
Enterprise activity. Regulations on the Committee of the Russian Federation on Precious Metals and Precious Stones Committee on Precious Metals and Stones


P O R I D O K Committee of the Russian Federation for precious metals and precious stones dated May 8, 1993 N 32-10-51-119/7The procedure for the release of precious metals on account of the surrenderedto the State Fund for Precious Scrap and Wastemetals for the production of industrial products, jewelry and other goodsconsumer goodsRegistered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian FederationJuly 30, 1993 Registration N 314Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1992 N 431 "On the procedure for collecting, accepting and processing scrap and waste of precious metals and precious stones" The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation was instructed to annually allocate precious metals and precious stones for the production of industrial products, jewelry and other consumer goods:governments of the republics within the Russian Federation, executive authorities of territories, regions and autonomous formations - in the amount of up to 1.5 percent of the metals and stones extracted from scrap and waste of these metals and stones, collected in the territories of the respective republics, territories, regions and autonomous formations and handed over to Committee of the Russian Federation on Precious Metals and Precious Stones;enterprises, organizations and institutions - in the amount of up to 3 percent of the metals and stones extracted from scrap and waste of these metals and stones, collected by the indicated enterprises, organizations and institutions and handed over to the Committee of the Russian Federation for Precious Metals and Precious Stones.The following procedure for issuing precious metals is established:1. The release of precious metals is carried out after their advance payment at the current selling prices for the relevant precious metals and is carried out by the Committee of the Russian Federation for Precious Metals and Precious Stones once a year based on statistical reporting data on the actual receipt of precious metals extracted by the State Fund of the Russian Federation from scrap and waste, for the previous year, submitted in accordance with the established procedure to the Committee of the Russian Federation for Precious Metals and Precious Stones by enterprises - purveyors of scrap and waste of precious metals.2. The basis for the release of precious metals to enterprises, organizations and institutions is a letter to Roskomdragmet on the issuance of the required amount of precious metals. The following documents are attached to the letter:copies of passports of enterprises - suppliers of scrap and waste on the amount of precious metals extracted from scrap and waste;copies of contracts with enterprises various forms ownership of the production of industrial products, jewelry and other consumer goods from precious metals to be sold;3. The basis for the release of precious metals to the governments of the republics within the Russian Federation, the executive authorities of territories, regions and autonomous entities is a letter to Roskomdragmet on the issuance of the required amount of precious metals. The following documents are attached to the letter:certificate of the amount of precious metals extracted from scrap and waste delivered by enterprises of the republics within the Russian Federation, territory, region, autonomous formation with a breakdown by delivering enterprises, compiled by the procurement enterprise;a list of enterprises - manufacturers of industrial products, jewelry and consumer goods using precious metals and indicating the amount of precious metals emitted and details of enterprises;a list of organizations authorized by executive authorities to receive precious metals for organizations manufacturing industrial products, jewelry and other consumer goods, indicating the amount of precious metals allocated and details of enterprises and copies of contracts between these organizations and manufacturers of industrial products, jewelry and other consumer goods;copies of registration certificates issued by the territorial bodies of the Russian State Assay Office to manufacturers of products from precious metals.


In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1994 N 756 "On Approval of the Regulation on Transactions with Precious Metals on the Territory of the Russian Federation", items containing precious metals are classified as jewelry in the manner established by the Committee of the Russian Federation for Precious Metals. metals and precious stones.

In pursuance of the said Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for classifying items containing precious metals as jewelry.

2. The Russian State Assay Chamber (VP Nikitin) and the scientific and technical department of Roskomdragmet (PN Alentov) to make appropriate changes to the regulatory and technical documentation.

2. Jewelry includes products made from precious metals and their alloys, using various kinds artistic processing, with or without inserts of precious, semi-precious, ornamental, colored stones and other materials of natural or artificial origin, used as various decorations, household items, religious objects and / or for decorative purposes, performing various rituals and ceremonies, as well as commemorative , anniversary and other signs and medals, except for awards, the status of which is determined in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

3. Requirements for jewelry in terms of testing and hallmarking are established by regulatory documents on samples and hallmarking of jewelry made of precious metals in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. Jewelry haberdashery products include products made from non-precious materials, coated with precious metals, with or without inserts of semi-precious, ornamental, colored stones and other materials of natural or artificial origin, used as various decorations, household items, religious objects. and / or for decorative purposes, as well as for performing various rituals and ceremonies.

5. Metal haberdashery products include products made from non-precious materials, with inserts of semi-precious, ornamental, colored stones and other materials of natural or artificial origin or without them, used as various decorations, household items, cult items and / or for decorative purposes, as well as to perform various rituals and ceremonies.


Roskomdragmet - the Russian Committee for Precious Metals and Precious Stones - in accordance with the presidential decree is to be abolished until the end current year. Yuri Alekseevich Kotlyar, acting chairman of the committee, tells about how this will affect one of the most important branches of our economy, about the work of the committee for five years and about the prospects for the development of this industry.

How many years has the Committee on Precious Metals and Precious Stones been in existence?
- As a committee under the Ministry of Finance, it has existed since 1991, and since 1993 - as a federal government body.
- What tasks did Roskomdragmet solve during the years of its existence?
- There were many shortcomings in the work of the committee, as in the work of any other body of the federal government. But these shortcomings are not inherent in the committee itself, but in our economy as a whole, which is undergoing a difficult, painful transition from a tightly regulated planned economy to a free market economy. There were mistakes along the way, but the committee managed to maintain the level of extraction of precious metals and precious stones against the backdrop of an avalanche decline in production in related areas. We managed to increase the production of diamonds, as well as create a domestic cutting industry, which today produces more rough diamonds than the entire diamond industry of the former Soviet Union managed to keep the cadres of gold miners. Most importantly, the transformation of ownership, the transfer of ownership into the hands of shareholders, did not destroy the system of coordination of the industry. And, finally, we managed to increase the gold reserves of the Russian state.
- What is Russia's gold reserve today?
- The total amount of gold on the balance sheet of the state and the Central Bank has increased by more than 50 tons compared to 1992, when we took over the gold reserve. That is, we increased it, and not reduced it, as many say. I want to draw attention to one feature. Previously, the gold reserve was part of the state fund. Since 1993, we have been applying the practice used in most developed countries: the formation of gold reserves in the form of gold and foreign exchange reserves in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thus, the state has two sources of gold reserves: gold stored on the balance sheet of the State Fund as an operational reserve of the government and the president, and the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank, which currently contain more than three hundred tons of gold.
- As you know, due to economic reasons, part of the gold mines are closed. What caused the increase in gold production?
- First of all, it is necessary to clarify that there was no increase in gold production, our task was at least to maintain production at the same level. Since 1992, we switched to world gold prices. However, the growth rates of these prices on the world market are not comparable with the growth of prices in Russia for energy resources and fuel. There is a paradox: today, fuel for gold mining in the US is two times cheaper than in Tatarstan! This is indicative of an unreasonable price system, so I fully support the presidential decree to fight monopolies. Prices should stimulate production, the price cannot be absurd. If prices only increase the revenue part of the budget, which is spent on the war in Chechnya, then production perishes. As for the disbandment of individual artels, this is directly related to living conditions. The gold mining system in Russia was built on the principle of the Gulag. Peaks in gold production coincide either with political repression, when there is a huge amount of practically free labor, or with a state of economic depression, when people are ready to work for a bowl of soup. Therefore, the following situation arises: the Gulag brought people to the gold mining areas, and the current administration should be responsible for them. There is no need for so many people in the Magadan region, in Chukotka, in Norilsk to mine gold! These people are brought by the state, and let the state take them out. But there is also back side medals. Suffice it to recall the reasonable policy that was carried out in tsarist Russia for the development of uninhabited territories. The state, at its own expense, created settlements so that the border territories would have a Russian population. If we take people out, we must understand that there is no vacuum in nature. A huge number of foreign workers appeared in the Far East, who no one knows how they got there. It is necessary to reflect on the political implications of these steps. Foreigners come to us legally or illegally, but what an effort it takes to evict them! Africans and Indians live at Sheremetyevo Airport for months. This raises the problem of crime, since a coercive apparatus is needed to force these people to live according to our laws. Therefore, I believe that a state strategy is needed in solving the problems of the northern territories.
- What will be the fate of the Committee after the end of the work of the liquidation commission, that is, after November 30, 1996?
- The option of the existence of the committee as an institution for the formation of the state fund of precious metals and precious stones under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is being worked out with the transfer of part of the functions related to the production and processing of precious metals and precious stones to the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation. Such government agency will not be part of the federal governing bodies and will solve a specific task: to carry out transactions with the values ​​of the state fund of precious metals and precious stones.
- Where will Roskomdragmet funds go?
- At present, the Committee is being disbanded as a federal governing body, which includes the apparatus of officials, furniture, computers, telephones. With regard to the state fund of precious metals and precious stones, the question of its abolition is not included in any document. Now there are many who want to expand the presidential decree, interpret it in their own interests and divide the State Fund. However, I consider it my duty to remind you that this fund is the property of the people and the state, and not of Roskomdragmet.
- What part of the gold is mined in Russia from secondary raw materials?
- The share of gold from secondary raw materials in civilized countries is 25 percent, in our country - about 3 percent. In order to fulfill state program for the extraction of gold from weapons to be destroyed, it is necessary to allow military units to collect waste for the first time with payment for this type of activity. We have already lost a lot by not taking measures to solve the problem of secondary gold-bearing raw materials when we were withdrawing our troops from Germany, Poland and Hungary. The gold we left there is lost to Russia.
- Due to what is the growth of diamond production in our country: due to an increase in their production or due to an increase in prices?
- We have experienced a fairly large increase in the production of diamonds in carats, which is ahead of the growth in production in money terms. However, it cannot be argued that we have increased the production of diamonds by improving the quality, rather, it is a quantitative increase.
- What benefits does Russia have from cooperation with De Beers?
- Cooperation with this company is important for the development of our own cutting production. Today, De Beers is a huge consolidating force that balances the market. We are far from being indifferent to the price at which we will sell diamonds on the world market. By producing diamonds, we must be sure that the price of polished diamonds will rise. And De Beers is doing just that. Russia is a unique country in the diamond business: we simultaneously have large mining and cutting capacities. The cutting capacity in Russia is such that we will be able to cut all the rough diamonds that we produce, with the exception of those types of rough diamonds that are unprofitable to cut in Russia.
- What determines the profitability of cutting production?
- Profitability is determined by the cost of cutting. There are countries where the average level wages lower than in Russia. Today it is more profitable to cut diamonds in Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, where the cost of processing diamonds is 10-12 times lower than in Russia. All cutting factories work there former USSR, and not only on Russian raw materials, but also on raw materials from abroad. In Russia, it is profitable to cut only expensive raw materials.
- It became known from the mass media that in Yakutia, Mr. Avtergut concluded a deal for the export of small diamonds abroad with a total value of 25 million dollars. At customs, it was found that in the parcel under the small diamonds were the so-called six-carat diamonds, that is, large diamonds worth 6 million dollars. What is the fate of these diamonds?
“These diamonds have been seized by customs and are being investigated. The money that Avtergut paid for this product is in Russia. In this case, agreements with De Beers were violated. By the way, it is more profitable to cut such a product in Russia.
- In your opinion, is the optimal situation in which the state maintains a monopoly on precious metals and precious stones?
- First of all, the very formulation of the question is not entirely correct. We do not have a state monopoly on precious metals and precious stones. To date, more than 120 licenses have been issued to commercial banks for the right to purchase precious metals from a gold miner. 28 regions of the Russian Federation have the right to keep 10 percent of the gold produced in their regions. The Central Bank can also buy gold today. This number of buyers indicates the absence of a state monopoly.
- What percentage of gold is outside the monopoly of the state?
- Only commercial banks today store 10 tons of gold, which is 3 percent of the total stock. The figure is small, but such an amount of gold was bought only this year. Now two exchanges are being created that will operate with gold, and a diamond exchange. Everything is being done to make the state monopoly reasonable. By the way, in no country in the world gold is a commodity without restrictions. For example, you cannot go to the market in Turkey and buy gold bars. Ingots are bank goods and can only be sold at the bank. We are following this path, but it is difficult to create a market mechanism in 3-4 years; we must first lay its foundation. There are two presidential decrees on the procedure for the formation of the market for precious metals and precious stones. The draft includes a law on precious metals and precious stones, which is currently under consideration in the State Duma. There is no state monopoly, but there is state regulation, and these are completely different things. Even in such a major gold mining country as South Africa, there is also government regulation. Gold there can only be sold to the reserve bank.
- What is your attitude to the hype that was raised around the Committee on Precious Metals and Precious Stones and its leaders?
- I do not want to answer this question for one simple reason. Look at the hype that is now raised around Rosvooruzhenie, around the former Main Directorate of Presidential Security. There are four government areas that someone wants to monopolize: oil and gas; armament; drugs; precious metals and precious stones. The history of any country shows that all the scandals are in these areas. These are the four most profitable industries in Russia, the rest give a loss. There is a constant struggle for control over these areas. There is a hype around the heads of the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Main Directorate of Security, so should we be surprised at the scandals around the leaders of Roskomdragmet? Our country is different from civilized states, where the presumption of innocence exists not only on paper. We haven't had a trial yet, and everyone is already guilty. The Russian mentality, probably, is this: to appropriate the right of the court. Needless to say, the road to the rule of law is very difficult. Take, for example, the statement of the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that tens of tons of gold are being stolen in Russia. What does stolen mean? Let's say we produced 120 tons of gold. If 30 tons of them were stolen, then 150 tons of gold had to be produced. Check if we produced 150 tons? And what is the cost of the control system after that? The gold doesn't go anywhere. Imagine this picture: smuggling 30 tons of gold out of the country! At least answer the question of how this can be done. Gold and precious metals is an area where different interests collide. Unfortunately, in this fight, not everyone is decent, low blows are used.
- In some media, you are accused of engaging in commercial activities.
- In this matter, I am guided by the decree of the President. As a public servant, I am allowed only two types of activities: research and teaching and creative work. I am not involved in any other activities, including commercial ones.
- Yuri Alekseevich, will the abolition of the Committee for Precious Metals and Precious Stones not have a negative impact on the industry?
- This year, of course, will affect. According to my estimates, as a result of structural changes and the paralysis of work in the field of production, we will lose 15 tons of gold this year. If everything had remained the same, this year's production would have been at least 115-120 tons. The work was torpedoed. Instead of dealing with the problem of financing the gold industry, we are dealing with the distribution of functions. To date, I have signed letters of resignation to more than 30 of the most qualified employees of the committee. This is already a big loss.
How do you plan your future labor activity? Will it be associated with precious metals and precious stones?
“I have worked in this field all my life. All my inventions and research work, books and dissertation. I can’t say for sure in which structure I will work: in the state or in the commercial one.