
Types and forms of female breasts. Classification and types of breasts in a woman Who has the most beautiful breasts

Pathology of the uterus

A woman's breasts are one of the most important creations of nature. After all, its main function is to feed offspring. Today, the fairer sex pay a lot of attention to the size and shape of their breasts. Some are looking for a way to increase it, others - to give elasticity. What value does it have, what functions does it perform? Interesting facts and the owners of the most magnificent busts. You will read about all this below.

In the process of evolution

Scientists believe that the shape of the breast, familiar to all of us, was formed in women in the process of evolution. Men, in order to preserve the health of their partners for procreation, took all the hard physical work on themselves. Women with each generation more and more turned into the keepers of the hearth. From the moment of separation of functions, the sex differences of both sexes began to manifest themselves more clearly. And a large breast, scientists say, was necessary in order to more effectively feed children.

The chest is ...

So what are breasts? It is a convex formation devoid of muscle tissue. It mainly consists of adipose tissue and alveoli. The latter perform the function of delivering milk, which is formed from blood nutrients. The amount of fatty tissue determines the size of the breast. Therefore, sport is not able to increase it. But it can give elasticity.

Breast and lactation

Women play no role in breastfeeding. After all, milk is transported by the glandular component. During lactation, the breast can increase from 300 to 900 grams. After its main function is completed, it most often returns to its usual size.

During this period, the areolas surrounding the nipples change their pink tint to a darker one. The nipple can be concave or convex. All these nuances have no effect on the quality of feeding.

The hormonal background contributes to the size of the breast. For example, estrogen, which is translated from Greek as "creating violent desire", begins to be produced in a woman's body during adolescence. It is during this period that the breast grows most intensively. At the same time, an excess of the hormone can, on the contrary, slow down these processes.

Therefore, taking hormones for breast augmentation can harm a woman's reproductive health. Doctors have not yet fully studied their effect on the body.

Developmental anomalies

Breast anomalies are rare. However, such cases of history are known. For example, the famous second wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, had 3 nipples. And the Frenchwoman Madame Ventre had an extra breast on her thigh.

The following deviations from the norm are also found:

  1. Amastia. Complete underdevelopment of the mammary glands. In this case, problems with feeding the baby do arise.
  2. Polytelia - the number of nipples exceeds the norm, like Anne Boleyn.
  3. Macromastia - breast augmentation to gigantic sizes (up to 30 kg).
  4. Polymastia is the presence of additional mammary glands, usually in the armpits.

Female breast shape

The rounded, full breast shape (like that of the actress Sofia Vergara) is considered one of the most beautiful. This is the shape that female charms are given during plastic surgeries. Such women are confident and have no shortage of admirers. Convinced careerists who quite successfully fulfill the functions of mother and wife.

Owners of small breasts are often complex about this. Learn to be proud of her, as many Hollywood stars do. Among them are Mila Jovovich and Keira Knightley. Size girls never get discouraged. These are incorrigible optimists. They carefully hide their feelings from strangers and trust only a few.

Ladies with tapered breasts are activists with masculine habits or hobbies. In family life, they are distinguished by their loyalty. They have dozens of girlfriends who trust them with their heart's secrets. Marilyn Monroe had a tapered chest.

Girls with teardrop-shaped breasts are prone to exaggeration and panic over trifles. They are sentimental. They idealize the world around them, and in particular - a loved one, who is considered a prince on a white horse. Sensitive to failure. Lovely mothers and wives. A striking example of the owner of a similar breast shape is Kim Kardashian.

Big-breasted beauties are capable of any madness in their youth. But at an older age, they turn into real keepers of the hearth. Caring wives and mothers, sincere friends who know how to support with advice. Jessica Simpson has this shape.

Wide-set breasts usually belong to honest and straightforward natures. They are frank, they are alien to gossip and intrigue. They can defend justice even to the detriment of their own interests. Natalia Vodonaeva can boast of wide-set breasts.

Female breasts for men

What is a woman's breasts for men? In our time, she has become one of the main instruments of seduction. It is called the face of a woman. Why is the breast so important for the strong half of humanity?

The bust is involved in sexual pleasure. Research cannot answer why men are so fond of the charms of the beautiful half of humanity. No mammalian species stimulates a female's nipples for gratification.

Probably, on a subconscious level, men remember the attachment to the mother's breast in deep infancy. Therefore, the desire for contact with the breasts of the now beloved woman is present throughout their lives. In the subconscious of every person, the mother's breast is a symbol of unconditional love and security, which we all intuitively miss.

When the baby is breastfeeding, the hormone oxytocin is released in the mother's body. He is responsible for the strong emotional bond between mother and child. It has been found that infants who are fed with breast milk are more prone to emotional attachment in adulthood.

The cult of the female breast

Ancient peoples attached special importance to breasts and even endowed them with magical properties. In the prehistoric era, figures of women with three-dimensional forms were popular. They were clay incarnations of the gods. It was believed that the well-being of the inhabitants of the house depends on their well-being.

Since ancient times, people have worshiped a woman as a continuer of humanity, as an idol. This is confirmed by numerous rock paintings, figurines made from different materials. Many of them depict women with open breasts. Some of the finds are incredibly ancient and date back to 15,000 BC. Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Egypt, Africa ... Archaeologists everywhere find ancient images of naked women.

Breasts and mother's milk were emphasized in the images of most female deities, who personified love and life.

In the history of Christianity, mother's milk is also mentioned more than once. First of all, the image of the Mother of God, who nurtured Jesus Christ with milk, is found on icons very often.

Island states

However, love for the breast is not always observed in men. For some peoples of the world, it does not carry any sexual load. For example, residents of island states believe that caressing a woman's breasts during sexual intercourse is unacceptable. Such caresses cause laughter and bewilderment in them. Nevertheless, most of the peoples of the world attach particular importance to it as a symbol of beauty and fertility.

The largest breasts in the world

Many men prefer women with a large and curvy one. Scientists believe that on a subconscious level, they perceive these women as ideal females for procreation. Perception is at the level of male instinct.

But sometimes the charms of women fall under the definition of "giant breasts". Moreover, some are trying to increase it to an immense size on purpose, through a number of plastic surgeries.

However, Norma Stitz (real name - Annie Hawkins-Turner) is known for the largest natural breasts in the world in size 48. Each of her breasts weighs over 20 kg. What is a huge breast, she knows firsthand. Below is a photo of Norma's breasts.

The woman admits that she has been forced to wear a bra since she was 9 years old. Before meeting her husband, she was complex and shy of her magnificent forms. However, her husband made her believe in herself. Norma has appeared in several adult films. Claims that her bust continues to grow even as she loses weight. However, she will never agree to breast reduction surgery. “My little ones,” the beauty says affectionately about her charms. "They feed me and the children."

Another owner of huge breasts (20 bra size) is pornographic actress Chelsea Charms. However, the girl specifically turned to plastic surgeons in order to get the title of the largest bust in America. And in 2011 she received it. The fact is that Chelsea's breasts continue to grow. Indeed, as implants, she chose a material that absorbs moisture from the body, gradually expanding.

In Russia, the owner of the largest breast is her 12th size that attracts everyone's attention. The girl takes an active part in photo shoots.

Here are some of them:

  1. 58% of women wear a bra that is not their size. It turns out that many people just buy a bra "by eye", not even really knowing their own size.
  2. The ancient Slavs believed that mermaids, mythical inhabitants of reservoirs, have huge breasts that they can throw over their shoulders.
  3. Someone dreams of a magnificent bust, and someone is trying to reduce it. Surgeons at Moyo Clinic, Minnesota, perform about 600 breast reductions per year. 97% of their patients believe that large breasts negatively affect a woman's health. Many have back pains because of a voluminous bust, and some cannot play sports at all.
  4. The first bra appeared in 1886. The British made it. The bra looked like two tea strainers held together by a ribbon. The innovation was called a "breast contouring device."
  5. 70% of women in the world dream of changing the size or shape of their breasts. This is due to a subconscious desire to increase self-confidence. However, no artificial change in one's own appearance can satisfy the need to be loved, psychologists say.


As you can see, the desire to change breasts is considered quite popular. Yet many psychotherapists and other professionals give this advice: love yourself as nature created you. But do not forget to take care of your beauty.

Fashion legislators are dictating new rules. The neckline is increased, the necklines are lowered, the shoulders and arms are exposed to the limit ...

But if you do not take care of your breasts, then in the heat you will languish in a blouse with a closed collar. Breasts are in the spotlight this season! It is simply impossible not to take care of her!

Breast cosmetics are designed for skin only. By increasing the skin's firmness and hydration, we can achieve some increase in volume.

How to apply beauty products?

  1. All products are best applied with light stroking and circular motions.- from the center to the sides. Grasp the skin under the bust and décolleté, remember the "surround" (primarily the inner side of the shoulders).
  2. Do not use any of the following products on your nipples: it is an area with a high degree of natural pigmentation and unwanted changes can occur if not handled correctly. You can only lubricate the nipples with a photoprotector, but it is better to isolate them from the sun with clothing.

Cleansing for beautiful breasts

Soft and neat. Everyday - with cleansing milk, better for sensitive skin. Do not overuse shower gels with a high content of surfactants. Deep cleansing can be carried out, but not too often and with gentle means.

Moisturizing and strengthening beautiful breasts

These functions usually go hand in hand.

Algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, urea derivatives bring and retain moisture.

Ginseng and Ginkgo extracts tone up.

Shiitake and soy extracts prevent damage to the fibers of the dermis. African Kigelia promotes cell regeneration.

Various herbal combinations improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin, contributing to the tightening of the skin.

Test: your chances of having beautiful breasts for years to come

For each positive answer, we add 1 point.

4-6 POINTS: It's time to rethink your breast care habits. Even if she is in good shape now, she cannot hold out for a long time in such a regime without losses.

2-3 POINTS: it can be better, but you are on the right track. Correct the "failed" points and everything will be fine.

0-1 POINTS: you have every chance of having the most beautiful breasts for years to come, if you do not change your tactics.

Is breast augmentation with drugs effective?

Numerous breast augmentation products continue to excite the beauty industry and the imagination of consumers.

Drinks, pills, gum and creams promise stunning results. But these promises are not supported by anything. No one has seen clinical trials of these drugs with the publication of results in medical journals. They are certified, but this is only a guarantee of harmlessness, but not efficiency. Their mechanism of action is unclear. Perhaps there is edema, due to which the volume increases.

Manufacturers often talk about an increase in volume due to the growth of glandular tissue. However, according to a dermatologist, the effect on the glandular tissue is fraught: “If, in principle, there is a tendency to the growth of glandular tissue, then stimulation can lead to malignant processes. Any glandular tissue can grow, and no one will give a guarantee, for example, that a goiter will not grow instead of a beautiful breast. "

Therefore, you should always remember that any dietary supplements are registered as food additives that improve the general condition of the body, and require caution in their use.

Absolute contraindications for breast augmentation - age up to 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, benign tumors and implants in the breast. Relative - allergic to any of the incoming components. Always consult a mammologist before taking supplements. The composition of these funds often includes phytoestrogens, which are not indifferent to the body as a whole and to the breast in particular.

If there are funds that stimulate the breakdown of fat, then there must be products that stimulate its accumulation. For example, in the laboratories Methode Jeanne Piaubert developed the Transbuster complex, which captures fats contained in food and "feeds" them to the fat cells of the bust... On the basis of this complex, the Decollete 3D gel was created, which is recommended to be used three times a day between meals.

Salon and home treatments for beautiful breasts

Massage for a beautiful breast

Proprietary techniques and modern developments in breast massage techniques allow you to improve blood and lymph flow, get rid of stagnation, and significantly tighten the skin of the breast. In addition, décolleté massage is usually included in facial treatments. Some of the most interesting developments are Nadia Payo's 42 Movements massage and various techniques from SPA specialists of the brand (comfort zone).

Wraps for beautiful breasts

Isothermal wraps (appropriate for body temperature) are also good for breasts, as heating is not suitable for everyone. The composition of the wraps depends on individual preferences and characteristics.

Wraps activate metabolism and improve breast skin. Masks are applied in a thick layer on the skin until completely dry. The recipe for one of these masks: mix cottage cheese with olive oil and an egg or sour cream with honey. Apply the resulting mass on the chest for 20 minutes, and then rinse.

Masks for beautiful breasts

Mud and algae masks regulate the water-salt balance, remove toxins, nourish the skin with essential substances. And plasticizing ones provide a lifting effect.

Cold shower for beautiful breasts

The procedure is unpleasant, but irreplaceable. It improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, makes the skin of the breast supple and firm. Do it in a circular motion, starting on the left chest, for 1-2 minutes a day. If you are unable to subject yourself to such execution, experiment with ice. Run a piece of ice across your chest and then up to your neck. This is good skin and body care, the lifting effect is guaranteed.

Diet for beautiful and healthy breasts

The most beautiful breast formula

Apparently, men have nothing to do, since it is not enough for them to simply admire the beauty of a woman's breasts, but they need to turn everything into mathematics, calculate and calculate from and to, in order to derive the formula for an ideal female breast.

1. The ratio of the upper and lower chest,
roughly speaking, the length from the beginning of the breast to the nipple, and from the nipple to the crease under the breast. Some "experts" say that it should be 1/3 to 2/3, that is, 33% to 67%, while others, like Patrick Mallucci, a plastic surgeon, believe that the ideal proportion is 45% to 55% The owners of such parameters can be considered the American model Caprice Burré and the Russian TV presenter Leru Kudryavtseva.

2. The rule of the triangle. Draw a triangle ABC, the base of which is the AC line connecting the nipples, the corners are the depression between the clavicles and two nipples. Having mentally drawn a figure, we divide the length of the AC in half, and what happened - by the distance AB (BC). For an ideal breast, the ratio is 0.4 - 0.6. If it is less than 0.4, the chest sags, but if it is more than 0.6, it is too bulging.

The most beautiful breasts in the world

This is clearly not the biggest one, as many men and women believe. The most beautiful breasts can be extremely natural. This is not a list of the most vulgar breasts or the most successful plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Tyra Banks

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Salma Hayek

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Scarlett Johansson

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Jessica Simpson

Miss Prettiest Breasts - Holly Berry

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Madonna

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Carmen Electra

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Katherine Heigl

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Audrina Patridge

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Jennifer Aniston

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Megan Fox

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Caprice Burré

Miss prettiest breasts - Laetitia Casta

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Beyonce Knowles

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Marisa Miller

I would be grateful if you add to this list or make comments.

Read on the topic beautiful breasts

American magazine "In Touch" conducted an annual survey among readers to make a rating of the best busts of Hollywood stars. Who turned out to have the most salty and beautiful breasts?

10th place - supermodel Tyra Banks... Her television project "American Next Top Model" has been one of the most popular shows in the United States for several years now. His idea was sold to television companies in other countries. Including to Russia, where a similar program "You are a supermodel" was created on the STS TV channel.

9th place - actress Rebecca Romijn... It is a great success for Rebecca to be included in the "In Touch" rating. Recently, the star has been "out of the race." In 2005, her only merit was the 80th place in the Top-100 of the most successful women in the world, which was published by Business Wire magazine in comparison with Maxim magazine. This year, the press barely mentioned the actress.

8th place - actress Brittany Murphy... This year was very difficult for the star. Last New Year's, she exchanged wedding rings with her beloved Joe Macaluso, and a few months later broke off the engagement. The star will meet this New Year alone.

7th place - actress Lindsay Lohan... Rumor has it that the star is now having a whirlwind romance with a guy who is 2 years younger than her. His name is Evan and he is the youngest son of the famous Diana Ross.

6th place - actress Jennifer Love Hewitt... This year, Jennifer and her boyfriend Ross McCall came to the Halloween party in the guise of American comedians Charlie Chaplin and Harpo Marks.

5th place - Jessica Alba... Recently, the actress promised to never appear naked again. She had previously stated that she would not allow herself to be photographed or naked. However, the owner of Playboy magazine Hugh Hefner at one time still persuaded the girl to go for it. Now Jessica promises that this will never happen again.

4th place - Halle Berry... The actress recently talked about how she acts in bed scenes in movies. During explicit scenes, she tries to look at what is happening from the side and enjoy the spectacle. "I never associate these scenes with myself and I think that is why I take them calmly," says the star.

3rd place - Salma Hayek... The Latin American actress recently admitted that it took a long time to get rid of complexes associated with her appearance: "My height is only 157 cm," says Salma. "But I know how to control my proportions and present myself in a favorable light. I had to train for a long time to be" level ".

2nd place - Jessica Simpson... Last year, in the ranking of the most beautiful busts in Hollywood, the singer took first place.

And finally, actress Scarlett Johansson won the crown. By the way, she recently admitted that she has a special nickname for her breasts - "my girls". By the way, the star has never publicly shown her naked bust.

Last year, In Touch magazine conducted a similar survey. Then the rating of the most beautiful busts of Hollywood stars looked like this:
1. Jessica Simpson
2. Salma Hayek
3. Carmen Electra
4. Angelina Jolie
5. Halle Berry
6. Jennifer Love Hewitt

8. Mariah Carey
9. Susan Sarandon
10. Nicollette Sheridan

Judging by the rating, the readers determined the winner not by beauty, but by breast size. Although it's strange that sex bombs such as Carmen Electra and Angelina Jolie dropped off the list this year. And yet, it would be very interesting to know who our readers would vote for?

Beautiful female breasts have always attracted envious female and lustful male looks. But the beauty of the breast depends not only on the size. Today, according to polls, the ideal breast is considered to be one that retains its shape when moving, and perhaps this is only if a woman has elastic and high breasts. Therefore, in order for the breast to be considered ideal, to be beautiful and to attract the views of outsiders, it must always be in good shape.

Nobody hides that it is quite difficult and even almost impossible to increase breast volume without mammoplasty. But don't be upset. Absolutely any woman can raise the tone of the breast on her own, making it much more attractive. Here you probably have a question "Where to start?" or "What's the first thing to do?"

A very tight bra will constantly squeeze the flesh of your breasts, making it difficult for tissue to nourish and blood circulation. A free bra, on the contrary, does not support the breasts well, contributing to the appearance of stretch marks on it and its sagging.

Try to monitor your posture all the time.
A straight back and straightened shoulders give a woman's gait lightness, and her breasts - beauty. If you slouch, your most attractive forms will be hidden.

Read also: Breast enlargement is easy.

Mammologists all over the world recommend not getting carried away with a tan without a top (topless), since the skin of the breast, losing water under direct sun, becomes less elastic, which accelerates its aging. Also, the sun's rays seriously increase the risk of tumors not only on the skin of the chest, but also on the rest of the body.

Read also: Breast augmentation.

When trying to lose weight, keep in mind that your breasts lose weight faster than other parts of the body.
Breast size is highly dependent on the amount of fat accumulated in it. Therefore, in matters of weight loss, it is necessary to adhere to the measure, that is, to do it correctly, because It is the breasts that lose weight the fastest, and the accelerated weight loss leads to sagging skin on the breasts.

Advice to young mothers.

After childbirth and especially after breastfeeding, the breast becomes less elastic, and sometimes even stretch marks appear. To avoid this, while pregnant and during lactation, take good care of your breasts.

Techniques for maintaining the attractiveness and youthfulness of the breast.

Cool shower has a great effect not only on the female breast, but also on the human body as a whole. Such a shower is able not only to improve blood circulation in the human body, but also to increase the elasticity of the skin, in particular the skin of the chest.

Water massage- the most useful procedure for any breast. It is recommended to do water massage of the chest in circular movements for 2 minutes a day.

Irrigation of the body from a spray bottle - a great replacement for souls. Do this daily by adding chamomile tea to the water. The water in the spray bottle during the first irrigation should be at your usual temperature, and with each subsequent procedure it must be lowered, gradually bringing it to 12-14 0 C. It is recommended to rub the breast after each irrigation with a soft towel.

Read also: Breast augmentation with exercises.

Loss of moisture for a woman's breasts is undesirable and even destructive. In order to avoid moisture loss, it is advisable to lubricate the breast with special creams (moisturizers), as well as apply cosmetic masks to it and make special wraps that strengthen the skin and create a lifting effect. All this is aimed at saving moisture in the female breast and eliminating braces. Apply the cream on the chest, neck and décolleté after each bath and shower. Do this with gentle, light strokes.

Armed with the tips and applying the recommendations described above, you are guaranteed to increase the tone of your breasts, which will contribute to the long-term preservation of its beauty, volume and shape.

One of the most important adornments of the fair sex is the breast. Girls believe that it is this outstanding part of the body that directly influences the desire of men. Certain stereotypes of the ideal female breast have long been imposed by various fashion houses and glossy magazines. Every day there are articles and advertisements on how to enlarge the breasts or change its shape, with the obligatory mention that after the operation a woman's life will change for the better.

But why go for marketing campaigns? Each woman is beautiful and unique in her own way, just like her breasts. A well-groomed and self-confident woman will be able to present a bust of any shape and size from the best side and will not leave men indifferent. And our article will help you determine what forms, parameters and types of female breasts exist, how to choose the right lingerie and take care of the bust.

What determines the shape of the breast

Starting from adolescence, the breast undergoes a lot of changes and only after puberty does it take on its final size and shape.

However, even after this period, these parameters may change for a number of reasons:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • chronic and other breast diseases;
  • playing sports;
  • mammoplasty;
  • menopause.

Still, the main factors determining the shape of the breast and its size are hereditary parameters that contribute to the development of the mammary glands in adolescence. Sex hormones also play a very important role. If there is an interruption in their functioning, then the growth of the mammary glands can stop or, on the contrary, increase significantly. The subcutaneous fat layer and the condition of the ligaments, the strength of the connective tissues and the fitness of the muscles also determine the shape of the mammary glands.

Main settings

There are several basic parameters used to characterize the mammary glands:

  1. By location on the chest, the chest is low and high. But do not confuse saggy breasts with a low rise.
  2. The elasticity and density of the mammary glands also characterizes the shape of the breast in women. Ideally, the bust should be firm and soft. But during pregnancy and lactation, it can become less elastic or even lethargic. This problem is corrected only by surgery.
  3. By the width of the base of the mammary gland, the forms of the female bust are classified into narrow, medium or wide.
  4. In terms of volume, the chest can be inverted, convex, or flat.

Not all girls can boast of perfect breasts.

In many cases, the breast differs from the classic version in its parameters and characteristics:

  1. Conical. Small breasts are often tapered. This shape of the female bust differs in that its base is normal, but higher towards the nipples it becomes tapered.
  2. Asymmetrical. This shape differs in that one breast is larger than the other. Usually such a difference is not significant, the difference is only one size. But if the excess is 2 or more sizes, then the question arises of changing it with the help of a surgeon.
  3. Incomplete. A special shape with a very narrow base. Such mammary glands look elongated and incomplete.
  4. Spherical. Another name for this form is "Omega". The base of the bust is the same size as the entire mammary gland. This difference is not congenital and can only be present in girls with full breasts.
  5. Low projection shape. The bust of this shape is rather small, and the circumference is standard. Thus, a discrepancy between the two parameters is obtained.

Distance between breasts

There are other features that distinguish a woman's bust - the direction of the nipples and the distance between the left and right breasts.

Distinctive features depending on the distance:

  • the chest is very close to each other, the distance is not visible at all;
  • the distance between the right and left mammary glands is 2-3 centimeters;
  • the left and right mammary glands from above are close to each other, and to the bottom - the interval between them diverges, forming a triangle;
  • a wide apart bust, a distance of more than 5 centimeters is considered;
  • a mixed situation is rare, when the mammary glands are far from each other, and diverge to the bottom in opposite directions.

Directions of the nipples

Distinctive features of the direction and types of nipples in women:

  • the perfect shape is when the nipples look clearly straight and have a small areola around them. Some girls even resort to the services of a surgeon to achieve these results;
  • a common feature is when the nipples look in directly opposite directions;
  • at an older age (after 40 years), the breasts may sag and then the nipples become directed downward.

Basic forms

American specialists studying the mental characteristics of the personality analyzed the physical forms of girls and made interesting conclusions. It turns out that their breasts can tell a lot about the nature of beautiful women. Different forms of female breasts speak of different temperaments of their owners.

Let's look at what female breasts are and how this affects the character of a woman.


This form is quite rare and is considered the most beautiful breast shape. The most popular of all types of female breasts, which are performed in plastic surgery. Lucky women with such a perfect shape are often spoiled by the attention of men, have overestimated ambitions and are careerists. Men who are capable of treason immediately fall into the black list, since these ladies will not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves, they will never suffer because of sad love.


Most often, this type of bust is for boys. They are active, friendly, most often engaged in active sports and are fond of "male" hobbies. Such girls are always the soul of the company and good friends. They do not occupy male attention, and it is not uncommon for their great mutual love to arise from close friendship. They will be loyal and faithful to their chosen one, and for the child they will become a good friend.

Wide set

Girls with this form are quite sincere and open. They do not take part in women's gossip and intrigue. They can be described as honest, decent and frank. We are always ready to help those in need, often to our own detriment. But sometimes they are too straightforward, but not in order to specifically hurt someone, but simply because that is their nature.

Teardrop shape

The owners of this form have a heightened emotional sensitivity to the outside world. Girls are predisposed to “blow the elephant out of a fly”, make small problems big, and be nervous and worried about this. Such sentimental persons are often looking for a "prince on a white horse" in men, idealizing a partner, take any troubles to heart. They value the romantic impulses of the second half, idolize a man who protects them and takes care of them. In the future, they become loving mothers.


Women with such breasts never fall into despair. From the outside, it seems that they have inexhaustible energy and optimism, but the truth is that they do not openly show their experiences. The same happens in society: a lot of acquaintances with whom you can have fun, but real friends, whom she can completely confide in, of them there may be only a couple of people.


The girls are very emotional, with a changeable mood that changes for no apparent reason. Nevertheless, it is these people who are creative people with non-standard ideas and original approaches to solving problems. They know how to come up with several ways out at once in the current situations.


Other varieties

In different epochs of time, there was a standard of the female breast. In some times, a large and magnificent bust was revered, in others small breasts were especially appreciated. But one thing remains unchanged - the breast is always in the center of male attention and is an adornment of any woman.

Therefore, not only the main types of breasts have been highlighted, but even original names have been invented:

  1. "Dulki". Refined charms of a narrow form, which become wider in the area of ​​the dark nipple.
  2. "Buds". Breast no more than 2 nd size with a slightly elongated narrow shape and sharp nipples.
  3. "Snowy Hills". Neat small breasts with light, slightly sharp nipples.
  4. "Water surface". Quite weighty and soft bust (4, 5 and more sizes) with thin skin and veins visible through it.
  5. Alma Mater. A large bust with a low projection and highly elastic nipples.
  6. "Circe". Perfect tight chest, slightly above average, but no more than 3, with a brown halo and nipples facing forward.
  7. "Ripe pears". The mammary glands are large, slightly soft and saggy, with a large nipple and a brown halo.
  8. Globes. Significant size (4.5 and more) and a rounded bust, with a clear, prominent nipple, which is whiter at the edge and darker towards the center.
  9. "Kashtanki". Slightly flattened, soft breasts 3-4 sizes with large nipples and light.
  10. "Renaissance". Soft large bust with a full top and slightly translucent skin.
  11. "Peach". The name speaks for itself. An adorable variety of female breasts - firm, large, with delicate color light nipples.
  12. "Lady fingers". It is large in size and similar in shape to the famous grapes.
  13. "The eyes of a Turkish woman." An elongated and narrow chest, with medium-sized nipples, looking in different directions.
  14. "African savannah". Has a medium size and a clear halo around the nipple, as well as dark skin.
  15. Sappho. Soft and even slightly flaccid chest, elongated to the bottom and no more than 2 nd size.
  16. Chloe. Small and regular breasts with a small and light nipple.

There are many more names for this lovely part of the female body. Comparing the bust in shape and size with vegetables and fruits, the following names were born: oranges, cranberries, lemons, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, turnips. The most unusual and funny names: handbags, bee stings, hooks, oars, spaniel ears, pointers, saucers, bottles, teapots.

Types of nipples

The female breast is a unique organ created by nature to produce milk and feed babies with it. The nipple is just responsible for where the accumulated milk will come out of. The nipple is surrounded by a light pink to dark brown areola. Nipple shapes are: small, medium, large.

There are five types of female nipples according to the degree of bulge:

  1. Normal nipple. The nipple protrudes significantly from the areola even without stimulation. If, however, use the latter, then it increases and becomes solid.
  2. Convex nipple. The appearance of the nipple appears slightly swollen due to the slightly raised areola around it. When stimulation is applied, the size of the nipple increases.
  3. Inverted nipple. Most of the time, the nipple is inside the areola, but can become noticeable with arousal.
  4. Flat nipple. Practically does not protrude from the areola and sometimes may not respond to stimulation.
  5. Unilateral nipple. Another name is different nipples, when one nipple is bulging and the other is not.

How to choose the right underwear

When the question arises about choosing a bra, you must follow the following guidelines:

  • the bra must always be in size;
  • a bra with thick foam rubber cups is more suitable for owners of modest shapes;
  • it is better to buy a bra in the shape of the letter "T" for girls and women with a large bust and a fallen shape;
  • a bra with a horizontal seam visually makes the bust more rounded.

The choice of lingerie depending on the shape of the breast

Different forms of female breasts also mean wearing different types of underwear:

  1. "Circe" or classic form. For girls with such an ideal breast shape, any bra model is suitable. When choosing lingerie, you can only focus on personal preferences.
  2. "The globe". It is recommended to wear a bra with a bridge that will completely adhere to the breast bone or in which it will be completely absent. In order to raise the bust, it is better to choose a bodice with bones reaching the middle of the chest, the seams in the cups of the bodice should be stitched. A plunge bra is a good choice.
  3. "Renaissance". Only the correct size selection requires special attention.
  4. "Chestnut". Bras without underwire, with contoured cups, or bodices with a cup made of three parts, as well as bodices with a central seam in the lower half, are suitable.
  5. "Water surface". Bodice cups should be full-size and have side inserts in order to freely place the chest in them and direct it forward.
  6. Alma Mater. Models are suitable with underwire, smoothly fitting the chest and made of inserts of dense fabric to compensate for the volume. Minimizing bras are ideal.
  7. "Buds". Bras with a contoured cup and extra padding are great for this type of breast. Push-up bodices, bandeau bras will be the best choice.
  8. Sappho. A push-up bodice with bottom and side inserts is best suited to add volume to the chest.
  9. Chloe. To add volume, bodices with underwire and soft contoured cups are suitable.

Perfect female breast formula

Scientists from Italy have discovered the formula for an ideal female bust. To do this, you need to imagine a triangle ABC, as shown in the picture. The AC segment - we will consider the base of the triangle, the corners - on the nipples and in the cavity of the clavicle.

The length of the AC must be divided by 2, then the resulting number is divided by the length of the segment AB and find out the number of breast parameters. The correct and most beautiful breast shape corresponds to a number from 0.4 to 0.6.

Distance of ideal breast parameters:

  • between the nipples should be from 20 cm to 21 cm;
  • from the navel to the nipple - from 24 cm to 25 cm;
  • the diameter of the base of the chest is from 12 to 13 cm.

Breast care and preservation

Regardless of the shape and parameters of the bust, timely care and properly selected underwear will be able to keep it in great shape.

Proper care is as follows:

  1. Cleansing the breast skin with water and soft gel products, gentle peeling;
  2. Wearing the correct and comfortable bra;
  3. Exercises to strengthen the muscle tissue of the chest;
  4. The use of creams that improve the condition of the skin;
  5. Massage;
  6. Protection of the breast skin from ultraviolet rays with special means;
  7. Posture and weight control.

Follow these simple rules to maintain and maintain a beautiful and resilient shape.


How to tighten the muscles of the chest to give it a more beautiful shape, you will learn from our video.