
P. Starikov - The most important resource at the right time. How to learn to enter a state of inspiration with the help of imagination. How to learn to enter and exit trades on time


Altered state - what is it, what does it give? How to learn to enter an altered state of consciousness or, as it is also called, a state of trance (meditative state)? What are brain rhythms (states of consciousness)? What is the difference between gamma rhythm, beta rhythm, alpha rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm? What gives a certain rhythm of brain activity? How to expand consciousness? In this section of the X-Archive website, you will find the best techniques that will allow you to find yourself in an altered state (trance) and help you work deeper on yourself, reprogram your subconscious, control reality and fulfill desires. It has been proven that it is in an altered state of consciousness that information is best absorbed (super learning and super memory), and tasks, thoughts and images (impact on consciousness) are perceived by the subconscious as an undeniable indication to action. Learn how to enter an altered state (trance state) using special trance entry techniques!

P.A. Starikov

The most important resource at the right time. How to learn to enter a state of inspiration with the help of imagination


Welcome to the first book in the Resources of Inspiration and Imagination series. This book has selected the most important practical knowledge and effective techniques, step by step teaching the reader to tune himself into a state of inspiration. Particular attention is paid to the fact that it is the state of inspiration that is the most important resource, the universal key to the development of a person, reveals all his other abilities.

In modern culture, and even more so in the mass consciousness, insufficient attention is paid to this valuable state. The very idea of ​​the state of inspiration is quite distorted: most people do not have an understanding of what this state gives to a person, there is no organized knowledge of how to set oneself up for inspiration, manage its resources.

Reading the book will give you information about the terra incognita of INSPIRATION, which, through the efforts of modern scientists, is becoming more and more understandable. But not only that.

The purpose of this book is not only to introduce the reader to modern research in the field of inspiration, but also to teach how to create for yourself a special psychological atmosphere that spontaneously awakens this state.

The fact is that words, images associated with states of inspiration resonate with your accumulated experience, activate the memory of successful, resourceful states. This vital experience is often somewhere far from the daily life of a person, "covered with the sands of time." And the very reading of the book, participation in the key journeys to the worlds of imagination specially designed by us, purifies and integrates the experience of states of inspiration, allows it to manifest itself in your life, giving many useful and desirable benefits: success, confidence, health, pleasure, and so on.

Relatively recently, the so-called mirror neurons were discovered. It turns out that at the moment of observing other people, the same nerve cells, the same areas of the brain become active in a person, as if the person himself were doing what he sees outside, observing. Therefore, it is important to observe how successful people, masters of their craft, because this is how you can and should learn. One of the first scientists to experimentally confirm this possibility was the American social psychologist Alfred Bandura. He showed that by showing children options aggressive behavior, they can be taught to be aggressive, and by demonstrating behaviors that lead to success, respectively, successful. For example, children-outsiders, after watching a series of specially filmed videos, radically changed their behavior for the better. They were shown how children behave who have learned to capture the general attention of the so-called stars of small children's communities.

Today, the rules of the so-called neurospeech are becoming more and more known, when the description in words of certain human actions activates quite specific nerve cells and areas of the brain, and through this it secretly teaches and tunes.

Of no less interest to modern researchers is the transfer of experience, the setting of states through symbols and images of the collective unconscious.

At the same time, before tuning the human brain, the subconscious to successful, productive states, it is necessary to identify and recognize the structure of these states. In the book presented to your attention, training in successful, productive states of consciousness is carried out on the basis of highlighting the structural components inherent in the state of inspiration.

A more accurate understanding of the structure of the state of inspiration became possible thanks to the systematization of modern scientific concepts and the conduct of special studies using the methods of multivariate statistical analysis. For more than fifteen years, the relevant tools and approaches have been worked out by the author when conducting and analyzing the results of mass surveys, giving lectures, holding seminars and master classes in one of the leading universities in Siberia.

The concepts and research results underlying this book were presented at international championships in scientific analytics, where they won first and prize places in the fields of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology and cultural studies, and its author was among the first in 2015 to receive the title of academician International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education (London, UK).

Published in March 2016, the author’s book “How to find inspiration and use its resources: on the way to educational, social, creative technologies of the future” has already gained interest from the general public, spontaneously distributed to hundreds of sites, with tens of thousands of downloads, having received an assessment of the quality of the book - perfect.

But now we are not talking about the first book that, despite the efforts of the author, came out too scientific and in some places is designed for a prepared reader. We will talk about a new book, really addressed to a wide audience, aimed at solving practical problems: to convey, awaken and develop a state of inspiration. The most important thing is to create an atmosphere in which it would be nice to immerse yourself; set yourself up for success, so that the reader, listener will continue to master various methods of improving his life and do it easily.

There are many ways to get inspired. Extremely interesting are the studies of techniques for working with the psychological atmosphere, begun by director Mikhail Alexandrovich Chekhov, the author of one of the most effective systems for teaching acting. Mikhail Chekhov is an original director, a brilliant teacher and actor, a bright representative of the Russian culture of the Silver Age. It is to him that Hollywood owes a whole galaxy of its stars. Of the 300 Academy Award nominees, 165 actors were students of Chekhov and his school. The words "incomprehensible", "miracle" were often addressed to Chekhov. Sergei Eisenstein said that he would give a lot to penetrate his secret. The basis of Chekhov's acting system was the development of such abilities, when a person brought himself into a state of creative inspiration by a simple effort of will.

In Chekhov's system, particular importance was attached to the ability to feel and create the psychological atmosphere surrounding people, the stage. The sense of atmosphere allows the actor to merge with her "field"; one can say to dissolve or attune with it, to enter into a state of resonance.

In order to create an atmosphere of inspiration, this audiobook synthesizes symbolic, semantic, figurative means, sound, color, word and imagination based on modern knowledge about the structural components of this state.

In a way, inspiration is like a flower that needs to be nurtured. And take care of it properly, creating the necessary conditions. This ancient practice learning - tuning through instructions, parables, symbols has always been used in a variety of spiritual traditions. The more you see, hear, think, know about these conditions, the more often they happen in life. And then everything turns out as if by itself, easily, better than usual. This is what is called the state of inspiration. The state when everything goes as if by itself. Every person, if he has experienced it at least once, will again strive to experience it.

At the same time, this state, being awakened, itself becomes a teacher.

And here the state of inspiration is better compared with a tuning fork, according to which the soul of a person, his entire body, is tuned.

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus once said: “Let us thank the wise nature for making the necessary light and the heavy unnecessary.”

Why is there so little inspiration in our lives, if it is itself akin to lightness, harmony, freedom? First of all, the reason lies in the fact that a large part of the social order in which we are forced to live is built on hidden violence, so familiar to us that it has become almost invisible. Many psychological cultivation techniques also contain elements of this violence, severity of criticism and tight control. Hence their inefficiency, although they seem to be of obvious benefit.

Indeed, in this everyday order, little attention is paid to human emotions, self-expression, creative inspiration, as if they are trying to turn a holistic human body into an obedient robot that should only accurately execute commands. Accordingly, inspiration in human civilization is not given an honorable, royal place, its key importance is forgotten.

Answering this question, one should also point out other points: both the social laws of the development of society, since its structure is far from ideal, and the technogenic culture that turns people into things, into means, into appendages of machines; including power machines. But we will not try to unravel the tight knot of circumstances that has been tied up in separate threads. Moreover, it started so much that the natural lightness of inspiration began to seem difficult, unattainable and, in the end, generally unnecessary, useless thing.

Welcome to the first book in the Resources of Inspiration and Imagination series. This book has selected the most important practical knowledge and effective techniques, step by step teaching the reader to tune himself into a state of inspiration. Particular attention is paid to the fact that it is the state of inspiration that is the most important resource, the universal key to the development of a person, reveals all his other abilities.

In modern culture, and even more so in the mass consciousness, insufficient attention is paid to this valuable state. The very idea of ​​the state of inspiration is quite distorted: most people do not have an understanding of what this state gives to a person, there is no organized knowledge of how to set oneself up for inspiration, manage its resources.

Reading the book will give you information about the terra incognita of INSPIRATION, which, through the efforts of modern scientists, is becoming more and more understandable. But not only that.

The purpose of this book is not only to acquaint the reader with modern research in the field of inspiration, but also to teach how to create for yourself a special psychological atmosphere that spontaneously awakens this state.

The fact is that words, images associated with states of inspiration resonate with your accumulated experience, activate the memory of successful, resourceful states. This vital experience is often somewhere far from the daily life of a person, "covered with the sands of time." And the very reading of the book, participation in the key journeys to the worlds of imagination specially designed by us, purifies and integrates the experience of states of inspiration, allows it to manifest itself in your life, giving many useful and desirable benefits: success, confidence, health, pleasure, and so on.

Relatively recently, the so-called mirror neurons were discovered. It turns out that at the moment of observing other people, the same nerve cells, the same areas of the brain become active in a person, as if the person himself were doing what he sees outside, observing. Therefore, it is important to observe how successful people, masters of their craft, act, because this is how you can and should learn. One of the first scientists to experimentally confirm this possibility was the American social psychologist Alfred Bandura. He showed that by showing children options for aggressive behavior, they can be taught to be aggressive, and by demonstrating behaviors that lead to success, respectively, successful. For example, children-outsiders, after watching a series of specially filmed videos, radically changed their behavior for the better. They were shown how children behave who have learned to capture the general attention of the so-called stars of small children's communities.

Today, the rules of the so-called neurospeech are becoming more and more known, when the description in words of certain human actions activates quite specific nerve cells and areas of the brain, and through this it secretly teaches and tunes.

Of no less interest to modern researchers is the transfer of experience, the setting of states through symbols and images of the collective unconscious.

At the same time, before tuning the human brain, the subconscious to successful, productive states, it is necessary to identify and recognize the structure of these states.

In the book presented to your attention, training in successful, productive states of consciousness is carried out on the basis of highlighting the structural components inherent in the state of inspiration.

A more accurate understanding of the structure of the state of inspiration became possible thanks to the systematization of modern scientific concepts and the conduct of special studies using the methods of multivariate statistical analysis. For more than fifteen years, the relevant tools and approaches have been worked out by the author when conducting and analyzing the results of mass surveys, giving lectures, holding seminars and master classes in one of the leading universities in Siberia.

The concepts and research results underlying this book were presented at international championships in scientific analytics, where they won first and prize places in the fields of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology and cultural studies, and its author was among the first in 2015 to receive the title of academician International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education (London, UK).

Published in March 2016, the author’s book “How to find inspiration and use its resources: on the way to educational, social, creative technologies of the future” has already gained interest from the general public, spontaneously distributed to hundreds of sites, with tens of thousands of downloads, having received an assessment of the quality of the book - perfect.

But now we are not talking about the first book that, despite the efforts of the author, came out too scientific and in some places is designed for a prepared reader. We will talk about a new book, really addressed to a wide audience, aimed at solving practical problems: to convey, awaken and develop a state of inspiration. The most important thing is to create an atmosphere in which it would be nice to immerse yourself; set yourself up for success, so that the reader, listener will continue to master various methods of improving his life and do it easily.

There are many ways to get inspired. Extremely interesting are the studies of techniques for working with the psychological atmosphere, begun by director Mikhail Alexandrovich Chekhov, the author of one of the most effective systems for teaching acting. Mikhail Chekhov is an original director, a brilliant teacher and actor, a bright representative of the Russian culture of the Silver Age. It is to him that Hollywood owes a whole galaxy of its stars. Of the 300 Academy Award nominees, 165 actors were students of Chekhov and his school. The words "incomprehensible", "miracle" were often addressed to Chekhov. Sergei Eisenstein said that he would give a lot to penetrate his secret. The basis of Chekhov's acting system was the development of such abilities, when a person brought himself into a state of creative inspiration by a simple effort of will.

In Chekhov's system, particular importance was attached to the ability to feel and create the psychological atmosphere surrounding people, the stage. The sense of atmosphere allows the actor to merge with her "field"; one can say to dissolve or attune with it, to enter into a state of resonance.

In order to create an atmosphere of inspiration, this audiobook synthesizes symbolic, semantic, figurative means, sound, color, word and imagination based on modern knowledge about the structural components of this state.

In a way, inspiration is like a flower that needs to be nurtured. And take care of it properly, creating the necessary conditions. This ancient practice of learning - tuning through instructions, parables, symbols has always been used in a variety of spiritual traditions. The more you see, hear, think, know about these conditions, the more often they happen in life. And then everything turns out as if by itself, easily, better than usual. This is what is called the state of inspiration. The state when everything goes as if by itself. Every person, if he has experienced it at least once, will again strive to experience it.

At the same time, this state, being awakened, itself becomes a teacher.

And here the state of inspiration is better compared with a tuning fork, according to which the soul of a person, his entire body, is tuned.

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus once said: “Let us thank the wise nature for making the necessary light and the heavy unnecessary.”

Why is there so little inspiration in our lives, if it is itself akin to lightness, harmony, freedom? First of all, the reason lies in the fact that a large part of the social order in which we are forced to live is built on hidden violence, so familiar to us that it has become almost invisible. Many psychological cultivation techniques also contain elements of this violence, severity of criticism and tight control. Hence their inefficiency, although they seem to be of obvious benefit.

Indeed, in this everyday order, little attention is paid to human emotions, self-expression, creative inspiration, as if they are trying to turn a holistic human body into an obedient robot that should only accurately execute commands. Accordingly, inspiration in human civilization is not given an honorable, royal place, its key importance is forgotten.

Answering this question, one should also point out other points: both the social laws of the development of society, since its structure is far from ideal, and the technogenic culture that turns people into things, into means, into appendages of machines; including power machines. But we will not try to unravel the tight knot of circumstances that has been tied up in separate threads. Moreover, it started so much that the natural lightness of inspiration began to seem difficult, unattainable and, in the end, generally unnecessary, useless thing.

Modern research, the current level of development of humanitarian technologies make it possible to cut this knot, making the state of inspiration accessible to a person and society.

At the heart of our approach is the "mood to inspire". It is the emphasis on the inclusion of the state of inspiration that makes it possible to create conditions when the improvement of the human psyche becomes as pleasant as listening to your favorite melody, which you plunge into without any effort, and contemplating a beautiful landscape.

And now the melody of inspiration itself begins to tune our perception, the rhythms of the body, the psyche. Here there is precisely adjusted harmony and magic of art, and mastery of execution.

It can be said that when a person tunes in to a state of inspiration, then his psyche becomes more flexible, more plastic, more perfect. This, in turn, makes it easier and easier for him to seek and find, as well as tune himself into better states, and enter a state of inspiration.

One of the important tools - our assistant on the way to inspiration - will be the development and use of imagination. In the book, the reader will learn to apply the most advanced and effective psychological, educational techniques for working with imagination and inspiration.

As the results of our research have shown, inspiration and imagination are closely related to each other. Here, for example, is one of the best descriptions state of inspiration made by A.S. Pushkin:

And I forget the world - and in sweet silence
I am sweetly lulled by my imagination
And poetry awakens in me:
The soul is embarrassed by lyrical excitement,
It trembles and sounds, and searches as in a dream,
To pour out, finally, a free manifestation
And then an invisible swarm of guests comes to me,
Old acquaintances, fruits of my dreams.
And the thoughts in my head are worried in courage,
And light rhymes run towards them,
And fingers ask for a pen, pen for paper,
A minute - and the verses will flow freely ...

In the course of reading the book, the reader of the book will be invited to listen to and take six key journeys into the world of imagination in order to learn how to tune themselves into productive, resourceful states, states of inspiration.

The scenario of each journey is built in such a way that you have the opportunity to use it repeatedly. Gradually accumulate experience of states of inspiration, experiment with your abilities.

Each journey is preceded by a justification of the proposed methods, a discussion of the results of scientific research and concepts, so that the listener has a clear understanding of the possibilities and significance of the techniques being studied.

The purpose of the first journey is to prepare the reader to use the resources of the imagination. We will offer innovative ways to focus your attention on emerging images easily and spontaneously.

The purpose of the second journey is to teach how to explore the world of imagination and use the resources of universal symbols that are of key importance for well-being, energy, and inner strength of a person.

The purpose of the third journey is to help you significantly improve your memory, to teach you to remember in detail the experience of pleasant states, states of success, states of inspiration, when everything turned out easily, as if by itself. Making a series of such trips, as it were, potentiates this experience, turning it into your own psychological capital available to you.

The purpose of the fourth journey is to teach the techniques for switching on the states of inspiration through algorithms for abruptly switching one's activity. An additional task is to master the method of rehearsing future activities in the imagination in order to bring the resources of the state of inspiration into any business of your choice.

The goal of the fifth trip will be to teach little-known creative techniques. The first technique is the magical "as if". This technique, one of the most profound and effective in the Stanislavsky system, will allow you to enter the world of your hidden resources and opportunities. The second technique is new metaphorical design technologies for experimenting with creating comfortable, desired psychological atmospheres around you and your activities. Technology improves the state of affairs in almost all areas of human life.

The sixth journey is a journey in your imagination to the seashore. I hope that when approaching this journey, many of you will already develop the power of your imagination enough to see, clearly feel, as if in reality, in all details and details, rest on the seashore, with the sound of the surf and the smell of algae.

The very journey to the seashore at a deep symbolic level is able to renew, restore the level of mental energy, motivation and confidence.

If you haven't been able to get out on vacation this year, then you will have a great opportunity to enjoy and many other useful gifts from traveling in your imagination to the seashore. Traveling in this scenario will teach you to restore your psychic energy through contact with many places in nature (mountain peaks, waterfalls, meadows, lakes, uncharted islands). I hope you appreciate these moments.

Traveling in the world of imagination gives you the opportunity to restore the integrity of the body, increase health resources (for older people), start the processes of renewal, rejuvenation of the body, and in general, rise higher and higher to new levels of empowerment and creativity.

A journey into the world of imagination according to the recommended scenario is made at the end of reading each chapter of the book, starting from the second. You can simply read them, letting your imagination run wild, imagining that you are actually making such journeys.

If you want to enter the world of imagination deeper and enjoy more complete immersion in emerging images, then you can read these texts yourself on a recorder. Then listen to them at your convenience. Or you can listen to audio files specially prepared by us (you will find them on the VKontakte page "Inspiration and Imagination Resources" with travel scenarios: "1 - Preparing for the journey", "2 - Traveling to the source" , "3 - Journey through the waves of pleasant memories", "4 - Journey to the world of new states", "5 - Metaphorical design", "6 - Journey to the seashore"). As you will be more comfortable.

To make your chosen journey into the world of imagination, you need to find fifteen minutes of time when no one will disturb you, sit comfortably and listen to the appropriate audio file. Gradually, you will choose body positions that are convenient and comfortable for you, in which:

On the one hand, you can relax and unwind well, step back, get away from the problems and bustle of the everyday world,

On the other hand, to immerse yourself in your imagination, maintaining clarity of consciousness and control over your actions in the world of images.

Travel scenarios that you like can be used repeatedly, developing your memory, intuition, gradually accumulating the experience of productive states - the psychological capital of a modern person.

Chapter 1
Peak experiences and deep powers

Inspiration in modern culture is understood as a special state human, which is characterized, on the one hand, by high productivity, on the other hand, by a huge upsurge and stress of human strength. This is how the essence of inspiration is reflected in modern dictionaries and encyclopedias. Is this understanding correct? Yes, partly true. However, at the same time, important key points are lost sight of, which allow you to "tame" this sacred fire.

One of the most serious obstacles to the release of the hidden forces of inspiration is the technogenic culture - formed thanks to the genius of the human mind, but quite primitive in the understanding of the person himself, forming incorrect stereotypes and associations. If you think that their "ephemeral" influence has no serious power over a person, then you are most likely mistaken. Only a century and a half has passed since the best minds of mankind began the scientific study of these invisible factors. Sigmund Freud - a pioneer in the study of this world - is still the most cited author in scientific articles. Carl Jung, Jacobo Moreno, Roberto Assagioli, Erich Fromm, Abraham Maslow, many others - they all started the "great upheaval" of simplified ideas about right and reasonable. And this process is just beginning.

For example, the modern researcher Rudiger Dahlke suggests that the traditional attitude “we must achieve everything with strenuous efforts” is one of the most common prejudices of European man. Dahlke believes: “To experience a state similar to a sense of unity, to feel the lightness of soaring unencumbered by anything - this is the main thing in achieving the goal” (Dalke, 2008, p. 37).

In recent decades, the attention of scientists and practitioners has increasingly turned towards understanding the importance of special states that can be called ideal for human existence. Studies have shown that in such states, the ability to control memory, information flows, and creative intuition is greatly enhanced. No less important is the fact that these states correlate with the secret of the development of the integrity of our entire being.

It should be noted that there is still no general approach to the study of such productive states. Each author gives, from our point of view, different names for a single phenomenon: “peak experiences” (A. Maslow), “flow states” (M. Csikszentmihalyi), “states of self-regulation” (Kh. Aliyev), “essential states” (K . and T. Andreas), “the state of Illumination” (W. Benson and G. Proctor), “extended states” (V. Kozlov), “generative trance” (S. Gilligan) and so on. In the text, we will use, in view of this uncertainty, the traditional name for this wide range of phenomena - "inspiration".

Since the end of the 19th century, numerous researchers have made attempts to rationalize the process of inspiration, to understand its nature. This was reflected in the systems of teaching acting skills of K. S. Stanislavsky and M. A. Chekhov, the psychodrama of J. Moreno, the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung, the concept of the sacred by M. Eliade and other areas. Initially, the experience of inspiration was correlated with the influence of spiritual forces on the creator, the uncontrolled expression of the “will of the gods”. At the same time, already in Stanislavsky's system, there is an idea of ​​inspiration as a result of the connection of resources, the integration of conscious and subconscious processes, the awakening of "mother nature" in the course of creative activity, and acting training.

A major contribution to the study of inspiration was made by Abraham Maslow, who called this state the peak experience. According to Maslow, a peak experience is an episode in which "all the forces of the personality merge extremely effectively into one, delivering intense pleasure, when a person finds unity, overcomes fragmentation, is more open to sensations, is distinguished by originality, expression and spontaneity, functions more fully, has greater creativity and a great sense of humor, able to rise above the ego, more independent of his lower needs” (Maslow, 1997, p. 132).

Maslow's research has found the special significance of the peak experience in all aspects of personality development. Any person at the moment of peak experience becomes the most complete. As Maslow has shown, “during peak experiences, people are most identical to themselves, closer to their true selves, and most unique” (Maslow, 1997, p. 139). Thus, the peak experience is both a blueprint for a healthier and more productive state, and a means of advancing on the path to greater wholeness and individuality.

As Maslow believed, peak experiences open the best sides individual, are both the goal and the means of self-actualization, moments when a person manifests his "I". There are such moments in every person's life. The goal of therapy and education is to help people experience peak experiences as often as possible. The peak experience provides maximum information about the health and the individual in his search for himself, and about the universal heights of human nature.


Welcome to the first book in the Resources of Inspiration and Imagination series. This book has selected the most important practical knowledge and effective techniques, step by step teaching the reader to tune himself into a state of inspiration. Particular attention is paid to the fact that it is the state of inspiration that is the most important resource, the universal key to the development of a person, reveals all his other abilities.

In modern culture, and even more so in the mass consciousness, insufficient attention is paid to this valuable state. The very idea of ​​the state of inspiration is quite distorted: most people do not have an understanding of what this state gives to a person, there is no organized knowledge of how to set oneself up for inspiration, manage its resources.

Reading the book will give you information about the terra incognita of INSPIRATION, which, through the efforts of modern scientists, is becoming more and more understandable. But not only that.

The purpose of this book is not only to acquaint the reader with modern research in the field of inspiration, but also to teach how to create for yourself a special psychological atmosphere that spontaneously awakens this state.

The fact is that words, images associated with states of inspiration resonate with your accumulated experience, activate the memory of successful, resourceful states. This vital experience is often somewhere far from the daily life of a person, "covered with the sands of time." And the very reading of the book, participation in the key journeys to the worlds of imagination specially designed by us, purifies and integrates the experience of states of inspiration, allows it to manifest itself in your life, giving many useful and desirable benefits: success, confidence, health, pleasure, and so on.

Relatively recently, the so-called mirror neurons were discovered. It turns out that at the moment of observing other people, the same nerve cells, the same areas of the brain become active in a person, as if the person himself were doing what he sees outside, observing. Therefore, it is important to observe how successful people, masters of their craft, act, because this is how you can and should learn. One of the first scientists to experimentally confirm this possibility was the American social psychologist Alfred Bandura. He showed that by showing children options for aggressive behavior, they can be taught to be aggressive, and by demonstrating behaviors that lead to success, respectively, successful. For example, children-outsiders, after watching a series of specially filmed videos, radically changed their behavior for the better. They were shown how children behave who have learned to capture the general attention of the so-called stars of small children's communities.

Today, the rules of the so-called neurospeech are becoming more and more known, when the description in words of certain human actions activates quite specific nerve cells and areas of the brain, and through this it secretly teaches and tunes.

Of no less interest to modern researchers is the transfer of experience, the setting of states through symbols and images of the collective unconscious.

At the same time, before tuning the human brain, the subconscious to successful, productive states, it is necessary to identify and recognize the structure of these states. In the book presented to your attention, training in successful, productive states of consciousness is carried out on the basis of highlighting the structural components inherent in the state of inspiration.

A more accurate understanding of the structure of the state of inspiration became possible thanks to the systematization of modern scientific concepts and the conduct of special studies using the methods of multivariate statistical analysis. For more than fifteen years, the relevant tools and approaches have been worked out by the author when conducting and analyzing the results of mass surveys, giving lectures, holding seminars and master classes in one of the leading universities in Siberia.

The concepts and research results underlying this book were presented at international championships in scientific analytics, where they won first and prize places in the fields of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology and cultural studies, and its author was among the first in 2015 to receive the title of academician International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education (London, UK).

Published in March 2016, the author’s book “How to find inspiration and use its resources: on the way to educational, social, creative technologies of the future” has already gained interest from the general public, spontaneously distributed to hundreds of sites, with tens of thousands of downloads, having received an assessment of the quality of the book - perfect.

But now we are not talking about the first book that, despite the efforts of the author, came out too scientific and in some places is designed for a prepared reader. We will talk about a new book, really addressed to a wide audience, aimed at solving practical problems: to convey, awaken and develop a state of inspiration. The most important thing is to create an atmosphere in which it would be nice to immerse yourself; set yourself up for success, so that the reader, listener will continue to master various methods of improving his life and do it easily.

There are many ways to get inspired. Extremely interesting are the studies of techniques for working with the psychological atmosphere, begun by director Mikhail Alexandrovich Chekhov, the author of one of the most effective systems for teaching acting. Mikhail Chekhov is an original director, a brilliant teacher and actor, a bright representative of the Russian culture of the Silver Age. It is to him that Hollywood owes a whole galaxy of its stars. Of the 300 Academy Award nominees, 165 actors were students of Chekhov and his school. The words "incomprehensible", "miracle" were often addressed to Chekhov. Sergei Eisenstein said that he would give a lot to penetrate his secret. The basis of Chekhov's acting system was the development of such abilities, when a person brought himself into a state of creative inspiration by a simple effort of will.

In Chekhov's system, particular importance was attached to the ability to feel and create the psychological atmosphere surrounding people, the stage. The sense of atmosphere allows the actor to merge with her "field"; one can say to dissolve or attune with it, to enter into a state of resonance.

In order to create an atmosphere of inspiration, this audiobook synthesizes symbolic, semantic, figurative means, sound, color, word and imagination based on modern knowledge about the structural components of this state.

In a way, inspiration is like a flower that needs to be nurtured. And take care of it properly, creating the necessary conditions. This ancient practice of learning - tuning through instructions, parables, symbols has always been used in a variety of spiritual traditions. The more you see, hear, think, know about these conditions, the more often they happen in life. And then everything turns out as if by itself, easily, better than usual. This is what is called the state of inspiration. The state when everything goes as if by itself. Every person, if he has experienced it at least once, will again strive to experience it.

At the same time, this state, being awakened, itself becomes a teacher.

And here the state of inspiration is better compared with a tuning fork, according to which the soul of a person, his entire body, is tuned.

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus once said: “Let us thank the wise nature for making the necessary light and the heavy unnecessary.”

Why is there so little inspiration in our lives, if it is itself akin to lightness, harmony, freedom? First of all, the reason lies in the fact that a large part of the social order in which we are forced to live is built on hidden violence, so familiar to us that it has become almost invisible. Many psychological cultivation techniques also contain elements of this violence, severity of criticism and tight control. Hence their inefficiency, although they seem to be of obvious benefit.

Indeed, in this everyday order, little attention is paid to human emotions, self-expression, creative inspiration, as if they are trying to turn a holistic human body into an obedient robot that should only accurately execute commands. Accordingly, inspiration in human civilization is not given an honorable, royal place, its key importance is forgotten.

Answering this question, one should also point out other points: both the social laws of the development of society, since its structure is far from ideal, and the technogenic culture that turns people into things, into means, into appendages of machines; including power machines. But we will not try to unravel the tight knot of circumstances that has been tied up in separate threads. Moreover, it started so much that the natural lightness of inspiration began to seem difficult, unattainable and, in the end, generally unnecessary, useless thing.

Modern research, the current level of development of humanitarian technologies make it possible to cut this knot, making the state of inspiration accessible to a person and society.

At the heart of our approach is the "mood to inspire". It is the emphasis on the inclusion of the state of inspiration that makes it possible to create conditions when the improvement of the human psyche becomes as pleasant as listening to your favorite melody, which you plunge into without any effort, and contemplating a beautiful landscape.

And now the melody of inspiration itself begins to tune our perception, the rhythms of the body, the psyche. Here there is precisely adjusted harmony and magic of art, and mastery of execution.

It can be said that when a person tunes in to a state of inspiration, then his psyche becomes more flexible, more plastic, more perfect. This, in turn, makes it easier and easier for him to seek and find, as well as tune himself into better states, and enter a state of inspiration.

One of the important tools - our assistant on the way to inspiration - will be the development and use of imagination. In the book, the reader will learn to apply the most advanced and effective psychological, educational techniques for working with imagination and inspiration.

As the results of our research have shown, inspiration and imagination are closely related to each other. Here, for example, is one of the best descriptions of the state of inspiration made by A.S. Pushkin:

And I forget the world - and in sweet silence
I am sweetly lulled by my imagination
And poetry awakens in me:
The soul is embarrassed by lyrical excitement,
It trembles and sounds, and searches as in a dream,
To pour out, finally, a free manifestation
And then an invisible swarm of guests comes to me,
Old acquaintances, fruits of my dreams.
And the thoughts in my head are worried in courage,
And light rhymes run towards them,
And fingers ask for a pen, pen for paper,
A minute - and the verses will flow freely ...

In the course of reading the book, the reader of the book will be invited to listen to and take six key journeys into the world of imagination in order to learn how to tune themselves into productive, resourceful states, states of inspiration.

The scenario of each journey is built in such a way that you have the opportunity to use it repeatedly. Gradually accumulate experience of states of inspiration, experiment with your abilities.

Each journey is preceded by a justification of the proposed methods, a discussion of the results of scientific research and concepts, so that the listener has a clear understanding of the possibilities and significance of the techniques being studied.

The purpose of the first journey is to prepare the reader to use the resources of the imagination. We will offer innovative ways to focus your attention on emerging images easily and spontaneously.

The purpose of the second journey is to teach how to explore the world of imagination and use the resources of universal symbols that are of key importance for well-being, energy, and inner strength of a person.

The purpose of the third journey is to help you significantly improve your memory, to teach you to remember in detail the experience of pleasant states, states of success, states of inspiration, when everything turned out easily, as if by itself. Making a series of such trips, as it were, potentiates this experience, turning it into your own psychological capital available to you.

The purpose of the fourth journey is to teach the techniques for switching on the states of inspiration through algorithms for abruptly switching one's activity. An additional task is to master the method of rehearsing future activities in the imagination in order to bring the resources of the state of inspiration into any business of your choice.

The goal of the fifth trip will be to teach little-known creative techniques. The first technique is the magical "as if". This technique, one of the most profound and effective in the Stanislavsky system, will allow you to enter the world of your hidden resources and opportunities. The second technique is new metaphorical design technologies for experimenting with creating comfortable, desired psychological atmospheres around you and your activities. Technology improves the state of affairs in almost all areas of human life.

The sixth journey is a journey in your imagination to the seashore. I hope that when approaching this journey, many of you will already develop the power of your imagination enough to see, clearly feel, as if in reality, in all details and details, rest on the seashore, with the sound of the surf and the smell of algae.

The very journey to the seashore at a deep symbolic level is able to renew, restore the level of mental energy, motivation and confidence.

If you haven't been able to get out on vacation this year, then you will have a great opportunity to enjoy and many other useful gifts from traveling in your imagination to the seashore. Traveling in this scenario will teach you to restore your psychic energy through contact with many places in nature (mountain peaks, waterfalls, meadows, lakes, uncharted islands). I hope you appreciate these moments.

Traveling in the world of imagination gives you the opportunity to restore the integrity of the body, increase health resources (for older people), start the processes of renewal, rejuvenation of the body, and in general, rise higher and higher to new levels of empowerment and creativity.

A journey into the world of imagination according to the recommended scenario is made at the end of reading each chapter of the book, starting from the second. You can simply read them, letting your imagination run wild, imagining that you are actually making such journeys.

If you want to enter the world of imagination deeper and enjoy more complete immersion in emerging images, then you can read these texts yourself on a recorder. Then listen to them at your convenience. Or you can listen to audio files specially prepared by us (you will find them on the VKontakte page "Inspiration and Imagination Resources" with travel scenarios: "1 - Preparing for the journey", "2 - Traveling to the source" , "3 - Journey through the waves of pleasant memories", "4 - Journey to the world of new states", "5 - Metaphorical design", "6 - Journey to the seashore"). As you will be more comfortable.

To make your chosen journey into the world of imagination, you need to find fifteen minutes of time when no one will disturb you, sit comfortably and listen to the appropriate audio file. Gradually, you will choose body positions that are convenient and comfortable for you, in which:

On the one hand, you can relax and unwind well, step back, get away from the problems and bustle of the everyday world,

On the other hand, to immerse yourself in your imagination, maintaining clarity of consciousness and control over your actions in the world of images.

Travel scenarios that you like can be used repeatedly, developing your memory, intuition, gradually accumulating the experience of productive states - the psychological capital of a modern person.

Entering into a trance is a dangerous exercise that is recommended only under the guidance of an experienced instructor. For those who for some reason cannot study with a teacher, a step-by-step technique for entering a trance has been developed. The implementation of each subsequent step is impossible without the complete mastery of the previous one, but it is completely safe for the practitioner, since he can keep his condition under control throughout the exercise.

Instructions on how to enter a trance

Step one

Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on the sofa. The environment around you should be calm and quiet. Nobody should interfere with you. Breathe calmly, deeply and measuredly. As you inhale, think of the word "inhale," as you exhale, think of the word "exhale." Try to mentally stretch the sound “v-v-v-d-d-d-o-o-o-x-x-x” and “v-v-v-s-s-s-d-d-d-o - o-o-x-x-x. Do not think about the correctness of the exercise. Think only about inhaling and exhaling. If thoughts involuntarily go aside, with a new breath, return them to the right track. When the words go away by themselves, the goal of the exercise will be achieved. But don't consciously wait for it. The goal must be achieved precisely involuntarily. Perform this exercise at least 2 times a day for 20 minutes.

step two

Immerse yourself in a state of complete calm, during which thoughts of inhalation and exhalation go away by themselves. After that, try to relax completely, achieving a sensation comparable to the "fall" of the body into an endless abyss. Then start directing your thoughts to specific muscle groups and body parts. At the same time, try to ensure that the part of the body to which attention is paid is completely relaxed, it feels heaviness and warmth. Start with the fingers individually, then move on to the palms, arms, feet, legs, face, neck, back of the head, chest, back, abdomen, and pelvis. Go to organs, muscles, tendons, internal organs separately. Practice this relaxation twice a day. When you can achieve a clear sensation of warmth and heaviness in the parts and organs of the body, the goal of the exercise will be achieved. Step Three

While in a state of complete relaxation, concentrate on a mantra or word. You can choose it yourself. It is important that this word or mantra sounds harmonious, does not carry any emotional charge, is not associated with anything exciting and intense, and is not a name. During the exercise, repeat the chosen mantra mentally or in a low voice, trying to make it sound pleasant and soothing. Stop looking at some pleasant object. Repeat the mantra rhythmically and monotonously, experiment with sound, swing back and forth. After a while, begin to gradually repeat it quieter and quieter until the voice disappears completely. The goal of the exercise will be achieved if the mantra continues to sound inside you, inside your consciousness. Meditate on this state for a while. The mantra should itself sound in your mind, smoothly changing, becoming louder or quieter, stretching or speeding up, disappearing and reappearing. At the end of the exercise, sit for a few minutes without meditation. Practice this method daily for 20 minutes. In a state of trance, a person's capabilities can go beyond the usual. Any self-hypnosis will have an enhanced effect on you. When you learn to feel confident in this state, start careful experiments with your superpowers. They will certainly appear and begin to develop in the direction you have chosen.