
What is nymphomania, uterine rabies? Hysteria ("Uterine fury"), hysteroid personality in women - symptoms and treatment What is uterine rabies in women?


Rabies of the uterus in women is the popular name for the disease, which, in other words, is also called female nymphomania, hypersexuality or excessive sex drive. Translated from Greek, this means "the mad passion of the bride." But, in our time, nymphomaniacs are also called such representatives of the fair sex who lead an immoral lifestyle, often changing sexual partners. What is this disease? How does it manifest? Is treatment required?

Characteristics of the disease

The disease called "uterine rabies" in women does not exist in official medicine. But among the people, the disease was known several thousand years ago. In the works of Plato, there are references to the fact that the female reproductive organ is like a wild beast that gets furious if a woman does not want to think that she should continue the race.

Possessing hypersexuality, a woman becomes the dream of any man. For a woman, another sexual partner is another adventure that helps her to calm her whim at least a little.

The name "nymphomania" also appeared for a reason. According to legend, the nymphs - inhabitants of the forest, hunted men, luring them into its very thicket, where they used them for love orgies. When a man came to himself, he could no longer think of anything else as nymphs. The men left their families and, like madmen, returned to the forest in order to experience sexual satisfaction at least once in the arms of the beautiful inhabitants of the forest. True or myth, no one knows for sure.

In reality, women suffering from uterine rabies cannot control their sexual desires. A woman strives to have as many sexual partners as possible, and it does not matter at all: what gender, age he will be and whether his appearance is beautiful or not. Frequency is more important here. As a rule, during sexual intercourse, a nymphomaniac does not achieve sexual release (orgasm), so they do not get any pleasure from the act. Women whose uterus has a disease want sex not so much from what they experience from arousal, but from the obsessive thought of having crazy sex, in other words, the disease is more of a psychological nature.

If we talk about the influence of the disease on a woman's personal life, then it is negative. Immediately after sex, even if there was an orgasm, the woman is already ready for the next intercourse. Conventionally, uterine rabies in women can be divided into two categories: for some it is important to get relaxation from sex, while for others the orgasm is not important, but the number of sexual acts is very important.

Why does uterine rabies appear in women?

The following factors lead to the main reasons for the appearance of hypersexuality:

  • hormonal disorders in the female body;
  • uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • psychological diseases;
  • swelling of the ovaries or pituitary gland;
  • the presence of complexes.

Psychological disorders, such as schizophrenia, can also be the cause of nymphomania. In some cases, the reason for the development of nymphomania may be the rape or cruelty of parents in childhood.

If a woman feels a strong sexual desire, regardless of whether the object of desire is a man or a woman, this should be a signal to immediately seek medical attention and begin treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom that can signal the disease "rabies of the uterus" can be constant sexual desire, when it is impossible to concentrate on anything else. In this state, a woman is looking for new sexual sensations and new partners. The appearance of the disease can also be evidenced by the emergence of erotic fantasies. If a woman can have sex up to 15 times a day, while she does not experience sexual satisfaction, then this is nymphomania or uterine rabies in women.

Traditional treatments

Official medicine can offer today therapeutic measures that help identify the factors causing nymphomania, as well as eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Before prescribing a course of treatment, it is very important to undergo a diagnosis in order to understand what exactly triggered the development of the disease. To exclude the presence of a tumor, a tomogram of the brain is required. To determine if the hormonal background is disturbed, it is required to pass tests for hormones, as well as examine the glands. It is also important to be examined by a gynecologist and tested for infections that can be sexually transmitted. With nymphomania, treatment is complex, selected individually in each case.

The appointment of hormone-containing drugs is justified only if malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system are diagnosed.

In the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, they must be treated immediately. Only this will help to improve immunity and metabolic processes in the body, which will reduce obsessive sexual desire, relieve nervous excitement and improve the general well-being of a woman. To improve the mental state, sedatives, tranquilizers, antipsychotics are prescribed. Without fail, you will have to visit a psychologist, which will help to correct your behavior.

Folk remedies in treatment

In folk medicine, there are many recipes that are able to regulate sexual disorders, in particular, to reduce hyperexcitability and eliminate inflammation of the genital organs. As a rule, folk recipes provide for a course of treatment lasting up to 1.5 months with a break of two weeks. But, it is better to coordinate any folk remedy with the attending physician in order to avoid possible negative reactions of the body.

Here are some folk remedies:

Willow earrings (1 tbsp. Spoon) pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for an hour, then strain. Drink before meals for 1 tbsp. 3 times during the day.

Hop cones, peppermint and melima leaves, meadowsweet flowers, 1 tsp. Put the bed in a container and pour 500 ml of beer. Insist for 12 hours, stirring occasionally, and then strain. Take 3 times a day for ½ tbsp. The course of treatment is 7 days.

It is also important that nutrition is correct. Avoid various aphrodisiacs as much as possible, such as nuts, chocolate, cheese, seafood. Various soothing decoctions and mood have a beneficial effect on the condition.

If the rabies of the uterus in women does not go away and the woman cannot overcome the obsessive sexual desire, you should immediately contact a sex therapist to select another treatment option. In any case, consultation with a specialist is very important for the normalization of the mental state.

Many have heard of the existence of uterine rabies. Teenagers whisper about women with mysterious disabilities and men dream. Many legends surround it with something like a halo. But few people know that official medicine does not recognize any disease or other deviation with this name.

This concept appeared back in the time of Herodotus, who described nymphs living in the forest, luring men there, and then killing them with an endless number of sexual acts.

Often the negative picture that gives rise to the problem repeats itself over a long time, taking root. This change is complex and requires intensive investment, the patient's daily will and work with oneself, in the sense of self-perception, implementation and use of the resources acquired in the regressive experience.

This content can be viewed as a manifestation of the unconscious and as such has meaning and relevance to the problem. There are also many other explanatory models for memory regression. A child, before birth, is a creature endowed with feelings, memories and consciousness, therefore, everything that happens to him during the nine months of pregnancy is of great importance for the formation and structuring of the personality.

Nymphomania is the name of the disease, by which the people know the rabies of the uterus. Symptoms can manifest in different ways. In most cases, nymphomaniac women, experiencing a huge number of orgasms during sex, still cannot get satisfaction. In an effort to get it, women are ready to have sex again and again. Their aggressiveness and dissatisfaction are so high that one partner cannot cope with the growing lust of the chosen one. In an effort to get satisfaction at any cost, nymphomaniacs begin to rapidly change partners or increase the number of sexual acts.

The fetus can see, hear, taste, understand and learn at a primitive level. He is able to show feelings that are less complex than adults, but very real. This can trigger this or that trend, according to the messages he receives in the womb. The main source of these messages is the mother. The fetus captures the thoughts, feelings and sensations of the mother, which interfere in a significant way in the form of being.

Researchers such as physicians Thomas Verney, Dominic Purpura, David Champion, Stanislav Grof and others have found that there is a very complex, gradual and subtle intrauterine connection with the rational structure that is established after birth. The bond between mother and child established after birth is a consequence of what has preceded it.

For another category of nymphomaniac, orgasm is not important, they simply strive to increase the number of partners. Such women cannot think of anything else. There are cases when nymphomaniacs participated in 17 sexual acts a day.

This behavior really looks like uterine rabies. But what really happens to the nymphomaniac?

There is a physiological, psychological and psychic connection between mother and fetus. The child's disorders are caused by both psychological consequences and physical consequences of anxiety, depression, suffering, fear, stress, etc. what leads to a deeper rebound in the baby is not the mother's maternal problems, but chronic anxiety or anxious ambivalence of thoughts and feelings about motherhood. For example, a negative, overwhelming and persistent feeling of abandoning a child can leave a deep scar.

Affective losses, deaths, separations, emotional distress, major disasters, accidents, aggression, etc. can cause emotional imbalances in the patient, which vary depending on the form and intensity with which he recorded the traumatic event. They can also deplete a pregnant woman's emotional reserves to the point where she cannot communicate with the baby she is carrying.

Nymphomania is a mental illness, a type of hysteria. It is very different from increased libido. People suffering from this deviation are uncritical about their sexual needs. In pursuit of satisfaction, they stop thinking about their own safety.

If the disease is not treated, then gradually the nymphomaniac is able to sink to the social bottom. In medical practice, there are cases when wealthy, quite intelligent women, in search of new partners, began to visit dens for drug addicts and homeless people, without thinking about the terrible consequences of such adventures.

In the family environment, the father also has a very important influence on the fetus. Father stress, for example, has a direct bearing on the child in education as well as indirectly through the mother. The argument between parents and family misconceptions can also seriously disrupt existence in the womb.

What are the causes of nymphomania?

Trauma in utero, depending on the inheritance that it brings, can give rise to various future disorders, such as: insecurity, relationship difficulties, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, addicted personality, etc.

Like any disease, uterine rabies has causes.

Often, the disease develops against the background of hysteria or. Sometimes the deviation is provoked by ovarian or brain tumors, hormonal imbalance, endocrine disorders. There are cases when the disease developed during pregnancy.

Interestingly, men also suffer from uncontrolled hypersexuality, but they have this deviation called satiriasis.

The fetus has more primitive intellectual and affective needs than ours, but they do exist as those who want to feel loved and desired. This feeling has an important impact on safety and self-confidence. Positive emotions of joy and anticipation make an important contribution to the affective development of a healthy child.

If we consider the model of reincarnation, which is just one of the explanatory models of memory regression, we can see that this child has a past that is often turbulent with this family, bringing in the experience of hostility. This past can be more or less influenced depending on the stimuli that he experiences.

Promiscuous sexual intercourse often leads to concomitant diseases, not the worst of which is inflammation of the uterus. Treatment for nymphomania exists, but only a doctor can provide the correct help.

Usually, complex treatment is prescribed, combining lifestyle changes, diet, medication, psychiatric and sexologist consultations. Uterine rabies is curable.

The baby inside the uterus may exhibit deviating behavior from the mother towards her. Or the child may show a spontaneous feeling of abandonment of this mother, this family, to this financial, cultural, social, racial state, which can lead to frustration, sadness, lack of motivation, rebellion, depression, insecurity, relationship in general or specifically between mother and child. ...

How to distinguish nymphomania from other conditions?

The child perceives an action or thought about the mother, and her brain immediately turns it into an emotion and commands her body to respond in a variety of ways. If the mother feels fear, anxiety, depression or stress, this triggers a hormonal release that, if intense and continuous, can predispose the child to this sensation. If the mother's attention is completely absorbed in sadness, loss, and if she turns on herself, her child is likely to suffer deeply. The fetus has insufficient resources to withstand this overload.

Inflammation of the uterus comes from a variety of other causes. The most popular of them, in addition to promiscuous relationships, are colds, the consequences of abortion, infection with unclean instruments, hormonal disruptions, etc.

Only a gynecologist can establish what type of inflammation the patient is worried about. After determining the diagnosis, he prescribes treatment. It can be antibiotics, douching, physiotherapy.

Excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol and medication, excessive food intake or deprivation of food, insomnia or hypersomnia are also forms of maternal communication that physically harm the fetus and emotionally indirectly translate their anxiety.

Even without being in danger, by the time the fetus perceives the maternal disorder, it may react with vigorous blows. The fetus responds to an increase in the mother's adrenaline rate and in "solidarity" with the mother's distress. Therefore, the most serious threat to the fetus is the mother's long-term emotional response and when her physical or psychological needs are ignored. He does not require anything extraordinary, all he needs is a little love and attention, and when he receives them, everything else, even the formation of a connection with his mother, happens automatically.

Traditional healers recommend taking it with melted lard as an aid for inflammation, douche with tannin or St. John's wort decoction. Such methods of treatment take place, however, only a gynecologist can say which folk recipe is suitable for a particular case.

Delayed uterus can lead to surgery or the development of cancer. That is why women are encouraged to visit a gynecologist on a regular basis.

Forming a bond between mother and fetus takes time, love and understanding to exist and function satisfactorily. A child born before birth has sustainable resources to maintain maternal emotion. But she cannot communicate alone. If the mother blocks affective communication, she becomes helpless.

According to traditional medicine, a child under two years old could not remember because his nervous system is not completely myelinated and therefore cannot transmit messages. However, the researchers found that the absence of myelin slows down the flow of nerve impulses, but does not prevent them from passing by.

In our century, the diagnosis "Uterine rabies" does not exist. The most correct condition, understood by Uterine Rage, is usually called Nymphomania. Nymphomania (literal translation - Mad Bride) is pathological hypersexuality and excessive sexual desire, as the official diagnosis is enshrined in the ICD-10 in the block of psychological and behavioral disorders. This suggests that you should not confuse banal promiscuity and promiscuity in sexual relations with a painful condition that requires serious treatment. Only a sex therapist or psychiatrist can diagnose Nymphomania.

Also, traditional psychiatry argued that a child under two years old could not think. However, we know today that even before birth, memory circuits are delineated and that they follow recognizable patterns. At this stage, the child's brain and nervous system are sufficiently developed for this to be possible, and the fact that the memory of this period has an identifiable shape and outline, which can be caused by memory regression, supports the hypothesis that the brain already has an adult-like operation before birth. ...

At the end of the twelfth week, the fetus is fully formed, and during this period the first signs of brain activity appear. From the third trimester of pregnancy, the brain already has an operation similar to that of an adult. From the sixth month after conception, the central nervous system of the child is able to receive, process and encode messages; neurological memory is already working.


Most men secretly dream of meeting a woman who would not only be beautiful and talented in bed, but also ardently and passionately desire sex all the time, regardless of how the object of her desires looks and how it behaves. However, the chance of meeting such a woman is not very great. According to statistics, there is only one nymphomaniac for every 2,500 women.

Many memories escape voluntary memory, possibly due to a process associated with neuropolypeptide oxytocin produced by women during childbirth, which controls the rhythm of uterine contractions during this time and is infused into the baby's circulation. Oxytocin, produced in large quantities, induces amnesia in laboratory animals. Perhaps this could be an explanation for earlier memories disappearing during birth.

Modern vision of the problem of Uterine Rabies

The pregnant woman in this situation releases a lot of the hormone that reaches the baby's bloodstream and helps maintain a mental image of the mother's feelings and its consequences for her. Between one regression and another, we work on the content that emerged in the regression with the aim of guiding the patient and developing it. These development and integration sessions are extremely important so that the patient can make the best use of this experience and use it in his daily life to solve his problems by establishing the relationship between thoughts, feelings, sensations and behavior in regressing his current characteristics.

Nymphomania, from the point of view of medicine, is a pathology of sexual desire in which a woman cannot control her sexual needs. The behavior of such a woman is unpredictable and dangerous. Men who happened to meet a nymphomaniac on their way recall life with her as a nightmare. To satisfy her needs, the average nymphomaniac needs 10-15 intercourse per day .. One partner is not able to provide her satisfaction. This is explained by the hyperfunction of the ovaries, which produce sex hormones. After intercourse, the level of these hormones in the blood of the nymphomaniac is restored very quickly and desire awakens in the woman again. Sex for her is like drugs.

In this series of regressions, it is important to focus on some significant periods of life, such as adulthood, adolescence, childhood, birth, intrauterine life, and estimated past lives; important points in which a person could create a pattern of negative behavior or, perhaps, reinforce an already existing pattern. There are several important stages during the gestational period, such as moments and circumstances prior to conception; suspected pregnancy and confirmation of pregnancy; the subsequent period of pregnancy and moments before birth.

The Russian Empress Catherine II the Great (1729-1796) had a huge sexual appetite. Tickling her feet and slapping her buttocks gave her such pleasure that special services were created for this. At the age of 60, she chose a young 25-year-old dragoon lieutenant Zubov, who, after a necessary test of his sexual capabilities, took up the duties of a lover.

Woman, 40 years old, alone, engineer. Complaints of depression from youth. His mother had a miscarriage six months before she became pregnant. Labor is difficult and time consuming when the mother is in fear and despair. A patient with difficult relationships with men because he did not accept himself as a woman.

Difficulty in relation to the mother, her feeling of rejection and rejection of her. Regressive experiences: She experiences her mother writhing in pain, frightened. It looks like a whirlwind. You feel that something is not right. She feels weak and breathes heavily. The patient says that she has the impression that she is committing suicide. You have a sense of failure. She feels like helping her not to be afraid, but also has the impulse not to want to be born as a woman because she thinks she will suffer a lot.

According to statistics, thin women of short stature with dark hair most often suffer from nymphomania.


Endocrine dysfunction;
Nervous disorders;
Mental illness;

Hormonal imbalance;
Reaction to pharmacological drugs;
Tumor of the ovaries, pituitary gland;
Lowered self-esteem.


Constant intense sexual tension;
Indiscriminate choice of sexual partners (perhaps the most striking of the symptoms of uterine rabies - a woman in this state allows sexual intercourse with absolutely any person, regardless of his appearance, position in society or attitude towards her);
There is no permanent partner;
There is no pleasure in sex that brings only short-term relief from suffering.

Feel this state and fear in the face of life in a woman's body. She doesn't want to be there, she is annoyed. The patient says that she understands that the mother feels that she does not want to be there and feels fear and insecurity. He says he thinks he is passing these feelings on to his mother. She says that she feels that she is provoking her abortion, not wanting to be born, for fear of experiencing all the suffering again; has a sense of failure and guilt. She feels that she is taking advantage of her mother's fear and causing unpleasant sensations in her body through movement. bruising that causes the mother to increase her fear.


In women with low self-esteem, external signs of nymphomania may be observed. Such women use sexual relationships for self-affirmation. They constantly change partners, although they do not get much pleasure from this. This style of behavior can be the result of psychological trauma, difficult relationships with the father, etc. They seek love and attention, but instead earn themselves a reputation as a Don Juan in a skirt. As a rule, they are very careful about their appearance (which is not typical for clinical nymphomaniacs), they sincerely want and know how to please their partner. If such a woman finds a man who can surround her with the care and affection she is looking for, her "nymphomania" comes to an end. If she cannot find an ideal partner for herself, the number of her complexes grows every year, which often leads to depression and false frigidity.


It is quite easy and painlessly curable, you need to consult a doctor and clearly follow his instructions.

Not much has been said about such a complex, mysterious and, according to some, vicious concept as nymphomania. tried to reveal to people the harsh truth about women suffering from this disorder, but in the end he only confused the public more. However, needing sex, suffering from obsessive thoughts, psychological and physiological disorders is much more difficult than just wanting sex. We decided to figure out what else is worth knowing about nymphomaniacs.

1. An exclusively female term

The word "nymph" is rooted in ancient Greek mythology, where this concept was called a creature who loved freedom and had the appearance of a sexually attractive woman. This concept also has a male counterpart - satyrs, creatures that do not have wives and families and are inclined towards sexual liberation.

It was from the word "nymph" that the concept of "nymphomaniac" appeared, which is still associated only with women and their sexual problems.

2. Nymphomania - a consequence of an excess of happiness

It was believed that a woman could become a nymphomaniac due to excessive stimulation, and not only sexual. Dirty thoughts, the consumption of chocolate, gourmet food and sexual gratification - all this, according to experts of the time, provoked a woman to an insatiable search for pleasure.

Victorian doctors believed that the female nervous system was much more fragile than the male, which led to this behavior.

Fortunately, today medicine knows that nymphomania can be the cause of a serious psychological disorder, and not at all gastronomic habits.

3. Problems in the head

Also in the Victorian era, it was believed that only a woman with a specific skull shape could become a nymphomaniac. Scientists of that time believed that the center of the processes of physical love and sexual attraction was the back of the head. If this part is large, it means that the woman has a lot of room for the development of sexual fantasies and needs. In other words, such a woman will think about sex too often. Research from that time showed that some of the nymphomaniacs undergoing treatment did indeed have this physiology. Of course, modern science refutes such a theory, since most nymphomaniacs do not have an outstanding back of the head.

4. Being a nymphomaniac is a sin

During the Middle Ages, everything that had at least some relation to sex was considered a sin, and only intercourse in marriage, organized with the aim of producing offspring, could fit into the framework of morality. But today it is completely wrong to say that nymphomania is a sin, since women do not choose whether to become nymphomaniacs or not. In addition to the usual love of sex, physiological and psychological factors are involved here. ...

Even though sex is no longer a moral issue, many people still view the phenomenon of nymphomania as something shameful and sinful, because a woman is not supposed to be more sexually active than a man.

5. Nymphomania does not appear by itself

In order to understand, it is worth referring to the word itself. The definition of the concept of "mania" speaks of the concentration of consciousness on any one idea. People with bipolar disorder may have similar feelings, which makes them vulnerable to hypersexuality. Bipolar disorder is not a direct cause of nymphomania, but may be related to a woman's appearance.

Another reason for the emergence of nymphomania is sexual abuse. Suffice it to recall the film "The Moan of the Black Snake", where a girl living in a nightmare and experiencing constant sexual attacks becomes a nymphomaniac. Scientists believe that nymphomania against the background of sexual violence is a person's need to regain stolen control, which often leads to problems even greater than post-traumatic shock.

Scientists also agree that nymphomania can be caused by severe imbalances in serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

6. Nymphomania and lust are not the same

While lustfulness can be the cause of increased libido or intense love for sex, nymphomania is not a type of temperament at all. The nymphomaniac experiences constant obsessive thoughts, obsessions, sexual fantasies, and all these feelings reach the limit, turning sex into a need, and not just entertainment. Nymphomania is characterized by very strong experiences that can disrupt the usual course of human life. with a partner, communication with other people can suffer from obsessions and obsessions, not to mention work, interests, family.

7. Nymphomania is not cured

Many people believe that being a nymphomaniac is a woman's personal choice, but this is not at all the case. And, unfortunately, things like this don't get the same treatment. Since nymphomania is a disorder, it can only be maintained and not completely healed. The manifestation of hypersexuality, like the general disorder, can be controlled with antidepressants, antiandrogens, mood stabilizers, and naltrexone. You also need psychotherapy and constant consultations with a specialist.

In our century, the diagnosis "Uterine rabies" does not exist. The most correct condition, understood by Uterine Rage, is usually called Nymphomania. Nymphomania (literal translation - Mad Bride) is pathological hypersexuality and excessive sexual desire, as the official diagnosis is enshrined in the ICD-10 in the block of psychological and behavioral disorders. This suggests that you should not confuse banal promiscuity and promiscuity in sexual relations with a painful condition that requires serious treatment. Only a sex therapist or psychiatrist can diagnose Nymphomania.


Most men secretly dream of meeting a woman who would not only be beautiful and talented in bed, but also ardently and passionately desire sex all the time, regardless of how the object of her desires looks and how it behaves. However, the chance of meeting such a woman is not very great. According to statistics, there is only one nymphomaniac for every 2,500 women.

Nymphomania, from the point of view of medicine, is a pathology of sexual desire in which a woman cannot control her sexual needs. The behavior of such a woman is unpredictable and dangerous. Men who happened to meet a nymphomaniac on their way recall life with her as a nightmare. To satisfy her needs, the average nymphomaniac requires 10-15 intercourse per day .. One partner is not able to provide her satisfaction. This is explained by the hyperfunction of the ovaries, which produce sex hormones. After intercourse, the level of these hormones in the blood of the nymphomaniac is restored very quickly and desire awakens in the woman again. Sex for her is like drugs.

The Russian Empress Catherine II the Great (1729-1796) possessed an enormous sexual appetite. Tickling her feet and slapping her buttocks gave her such pleasure that special services were created for this. At the age of 60, she chose a young 25-year-old dragoon lieutenant Zubov, who, after a necessary test of his sexual capabilities, took up the duties of a lover.

According to statistics, thin women of short stature with dark hair most often suffer from nymphomania.


Endocrine dysfunction;
Nervous disorders;

Mental illness;
Hormonal imbalance;
Reaction to pharmacological drugs;
Tumor of the ovaries, pituitary gland;
Lowered self-esteem.


Constant intense sexual tension;
Indiscriminate choice of sexual partners (perhaps the most striking of the symptoms of uterine rabies - a woman in this state allows sexual intercourse with absolutely any person, regardless of his appearance, position in society or attitude towards her);
There is no permanent partner;
There is no pleasure in sex that brings only short-term relief from suffering.


In women with low self-esteem, external signs of nymphomania may be observed. Such women use sexual relationships for self-affirmation. They constantly change partners, although they do not get much pleasure from this. This style of behavior can be the result of psychological trauma, difficult relationships with the father, etc. They seek love and attention, but instead earn themselves a reputation as a Don Juan in a skirt. As a rule, they are very careful about their appearance (which is not typical for clinical nymphomaniacs), they sincerely want and know how to please their partner. If such a woman finds a man who can surround her with the care and affection she is looking for, her "nymphomania" comes to an end. If she cannot find an ideal partner for herself, the number of her complexes grows every year, which often leads to depression and false frigidity.

Uterine rabies has been known in medicine since ancient times. This disease is expressed in unbridled sexual desires and the desire to have multiple partners. Today in medicine, the modern scientific name of this ailment is used - nymphomania. It is believed that the disease develops against the background of a mental or other disorder of a woman and has many reasons. For the treatment of uterine rabies, both drug treatment and psychocorrection methods are used.

Reasons for the development of nymphomania

Do not confuse nymphomania with simple promiscuity and hypersexuality. Only a specialist can diagnose nymphomania. The disease manifests itself in only one woman out of several thousand.

It is expressed in the inability to control their sexual needs. One partner is always not enough for a woman; to get satisfaction she will need 10 partners daily. Most often, women suffer from nymphomania between the ages of 20 and 35 and after forty, when hormonal changes in the body occur.

The main reasons why a woman can develop this ailment are:

  • mental disorders;
  • sexual tension;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • ovarian tumor;
  • side effect of taking certain drugs to increase libido;
  • low self-esteem;
  • the desire to constantly prove their sexual worth.

It is extremely rare that nymphomania develops against the background of hormonal disruption during pregnancy.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, the disease develops in two directions, accompanied by the main symptoms:

  • Constant obsessive desire to enjoy intercourse. But a woman most often does not get what she wants, because she develops nymphomanic frigidity or an inability to get an orgasm. The inability to obtain sexual satisfaction makes a woman demand more and more stamina from her partner or resort to unconventional sex. Such behavior negatively affects the psychological state of both women and men. After all, a man begins to think that he is not able to satisfy his partner, which leads to the development of impotence and many complexes.
  • The desire to change partners as often as possible. It is vital for a sick woman to have sex with as many men as possible. His appearance, financial condition and other criteria do not play any role, it is only important that he is sexually wealthy.

Whichever way the disease develops, a woman feels strong psychological discomfort, which is expressed in frequent breakdowns, hysteria, and tears. The conditions that arise with nymphomania are also dangerous because a woman completely loses a critical perception of her behavior. In turn, this leads to infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Distinctive features of nymphomaniacs

The disease in its external manifestations is similar to other mental states, therefore, its distinctive features should be highlighted:

  • inability to control your desires;
  • inability to suppress sexual desire;
  • interest in a man as a sexual partner and nothing more;
  • having sexual contact with the first man who comes across, regardless of his social status and position;
  • all the energy of the nymphomaniac is directed towards satisfying her own needs, not disdaining in any way, even paying for sexual services.

In general terms, nymphomaniacs differ from simply promiscuous women in that they cannot do without multiple sex. Most women suffering from this ailment are ashamed of it and do not go to the doctor, trying in every possible way to hide the existing problem. This is absolutely impossible to do, since multiple sexual contacts lead to serious diseases, including HIV infection.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of "uterine rabies" consists in an integrated approach to eliminating the problem, which consists in the use of drug therapy and psychocorrection. But before proceeding with the elimination of the problem, you should figure out what caused the ailment itself. To exclude physical illness, the doctor prescribes a complete examination of the body. It includes:

  • MRI, which allows you to determine the presence of a tumor in the brain;
  • An ultrasound of the ovaries to detect the presence of a tumor;
  • a blood test for hormones;
  • analysis for the determination of genital infections.

Based on the test results, a specific therapy will be selected. The patient is advised to take sedatives that will help reduce anxiety. For this, valerian tincture or Novo-Passit, Persen preparations are perfect.