
Filling the space with polyhedrons. How do I make the div fill the remaining horizontal space? A few words about stakeholders

Breast cancer

25 replies

It seems that you are doing what you are going to do.

#left (float: left; width: 180px; background-color: # ff0000;) #right (width: 100%; background-color: # 00FF00;)


The problem I found with Boucher's answer is that if the right column is longer than the left, it will simply wrap around the left and resume filling all the space. This is not the behavior I was looking for. After searching for many "solutions", I found this great tutorial on how to create three columns.

The author suggests three different ways: one with fixed width, one with three variable columns, and one with fixed outer columns and medium width. Much more elegant and efficient than other examples I've found. The understanding of CSS layout has improved significantly.

Basically, in the simple example above, put the first column to the left and give it a fixed width. Then give the column to the right a left edge that is slightly wider than the first column. This. Ready. Ala Boushley Code:

#left (float: left; width: 180px;) #right (margin-left: 180px;) / * just to highlight divs for example * / #left (background-color: pink;) #right (background-color: lightgreen ;)


With Boucher's example, there is another column in the left column on the right. As soon as the left column ends, the right side fills the entire space again. Here, the right column is simply aligned further down the page, and the left column takes up a lot of fat. No thread interactions are required.

The solution comes from the display property.

Basically, you need to make both divs look like table cells. So instead of using float: left, you will need to use display: table-cell for both divs, and for the dynamic width of the div, you will need to set width: auto as well; ... Both divs must be placed in a 100% wide container with display: table property.

Container (display: table; width: 100%) #search (width: 160px; height: 25px; display: table-cell; background-color: #FFF;) #navigation (width: auto; display: table-cell; / * background-color: url ("../ images / transparent.png"); * / background-color: # A53030;) * html #navigation (float: left;)

IMPORTANT: For Internet Explorer, you need to specify the float property on the dynamic width of the div, otherwise the space will not be filled.

I hope this solves your problem. If you want, you can read the full article I wrote about this on my blog.

Left (float: left; width: 100px;) .right (overflow: auto;)

In this case, overflow: auto triggers the contextual behavior and makes the correct element expand only to the available remaining width, and it naturally expands to full width if .left disappears. A very useful and clean trick for many UI layouts, but it might be hard to see why this works. First

If you don't need compatibility with older versions of certain browsers (e.g. IE 10 8 or less), you can use the CSS calc () function:

#left (float: left; width: 180px; background-color: # ff0000;) #right (float: left; width: calc (100% - 180px); background-color: # 00FF00;)

@ Boushley's answer was the closest, however there is one problem not covered that was pointed out. The right div spans the entire width of the browser; the content takes on the expected width. To see this problem better:

The content is in the correct place (in Firefox), however the width is incorrect. When children start to inherit width (e.g. table width: 100%), they get width equal to browser width, causing them to overflow to the right of the page and create a horizontal scrollbar (in Firefox) or not float and shrink (in chrome state).

You can easily eliminate it by adding overflow: hidden to the right column. This gives you the correct width for both the content and the div. In addition, the table will get the correct width and fill in the remaining width.

I tried some of the other solutions above, they didn't work completely with some edge cases and were too convoluted to warrant fixing them. It works and it is simple.

If there are any problems or concerns, feel free to raise them.

Below is a small fix for the accepted solution that prevents the right column from falling into the left column. Replaced width: 100%; with overflow: hidden; difficult decision if someone didn't know it.

This is My Page Title


Also check an example for three column layouts:

Boushley's answer seems to be the best way to go to arrange this with floats. However, this is not without its problems. Nested floats inside an extended element will not be available to you; it will break the page.

The method shown basically "spoofs" it when it comes to an expandable element - it doesn't actually float, it just plays with fixed-width floats using its margins.

Then the problem is: the expanding element does not float. If you try and have any nested floats inside an expanding element, those "nested" floats are not nested at all; when you try to insert clear: both; underneath your "nested" floats, you'll also clear the top-level floats.

Then, to use Boushley's solution, I would like to add that you have to place the div like this: .fakeFloat (height: 100%; width: 100%; float to the left;) and place that right in the expanded div; all the expanded content of the div must then go inside this fakeFloat element.

For this reason, I recommend using tables in this particular case. Floating elements are really not meant to do the extension you would like, whereas a table-based solution is trivial. The argument is usually made that float is more suitable for layouts rather than tables .. but you still don't use floats here, you're pretending to be, and that kind defeats the purpose of the stylistic argument for this particular case, in my humble opinion.

If you're trying to fill the remaining space in flexbox between two items, add the following class to an empty div between the 2 you want to split:

Fill (// This fills the remaining space, by using flexbox. Flex: 1 1 auto;)

Solution for fixed center divs and liquid columns.

Center (background: #ddd; width: 500px; float: left;) .left (background: # 999; width: calc (50% - 250px); float: left;) .right (background: # 999; width: calc (50% - 250px); float: right;)

If you want a fixed left column, just change the formula accordingly.

I tried the above solutions for fluid left and fixed right but didn't work (I know the question is reversed, but I think this is relevant). Here's what worked:

Wrapper (margin-right: 150px;) .wrapper .left (float: left; width: 100%; margin-right: -150px;) .right (float: right; width: 150px;)

Use display: flex

fixed width

You can use the Grid CSS properties, which is the clearest, clearest and most intuitive way to structure your blocks.

#container (display: grid; grid-template-columns: 100px auto; color: white;) #fixed (background: red; grid-column: 1;) #remaining (background: green; grid-column: 2;)


Interestingly, nobody used position: absolute with position: relative

So another solution would be:

Header (position: relative;) #left (width: 160px; height: 25px;) #right (position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 160px; right: 0px; height: 25px;)

Container (width: 100%; display: table; vertical-align: middle;) .left (width: 100%; display: table-cell; text-align: center;) .right (width: 40px; height: 40px; display: table-cell; float: right;)


Try it. This worked for me.

I had a similar problem and came up with the following which worked well

Top (width: auto; height: 100px; background-color: black; border: solid 2px purple; overflow: hidden;) .left (float: left; width: 100px; background-color: # ff0000; padding: 10px; border : solid 2px black;) .right (width: auto; background-color: # 00FF00; padding: 10px; border: solid 2px orange; overflow: hidden;) .content (margin: auto; width: 300px; min-height: 300px; padding: 10px; border: dotted 2px gray;)


This method will not complete when the window is shrunk, but will automatically expand the content area. It will keep the static width for the site menu (left).

And to automatically expand the content window and left vertical window (site menu):

#search (position: absolute; width: 100px;) .right-wrapper (display: table; width: 100%; padding-left: 100px;) .right-wrapper #navigation (display: table-cell; background-color: # A53030;)

Try adding the relative position, remove the width and float properties of the right side, then add the left and right property with a value of 0.

Alternatively, you can add a margin left rule with a value based on the width of the left element (+ some pixels if you need space between them) to keep your position.

This example works for me:

#search (width: 160px; height: 25px; float: left; background-color: #FFF;) #navigation (display: block; position: relative; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 0 0 0 166px; background -color: # A53030;)

Tried all of these answers and none of them worked (Mihai almost did, so +1 is there, but I needed a big inner element so it broke).

Best solution (as of the date of this answer): Use jQuery to set the width of the div at runtime, using a preset constant for the size of the fixed width div. You will save yourself a lot of headaches.

I have a very simple solution for this! // HTML


#left (float: left; width: 50%; position: relative; background-color: red;) #right (position: relative; background-color: # 00FF00;)

I've been working on this issue for two days and have a solution that might work for you and for anyone trying to make a responsive fixed width left and have the right side fill the rest of the screen without wrapping around the left side. The intent I'm guessing is to make the page responsive in both browsers and mobile devices.

Here is the code

// Fix the width of the right side to cover the screen when resized $ thePageRefreshed = true; // The delay time below is needed to insure that the resize happens after the window resize event fires // In addition the show () helps. Without this delay the right div may go off screen when browser is refreshed setTimeout (function () (fixRightSideWidth (); $ (". Right_content_container"). Show (600);), 50); // Capture the window resize event (only fires when you resize the browser). $ (window) .resize (function () (fixRightSideWidth ();)); function fixRightSideWidth () ($ blockWrap = 300; // Point at which you allow the right div to drop below the top div $ normalRightResize = $ (window) .width () - $ (". left_navigator_items"). width () - 20; // The -20 forces the right block to fall below the left if (($ normalRightResize> = $ blockWrap) || $ thePageRefreshed == true) ($ (". Right_content_container"). Width ($ normalRightResize); $ (".right_content_container"). css ("padding-left", "0px"); / * Begin test lines these can be deleted * / $ rightrightPosition = $ (". right_content_container"). css ("right"); $ rightleftPosition = $ (". right_content_container"). css ("left"); $ rightwidthPosition = $ (". right_content_container"). css ("width"); $ (". top_title"). html ("window width:" + $ (window) .width () + "" + "width:" + $ rightwidthPosition + "" + "right:" + $ rightrightPosition); / * End test lines these can be deleted * /) else (if ($ ( ".right_content_container"). width ()> 300) ($ (". right_content_container"). width (300);) / * Begin test lines these can be del eted * / $ rightrightPosition = $ (". right_content_container"). css ("right"); $ rightleftPosition = $ (". right_content_container"). css ("left"); $ rightwidthPosition = $ (". right_content_container"). css ("width"); $ (". top_title"). html ("window width:" + $ (window) .width () + "" + "width:" + $ rightwidthPosition + "" + "right:" + $ rightrightPosition); / * End test lines these can be deleted * /) if ($ thePageRefreshed == true) ($ thePageRefreshed = false;)) / * NOTE: The html and body settings are needed for full functionality and they are ignored by jsfiddle so create this exapmle on your web site * / html (min-width: 310px; background: # 333; min-height: 100vh;) body (background: # 333; background-color: # 333; color: white; min-height: 100vh;) .top_title (background-color: blue; text-align: center;) .bottom_content (border: 0px; height: 100%;) .left_right_container * (position: relative; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: # 333! Important; background-color: # 333! Important; display: inline-block; text-shadow: none; text-transform: none; letter-spacing: normal; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; border-radius: 0; box-sizing: content-box; transition : none;) .left_navigator_item (d isplay: inline-block; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 0px! important; width: 100%; min-height: 20px! important; text-align: center! important; margin: 0px; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; vertical-align: top; ) .left_navigator_items (float: left; width: 150px;) .right_content_container (float: right; overflow: visible! important; width: 95%; / * width don "t matter jqoery overwrites on refresh * / display: none; right: 0px;) .span_text (background: #eee! Important; background-color: #eee! Important; color: black! Important; padding: 5px; margin: 0px;)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ullamcorper maximus tellus a commodo. Fusce posuere at nisi in venenatis. Sed posuere dui sapien, sit amet facilisis purus maximus sit amet. Proin luctus lectus nec rutrum accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut fermentum lectus consectetur sapien tempus molestie. Donec bibendum pulvinar purus, ac aliquet est commodo sit amet. Duis vel euismod mauris, eu congue ex. In vel arcu vel sem lobortis posuere. Cras in nisi nec urna blandit porta at et nunc. Morbi laoreet consectetur odio ultricies ullamcorper. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Quisque cursus lobortis molestie. Aliquam ut scelerisque leo. Integer sed sodales lectus, eget varius odio. Nullam nec dapibus lorem. Aenean a mattis velit, ut porta nunc. Phasellus aliquam volutpat molestie. Aliquam tristique purus neque, vitae interdum ante aliquam ut. Pellentesque quis finibus velit. Fusce ac pulvinar est, in placerat sem. Suspendisse nec nunc id nunc vestibulum hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris id lectus dapibus, tempor nunc non, bibendum nisl. Proin euismod, erat nec aliquet mollis, erat metus convallis nulla, eu tincidunt eros erat a lectus. Vivamus sed mattis neque. In vitae pellentesque mauris. Ut aliquet auctor vulputate. Duis eleifend tincidunt gravida. Sed tincidunt blandit tempor. Duis pharetra, elit id aliquam placerat, nunc arcu interdum neque, ac luctus odio felis vitae magna. Curabitur commodo finibus suscipit. Maecenas ut risus eget nisl vehicula feugiat. Sed sed bibendum justo. Curabitur in laoreet dolor. Suspendisse eget ligula ac neque ullamcorper blandit. Phasellus sit amet ultricies tellus. In fringilla, augue sed fringilla accumsan, orci eros laoreet urna, vel aliquam ex nulla in eros. Quisque aliquet nisl et scelerisque vehicula. Curabitur facilisis, nisi non maximus facilisis, augue erat gravida nunc, in tempus massa diam id dolor. Suspendisse dapibus leo vel pretium ultrices. Sed finibus dolor est, sit amet pharetra quam dapibus fermentum. Ut nec risus pharetra, convallis nisl nec, tempor nisl. Vivamus sit amet quam quis dolor dapibus maximus. Suspendisse accumsan sagittis ligula, ut ultricies nisi feugiat pretium. Cras aliquam velit eu venenatis accumsan. Integer imperdiet, eros sit amet dignissim volutpat, tortor enim varius turpis, vel viverra ante mauris at felis. Mauris sed accumsan sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut vel magna commodo, facilisis turpis eu, semper mi. Nulla massa risus, bibendum a magna molestie, gravida maximus nunc.

Here is my violin that might work for you as it did for me.

When decorating the interior, windows are often left unattended, at most, the curtains are changed on them or the windows themselves are replaced.

But the space around them can also be used as practical as possible. There really is where to roam, the range of ideas is so great that we could not dwell on one thing and decided to offer 25 wonderful ideas at once for transforming your interior.

Ideas for the nursery

“The space near the window in the children's room.

Space near the window in the children's room.

There are not many storage systems in the nursery, toys fill the entire space and their number only increases. If you do not know where to put them already, then this item is for you. Make open or closed cabinets around the window, let it have a soft corner for the baby, and hidden storage systems under the windowsill. Such a complex looks stylish and the child will definitely like it.

Neat storage in the children's room Keeping the home library

Home library.

Paper books take up a lot of space in any interior and, as a rule, their number does not decrease, but only increases. And book lovers begin to puzzle over where to put their favorite literature, where to find a place for a home library. This is where the window space comes in handy. You can use the upper part under the ceiling or organize the storage of books under the windowsill, and if there are two windows in the room, then take all the distance between them and make a makeshift bookcase out of it. Another idea is to make open shelves on either side of the window and stack books on them.

Neat book storage.

Storage of books under the windowsill.

Stylish storage of books in the apartment.

Storage of books between two windows.

Stylish home library storage.

Reading corner

Cozy reading area.

Since we are talking about books, we cannot ignore the design of the reading corner. The window is ideal for these purposes. Use soft floor cushions for this, they will serve as a seat, and their decorative counterparts will go under the back. Create your own cozy corner where it will be pleasant to spend time on a weekend. In case you are reading and it gets dark outside, make sure that there is an additional source of artificial lighting nearby.

Reading area by the window.

Place to rest

A stylish place to relax.

When a beautiful view opens up from the window, it is simply a sin not to make a place for rest and contemplation on the windowsill. Let a calm color scheme prevail here, be sure to equip the seat with a soft one, do not forget to decorate the place with several decorative pillows, put a blanket nearby. Such an interior composition will delight the eye and fill the room with a special atmosphere. In addition, after a busy day at work, you can always relax and get aesthetic pleasure.

A place to rest.

The most comfortable place in the house.

A beautiful corner for relaxation.

Neat and stylish.

Home Office

Home office by the window.

A good solution is to organize a working area by the window. Use the window sill as a tabletop or put a side table on it, make convenient shelves for storing papers and office supplies. Remember to choose a chair of a comfortable height and do not hang curtains over the window, they will obstruct the penetration of natural light into the room.

Dining area

Dining area by the window.

When it comes to finding a place for a dining area, turn your gaze to the window and the space around it, especially if there is a free corner next to it. A corner corner or a few comfortable chairs / armchairs will perfectly fit here. Choose laconic and extremely simple furniture in light shades for this area. This will make the dining room appear more cozy.

Corner dining room by the window.

Cozy mini dining room.

Window in the kitchen

Practical use of the window in the kitchen.

The window in the kitchen is a godsend for the hostess, not only can the window sill be used as a working area, but also use the space by the window. Organize open shelves and place dishes, pots, cereals and spices in jars there.

In bathroom

Storage on the bathroom window.

If the bathroom has a window, this is a great success. Make the most of it, for example, store clean bath towels here. And if you make several shelves, then you can easily place personal hygiene products or toilet paper here.

In the dressing room

Using the space near the window in the dressing room.

The window in the dressing room can also be used with benefit. Place comfortable open niches on both sides, put your favorite bags or shoes there, which should always be within minutes. Do not forget to periodically wipe them from dust so that they do not lose their presentable appearance.

Storage systems in the bedroom

Storage systems in the bedroom.

Open storage systems are also useful in the bedroom. It is convenient to store home clothes, bed linen, towels, personal hygiene items, books here. For neat storage, use auxiliary accessories - boxes, plastic boxes, wicker baskets.
For aesthetic pleasure
The space near the window can be used not only for practical purposes, but also make a kind of stand out of it for the exposition of beautiful decor. It can be souvenirs brought from travels, a collection of porcelain figurines, porcelain, vases and anything that pleases the eye. The main thing is not to overload the shelves, leave some free space for the effect of an airy interior.

Decoration stands.

When decorating the interior, windows are often left unattended, at most, the curtains are changed on them or the windows themselves are replaced. But the space around them can also be used as practical as possible. There really is where to roam, the range of ideas is so great that we could not dwell on one thing and decided to offer 25 wonderful ideas at once for transforming your interior.

Ideas for the nursery

“The space near the window in the children's room.

Space near the window in the children's room.

There are not many storage systems in the nursery, toys fill the entire space and their number only increases. If you do not know where to put them already, then this item is for you. Make open or closed cabinets around the window, let it have a soft corner for the baby, and hidden storage systems under the windowsill. Such a complex looks stylish and the child will definitely like it.

Neat storage in the children's room Keeping the home library

Home library.

Paper books take up a lot of space in any interior and, as a rule, their number does not decrease, but only increases. And book lovers begin to puzzle over where to put their favorite literature, where to find a place for a home library. This is where the window space comes in handy. You can use the upper part under the ceiling or organize the storage of books under the windowsill, and if there are two windows in the room, then take all the distance between them and make a makeshift bookcase out of it. Another idea is to make open shelves on either side of the window and stack books on them.

Neat book storage.

Storage of books under the windowsill.

Stylish storage of books in the apartment.

Storage of books between two windows.

Stylish home library storage.

Reading corner

Cozy reading area.

Since we are talking about books, we cannot ignore the design of the reading corner. The window is ideal for these purposes. Use soft floor cushions for this, they will serve as a seat, and their decorative counterparts will go under the back. Create your own cozy corner where it will be pleasant to spend time on a weekend. In case you are reading and it gets dark outside, make sure that there is an additional source of artificial lighting nearby.

Reading area by the window.

Place to rest

A stylish place to relax.

When a beautiful view opens up from the window, it is simply a sin not to make a place for rest and contemplation on the windowsill. Let a calm color scheme prevail here, be sure to equip the seat with a soft one, do not forget to decorate the place with several decorative pillows, put a blanket nearby. Such an interior composition will delight the eye and fill the room with a special atmosphere. In addition, after a busy day at work, you can always relax and get aesthetic pleasure.

A place to rest.

The most comfortable place in the house.

A beautiful corner for relaxation.

Neat and stylish.

Home Office

Home office by the window.

A good solution is to organize a working area by the window. Use the window sill as a tabletop or put a side table on it, make convenient shelves for storing papers and office supplies. Remember to choose a chair of a comfortable height and do not hang curtains over the window, they will obstruct the penetration of natural light into the room.

Dining area

Dining area by the window.

When it comes to finding a place for a dining area, turn your gaze to the window and the space around it, especially if there is a free corner next to it. A corner corner or a few comfortable chairs / armchairs will perfectly fit here. Choose laconic and extremely simple furniture in light shades for this area. This will make the dining room appear more cozy.

Corner dining room by the window.

Cozy mini dining room.

Window in the kitchen

Practical use of the window in the kitchen.

The window in the kitchen is a godsend for the hostess, not only can the window sill be used as a working area, but also use the space by the window. Organize open shelves and place dishes, pots, cereals and spices in jars there.

In bathroom

Storage on the bathroom window.

If the bathroom has a window, this is a great success. Make the most of it, for example, store clean bath towels here. And if you make several shelves, then you can easily place personal hygiene products or toilet paper here.

In the dressing room

Using the space near the window in the dressing room.

The window in the dressing room can also be used with benefit. Place comfortable open niches on both sides, put your favorite bags or shoes there, which should always be within minutes. Do not forget to periodically wipe them from dust so that they do not lose their presentable appearance.

Storage systems in the bedroom

Storage systems in the bedroom.

Open storage systems are also useful in the bedroom. It is convenient to store home clothes, bed linen, towels, personal hygiene items, books here. For neat storage, use auxiliary accessories - boxes, plastic boxes, wicker baskets.
For aesthetic pleasure
The space near the window can be used not only for practical purposes, but also make a kind of stand out of it for the exposition of beautiful decor. It can be souvenirs brought from travels, a collection of porcelain figurines, porcelain, vases and anything that pleases the eye. The main thing is not to overload the shelves, leave some free space for the effect of an airy interior.

When decorating the interior, windows are often left unattended, at most, the curtains are changed on them or the windows themselves are replaced.

But the space around them can also be used as practical as possible.

There really is where to roam, the range of ideas is so great that we could not dwell on one thing and decided to offer 25 wonderful ideas at once for transforming your interior.

Ideas for the nursery

“The space near the window in the children's room.

Space near the window in the children's room.

There are not many storage systems in the nursery, toys fill the entire space and their number only increases. If you do not know where to put them already, then this item is for you. Make open or closed cabinets around the window, let it have a soft corner for the baby, and hidden storage systems under the windowsill. Such a complex looks stylish and the child will definitely like it.

Neat storage in the children's room Keeping the home library

Home library.

Paper books take up a lot of space in any interior and, as a rule, their number does not decrease, but only increases. And book lovers begin to puzzle over where to put their favorite literature, where to find a place for a home library. This is where the window space comes in handy. You can use the upper part under the ceiling or organize the storage of books under the windowsill, and if there are two windows in the room, then take all the distance between them and make a makeshift bookcase out of it. Another idea is to make open shelves on either side of the window and stack books on them.

Neat book storage.

Storage of books under the windowsill.

Stylish storage of books in the apartment.

Storage of books between two windows.

Stylish home library storage.

Reading corner

Cozy reading area.

Since we are talking about books, we cannot ignore the design of the reading corner. The window is ideal for these purposes. Use soft floor cushions for this, they will serve as a seat, and their decorative counterparts will go under the back. Create your own cozy corner where it will be pleasant to spend time on a weekend. In case you are reading and it gets dark outside, make sure that there is an additional source of artificial lighting nearby.

Reading area by the window.

Place to rest

A stylish place to relax.

When a beautiful view opens up from the window, it is simply a sin not to make a place for rest and contemplation on the windowsill. Let a calm color scheme prevail here, be sure to equip the seat with a soft one, do not forget to decorate the place with several decorative pillows, put a blanket nearby. Such an interior composition will delight the eye and fill the room with a special atmosphere. In addition, after a busy day at work, you can always relax and get aesthetic pleasure.

A place to rest.

The most comfortable place in the house.

A beautiful corner for relaxation.

Neat and stylish.

Home Office

Home office by the window.

A good solution is to organize a working area by the window. Use the window sill as a tabletop or put a side table on it, make convenient shelves for storing papers and office supplies. Remember to choose a chair of a comfortable height and do not hang curtains over the window, they will obstruct the penetration of natural light into the room.

Dining area

Dining area by the window.

When it comes to finding a place for a dining area, turn your gaze to the window and the space around it, especially if there is a free corner next to it. A corner corner or a few comfortable chairs / armchairs will perfectly fit here. Choose laconic and extremely simple furniture in light shades for this area. This will make the dining room appear more cozy.

Corner dining room by the window.

Cozy mini dining room.

Window in the kitchen

Practical use of the window in the kitchen.

The window in the kitchen is a godsend for the hostess, not only can the window sill be used as a working area, but also use the space by the window. Organize open shelves and place dishes, pots, cereals and spices in jars there.

In bathroom

Storage on the bathroom window.

If the bathroom has a window, this is a great success. Make the most of it, for example, store clean bath towels here. And if you make several shelves, then you can easily place personal hygiene products or toilet paper here.

In the dressing room

Using the space near the window in the dressing room.

The window in the dressing room can also be used with benefit. Place comfortable open niches on both sides, put your favorite bags or shoes there, which should always be within minutes. Do not forget to periodically wipe them from dust so that they do not lose their presentable appearance.

Storage systems in the bedroom

Storage systems in the bedroom.

Open storage systems are also useful in the bedroom. It is convenient to store home clothes, bed linen, towels, personal hygiene items, books here. For neat storage, use auxiliary accessories - boxes, plastic boxes, wicker baskets.
For aesthetic pleasure
The space near the window can be used not only for practical purposes, but also make a kind of stand out of it for the exposition of beautiful decor. It can be souvenirs brought from travels, a collection of porcelain figurines, porcelain, vases and anything that pleases the eye. The main thing is not to overload the shelves, leave some free space for the effect of an airy interior.

Decoration stands.