little has changed since then. Still, it is precious stones, along with gold and others, that remain the most secure investment. At the same time, you can always find more profitable options for investing your own funds in the short term. But they are also much more risky. And not always in the end, such investment options will be able to give as much profit as you could get from working with jewelry.

Long term

A person who wishes to store money in this way must be prepared for the fact that he will receive a very long time from the actual profit from his investment in precious stones. Most often, years pass, and in some cases only the heirs will be able to fully dispose of the income. That is a very long-term investment. In many cases, in some periods, the price of jewelry and products from them may fall, and very significantly. If there is free money, it is recommended to immediately purchase such a product while its price is low.

Never in the history of mankind has such a period of crisis lasted too long. Ultimately, the cost of products begins to rise steadily and more or less stabilizes at a level that significantly exceeds the one at which the fall began. And it is precisely during this period of time that it is necessary to sell jewelry if there is a desire to make a profit. But do not forget that years will pass, and the price will first fall again, and then rise again. And the circle will start again. That is, the longer the jewelry is stored, the more expensive it becomes.

Experience and knowledge

Another important factor is special education. A beginner can be very easily and simply deceived, or simply stop working with him if it turns out that the person does not understand the issue. The science of investing in gemstones is very complex. And despite the claims of numerous educational institutions different type and other persons offering to teach this type of investment, in fact, only a person who has been dealing with this issue for a long time and who wants to transfer real knowledge, and not confuse a beginner, can actually do this.

That is why the number of people who really earn money on jewelry is very small, and they accept new ones into their “group” with great difficulty.

Turnover complexity

The next very important question is what to do next with these goods? Keeping money in gems is very easy. They take up little space, are easy to hide and hard to find. But when there is a need for money, the question immediately arises: where to sell these stones? Most often they prefer to buy already finished goods. It is almost impossible to implement the material itself for such products without knowledge of the specifics, features and people who are engaged in this. But even with the necessary knowledge, it is very difficult to do it quickly.

Investing in precious stones requires a lot of patience, attention and accuracy. It is important to understand not only where to buy them at a bargain price, but also where, when and how to sell, so as not to be deceived or get less than the market price.


Like any other business, there are scammers here too. Investing in precious stones is closely associated with very large amounts of money, and there will always be someone who decides to cheat, betray, set up, and so on. For example, they may simply not give the right price. Or they can steal jewelry or value it much lower than the market value. There are many schemes for fraud, and most of them are so cunning that a person will not identify the deceiver until it is too late.

Often, such scammers can quite honestly and conscientiously work with people experienced in this field, but when they feel a beginner, they will at least try to deceive him.

Investing in gemstones: pros and cons

If we briefly say about everything that is indicated above, then we can clearly highlight the main positive and negative aspects of storing funds in this way. So, the advantages are clearly a fairly large profit, stability, the ability to save money, the compactness of products, and so on. But the disadvantages clearly include the uncertain long-term investment, the difficulty of obtaining the necessary experience, skills and basic business concepts. Investing in gemstones is inextricably linked to fixed costs, the need for training, the importance of dating, and so on. Of course, if it worked out, then all costs will eventually be compensated with a vengeance. But you can’t stop halfway, otherwise, instead of the expected profit, there will be only continuous losses.

Judging by the statistics, the turnover of such goods is steadily growing from year to year. And, quite naturally, prices are rising. But according to the same statistics, sooner or later a decline will begin, at the peak of which you need to start buying jewelry.


Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that investing in precious stones is a real and very profitable financial instrument that is theoretically available to everyone. At the same time, this method of generating income and storing funds requires extensive practice, skills and experience. You need to meet useful people. You need a lot of money to start and so on. That is, the business is real, but so complex that not everyone can reach the end and make a profit.

"A girl's best friend is diamonds" - "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" was how Marilyn Monroe sang in the 1953 film of the same name with the musical. But here, like all other gems, not at all the most Good friends. Although for whom it’s like ... In the world, in general, they firmly occupy the fifth line, and in North America and Australia - in third place.

The status of “eternal values” has firmly entrenched behind precious stones: the world can collapse, money can depreciate, and diamonds will rise in price. In the mind of the layman, with a head full of jewelry advertising, gems are actually a synonym for guaranteed profitability. But a closer look at this tool reveals that they fight back extremely slowly - for decades. Therefore, the vast majority of investors-speculators will not be interested.

In fact, everything is much more complicated: different gems - different price dynamics. And even more difficult: in the same size, different characteristics of a diamond - different price dynamics.

Among cut diamonds of all quality characteristics within the same size, on average, cut diamonds weighing 3.00-3.99 carats are characterized by the largest price increase: 17% (for the entire array of stones) and 19% (for all stones, except for I2-I3). However, stones of other sizes lagged behind 3-carat ones a little: their price growth was 14-16% and 16-19%, respectively…etc. etc. Every year is a mass of figures for analysis. Again we come to the conclusion that the most important thing in investing is to become a professional, first of all.

But besides diamonds, there are other gems . On popular colored gemstones, starting 1960 , assuming the best quality stones, the following change in prices was observed:
Pigeon blood ruby, 1 to 10 carats . The pigeon blood ruby ​​is the most expensive of the colored gemstones. The price of a ruby ​​has increased by 7 times - this is a lot if you remember about the order of ruby ​​prices. The cost of a ruby ​​depends more on the origin of the stone and the ways of its delivery, and less on the quality of the stone.
Star ruby ​​with pronounced asterism and good color, from 1 to 10 carats . The popularity of this type of ruby ​​is growing every year, especially in the United States. The cost of a star ruby ​​has increased 14 times, and now it is only slightly inferior to a simple ruby. The range of market prices is very wide.
Emerald bright green "grassy", from 1 to 10 carats . Although the popularity of the bright green emerald is declining somewhat, the demand for emerald remains ubiquitous. The cost of a bright green emerald has increased 6 times.
Sapphire bright blue "cornflower blue", from 1 to 10 carats . The cost of bright blue sapphire has increased by almost 45 times! The range of prices for bright blue sapphire is also large, and depends on the region of extraction and intermediary sellers.
Good color star sapphire with well-defined asterism, from 1 to 10 carats. The popularity of star sapphire is also growing steadily, with the cost increased by 20 times. There is also a wide range of prices for star sapphire.
Alexandrite with a good color reverse, from 3 to 10 carats.
The cost of alexandrite has increased 25 times. It should be noted a very large range of prices for alexandrite.
Tourmaline green (verdelite), from 5 to 15 carats. The popularity of green tourmaline is growing, the leader in price growth, has risen in price by 67 times! at the same time, the situation on the market is unstable - there is a large variation in prices for green tourmaline, approximately 10 times.
Tourmaline red (rubelite), from 5 to 15 carats.
Tourmaline red has also risen in price significantly - 30 times, the price range is huge.
Demantoid, from 1 to 10 carats.
Demantoid from year to year becomes more and more attractive to buyers due to its brilliant brilliance, as well as the discovery of new rich African deposits. The cost of the demantoid has increased by 20 times.
Opal noble, from 1 to 10 carats.
Opal noble has risen in price by 14 times.
Topaz, 5 to 15 carats.
Topaz is notable for its dramatic increase in popularity around the world. Topaz has risen in price by 20 times. The spread of prices for topaz is practically not observed.
Aquamarine blue, from 3 to 15 carats.
There has been a decline in popularity for aquamarine blue, but now demand is stable. The cost of aquamarine blue has increased 6 times.
Tsavorite, from 1 to 10 carats.
In terms of clarity and color, tsavorite competes well with emerald, but is inferior to it in hardness. Great growth in popularity for tsavorite in the last two decades. The price of tsavorite has increased by about 20 times, has a large market price range again due to the growing popularity of tsavorite among many dealers.

It is very important to remember: for example, in Russia, investing in cut diamonds is more like playing roulette. There is no secondary diamond market in Russia. Trade in certified diamonds between individuals is not provided, this is a violation of Russian law. For a private trader, the only legal option for selling a stone is a pawnshop or a jewelry store, there are no other ways. Well, a pawnshop is a direct path to losses - they will give you only half the cost of a diamond, at best. In a commission, you determine the price yourself, the whole question is when you receive the money. Your stone may be bought tomorrow, in a year, or they may not be bought at all. Shops do not even buy stones sold from them, and diamond auctions in which private traders could participate are not held in Russia. So because of the problems with the sale, all profitability forecasts become meaningless, because even if prices rise, it is possible that in the end you will sell the stone for less than you bought it. You can try to sell diamonds in Europe and the USA, there are no legal restrictions on buying and selling diamonds, but how to find a buyer… I will publish open and legal sources to find contacts. Yes, and do not forget: a stone without a certificate will be bought from you at a significant discount. The more globally quoted certificate you provide, the less reason the buyer will have to drop the price.

The cost of which is tied to .

Some features of investing in jewelry:
1. The history of precious stones goes back hundreds of years. At the same time, despite the new technologies in the processing of stones, high-quality stones have not undergone fashion trends.
2. Gemstones are not suitable for short term investments. If we are talking about income, then we should be patient for decades.
3. Precious stones, in addition to their investment value, also have very attractive aesthetic merits. Moreover, they can be used without harm to them, unlike such things as furs, furniture, cars. Stones can be worn in jewelry. The main thing is to properly care for them.
4. Quality gemstones are timeless. Gemstones are small in size, so they are easy to move, store and display.
5. You should not save on the examination of stones, check their authenticity, quality, in order to find out their real value. The gemstone can also be packaged in the so-called security pak - packaging with tamper-evident protection.
6. Precious stones are an illiquid investment instrument. This means that you should take care of the sales channels in advance. The easiest way to find clients for stones or jewelry is those who work professionally with them: jewelers, suppliers, gemologists.
7. Each of the precious stones has its own price growth dynamics. Before buying gemstones, it is always necessary to familiarize yourself with the state of affairs in the market. It is important to note that you cannot find official world statistics, as in the diamond market. There is no monopoly on colored gemstones, because the demands are as multifaceted as the stones themselves.

Based on materials:,, and others.

Good luck with our investment!