
Vitamin complex for men after 50. Rating of the best vitamin complexes for men. Complivit consists of different complexes

Breast cancer

At 50 years old, even the male body begins to age. To maintain health and the immune system at the proper level, you need to consume various vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Today, many drugs are sold in which all the substances important to the body are optimally selected for men over 50 years of age.

At the age of 50, men are prone to fatigue. Their immunity and sexual desire decrease. The body needs vitamins, minerals and various substances. It is difficult to replenish the supply of missing elements at this age only with the help of food, so you need to resort to vitamin complexes. It is best if the attending physician selects the optimal drug, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the person.

Indications for the use of vitamins for men after 50 years

First of all, vitamins intended for people over 50 should be taken by those men who feel a lack of vitamins on themselves. These can be external and internal manifestations: weakness or severe fatigue, headaches, problems with hair, nails, skin, and the like. It is especially important to take multivitamin complexes for those men who, after 50 years, continue to actively engage in sports, work, and so on. If your main activity is related to physical or mental activity, then you also cannot do without vitamins.

Doctors prescribe vitamins for men to increase activity, tone and strengthen the body, in the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue. Vitamins will also be beneficial for certain age-related diseases: heart and blood vessels, arthritis, chronic ailments, infectious diseases, and the like. If a man drinks alcoholic beverages, smokes and eats poorly, then vitamins will be beneficial. The main thing is to choose them correctly.

Name of vitamin preparations for men after 50 years

For men who have crossed the age of 50, multivitamin complexes are most suitable. Their composition must be selected depending on the presence of chronic ailments, characteristics of the body, lifestyle and nutrition of a person. The main thing is that multivitamin complexes contain substances such as iron, calcium, potassium and others. Iron is good for hematopoiesis, calcium for bones, and potassium for the heart.

Today, many vitamin complexes are produced for males over 50. They differ in composition and price. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Alphabet 50+ is considered one of the most effective and inexpensive drugs. This is a multivitamin complex preparation, which, among other things, is an excellent preventative against bone disease. It also prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. This vitamin complex contains a large amount of potassium. Thanks to this, vitamins can be taken for the combined treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Alphabet 50+ provides protection for vision and eyes from the effects of solar radiation. It reduces the activity of age-related changes in the retina due to the content of lutein and cartinoids.
  • Vitamin complex Vitrum is a complex of minerals and vitamins that are produced in America. It contains 13 vitamins and 17 macro and microelements. All components are optimally selected in the required ratios, taking into account the age-related characteristics of physiological processes in men of this age. If you use such a drug, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other age-related diseases is reduced. The vitamin complex also reduces the risk of developing cancer pathologies.
  • Gerimax is a combination drug that contains vitamins, minerals and all the substances needed by the male body. This complex contains ginseng extract. The use of this vitamin preparation helps to normalize various age-related disorders: sleep problems, loss of strength, decrease in physical and mental activity, and the like.
  • Gerovital is a good vitamin complex, which contains vitamin A, E, D, E and several vitamins from group B. It also contains divalent iron and plant extracts. This remedy is used to maintain vitality in old age. In addition, it improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Centrum Silver is a vitamin complex that was specially developed for men over 50 years old. It helps reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthens the body's resistance to infections.

Pharmacodynamics of vitamin complexes

As a rule, every vitamin complex for men over 50 contains vitamins: A, E, B, D. Vitamin A is very important in old age. It takes part in various processes and in the energy supply of metabolic processes. It also helps the body fight various bacteria or infections. This occurs due to an increase in the intensity of phagocytosis and activation of the creation of antibodies. Vitamin A stimulates the epithelization process and prevents excessive keratinization of the skin.

B vitamins have an important effect on our body. They participate in various processes. For example, in the regulation of cellular functions, as well as carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. B vitamins are important for the central nervous system and digestive tract. They regulate processes in the skin and are very important for the normal conduction of nerve impulses through cells.

Vitamin C also takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. It affects blood clotting. This vitamin also ensures normal absorption of iron in the digestive tract. Vitamin C is important for the immune system, as it increases our vitality and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect. It protects subcellular and cellular membranes from damage. It also takes an active part in metabolic processes in cells and tissues, strengthens capillaries, increasing their permeability, and helps prevent hemolysis.

Vitamin D helps calcium be better absorbed in the intestines. This vitamin acts as a hormone that controls calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin complexes

Vitamin complexes containing vitamin A are not recommended for use in cases of gallstones, chronic pancreatitis, renal failure, and hepatitis. They should be taken with extreme caution in cases of cardiac decompensation and nephritis during an exacerbation.

If you have a sensitivity to certain components of the drug, then you should stop taking it. If you have diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thalassemia, bladder stones, hemochromatosis, nephrolithiasis, hyperoxaluria, then you should use vitamin C preparations with caution.

Vitamin D is contraindicated for tuberculosis and duodenal disease, as well as for kidney and heart diseases. Vitamin E should not be taken in case of myocardial infarction or individual intolerance.

Side effects after vitamins

If the vitamin complex is not suitable for you, then you may experience various side effects: drowsiness, weakness, increased irritability, dizziness, headaches, increased intraocular pressure, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased muscle tone, indigestion, deterioration appetite and the like.

In rare cases, deep vein thrombosis may develop, and the level of calcium and other elements in the urine and blood may change. Therefore, you should always take vitamins with caution and consult your doctor first.

Good day, dear guests! Currently, choosing the right vitamin complex is not so easy. Pharmacies offer many options, but not everyone can find the right drug.

To make a decision, you need to study the indications for use and consult a doctor. We must not forget about defects.

Let's figure out what names of vitamins for men after 50 years are worth paying attention to. At this age, useful complexes become especially relevant.

They are necessary for rapid fatigue, decreased immunity and for potency.

So, let's find out in more detail which vitamins will be useful for men after 50 years of age, and what the indications are. Taking medications is recommended during the off-season, in spring and autumn, when the body lacks useful components.

Even with a balanced diet, the body may experience a deficiency of certain components that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

There are the following indications for taking the vitamin complex:

  1. Weakened body tone.
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. The appearance of asthenia.
  4. Severe fatigue.
  5. Sleep problems.
  6. Chronic diseases.
  7. Infections.
  8. Arthritis.
  9. Bad habits.
  10. Avitaminosis.
  11. Decreased testosterone levels.
  12. Active lifestyle and significant physical activity.
  13. Depression and problems with brain performance and memory.

What vitamins are needed at this age?

Now we will find out what multivitamins men require in adulthood. Vitamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Both of these groups should be consumed by men over 50 years of age. Water-soluble ones dissolve well and are quickly absorbed by the body.

They need to be consumed every day as they do not accumulate in the body. From this group it is worth noting ascorbic acid, which improves immunity and is involved in tissue repair processes.

B vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems of the body:

  1. B1 or thiamine stops the aging process and protects the body from the effects of alcohol and nicotine.
  2. Riboflavin or B2 is important for the formation of red blood cells in the blood.
  3. Nicotinic acid has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  4. Pyridoxine accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Folic acid protects against tumor formation.
  6. Cyanocobalamin stimulates blood circulation.
  7. Pangamic acid is responsible for reducing blood pressure.

The fat-soluble group dissolves in tissues and is applied when necessary. They do not have to be used every day.

Vitamin A or Retinol normalizes metabolic processes and protects against viral infections. Vitamin E prolongs beauty and youth.

Vitamin D supplements strengthen the heart muscle.

The best vitamin complexes

The main factor in choosing a complex should be the recommendations of a specialist, and not the popular name. It is also worth studying reviews about different products.

Alphabet 50+

This is a male drug for men over 50 years of age. According to the manufacturer, this product protects against osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

It contains potassium, which helps people with problems such as osteoarthritis. The drug protects the eyes from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and also slows down age-related changes in the retina.

For this purpose, lutein is used, which is also present in the composition.


There are also good American drugs for men's health. Among these, it is worth noting Vitrum, which contains 17 microelements and 13 vitamins.

The useful composition is recommended for the prevention of heart and vascular disease, as well as the development of cancer cells.


Gerimax is a good drug. It is a combined mineral and vitamin complex. It contains plant components of ginseng and trace elements.

All these substances protect the body from sleep problems, lack of physical activity and loss of strength.


Complivit is a source of invaluable vitamins. It contains vitamins B, C, E and A. This is an indispensable complex for men who play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Complivit consists of different complexes:

  1. Complivit D 3 was developed for the musculoskeletal system.
  2. For nighttime cramps, the doctor prescribes Complivit Magnesium.
  3. Complivit Antistress is necessary for depression.
  4. Comlivit Diabetes normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates cerebral circulation.


Duovit is a Czech-made product. The complex is suitable for any age, but is especially recommended for men over 50 years of age.

The complex activates the body's defenses, reduces fatigue and protects against stress. Regular use helps prevent the development of prostate adenoma.

In addition, the drug improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.

You can also choose good Japanese vitamins with such unusual ingredients as ginkgo biloba extract, turmeric or oysters.

Vitamins also have certain contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

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Useful material help keep the body in good shape, maintaining youth and health even in old age. But you shouldn’t choose on your own after 50 years - it’s better to check the name of a suitable complex with a specialist. Over time, the male body is increasingly exposed to negative effects. If prevention is not carried out, the aging process will affect the general condition, including increased fatigue, decreased sexual activity, decreased immunity, and damage to the nervous system. With age, the body's problems appear more and more clearly.

Health status depends on the level of air pollution, proper and balanced nutrition, smoking and drinking alcohol, playing sports and many different life factors. A course of essential nutrients can prevent premature hair loss, have a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, nails, skin, and can also be effective in regulating the functioning of individual organs and in matters of potency. It is very important to choose the right complex of vitamins, and to do this you need to figure out which of them are most effective for men 50 years and older.

Nutrients that are essential for the male body

First, let’s determine what vitamins are required for the health and full functioning of a man’s body after 50 years:

  • - affects vision and is useful for preventing the development of farsightedness.
  • - prevents high cholesterol, preserves blood vessels and improves immunity, making the body resistant to flu and colds.
  • slows down the formation of wrinkles and generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, keeping it elastic and youthful. In addition, it accelerates the process of formation of germ cells.
  • participates in the formation of hair and nail cells, and also affects metabolism, preventing the body from accumulating excess weight.
  • promotes the accumulation of calcium, phosphorus and strengthens bones.
  • needed as an antioxidant.
  • And also affect vision, and also preserve youthful skin and hair.
  • improves the process of formation of red blood cells in the blood.

A balanced complex of the listed elements should be taken by men before problems appear that appear due to a lack of nutrients, in order to prevent premature aging of the body. In addition, the concentration of certain micro- and macroelements varies for individual age categories: the dosage of minerals and nutrients for men 50 years old may no longer be suitable for men over 50 years old.

Which multivitamin complex to choose?

Finding vitamins for men whose years have passed the 50-year mark is not at all difficult. Now many companies produce balanced complexes for all ages, both for women and men. Indeed, depending on gender and age, the body requires different substances in different dosages. You need to take such drugs in courses, as the beneficial substances accumulate gradually.

In any pharmacy you can find a wide variety of vitamin preparations: in capsules and tablets, varying in cost and concentration of certain substances. In any case, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable option for themselves. There are a lot of drugs intended for men over 50 years of age; their names and prices vary depending on the manufacturer. Let's look at some popular brands that pharmaceutical companies offer us.

The complex was developed taking into account the need for microelements and vitamins for men after 50 years of age. Includes 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, as well as carotenoids. Promotes good health and appearance, has a positive effect on vision, bones and teeth.

The course lasts 1 month, during which 3 tablets are taken daily, each of which is responsible for replenishing certain substances.

The Iron tablet includes iron, vitamins C, B1 and , prevents anemia and promotes energy metabolism. The Antioxidants tablet contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc and selenium. They strengthen the immune system, prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and have a positive effect on the body as a whole. The Calcium-D3+ tablet, in addition to the main mineral, also contains D, which strengthens bones, teeth and hair.

The multivitamin complex is intended for older men with problems of vitamin deficiency, constant stress, overexertion, and anemia. It contains vitamins A, group B, E, D, is rich in iron and contains plant extracts - hawthorn, motherwort, nettle and others. It affects all organs, maintains energy balance, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Duration of use - from 1 month, take 2 times a day, a tablespoon. Available in the form of a solution with an orange flavor.

A balanced multivitamin complex based on ginseng extract. Useful for insomnia, decreased mental and physical activity, used for loss of strength and improves immunity. Contains vitamins A, E, C, B6, B12, folic acid and a number of microelements. Prevents cell aging, regulates the functioning of the heart and brain, strengthens bones, controls blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamins for men over 50 years of age become necessary because as we approach old age, signs that indicate aging of the body begin to progress more and more. A man's immunity decreases, sexual desire weakens and fatigue increases. Such symptoms usually indicate that the body lacks elements that exert their active biological effects. To replenish their supply, it is necessary to include in your diet foods rich in essential vitamins and microelements.

Indications for use

A man should change your diet and include foods rich in vitamins in it if he leads an active lifestyle, for example, does work associated with intense physical or mental stress.

Vitamins are necessary for men aged 50 to increase their vitality and strengthen the body with general weakness, asthenic manifestations, chronic fatigue syndrome and increased fatigue. They are recommended during the treatment of infectious diseases, arthritis and some chronic diseases. In addition, they complement insufficient and poor nutrition, and are also necessary for alcohol abuse and nicotine addiction.

How do vitamins affect the male body after 50 years?

Included in such products Vitamin A is very beneficial for older men, as it provides energy for metabolic processes in the body. Another positive point is that it stimulates epithelization processes and prevents excessive epithelial keratinization.

B vitamins are considered biologically active, taking part in the process of regulating cellular functions, as well as lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and participate in the processes occurring in the skin. Vitamins of this group are required for the normal conduction of nerve impulses.

Vitamin C has a restorative effect on the male body. It is involved in the regulation of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Thanks to it, capillary permeability and iron absorption in the digestive tract are normalized. It helps strengthen the body's resistance to colds and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Vitamin D helps absorb calcium in the intestines and also acts as a hormone that regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body.

Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect on the body, protecting cellular and subcellular membranes from damage. Thanks to it, metabolism is carried out in tissues, capillaries are strengthened, their permeability is improved, and hemolysis of red blood cells is prevented.

Contraindications for use

For men over 50 years of age with various diseases, many vitamins are contraindicated. Regarding vitamin A, preparations containing it cannot be used if:

  • there are stones in the gall bladder;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • renal failure.

It should be taken with caution in case of decompensation of nephritis and cardiac activity. It cannot be used if you are hypersensitive.

B vitamins have one contraindication - they should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any component contained in their composition.

A contraindication to the use of vitamin C is hypersensitivity to any of its components. You should also avoid using it for the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • bladder stones;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • sideroblastic anemia;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • hyperxaluria;
  • Thalassemia.

Vitamin D and preparations containing it are prescribed to men over 50 years of age with extreme caution. It is prohibited for severe kidney and heart diseases, active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Vitamin E is not advisable to use with cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction and individual hypersensitivity to its components.

Side effects of vitamins are manifested as follows: drowsiness, lethargy, increased irritability. Sometimes severe migraines, dizziness, photophobia occur, and intraocular pressure increases. Side effects also include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

B vitamins, which are present in vitamin complexes, can cause peripheral neuropathy and decreased muscle tone, as well as para- and hyperesthesia of parenchymal organs. Belching, vomiting and severe excitability of the central nervous system are also possible.

If men take vitamin C uncontrollably, they may experience increased fatigue, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness. Also quite common is bloating, indigestion, heartburn, intestinal colic and diarrhea. Sometimes, as a result of using large doses, kidney stones may occur, gastritis and deep vein thrombosis may develop.

Vitamin D may cause side effects such as the appearance of headaches, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance. In addition, increased irritability may occur, and the amount of calcium in the urine and blood increases.

Side effects of vitamin E manifest themselves in the form of deterioration in performance, pain in the epigastric region, and symptoms may occur that indicate renal failure. In addition, diarrhea appears, and there is also a possibility of developing sepsis, hepatomegaly, and enterocolitis. In men, ascites and hemorrhages in the meninges and retina are possible.

Names of vitamins

Preparations that contain vitamin complex, are ordinary multivitamins, having undergone certain targeted changes. They contain certain trace elements in small quantities, for example, iron, which helps improve blood composition, calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, etc.

The names of vitamins intended for men over 50 are distinguished by their diversity. One of these drugs is Alphabet 50+, intended for the prevention of osteoporosis and prevents heart and vascular diseases. Since he consists of a large amount of potassium, it can be used for combination therapy for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. In addition, it protects the eyes from the negative effects of ultraviolet sunlight and reduces the activity of age-related changes in the retina.

VITRUM @ CENTUTY is a vitamin complex created on the basis of seventeen micro- and macroelements in combination with thirteen vitamins. Thanks to this drug, the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as other diseases that occur in men, is reduced. It also helps reduce the risk of developing various oncologies.

Gerimax is a vitamin complex intended for elderly people, which contains: includes vitamins A, B, C, D3, E in combination with plant extracts and ferrous iron. This drug helps maintain performance in old age and improves metabolic processes in the body.

You can also note such a product as Centrum Silver. This vitamin complex has a composition that is specially selected based on the needs of the male body over 50 years of age. It significantly reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and its complications, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and increases resistance to various infections. It was noted that Centrum Silver reduces the likelihood of developing malignant neoplasms.

Thus, men who are over 50 years old should definitely take vitamin complexes, since at this age the body’s need for various useful substances increases. Thanks to taking vitamin complexes, a man can get rid of numerous ailments.

There are several reasons why vitamins are vital for all men over 50. The main reason, without a doubt, is age, and also the “imprint” on a person’s condition is left by lifestyle, addiction to bad habits, heavy physical and mental stress.

When the inner feeling of youth and freshness is in no way combined with the reflection in the mirror, it is worth resorting to the help of drugs that can increase tone and stop age-related changes in the body.

Useful material

For men aged 50, as well as at 55 – 60 years old, the following vitamins are needed to ensure intensive metabolism and which better cope with the restoration of strength during mental and physical stress.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin complexes should contain high concentrations of retinol. Vitamin A is beneficial for the organs of vision, and also has a positive effect on the skin, eliminates dryness, and increases elasticity. When used correctly, it will help cope with viral and colds.

B vitamins

If you have already turned fifty, then a person simply needs to take complexes that contain vitamins of this group. They strengthen the nervous system and increase stress resistance.

Each component of the group affects men in different ways:

  • B1 (thiamine) - tones the body, slows down the aging process in cells. It can be part of a combination drug or taken separately as a means of accelerating vasomotor reactions.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - regulates the functions of the human nervous system, promotes the production of antibodies and red blood cells. Improves color perception and adaptation in dark or dimly lit rooms.
  • B3 (PP), nicotinic acid - affects the functioning of the digestive organs, allowing the mucous membranes to be maintained in normal condition. Accelerates the work of the pancreas and thyroid gland.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - responsible for the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The substance is synthesized into pantethine, without which oxidation processes are impossible.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - “accelerates” metabolism and metabolism, improves urine flow, prevents the accumulation of sand in the kidneys, is used in the treatment of urolithiasis.
  • B9 (Folic acid) - participates in blood synthesis, enhances the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes), has an antitumor effect, and prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) - improves the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, thereby normalizing digestion, and also participates in the synthesis of amino acids and hematopoiesis.
  • B15 (pangamic acid) - stimulates blood flow to tissues, improves oxygen absorption, lowers blood pressure.
  • B17 (amygdalin) - selectively acts on cells; from a chemical point of view, it is considered an ideal compound, since it “kills” cancer cells and “does not touch” healthy ones.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Men's vitamin complexes must necessarily contain this substance, since it is considered a powerful antioxidant. A natural component that slows down the aging process of cells. It is necessary to consume tocopherol in increased dosage; it will help preserve the beauty of the skin, maintain its firmness and elasticity. Good for both external and internal use, as it helps smooth out wrinkles.

Participates in all biochemical processes, and also improves the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Multivitamins containing ascorbic acid in high concentrations are aimed at:

  1. Stimulation of immune system activity.
  2. Elimination of signs of chronic fatigue.
  3. Increasing resistance to viruses, colds and chronic infectious diseases.
  4. Improves gum condition.

Ascorbic acid does not accumulate in the body, for this reason a person must consume a sufficient amount of this vitamin per day.

Vitamin D

It is considered special because it is synthesized in cells under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It participates in metabolic processes and improves calcium absorption. Good for nails, hair, teeth and bones.

Vitamins for men aged 50 years or more should also contain this substance because it has an antitumor effect. Acts as a prophylactic agent used in the treatment of colon or rectal cancer.

Vitamin K

This vitamin helps with:

  • absorption of calcium;
  • responsible for protein synthesis in the connective tissues of internal organs (heart, kidneys and lungs);
  • improves the condition of bone tissue, including teeth.

This is an important element involved in various biochemical processes.

Vitamin N (lipoic acid)

Lipoic acid is considered a complex chemical compound that is involved in the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The element affects the production of cholesterol and improves liver function. Often used for poisoning with heavy metal salts and other forms of intoxication.

Vitamin H (biotin)

Stimulates and improves the functional ability of the pancreas, participates in the production of insulin and carbohydrate metabolism. Due to this, it allows you to speed up metabolism and the production of the pancreatic hormone (insulin). The substance also takes part in the production of glucokinase.

Indications for use

There are a number of conditions in which a man, unfortunately, cannot do without the support of vitamins. Direct indications include:

  1. A sharp decrease in the activity of the human immune system.
  2. General deterioration in health associated with heavy physical or mental stress on the body.
  3. The appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome, which cannot be eliminated.
  4. Bad habits, addiction to alcohol, nicotine and other (prohibited) substances.
  5. The first signs of aging have appeared, which are disturbing and cause discomfort on a psychological level.
  6. The quality of intimate relationships has decreased, prostatitis or problems with potency are troubling.
  7. Excess weight has appeared (due to poor nutrition or hormonal changes in the body).
  8. Significant reduction in testosterone production.
  9. There are health problems, untreated chronic diseases of the reproductive system.

Over the years, the body wears out, no matter how “carefully” it is treated. By the age of 50, there is a sharp decrease in metabolic processes, they slow down, and a man begins to age faster. In women, similar changes occur after 40–45 years.

With the help of vitamin complexes you can slow down the natural aging processes in the body. Because the preparations contain components that are considered antioxidants and substances of natural origin.

Names of vitamin complexes

If it is difficult to figure out which vitamin complexes to take on your own, then you can resort to the help of a rating. It contains the names of vitamins for men over 50 years of age, which have positive reviews from doctors and from those who took them.

Because today there are many offers on the pharmacological market. A brief description of the properties will help you understand which effective and inexpensive vitamins are best to buy and make the right choice.

Dietary supplement containing about 35 useful substances (vitamins and minerals). It helps men who suffer from high intoxication. They are addicted to drinking alcohol, have other bad habits, live in areas with unfavorable ecology or work in hazardous industries.

The complex operates as follows:

  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • increases performance and endurance;
  • improves immunity;
  • tones, adds energy and strength.

A drug well known to many representatives of the stronger sex that affects the state of the body as a whole, in particular the functioning of the reproductive system and its organs.

A special feature of the product is the division into elements that enhance each other’s effects. This makes it easier to absorb nutrients. The vitamin complex can be used as a preventive measure to strengthen bone tissue, reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and problems with potency.

It is especially popular among men leading an active lifestyle. Duovit affects the body of the stronger sex as follows:

  1. Increases stress resistance.
  2. Improves emotional state.
  3. Strengthens the protective functions of cells.
  4. Restores sexual activity.
  5. Relieves fatigue.

Ideal for those people who are not used to “sitting in one place” and are always on the move. This fact explains the popularity of the product among men over 50 years of age.

They have a complex effect on human health. They help cope well with fatigue, stress, are suitable for emotionally unstable individuals, and in addition:

  • improve the immune system;
  • influence the process of spermatogenesis;
  • stimulate the prostate;
  • slow down the process of plaque formation on blood vessels;
  • reduce susceptibility to infections.

Since the complex is considered highly effective and is produced in the USA, this affects its cost.

Familiar to many Russians, despite the price, this medicine is successfully sold in pharmacies due to its well-combined composition.

Contains 30 elements necessary for the body, which are:

  1. Improves the condition of the body.
  2. Restore immunity.
  3. Removes toxins.
  4. Stimulates the activity of the organs of the reproductive system.

Vitrum Century is often used after chemotherapy to speed up the recovery process.

It is considered a drug that improves not only well-being, but also brain function. The product contains ginseng root, which has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

When used as a course, the product reduces fatigue, tones, and allows you to cope with overwork, stress and their consequences. Normalizes regenerative processes in cells, due to which it is possible to “slow down” natural age-related changes.

The drug is positioned as specially designed for the elderly. Because it contains all the necessary elements.

Helps improve performance, increases susceptibility to stress, affects the state of the nervous system, and normalizes sleep. If the medication is taken on a long-term basis, it stimulates metabolic processes in tissues.

Another medicine with good characteristics, which is intended specifically for the above age group. A special feature is the influence of the components on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Reduces the risk of developing atherosclerotic changes, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, increases resistance to infections. It also takes into account all the needs of the consumer group. With a course of treatment, the risk of developing cancer is significantly reduced.


Cost of complex vitamins for men, list in table form:

Contraindications and side effects

For men over the age of 50, taking vitamin supplements can result in unexpected consequences. It is not recommended to take complexes if there are contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition, hypersensitivity;
  • disorders of the liver or kidneys (severe renal or liver failure);
  • heart and vascular diseases (atherosclerosis or deep vein thrombosis, severe arterial hypertension in an uncompensated state);
  • disruption of blood flow to the brain, significant decrease in mental and mental stability (only after consultation with a doctor).