
Diet “6 petals”: ​​sample menu for every day, reviews and results. Diet “6 petals”: ​​essence, recipes and detailed menu for every day for weight loss Mono diet for weight loss 6 petals


The six-day diet of Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson is a godsend for any woman. The body takes on graceful shapes, one feels cheerful and completely eliminates the lethargic state inherent in any process of losing weight.

Weight loss according to the Johansson scheme is safe:

  • there is no feeling of hunger due to more than enough food and eliminates the possibility of a “breakdown”;
  • alternating proteins and carbohydrates reduces the risk of complications from kidney and liver disease, in contrast to the Kremlin diet, which is designed only for the consumption of protein products, or the famous keto diet, which involves the consumption of proteins and fats without carbohydrates;
  • the diet completely eliminates the consumption of incompatible food groups, facilitating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • This method of eating promotes the development of correct “eating habits” due to fractional meals, which, in turn, helps to reduce the amount of food consumed and leads to a contraction of the stomach.

How the 6 Petals Diet works

“6 Petals” is a mono-diet for weight loss, consisting of 6 mono-days with a different set of products. Understanding this is not depressing, like the fact that for 7 days you will have to eat only buckwheat, washed down with kefir. There must be a change of products, otherwise the body will not be saturated with useful elements.

6 petals are 6 days, each of which has its own product. By consuming a certain type of product during the day, for example chicken, you are saturated with protein, and on the day of consuming vegetables or fruits, the body is saturated with carbohydrates.
If it’s just one monoday in the form of a fasting day, then the benefit will be minimal, since the body’s “instinct of self-preservation” is triggered and the fat is “held in reserve,” and a kilogram or two that was lost according to the scales on the fasting day is just water, which a lot inside the body, but not excessive “fat”. The next day, along with the return of weight, disappointment will also come.

“6 Petals” works differently. Over the entire period of the diet, nutrition becomes stable both in the volume of food consumed, which will reduce the size of the stomach, and in the content of fats and carbohydrates. It is at this moment that the body begins to process accumulated fat deposits. Moreover, there is a protein-carbohydrate alternation, containing healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How much can you lose on the 6 petals diet.
With full adherence to the diet, weight decreases to 0.5-0.8 kg per day. You can reduce weight by 2-4 kg in a week, and up to 10 kg in a month. The more excess weight, the more dynamic its reduction.

Menu for every day

  • 1 day - fish or seafood. You can eat any fish and seafood prepared by any convenient method: boiling, baking or stewing. When cooking, you can use mild spices, a little salt and herbs;
  • Day 2 - vegetables. You can eat any vegetables, preferably those with a high fiber content. It is recommended to exclude potatoes and pumpkin. Vegetables can be stewed, boiled, baked, but remember that raw vegetables will be more useful due to the fiber necessary for the body;
  • Day 3 - chicken or turkey fillet. Chicken or turkey fillet can be cooked in any way, adding a little salt and spices;
  • Day 4 - porridge and cereals. On this day you can eat porridge with water, muesli, durum wheat bread, fiber and seeds;
  • Day 5 - cottage cheese with reduced fat content. You can eat low-fat or light-fat cottage cheese. To add flavor, you can add a pinch of vanillin or cinnamon;
  • Day 6 - fruits. Any fruit other than banana or natural fruit juice without sugar will be the main food. Fruits can be eaten fresh or baked, or you can make fruit salad with the addition of cinnamon or vanilla. Freshly squeezed juices are not forbidden, but a whole fruit will bring more benefits for the correct functioning of your gastrointestinal tract.

Sugar and drinks containing sugar must be excluded for the entire period of “6 petals”.
The drinking regime must be observed: at least 1.5 liters of clean water must be consumed daily. The more weight, the more liquid. Water plays a significant role in metabolism, and if the cells of the body do not have enough water, then all metabolic processes slow down. You need to drink clean water, preferably not boiled, as it is devoid of beneficial microelements. The consumption of carbonated and alcoholic drinks should be completely avoided.

Frequently asked questions about the 6 Petals Diet

1. How long can you stay on the “6 petals” diet?

The diet lasts only 6 days. You can repeat “6 petals” many times, but between cycles it is advisable to take a break of at least 2-3 days, or preferably a week. The “6 petals” diet, although it introduces separate nutrition, is unbalanced.

2. Is it possible to drink tea or coffee while adhering to the “6 petals” diet?

Black coffee (without added milk) and black/green tea without sugar can be drunk during the “6 petals” diet, but they cannot be added to the minimum daily volume of water. Coffee and tea, by their nature, have a diuretic effect. Therefore, for every cup of coffee or tea you drink, you need to add an additional glass of water to your diet to avoid dehydration.

3. Can I take vitamins or dietary supplements during the “6 petals” diet?

Multivitamins, the type and course of use of which must be agreed upon with your doctor, are recommended to be taken even during a diet.

4. How much food should you eat during the 6 Petals Diet?

  • Fish - 0.3-0.5 kg in finished form;
  • Vegetables (except potatoes) 1-1.5 kg;
  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg in finished form;
  • Cereals - 0.15-0.2 kg dry;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • Fruits - 1-1.5 kg.

Products, according to the prescribed diet day, must be divided into several meals so that the interval between meals is at least 3 hours.

5. What foods should not be consumed during the “6 petals” diet?

  • sugar;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • packaged fruit juices;
  • foods that are not included in the diet when following a diet.

Important! Adding foods that are not included in the diet helps reduce excess weight loss.

First you need to draw six flower petals. Each of them is a separate day and a separate product that can be consumed during this day. Carbohydrate and protein menus alternate. There is meat, fish, vegetables and grains. So the menu is completely balanced and you don’t have to go hungry. Monotonous foods throughout the day force the body to get rid of fat deposits. And since foods change daily, energy in the body will accumulate. On the petal diet, you can lose up to 800 g in one day. Moreover, everything will depend on the characteristics of each organism. Plumb lines can be smooth or abrupt. In any case, losing weight on such a diet is a pleasure.

Pros of the 6 petals diet

Unlike other mono-diets, the petal diet does not get boring with its monotony, since the products change every day. Thanks to the alternation of protein and carbohydrate foods, the reserves of adipose tissue in the body are gradually broken down. Weight loss is mostly facilitated by the fact that proteins and carbohydrates do not mix, and therefore the body has to expend accumulated energy in anticipation of other foods. This mono-diet is based on the principle of frequent meals. A certain product can be consumed all day in almost unlimited quantities.


It is not recommended to use a mono-diet for lactating and pregnant women. People who have gastrointestinal problems should also use the diet with caution. If you are allergic to any product from this diet, do not use the petal diet. In any case, before starting a diet, consult your doctor for advice.

The main rules of the petal diet

  1. Meat and fish can be boiled, baked, but under no circumstances fried.
  2. Cottage cheese should be fresh and have a small percentage of fat content.
  3. Sugar and its substitutes are prohibited.
  4. Vegetables must be boiled or baked; they can be used for grilling.
  5. Cereals can be consumed in the form of porridges with the addition of a small amount of salt.
  6. Drinking coffee is not recommended. You can drink pure water in unlimited quantities, or several cups of herbal tea a day.

What you shouldn't eat

Refrain from alcohol, flour and fatty foods during the diet. You should not eat sweets, smoked meats, canned vegetables and fruits. Avoid carbonated drinks and sweet juices.

Petal mono-diet schedule: menu for 6 days

1 day. Fish.

Fish, thanks to polyunsaturated acids, supplies the body with omega-3. This is a healthy fat that does not accumulate in the body, destroys fat deposits and lowers cholesterol. Fish protein is perfectly digestible and saturates the body.

Day 2. Vegetables.

On this day, the body receives vitamins and fiber, which ensures satiety and cleanses the intestines. Carbohydrates from vegetables are absorbed more slowly, and the body spends its reserves on digesting food. Accordingly, fat reserves disappear. Vegetables can be steamed or baked. You can also make vegetable smoothies.

Day 3. Chicken.

Protein lean chicken meat contains many amino acids and nutrients. Protein from chicken meat does not turn into fat, which means that the body again uses its own reserves to restore energy.

Day 4 Cereals.

It is very important on this day to eat cereals that have not been peeled. You can eat whole grain bread. Cereals for porridge do not need to be boiled; it is better to steam them. In this case, the product is easy to digest and will not lose its dietary value.

Day 5 Curd.

Choose low-fat and natural cottage cheese. It is cottage cheese that will replenish calcium reserves in the body. Moreover, the amino acids contained in it are capable of renewing cells.

Day 6 Fruit.

Complex carbohydrates and polysaccharides provide the body with the necessary energy. Plus, you'll get a good dose of vitamins and antioxidants.

What is the essence of the diet? How to conduct it correctly, how to plan your diet by day, what dishes and foods can you eat? Features of the “6 petals” diet, sample menu for every day, reviews, before and after results, and other details.

You may ask, “What kind of strange diet is this?” Other diets have purely “dietary” and “food” names, but this method of losing weight really looks like some kind of magical flower that grants wishes, like in a fairy tale. And you will be partly right, because this diet helps you lose more than one kilogram in just a week. Briefly about the diet:

  • Duration - 6 days;
  • How much will it cost? — about 1500 rubles;
  • How often can it be used? - approximately once a year;
  • Is it possible for everyone? — not for breastfeeding, pregnant women, or those with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Its other name is the flower diet, and this method was developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johanson, who believes that the body, without receiving the necessary substances for just a few days, can very quickly lose several kilos. It's simple: every day has its own mono-diet. Moreover, the sequence must be observed.

Thanks to research by nutritionists, it was possible to find out that if you eat according to this plan, fat goes away very quickly. The intake of ONLY protein and carbohydrates separately causes fats to quickly break down, since proteins and carbohydrates do not mix. Simply put, such “monotony” forces the body to use its own reserves. And since there are enough of the two necessary components, it easily breaks down fats. You've probably already read what such mono-weight loss options can lead to. Let us remind you: the body quickly gets used to monotony and adapts to the system. However, this is not the case with the “6 petals” diet and its detailed menu for every day. Reviews from thousands of happy women who have lost weight indicate that the body does not have time to get used to it and burns its reserves.

To put it simply, by the middle of the first day your fat layers will “lose” volume, since the body needs ALL useful substances every day. In the morning, for example, the body will be full of fish and will expect other food. The next meal of fish will practically cease to be absorbed, and the necessary substances will be taken from the most accessible place - subcutaneous fats.

In addition, it is especially important for weight loss to alternate between proteins and carbohydrates, as prescribed in the system. Proteins-carbohydrates-proteins-carbohydrates-proteins-carbohydrates, and fats - only “subcutaneous”). Do not change the order under any circumstances!

Every day is a mono-diet that stimulates the body to speed up metabolism. Separate nutrition is the basis of this method. The intestines work well and quickly get rid of toxins.

Every day you have your own food, so the diet is very easy. And it can’t just be just chicken or just broccoli. The chemical composition of the product should be the same throughout the entire 24-hour episode. You can bake, boil, stew this product, add salt and spices. The days should be like this:

  • 1st - fish, about 0.5 kg;
  • 2nd - vegetable, up to 1500g per day;
  • 3rd - chicken, about 0.5 kg;
  • 4th - cereal (0.2 kg of cereal, 0.1 kg of rye bread);
  • 5th - curd, about 0.5 kg;
  • 6th - fruit - up to 1.5 kg.

Who can follow the “6 petals” diet?

The approximate menu for every day of this method of losing weight is quite varied and does not have any special restrictions, and the results are truly impressive. If you are allergic to tomatoes, use another vegetable, that’s all! If you are desperate to find your diet, believe me, it is the “six petals” that you will stop at! Prepare your favorite dishes and enjoy the food, because it SHOULD BE TASTY, not just healthy. According to reviews of the “6 petals” diet, 0.5-1 kg per day, starting from the first day, and this is not the limit! In two weeks you can lose up to 10kg, and that’s quite a lot, isn’t it?

If you don't tolerate hunger well, this method is definitely for you! The body will not be able to “have time to get hungry”; you just need to be patient a little. And for motivation, make a large flower with six petals, and write the desired results on each.

Contraindications to the diet

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • problems with the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • renal and genital diseases;
  • viral infections;
  • diseases for which “their own diets” are prescribed.

What can you eat?

So, you already know what this weight loss method is - the “6 petals” diet. Details and foods that you can eat during these six days:

Fish for 1 day - trout, salmon, any type of white fish. Of course, it’s better to keep the fat content to 3.9%, but if it’s more, it’s okay, the main thing is not to fry it. Hake, tilapia, lemonema, flounder, pike perch, cod, whiting, as well as pink salmon, carp, mackerel, herring, eel, and all types of sturgeon are suitable. In general, fish is a storehouse of useful substances. It is well digestible, tasty, and also affects metabolism. Fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), vitamins D, A, and iodine. It is better to use sea fish, because... it has more benefits.

Vegetables of the 2nd day are preferably raw, and some boiled/baked/steamed. Sweet peppers, carrots, cucumbers, white and Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, beets, eggplant, zucchini, radishes, asparagus, onions, all types of greens, as well as sorrel, spinach, and celery are suitable. But it is better to use a minimum of potatoes in dishes. You can add lemon juice, mustard, and various spices to salads.

Chicken on day 3 - it is best to use chicken fillet or other chicken meat without fat. Some allow the use of lean veal, turkey fillet, and beef tenderloin. In principle, you can afford it for variety, the main thing is that you follow the protein regime.

Cereals. On day 4 of the diet you can eat buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, brown rice, rye or bran bread, grain bread, bran. Be careful - white rice is prohibited, corn grits are undesirable. In order to preserve the beneficial substances in buckwheat, brown rice or oatmeal, it is better not to cook them, but to fill them with warm water overnight. By morning, the cereal will have swollen enough and will be ready to eat.

Day 5 - cottage cheese. You are allowed to consume up to 300 ml of low-fat kefir. You can also add cheeses to the table (Gaude, Ricotta, Arla, Adygei, Feta varieties), feta cheese, and tofu. Don't forget about natural yoghurts and milk.

Day No. 6 is fruity, it will certainly be an “outlet” after a 5-day grueling diet). You can eat almost any fruit and berries. Fruits: pears, apples, plums, pineapple(!), kiwi, pomegranate, all citrus fruits (except bananas). Berries - Watermelon, cherries, currants, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, lingonberries, etc. Approximately half the diet should be berries, half fruits. It is good to eat an apple not raw, but baked, as it stimulates the appetite in its raw form.

Detailed menu of the 6 petals diet. Daily diet for losing weight

Let's take a closer look at what to eat, what to cook and when. Let's say you want to start losing weight in a traditional way from the beginning of the week. So, here is a version of the “6 petals” diet, a sample menu for every day, the reviews of which are the most positive:

Monday - Day No. 1 - fish day

Prepare yourself in advance the required amount of fresh fish for the fish day of the “6 petals” diet. If you have ice cream, leave it to defrost overnight. In the morning, prepare some and put the rest in the refrigerator. In general, it is better to cook food immediately before use. If you want to take something with you to work for lunch, take what you prepared in the morning. If your menu includes cutlets or meatballs, then the minced meat can be made in advance in the evening. In a simple way - spread 0.5 kg of fish over the day. So what could it be?

  • Breakfast. Red Chum salmon in a steamer (150g), seasoned with your favorite spices. You can add a few grains of salt. Water without gas;
  • Dinner. 2 steamed pollock or hake cutlets (200g). Green tea with ginger without sugar;
  • Dinner. 2 pieces of boiled salmon (150g). Add a little salt and spices to the cooking water. Green tea.

Interesting Facts. Fish is a special dietary product that should never be neglected. It is well absorbed, contains only useful substances, and, most importantly for us, “does not turn into fat.” Fish day in the Six Petals diet is considered to “put the body to sleep.” The latter does not even suspect that a week-long mono-diet shake-up awaits him. As a rule, at this stage the body is well saturated and “silent” in terms of hunger.

Tuesday - Day No. 2 - vegetable day of the 6 petals diet

On this day, proteins and carbohydrates are strictly prohibited (meaning sugar, flour, etc.). Only vegetables in any form! If you have a choice, turn it towards “healthy” foods - spinach, bell peppers, onions or green onions, carrots, beets. If you have a neutral attitude towards potatoes, exclude them altogether, because, as you know, they do not contribute much to weight loss due to the large amount of starch in the composition. You can eat up to 1500g of vegetables. If you have noticed before that a certain vegetable slows down your metabolism, give it up for the duration of the diet. So,

  • Breakfast. Salad of cucumber and tomato with parsley, seasoned with spices (250g). Without salt. Green tea;
  • Dinner. Spinach stewed in water with the addition of bell peppers, onions, eggplants and carrots (500g). And literally a couple of grains of salt. Use a non-stick frying pan, simmer WITHOUT oil;
  • Dinner. Broccoli soup, cabbage, bell pepper and carrot salad, seasoned with red pepper.

Interesting Facts. Vegetables are quite low in calories and not only do not add weight, but also force the body to use internal energy resources for digestion, i.e. your own fats. In addition, vegetables are a kind of “broom” that cleanses the intestines, and this is so necessary after a “protein” day. The body begins to adapt to your regime, so if you continued to eat only fiber, it would store fats with a vengeance. However, tomorrow we will not eat vegetables, but protein again. And while the body gets used to it, it will burn more than one hundred kilocalories of its own.

Wednesday - Day No. 3 - Chicken meat

Finally, the meat eaters will say). This day will definitely give you the strength to continue your diet further. It is best to use chicken fillet as a raw material, so to speak. But other parts of the chicken will be tasty, but we recommend removing the skin first. And under no circumstances should you use fried chicken in the 6 Petals Diet! Sample menu for each day of the protein day:

  • Breakfast. Boiled fillet in water with a few grains of salt and spices (150g). It is known that if you boil it and immediately take it out, the meat will be a little tough. Boil it, turn it off, and let it sit for half an hour. It becomes more tender! Add green tea without sugar to the chicken;
  • Dinner. Chicken breast baked in foil (200g). Pre-marinate it with garlic, spices, and a drop of soy sauce. Water with a drop of lemon;
  • Dinner. 2 chicken thighs without skin and fat, steamed (150g). You can also marinate them first. Green tea without sugar.

Interesting Facts. Chicken is a dietary product useful for such substances as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin D. At this stage, the body will lack carbohydrates, which it will use from its own reserves, i.e. fat Try to put as little salt as possible in your dishes; the ideal option is without it at all. The fact is that salt retains water in the body, and at this stage this is very undesirable. So, a few grains for taste, as well as good seasonings. Oil is strictly prohibited!

Thursday - Day No. 4 - Cereals

The cereal day of the “6 petals” diet is most effective, according to reviews on the Internet, on Bulgur cereal, but oatmeal, buckwheat and brown rice are also good. You can add sesame nuts (just a little!) and spices to your diet. In general, this day is one of the hardest. Hold on! Think about your diet for this day in advance. Remember, dry cereals and other ingredients should not exceed 200g per day!

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal or steamed bran. Green tea;
  • Dinner. Boiled brown rice. You can add a drop of soy sauce to make your diet more fun. Cereal bread. Water without gas;
  • Dinner. Steamed buckwheat seasoned with sesame seeds. Green tea without sugar.

Interesting Facts. If there is an alternative to rice, use it! The fact is that rice contains a lot of gluten, which, unfortunately, does not contribute to weight loss. Of course, brown rice does not compare with white rice in terms of the amount of gluten, but still... In addition, sugar and honey, and any sweeteners are prohibited.

Friday - Day No. 4 - Cottage cheese

This day should be easier than the previous one. The intake of protein into the body gives strength, so to speak. There is just a little left until the end of the “6 petals” diet. Curd day means cottage cheese and kefir (no more than 500g per day). So…

  • Breakfast. 150g half-fat cottage cheese. Green tea without sugar;
  • Dinner. Baked cheesecakes 200g. Water without gas;
  • Dinner. 150g low-fat kefir.

Saturday – Day No. 5 – Fruit

So, the milestone has arrived! You practically passed this test, you will agree that it was not so difficult, right? On this day you can eat up to 1.5 kg of absolutely ANY fruit. Your stomach will almost always be full, but fruits do not provide complete satiety, so look - you are not far from overeating). Joke). Over the previous five days, your stomach has “stretched” and you won’t be asking for much. So, we offer:

  • Breakfast. 200g strawberries. Green tea;
  • Dinner. 300-400g - apples (preferably baked), pears, cherries, strawberries, watermelon);
  • Dinner. Currants, blackberries, gooseberries.

Tip: Before each meal, drink a glass of water at room temperature. Never cold! In general, it is not recommended to eat cold food and water - they are not digested, and in their unprocessed form they “settle” in the intestines, provoking putrefactive processes in it. Warm water will wash the stomach and intestines before eating.

Cons of the diet

Yes, yes, they exist. Before you start, be sure to check out the disadvantages of the Six Petals Diet:

Doctors believe that the body should not lose weight quickly, since fat burning goes along with the loss of skin elasticity, a decrease in the thickness of the intestines, and muscle components. To avoid this, think in advance about how you will care for your skin, hair, and nails. And also be sure to do physical exercise.

The “6 petals” diet circles are perceived positively only in the first week. The second one will be more difficult, and for women over 40, for example, it will be more difficult to lose weight due to increased fatigue. To avoid this, take vitamins, of course, after consulting with your doctor.

Low-quality products can greatly spoil the reputation of the “6 petals” diet. The results you want depend directly on this. For example, sea sprat is significantly inferior to a piece of salmon, and store-bought cottage cheese is inferior to homemade cottage cheese.

The creator of the “6 petals” diet is Anna Johansson, a famous Swedish nutritionist. The essence of the diet is that each “petal” within the diet is one day of a mono-diet, and the entire course lasts 6 days.

What can you eat during the “6 petals” diet if it is a mono-diet? You eat only the food that is recommended for that day, for example, on a fish day - only fish, and on a vegetable day - vegetables.

The “6 petals” diet is effective due to the alternation of proteins and healthy carbohydrates - this is what Anna Johansson herself believes.


Do not use food additives

Food can be salted and seasoned with mild spices, but sugar must not be added.

Drink water

During the “6 petals” diet, you need to drink enough liquid. Your norm is about two liters of water per day. You can drink green tea and coffee, but without cream or milk.

“6 petals” diet: details about the menu for 6 days and after the diet

The “6 petals” diet menu is designed for a week, so it’s enough to change your diet for 6 days to quickly lose weight. However, for long-term results, you need to carefully enter your usual diet after the “6 petals” diet, like any other express diet, so that the lost fat does not immediately return.

“6 petals” diet: what does the diet menu look like for every day

  • The first “petal” is a fish day. As part of the “6 petals” diet, you can eat boiled or baked fish, but not more than 500 g per day. Distribute your portions to feel comfortable.
  • The second “petal” is vegetables. The “6 petals” diet also includes a vegetable day. We recommend buying white and cauliflower cabbage, green vegetables, zucchini and tomatoes. Do not exceed the 1500g limit.
  • The third “petal” is chicken day. During the day you can eat 500 g of fillet, cooked in any form.
  • The fourth “petal” of the “6 petals” diet is a cereal day. You can eat any porridge all day long within 200 g. Is it possible to choose several grains at once on the “6 petals” diet? Yes, but the total quantity cannot be exceeded. Choose rice, buckwheat or millet.
  • The fifth “petal” is curd day. You should eat 500 g of cottage cheese per day. Add normal-fat cottage cheese to your grocery cart.
  • The sixth “petal” is a fruit day. The amount of fruit you can eat is 1500 g. Choose unsweetened fruits without starch. Bananas and grapes - no.

Diet “6 petals”: ​​recipes for every day

Even a mono-diet can be varied with interesting and tasty dishes. We invite you to try everything - the recipes are suitable for the “6 petals” diet menu for every day.

“petal” 1 – fish day

Steamed fish.


  • fish fillet - 200 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • parsley - 2 bunches.


Cleaned fish fillets (for example, chum, hake or salmon) must be salted, then covered with herbs and cooked in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

“petal” 2 – vegetable day

Vegetable soup


  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • basil - 1 bunch.


Place 500 g of chopped tomatoes in a deep frying pan, add salt and garlic. After 10 minutes, cover the tomatoes with water and simmer until tender. Next, you need to beat the stewed tomatoes with basil in a blender. Serve with basil.

“petal” 3 – chicken day

Baked fillet


  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • greens - a bunch.


Rub the fillet with salt, sprinkle with herbs, wrap in foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes. Garnish the finished dish with herbs and serve hot.

“petal” 4 – cereal day

Baked buckwheat cutlets


  • buckwheat - 100 g.
  • greens - to taste.


Boil 100 g of buckwheat in salted water, which then needs to be chopped together with the herbs in a blender. From the resulting mass you need to make cutlets and bake them for 20 minutes in a preheated oven.

“petal” 5 – curd day

Curd mousse


  • low-fat cottage cheese -200 g;
  • milk - 100 g;
  • stevia - 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.


Mix all ingredients using a blender until smooth.

“petal” 6 – fruit day

Baked fruit salad


  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • dried apricots - 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon and vanilla.


Soak the dried apricots in water for 5-10 minutes. Peel the orange and cut the pulp into cubes. Cut the fruit into small pieces and season with a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla. Place the fruit on baking paper, brush all the fruit with orange juice and bake for 15 minutes.

Diet “6 petals”: ​​reviews, results and contraindications

Like any nutritional system, the “6 petals” diet has contraindications:

  • liver diseases (including chronic);
  • stomach disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The presented nutritional system is suitable for almost everyone, since the “6 petals” diet menu is quite varied, and the diet itself does not last more than a week. In any case, consult your doctor.

How many kilograms can you lose on the “6 petals” diet?

The course lasts literally 6 days, and during this time you can lose 3-5 kg. 0.5−0.8 kg of weight is lost in one day. The “6 petals” diet is suitable for those who want to quickly lose weight and at the same time not greatly limit themselves in food.

The main thing is to maintain weight after the “6 petals” diet. Limit your portions of unhealthy carbohydrates and alcohol for about a month. Avoid baked goods (except grain bread), sugar, chocolate, butter, sausage and smoked meats. Choose only fresh products. And don't forget to go to the gym or do exercises for at least 20 minutes a day.

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Basic principles of the diet

The author of the method is Anna Johansson, nutritionist, Sweden. She became fascinated by the concept of separate nutrition and created a program of six mono-diets, which alternate over six days in strict sequence.

Each mono-diet lasts only 1 day, when a person consumes a narrow set of products from the next group. Proteins alternate with carbohydrates, which gives additional acceleration to fat burning.

  1. Fish day = Fish + squid, shrimp, octopus, mussels;
  2. Vegetable day = Vegetables;
  3. Chicken day = Chicken meat;
  4. Cereal day = Cereal porridge;
  5. Curd day = Curd;
  6. Fruit day = Fruits.

The sequence of days is strict!

You cannot change their order or composition within a day.

An elegant idea from the author of the technique is designed to support the determination of a person losing weight. What needs to be done to perfectly justify the idea and name of the diet? Draw and cut out a flower with 6 petals. Label the days and pull off the petals as you go. This way we clearly see what we have already overcome and what path lies ahead.

Basic rules for eating

1) Diet: number of meals from 4, in small portions.

Breaks between meals of more than 4 hours are prohibited. Sample menu includes:

  • Breakfast - 2nd breakfast - Lunch - Afternoon snack - Dinner.

2) While eating, you need to chew your food thoroughly.

Thoroughly means up to 20 times each piece. This will enrich the bolus with enzymes and activate the entire digestive system.

3) Drinking regime: clean water or weak tea (green).

Do not drink while eating. In terms of quantity, focus on thirst. If there is no thirst, drink at least 1.2-1.5 liters per day.

4) The use of salt and natural spices is allowed on any day.

The amount of salt is up to 3-5 grams: this is 1/2 or 2/3 teaspoon. Fresh leafy greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, lettuce) are allowed as a small addition.

5) Number of products for each day.

For more information about portion sizes with examples, see one of the comments under the article.

Prohibited Products

The “6 Petals” diet imposes clear restrictions on our menu. Which foods are completely prohibited?

  • Any baked goods (with the exception of a few slices of whole grain bread on a cereal day).
  • All confectionery and prepared sweets, chocolate and any products containing sugar.
  • Oil of any origin.
  • Smoked and canned products, store-bought semi-finished products.
  • Coffee, sparkling water with or without sugar, compote, shelf-stable juice (on a fruit day, you can use some freshly squeezed juice).
  • Any products that are not included in the daily menu.

Sample menu for every day

The “6 Petals” diet is based on the proven logic of most successful programs: “Down with fast carbohydrates!” That's why her first day is a fish day. Fish and seafood provide easily digestible protein and a wealth of mineral salts and vitamins.

According to reviews from those who have lost weight, it is precisely this type of protein that begins weight loss and quickly reduces the feeling of hunger.

What do we do on day 1?

We eat high quality fish and seafood - boiled, baked, steamed. Fatty fish are also allowed.

For taste we use salt, herbs and natural spices. For example, a set of herbs for fish soup, but without third-party additives akin to monosodium glutamate (!)

Day #1. Fish day - menu option:

  • For breakfast - boiled fish fillet, add salt.
  • 2nd breakfast - pieces of fish with bones, baked in foil. Salt and herbs - to taste.
  • For lunch - fish soup with salt and herbs (= empty fish soup without vegetables!). Recipe tip: Add seafood as well as fish to the water. Shrimp meat 5 minutes before the end of cooking or pieces of boiled squid immediately after removing the pan from the heat.
  • Afternoon snack - steamed fish.
  • For dinner - boiled shrimp or squid.
  • In between meals - weak green tea without sugar.

What do we do on day 2?

Again, only one type of product and several cooking methods: raw, steamed, boiled, baked.

Note! We do not add oil to vegetables!

Day No. 2. Vegetable day - sample menu:

  • For breakfast - boiled potatoes and raw cabbage salad.
  • 2nd breakfast - steamed cauliflower and/or broccoli, add salt, do not process for longer than 7 minutes.
  • For lunch - stewed-boiled vegetable stew, add salt and herbs. It’s best to cook the mixture until it’s “al dente”: no longer raw, but still elastic. With such vegetables it is easier to fulfill the diet requirement of thoroughly chewing food.
  • Afternoon snack - pumpkin baked in foil or boiled celery root puree and chopped fresh vegetables (carrots, cucumber, bell pepper).
  • For dinner - a mix of vegetables led by cabbage and carrots, baked in foil or steamed. Or a raw salad with a few cabbages, carrots and celery.
  • In between meals - weak green tea without sugar, water with the addition of freshly squeezed vegetable juice.

What do we do on day 3?

This is usually the turning point day of the 6 Petals Diet, when apathy may set in. Easily digestible protein comes to the rescue again - from chicken meat.

Our task is to follow the feeling of hunger and satiety. This means, without counting calories, we chew slowly (up to 20 times each piece!) and stop eating as soon as we are full.

Day #3. Chicken day - sample menu:

  • For breakfast - boiled chicken fillet.
  • 2nd breakfast - chicken leg baked in foil without skin, salt + natural herbal spices.
  • For lunch - a second chicken broth, with pieces of chicken meat and herbs.
  • Afternoon snack - steamed skinless chicken thighs.
  • For dinner - boiled chicken breast, you can add salt to the water.

What do we do on day 4?

All types of cereals for preparing porridge with water are allowed products for the middle of a weight loss program. As in previous days, you can add salt, herbs and spices without artificial ingredients.

Day No. 4. Cereal day - menu option:

  • For breakfast - green buckwheat, steamed the night before. Pour boiling water over 1 part of the cereal (2 parts water), cover with a lid and a towel. You can add salt before eating.
  • 2nd breakfast - boiled rice.
  • For lunch - millet porridge.
  • Afternoon snack - bulgur with chopped herbs.
  • For dinner - buckwheat porridge with water.
  • In between meals - unsweetened green tea.

What do we do on day 5?

Strictly on cottage cheese = only cottage cheese and 1 glass of low-fat milk (up to 3%).

Day #5. Curd day - sample menu:

  • For breakfast - cottage cheese without additives.
  • 2nd breakfast - salted cottage cheese.
  • For lunch - cottage cheese and half a glass of milk.
  • Afternoon snack - cottage cheese without additives.
  • For dinner - cottage cheese and half a glass of milk.
  • In between meals - unsweetened tea.

What do we do on day 6?

We eat only fruits, preferably raw.

Day #6. Fruit day - menu option:

  • For breakfast - a big banana.
  • 2nd breakfast - orange and apple.
  • For lunch - a banana and 2 kiwis.
  • Afternoon snack - any seasonal fruit (apricots, plums, nectarines).
  • For dinner - grapefruit.
  • In between meals - unsweetened tea, 1 glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice, water with the addition of freshly squeezed juice.

What do we do after the diet?

  • In the first three days after the diet, we exclude alcohol and any soda, as well as fried, smoked, too fatty foods and complex multi-ingredient dishes.
  • Let's not rush into food! We don’t strive for variety and don’t eat a lot. It is beneficial to calculate your daily caloric intake based on your weight and level of physical activity so that you can stick to a simple, minimally processed diet.

How many laps can you do?

Salads, stews, baked fish, shrimp, squid, any meat, fruits and the absence of flavor enhancers - this is how we spend a week free from a diet. And we repeat the “6 petals” dietary cycle to consolidate the results.

Pros and cons of the 6 Petals Diet

The petal diet has three main advantages on the path to slimness:

  1. High efficiency. The duration of weight loss is only 6 days, but according to numerous reviews, they can lead to significant weight loss: up to 4-5 kilograms.
  2. Relatively easy to tolerate. This distinguishes the 6-day alternation of mono-diets from the usual single-food diet for a week. Psychologically and physically, surviving even 3 days on one buckwheat or a week on a diet on cereals can be much harder than changing the same types of products from day to day.
  3. There is no pronounced feeling of hunger between meals. This advantage describes most reviews of the diet. This positive aspect makes it easier to follow the program and not lose your sense of purpose.

The program is not without its shortcomings. And this is not surprising if you remember that “6 petals” is still an extreme form of weight loss without a profound restructuring of your lifestyle. All this systematic work will have to be done after weight loss efforts if we want to consolidate the slim results.

So, what are the weaknesses of the petal diet?

  1. Frequent split meals of a narrow list of foods throughout the day. This is difficult to organize for working people. The ideal diet follower is a person with a free schedule.
  2. Significant stress load on all organs and systems, which is typical for all mono-diets. Human nature provides for a varied diet. A mono-diet is always skewed into an excess of some substances and a lack of others. Lack of balance in vital nutrients is stress for the body.
  3. Inability to follow your preferences on certain days of the diet. Don't like cottage cheese to the point of nausea? But you have to eat, and only that! This turn increases discomfort tenfold in the process of losing weight.
  4. Unproven benefits of separate nutrition. Here, as with any placebo effect: do you believe that separate nutrition has global advantages for weight loss? A placebo works for you. If you don’t believe me, you join the legion of those who participated in studies and did not demonstrate any benefits from separating foods during weight loss.
  5. And the last one is the most significant! - minus: the petal diet does not change our attitude towards food, does not treat the main cause of excess weight.

Excess calories received, cravings for sweets and fatty foods and physical inactivity are at the forefront of disharmony in the figure and health problems from excessive obesity.

Six days of the described weight loss program give results on the scale and in volume, but do not change psychology and do not develop new healthy habits. And this is a risk of returning to poor nutrition and gaining kilograms.

Be careful!

Overstrain of the body, but a short-term result with a relapse is not a rare scenario after any mono-diet.

“6 Petals” also has strict contraindications!

  • Pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Chronic kidney disease.

By the way, about the principle of strict separation of products, which is the basis of the diet. An interesting randomized clinical trial on separate meals for weight loss was conducted over 6 weeks, in an inpatient setting, at the University Hospital Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. His results were published in the International Journal of Obesity, No. 24, April 2000.

We compared two groups of people losing weight with menus of equal calorie content. One group is mixed healthy nutrition. The second is separate meals. Results in weight loss, volume loss, and routine blood tests were virtually identical. Another doubt about the “magical benefits” of separating foods for weight loss.

Today we talked about the “6 Petals” diet, describing a sample menu for every day, reviews from nutritionists and possible results. We hope this helps you make informed decisions on your path to a healthy, slim body!

P.S. The results of 2 rounds of the diet for the girl in the photo are left to be pumped up in the gym.

Thank you for the article (269)

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Valeria Ivanova

Hello, dear readers! I am a general practitioner with over 40 years of experience. I love life, my work and family. I have two children and three grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I am happy to support our family blog. I often answer questions in which you share the characteristics of your health. I help authors carefully study substances, weight loss diets and nutritional therapy. I share my favorite family recipes that have been passed down through generations. I don’t deny traditional cuisine, but moderation is needed in everything. I wish everyone health and joyful interest in every day!

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