
Diet “6 petals”: ​​basic principles, menu for every day and unique recipes. Diet “6 petals”: ​​essence, recipes and detailed menu for every day for weight loss Weight loss 6 petals


The creator of the “6 petals” diet is Anna Johansson, a famous Swedish nutritionist. The essence of the diet is that each “petal” within the diet is one day of a mono-diet, and the entire course lasts 6 days.

What can you eat during the “6 petals” diet if it is a mono-diet? You eat only the food that is recommended for that day, for example, on a fish day - only fish, and on a vegetable day - vegetables.

The “6 petals” diet is effective due to the alternation of proteins and healthy carbohydrates - this is what Anna Johansson herself believes.


Do not use food additives

Food can be salted and seasoned with mild spices, but sugar must not be added.

Drink water

During the “6 petals” diet, you need to drink enough liquid. Your norm is about two liters of water per day. You can drink green tea and coffee, but without cream or milk.

“6 petals” diet: details about the menu for 6 days and after the diet

The “6 petals” diet menu is designed for a week, so it’s enough to change your diet for 6 days to quickly lose weight. However, for long-term results, you need to carefully enter your usual diet after the “6 petals” diet, like any other express diet, so that the lost fat does not immediately return.

“6 petals” diet: what does the diet menu look like for every day

  • The first “petal” is a fish day. As part of the “6 petals” diet, you can eat boiled or baked fish, but not more than 500 g per day. Distribute your portions to feel comfortable.
  • The second “petal” is vegetables. The “6 petals” diet also includes a vegetable day. We recommend buying white and cauliflower cabbage, green vegetables, zucchini and tomatoes. Do not exceed the 1500g limit.
  • The third “petal” is chicken day. During the day you can eat 500 g of fillet, cooked in any form.
  • The fourth “petal” of the “6 petals” diet is a cereal day. You can eat any porridge all day long within 200 g. Is it possible to choose several grains at once on the “6 petals” diet? Yes, but the total quantity cannot be exceeded. Choose rice, buckwheat or millet.
  • The fifth “petal” is curd day. You should eat 500 g of cottage cheese per day. Add normal-fat cottage cheese to your grocery cart.
  • The sixth “petal” is a fruit day. The amount of fruit you can eat is 1500 g. Choose unsweetened fruits without starch. Bananas and grapes - no.

Diet “6 petals”: ​​recipes for every day

Even a mono-diet can be varied with interesting and tasty dishes. We invite you to try everything - the recipes are suitable for the “6 petals” diet menu for every day.

“petal” 1 – fish day

Steamed fish.


  • fish fillet - 200 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • parsley - 2 bunches.


Cleaned fish fillets (for example, chum, hake or salmon) must be salted, then covered with herbs and cooked in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

“petal” 2 – vegetable day

Vegetable soup


  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • basil - 1 bunch.


Place 500 g of chopped tomatoes in a deep frying pan, add salt and garlic. After 10 minutes, cover the tomatoes with water and simmer until tender. Next, you need to beat the stewed tomatoes with basil in a blender. Serve with basil.

“petal” 3 – chicken day

Baked fillet


  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • greens - a bunch.


Rub the fillet with salt, sprinkle with herbs, wrap in foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes. Garnish the finished dish with herbs and serve hot.

“petal” 4 – cereal day

Baked buckwheat cutlets


  • buckwheat - 100 g.
  • greens - to taste.


Boil 100 g of buckwheat in salted water, which then needs to be chopped together with the herbs in a blender. From the resulting mass you need to make cutlets and bake them for 20 minutes in a preheated oven.

“petal” 5 – curd day

Curd mousse


  • low-fat cottage cheese -200 g;
  • milk - 100 g;
  • stevia - 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.


Mix all ingredients using a blender until smooth.

“petal” 6 – fruit day

Baked fruit salad


  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • dried apricots - 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon and vanilla.


Soak the dried apricots in water for 5-10 minutes. Peel the orange and cut the pulp into cubes. Cut the fruit into small pieces and season with a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla. Place the fruit on baking paper, brush all the fruit with orange juice and bake for 15 minutes.

Diet “6 petals”: ​​reviews, results and contraindications

Like any nutritional system, the “6 petals” diet has contraindications:

  • liver diseases (including chronic);
  • stomach disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The presented nutritional system is suitable for almost everyone, since the “6 petals” diet menu is quite varied, and the diet itself does not last more than a week. In any case, consult your doctor.

How many kilograms can you lose on the “6 petals” diet?

The course lasts literally 6 days, and during this time you can lose 3-5 kg. 0.5−0.8 kg of weight is lost in one day. The “6 petals” diet is suitable for those who want to quickly lose weight and at the same time not greatly limit themselves in food.

The main thing is to maintain weight after the “6 petals” diet. Limit your portions of unhealthy carbohydrates and alcohol for about a month. Avoid baked goods (except grain bread), sugar, chocolate, butter, sausage and smoked meats. Choose only fresh products. And don't forget to go to the gym or do exercises for at least 20 minutes a day.

It lasts six days, if you strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, during this time you can get rid of 3 to 6 kg.

The essence and principles of the “6 petals” diet for weight loss

Schematically, the diet looks like 6 petals, each of which is a separate day with its own dietary menu. At its core, this program is a game, because a magic flower helps you achieve your cherished goal - to lose weight. The 6 petals diet menu is compiled separately for each day, and nothing else can be eaten except those products that are indicated in the diet. Before starting to follow the dietary method, the doctor recommends that every woman create a paper flower with six petals and tear it off at the end of the day. It is necessary to tear off the petals clockwise, without changing the order of the days.

At its core, the 6 petals diet is a mono-diet. During this period, it is necessary to alternate the intake of carbohydrate and protein foods, without mixing them with each other. The products of the 6 petals diet help burn fat deposits and strengthen muscle mass, this is achieved through the consumption of vegetables, grains, meat, fish, cottage cheese, and fruits. This set of products allows us to talk about a balanced diet.

Many experts say that mono-diets are most effective in the first 25 hours. It follows from this that only the first day there is a sharp weight loss, and in the following days it will be possible to lose only a few kilograms. Often, on the second day, a mono-diet can become not only useless, but also harmful, and even provoke an exacerbation of many chronic diseases.

That is why, of all mono-diets, the 6 petals diet is the most effective, since it represents 6 different nutrition systems. In addition, the popularity of the technique is also due to the fact that it is an exciting game, so it is psychologically very easy for a person losing weight. Losing weight on the 6 petals diet is not difficult, because it does not cause nervousness, irritability, a person has a positive attitude, because after just six days you will notice the expected effect - a slender and toned body.

The principle of the 6 petals diet, namely its effect on the body, is very simple. The secret to losing weight lies in the physiology of the digestive process of the human body. According to the author of this dietary technique, Anna Johanson, any mono-diet is a system of separate nutrition, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of our body. When following the 6 petals diet menu, a person does not mix incompatible foods, so subcutaneous fat does not form in his body.

In Anna Johansson's diet there are no foods that are not in harmony with each other and lead to the formation of fat deposits on the body, so the likelihood of gaining additional weight is excluded. Moreover, this effectiveness is also due to the fact that a mono-diet significantly speeds up the process of losing weight. Enhanced fat burning is achieved through a monotonous diet throughout the day. The body, which receives the same food, digests it in vain, while continuing to seek additional energy by burning its own fats. On the other hand, the body to some extent does not have time to get used to the new food and switch to energy saving mode, as happens with multi-day mono-diets. The six petals diet is a protein-carbohydrate diet that promotes effective daily fat burning.

Many girls and women choose this dietary method for another reason that while following it there is no strong feeling of hunger. Diversity of food is another important factor, which often becomes decisive when choosing a method for losing weight.

Diet of the effective “6 petals” diet and menu for the week

The 6-petal diet from a Swedish nutritionist is a diet separately compiled for each day. It looks like this:

  • first day - fish menu, rich in proteins;
  • second day – vegetable menu consisting of carbohydrates;
  • third day – chicken diet, rich in protein;
  • fourth day – cereals, which are a source of carbohydrates;
  • fifth day – cottage cheese dishes containing a large amount of protein;
  • sixth day – fruits rich in carbohydrates.

The advantage of this nutritional system over many other popular methods for losing weight is that a balanced diet that saturates the body with carbohydrates and proteins allows it to use up lipid reserves as much as possible. At its core, this is a prefabricated nutrition system, devoid of many of the disadvantages that other mono-diets have.

Many diets are accompanied by a deficiency of vitamins, as a result of which the body is depleted and many malfunctions occur in its functioning. However, this does not happen while following the six-petal diet from Anna Johanson, because the body of a losing weight person receives everything, minerals and acids, so there can be no vitamin deficiency.

How to lose weight on the “6 petals” diet

Each day of the mono-diet has a different effect on the body, triggering an autonomous process of burning lipids in it. Fish day diet 6 petals provides the body with the necessary amount of proteins and also saturates it with Omega-3 acids. The dietary method is read specifically on a fish day for the reason that fatty acids and proteins trigger the liver, thus preparing it for new ways of obtaining energy. All nutrients present in fish are easily absorbed by the body and are low in calories, so weight gain is eliminated.

The 6 Petals Vegetable Day Diet is built on foods rich in carbohydrates. Such food allows you to restore the body's vitamin reserves. The author of the method recommends eating raw vegetables, so the amount of energy expended will exceed the number of calories received, as a result, the 6 petals diet will allow you to become much slimmer. During a vegetable day you can get rid of 0.8 kg of excess weight.

Chicken day diet 6 petals saturates the body with protein and replenishes the lack of vitamin B12. Thanks to this diet, muscle mass is restored, lipids begin to be burned, during this period many may notice a decrease in volume in problem areas of the body.

The cereal day of the 6 petals diet allows you to replenish the body's deficiencies of vitamins, macroelements and proteins of plant origin. Considering that during this period the body experiences a lack of fat, complex carbohydrates will be absorbed several times longer, thus creating a reserve for the next days of the monoration.

The curd diet of the 6 petals diet enriches the body with amino acids, enzymes and lactic acid bacteria. This diet helps remove toxins and decay products formed over the previous day. Eating cottage cheese after eating cereals will speed up the process of breakdown of lipids, which are perceived by the body as the main source of energy.

Fruit day 6 petals compensates for the lack of many vitamins and active acids. The low calorie content of the sixth petal menu significantly speeds up the metabolic process, resulting in active weight loss.

Fish day “6 petals diet”: sample menu and recipes for every day

The fish day menu of the 6 petals diet can consist of any type of fish; it can be steamed, stewed or baked. When preparing dietary fish dishes, a minimum amount of salt and spices should be used. To diversify the menu, you can prepare fish soup without vegetables.

You can eat no more than 500 grams of fish during the whole day of fish petal. Fish contains large amounts of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are healthy fat that the body needs for its full functioning, while it does not turn into fat deposits on the body. Moreover, polyunsaturated acids themselves actively fight existing fat deposits on the sides, waist and other problem areas of the body. According to nutritionists, regular consumption of fish improves blood levels, thereby reducing the risk of developing many diseases. The protein that fish is rich in has dietary properties, is easily digestible and strengthens the muscular system.

The fish day menu may consist of the following types of fish:

1. Dietary fish (0.2 - 3.9% fat content) - limonema, ide, pollock, navaga, haddock, potassa, pike perch, cod, tuna, pike, flounder, river perch, trout, hake.

2. Varieties of fish with a high content of fat and protein (from 4 to 8%) - sea bass, horse mackerel, pink salmon, catfish, carp.

3. Fatty fish - more than 8% fat. This category includes mackerel, herring, halibut, salmon, sturgeon, lamprey, and eel.

To avoid stress on the body, while still providing it with a sufficient amount of energy and necessary nutrients, it is better to combine fatty and dietary types of fish on the same day. Ocean fish has a beneficial effect on the entire body; it not only improves metabolism, but also prevents the development of hypertension. Nutritionists explain this effect by the presence in fish of a large amount of iodine salts, methionine and unsaturated fatty acids. This product contains acids such as linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic.

If the 6 petals diet menu for weight loss is repeated periodically to add variety to the diet, fish can be combined with seafood - mussels, shrimp, octopus, squid. On the first day of this mono-diet, you can drink tea without sugar and mineral water; the author of the dietary method does not recommend limiting yourself in liquids on protein days of the diet. The more it enters the body, the more active the metabolic process will occur, and, consequently, the more extra pounds will be lost.

On the first day of the six-petal diet, the condition of a person losing weight usually remains good, since the fish saturates the body and the body does not lack nutrients. The following 6 petal diet recipes for fish day are popular:

1. Trout baked in the oven. Clean the fish, wash it, rub it with a small amount of salt, but it is advisable to do without it altogether, bake in the oven until cooked. Remove the skin from the finished fish; to improve the taste, you can pour lemon juice on top.

2. Meatballs made from pollock and greens. Grind the pollock carcasses through a meat grinder, chop the greens - parsley, onion and dill, finely chop, add to the minced fish, add a little salt and pepper. Roll into small balls and place on a baking sheet and bake until done.

3. Steamed chum salmon. Cut the chum salmon fillet into small pieces, lightly salt and pepper. Pour some water into the bottom of a steamer or pressure cooker and add herbs for a flavorful broth. Place the fish pieces on the steam insert and turn the chum salmon once during the entire cooking time.

4. Baked pollock. Cut the pollock carcasses into small portions, add a little salt and pepper, and bake in the oven until cooked. Decorate the finished fish with fresh herbs on top.

Vegetable day of the “6 petals” diet with a sample menu

The 6 petals diet vegetable day menu is based on any vegetables, raw, boiled or baked. The amount of vegetables in the diet of a losing weight person per day can be 1–1.5 kg. For the second petal of the mono-diet, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, celery, all types of cabbage, beets, eggplant, zucchini, potatoes, radishes, pumpkin, and all greens are suitable.

The second day of the diet is accompanied by severe hunger, so it is not tolerated as optimistically as the previous one. Despite the fact that a person losing weight on this day is practically unlimited in the amount of food he can eat, he will constantly feel hungry.

On this day you can cook almost all vegetable dishes using moderate amounts of salt and spices. All other foods are completely excluded on this day, even adding vegetable oil to food is prohibited. As a drink, it is better to give preference to fresh homemade vegetable juices. On the second day of the mono-diet, you can drink mineral water and tea without sugar in unlimited quantities. Vegetables cannot be fried; they can only be baked, boiled or steamed. On this day there is no need to deny yourself even starchy vegetables.

To provide the body with the maximum amount of nutrients and speed up the weight loss process, it is important to combine several vegetables. You can’t eat carrots or zucchini alone.

An approximate menu for the 6 petals diet on the second day looks like this:

  • Breakfast. Salad of fresh vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs, seasoned with lemon juice. A cup of tea without sugar.
  • Lunch. Mashed potatoes in vegetable broth, a little salt and spices. Instead of mashed potatoes, you can bake the potatoes in the oven along with other vegetables.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack. Steamed vegetables.
  • Dinner. Assorted vegetables with salt and spices, baked in the oven.

At the end of the day, nutritionists allow food intake with added salt and spices. This dish will saturate the body and promote a good night's rest. Between meals, you can drink vegetable juices made from tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin and celery.

Chicken day diet for weight loss “6 petals” with a detailed menu

The third day of the Swedish nutritionist’s mono-diet is perceived by many with pleasure, especially after the “hungry” vegetable petal. The chicken day menu of the 6 petals diet is based on protein foods, so the feeling of hunger will not bother a person. Chicken breasts and fillets are used in the preparation of dietary dishes. This meat contains pure protein, some fat and virtually no carbohydrates, which is why this product is considered dietary.

Chicken meat is an excellent building material for muscles, so it is important to correctly combine the third day of the diet with. Nutritionists say that on the third day, in addition to chicken fillet, the diet may include turkey, veal and beef, however, chicken meat should predominate. You should not eat more than 500 g of meat per day.

During the third day of the 6-petal diet, you can consume low-fat chicken broth, but not more than 200 ml per day, and mineral water. During this period, it is not recommended to drink a lot of tea and coffee, because these drinks are diuretic, and a large amount of protein already removes a lot of fluid from the body, thereby putting a strain on the kidneys.

The detailed menu of the 6 petals chicken day diet looks like this:

Breakfast – 8:00. Boil the chicken breast by adding a little salt and spices to the water. The prepared chicken broth can then be drunk between main meals.

Second breakfast – 11:00. Chicken fillet baked in foil.

Lunch – 14:00. Chicken broth with a little salt, spices and herbs.

Afternoon snack – 17:00. Grilled skinless chicken breast.

Dinner – 20:00. Boiled chicken fillet.

You can use any recipes for the 6 petals diet menu on the fourth day that use chicken meat. It is usually baked, boiled or grilled.

Cereal day of the 6-petal diet and detailed menu of the 6-petal diet

The fourth day of the mono-diet is a cereal day, built on carbohydrate foods, namely cereals. The advantage of eating cereals alone is that these products contain a sufficient amount of proteins, so the body does not lack these substances during this period. Basically, on this day the body will be deprived of only fats, carbohydrates and proteins will enter the body.

A cereal day can be based on the consumption of any porridge, bran, grain crispbread, sprouted grain, and you can also drink kvass. You can eat seeds, although in small quantities, as they are rich in saturated fat and therefore have a high calorie content. Usually, the fourth day of the petal mono-diet is accompanied by hunger, the intestines begin to work in an enhanced mode, so the body is cleansed of waste and toxins.

Porridges are a good source of fiber; they also feed the body with “slow” carbohydrates, so they will tolerate stress well.

The detailed menu of the 6 petals diet on the fourth day looks like this:

Breakfast: millet porridge on water.

Snack: buckwheat porridge.

Dinner: boiled brown rice.

Snack: a portion of oatmeal.

Dinner: buckwheat porridge.

You can also eat seeds between main meals so as not to feel a strong feeling of hunger.

Curd day of the “6 petals” diet with menu option

At its core, the fifth petal of the mono-diet is a cottage cheese fasting day. Most people have a hard time with it, since not everyone can eat cottage cheese from morning to evening, so you need to be psychologically prepared for it in advance.

To make low-fat cottage cheese easier to eat, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, but no more. Milk is also allowed in the protein fasting day diet, but you can only drink 1 glass of it per day. When following the cottage cheese diet, you need to buy high-quality low-fat cottage cheese, homemade, but for the purpose of losing weight, it is not recommended to use cottage cheese products sold in stores. The cottage cheese diet enriches the body with protein, so this is a favorable period for visiting the gym.

One of the options for the curd day menu of the 6 petals diet

Breakfast (8:00): cottage cheese with the addition of yogurt.

Snack (11:00): a glass of milk.

Lunch (14:00): cottage cheese.

Snack (17:00): a glass of natural yoghurt.

Dinner (20:00): cottage cheese.

During the entire curd day, you can eat no more than 500 g of this fermented milk product with a fat content of less than 5%. In addition to milk, you can drink a glass of kefir and unsweetened tea.

Fruit day of the “6 petals” diet and the final stage menu

The final stage of the 6-petal diet is the fruit menu of the last day. The fruit day of the 6 petals diet is carbohydrate, but it is quite hungry, so it is not so easy to endure it.

Fruits contain a lot of sucrose, glucose and fructose, so they quickly increase blood sugar levels. However, the body absorbs a large amount of glucose in a short time, as a result of which the person again experiences a feeling of hunger. Fruits can be eaten raw and baked; it is especially recommended to bake apples so that the acid does not irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system. On the sixth day, you can eat seasonal berries in the amount of one glass.

The detailed 6 petals diet on the fifth day looks like this:

Breakfast: 1 apple and 1 orange.

Snack: banana.

Dinner: fruit salad.

Snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Dinner: banana and kiwi smoothie.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating a lot of fruits that contain large amounts of sucrose on this day, such as bananas and grapes. During this period, as a rule, it is possible to noticeably lose excess weight, which is most likely due to the fiber that fruits are rich in. At the final stage, you should not overload your body by doing physical activity; it is better to devote time to yourself, relax and enjoy the result.

Above is the photo of the 6 petals diet menu, which will help you become the owner of a slim figure, as many other women have succeeded. This is what the 6 petals diet menu looks like for a week, thanks to which many have managed to restore their body to slimness and attractiveness.

Menu recipes and way out of the “6 petals” diet

To diversify your diet while losing weight, you can use the 6 petals diet recipes for every day in the process of preparing dietary dishes:

Curd pudding. Cook semolina porridge in milk, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form. For 70 g of milk you will need 30 grams of semolina. Cool and add 100 g of cottage cheese and 10 g of raisins or dried apricots. Mix everything thoroughly, add egg white to the mixture and place in a greased form. Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes at low temperature until golden brown.

Cottage cheese casserole. To prepare the dish you will need the following products - two packs of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg, 4 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. semolina and a handful of raisins. Mix all the ingredients, put the mixture in a baking dish, place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until golden brown; before serving, brush the top of the casserole with low-fat sour cream.

Oat cookies. 8 tbsp. l. pour oatmeal with a small amount of hot milk, add vanillin, 1/3 tsp. soda, slaked with vinegar, 1 tsp. honey Mix everything, leave for 10 minutes, place small cookies on foil with a spoon and place in a preheated oven.

Exiting the 6 petals diet menu depends on your future plans. If after the 6 petals diet you want to continue to lose weight, you can choose a “non-starvation” balanced diet. If you want to consolidate the results obtained, experts recommend sticking to the 6 petals diet for some time, increasing its calorie content.

The “6 petals” diet is a unique short-term program that makes it easy to lose weight and consists of six dietary days, following each other: fish, vegetable, chicken, grain, dairy and fruit. This regime allows, on the one hand, to quickly lose weight, and on the other hand, not to suffer from hunger. Simplicity, accessibility, effectiveness and a small number of contraindications - these are the main advantages of this dietary program.


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    Basic principles of building a daily diet

    This program was developed by nutritionist Anna Yuhanson. A short diet allows you to lose 4-6 kg. The basic principle is to follow 6 mono-diets one after another, each of which is allocated only one day. At the same time, for six days, food containing complex carbohydrates is alternated with protein dishes and foods rich in fiber.

    Anna Yuhanson suggests visualizing the process of losing weight using a daisy flower with six petals, made of paper or cardboard and hung in a visible place, for example, on the refrigerator. Each of them has a picture of the day's key product attached in a circle.

    The success of the diet is based on the scientific principles of separate nutrition. Before you start, you need to create a diet for the coming week. It is very important not to rearrange the sequence of days at your discretion. Otherwise, the effect of the program may be zero. The only acceptable change is five petals instead of six. In this case, the last fruit day falls out of the program.

    Important note: during the diet, sugar is completely excluded from the diet, and salt consumption is reduced to a minimum. If willpower allows, then it is also better to give up salt for the entire time devoted to the diet. Natural seasonings can be used to improve the taste of dishes.

    The intervals between meals should be no more than 4 hours. Portions should not be large. At the same time, the amount of food should allow you to be satiated. The general meal plan is as follows:

    • breakfast;
    • lunch;
    • dinner;
    • afternoon snack;
    • dinner.

    Menu for 6 days (Monday to Saturday)

    It is most convenient to start the program on Monday. But this instruction is not fundamental. A detailed schedule and sample menu are presented below.


    The first petal comes off - the fish day begins, the diet of which should consist exclusively of dietary fish dishes. Sample menu with times:

    1. 1. 8:00 – boiled low-fat fish. Suitable fillets of perch, cod, pike perch or hake.
    2. 2. 11:00 – fish baked in the oven, then seasoned with parsley and dill.
    3. 3. 14:00 – fish soup (without adding vegetables). It is possible to enrich the taste of the dish by adding rapana meat and shrimp.
    4. 4. 17:00 – steamed fish.
    5. 5. 20:00 – for your last meal, you can treat yourself to boiled pike perch with herbal seasonings. Spices are chosen to taste.

    Between these meals, snacks are excluded. You can drink tea - herbal, black or green - but you cannot sweeten it.

    The first day of the “6 petals” diet will allow you to saturate your body with healthy fats: omega-3 polyunsaturated acids. These substances help lower bad cholesterol levels and dissolve excess fat deposits on the hips and waist. Fish protein is perfectly digestible and gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness.


    The torn off second petal signals the beginning of the vegetable day. A sample menu is as follows:

    1. 1. 8:00 – raw grated vegetables (carrots, turnips, Jerusalem artichoke). It is acceptable to eat a green salad without oil and seasonings or a white cabbage salad.
    2. 2. 11:00 – boiled vegetable stew. To prepare it, boiled carrots, beets, cauliflower are suitable, you can add potatoes (a little). No oil is added to the finished dish.
    3. 3. 14:00 – lunch of stewed cabbage and a small amount of boiled potatoes.
    4. 4. 17:00 – steamed carrots, cauliflower or beets.
    5. 5. 20:00 – raw pureed vegetables.

    If you feel hungry between meals, it is acceptable to drink a vegetable smoothie, but it is better to limit yourself to warm green tea.


    The 6 Petals Diet suggests making the third day a chicken day. The menu is simple, but very filling:

    1. 1. 8:00 – boiled chicken meat. Chicken fillet is best.
    2. 2. 11:00 – chicken breast (without skin) with spices, baked in foil.
    3. 3. 14:00 – chicken broth, boiled with roots and seasoned with herbs.
    4. 4. 17:00 – chicken cooked on the grill.
    5. 5. 20:00 – boiled chicken meat.

    You can drink tea without sugar and pure water without restrictions throughout the day.


    The fourth day is completely devoted to a mono-diet of cereals. The following menu can be used:

    1. 1. 8:00 – porridge from any cereals. Oatmeal, rice, millet, buckwheat can be used (it is better to give preference to green). An invariable cooking rule: the dish is cooked only in water.
    2. 2. 11:00 – buckwheat porridge. During cooking, spices are added to taste.
    3. 3. 14:00 – rice porridge.
    4. 4. 17:00 – oatmeal porridge. You can add a handful of sunflower seeds to it.
    5. 5. 20:00 – buckwheat, boiled in water. Greens are included with the finished dish.

    During the day, instead of snacks, drink aromatic herbal tea.

    If the gastrointestinal tract is in order, then it is recommended to use unshelled cereals for preparing porridges. They contain much more microelements and vitamins.


    On the fifth day of the “6 petals” diet, you can treat yourself to milk and curd dishes. Here is its sample menu:

    1. 1. 8:00 – a jar of natural yoghurt (without fruit or flavoring additives) and low-fat cottage cheese.
    2. 2. 11:00 – one percent fat cottage cheese and milk.
    3. 3. 14:00 – cottage cheese (fat content 5%).
    4. 4. 17:00 – cottage cheese and kefir (all low-fat).
    5. 5. 20:00 – low-fat cottage cheese.

    On this day, you can drink milk between meals (no more than 1 glass). Tea can be consumed without restrictions.

    5 petals are torn off. At this stage, many people stop the diet. But the most stubborn and disciplined go to the end.


    The sixth day is fruity, supplemented with a small amount of coffee. The recommendations are as follows:

    1. 1. 8:00 – a couple of red apples and a cup of black coffee.
    2. 2. 11:00 – small banana.
    3. 3. 14:00 – a bunch of grapes (don’t choose the “kishmish” variety, it’s too sweet) and grapefruit or orange.
    4. 4. 17:00 – three kiwis.
    5. 5. 20:00 – a couple of green apples.

    During the day, you can drink fruit juices (not store-bought, but squeezed yourself), tea with lemon and herbal infusions.

    Unique recipes for the "6 petals" diet

    The following recipes will help you complete your diet with pleasure:

    1. 1. Baked pollock fillet balls for the first day. The fish fillet is ground in a meat grinder, herbs and spices are added, everything is mixed, small balls are formed and baked in the oven.
    2. 2. Cold vegetable soup for the second day. The original dish is prepared from 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, a clove of garlic, herbs and onions. All ingredients are simply whipped in a blender.
    3. 3. Juicy chicken for the third day. Pieces of chicken fillet with seasonings and chopped tomatoes are placed in layers in a duckling dish. The dish is stewed for about an hour over low heat. After cooking, the sauce is poured out and only chicken meat, which has become juicy due to the cooking method, is eaten.
    4. 4. Buckwheat porridge balls for the fourth day. Buckwheat porridge is boiled in water, cooled and blended in a blender along with onions and herbs. From the resulting mass, meatballs are formed and steamed.
    5. 5. Cheese dish "Gadazelili" for the fifth milk day. Half a kilo of suluguni cheese is cut into pieces and placed in hot milk. When it melts and acquires a plastic consistency, a flat cake is formed from the resulting cheese mass, poured over with natural yogurt and sprinkled with a small amount of mint on top.
    6. 6. Tropical fruit salad for the sixth day. Chopped pieces of orange, pineapple, banana and kiwi are mixed. The dish is seasoned with orange juice.

    The convenient thing is that you don’t need to plan how much to take in grams of a particular product. Everything is taken to taste.


    The diet is well tolerated by healthy people, but the program has some contraindications. It is not recommended to resort to this method of losing weight if you have the following diseases and conditions:

    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • anemia;
    • gout;
    • pregnancy.

    Some people, encouraged by the results obtained, want to continue the program further. During 2 diet cycles following each other (with a one-day break) nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, it will help you lose an additional 2-3 kilograms. But continuing the diet is contraindicated. It will be possible to return to it only after 3-4 months.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Effective diet 6 petals with a sample menu for every day. A sample menu for every day of the 6 petals diet will help you not only improve your own health, but also lose extra pounds!

This weight loss method received a romantic name from a symbolic flower with 6 petals, which is recommended to be drawn by the person who decides to use it. The name of the food recommended for that day is written on the petal, and it is mentally torn off at the end of the day.
Despite the fact that the method is positioned as original, its author, Swedish doctor Anna Johansson, only used pre-existing weight loss methods based on eating homogeneous foods.

The essence of the method, its pros and cons

6 petals - a diet based on eating one type of food throughout the day. At the same time, sweets are excluded from the diet in order to force the body to take energy from its own lipid reserves. Proteins and carbohydrates, when following a diet, avoid interchange, which, according to numerous reviews, gives a positive effect. The use of the method is supported by such factors as the achievement of visible results by some adherents who have already experienced it on themselves.

The main advantages of the 6 petals diet include the following:

  • No need to starve. An undoubted plus of 6 petals is that you do not experience the feeling of hunger, which complicates other weight loss methods;
  • Forget about counting calories. The diet limits the amount of food consumed and its type. Therefore, there is no point in counting calories and worrying about it;
  • There is no strict regime. You don't have to eat by the clock. You just need to distribute your meals evenly throughout the day and do not eat 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Quick results. In just one day, depending on lifestyle, habits, physical activity and other subjective factors, it is possible to lose from 500 to 800 g of excess weight;
  • A varied diet. The diet does not belong to the category of mono-diets, because... products change every day in such a way that you get bored with them;
  • No harm to the body. With proper and reasonable diet, the body will receive the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients in order to maintain metabolism and the functioning of all organs in excellent condition;

However, the 6 petals method is questioned by many nutritionists, since it violates such an unshakable tenet of healthy eating as variety and balance. The healthy functioning of the organs of the human body requires daily replenishment of a different set of nutrients, vitamins and minerals for their full functioning, therefore any diet based on monotonous food, even for one day, can negatively affect the metabolic process and cause disorder of individual organs .

Let's consider the main disadvantages of the diet and its contraindications:

  • Dieting takes time. The technique has limited possibilities for practical application to those who, due to their busy schedule, cannot eat carefully and in small portions, as required. Neither a socialite nor a business and active woman, due to her busy schedule, will be able to maintain a meal schedule as scrupulously as the diet requires;
  • Cost of products. Choosing weight loss products can be a challenge for those on a budget;
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers this diet is not allowed, as are most other diets;
  • Children and teenagers this diet is also not recommended;
  • Diseases of the digestive system. This diet is prohibited for people with these diseases. Any diet is prescribed only by the attending physician.

Products for diet and criteria for their selection

There are six main products in the 6 petals diet:

  1. Fish;
  2. Vegetables;
  3. Chicken;
  4. Cereals;
  5. Cottage cheese;
  6. Fruits.

Monday is fish day. Fish in the first “petal” can be eaten no more than 500 g in 5 meals. It doesn't matter whether it's lean or fatty (diet). You can evenly combine the amount of both. For drinks, tea without sugar or fish broth are recommended. Salt and spices are kept to the maximum permissible minimum. Dinner and breakfast - boiled fish, lunch - fish soup without vegetables, second breakfast - baked without oil in its own juice, with a small amount of greens.

Tuesday is vegetable day. You can eat up to 1.5 kg of vegetables. The author of the methodology included in the list of recommended ones:

  • Green or onion and garlic;
  • Asparagus and arugula;
  • White cabbage;
  • Tomatoes and sweet peppers;
  • Eggplants and zucchini;
  • Cucumbers, lettuce and greens, always fresh;
  • Carrot.

According to the author of the method, it is on the second day that the body’s fat reserves are destroyed. The vegetable day menu can be made more fun thanks to the variety of vegetables. In the morning, prepare a light salad seasoned with lemon juice, for second breakfast - boiled potatoes, seasoned with a pinch of salt, for lunch - almost unsalted vegetable broth. For an afternoon snack, vegetables are steamed, and for dinner you will have a stewed vegetable mix. All this without oil, with a minimum of spices and extremely limited saltiness.

Wednesday is chicken day. For a chicken day, only 500 g of chicken fillet is suitable. Chicken is one of the most dietary types of meat, containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the latter in small quantities in relation to proteins.

Breakfast and dinner, according to the scheme, consists of boiled fillet, for the second breakfast baked in foil, lunch - low-fat, salted broth with a drop of greens, for an afternoon snack - grilled fillet. Wash all this down with unsweetened tea or minimally salted broth.

Thursday is a cereal day. In the fourth petal of the diet, the amount of dry product consumed is reduced to 200 g. On this day the following are allowed:

  • Any types of cereals;
  • Cereal bread;
  • Bran;
  • Sprouted grains.

At the same time, it is best to cook oatmeal for breakfast, buckwheat for second breakfast and dinner, boiled rice for lunch, and wheat for an afternoon snack, and certainly from sprouted grains. And all this under the same conditions, a minimum of salt and spices, preferably wild rice and no butter or milk.
Drinks other than unsweetened tea are allowed to drink natural kvass on this day. According to the author of the diet, eating grains on day 4 should force the body to spend its own energy on digesting them.

Friday is protein day. Day five, cottage cheese or protein. Make no mistake, you can only consume cottage cheese with grains, cheese with a minimum percentage of fat, tofu (soy curd) with a maximum of 4% fat, yogurt without additives with low calorie content and Feta cheese with no more than 15% fat.

At the same time, you can include a little low-fat milk in the main menu (not in all meals, of course), replacing it with low-fat yogurt for second breakfast. No sugar, jam, honey, jam or marmalade should be added. For any meal, cottage cheese, lightly flavored with recommended products. As a relief, you can take some greens. Drinks include unsweetened tea or low-fat milk. In limited quantities, both.

Saturday is fruit day. And now, finally, the sixth day or fruit day. The day is very difficult. You can eat no more than 1.5 kg of fruit, of which only 200 g is allocated for berries. Fruits are consumed only raw, baked or in the form of juice, and the juice must be diluted by half with water.

You can eat prunes, dried apricots, apples, pears, plums, watermelon, grapefruit, lime, kiwi and pineapple. Among the berries, preference should be given to currants, cherries, strawberries or raspberries. It is permissible to drink only herbal tea or fruit juice.

Sample menu 6 petals: table

For your convenience, we have compiled a menu for each day of the “6 petals” diet:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday. Fish day. Steamed fishBaked in its own juice without spices Fish soup without vegetables Boiled fishSteamed fish
Tuesday. Vegetable day. Cucumber and tomato salad Boiled potatoes Vegetable soupCarrot and green salad Vegetable stew
Wednesday. Chicken day. Steamed chicken fillet Chicken cutletsChicken broth with a pinch of salt Boiled chicken fillet Chicken baked in foil
Thursday. Cereal day. OatmealBuckwheatBoiled riceWheat porridgeBuckwheat
Friday. Protein day. Grain curdLow-fat yogurt TofuBoiled chicken proteins Grain curd
Saturday. Fruit day. Apple and pearDried apricots and prunes WatermelonGrapefruitPineapple and apple
Sunday. Quitting the diet. OatmealApple or grapefruit Chicken soup and steamed fish Low-fat yogurt Stewed vegetables, dried apricots, prunes

What to remember when going on the 6 petals diet

  • Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor. Direct contraindications to it are diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract;
  • An indispensable condition for the success of this method is exercise, strengthening muscle and skin tone;
  • The diet does not include anything fundamentally new, and its results can be achieved with a more balanced diet, in which the body receives all the necessary substances every day. To do this, you just need to consume healthy food, eliminate harmful foods and habits, and follow a certain diet;
  • Despite the long-term results promised after the diet, if you maintain your previous lifestyle, there will be an immediate need to repeat the passage of 6 petals.
    If the decision has already been made, and six days have passed, and the need has arisen again, the so-called second circle of 6 petals begins.

The days for the products remain the same, but other ingredients are added to the list of permitted ingredients.

This nutrition system was developed by Anna Johansson, a famous nutritionist from Sweden (which is why it is sometimes called Swedish). She devoted most of her life to searching for a miraculous “vaccine” for excess weight, and, in the end, she succeeded.

The program is very beautifully called - the 6 petals diet, which makes the uninitiated associate it with flowers. In fact, nothing connects her with them, but she allows her to achieve very impressive results.

The essence of the diet

Not long ago, the 6-petal mono-diet for weight loss was unanimously approved by the Association of Dietitians. Voluntary tests were conducted, which showed good results: those losing weight lost about 800 grams daily, while maintaining good health.

At the end of the experiment, additional medical studies were ordered, according to which many health indicators were improved for all participants. That is, this nutritional system allows you not only to fight excess weight, but also strengthens the body.

Its essence is separate nutrition, thanks to which the necessary efficiency is achieved. Duration - only 6 days (hence the number in the name of the diet). During weight loss, you need to follow 6 mono-diets, following each other: 1 day for each.

In this case, it is strictly forbidden to violate the sequence, since it represents an alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. During the day you will have to consume foods that belong to the same food category and are identical in their chemical composition.

The order is as follows:

  1. Fish day (protein petal);
  2. Vegetable (carbohydrate);
  3. Chicken (protein);
  4. Cereal (carbohydrate);
  5. Curd (protein);
  6. Fruity (carbohydrate).

Why then is the 6-Petal Diet so interestingly named if there is nothing on the menu that resembles herbs and flowers? This is nothing more than a psychological trick from the developer. It is aimed at maintaining the “moral health” of those losing weight.

Anna Johansson wanted to encourage followers of the food system in this way. She advises making a flower with paper petals with your own hands, on which the name of the mono-diet should be written. This chamomile should hang in a prominent place in the apartment and motivate in moments when you want to break loose. If you tear off a petal every day, this will enhance the effect and help you endure a hunger strike easier.

Fish day. Don’t be afraid to include fatty fish (tuna, halibut, salmon, trout, herring, mackerel) in your menu on day 1. It is also quite healthy, as it contains omega-3 fats, which accelerate lipolysis, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and improve overall health.

Products: lists, cooking method, portions

To competently create a menu for the 6-petal diet, you need to know the lists of allowed foods for each mono-diet and prohibited ones, which will disrupt the weight loss plan and cause harm.

Prohibited products:

  • canned food;
  • sweets (jam, sugar, chocolate);
  • bread, rolls;
  • oils - butter and vegetable;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy drinks;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades;
  • pickles;
  • fast foods.

Permitted products are presented in the table below.

As part of the 6 petals diet, salt is one of the permitted foods, but its amount must be strictly limited if you want to achieve good results.

Vegetable day. Despite the fact that on the second day all vegetables are allowed to be consumed, you should not get carried away with potatoes. It is still quite high in calories and can slow down the weight loss process.


The diet has contraindications, as it leads to rapid weight loss. Because of this, the body experiences serious stress, and the functions of diseased organs may be impaired.

You cannot try this weight loss technique if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the digestive tract, especially ulcers and gastritis;
  • kidney disease;
  • concurrent drug treatment;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • special medical nutrition (dietary table No....);
  • rehabilitation period after operations.

It is not advisable to use the technique for people whose work involves serious mental and physical stress. As research has shown, it reduces the level of performance and concentration. There will definitely not be a surge of strength.

Chicken day. Don't take the name of this stage literally. The developer allows you to eat the meat of any dietary bird, lean beef and veal. They will strengthen muscle mass and allow you to lose subcutaneous fat.

Since the diet is very multifaceted, you need to thoroughly understand it in order to avoid annoying mistakes that will interfere with effective weight loss. So you will have to follow certain rules, many of which were prescribed by Anna Johansson herself. We have presented them in the form of questions that are most often asked by those losing weight, and answers from nutritionists.

  • How many foods can you eat per day?

In order not to go overboard with calories, you need to measure out the portions you plan to consume every day:

  • How many laps can you do?

Many people are interested in how often the 6 petals diet can be repeated. If you want to continue it (Johansson herself recommends only 2 cycles lasting 2 weeks), then the menu of the 7th (intermediate between the petals) day can be presented with 2 options.

Option 1. Return to your normal diet as before, but minimize fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods, sweets and carbohydrates.

Option 2. This could be a fasting day without gas.

  • How long can you go on a diet?

No more than two weeks.

  • Which diet is more effective: your favorite diet or 6 petals?

The 6 petals weight loss system is distinguished by a greater degree of professional development. Its principles are scientifically substantiated and supported by nutritionists.

With your favorite diet, everything is much more complicated. Firstly, the author is unknown. Secondly, tracing paper from the Swedish method is immediately visible, and not the most successful one. Alternating mono-diets with drinking fasting days is quite dangerous for health. In addition, there are no fish and meat days in your favorite one, so you won’t be able to amuse yourself with protein and phosphorus. Experts have been warning for a long time that large amounts of liquid food are harmful to the stomach.

  • Can I drink coffee?

You can, but only black, without sugar, cream and milk.

  • How to get out of the 6 petal diet?

A very important role is played by a competent way out of the diet, which allows you not to gain back the lost kilograms.

You can’t immediately pounce on high-calorie foods: fatty meat, fried potatoes, sweets. First, consolidate the result by following the principles of proper nutrition, taking care of a balanced diet. It is advisable in the first 4-5 days after the Swedish fast to adhere to the rules of separate nutrition, that is, not to combine proteins and carbohydrates in dishes. The optimal calorie content of the menu is 1,400-1,800 kcal per day.

In addition, it is necessary to pay enough attention to... They will keep your body and muscles toned and help avoid sagging skin.

  • What to replace fish with?

If you can’t eat fish (due to allergies or illness), then it’s better to choose a different method of losing weight. Of course, you can replace it with seafood, but you will not get the same amount of omega-3 fatty acids that the 6 petals diet relies on.

  • What can you drink?

Allowed drinks: 1.5 liters of pure water, coffee without milk and sugar, black or, also without sugar.

  • How much can you lose?

Some of the most persistent ones, who did not break the rules, did a deload on day 7 and were actively involved in sports, lost 2 times more. Here, a lot depends not only on a well-designed menu and strict adherence to the principles of the nutritional system, but also on motivation, willpower, initial weight, and health status.

  • What time do meals take place?

If you have to eat earlier, the time shifts exactly one hour.

Since the “chamomile” diet has strict principles, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established routine. Many people complain that dinner is too late, but most people don't go to bed until 11 p.m. anyway, so eating 3 hours before bed is perfectly acceptable.

Cereal day. When eating cereals, you need to be careful with corn, which is a high-calorie product.


For the 6 petals diet, there is an approximate menu for every day with an indication of time, which will not allow you to make a mistake with the diet. You can only change dishes in it (for example, baked salmon for steamed trout), but the products must remain in the same food category.

Such a detailed menu for the week is distinguished by a balanced diet and adherence to all the principles of the diet. So here’s some useful advice from nutritionists: you shouldn’t change anything about it.

Curd day. Do not get carried away with fermented milk products, which can cause severe fermentation, bloating and flatulence. Low-calorie cottage cheese and a glass of milk will be enough.


To make the 6-petal diet menu not only healthy, low-calorie and balanced, but also tasty, try to diversify your diet with unusual dishes. You will find some interesting recipes (one for each day) here.

Fish day: pike soup


  • 200 g pike fillet;
  • half a liter of water;
  • salt, spices, herbs.


  1. Boil the fillet in lightly salted water.
  2. Pour off the broth, leaving a small amount at the bottom of the pan.
  3. Grind the boiled fish with the remaining broth in a blender.
  4. Add spices and herbs.

Vegetable day: tomato soup


  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;


  1. Pour just a little water into the pan.
  2. Dip chopped onion and garlic into it.
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the skin from the tomato and cut into cubes.
  5. Add them to the onions and garlic.
  6. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Add water so that it completely covers the tomatoes.
  8. Simmer for another 10 minutes.
  9. Turn off the stove and cool.
  10. Grind everything in a blender.
  11. Add salt, spices and herbs.

Chicken day: chicken Kiev


  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • bulb;
  • salt, spices;
  • parsley or cilantro;
  • chicken egg white.


  1. Make minced meat from the fillet by passing it through a meat grinder.
  2. Chop the onion and lightly fry it in a dry frying pan.
  3. Chop the greens.
  4. Add minced meat, season with spices and onions.
  5. Beat the egg whites and add to the minced meat.
  6. Form cutlets.
  7. Instead of oil, pour water or chicken broth into the oven dish. Place cutlets in it.
  8. Bake in the oven for half an hour at 180°C.

Cereal day: buckwheat cutlets


  • half a glass of buckwheat;
  • liter of water;
  • salt, pepper, herbs, seasonings.


  1. Boil buckwheat in lightly salted water.
  2. Cool and grind in a blender.
  3. Add spices and chopped herbs.
  4. Form cutlets, place on a baking sheet into which you can pour a little water.
  5. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Curd day: dessert mousse


  • a pack of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. sweetener;


  • Beat all ingredients in a blender.

Fruit day: baked apple


  • 1 green;
  • 1 dried apricots;
  • 1 prune.


  1. Remove the core and seeds from the apple.
  2. Fill the cavity with dried apricots and prunes.
  3. Place on a deep plate.
  4. Cover the top with foil paper.
  5. Bake in the microwave for 7 minutes.

Fruit day. Here you will have to limit the consumption of bananas, mangoes, persimmons and grapes, which are too high in calories for any diet.

The 6-petal Swedish diet is a very well-structured weight loss scheme. It’s not for nothing that it was developed by a professional - a nutritionist who you can trust with your health. Of course, you won’t lose 10 kg with it, but the weight loss will be noticeable.

The value of this program lies primarily in the fact that the negative impact on the body is minimized. This will allow you to get your figure in order while feeling good and without exhaustion.