
A class hour on what kindness is. Class hour on the topic: Goodness, kindness and humanity. IV. Conversation "Who is an evil person?"


Kindness will save the world.

Classroom hour in grades 7-9

Target: contribute to the formation of a tolerant attitude towards the environmentthe world as a conscious life position of the individual.

Tasks: 1. Development of the ability to understand the essential principles of tolerance andapply them in everyday life.

2. Education of empathetic and responsible citizens, open to perceptionother cultures that can value freedom, respect humandignity and individuality.

3. Through psychological games, the acquisition by studentsdirect experience and practical skills of a tolerant behavior.

Form of carrying out: game workshop

Workshop - one of the intensive methods of education, including each of its participants in the "self-construction" of their knowledge through a critical attitude to the available information, to the incoming information and independent solution of creative problems. In the workshop, everyone feels the joy of their own discovery, their significance and respect for the uniqueness of the other. All the work of the workshop will be the more successful, the more fully each of its participants will perform the proposed tasks in their own way, based on their knowledge, skills, life experience, interests and abilities.

Preparatory work: - questioning students on questions tolerance.

Application form.

Choose from three possible answers one that is closest to your point of view in the proposed situations and questions.

1. In your class will appear There was a newbie whose views did not coincide with the views of the class on most problems. He annoys everyone. Do you think the best thing to do is:

a) declare him a boycott;

b) do not pay attention to it;

c) try to change your attitude towards the newbie.

2. Your friend has drastically changed his image and you did not like it. You will aim to:

a) "prick" him;

b) ignore it;

c) be tolerant of him.

3. How do you feel about a person whose religion is different from yours?

a) I want to humiliate and insult his faith;

b) everyone has the right to their choice;

c) I respect any religion.

4. How do you feel about a classmate from a dysfunctional family?

a) I try not to communicate with him;

b) I do not notice him;

c) I try to support him.

Answer the questions (on the back of the sheet):

5. What is tolerance?

6. What does it mean to be tolerant?

Equipment: - presentation "Kindness will save the world" with videos

Video equipment for demonstration of presentation

Sayings of wise people about tolerance

Paper for the game "Snowflakes"

Cards for the game "Greetings"

The tables in the classroom should be moved to make room for play.

For several years now we have been living in the 21st century. Progress, economics, new computer systems - all at the service of man. It would seem that life should be more measured, more confident, more joyful.

But in modern society there is an active growth of aggressiveness, extremism, and conflicts.

Why? Let's speculate.

Probably, we should return to the history of the development of human society, i.e. states that are separated by borders and regimes among themselves. And they often confront each other. Each state has its own culture. The progress made by mankind in various fields has not led to complete mutual understanding between people. As before, there is a strong desire for absolute domination, the destruction of independence. Mass destruction, killings, flows of refugees have become real. And it's scary.

Nature endowed man with razoom, but in the human environment there are such feelings as anger, resentment, hatred, envy, pride, which make a person cruel, intolerant, quarrelsome ...

Demonstration of the video "7 Deadly Sins" (sins related to human relations are taken)

YouTube video

Any person does different things in life. In some situations, he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens the other way around ... Contradictions between people do not arise only when everyone thinks and feels the same way. But in reality, this almost never occurs. On almost any issue, different people have different views. And now we will be convinced of this.

Game "Greetings". Participants receive cards with tasks - say hello with greetings from different countries

  • fold your arms (as in "prayer") at chest level and bow (Japan);
  • rub your noses (New Zealand);
  • shake hands while standing at a great distance from each other (Great Britain);
  • hug each other tightly and kiss each other three times on the cheeks (Russia)
  • show tongue (Tibet);
  • shake hands very tightly, standing close to each other (Germany);
  • hug and kiss on the cheeks four times in turn (Paris).

Participants scatter around the room and greet each other in the manner indicated on the card.


  • did you like the game?
  • try to guess which countries your greetings come from;
  • Was it difficult to say hello in some way?
  • Did you find any of the greetings funny?
  • How would people from these countries react to your greetings?
  • what role do greetings play in our lives?

Snowflakes game. Assignment: take a piece of paper, fold it in half, tear off the upper right corner. Fold in half again, tear off the top right corner again. Fold in half again and tear off the top right corner again. Unfold the sheet and show your work to classmates.

Pay attention to how different your snowflakes turned out, although a clear algorithm of actions was given. Why did this happen?

Agree, if all snowflakes were the same, the world would become boring and unchanging.

What do you think, is it possible to make the modern world better, kinder?

Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. Already in the 4th century BC. the ancient Greek philosopher Plato stated: “Trying for happinesse others, we find our own happiness. " The same thought was continued already in the 1st century AD by the Roman philosopher Seneca: “A person who thinks only of himself and seeks his own benefit in everything cannot be happy. If you want to live for yourself, live for others. " The English writer I. Bentham (18th century) states: "A person increases his happiness to the extent that he delivers it to others." Let us also recall the words of Leo Tolstoy: "There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for others."

The following statements are posted on the board:

"Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, swim under water like fish, we only need one thing: to learn to live on earth like people." (B. Shaw)

"True compassion begins only when, putting yourself in the place of the suffering person in your imagination, you experience truly compassion." (L. Tolstoy)

"... The more worthy a person is, the more creatures he sympathizes with." (F. Bacon)

"Compassion rules the world." (Old Indian proverb)

"He who is full of mercy will certainly have courage." (Confucius)

"To own oneself enough to respect others as oneself, and to act with them as we wish to be treated with us - that is what can be called philanthropy." (Confucius)

"One has only to believe in a person more than is usually the case in order to bring out all the best aspects of his character." (S. Smiles)

"To believe in goodness, you have to start doing it." (L. Tolstoy)

"He who seeks evil, to him it comes." (Solomon)

"If I do not resemble you in something, I do not offend you at all, but, on the contrary, endow you." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

Now we are going to play an unusual domino.

Domino game.Remind the participants of the rules of the domino game.

Rules of the game: first the participant (preferably the presenter) stands in the center and names two of his characteristics - "On the one hand, I wear glasses, on the other, I love ice cream." A participant who also wears glasses or also likes ice cream approaches the first participant and takes his hand, saying, for example, "On the one hand, I like ice cream, on the other hand, I have a dog." The game continues until all participants are part of the dominoes. Variations in the structure of the dominoes are possible - you can build a circle or a typical "domino" structure, participants can hold hands, hug, stand or sit on the floor, etc.

Discussion :

How did you feel while waiting for someone to "cling" to you?

Did you try to name the most common characteristics or, on the contrary, did you want to stand out with something?

What new things have you learned about each other?

How did you feel when you found out that someone in the group was like you?

How did you feel when you found out that someone was not like you?

It is good or bad that there are so many different people in the group. Why?

"We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength!" But in order to achieve this all-powerful unity, you need to treat each other kindly, friendly, patiently, respectfully.

One of the most popular terms at the present time is "tolerance". You can hear it on radio, television, meet in modern domestic and foreign socio-political, culturaland legal literature.

So what is tolerance?

Demonstration of the video "Tolerance"

In a brief philosophical encyclopedia, this word is of Latin origin “tolerantia” - patience - tolerance of other kinds of views, morals, habits.

The definition of the word "tolerance" in different languages ​​of the world sounds a little different:

V Spanish in language it means the ability to recognize ideas and opinions different from one's own;

In French- an attitude in which it is assumed that others can think or act differently from yourself;

V english- willingness to be tolerant, condescending;

V Chinese- allow, acceptmother, to be generous to others;

V Arabic- forgiveness, condescension, gentleness, mercy, compassion, favor, patience, disposition to others;

V Russian- the ability to endure something or someone (to be restrained, hardy, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone).

Questions for students:

1. Why, in your opinion, are the definitions different in different countries?

2. And what unites these definitions?

The term tolerance is explained as tolerance, the desire and the ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

Today, tolerance is seen as recognition, acceptance, understanding.

Confession - this is the ability to see in another just another, as a bearer of other values, a different logic of thinking, other forms of behavior.

Adoption is a positive attitude towards such differences.

Understanding - this skill sees the other from the inside, the ability to look at his world simultaneously from two points of view: his own and his.

Show tolerance - it means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in peace, while maintaining their individuality.

At the turn of the 18th – 19th centuries, Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Beneventk, lived in France. He distinguished himself by the fact that under different governments (and under the revolutionary, and under Napoleon, and under King Louis XVII) he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a person who was talented in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the mood of others, to treat them with respect, to look for solutions to problems in a way that would least infringe on the interests of other people. And at the same time, preserve their own principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey circumstances. The concept of "tolerance" is connected with the name of this person.

In 1789, France adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. She became the forerunner of modern declarations on human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, which proclaimed the principles of peace, democracy, non-violence in relations between peoples and states.

In 1996, the UN General Assembly invited member states to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance on November 16 every year.

Tolerance is necessary in relation to the characteristics of different peoples, nations and religions, in everyday relationships between people. It is a sign of self-confidence and a consciousness of the reliability of one's own positions, a sign of an ideological current open to all, which is not afraid of comparison with other points of view.

However, tolerance should not be understood as indifference to evil. Tolerance is not concession, condescension, or indulgence. This is, first of all, an active attitude, formed on the basis of the recognition of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Is it easy to make the world a better place?

Tolerance is a very difficult virtue - for some it is more difficult than heroism ... J. Lemaitre (another wise thought - to the board)

There are two ways of personal development:



The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in the environment, understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a benevolent attitude towards other cultures, views, traditions.

The intolerant path is characterized by a person's idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of upbringing, a feeling of discomfort in existence in the surrounding reality, a desire for power, a rejection of opposing views, traditions and customs.

You can live in life in different ways -
You can be in trouble, but you can - in joy,
Eat on time, drink on time,
Do nasty things in time.
Or you can:
Get up at dawn -
And, thinking about a miracle,
Reach out with a burnt hand of the sun
And give it to people.

(S. Ostrovoy)

Demonstration of the video clip "The Parable of the Two Wolves".

A tolerant person and an intolerant person are two opposites. And in a person, as a part of this boundless world, good and evil, truth and lies, activity and passivity, kindness and rigidity, freedom and independence also coexist. There are many examples: at school I am passive, but on the street I am active, I love one subject, I do not understand another. Everything flows, everything changes. And in various life situations, both positive and negative qualities are in demand. After all, there is no ideal person in life. It is important to try to accept yourself and others as they are, while relying on the good, the kind that is in a person

Search game.There are a large number of signs on the board with the qualities and personal characteristics of a person. Find the words that define a tolerant personality and place them in a column on the right side of the board, securing them with magnets. And on the left side of the board, place the qualities and characteristics of an intolerant person.

Organizational features of the game : First, 2 people are called to work on the right and left parts of the board, then they are allowed to call their comrades for help (several are possible, at their discretion)


● When is the task easier to accomplish: alone or with a support group?

● Compare your self-image with a portrait of a tolerant person

● Who can call himself a tolerant person?

And now we will check it out. I will ask you to answer the test questions very frankly. You do not need to sign your work and no one will know what you write.

Test to determine tolerance, respect for someone else's opinion / tolerance /

The test will help to at least approximately determine your tolerance. Answer quickly without hesitation.

1. You are going to participate in a role-playing game. What suits you:

a / so that those who do not yet know the rules play;

b / so that those who recognize and know the rules of the game participate.

2. Do you calmly meet life's troubles?

a / yes; b / no.

3. Is the situation painful for you: When you have to abandon your project because a similar project was suggested by your classmates:

a / yes; b / no.

4. Do you dislike classmates who violate the rules of social behavior:

a / you are not interested in this at all if they do not overstep the permissible boundaries;

b / they are unpleasant to you, because they do not know how to control themselves.

5. Can you easily find contact with classmates who have different beliefs, customs, intentions than yours?

a / it is always difficult for you to do it; b / relatively easy.

6. How do you react to the joke you become the object of:

a / you do not tolerate jokes or jokers themselves;

b / trying to find an answer in the same joking manner.

7. Do you agree with the prevailing opinion that many classmates are trying to do "not their own business", they tend to seem better than they are:

a / yes; b / no.

8. You bring a friend to the company who becomes the object of everyone's attention. Your reaction:

a / you are not pleased that attention is paid to him and not to you;

b / happy for a friend.

Now count the points. Write down 2 points each for the answers: 1-b, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b, 6-b, 7-a, 8-b. Add up these points.


  • From 0 to 4 points. You have a high degree of stubbornness and inflexibility. Often you try to impose your opinion on others. Your temperament makes it difficult to maintain normal relationships with people who think differently than you, disagree with what they say and do.
  • From 5 to 12 points. You are able to stand firmly for your beliefs. But, of course, you can also conduct a dialogue. If you think it's necessary, then change your beliefs. But sometimes you are capable of being too harsh, disrespecting a co-conversationalist, and at such a moment you can win an argument with an interlocutor who has a weak character. You are not fully able to defend your point of view by putting forward convincing arguments.
  • From 14 to 16 points. You have strong convictions, combined with the subtlety, flexibility of your mind. You can accept any idea, understanding its paradoxicality. You are critical of yourself, do not consider your opinion to be the ultimate truth. You are able to discard your mistaken views with respect and tact towards your interlocutor.

Parable.Rabbi Zussi decided to change the world. But the world is so big and Zussi is so small. Then Zussi decided to change his city. But the city is so big and Zussi is so small. Then Zussi decided to change his family. But Zussi's family is so big, only a dozen children. So Rabbi Zussi got to the only thing that he can change, being so small - himself.

Questions for conversation:

How did you understand the parable?

What conclusion have you made for yourself?

Do you have any disadvantages? Who told you about them?

Would you like to change yourself?

A person strives to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself, to be happier.

Let's try to create rules for tolerant communication. For instance:

  1. Respect the interlocutor.
  2. Try to understand what others are talking about.
  3. Defend your opinion tactfully.
  4. Look for the best arguments.
  5. Be fair, willing to accept the truth of the other.
  6. Strive to take into account the interests of others.

A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others.

Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, society as a whole.

It is impossible for everyone to like it, it is impossible to love everyone, it is impossible for all the guys in the class to be devoted friends .. Because we have different upbringing, education, intelligence, desire to learn, needs, character, tastes, temperament, etc. But we can live in harmony with each other, value each other, accept him as he is, i.e. be tolerant.

Learn to give pieces of your heart and then you will become good wizards.

But no matter how life breaks us,
There is some kind of magic in it ...
There are too few good people.
And yet they are the majority.
Become a kind wizard
Well try
There is no need for special tricks here.
Understand and fulfill the desire of another
One pleasure, honestly.

Always do good and evil
At the mercy of all people
But evil is done without difficulty
Good is more difficult to create.
The beast gives birth to the beast
Bird gives birth to bird
Good is good
From evil - evil will be born.
Good, if it weren't enough
Much better than great evil.

Remember that a real wizard must be wise. In conclusion, I would like to recall one well-known oriental parable.

Demonstration of the video "Everything is in your hands" (parable)

YouTube video

Indeed, everything is in our hands. The good created by your hands will bring a miracle and you need to be wise and not be left out.

Summing up (reflection)

What interesting things did you learn today?

What will you definitely take into service?


1. Safonova V.V."Studying the languages ​​of international communication in the context of the dialogue of cultures and civilizations" Voronezh, Istoki, 1996

2. Vulfov B.Z."Education of tolerance, essence and means" Vneshkolnik-2002 № 6.

3. Declaration of principles of tolerance. Approved by Resolution 5.61 of the General Conference of UNESCO of November 16, 1995.

4. “The Magic Crystal” (games for the development of tolerance) Publishing house “First September” No. 39 2002

Class hour on the topic of KINDNESS

In the house she is busy with good deeds,

Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.

Good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour,

Good evening, good night,

It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,

Is there so much kindness in the house?

After listening to this poem, you probably guessed that today we are going to talk about kindness.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word kind?

What do you think, is it possible to force a person to be kind?

Of course not. But you can teach a person kindness. And today we will learn this. The road to goodness is not easy. The first step to kindness is a kind word or magic word. Let's remember these words together:

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word (thank you).

The old tree stump will turn green when he hears (good afternoon).

The boy is polite and developed, speaks when meeting (hello).

When we are scolded for pranks, we say (excuse me, please).

And in France and Denmark they say goodbye (goodbye).

Well done, you know the magic words well. Try to use them more often. I can tell: A kind word heals.

It's not easy to be a polite person. It is necessary to learn this all your life. And parents, teachers and good old tales help us in this. Indeed, it is in fairy tales that good triumphs over evil.

Let's, guys, remember what fairy-tale heroes did good deeds, brought joy to others. You need to guess who this is about:

This fabulous hero treated animals and birds, saved the sick animals of Africa (Aibolit).

This girl turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend Kai from the ice captivity (Gerda).

This fabulous hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle (Puss in Boots).

This dog was an inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion to find what they lacked in life (Tatoshka).

This fairytale hero saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a theater for them (Papa Carlo).

How do these fairy-tale heroes differ from other heroes, for example, from Baba-Yaga, Karabas-Barabas? (They did good, prevented evil).

Now listen to a new tale and think about how it relates to the topic of today's lesson.


Who did a good deed in this tale? I can tell: Not a single good deed will be lost in vain.

Since ancient times, people have strived for good and hated evil. And they reflected this thought in proverbs that were passed from mouth to mouth.

Now I will ask you to compose a proverb out of words.

A good deed praises itself.

Don't look for beauty, but look for kindness.

How do you understand these proverbs?

Unfortunately, in our land there is not only good, but also evil.

There is a parable about Good and Evil:

“Once Good came to visit Evil. The evil began to treat Good to tea, but instead of sugar, they put salt in the cup.

Good tasted the salty tea, but did not say a bad word to Evil, only thanked him for the treat. And when Good was gone, it said: “Something your sugar is not very sweet. Here's some money, buy yourself some sweets for your tea. " Evil is distorted, but there is nothing to do, I had to take the money.

So Good repaid Evil with good for evil. "

Good is always stronger than evil. People appreciate and remember for a long time kind people. No wonder they say: "A good deed has lived for a hundred years." Do you guys think that there is more on earth: good or evil? Let's check: we will put “evil” on one side of the scale and “good” on the other.

(Plates with the inscriptions: politeness, sympathy, generosity, responsiveness, modesty, selfishness, rudeness, indifference).

Guys, do you think you can correlate the concepts of kindness and friendship?

Each of you has a friend. Tell us what qualities your friend has.

The game "I know you."

Children stand in a circle and name the quality of the neighbor along the chain. The word starts with the first letter of the neighbor's name. (For example, Anton is neat).

Now it's time to get to know the laws of friendship.

1. Help a friend in need.

2. Be able to share joy with a friend.

3. Don't laugh at your friend's faults.

4. Stop your friend if he does something bad.

5. Don't cheat on your friend.

6. Be able to admit your mistakes.

7. Be able to make peace with a friend.

8. Don't betray your friend.

I hope that now you will be more attentive to each other. It's not for nothing that popular wisdom says "If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it."

Finishing today's lesson, I want to tell you guys the following: There is a small particle of kindness in each of you. Kindness is a magic medicine that cures many ailments. We must learn to be kind to everything around us.

1.Kind is not easy at all,

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

2.Only it is necessary, it is necessary to be kind,

And in trouble do not forget each other.

And the Earth will turn faster,

If we are kind to you.

Guys, turn to each other, look in the eyes, smile and say the following words : "I wish you well."

The song "Leopold the Cat" is played.

Work description: this material will be useful for primary school teachers when conducting extracurricular activities, class hours. The age of children is 8-10 years old, 2-3 grade.


To acquaint with the rules of friendship, to show the importance of true friends in a person's life, to teach benevolence to the desire to understand each other.


To develop the students' idea of ​​good, to foster the desire to do good deeds, to develop self-esteem; speech, thinking, ability to coherently express their thoughts, develop communication skills.


Blackboard, computer, drawing paper with the "Planet of Good" drawing, figurines for applique, booklet "Friendship Rules", cards with words.

Exhibition of drawings about friendship

Musical accompaniment:

song "Smile", lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky

“The Road of Good” from the TV movie “Little Muk”, words by Y. Entin, music by M. Minkov.


I. Organizational moment

Knowledge update

II. Conversation

1. Group work "What should be a friend?"

2. Let's analyze the situation

3. Test execution. "Am I kind?"

4. Game: "Fairy-tale hero - good or evil?"

5. Working with words. Conversation about polite words.

IV. Conclusion

Training game “Planet of Good”.

V. Lesson summary.

Class hour

1. Organizational moment

Knowledge update

Teacher: Guys, today we will talk about kindness and good deeds.

Kindness. What does this word mean?

Explaining to children how they understand this word.

It's all good, bright, sun, smiles.

2. Introductory conversation

The song "Smile" is played.

Teacher: What kind of person can be called kind?

Disciples: A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times.

A kind person protects nature, loves birds and animals, helps them survive in the winter cold.

A kind person tries to be neat, polite and respectful in dealing with friends and adults.

Teacher: What do you think friendship begins with?

Pupils: With a smile

Teacher: The poet M. Plyatskovsky and the composer V. Shainsky, who wrote the song "Smile", think the same way. Listen to it, and who knows, sings along.

What is kindness?

Let us refer to the definition in the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ozhegov.

Kindness is responsiveness, warm-heartedness to people, the desire to do good to others.

He noted the qualities that determine kindness: virtuous, good-natured, benevolent, good-natured, respectable, kind-hearted, conscientious.

Probably, a truly kind person has all these qualities.

It seems to me that there were times in your life when you were offended.

How did you feel about it?

Students: Pain, bitterness, resentment, frustration, loneliness, unfairness to you, insecurity.

Teacher: Do you think you were treated fairly?

Now tell us if there have been situations in your life when you yourself have offended someone?

Put yourself mentally in the place of the one offended by you and think: would you want to be treated the same way?

The Gospel of Matthew says: "... in everything you want people to do to you, so do you to them."

Let these golden words define all your actions in life. Every child wants to be loved and taken care of by those around him. But it is not enough just to wish it. You must do everything yourself so that your actions do not cause resentment, bitterness, annoyance and a feeling of injustice in others.

Group work.

Children work in groups of 5 people.

Teacher: What should a friend be?

Children's answers.

I offer you cards with words. Choose and highlight the qualities that a friend should have.

What qualities did you choose? Why?

Students: Sociability, responsiveness, kindness, fairness, etc.

Teacher: What words did you leave behind? Why?

Pupils: Anger, greed, selfishness, bragging ...

Now we have deduced the rules of friendship

Friendship rules

To concede

Don't be rude. Don't get angry

Don't be greedy.

To help each other.

To be honest

Follow these rules and not when you will not lose your friends.

3. Let's analyze the situation.

There are two people. Each of them has ten good friends.

1. One of them every day asks his friends to help him: to borrow money, food, provide other services. Addressing them, he says that if they are really his friends, they will not refuse him this and, in the end, they are simply obliged to help him. After a while, all his friends turn away from him. They stop calling and visiting him.

2. Another gets up early every day to be in time. He is loyal to his friends with all his heart, so he often visits them, helping them as much as he can. After a short time, all acquaintances consider him the best friend, trying to be closer to him. They tell others about him, and he becomes everyone's favorite.

Teacher: Which of these two people would you like to be friends with?

Children's answers.

4. Execution of the test.

Teacher: Now we will conduct the test "I am kind"

Each of you will be able to check - what are you, are you always attentive and kind to others?

let's look at the answer sheet

You are offered questions and an answer form, in which you must indicate “yes” or “no” against each question number

Questions (see appendix)

U. - Now let's see how to calculate the points correctly

One point for each affirmative answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for each negative answer to questions 2, 5,6,8,9, 10,12.


More than 8 points. You are kind, people like you, you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone abuse your kindness.

4 to 8 points. Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. For some, you go for everything, but try to be equal with everyone so that there is no resentment against you.

Less than 4 points. You have difficult work on yourself.

5. Game: Fairy Tale Hero - Good or Bad? "

You all love fairy tales. One of the main themes of Russian folk tales was the theme of good and evil.

In fairy tales, there are good and bad heroes. Let's play a game now. I will name the fairytale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you happily clap your hands; if you eat evil, you stamp your feet.

Ivan - Tsarevich, Thumbelina, Karabas - Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba - Yaga, Cinderella, Malvina.

6. Working with words

Teacher: What do you guys think is more on earth: good or evil?

Let's try to replace the words of the first column with words opposite in meaning:

Bad good

Evil is good

War is peace

Greed is generosity

Rudeness is politeness

Cruelty is a caress

Lie is true

Betrayal is devotion

Teacher: To defeat evil, you need to have more good.

In life, droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a trickle, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness.

Think and tell me, what good deeds can you do in the classroom, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature? (children's answers)

7. Conversation about polite words.

What in communication with each other helps to make our relationship warmer, kinder, sincere?

Pupils: these are kind, warm words.

Teacher: Of course, these are kind, kind words.

Children's answers: “good health,” “happy day,” “be kind,” etc.

Teacher: Tell me, how can you enhance the beauty and charm of these words?

Pupils: With a smile, a benevolent look.

Kind words are the flowers of the human soul. And do not be stingy to distribute these flowers to others.

The game:

Teacher. Let's play a little. I will read a poem, and your task is to finish off a kind word that is appropriate in meaning.

Invented by someone simply and wisely -

When we meet, say hello ... ("Good morning!")

The old tree stump will turn green

When he hears: ... ("Good afternoon!")

The boy is polite and developed,

Says, meeting: ... ("Hello!")

Ice block will melt

From a good word ... ("Thank you!")

When they are scolded for pranks, We say: ... (“I'm sorry, please!”)

Both in France and in Denmark They say goodbye: ... (“Goodbye!”)

To all of you with great love

I wish you great health.)

The conclusion of the teacher: there are many warm kind words in our speech. A kind word can cheer us up. Instill confidence in us, warm our souls.

8. Work on proverbs

Kindness is the most valuable moral quality of the Russian people. How many proverbs and sayings about kindness have been created by Russian folk wisdom!

Remember some of them:

1. A kind word

and the cat is pleased.

2. It is not clothes that paint a person,

and his good deeds.

3. Hurry up to a good deed, but the bad will ripen by itself.

4. Do not boast in silver,

and boast of good.

5. Who does good,

that God will thank.

6. In whom there is no good,

there is little truth in that.

7. Don't look for beauty -

seek kindness.

9. Conclusion

Game-training "Planet of Good".

Children, stretch your arms slightly forward, palms up, and close your eyes. Imagine what I am going to tell you now. (You can include a nice, pleasant melody.)

Draw in your imagination a planet of goodness and good mood. Place it on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. Nice music comes from her. And you want to listen to it. Put all the goodness and good mood of this planet inside, in your heart, in your mind.

Feel how goodness enters you, gives you joy. You have new forces: the forces of health, happiness and joy. You feel how your body is filled with pleasure and joy. How nice your face is, how good and joy your soul becomes ...

A warm, gentle breeze blows over you. You are in a kind, soul-warming mood.


Music "The Road of Kindness" from the TV movie "Little Muk" sounds

Teacher: You are still children, but there are many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first, you must grow up to be real people - brave, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good is great.

Now open your eyes.

It is good when a person leaves behind a good mark. One sage remarked: a person did not live his life in vain if he built a house, raised a garden and raised a child.

This means that not only words should be kind, but also deeds.

Let us and you and I now do one good deed, create our planet of good.

On a sheet of paper, children glue the details of the application prepared in advance from colored paper: a house, children, the sun, etc.

I want you to remember what you are feeling now and take with you when you leave this class. Warm feelings and good mood will continue with you ...


Test "Am I kind"

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles in a conversation with you. If the topic is not interesting to you, will you let the interlocutor understand it?

3. Your partner is not good at chess or any other game. Will you give in to him so that he doesn't lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like saying nice things to people to lift their spirits?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you typical of vindictiveness, rancor?

7. Will you keep up a conversation with a friend if this topic does not interest you at all?

8. Do you willingly use your abilities for the benefit of other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the arguments of the other person?

11. Will you do the work at the request of your parents if it is not your responsibility (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Road of Good

From the TV movie "Little Muk"

Words by Yu. Entin

Music by M. Minkov

1. Ask a strict life:

Which road to go

Where in the world should the white go in the morning?

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown

2. Forget your worries,

Downs and ups.

Don't whine when fate is not acting like a sister.

But if it's bad with a friend,

Do not trust in a miracle ...

Hurry to him, always follow the Path of Good!

3. Oh, how many different

Doubts and temptations!

Do not forget that this life is not child's play.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law:

Go, my friend, always go the Way of Good!

Friendship rules

To concede

Are not afraid to ask for forgiveness if they offended a friend

Don't be rude. Don't get angry

Don't be greedy.

To help each other.

To be honest

Literature: song "Smile", lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky "The Road of Good" from the TV movie "Little Muk", lyrics by Y. Entin, M. Minkov.

Municipal educational institution "Koverninskaya secondary school No. 2"


in 3rd grade



class teacher of the 3rd grade

G.K. Nosovtseva

r.p. Kovernino 2015

Target: To give children the idea that kindness is one of the best qualities of a person.


    Continue the formation of the most important moral values: kindness, respect, love.

    Promote the development of empathy, empathy.

    Increase the level of cohesion, mutual understanding and coordination of actions in the team.

I . Message of the topic of the lesson:

Teacher: “Kindness works wonders! What is kindness and what does it mean to be kind? "

The epigraph will be the proverb: "Life is given for good deeds."

(read by Sasha Toloknov)

Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with thought about kindness.
All in blue and starry beauty
The land is kind: it gives us bread,
Living water and trees in bloom.
Under this eternally troubled sky
Let's fight for kindness.

A. Chepurov

II ... "Opening" the topic of the class hour.

Teacher: What do you think is more good or evil on Earth?

L.N. Tolstoy

"Of all the sciences that a person should know, the main science is about how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible."

Each of us has a little sun - kindness. You yourself, and your family, friends and those around you need it. After all, kindness and care warm people. Each person must leave a good mark on the earth. One sage remarked: "A man did not live his life in vain if he built a house, grew a tree and raised a child."

III ... "Building" the House of Kindness.

Teacher: Today we will build the House of Kindness.

1.Laying the foundation of the House - kindness .

a) Group work.

Exercise 1. Remember what fairy-tale heroes are spoken about and what kind deeds they did? (Quest on pieces of paper ).

Who was turned into a little man by a gnome and made an amazing journey with wild geese? (S. Lagerlöf "Niels's Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese" ).

“In one dense tropical forest there lived and there was a very funny animal. His name was ... ". (E. Uspensky. "Crocodile Gena and his friends" ).

The hero of this work said such magic words: "Fly, fly the petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, having made a circle, As soon as you touch the ground - in my opinion, be led" (V. Kataev. "Flower - seven-flower" ).

Kai looked at her. How good she was! Faces smarter and more charming he could not imagine. Now she did not seem icy to him "(H. K. Andersen "The Snow Queen" ).

The woman gasped in admiration, because inside, among the petals, sat a tiny girl, no more than an inch tall. That's why it was named. (H.C. Andersen. "Thumbelina" ).

“Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind. " (K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit" ).

Task 2. Discuss situations. What would you do?

Assignment 3. There are many proverbs about kindness:

Respecting a person - you respect yourself.

By means of evil, one does not reach good.

The world is not without good people.

Teacher : You have parts of the proverbs on different sheets of paper. When working in groups, collect them correctly and reveal their meaning:

Kindness is a language that dumb people can speak and which deaf people can hear.

He who is truly good does good in silence.

A person is glorious for good deeds.

The good die, but their deeds live on.

Kind word to man that rain in drought.

To those who love good deeds, life is dear.

A good deed nourishes both soul and body.

A kind person lives in goodness for a century.

It is bad for him who does not do good to anyone.

2. The next building block of the House of Kindness is kind thoughts .

Teacher: Great philosophers and writers expressed their thoughts about kindness:

“Doing good is the truest happiness that the human heart can only know” (J.J. Rousseau).

"The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people" (Blaise Pascal ).

"To possess oneself enough to respect others as oneself, and to act with them as we wish to be treated with us - that is what can be called philanthropy." (Confucius ).

"He who seeks evil, it comes to him." (Solomon ).

"To believe in goodness, you have to do it." (L. Tolstoy ).

In the 4th century BC. the ancient Greek philosopher Plato argued: "By striving for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness."

This idea was continued already in the 1st century BC. Roman philosopher Seneca: “A person who thinks only of himself and seeks his own benefit in everything cannot be happy. If you want to live for yourself, live for others. "

Teacher: Children, who is the closest and kindest person to you who takes care of you from early childhood? (Mum )

No matter how old we are, we need a mother, her affection, her warmth.

Proverb: It is warm in the sun, good in the mother. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart, love never extinguishes in it, it will never remain indifferent.

Teacher: But some of us sometimes offend our mothers with actions and rude words.

Poem by Tatiana Dashkevich “An Insulting Word”.

read by Nastya Sirotkina

Offensive word, offensive word!
How painful it can hit!
It's ready to sting with a poisonous snake,
It will sting - and it will become dark in the heart.
And the one who offended and the one who offended,
And the one who humiliated, and the one who humiliated,
Although the thunderstorm has already passed the quarrels,
They are silent and do not look into each other's eyes.
Take advice, my dear child:
Be kind and polite from the very cradle,
Just try to create good things.
And do not say derogatory words.

3. The next building block of the House of Kindness is kind words.

Teacher: I have a symbolic "Heart" in my hands. It contains arrows of resentment from bad deeds and words. Let's take them out and see that the wounds heal, but the scars remain for life. I would like to cure such hearts with kind words, deeds. But on these healthy hearts, write the kindest words and give them to anyone you wish. Let your kindness settle in other hearts.

The spoken word, like a seed, enters the heart of a person. From kind words we feel how warmth and gratitude, love and hope, mercy and compassion grow in our hearts.

Teacher : What do you think, kind words and kind thoughts, what can they turn into?

4. The next building block of the House of Kindness is good deeds.

Teacher: I think that each of you has already done a good deed, and maybe more than one! (Students read excerpts from their own essays ).

Even the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius said: "A person who helps others helps himself." Why do you think? (Children's answers ).

People who provide charitable assistance to the elderly, disabled, homeless, orphans are called volunteers from the English word volunteer - volunteer.

In the UK, for example, there are 157,000 charities. They try to touch every aspect of life: to protect nature, animals, homeless people, disabled people, lonely elderly people, etc. They collect donations, organize charity concerts, parties, visit single people, clean parks, work in hospitals, animal shelters, etc.

Message about famous people, their good deeds:

Glukhova Varya: Mother Teresa, Founding Mission Charity

Her name was Agnes Gonja. She was born into the family of an Albanian merchant in 1910. Her parents were very religious people. The mother taught the children to pray, love and help other people. These were the first lessons of kindness for little Agnes.

But when the girl was 9 years old, their father died. Nevertheless, Agnes's mother did not give up, started her own business and, slowly, their family business got better. This was the second life lesson I learned from my mother: even if life is difficult - you have to climb up to the top along it. The 12-year-old girl firmly knew that her service to God would be associated with serving the poor.

In 1928, Agnes left her family to become a nun. She left for India, where she taught geography for 20 years at the St. Mary's Institute in Calcutta, of which she later became director.

She founded a hospital for the poor. The sole purpose of this whole venture was to surround the dying poor man with love. And care. He knew now that he was not alone. They did not forget about him. He is needed. He is in the rays of love. Old, ugly, crippled - beloved. And then dying is not scary. The sisters collected not only the dying, but also the babies who were found in hospitals and prisons. Mother Teresa did not refuse a single baby. 10 thousand lepers took refuge in Mother Teresa's leper colony. Leprosy marks the rich and the poor. They know how to heal her, but it takes years, and not every Indian can afford such a luxury - he is driven from home, he loses his job. On the territory allocated by the Indian government, a whole "City of Peace" has been set up, where the unfortunate are not only rescued, but taught to craft - so that they can feed themselves, and not beg with a rattle in a disfigured hand. An incredible Albanian old woman has set up mobile clinics that travel around the world to help lepers. She organized the first clinic for AIDS patients. She has set up shelters for the sick. She kept up everywhere. Nobody knows what is more important - medicines or a smile, a kind word and love. In 1979 she received the Nobel Peace Prize. She put all of her into her mission. As well as other money that was awarded to her. Mother Teresa died in 1997. Its "Charitable Mission" is still in effect, because there are no fewer people in need of help around.

What charitable organizations exist in Russia and what kind of assistance do they provide?
Children name charitable organizations known to them (Red Cross, Society for the Protection of Animals, Society for the Protection of Nature, etc.). If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them.

Krassova Liza: Fedorov Svyatoslav Nikolaevich

He dreamed about the sky, height, airplanes, in a word, about the profession of a real man. But Fedorov failed to become a pilot. In early March 1945, when the war was rattling with the penultimate volleys, a festive evening was being prepared at the school. Having put on the only day-off suit, Slava was in a hurry to the holiday. I jumped into the tram on the move - I was afraid to be late. Failed, barely managed to grab the handrail - dragged along the ground. I tried to get to my feet - a sharp pain pierced my left leg. I woke up already in the hospital. The doctors decided to amputate the foot and the lower third of the lower leg. After the operation, flying was strictly forbidden. I decided to try medical. The young surgeon was ambitious. He fantasized, inventing interesting scientific topics. Finally I decided: my business is an operation to replace a cloudy lens with an artificial one made of plastic. Soon fate brought the young doctor to a serious patient. The 12-year-old Chuvash schoolgirl Lena Petrova suffered from cataracts from birth. She couldn't see anything with her right eye. After consulting with her parents, Fedorov decided to take the risk - to operate on Lena's sore eye and insert an artificial lens into it. The operation was successful. The girl began to see.

Svyatoslav Fedorov is a talented surgeon, author of many inventions and discoveries in ophthalmology, including the methodimplantation artificial lens, which he named "Sputnik", methods of treating myopia, glaucoma, astigmatism, the creator of the huge scientific and technical complex "Eye Microsurgery". The poet A. Voznesensky called him an "eye genius".

Sochin Sasha: Leonid Roshal.

World renowned pediatric surgeon. Director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, President of the International Charitable Public Foundation for Helping Children in Disaster and War, Head. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. In 1995 he worked in Chechnya, helping children. The journalists named Roshal the Children's Doctor of the World. Roshal went to Afghanistan, Turkey and India to help children affected by the earthquake, led a team of children's doctors. In 2002, Roshal's ambulance team worked in Kaspiysk, where many people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack on May 9, 2002. In October 2002, Roshal took part in negotiations with terrorists who seized the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka. Thanks to Roshal's participation, eight children were taken out of the building, and water and medicine were handed over to the hostages. He received the titles "Pride of Russia", "Person of the Year", "Person of the Year". Vladimir Putin presented Roshal with the Order of Courage for his dedication to rescue the hostages. Roshal was awarded the distinction "For Services to Moscow".

Teacher: 2008 has been declared the Year of Good Deeds.

Goodness of the soul - in the piggy bank of the Year of good deeds

A good deed is something that gives joy to another person. You need to show a lively, sincere interest in the people around you. The Bible says the same: "Treat the other as yourself, love your neighbor as yourself." Do good! It will bring you happiness.

Teacher: Think about what qualities a person is talking about. Choose the correct brick.

    The quality of a person on whom you can always and in everything you can rely on -….

    The quality of a person who has a good heart is….

    The quality of a person who wishes good for others is….

    The quality of a person with a kind soul and gentle character -….

    The quality of a person with a kind, good disposition - ...

Add the following bricks to the House of Kindness:



    good nature,



5. Teacher: So we built the House of Kindness.

IV. Reflection.

Teacher: What good deeds can we do ourselves? Select the leaflets with good deeds written on them for the Tree of Kindness:

    clean the house;

    put things in order in the schoolyard;

    feed a stray dog;

    prepare a concert for the elderly and disabled;

    take things to the organization for social protection of the population;

    help orphans and disabled children;

    make feeders for birds in winter;

    make birdhouses in the spring;

    help the elderly person carry the bag.

We will not take notes with notes:

    offend mom;

    quarrel with a friend;

    indifferently walk past a crying baby;

    swing a stick at a dog;

    do not feed your pet;

    not taking care of your little brother or sister;

    fight boys;

    not taking care of an elderly grandmother.

Teacher: Each of your good deeds is a particle of good, invested in the vast world of kindness. It makes you feel warmer, brighter and more joyful.

Durandina Polina:

No matter how life flies -
Do not regret your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To make the heart burn
And it did not smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed -
That is how we live on earth.

Kindness is a person's striving to give happiness to all people. Do good! It will bring you happiness.


    Lapteva L.F. "For the Russian land, for Moscow", // Teaching history at school, no. 7, 2006.

    Ovchinnikova L. "Good blood cannot lie", // "Komsomolskaya Pravda", 27.03.1992

    P.V. Stepanov "The Phenomenon of Tolerance", // "Class Teacher", No. 3, 2004

    Sukiasyan E.R. “Tolerance is just the beginning”, // “Hour Zero”, No. 6, 2005

    "History of Russia in portraits" ed. Blokhina B.F., Smolensk, "Rusich", 1996

    "Package-set of documentary materials" History of the Holocaust ", M., 2001

Classroom hour

"Teach your heart to be good!"

Vasilyeva A.S.primary school teacher

class teacher of the 4th grade.

"In the inner world of a person, kindness is the sun!"

Topic: "Teach your heart to be good!"


    Formation of students' value orientation, the ability to formulate moral judgments.

    Fostering care, mercy, kindness, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity and compassion as the main moral traits of a person.


    Enrich the vocabulary of students with new words and concepts of kindness and kindness.

    Teach children to see and feel the world.

    Contribute to the accumulation of experience in the acquisition of qualities inherent in good.

    Develop the ability to use certain qualities in any life situation.



    Multimedia projector


    Heart (soft toy)

    Ozhegov Dictionary

    Cards with words

    Flower of kindness

    Blanks from paper (sun, clouds, grass, rainbow, house, school)


    Chair Cover for Play

    "Piggy bank of good deeds"

    Paper Cell Phones

    Emoticons (funny and sad)

    Soundtrack of the song "On the Way of Good"

Class hour progress:


Good day!

Slide 1

Guys, let's stretch our hands towards each other - palms up, stretch the sun's rays of light, kindness, happiness, peace and joy, just smile, because a smile unites. Let our thoughts and feelings be united in the discussion of very serious issues, which we will talk about today. Let's wish each other good luck.

Grasp the left wrist with your right hand. You will feel a jolt under your thumb. This is the pulse. This is how our heart beats - the most important organ of our body. Sometimes they say "healthy heart, strong" or "weak, sick heart." What does it mean? What needs to be done to keep the heart healthy? (to temper, to play sports, etc.) And sometimes they say "kind heart".

Slide 2

And today we will try to answer the questions: what kind of heart is called good and how to teach it good.

Slide 3

I would like to start our class hour with the words of our Ural poetess L. Tatyanicheva "To do people well - to be prettier yourself!" How do you understand the words "prettier yourself" (you have to do more good deeds, there is a good proverb "Treat people the way you would like to be treated you").

Slide 4

And the epigraph will be the following words of A. Chepurov:

Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with thought about kindness:
All in blue and starry beauty,
The land is good. She gives us bread
Living water and trees in bloom.
Under this eternally troubled sky

Let's fight for kindness!

What is kindness?

Slide 5

According to Ozhegov's dictionary: Kindness- responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

And what does it mean, in your opinion, a kind person?

(A kind person always speaks politely to his interlocutor. If a friend is lucky, a kind person will congratulate him, and if trouble, kind words will help to console and calm him down.

- Guys, what qualities should a kind person have? Let us write these good qualities of a person on colored petals prepared on the tables of each group.

(Group work)

Now, let's decorate the flower of kindness. (Children go to the board and attach the petals to form a flower).

This is how we got the soul of a kind person - a beautiful flower, the petals of which are the necessary human qualities.

We must, guys, strive to ensure that these qualities flourish not only here, but also in the soul of each of us.

Kindness, mercy have been developed by humanity for centuries in order to make it easier for everyone to live, communicate with each other, so that this communication brings joy.

The people have put together many proverbs and sayings about good.

(group work)

I have prepared a very interesting task for you. Words from one or another proverb are prepared on the tables, you need to collect them and voice these proverbs and sayings. And stick your work on the cloud, sun and grass. (Children's works are hung on the board in the form of the sun, clouds, grass).

"A good word heals, an evil one cripples"

"The evil does not believe that there is good"

"Good glory lies, but thin runs"

"Good deeds live for two centuries"

Good news will add honor.

Teacher: “... Oh, sages, you are infinitely right,

Our world will be saved by goodness and beauty ... "

(A rainbow is hung on the board with these words)

And now let's take a little rest and remember the kindest heroes from fairy tales and cartoons. (children's answers)

Slide 6

I invite you to sing a song with the cat Leopold "If you are good ..."

Do you think it is easy to be a kind person? I suggest you play a game called "Magic Chair".

(any student is selected from the class, sits on a chair, and everyone else must name all his good qualities)

It is very important to see the good qualities in another person. For as Blaise Pascal said: "The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices the goodness in people."

We can be merciful, kind, and we can do good. And let's start with the most important, close and dear to us - home.

(A picture of the house is pasted on the board).

What kind and good things can we do for our loved ones? How do you take care of them? Why do they say, "When the sun is warm, and when the mother is good"?

Slide 7

(Children call)

Guys, but you also have a second home.

(A picture of the school is pasted on the board)

This is your school where you study with your classmates and friends. What good and kind things can you do at school?


A person who has a good heart treats all living things with love. He not only respects people, helps them, but also protects nature, takes care of our smaller brothers - animals and birds.

Guys, I would like to present you with the “Piggy bank of good deeds”. Every good deed you do, you write down on a piece of paper and put it in your piggy bank. At the end of each week, you can count how many good deeds have been done and which ones. Place this piggy bank near a cool corner and let it replenish daily, it will never be empty.

“If you haven't multiplied today

At least a drop of someone's joy in the world -

So the day was spent in vain

Like a sad guest in someone else's apartment. "

May you guys never have wasted days.

Now take the paper cell phones that are on your desk and write good wishes to each other. (children exchange with each other, the teacher hands them)

Slide 8 (the song "On the Way of Good" sounds)

Now answer my questions in chorus "Yes" or "No"

    Can a person be forced to be kind? (No)

    Can you be kind for a while? (No)

    Do you need to be kind to any person? (Yes)

    Is it easy to be kind? (Yes)

    Do you have a desire to do good deeds? (Yes)

You got more answers "yes" and I see that you strive for good, but you shouldn't be ashamed of kindness. Kindness always brings joy to the people around you. She, like a magic medicine, cures many ailments.

(The teacher lights a candle, the guys come up to her)

Slide 9

Reach out to this light. Do you feel warm? All life in the world strives for warmth. This warmth should live in the heart of every person, let it warm you and those around you. Let's give good to people and nature, do not be indifferent to someone else's misfortune, and your hearts will be kind, and we will all live better and easier together.

Do not stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness, your smile,

Are you happy that day

Was lived in vain,

That you have not lived in vain for years.


You need to put a funny or sad emoticon on the scales