
How to get a good pedicure at home. Do-it-yourself pedicure at home - step by step instructions. How to make a beautiful pedicure yourself. Steaming and cleansing

Breast cancer

Lovers of high heels and open sandals no doubt know how important it is to have a good pedicure at all times. But well-groomed feet are not only the choice of those who wear open shoes.

Beautiful manicure and pedicure gives self-confidence and truly inspires. It is necessary to spend time on your legs constantly. Sometimes it happens that there is no opportunity to visit the salon, but despite this, you want to stay “at your best”.

With a few simple tips, you will learn how easy and correct it is to do a pedicure at home without using special devices and devices.

  1. preparatory procedure;
  2. foot baths;
  3. treatment of the skin of the feet;
  4. nail treatment;
  5. work with cuticles;
  6. applying varnish.

Below we will consider in more detail each stage of the pedicure.

What do you need for a pedicure at home?

As a preparatory procedure, make sure that all nail polish is removed.

Photo - Pedicure instructions step by step

At the first stage, you need to prepare special tools for a pedicure.
If you have already decided to make a beautiful home nail pedicure, then get a good nail file for your arsenal. Experts advise to abandon too rough ones with a coating resembling sandpaper. Using such a tool will lead to the fact that the nails begin to exfoliate and take on an unhealthy and unattractive appearance. It is best to arm yourself with a glass nail file. It has many benefits. Firstly, it absolutely excludes damage to the nail, and secondly, such a nail file does not grind off and will serve you for a very long time.

Photo - File

You only need to file your nails in one direction. giving them the correct desired shape. It's not worth experimenting with the shape of the nail. Leave all experiments for your fingers, where your efforts will be appreciated and it will not harm your health. Shaping your toes can lead to bad things like ingrown toenails. This disease in the early stages can be treated on its own, by treating the problem area with a solution of soda and potassium permanganate, but if the form is advanced, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The second stage of the pedicure is nail polishing..
For these purposes, you must have a double-sided file for polishing. Use the coarse side first to get rid of the minor irregularities in the nail and remove any residual nail polish, then use the other, less rigid side. Polish your nails thoroughly and they will shine, become smooth and shiny.

Video tutorial for beginners: home pedicure

Steam bath

The next requirement is the use of a steaming foot bath. It not only softens the skin and facilitates further pedicure procedures, but can also perform an indirect function, depending on the composition of the bath.

Consider the different types of baths:

  • Antibacterial bath will be useful for those who suffer from a fungal infection or have had contact of the skin of the legs with a surface on which many strangers walked, for example, when visiting pools, water parks and other things. For the prevention and treatment of the fungus, you need to add a little baking soda to the bath. Usually 4-5 tablespoons are sufficient. Such a solution disinfects well and gets rid of unnecessary bacteria. This procedure will also help get rid of foot odor.
  • Relaxing bath with the addition of chamomile or calendula tincture has a moisturizing effect. It is useful for those who have too dry skin of the feet and prefer tight shoes or high heels in their everyday life. Such a composition will not only moisturize the skin of the legs, but also disinfect and protect in case of small wounds or cracks.

It is not worth keeping the legs in the bath for too long, and watch how the skin is steaming. Usually 15 minutes is enough and you can resort to the next step. Then thoroughly dry the legs with a waffle towel so that all the moisture is absorbed, and proceed to the next procedure.

Peeling and nourishing the skin of the legs

In order to remove dead skin, you need to take pumice... It is best to use a fine grain to give an even surface to your skin. This tool becomes indispensable for foot care. Pay special attention to the most problematic areas (corns and horny skin) and treat them more thoroughly.

But on our feet there are many hard-to-reach places for pumice. In such cases, you can apply foot scrub and they carefully process the sites. After the arduous procedure is over, it is necessary to rinse the feet in clean warm water.

Now you need wooden stick... The cuticle of the nails is sufficiently softened at this stage of the pedicure and can be moved without any traumatic consequences. Please note that experts do not recommend cutting the cuticle on the toenails; it must be regularly pushed back.

It's time to do the latest procedures for cleaning the marigold. Via bone or wooden stick you can easily clean the nails of the remaining dirt. This procedure is best carried out with the utmost diligence in order to exclude trauma to the fat pad, which is located directly under the nails. When the cleaning is over, we proceed to the most enjoyable process.

Now your legs can be pampered massage... Massage your feet with additional nourishing cream if they are too dry and need moisturizing. If there is profuse sweating, then you can use special foot products with a deodorizing effect. And if you spent the whole day on your feet and feel noticeable fatigue on your face, legs, and in the whole body, then it will not be superfluous the use of creams from the series with a toning effect.

If there is no cosmetic product at hand, experts in the field of cosmetology recommend using the usual vegetable oil... With the help of ordinary olive or sunflower oil, you can achieve good results in restoring the moisture balance of the skin of the legs.

Varnish application

Home pedicure is completed by applying varnish to the surface of the nail. But before you paint your nails, you must degrease them with a product which does not contain acetone. The varnish is usually applied in two layers.

The best thing take advantage of the spreads- these are special separating plates that slightly move the fingers apart during a pedicure and do not allow them to touch each other.

In order to speed up the drying process of the varnish some use a hairdryer. Experts are categorically against such experiments, because when exposed to a stream of hot air, the varnish will very quickly begin to peel off the surface of the nail. A hairdryer is a last resort. It cannot serve as a nail care product.

Photo - Step-by-step creation of a pedicure

If the skin on the legs grows very quickly, it is necessary to do a pedicure quite often, for example, once every two weeks. But if there are no special problems, then it will be enough to limit it to once a month.

Video: how to do real salon pedicure procedures at home

Drawings on nails for pedicure

In order to appreciate all your efforts, except for the classic pedicure events, it is important to choose beautiful and appropriate patterns for the nails.

Below are collected popular photos of a bright pedicure, which is perfect for both summer and early autumn and late spring, when it's time for open shoes.

If you need a winter pedicure design for a sample, then we present you a selection of interesting drawings with a New Year and Christmas theme.

Well-groomed hands are an indispensable attribute of female beauty. One of the leading roles of the image is assigned to manicure, and the abundance of designs and techniques does not fit into any framework. Against the background of hand care, pedicure fades into the background, and many girls undeservedly forget that the legs need no less care.

How to do a pedicure at home? Step by step about caring for the skin of the feet and what you can not do without in the matter of creating neat nail plates.

Care to the tips of the nails

The word pedicure came into our everyday life from the French language (pédicure), although in fact it has Greek roots. Literally it can be translated as "leg and cut / scissors". A pedicure is a foot care procedure similar to a manicure that is responsible for the hands. Attention is paid to toes, skin, nails, feet. You can get the service in a beauty salon or do it yourself. How to properly do a pedicure at home, as well as a step-by-step photo below.

The procedure includes the following components of healthy and beautiful legs:

  • Steam bath.
  • Removal of rough skin on the feet.
  • Cuticle treatment.
  • Shaping the nail plates.
  • Massage.
  • Decorative coating of nails.

For those wishing to perform a pedicure at home, which would not be inferior in quality to a professional one, we will tell you step by step about the nuances of each of the above points.

Preliminary preparation

Before proceeding with the main manipulations, it is imperative to get rid of the old varnish on the nails. Give preference to liquids that do not contain acetone. Gentle removers will protect the nail plates from harmful effects.

Also at this stage, a thorough disinfection of all instruments involved in the process takes place: files, scissors, pumice, tweezers, etc.

Purity and softness

Softening the skin of the feet is an important point. Make a warm water bath, using a container large enough for both feet to sink in at the same time. Inject the foamy ingredient (shampoo, shower gel, bubble bath). It will not be superfluous to add sea salt or herbs, some prefer essential oils. The feet are lowered into the water for literally 10 minutes, after which they are wiped dry with a towel. This time is enough for dry dead skin cells to soften and become pliable for removal.

Shape and surface

It is believed that the square shape of the nails is ideal. It's not just aesthetics, it's also a matter of comfort. By cutting the overhang in a straight line, you prevent ingrowth problems, which are common. The cut is neatly trimmed with a file, and the tips are slightly rounded, moving from the edges to the center.

There are several ways to get rid of the grown skin (cuticle) from the nails. As a rule, edged classic and unedged European pedicure are distinguished, which is more preferable for a number of good reasons (the risk of injury to the skin and the possibility of infection is minimized). Lubricate the cuticle area with a special tool and wait for the required time.

Afterwards, use an orange tree stick or a pusher to move away the softened area of ​​the overgrown skin.

Use a spatula to clean under your nails. Use a nail file to treat rough fingertips and calluses. Use a double-sided file to polish the surface of your nails to make them smooth, even and shiny. In addition, after this simple trick, the coating will last significantly longer.

"Stop!" stop problems

Feet often have excessively hardened skin. Your faithful allies in the fight against such troubles are pumice stones, scrubs, peels, masks.

Usually that ten-minute bath is enough for softening, but if you think that this is not enough, repeat the procedure again. Pumice your steamed feet, especially the heels.

For those who are familiar with corns and cracks on the heels, we advise you to resort to folk methods of healing. For example, nutritional masks are effective. Before going to bed, the heels are covered with a therapeutic mass, wrapped with cellophane wrap on top and socks are put on. In the morning, the mask is washed off and a moisturizer is applied.

Home spa resort

All the pleasures of professional care are available within the walls of your home. For SPA care, prepare a bath with water and add a few drops of your favorite ether, be it citrus, woody or floral. Enjoy warm water for about half an hour and the pleasant aroma of essential oils, setting you in the mood for a wave of relaxation. Using the scrub, start massaging your feet. This tool effectively removes rough skin, giving the legs tenderness and smoothness. Any cream will do for a mask, the only thing is that it must be applied in a thick layer. Further, as you already know, the feet are wrapped in plastic wrap, and socks are put on top. Desirable duration is from a couple of hours to a whole night.

Design and decor

Feet decoration is the last stage of a pedicure. There is a wide range of decorative coatings, so you can easily find the colors and shades, textures and effects you want. Toenails are traditionally dyed in more neutral tones so that the pedicure goes well with any clothing, footwear and accessories. However, this principle does not place limits on you. You can afford absolutely any technique and drawing. We recommend paying attention to a classic or colored jacket, a monochromatic red coating, ombre.

Here are the main secrets of how to properly do a pedicure at home to achieve smooth and soft heels, shiny and even nail plates. Pamper your feet every 7-10 days, and then you will not encounter cracks, corns, ingrown nails and other eternal problems. A beautiful pedicure is the key to attractiveness. And it doesn't matter if your feet are visible to the public, or hidden under the shoes. Knowing about your impeccability, you will radiate optimism and confidence, and a smile will certainly reign on your face.

In order to have neat nails flaunted on your feet in the summer season of open shoes, it is not necessary to run to an appointment with a specialist. The correct pedicure can be done by yourself. For beginners, there are a couple of secrets that will allow you to do a pedicure with your own hands without any problems.

If everything is more or less clear about manicure, then there are many questions about a pedicure at home. For example, how often to change the coating on the legs. Many experts believe that a classic pedicure should be done every eight to ten days.

If you take care of the skin on your legs on a regular basis, it will become tender, therefore, a professional pedicure is not required at all. Before starting a pedicure, you need to remove the old coating from your toenails. All pedicure instruments must be disinfected.

Before considering a pedicure at home, you need to mention the most common mistakes:

  • Warm water is suitable for steaming the skin on the legs; it is not recommended to use hot water. It is necessary to withstand the feet for 15–20 minutes.
  • Mechanical removal of calluses is prohibited. In the most unfortunate set of circumstances, you risk getting blood poisoning. Home pedicure is performed only with a scrub and natural pumice stone, which can be replaced with a professional scraper.
  • It is not worth removing the cuticle. If cut the wrong way, it will only grow faster. Better to just push it aside with an orange stick.
  • Root trimming or corner trimming is not permitted as it can lead to an ingrown toenail. To prevent this from happening, you need to cut only in a straight line.

A beautiful pedicure at home is possible only with additional devices. With the help of some of them, manicure is performed, most likely you already have something. Some items are optional, but they help you get the best results.

For example, a special massager mat. Usually it is inexpensive, the surface imitates the bottom of the sea, lined with pebbles. Walking on it for a few minutes is enough, and the acupuncture points will be stimulated. Professional pedicure scrapers allow you to achieve perfect, even and smooth skin. However, if you are not doing a professional pedicure, pumice stone may replace it.

Orange tree sticks are familiar to all girls who do their own manicure. This versatile tool helps to gently remove cuticles. Self-massage socks are essentially similar to a massage mat, however, they are easier to wear.

Preparation is the key to success

How to do a pedicure correctly? Just like a manicure, you need to start with the preparation of the plates. Remember to remove the old coating before proceeding with steaming and other steps.

The first step for a pedicure is preparing the instruments. You should have a good nail file in your arsenal. She will also help you get the perfect manicure. It is best to give preference to glass options without using "emery" files.

By working with a glass object, you will be completely protected from damage to your toenail or hand. In addition, it does not grind off, which means that you can perform a pedicure at home with it for a very long time.

The filing of the plates is carried out in one direction, with the help of which the nails get the desired shape. Don't experiment too much with it. This is more true when you are doing a manicure. The unusual shape of the plates on the feet is not recommended due to the problem of ingrown nails. If you notice signs of this disease in yourself, it is better to immediately contact a specialist for quality treatment and prevention of relapse in the future.

A professional pedicure, like a manicure, involves polishing the nail. For this, a special double-sided nail file is used, designed for such purposes. First, the rough side is used, which allows you to remove small irregularities from the nails, as well as the remains of the coating. The second, less rigid side allows you to polish the surface of the marigold, obtaining a shiny top layer.

An important step for a pedicure is to steam your feet. The skin needs softening before processing.

To do this, prepare a pedicure bath with warm water. Lather is added to it. To enhance the effect, you can add a small amount of sea salt. After 15 minutes, you need to walk with a scraper over the skin to remove dead cells and wipe your feet dry. After that, a moisturizer is applied.

There are four types of foot baths. The simplest of them is tonic. To prepare it, you need sea salt and peppermint ether. If you don't have oil on hand, you can use dried mint.

An antibacterial bath will be relevant for those who suffer from fungus or need decontamination after visiting the pool, water park and other crowded places. To do this, you need four to five tablespoons of baking soda per bath. This solution is an excellent disinfectant, eliminating bacteria from the nails. Additionally, you can eliminate sweat odor with this procedure.

To prepare a relaxing bath, you will need chamomile or calendula infusion. Additionally, you will achieve skin hydration and disinfection, which is important in the presence of small cracks or wounds. The wellness bath is one of the most popular. This is the same bath with sea salt, which also begins the manicure. It helps to get rid of rough skin.

Skin care

For a classic pedicure, and indeed a manicure, to be perfect, it is necessary to pay due attention to the skin of the feet. The main goal in caring for her is to remove rough skin. The main assistant can be a pumice stone. It processes not only the heels, but also the feet over the entire surface. Additionally, you can use special peels or scrubs. Often, a woman's supply of funds has special tubes for the skin of the feet.

After such a cleansing procedure, do not forget to take care of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. For this, the feet are lubricated with a nourishing cream, a light massage is encouraged. It is best to leave your feet in special spa socks so that the cream is absorbed as deeply as possible. If you have a problem with excessive sweating, then you can use a special deodorant in a cream form.

It happens that girls do not pay due attention to the skin of the feet, and as a result, it becomes very neglected. If you are the owner of severe corns or cracks, then a classic pedicure is not your option.

To put the skin in order, you need to make a nourishing mask. Special formulations are easy to find in the store. For big problems, it is best to withstand them overnight. To do this, you need spa socks or regular cellophane, which is wrapped around the leg, and a sock is put on top. In the morning, just wash your feet and apply a moisturizer. Just a few treatments will bring your skin back to normal.

Color is our everything

A classic pedicure always ends with a coating. It all depends not only on fashion trends, but also on your preferences. You can simply use a colorless varnish or special strengthening compounds. They will add shine to the plate and strengthen it.

If you are wondering how to make a pedicure at home original and at the same time know how to draw well, then you can paint on your nails. Before proceeding with the design, the plate must be degreased. For convenience, it is best to use special finger separators. This will allow you to accurately paint over each nail without smearing it with a neighboring finger.

The base is always used as the first layer. Most often it has no color. Due to this, the nails will be protected from toxins. The surface will be smooth, which means that the varnish will last longer on it.

After the base is completely dry, you can cover the plate with colored varnish. For the winter period, experts recommend choosing calm shades of varnish. The summer version of the pedicure can be painted in bold, original shades. Just do not forget to combine them with your clothes and color type.

The color coating is applied in two layers. This allows for a rich, long-lasting color. The end of the pedicure is the coating with a fixative. This will further extend the life of the varnish.

Many girls are sure that the quality of performing a pedicure in the salon is much higher than the same procedure at home.

However, it is only by performing toenail care at home that you can be sure both the safety of the tools and the quality of your work.

You can master a pedicure not only to save time, but also to save a certain amount of money, because the cost of services in the salon significantly exceeds the cost of materials that are used for work.

We do it ourselves

Toenail care cannot be ignored, it is not only important from an aesthetic point of view, but also affects your own comfort.

It is required to carry out the pedicure procedure approximately once every two to three weeks, depending on the condition of the skin and nails, as well as the season.

In summer, due to the heat and open shoes, feet require more maintenance than in winter.

At home, you can practice toenails if there are no problems such as cracked heels, ingrown nails or fungus.

If one of the above problems occurs, you should first eliminate them, and then proceed with nail care.

Materials for the procedure

In order to make a correct and safe pedicure, you need special tools and materials.

The quality of the tools used affects the final result, so it is advisable to purchase tools in specialized places.

For a pedicure, you need to have the following arsenal of tools:

  • a bath for softening nails (a basin or a special massage bath is suitable);
  • Bath salt;
  • lemon;
  • sanding file for feet;
  • foot scrub (you can take your own scrub);
  • mask for legs;
  • stick for pushing back the cuticle;
  • nippers;
  • nail scissors;
  • nail polish remover;
  • base for varnish;
  • nail polish;
  • drying varnish;
  • fixer.

This is an approximate list that will be supplemented as you master the procedure.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Warm water is poured into the bath, in which it is necessary to soften the nails and skin of the feet.
Lemon juice, iodine and sea salt are added to the water.
You need to steam the skin for at least 10-15 minutes, during which time useful vitamins are absorbed and the nails will receive the necessary strengthening.

2. Calluses are removed with a special file for heels or with a pumice stone.
If your feet do not require the use of rough instruments, a scrub is enough to get rid of the keratinized skin.
Some pedicurists recommend using a file on dry skin.
You must choose the method that suits you and your feet.

3. After steaming your feet, it is good to make a moisturizing or nourishing mask.
After the bath, the skin perfectly absorbs all the beneficial elements.
You can buy both a canned foot mask and special mask socks that work just as effectively.

4. It is advisable to correct the shape of toenails using a standard nail file, without using scissors.
This is less traumatic for the nail plate.
You can push back the cuticle with an orange stick or a spatula.
You can either trim it or just moisten it with oil at the end of the procedure.
With the help of nippers, burrs and excess code around the nail are removed.

What do you know about folk remedies? The suggested, helpful article tells you what recipes you can use.

Read how to bring down the fever and learn about folk recipes.

On the page: it is written about worms in adults, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies.

6. Using special inserts, paint your nails, after removing the remnants of the old varnish.
Before this, the nail plate can be treated with alcohol or nail polish remover to degrease it.
Paint your nails in 4 layers: base (base) for varnish, 2 layers of varnish and fixer.
Each layer needs to be dried for a minute or two.
Drying the varnish reduces the drying time.

7. Apply a moisturizer to your feet and brush around your nails with jojoba or peach oil.
Your pedicure is ready!

Pros and cons of home care

The advantage of the procedure performed with your own hand is budget savings, as well as the ability to make a pedicure of a better quality.

You are not limited in time, so you can thoroughly steam your feet, saturate them with moisturizer as much as possible and dry the polish as long as necessary.

But a little practice - and you will be doing a pedicure for yourself as well as in the salon. Also, many women do not want to make an effort to put their legs in order.

It is easier for them to surrender themselves into the hands of a nail service master. But it is still desirable to be able to do a pedicure correctly, since it will not always be possible to sign up for a salon due to lack of time or personal problems.

be careful

When performing a pedicure, both in the salon and at home, accidental nail injuries are possible.

Improper pedicure can lead to longitudinal splitting of the nail plate.

Damage to the skin during a pedicure can cause irritation and even an abscess in the toe.

If an infection enters the wound, this will inevitably lead to serious consequences, therefore, at the slightest scratch, you need to carefully treat the wound with peroxide or chlorhexidine and seal it with a bactericidal plaster.

If the nail plate is injured, the nail should be carefully cut off and not varnished. After that, you need to wait until it grows back and do not carry out any manipulations with it.

A beautifully done pedicure is not only visually pleasing, but also comfortable when wearing shoes. Regular foot care helps you look well-groomed and spend less time on your pedicure.

Watch a video tutorial on how to do a pedicure yourself at home.

Today we'll talk about how to properly do a pedicure at home, because only it will help our legs look perfect in open shoes. Do-it-yourself pedicure at home, the step-by-step instructions of which are laid out in this article, will give an opportunity even for beginners to do it on their own, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Quite a little time will pass, and the summer will declare its rights. Let's meet him fully armed and do our best to look luxurious from the ends of our hair to the heels with the arrival of the summer season.

Are you used to doing a pedicure in the salon? This is good. But you must admit that every self-respecting girl should be able to take care of her feet on her own, because everything happens in life: lack of time to visit salons or temporary financial difficulties ... Moreover, it is not so difficult. Knowing a few simple tricks for caring for your feet, you can tidy them up at any time, saving you time and money. So:

Before proceeding, take the nail polish remover and use a cotton pad to remove the old coat of nail polish on your toenails.

1.Giving the correct shape to the nails

  • To get started, trim your toenails using nail clippers or nail clippers. You need to trim the nails evenly, rounding their edges a little.
  • File your nails carefully with a file, working in one direction. At the same time, use a professional glass nail file, which quickly sharpens the nail without damaging it.
  • Polish your nails using a special buff file, the harder side of which will help get rid of roughness and unevenness, and the smooth side will give your nails a shine.


    Remember that experimenting with the shape of toenails can lead to ingrowth, which can result in an inflammatory process that can only be dealt with surgically.

To keep your fingernails and toenails always well-groomed, read as at home.

2 pamper feet in the bath

Dip your feet into a container filled with hot soapy water for 10 minutes. Add sea salt to the bath, which will relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation and soften the skin of the feet, as well as lemon juice, which will help strengthen nails and brighten skin.

You can also add a couple of drops of eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil to the bath. Due to their antiseptic properties, oils will help soothe and disinfect the skin of the feet.

3. Get rid of rough skin

After the skin on the feet has softened, remove the hardened layer from the skin of the feet with a pumice stone or a special file. Then rinse your feet with warm water and dry them off.

A common mistake of girls doing pedicure at home with their own hands is getting rid of rough skin when they are in the water. Firstly, there is little to see in the water, and secondly, the leg or hands can slip off, leading to damage.

Well, to remove it, you have to make a little more effort.

4. We use scrubs, creams and oils

After mechanically treating your feet, use special foot scrubs that have exfoliating properties. In addition, they may contain antifungal and deodorant components.

But if such a tool was not at hand - it does not matter! You can make it yourself by adding sea salt to your body cream.

After the end of the scrubbing procedure, rinse and dry your feet again. Then apply foot cream to your feet and give a gentle massage to allow the cream to absorb faster and improve blood circulation.

Instead of a cream, cosmetologists advise using natural cosmetic oils, which penetrate deeper into the skin and nourish it with useful substances, which will give the legs a more well-groomed look.

5. Pay attention to the cuticle

Using special tweezers, we remove the keratinized part of the cuticle. But since it is very easy to hurt yourself with tweezers, I advise you to purchase a special tool for these purposes, designed to remove cuticles.

It only needs to be applied to the cuticle for a couple of minutes and then pushed back using an orange stick.

6 cover your toenails with varnish

This is the most enjoyable moment in a pedicure for me. First, apply a nail polish base to the nails, which will hide their unevenness, and also increase the strength of the polish, and let it dry.

Then, considering personal preference,. For a brighter, more saturated color, you need to apply two coats of varnish. To fix the varnish, cover the nails with a transparent fixative, which will give the nails a beautiful shine and, thanks to the properties that protect the varnish, will make it possible to enjoy the result of a homemade pedicure longer.

And finally, watch the video, where you will be given some more tips on how to properly do a pedicure at home:

That's all. Now you know how to properly do a pedicure at home with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions of which will give you the opportunity to do this, spending no more than half an hour on it. Now your legs will look perfect!