
Girls love sports boys. What kind of girls do guys like. Tastes could not be discussed


Buenos dios, dear readers! Today we will talk about the eternal, more precisely - about the relationship of the sexes, but to be more precise, on the topic "Do girls like pitching?" After reading, each of the guys will know which male body (with what degree of swing) the young ladies like it and from what parts, muscle groups the girls come into indescribable delight and are ready to follow their owner even to the ends of the world :).

So, the male population clung to the blue screens, we start.

Do girls like pitching? Female gaze

Often from visitors to the gym, when answering the question of why you are doing, you can hear the following options:

  • I go for health;
  • to raise self-esteem;
  • always wanted to have a beautiful body;
  • life forced, began to shit.

In fact, all humans (at least a young part of the audience aged from 15 before 30 years) are cunning. And since we have a purely male article, but the ladies are also probably reading these lines, they will be curious to know that everything is being done for their sake. Excuses about health and others like them are all fairy tales for the blind granny opposite. In fact, a person is by nature a vain being, and he needs someone else to see his successes, results and works of life. (ideally a lot of people)... For ourselves, we are very reluctant to do something.

We are not enough to study at home within four walls more than 1-2 months, for the most part we merge. We need attention, a team and, most importantly, enthusiastic looks from the outside. Do you think you would be doing for your health if you lived on a desert island where you didn't give up to anyone? I doubt. However, if you add two charming Saturday and Sunday to an uninhabited island by Friday, this is a completely different matter.

Therefore, if you fall into the above age range, then the main goal of your trips to the gym is to please the opposite sex, in our case, young ladies. Now I will open the eyes of the ladies and burn them our main feature (guys sorry :()... After classes in the men's locker room, the main topic of discussion is most often precisely the girls - which one came to the gym today, it would be interesting to meet her and that I do not yet look good enough to please the very one, I’ll still pump up and swim in the women's attention.

I must say that this is a normal male desire - to change what you don’t like in your body in order to use the latter as a tool for “catching” a fish (read girls)... Moreover, the guys do not need harems from ladies, it is enough for them to hook up 2-3 well-tailored young ladies, and their (our) male pride will be satisfied, and the goal of visiting the rocking chair will be achieved.

And here the question arises: to what extent do you need to swing and whether the girls like pitching. This is what we will talk about further in the text.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Do girls like pitching: what women think of them

First, let's define the terminological apparatus and dimensions. By jocks (bodybuilders) we mean men with a weight of over 90-100 kg and possessing impressive muscle mass. By "guys in the body" (pumped up) we mean the entire male population in the weight category from 70 before 90 kg and possessing a certain muscle tone. For clarity, I will give examples of our personnel.

To answer our question, sociologists from the UK conducted a survey among women on the subject of what kind of men they like, and the overwhelming majority ( 79% ) answered that pumped men do not excite them and, on the contrary, cause a feeling of aesthetic disgust. The women also said they disliked protruding veins and muscles that "rip" out of their clothes.

They also named the shapes of the bodies of the stars that they would like to see next to them. (at your boyfriend)... In particular, the ladies gave preference to the figures of Matthew McConaughey (sample of the film "Fool's Gold") and Brad Pitt (sample of the film "Fight Club")... This is actually what we are talking about.

Conclusion: women like men who look after themselves and are in muscular form, but they hate it when the gym becomes passion for men number 1 and they are ready to vegetate there for hours, so that only their biceps become even larger and harder.

Why are women not crazy about big muscles?

Many guys believe that by pumping up big muscles (like that of the same Schwarzenegger), they will automatically attract many times more female attention in themselves and, as a result, their bed life will become much better. However, this is not the case, and the point is that men are much more visually oriented than women. Any man on planet Earth will lose his head from a physically attractive lady. He literally worships her curves, and he blows the tower off when he looks at such a crumb.

For women, a beautiful male body with muscles is just good looks and nothing more. Ladies are more focused on the behavior, actions and character of a person than on his muscles. Those. they are more rational in choosing a partner. If men fall for every "pretty skirt" (ready to fuck up every physically pretty girl) then a woman it (visual bodily component) not so important.

You can look great, have a beautiful body, but if you are a "dummy" inside, then the lady will propel you and no muscles will help here.

Conclusion - most women don't like guys with big muscles. In such a society, a lady feels constrained and even intimidated. If you ask bodybuilders what is their main reason for gaining such extreme mass, none of them will say that this was done to attract future passion.

How many kilograms of muscle would a man want to gain? Research results

Scientists from Massachusetts' McLean Hospital (USA) conducted a study, during which it turned out that the average man goes to the gym for muscle mass in the amount 13 kg. That's how much extra muscle they'd like to add to their current physique. A similar test was carried out on women, showing them bodies of various sizes, and as it turned out, they found the most attractive men of medium proportions. (from 7 before 10 kg of muscles)... Bodybuilders (increase in muscle mass 15 and above kg) turned out to be out of favor with the beautiful half of humanity and had a limited attractiveness.


Women last 40-50 years have become more independent and often they are the heads of the family. Some men, one of the factors in their desire to gain muscle mass, indicated strengthening in this way their masculine positions in the family.

What is a point of diminishing returns?

Most of you probably wondered, until what point is it worth building muscles? There is such a thing as a point of diminishing returns. This is the point at which it is impossible to build muscle naturally. This is a state when natural mass-gathering indicators have been achieved, and a further increase in volumes is possible only with the use of hormonal and steroid drugs.

What do women desire?

Remember that movie with Mel Gibson? So now we will try to answer this question on our own.

Appearance in the modern world, of course, matters, but muscles are only a small piece of the puzzle of the picture called “I am a whole person.” Women first of all want to see in a man, they don’t need a dumb quality. They are looking for such traits as confidence and strength of character, making responsible decisions, the opportunity to have a relaxed conversation. Also, they are looking for social status and financial means in a partner, and the latter not only for themselves, but also to ensure the “needless” standard of living for future offspring. All this in aggregate looking for ladies in every man.

Therefore, do not think that big muscles will turn you into a favorite of women and Casanova in an instant. You need to look presentable, but you can't buy ladies for one wrapper :). And one more thing - muscles do not mean masculinity, remember that!

Do girls like pitching: 10 reasons why they do

So, as we found out, ladies like muscular men. But why, what is behind this, is it really just for the very fact of having muscles and a beautiful body? It turns out that everything is much more complicated, ladies associate muscles with certain character traits that they consider irresistible. Actually, these 10 reasons.

# 1. Drive away unwanted suitors

Women love attention, but obsessive attention bothers them. Well, if a young lady is attractive, a whole tail of gentlemen usually twists behind her. Having a muscular guy close by immediately reduces (and even nullifies) chances of male personalities. A muscular companion is always ready to fight back, and will not allow flies to curl around their honey. This form of security is very popular with women.

# 2. Thrift

When a woman sees a broad-shouldered man, she immediately thinks of his domestic potential. Those. how much he is able to provide “everyday life” - courageous efforts to create a house. Any woman needs a roof over her head, and it is advisable that it does not flow. Partners with muscles for these responsibilities (on a subconscious level) seem to be more wealthy.

No. 3. Protection

A muscular man usually has good mass, i.e. it looks great. With such a gentleman, the lady feels protected and she does not need to be afraid of dark streets and hooligans. It is a great relief to feel safe as a stone wall.

No. 4. The Taming of the Shrew

A woman is a player, it is important for her to realize that she has hit a big jackpot in the form of a worthy gentleman. She is not interested in conquest 55 a kilogram librarian from the reading room opposite, she is drawn to exploits and the search for "difficult" men. The beefy guy that half the district dries up over is a worthy candidate on her list. The process of domestication of such a male is a more difficult task, and therefore the woman likes it even more.

No. 5. Feeling like a little princess

In the company of a big guy, a woman feels like his little princess. The more massive the gentleman, the greater the feeling of femininity. Almost all ladies take great pleasure in their physical weakness in front of a partner. There is something exciting for them - being in the arms of a strong man.

No. 6. Can “shoulder the burden of the whole world”

In addition to physical strength, it is important for a woman to realize that next to her there is a strong-willed and strong-willed man who is able to take responsibility for the whole world. Broad shoulders and strong arms can overcome many obstacles, keeping a woman safe and relieving her of unnecessary worries.

No. 7. A strong man is a good earner

Women are always attracted to physically strong men. Such males are able to bring a mammoth into the house and get a bear skin. On a subconscious level, women have an instinct that a strong man is a good earner - a well-fed family.

No. 8. Passionate partner

Women are not fools :) and they understand that a strong man is most likely strong not only in pulling glands. Such a person is capable of kindling her fire with his passion and literally knocking her down. They know that these men have high testosterone levels and can be a “satisfying” partner for her.

No. 9. The subject of pride

Women love to preen, and they are undoubtedly attracted to the realization that the man next to her is investing his time and energy in improving himself. A lady will always respect such a partner, and if he becomes her companion in life, she will be very proud for him and for herself.

No. 10. The object of envy

Women are constantly competing with each other, so a muscular guy next to her is her advantage over all other girls with “regular guys”. Girlfriends will secretly envy and dry up for her gentleman, i.e. To you. Thus, you will emphasize her high status, and this, oh, how flattering the girl.

Now let's talk about ...

What muscles do women like?

Researchers at Western Illinois University have identified the sexiest muscles that attract women the most. By the degree of attraction (starting with the most-most) they are arranged in this order:

  • abdominal muscles - press;
  • arms - biceps and triceps;
  • shoulders;
  • pectoral muscles;
  • buttocks.

Download these muscles and female attention is guaranteed to you :). In addition to the information presented in the old binder of Muscle & Fitness magazine, I found an article entitled "What muscles do girls like in men?" In it, the author shares the results of a survey conducted among the female population of the gym on the subject of muscle sexuality. The results were as follows.

As you can see, first place with 22% given to the arms as the most enjoyable muscle group. Breast and press on 18% , shoulders - 17% and everything else can not be downloaded. Thus, it turns out that the most seemingly non-sexual part in men's eyes - the hands, is not such in women's eyes. Therefore, we shift the swing vector to the presented muscle groups and an endless stream of ladies is guaranteed to you!

Well, the stellar ideals are set, it remains only to reach them. Actually, that's all for me, let's summarize and close the question of whether the girls like pitching.


Today we figured out whether girls like pitching and whether girls like pumped-up guys. The answer is affirmative - yes, it is true, everything should be in moderation, and the feeling of this measure is determined by the person himself. And whether it coincides or not with the opinion of others, you will learn about this by your popularity in women's eyes. Well, now we are blowing into the hall and we are starting to work on "pleasing" the girls, go ahead!

PS. Girls, do not stand on the sidelines, but actively join the conversation and set the boys on the right track!

PPS. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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Uncle Zhora - Triceps biceps, wet shirts. Biceps-triceps, chest press. Biceps Triceps, girls like Sports boys, whatever one may say. ...


Words Uncle Zhora - Biceps-triceps, wet T-shirts. Biceps-triceps, chest press. Biceps Triceps, girls like Sports boys, whatever one may say. ...

My baby, I'm trying for you
And the gym is my home.
I swing and swing day and night,
And you are not walking with me again.

Because of you, I count kilograms
Your love will drive me crazy.
Now my pumped up frame
Should somehow attract you.

Triceps biceps, wet shirts.
Biceps-triceps, chest press.
Biceps triceps, girls like it
Sports boys, whatever one may say.

Download, download.

My baby, I shake the dumbbells passionately.
On exhalation-inhalation, all thoughts are about you.
I believe that this is not in vain
I want to please you as soon as possible.

Triceps biceps, wet shirts.
Biceps-triceps, chest press.
Biceps triceps, girls like it
Sports boys, whatever one may say.
Triceps biceps, wet shirts.
Biceps-triceps, chest press.
Biceps triceps, girls like it
Sports boys, whatever one may say.

Swing muscle, swing muscle

Download. Download. Download. Download. Download.
Let's! Click, little one!
Come on dead! A little more! Pretty boy!

Triceps biceps, wet shirts.
Biceps-triceps, chest press.
Biceps triceps, girls like it
Sports boys, whatever one may say.
Triceps biceps, wet shirts.
Biceps-triceps, chest press.
Biceps triceps, girls like it
Sports boys, whatever one may say.
Biceps Triceps. Biceps Triceps.
Girls like biceps triceps
Sports boys, whatever one may say,

The desire to please the opposite sex is in our blood. Men are interested in knowing what kind of guys girls like in order to become better and get the attention of the chosen person. Of course, each lady has her own tastes, but there are general qualities that will attract any beauty.

What kind of guys do girls like externally

There are situations when a guy of low-key appearance has no end to his fans, while handsome men sit on the sidelines. What's the secret? The thing is that the lucky ones consciously or unconsciously follow certain rules of behavior with a woman. But do not forget about other qualities of an ideal man:

  • A man in any situation must remain a man. Girls instinctively choose courageous guys. Young ladies can argue as much as they want that a sports figure is not so important, but in reality they go crazy with abs. Don't get carried away in pursuit of piles of muscle. Remember: girls prefer a slender athletic figure - they are not interested in steroid boys.
  • Each young lady has her own criteria regarding the appearance of a young man. Studies show that girls find high cheekbones, full lips, light tanning, and dark eyebrows and eyelashes attractive.
  • A man with a beard is the embodiment of masculinity, maturity and solidity. If earlier a three-day stubble was perceived as a sign of laziness, now even a slight unshaven causes delight among the fair sex.

What kind of guys do girls like by nature

So why do girls love guys? The question is complex. If the guys knew the answer to it, it would not be interesting to live. Let's figure out what human qualities girls like in guys:

  • Thoughtfulness, attentiveness and loyalty. It is these qualities that come first.
  • Confidence. A man convinced of his strength acts like a magnet on girls.
  • Ability to protect in case of danger, to protect from any trouble.
  • Reliability.
  • Generosity. But be careful not to confuse sympathy with self-interest.

There are no perfect people. Negative character traits are inherent in everyone. But there are those that especially annoy girls:

  • Tyranny. What kind of self-respecting girl will treat a guy who is ready to use her fists at any moment ?! A real man should be able to curb the savage in himself and peacefully resolve any dispute and conflict.
  • Relationships and selfishness are not the best combination.
  • Narcissism.
  • Jealousy. Women are not afraid of jealousy itself, they are disturbed by the events that follow it: aggression, reproaches, scandals, etc.

What kind of guy do you like

Deciding which guy you like is not easy. Appearance plays an important role in attracting the opposite sex. The first impression of a person consists of an assessment of appearance, and then they pay attention to human qualities. Some people like skinny tall guys, while others only look at athletic guys. You can't please everyone. No doubt, a handsome guy is every girl's dream. But what if nature has not awarded an attractive appearance? Don't panic, develop other positive qualities in yourself:

  • Girls respect male intelligence, but they hate boring guys. When talking for hours about fishing or car construction, make sure that the girl is interested. Otherwise, you may be considered a bore and stop communicating.
  • A good sense of humor is not only about the ability to joke competently and tell funny stories. With such a man it is easy and there is always something to talk about.

At all times, women have been attracted to these types of guys:

  • Bad guys. This is the type of young man every immature girl dreams of. With age, sympathy for such guys disappears, and the girls are looking for a reliable man.
  • Sports guys. Everything is simple here: it is more pleasant to look at a toned body. In addition, friends, seeing you together, will die of envy.
  • Romance. What girl does not dream of a prince on a white horse, a candlelit dinner and a serenade under the window ?!
  • Good guy. This is in every sense an ideal man.

There are girls who love to try on the role of a mother or a teacher. Unsuspecting shy guys fall for their bait in the hope of finding their happiness. In such conditions, yesterday's shy man turns into anyone: a romantic, a brutal or a ladies' man.

Adventurers are looking for a man to match themselves. He should not stop and infringe on her, but rather feed her with so necessary emotions. Such guys are characterized by excessive activity, cheerfulness and love for extreme deeds.

Let's reveal a secret: girls can say whatever they want, but when they see the right guy, they lose their minds. Let him be jealous, untenable and chomp at the table - these are trifles. Love is the main thing.

that girls like, now is the time to open the veil of secrecy and tell... Have you noticed that there are such ladies that all men are crazy about? Their secret is quite simple, and every girl can also attract the opposite sex. Read about how the guy will like it in this article.

We will try to create a composite image of qualities that drive guys crazy and which a girl should be equal to if she wants to be popular with the opposite sex. Of course, everyone has different tastes, but there are criteria that are important for everyone. I’ll say more, I can choose a girl, show her to a hundred guys and everyone will say “yes, I like her”. What kind of girl is this? Let's figure it out.


We can say for a long time that the main thing in a person is the soul, but let's be honest, guys first look at their appearance. If you like your body, then the man will be ready to know the soul further. Therefore, it is not worth guessing for a long time, Of course, everyone loves beauty. What is the most important in appearance? Let's go in order.

A girl, of course, cannot change her face (plastic does not count), but tastefully selected makeup works wonders. However, you don't need to get carried away with this, otherwise it looks extremely unnatural and produces the opposite effect, you can take our word for it.

In most cases, guys like girls with long hair rather than short ones. Hair color isn't all that important, it's a matter of taste. As for the hairstyle, guys are often conservative and love natural beauty, keep this in mind when heading to the salon.

It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be (Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra).

What figure do guys like

What kind of figure do guys like? Usually sports. Therefore, the figure should be approached with special attention. People often ask - do guys like fat girls? Yes, there are guys who prefer women in body, but there are not many of them. And most love slender girls, not very thin and not overweight. Every girl is able to make an effort to create such a figure. The main thing is this.

Regarding breast size, I will express a purely male opinion: if you have a breast size 2-3, this is wonderful, a nice bonus. If not, then do not complex, because this is not at all the factor that men look at in the first place. And if you are asking yourself why guys don't like me, and you think about breast size, then this is stupidity. While you are wearing your clothes, you can add size with your bra. And when without clothes, we forget about everything in the world.

Go ahead. Pump up the ass and add size (if necessary) to it in your power. This requires a gym and barbell squats. You can do it at home, you decide how to achieve the result. But the priest is the place where we will look very often, it depends on you what we see there.

Men love with their eyes ...


We love when a girl is dressed tastefully, but that doesn't mean you have to wear expensive clothes from fashion brands. A simple dress that flaunts your body and hips is perfect. Nobody canceled and tight trousers with a T-shirt. The main thing in choosing clothes is that it should show naturalness, naturalness. Understand that guys do not need dolls that they want to put on the shelf, we want to see you as a living girl. Therefore, the less extra clothes you have on, the better. And the less strict it is, the better.

The second criterion is sexuality. Understanding this factor, you practically got the answer to the question Make sure to emphasize the figure, so that there is a cutout on the chest, and the trousers fit the bottom. Awaken the instincts in guys, this is a very powerful method. However, this should not be confused with vulgarity.

What kind of girls do guys like - statistics.

According to statistics, guys are very fond of long-haired women (75%). Also, long legs in a guy's eyes are a sign of sexuality. A toned and elastic body, as a sign of health, is on the list of preferences of more than 90% of the male population of the planet. About 40% of men want a blonde as their mistress, and only 15% of them see a blonde woman as a spouse. With brunettes, the opposite is true, 18% of men want to have an affair with a girl with dark hair and 60% plan to marry them.


Answering the question "what kind of girls do men like", you need to touch on the character. Most of the time, guys like nice girls. We value your attention, support and loyalty. And also adequacy, without unnecessary scandals and bitchiness. You can add peppercorn only slightly.

To many men prefer the same image - a mixture of a little girl and a real sophisticated woman. She can pout or laugh. At the same time, he never forgets to monitor his gait, manicure, clothes. This is a sexy woman who knows how to speak correctly and dress correctly, so that the energy hit the guy in the brain. How can this be achieved? Think about sex. Introduce your image and your manner of speaking. The brains themselves will begin to rebuild according to your thoughts.

And the main thing is a girl with dignity. But we rarely love strong women; for many, she is perceived as a man in a skirt. We don't want to hug the peasant.

Separately, I must say about a small nuance for the future. When you are already dating a guy, let something invisible always remain between you, an obstacle that your chosen one needs to overcome. So you will keep his interest and a little veil of secrecy around you. He shouldn't feel like you are absolutely his, shouldn't watch you shave your legs (although that might be cute) or anything like that. You must be the girl he has to conquer for a long time. This is what will keep the spark in your relationship, just don't overdo it.

What type of girls do guys like?

Guys often have sympathy for those girls whose image has already formed in their heads, most often under the influence of cinema. Therefore, the images of famous actresses can be a good guide.


Smile, be yourself, flirt. Here's the secret to charm, no need to try to be someone else, be yourself. Work on internal state... Let you feel your energy, and the guys will run after you.


Yes, we love smart women, well-read, with whom we have something to talk about. This is important to understand if you want to know how do guys like... But your mind should not show up in a frown, brooding face and endless talk about quantum mechanics. Show us it in your ability to speak on any topic and in your actions. In which? Support the man when needed, do not scandal, show understanding. If a guy is not a fool, he will appreciate it.

Sense of humor

The image of a little girl in an adult body is very attractive, and therefore guys love to see its manifestations as well - joke, but in moderation. Your jokes should not offend anyone. And just smile more often, it’s easier to communicate and the guy doesn’t have to go out of his way to cheer you up.


We have already said that sexuality should be in your appearance. Now we will talk about demeanor. Turn on films with Catherine Zeta Jones, appreciate her smile, words, gestures, look. Everything very subtly hints at sex. She appeals to the basic instinct every time.

And when it comes to bed, you shouldn't break for a very long time and say that “it’s gone, I don’t want to” ... rightly, this approach quickly gets boring and makes the guy remember that the world is full of other girls. However, it is not necessary to indulge in all bad things from the very beginning, even if you want to. You can break down for the sake of appearance, and then be a little girl, let the guy "teach" yourself. For him, it will be a conquest, and therefore a desirable one. And the process itself will delight you much more than the Puritan prohibitions on everything.

I've always wondered

how amazingly sinful

a woman's spirituality is bodily,

and the body is devilishly spiritual.

(Igor Guberman)


Have a hobby, it adds magnetism to the girl, and also distracts you from the guy. This is good in terms of the fact that the man does not feel that you belong only to him. After all, over time, this will begin to awaken in my head thoughts about dependence on you and the desire for freedom. You hardly need such thoughts from a guy. Therefore, you can play it safe and add a little attraction to yourself just due to a hobby.


Of course economic! You can talk for a long time about the 21st century, gender equality and all that, but the guy still involuntarily evaluates the girl from the point of view of her economy. It is clear that not everyone gets married, but the ability to feed a man, wash, iron will add points to you in the eyes of the opposite sex.


We have already touched on this, but let's once again dwell on femininity separately. This is a kind of sense of proportion and integrity. Not a single detail should stand out from the general image of a woman. For you, tenderness, unobtrusiveness, fragility should become the norm. You must be able to serve yourself, as well as control your body. It is next to such a woman that men feel comfortable.

So we figured it out... All of the above may seem like a daunting task, but it is not. Each of the points is self-sufficient. Moreover, I am sure that each of you has a lot of good things. Therefore, you need to choose one or two areas on which to focus. Hone your behavior, work on your figure and you will succeed. Remember that many girls have created themselves through hard work. If they can, then you can. With a little time, discipline and you will see the result that you will really like. Love yourself and others will love you!