
Jewelry rings shape. Types of men's rings: seals, signet rings and signet rings. Ring for those who have musical fingers What is the name of the ring for the whole finger, and what to wear it with


But sometimes we remain at a loss why we didn’t have a chance to hear a compliment about “this new one with a diamond scattering” or when we are told in a confidential whisper in our ear that “that one of yours, worn at Masha’s wedding, was perhaps too much” ... It is with the help of rings that you can either emphasize the beauty of the hands, or completely discourage the desire for a handshake. We propose to start reading our advice, repeating like a mantra the famous phrase of Madame Chanel "hands are a girl's calling card", and at the same time take an attentive look at yours.

The fingers are thin and long

This would be the envy of any pianist: an elegant brush is a matter of special pride for its owner.

We give the go-ahead: you can be congratulated. As they say, you can afford the first and second, and dessert. Choose any, even the most extravagant, options: rings with large stones, abundant decor and intricate designs.

Forget it like a dream: there will still be one "but" from us. You should not give preference to rings with a very elongated shape, albeit with a minimalist design. If you want to try on the “iron fingers” that have remained in trends for several years in a row - rings-cases that cover the finger from the base to the upper phalanx, let them be emphasized brutal and in no way pointed. If your fingers are too thin, look into a jewelry store for rings with horizontal decorative elements, preferably wide ones.

Fingers plump

Such pens were previously considered a sign of an aristocrat, but do not rush to choose attributes corresponding to this status.

We give the go-ahead: your “friend” is asymmetry, and in any form, but not massive ornaments that make the hand heavier. Choose rings with elements of triangular, diamond-shaped and other unusual shapes. Of course, we will not undertake to completely prohibit you from wearing precious stones - your favorites among them are those that are distinguished by an oval (pear-shaped) and rectangular shape - it is easiest for her to "stretch" a finger.

Forget it like a dream: no stripes, mounts and horizontal shapes, if you do not want the optical expansion effect to play into your hands. Also, give up very delicate jewelry with miniature elements or their complete absence and fashionable phalanx rings today. A completely disastrous option is to bring out two or three family jewels at once, tightly "hugging" each of the fingers.

Narrow fingers

Too narrow fingers should not be hidden in the sleeves. On the contrary, show the world their beauty and grace, and take the heroes of the following recommendation as assistants.

Okay: showcases with medium-sized rings without stones are the first thing to do in a jewelry store. If you still want diamonds, sapphires and emeralds to sparkle with colored facets on your hands, choose from all the others those rings that take all the attention to yourself: even if their stones should be small or medium, but of non-trivial shapes: they will do all kinds of rhombuses, parallelepipeds and triangles. The rings themselves can have complex textured compositions and an intricate ligature framing them.

Forget it like a dream: a good half of the geometric figures known from school on an enlarged scale, with which you quarreled for the first time in mathematics lesson. Bulky rectangular, square and round stones that have settled, especially on thin rings, will immediately attract extra glances to overly fragile fingers.

Large long fingers

Large long fingers and a wide palm are actually a reason for pride and the ability to afford a little more than others.

We give you the go-ahead: as if the very same rings have been created for you from the pages of children's fairy tales, where in the last chapter in the picture illustrating the happy ending, the blond prince hands the princess a piece of jewelry with an impressive oval diamond. Or a diamond. Or a ruby. In other words, massive jewelry is like your story with a happy ending. If the brush is dense, such rings will only help to visually "narrow" it.

Forget it like a dream: an overly small and thin ring is not the best companion for a wide hand with large fingers: it will optically disrupt the proportions of the hand overnight, and it will instantly "get lost" without receiving a single flattering review.

Short toes

The rules say that they are visually lengthened by classic oval-shaped nails, a glossy nude manicure and rings with regular shapes and stones.

We give you the go-ahead: do not listen to pseudo-advisers who convince you that large stones on the rings are your unfaithful friends. Let your keen eye notice among them those that have tear-shaped or oval-shaped stones. In addition to them, rather drag into your treasury rings with vertically arranged rectangular stones or inserts and decorative elements of elongated shapes. You can do without stones at all: in this case, give preference to rings with unusual shapes - let them be angular, asymmetrical, ribbed, but not convex.

Forget it like a dream: remember that everything in breadth is taboo. Horizontal elements - all kinds of stripes, long rows of small pebbles and colored inserts - will not add elegance to short fingers, rings “blown” around the entire circumference will give them unnecessary volume, and wide rings for two fingers will visually “cut” your hand - if you really like them, take a closer look at more subtle, feminine options.

Toes with too visible knuckles

Let's try to assure you that you shouldn't be embarrassed to wear spectacular jewelry on your hands, fearing to draw undue attention to them. Visual masking of the "knotty" of the joints with the help of rings is really possible - all that remains is to choose them correctly.

We give the go-ahead: in this case, carte blanche among the rings is again received by all those who can easily be suspected of self-centeredness: they are distinguished by bright stones, fancy decor and a striking play of proportions, which makes them full-fledged accessories in the image. Volume and width are welcome - they are your allies in shifting focus away from large joints. We give you an orientation: when you go to a jewelry store, a picture should pop up in your head with an unfamiliar lady walking towards you, asking with genuine interest: "Tell me, please, where did you buy this interesting ring?" - then you will not be mistaken with the choice.

Forget it like a dream: inconspicuous thin rings - there are no distracting maneuvers in their functionality, but those that are unnecessary for us attract - as many as we like.

Do you pay attention to the shape of your fingers and hand when choosing rings? Let's discuss in the comments!

An engagement ring is given by a man to his chosen one. In turn, if she accepts this gift, then thereby agrees to become the spouse of this man. The wedding ring is worn before the wedding on the ring finger, and after that it can be worn with the wedding ring or during special events.

Wedding rings - are worn by spouses all the time, the first time they wear them during a wedding ceremony. As a rule, such rings are made in the form of smooth hoops, without any decorations.

An anniversary ring is a sign of marital fidelity and unquenchable love, given by a husband to his wife on anniversary dates. Such a ring is decorated with a scattering of small precious stones, usually diamonds.
The anniversary ring concept was created in the 1960s by the famous De Beers jewelry company. American journalist Edward Epstein said the company had a secret agreement with the Soviet Union to buy 90-95% of rough diamonds mined in Russia. These were small diamonds, often less than 0.25 carats. In order to prevent the accumulation of stocks of diamonds, and as a result, the fall in prices for them, De Beers launched a campaign to promote anniversary rings, decorated with a large number of small diamonds.

Ring for divorced people. The divorce ring is made smooth with a break on the shank, which symbolizes a broken vow. A broken heart or a dove's skull can also be used as symbols. Such a ring gained its popularity in Canada and Austria, where it is customary to wear it on the site of a wedding ceremony.

The ring of purity is a symbol of chastity. The fashion for such rings arose in the United States in the 1990s among Christians, and then spread to people of other faiths and even non-believers. Wearing the ring is usually accompanied by a religious vow not to have sex before marriage.

Widow's ring - worn as a sign of loyalty to a deceased husband. Such a ring should be smooth and decorated with black onyx or black agate.

School or classroom ring - received by school graduates in memory of the years spent in the educational institution. On the shank of such a ring, the graduation date and school number are usually indicated.

The ring is a traditional male jewelry that testifies to the financial solvency of the owner, as a rule, it is decorated with a large gem.

Signet ring - a ring with the image of the noble coat of arms or the owner's initials. Initially, such a ring was necessary for affixing an impression on hot sealing wax or wax when sealing letters. Today such a ring has lost its popularity, and not all nobles wear it. This is due to the fact that the signet ring now performs more of a decorative function than a utilitarian one.
Wearing a signet ring
In most cases, the signet ring is worn on the left little finger or ring finger of the left hand. True, in France there is a peculiarity - only the head of the clan wears a signet on the left hand, the rest of the clan wear it on the little finger or ring finger of the right hand.

Champion Ring - Awarded to members of sports teams that have won professional tournaments.

Ring memento mori. A ring engraved with the phrase "memento mori" ("remember to die", "remember to die") is intended to remind the wearer that life is not eternal. Memento mori is a Latin expression that became a catch phrase in the 17th century thanks to the Trappist Order. The fact is that the monks of this order, when they met, greeted each other with this phrase, making the expression popular among ordinary people.

The "Save and Preserve" ring is a religious ring, usually made of silver. Serves as a talisman for its owner.

The rosary ring is a traditional Catholic jewelry, which is a kind of rosary on which a prayer is read. This ring is usually worn on the index finger of the right hand. For ease of rotation during prayer, the ring is usually moved to the second phalanx of the finger. The rosary ring gained its popularity during the persecution of Catholics in England and Ireland from 1540 to 1731. At this time, for the use of Catholic paraphernalia, it was possible to receive a serious punishment, so Catholics came up with more hidden forms of the rosary.

Church rings are decorated with Christian symbols: a dove (a symbol of the Holy Spirit), an anchor (an image of hope), a fish (a symbol of Jesus Christ), the Apostle Peter in the form of a fisherman (such a ring is worn by the Pope, it symbolizes a catcher of souls), etc.

Horoscopic ring - with a stone that corresponds to the zodiac sign of its owner.

The astronomical ring is made of smooth hoops connected in orbits, with the symbols of the zodiac sign of its owner depicted on them.

The navaratna ring is an astrological jewelry from India, in which 9 stones are inserted, each of which symbolizes one celestial body. It is believed that such a ring will help its owner. Before putting on such a ring, you need to read a special mantra.

A cocktail ring is a female piece of jewelry that gained popularity among ladies during the "Prohibition" era in the United States; girls at that time wore them to illegal parties where alcohol was consumed, hence the name. A cocktail ring is characterized by a massive size, sometimes it can be half a finger, as well as a large insert made of a precious or semi-precious stone. The cocktail ring is designed to emphasize the independence and autonomy of a woman, therefore men do not give it. And this is no accident, it just became fashionable during the struggle of women for their rights.

The watch ring is a kind of cocktail ring. Instead of a shield, a miniature watch is installed; it can be hidden by a lid decorated with enamel, precious stones or cameos.

A cameo ring is a ring adorned with a precious or semi-precious stone with a bas-relief pattern made on it (i.e., a three-dimensional image protruding outward). To give a three-dimensional effect, the stone can be composite, then it will have layers of different colors, which makes the drawing even more effective. A female profile is popular in our time as a motive; in ancient times, pagan gods, Christian saints or self-portraits were depicted on such rings.

Fringi (toy rings) - rings that are worn on the toes. This is a traditional Indian jewelry, by which you can find out the status of the owner, for example, a ring on the left big toe usually means that a woman is married. For Western countries, fringes have only a decorative value, and the very fashion for them appeared relatively recently in the 70s of the last century in the United States.

The archer's ring is worn on the thumb and serves to protect it during shooting. Experienced archers can do without it.

A steel ring is a ring made of iron or stainless steel worn by Canadian engineers as a symbol of the commitment and ethics associated with their profession. This tradition was later adopted in the United States.

The claw ring can cover the entire finger or several of its phalanges. This is a fairly ancient decoration that has become popular recently among young people who want to be original.

Midi ring - the answer to the question of what the ring for the whole finger is called. Did you already know this? Then this material is for you! Since the Renaissance, when court ladies were already sporting phalanx rings, jewelers have invented 5 types of rings of this type, and stylists have developed a set of rules on how to look divine in them at work, at a party and on vacation.

Ring for those with musical fingers
What is the name of the ring for the whole finger, and what to wear it with

Midi ring - the answer to the question of what the ring for the whole finger is called. Did you already know this? Then this material is for you! Since the Renaissance when court ladies were already sporting phalanx rings, jewelers invented 5 varieties of rings of this type, and stylists developed a set of rules on how to look divine in them at work, at a party and on vacation.

In 2013, there was another explosion of excitement in relation to non-classical rings - and phalanx jewelry from Nicolas Ghesquière and the Balenciaga brand entered the fashion arena. In this article, we've rounded up everything you need to know about ringlets this season.

Two-finger ring: what is it called and why you need it

The phalanx is the bone that makes up the finger. The human finger has three phalanx bones: the first, middle and extreme. Rings for two phalanxes are a category of accessories, to which jewelers conventionally include everything that cannot be put on a finger in the usual way. We usually wear the ring closer to the palm - that is, on the first phalanx. This prevents us from losing them by gesticulating, and the rings - to interfere with us when writing or manual work.

The rings that jewelers create today, in comparison with similar products ten centuries ago, are made carefully and taking into account the characteristics of the body. Accordingly, wearing them on "atypical" phalanges of the fingers is no longer so scary. Knowing this, jewelers in the Middle Ages began to sophistication, creating rings for the middle and extreme phalanx, connecting rings like a knight's armor-armor or fastening together like chains on handcuffs. In short, inspiration was drawn from the most unexpected sources.

Varieties of non-standard rings

Rings on phalanges as they are called, it is difficult to answer in one word. Five centuries of jewelry experimentation have passed since the Italian Renaissance, where they were in use. All atypical rings can be divided into midi rings- which take up more space on the finger than a regular ring, and rings on the middle and extreme phalanx... An unofficial complete classification of rings should be presented as follows:

Midi rings are rings for the entire phalanx of the finger. It is a long ring extended along the finger.

Armor rings are rings that are interconnected. They consist of two or three rings to which the plates are attached. The plates completely hide the finger, and the hinges between them leave it mobile.

Chain rings are rings connected by anchor chains.... If there is only one chain, the rings are put on both one and two adjacent fingers.

How to wear midi rings and phalanx rings

As the rings on the phalanges of the fingers are called, we have already found out (midi rings or rings on the extreme and middle phalanx). Alas, even today, four years after the wave of popularity of the product, women of fashion have a vague idea of ​​what to wear the jewelry with. Judging by the appeal to the store, they give it mainly to adolescents who are ready for experiments. At the same time, abroad, everyone flaunts an accessory at the sight of cameras - from Victoria Beckham and Uma Thurman to Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson... So, below are some stellar ideas on how to wear jewelry:

Monochrome rounded manicure. If the finger is richly decorated with unusual rings, the visual accent should be riveted to them. Light manicure, short nails will make the look laconic.

Rings on each finger. It is not prohibited! Rings should be of the same metal and in the same style, but not necessarily the same. Avoid rings with stones.

Emphasis on the middle and index fingers. These fingers are longer and thicker than others, so there is little risk of losing your ring. In addition, they are more involved in gestures than the ring and little fingers. Decorate them!

Along and across. An accessory consisting of several rings on a chain is worn both on one finger and on two adjacent ones. You should definitely try it.

Cuff bracelet. The best friend of finger rings is the cuff bracelet! You should not choose a bracelet with stones - the sleek case is universal and looks like a wide ring itself.

Silver and gold. This is no longer a taboo! Wear gold rings and bracelets on your left hand and silver rings and bracelets on your right. You should not complement the image with a pendant or earrings.

A row of three rings. Decorate the index, middle and nameless with similar rings located in a row on the first, middle or extreme phalanx. Use rings in the same style or from the same set.

1+1, 1+2, 2+3. The first number means the ring on the first phalanx (closer to the palm), the second - on the middle or extreme. Use the formula for daytime and evening looks.

Do not treat these rules as dogma! The above are recommendations from the team - we are confident in them, but we do not insist on strict adherence to our findings. Improvise!

Invalid combinations of rings for two phalanxes

No matter how democratic the half-finger ring may seem, as it is called, discussed in the first section of this article, there are situations in which it is unacceptable. For example, gold rings for two phalanxes do not fit into a business and everyday style - this is a sign of excess. At the same time, silver midi rings can be worn with gold, as the 2017 catwalk showed. True, so far only on different hands. Other things not to do with large rings:

  • Long and bright manicure is not combined with large complex rings. The accent is blurred and the image looks unconvincing.
  • Do not wear more than 7 rings per hand. Moreover, each occupied phalanx is counted as one ring.
  • Wide rings and wide bracelets overload the image - it is better to choose one element that forms the composition and choose subtle complementary accessories for it.
  • Long rings visually stretch the finger, hide the knotty or swelling. But on skinny fingers, the rings look strange. For them, select thin rings for different phalanges of one finger.

P.S. Rings for the extreme phalanx, bracelets with a ring on a chain - a springboard for experimenting with the image! In the article, we have described just a few examples of what the original rings are worn with. Share your fresh idea in the comments to the article if you have been wearing an accessory for a long time!

Sincerely, Andrey Fedorenko,
online store director

Every girl, girl and woman knows how to wear rings. But choosing the right jewelry is a separate science.

In this article, you can get information about the main types of rings, the rules for choosing and combining them in everyday, business and evening looks.

Stylists' advice on how to wear rings correctly will help you navigate the variety of these contemporary pieces and make an informed choice in accordance with your overall style.

These small accessories, which are both decoration and symbol, can be very meaningful. These are often the most personal pieces of a jewelry collection - be it colorful engagement rings or classic seals.

Common types of rings

The most common types of rings are:

WHEEL RING- usually with a diamond or precious stone, given as a sign of the intention to marry.

WEDDING RING- put on after the wedding ceremony as a symbol of marriage.

TAPEWORM- a ring, which is a simple bezel with one large gem.

RING OF LOYALTY (OR PROMISE)- types of women's rings, symbolizing the special status of relationships, usually with the image of clasped hands or a knot.

RING OF ETERNITY- a ring with precious stones in an individual setting along the entire diameter.

COCKTAIL RING- a catchy ring with a huge gem or semi-precious stone, often made from inexpensive materials.

OLD RING- jewelry with a long history.

PHALANGE RING- a small ring worn between the first and second knuckles.

SIGNET- custom made ring with coat of arms, emblem or initials.

RING- a ring symbolizing belonging to a society, group or organization.

Now you will learn how to wear graceful rings correctly, how to compose a composition of assembled rings so that it does not look bulky, how to wear rings on your fingers, and more.

Check out the different common types of rings in the photo, which showcases some interesting design types:

Size Cheat Sheet

Knowing the size of a ring for a woman's finger comes in handy if you are looking for a classic piece of jewelry, want to remake an old piece or order online and cannot try it on yourself.

To find out what size women's ring you have, wrap a thread or a thin strip of paper around your finger and make a mark. Each finger has its own shape, so it is best to measure the fingers on the hand on which you are going to wear the ring.

Measure your finger in millimeters and check the size chart. If your result is in the middle between two sizes, it is recommended to take a larger ring (this method of measurement is also suitable for phalanx rings).

For the most accurate results from this cheat sheet, it is best to measure your finger at the end of the day, when your hands are slightly swollen from the day's work.

How to stack jewelry stacks

Although rings are relatively small pieces of jewelry, they can play an important role in any outfit. Create a bold and vibrant composition with cocktail rings, or an ensemble of delicate gold jewelry. Here are some tips on how to stack your stacks.

Select items. Before wearing rings on your hands, remember that the secret of a successful composition is the right texture and variety.

Small chain rings, wire rings with round beads, square and round wire rings, small rings with precious stones - all of them can become part of a single harmonious ensemble.

Don't be afraid to mix. Once you have a decent collection of rings, it's time to get creative. There are no clear rules for the placement of jewelry, but it is better to place rings of different styles at a certain distance.

Notice how the illustration alternates jewel and bead rings with more discreet accessories.

Place the rings between the phalanges. The height of the ring stack depends on the length of your fingers. If you are going to compose a vivid composition (for example, as on the middle finger), do not go beyond the phalanx so that the fingers can bend freely. If you have short fingers, then there should be fewer rings in the stack.

Play with the proportions on different fingers. If you have one bright composition, let the other fingers be decorated with more restraint, two or three rings per finger.

Choose some massive rings: it can be cocktail rings, jewelry with precious stones, different metals, unusual paths of different widths. Do not be afraid of bright colors and eclecticism, go for it!

Choose one ring for each hand to be the center of the composition. Ideally, the largest massive ring should be on the middle finger, with the rest lined up around it. On the right hand, the center is a massive vintage ring with three stones (on the left - a ring with two stones on the ring finger). Smaller rings are proportionally located around.

More fun together! It is not necessary to put rings on all fingers (“empty” fingers will balance the overall look), but for more effect it is better to decorate both hands.

See how to wear rings in the photo, which shows a variety of jewelry compositions:

Above and below

Pick up the phalanx rings. Phalanx rings (or “midi rings”) are small jewelry worn between the first and second knuckles, above and below. Most of them are graceful and discreet, so they can be easily combined with other accessories.

Strength is in diversity. Usually rings on phalanges are thin, but even here you can find a wide variety of shapes and combine them with each other. It can be rings for two phalanxes, openwork and embossed jewelry, from forged and twisted metal.

Use all phalanges, not just the first. You can wear the rings on the phalanx one by one, but they will look even more impressive with the classic stacks of rings. Unleash your creativity - decorate your fingers with rings at different heights.

Don't forget about proportions. As with any piece of jewelry, balance is extremely important here. If you have already put several rings on one finger, then on the next the stack should be lighter, then a little more massive, and so on. Do not overload the image - let a few fingers remain empty, then the overall picture will look much more sophisticated.

Armed with the geometry of the rings

Take advantage of three simple geometric solutions for proportional and at the same time creative arrangement of rings.

DIRECT. Place several rings of the same width at the same level - on the index, middle and ring fingers. Simple and effective!

ISOSCELES TRIANGLE. Select two rings, one over your index finger and one over your ring finger. Finish the composition with a midi ring on the first phalanx of the middle finger - you get a perfect triangle.

RIGHT TRIANGLE. To make a right triangle, place the thinnest ring on your ring finger, then place the ring wider on your middle finger, and finally, the widest one on your index finger.

CREATIVE NATURE. Wear several square rings and one with a round gemstone together for a dramatic composition.

LIMITED STONES. Thin headbands, Art Deco accessories, cocktail rings - all these jewelry will complement each other, the main thing is that the result is a complete image.

SIMPLE CLASSIC. Nothing is more traditional than a stack of diamond rings paired with a signet ring for a personal touch.

MODERN BOHEMA. Don't be afraid of bold, wide rings with Native American motifs - they are the perfect complement to your bohemian look.

See how to wear rings on your fingers - the photo shows all possible composition options:

What kind of jewelry is totally popular? Well, of course, rings! They are worn by everyone - both men and women. We will tell in the article what shape to choose the ring so that the product is in harmony with your hands and figure.

How to choose a ring with a stone?

Rings with precious stones are a great addition to an evening look. The decoration must be chosen so that it harmoniously fits into the overall ensemble.

It is not recommended to select products of the same color as the outfit - they may “merge” and will not produce the expected effect. It is better to choose a contrasting shade. For example, a ring with topaz is perfect for a purple dress, a product with an emerald will look good with a gold outfit, and jewelry with a ruby ​​will complement a blue suit. A versatile stone that matches any outfit is a diamond. You can read about how to choose the right diamond ring.

A popular trend is choosing a ring to match your eye color. If the stone is not too massive, such a ring can be worn not only for evening events, but also on weekdays.

The size of the stones is equally important. Young girls should not crown their fingers with massive rings with large stones. The golden rule is that the older a woman is, the more spectacular her jewelry is. Young women of fashion should stop at an elegant gold or silver ring. Unusual design of jewelry or inserts made of small stones is allowed.

Another way to choose a gemstone ring is to consider which gem suits you according to your zodiac sign. It is believed that jewelry with a suitable stone can be a good talisman.

Now you know which shape to choose a ring and what to look for when purchasing. Use the catalog of the LUX-FAIR online store to bring your image ideas to life!