
Wise toasts wishes for the year in words. Very beautiful and wise toasts. The most beautiful toasts about friends


If your head is full of smart thoughts,
but you can't toast
don't be discouraged: you may just be a fool.
To the wise men whose heads are filled with beautiful nonsense!

A lone traveler was walking across the steppe.
Suddenly he sees: a company of cheerful people is sitting
and invites him to join them.
Came and stayed. But he didn't like these people.
And the traveler went on. Walked, walked and sees again:
by the fire, with guitars, another company is located.
He was also invited to sit.
Accepting the offer, he again realized that they
not suitable for his rebellious soul.
Went further. And... in the steppe it was torn apart by jackals.
So let's drink to
that if someone does not like our company -
let the jackals tear it apart!

A log is thrown across a mountain gorge.
And on this log, local residents scurry back and forth.
But for tourists who come to these parts,
such a crossing inspires fear.
In this case, an instructor is always on duty at the bridge.
He himself carries tourists along the log one by one
and takes one ruble for it.
One day the thought came to him: to earn
two rubles each, i.e. carry two at once.
And so he took on two tourists
and set off on his way. But the burden was too heavy.
In the middle of the log, he stopped. Thought:
- And what the hell do I need ... an extra ruble?
So let's drink to the fact that we sometimes think:
do we need an extra ruble?

There was a goat on the mountain.
An eagle flew across the sky, saw a goat,
grabbed it and flew on.
A hunter stood on the ground, saw an eagle and fired.
The eagle fell like a stone on the grass, and the goat flew on!
So let's drink to the fact that our eagles are not killed,
but the goats did not fly.

The more we search for the meaning of life,
the less it is in our lives.
And vice versa. Rejecting the meaning of life
we fill our life with great meaning.
So let's not look for adventure on our own head!

Erich Maria Remarque sitting in a rocking chair
and reflects on life:
"No, life has not been lived in vain. I wrote several
good books, I am known all over the world, I fought
with fascism... But still Hemingway writes better than me!"
Hemingway at this time is standing on the deck of his boat
in the Caribbean, in the teeth of a pipe,
waiting for a big fish and thinking:
"Damn it! I lived like a real man!
Worked like an ox, fought against fascism,
I had a lot of fame, money, women,
I hunted elephants and rhinoceros... And yet...
And yet Platonov writes better than me!"
Friends! Let's drink to the beautiful good envy!

The king of India bathed in a bath.
The barber shaved his head.
Suddenly he brought the razor to the throat of the monarch and said:
"Give me your daughter as a wife!"
The king was amazed and frightened and promised
fulfill his request.
Coming out of the bath, he asked his chief adviser:
How dare he seek my daughter's hand?
- It can be seen that there was a treasure under his feet,
that is why he is so impudent,” replied the adviser.
Dismantled the floor of the bath, and it turned out
that under it is full of gold and silver.
Let's never raise a toast
for rich bastards!

The philosopher Plato was asked:
You have traveled a lot by sea. What was the most amazing thing that happened to you during these voyages?
- The most surprising thing happened every time, - answered Plato, - that in the end I landed safely on the shore.
Let's drink to those who have sailed for a long time on the stormy sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, successfully overcoming all storms and waves.

Life has limits, it is short, and dreams are limitless. You yourself are walking along the road, and the dream is already at home. You yourself go to your beloved, and the dream is already in her arms. You yourself live in this hour, and the dream flies away for many years to come. She flies beyond the line where life ends in darkness. She flies through the ages.
So let's drink to the dream, without which life is impossible!

Let's drink to the belief that wine will never disappear from our lives and will keep us cheerful, inspire hope, and cheer the soul.

Life is a complicated thing, and in the life of each of us there is a lot of negativity. I envy those who can make a holiday out of ordinary everyday life.
Let's drink to the ability to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, from the whole world of necessity and surrender to the holiday of the soul.

Invented laser vodka. The Frenchman drank a glass and died. The American drank a glass and - died. The Russian drank the bottle and was indignant: “They just invented it, but it’s already diluted! » Let's drink to the power of the Russian spirit!

Today we have a feast and fun. Revels are divided into holidays, weddings, birthdays, name days, housewarming, anniversary, award, dump, that is, farewell, rest, that is, at a halt, and those, that is, just like that, from nothing to do.
Let's drink to all the feasts in our lives and to those who initiate them.

They say that a man - it sounds proud. In fact, this is a modest creature, consisting of a body, soul and passport. Body parts have different purposes. The eyes serve for peeping, and are sometimes decorated with lanterns. The nose serves to accommodate a runny nose, glasses, warts and minding one's own business: The ears serve as the boundary of love, as they say: head over heels in love.
The legs end in heels, where the soul usually hides from fear. And the neck is used for wearing collars and striking. That's the whole person. And so that they don’t slap me on the neck for such a definition of a person, I drink to our nice company.

My thought took a strange direction. I suddenly imagined about the same company, but a hundred years ago. And I must say that clubhouse parties were a tradition in Russia. And the same guys and girls like us had fun, danced, enjoyed life, sang songs that were popular at that time - “The dove is moaning” or “In bad weather the wind”. And I hear their greetings from the depths of time and I also want to send them greetings from the soul into the distant past.
Let's drink to our ancestors, the memory of which we carry in ourselves!

Goethe once said that we are all collective beings. I tend to understand it this way: we all need to get together sometimes to enjoy life and each other.
Let's drink to this direction!

Someone joked: take everything from life, but just in case, remember where you took it. I will remember this house where I was so interested among talented and cheerful people. For you and for the health of dear owners!

God divided people into three types: those who sit on a bag of gold; those who spend their whole lives mining gold with hard work; and carefree birds - they will find food and rejoice in the little that they have. Let us wish that light wings sometimes grow for all of us, and we rejoice in the little that we have!

In science, as in life, there are rituals, as a set of certain actions, and rituals, as a certain order of exemplary actions. And scientists perform these ritual actions, publish their works, plunge into the very depths of their science, defend dissertations. But, ask, which of the priests of science does not rejoice when lean science is replaced by lean fun?
I raise my glass to ensure that the rituals of science are accompanied by the rituals of the feast!

A real man who is metallized: gold in his pocket, silver in his temples, steel in some places and iron in his biceps. A real woman is one who, like Soviet healthcare, is available, free, highly qualified.
Let's drink to real men and real women!

Man has two opposite perceptions of life. Pleasant - joy, happiness and unpleasant - sadness, longing, fear, anger. And sometimes we rejoice and ascend to heaven, sometimes we grieve, grieve and suffer. All this is inevitable. So let's drink to the fact that the river of our memory becomes wide and full for the time of happiness, and the time of our suffering is watered with the dew of oblivion.

A husband and wife were walking along the road. They met a fool. He approached his wife, hugged and kissed. The husband took five dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the fool. The wife was surprised by such an act of her husband, he explains to her: "You'll see, these five dollars will definitely ruin him." After a while they heard a shot. It turns out that the bride and groom were walking along the road. The fool saw them and decided to kiss the bride, maybe they will give ten. Just wanted to kiss, and the groom took out a gun and killed the fool.
So let's drink to the fact that we always invest in a profitable business!

In one country, a lame, one-eyed, hunchbacked tyrant ruled. He wanted to immortalize his image in a portrait.
The first artist depicted him as he is, and was executed for insulting his majesty.
The second turned him into a slender, handsome young man and was sent to prison for distorting the truth.
The third depicted the ruler riding a rearing horse, in profile, with a sighted eye to the public, draping his hump with a wide cloak, and received the highest state award.
Thus arose a creative method, later called socialist realism.
So let's drink to real art, not subject to any tyrants!

A journalist interviews a retired captain.
– So, Mr. Captain, remember what you had to endure the most terrible storm in your life?
- O! I will never forget this! said the old sea dog after a pause. - It happened when, forgetting that I was not on deck, I spat on the floor in the kitchen, which my wife had just washed.
Let's drink to the fact that we never forget where we are and with whom!

The director of the opera house is present at the audition for the first time. One of the soloists performs an aria.
- What is this tune? the director asks.
- Which?! the conductor shouts in rage.
- The one played by the orchestra, or the one that Madame sings ?!
I propose to drink for more talented singers with absolute pitch and a good voice on the stage!

I drink to our enemies! Let them have everything: a chic house, antique furniture, a mineral water pool, Persian-carpeted rooms, an American software-controlled phone, and let this number only ring: 01, 02, 03!

Two friends are talking.
- Here we grumble that people are getting worse, more impudent. But it's the other way around!
- You think so?
- Of course! Judge for yourself. Do you remember thirty years ago we were afraid to go out alone in the evening with you? And now? No one bothers us even at night!
Let's drink to the years of friendship!

They say that the morning is wiser than the evening. But tonight is not subject to this pattern: it is given over to fun, wine and the attraction of interesting women.
Let's drink to the wisdom of this evening!

Sometimes there is discord in the company: some go to the forest, some for firewood, and everything resembles one conductor who waves his baton and then frowns, or is surprised at something. After the concert, he is asked why he was grimacing. "Yes, here's a little inconsistency: I'm conducting a Tchaikovsky concerto, and the orchestra is playing a Mozart symphony."
Let's drink to consent, our passions, and so that they don't bludgeon us!

A donkey is walking in the desert. There is a day, a second, a third, a week. The heat is catching up. Suddenly he sees two large barrels standing. One with water, the other with vodka. What do you think he started drinking?
Of course water...
So let's not be donkeys and drink vodka!

One fisherman says to another:
- I had such a dream yesterday! It’s as if I’m sitting in a boat, and next to me is a young naked beauty.
- Well, then what?
- And then I threw the bait and caught such a fish!
Let's drink to make all our cherished dreams come true!

One clever man said: "Youth is a defect that passes with time." I want time to pass, but the lack remains. And let's not fight it, it's better to live with this shortcoming. Not everything was bad in the years of stagnation, they sang correctly then: I will not part with the Komsomol, I will be forever young! Let's drink to the lack that is always with us!

What worries me in life? Population explosion: men are coming, but what to drink? I am also concerned beautiful women and therefore - is it possible to immigrate to the place where they condensed?
For those present!

The doctor was asked what is the difference between rich, poor and middle-class people. “The syndrome of the rich,” he replied, “is the syndrome of satiety: he can, but he does not want to. The syndrome of the poor is the syndrome of the impotent: he wants to, but he cannot. A person of average income is distinguished by the triumph syndrome: he wants and he can.
Let's drink to the advantage of average income!

One day, the chief contractor for the construction of the pyramid of the same name came to Cheops and began to complain about this and that.
- And you just need to love your job, what you do, then there will be no problems! Cheops told him.
And indeed, after these words, all the tension somehow dissipated, and everything fell into place, including the pyramid.
So let's drink to the love of our work!

Thank you doctor for curing me of megalomania. Now I am a man of absolutely unsurpassed, fantastic, one might say, phenomenal modesty!
So let's drink to modesty!

One person went to the next world and on the way he thinks where to go - to heaven or to hell? “Of course, in heaven there is a climate,” he reflects, “but in hell there is a society.” As you can see, a pleasant company will reconcile even with the inconveniences of life.
So let's drink to the company!

Risk and Prudence meet. “Listen,” says Risk, “let's join the company and fly to the Sun. "-" So we will burn! "-" No, they flew to the moon, no difference. "-" The difference is no less than between us: you are talking nonsense, and I am a good judge.
Let's drink to prudence and competent risk!

A body immersed in a fluid is subjected to a buoyant force. A pressing force acts on a body underloaded with liquid. Let's lighten up a bit and perk up!

There is a Phoenix bird that has the ability to burn in its nest when death approaches and reborn from the ashes again. I want to raise a glass to our ability to be reborn like a Phoenix bird!

One Greek sage very witty divided drunkenness into three categories: goat-like, satirical and swine. In the first category, intoxication excites only gaiety; a person under its influence jumps and gallops like a well-fed goat: in the second category, he becomes angry, mocking, captious, a feeling of some kind of indignation towards his neighbor prevails in him; and in the third, forgetting all human dignity, he falls and wallows in the mud, like the most contemptible animal.
So let's drink to the fact that, no matter how much we drink, we would never lose our human essence!

A feast is a kind of ritual, where the verbs of action - pour, drink, eat - are regularly replaced by verbs of speech. I turn to the verbs of speech and propose a toast. For our blue bird to fly lower and fall into our hands, no, no, and fall!

There lived - there was a dove and a dove, and they loved each other. Once a dove released his dove for three days to visit his parents. On the way back, a storm caught her and shook and beat the dove, wounded and crippled her wings. On the wounded wings, she somehow flew home late. And the dove waited, waited for her, became jealous, became furious and did not let her say a word - she pecked. The great philosopher Spinoza said: "Don't be quick to judge, be quick to understand."
Let's drink to this great truth!

For five months a tree stands covered with greenery, but one day, one night is enough for all the leaves to turn yellow. And vice versa. For five months the tree stands bare and black as coal. And one warm, bright morning is enough to make it green. One joyful morning is enough for it to bloom.
So let's drink to the fact that, unlike trees, we bloom all our lives!

Meetings can take place on trains, restaurants, museums, theaters, at parties and are different: casual and expected, friendly and unfriendly, happy and unpleasant. Meetings can be joyful and very interesting. And today I feel great pleasure from our meeting. I drink for those present!

History says that the ancient Roman commander Lucullus spent half a million on his famous dinners, and the emperor Coligula spent two million on his sumptuous night feasts. Our table is not so luxurious, but in the soul, by God, three million. So for the divine, which is more precious than money!

I recently measured my height in the morning - 179 centimeters, measured in the evening - 176. What the hell? I started measuring every day - and the same thing. I vibrate in space with a daily frequency. Not otherwise, as the burden of life crushes. Let's drink to the fact that the burden of life does not shorten our guard position!

Each drunk glass is a nail driven into our coffin. Let's drink so that this coffin does not fall apart! In ancient times, when people gathered for no reason, just to sit together, drank for an event, understanding by this the original meaning of the word, i.e., joint being.
Let's drink for a mutually agreeable co-existence!

cool and beautiful toasts:

“The mistress is not at home,” the housekeeper answered him from behind the door.
“I ask for a piece of bread, not for the hostess,” the beggar said bitterly. - And let the hostess remain the owner!
Let each his own in this life!

One king was given a horse. He turned to his advisers:

- Where will this wonderful horse be useful to me?
- At war with the enemies of our state, - someone said.
“No,” the monarch shook his head.
- For horse races, - another adviser tried to guess.
"No," said the king shortly.
- But why then? the courtiers asked in bewilderment.
- This horse will be useful to those who have bad neighbor to get away from him as fast as possible.
People say: do not buy a house, but buy a neighbor. Let's drink to our good neighbors!

Life has limits, it is short, and dreams are limitless.

You yourself are walking along the road, and the dream is already at home.
You yourself go to your beloved, and the dream is already in her arms.
You yourself live now, and the dream is already many years ahead.
She flies beyond the line where life ends in darkness.
So let's drink to a dream that prolongs our lives!

The contented lamb ran to the sheep:

- Mom, the shepherd said that I'm fit for barbecue!
- Why are you happy, stupid?
- Still, it's nice that I'm good for something!
Let's drink to the fact that we are at least good for something!

The philosopher Diogenes said:

"Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The one who is satisfied with his life is truly rich."
Let's drink to wealth!

In one city there was a bullfight.

Two bulls prepared for a deadly battle, but it was noticeable that their strength was not equal. One was very large, the other was very small and fragile. Everyone understood that the healthy will win. But when they approached with a running start, the healthy one knelt before the fragile one.

Why? He recognized him as his father.

So let's drink to the fact that even as adults, we are not ashamed to kneel before our parents.

A person comes to the store, looks - the right thing.

But he did not buy it, because he hoped to find cheaper. Comes to the second store, looks - the same thing, and cheaper. But again I did not buy it, because I wanted to find it even cheaper. And he comes to the third store, and there is this thing and it is very cheap ... But again, the person did not want to buy it, hoping for even more good price. And so, while this man wandered from one store to another, this thing disappeared from the shelves of the first, and second, and third, and fifth, and tenth ...
So let's drink to correctly understand and correctly use the immutable law of life: the best is the enemy of the good!

They say a losing streak sometimes turns out to be a takeoff...

So let's drink to the fact that when we fly high, no one pulled the stopcock!

To live life wisely

You need to know a lot.
Two important rules remember to start:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone!

While cleaning the room, the servant found a ruble and gave it to the owner.

"Since you're so honest, keep it to yourself," he said.
A few days later the owner lost the golden pen and asked the servant if he had found it in the room.
- I found it, - he answered, - but he kept it to himself for honesty.
Let's drink to the fact that we lose less and find more.

Table speeches in the Caucasus are a whole ritual, often becoming a mini-performance. They are so vivid and memorable that other nations are happy to borrow them and pronounce them at their banquets. It is a good toast that “holds the table” and turns a banal meal into a holiday. Interesting Caucasian toasts for all occasions are presented in this selection.

A sense of humor is highly valued in the Caucasus. Therefore, toasts here rarely do without a joke. They often ridicule human vices - stupidity, greed, cowardice, not worthy of a horseman. Caucasians can also play a trick on rather sensitive moments in the relationship between husband and wife, fathers and children.

The basis for a humorous toast can be an ordinary anecdote, to which the introductory word “once” is first added. Further, under any anecdotal situation, a solemn final phrase is summed up with a proposal to raise glasses. In terms of meaning, it does not necessarily have to follow logically from the above. The subtle moment of the funny Caucasian toast sometimes arises from the paradoxical nature of its conclusion.

Once all the men gathered in one mountain village, the elder, deciding to find out if they respect their wives, asked:

- Who among you is dissatisfied with his wives, let him get up!

Everyone stood up, only one person continued to sit. The elder was glad that at least one man in the village respects his wife and does not say that he is dissatisfied with her; he said:

- Thank God, for the first time I see a man who is pleased with his wife!

To this the jigit who remained seated replied:

“You are mistaken, ata. I didn't get up because my wife broke my leg with a poker and I can't get up. And then he jumped first ...

So let's drink to the fact that women never leave men the opportunity to stop respecting them!

One day, young Sofiko complained to her friend:

“Vano came to see me last night. I was so excited, so fascinated by him, that in a fit of ardent tenderness I said: “Take my most precious thing from me!” He led the horse out of the stable, jumped on it and sped away like the wind.

So let's drink to the fact that we always understand women correctly!

One day, on a distant mountain plateau, a shepherd was tending a herd of goats. Suddenly, an eagle fell from the sky onto the herd like a stone and grabbed one goat. The shepherd fired - and the eagle fell, and the goat flew on.
So let's drink to the fact that the eagles are not shot, and the goats do not fly.

Once in the mountains there lived one very rich man and one poor man. Both wanted to be happy. The rich man was served happiness on a large platter, but he soon became bored with it, and he began to cry, because he did not know what else to wish for.

But the poor man had happiness on a high rock, and he climbed, climbed on it, but, not knowing the rules of rock climbing, fell off every time.

So let's drink to not looking for deceptive happiness on a wide platter, but to enter the mountaineering and rock-climbing section, and thereby acquire a reliable life skill.

Congratulatory toasts for the wedding

A wedding in the Caucasus is an event as large and significant as in the rest of Russia. However, marriage is taken much more seriously here than anywhere else. Even a fleeting suggestion about the possibility of divorce is not allowed. The marriage union is sacred and indestructible.

It is not surprising that wedding toasts occupy a special place in the array of texts of drinking speeches. And here it is not enough to say a wish to the young, ending it with a steady turnover “So let's drink ...”. Valuable experience should be conveyed in a Caucasian wedding speech family life. You can do this in different form both lyrically and humorously.

In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy one day, drink wine. If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life - respect, appreciate, take care of your wife.

So let's drink to our fiance, and may he be happy all his life!

When one respected aksakal celebrated his eightieth birthday and the fiftieth life together with his wife, he was asked:

- There is no secret in this, it’s just that when my wife and I got married, we made an agreement with her: as soon as we quarrel, I put on a cloak and go to the mountains. So it was the daily walks in the mountains that brought such benefits to both my health and my family life.

So let's drink to the fact that even the quarrels of our newlyweds turn out to be good for their family!

One aksakal told me this ancient legend: a long time ago a man lived in the mountains. He angered God with something, and God punished him terribly - the man began to experience unquenchable thirst. He drank from streams, rivers, wells, drank wine and milk, but nothing helped him. But once he went into an unfamiliar village and asked one house for a drink. The water was brought to him by a girl, but of such perfect beauty that the poor sinner forgot about his thirst, because he fell in love with the girl at first sight. So let's raise a toast to the bride, who quenched the terrible thirst of our groom!

Original birthday greetings

It is not difficult to make a congratulatory speech for a birthday man in the Caucasian style. For this, in principle, you can use any blank parable or anecdote, having come up with an original conclusion for it with a wish. But in order to observe etiquette, you need to consider the difference between a toast for a man and for a woman.

Caucasian toasts for a man's birthday often contain references to years lived or longevity.

The most respected people in the Caucasus are long-lived aksakals, and a congratulatory speech may include a story about them, as an example of what a birthday person should strive for.

For a woman's birthday, a toast is prepared differently. Here the emphasis is on the beauty of the birthday girl and her other virtues - thriftiness, complaisant character, sharp mind. Talking about age, in this case, is bad manners.

The venerable Georgian prince once sneezed, and the servant said hurriedly:

- A thousand years of health!

- Zyts! shouted the gentleman. Why do you want the impossible for me?

“Then live a hundred and twenty years.”

- Zyts! The prince got angry again.

- Then at least a hundred!

Failed again!

- Eighty?

All wrong! The servant got out of patience and says:

- Yes, if it was my will, then die now!

Let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy lives as long as he wishes for himself!

In a distant village lived an old aksakal. And then one day he decided to go to another world. But suddenly a strong wind arose and brought a newspaper from somewhere. And then the aksakal's gaze stumbled upon a note telling that another aksakal lives in a neighboring village, who is 120 years old, and that he still feels great. Our aksakal felt offended, and he said:

- I will live longer than him, because I am only 119 years old.

So let's raise our glasses to the fact that the mail to the birthday boy always arrives on time.

A real man is one who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. So let's drink to life path our birthday girl met only real men!

Every woman is like a rose - just as beautiful. But there are no roses without thorns. Petals quickly fly around, but prickly thorns remain. So let's drink to the birthday girl who manages to be an ever-blooming rose without thorns!

One old aksakal told me: “By what a man’s wife is, how good she is and what kind of mistress, one can judge what he is like and whether he knows his own worth.” So let's drink to a charming and skillful birthday girl, whose husband, apparently, is a real sultan!

Wise Caucasian toasts-parables

A parable is a short, instructive story, akin to a fable. Caucasian folklore contains a great many of them, and almost every one of them is capable of becoming the basis for a toast. The plots of parables are very diverse, and their heroes can be both people and animals. A characteristic feature of the Caucasian parable is the through image of a traveler on a mountain road.

Taking a parable as a basis for a toast, you need to complete it with a conclusion. The final sentence, "Let's raise our glasses..." can refer to anything from love to cybernetics. It all depends on the purpose of the toast and his ability to deduce his own moral from the story. The Caucasian parable thus becomes a universal material for toasts for all occasions.

Three travelers were walking along a rocky mountain road. Day go, two. The water has long run out, the thirst has tormented, and there is not a single source nearby. But suddenly the travelers saw an orange tree on their way, miraculously growing among impregnable bare rocks. Losing strength, exhausted travelers reached the tree, which turned out to be three fruits.

The first traveler, not wanting to waste his last strength on cleaning the juicy fruit, tried to squeeze the juice out of an orange, but the thick peel let in very little saving moisture, which was not enough to save him from thirst. The second, seeing the fate of the first, tried to eat the whole orange without peeling it. However, the bitter and tough peel stuck in a parched throat. The third took into account the mistakes of the first two. Having spent the last of his strength to remove the peel, he peeled the fruit, and the life-giving pulp saved his life.

So let's drink to the fact that we always take off the bitter peel of quarrels, insults and adversity and revel in the juicy fruits of love!

Once a traveler was walking along a mountain gorge. Suddenly he saw: an ancient elder planting a fruit tree in the garden. The traveler was surprised and asked:

- Father, tell me, how many years will pass before the tree that has grown from the seed you planted begins to bear fruit?

The old man answered him:

- You're right, of course. The fruits will appear no earlier than after a good twenty years. I, most likely, will not live to see it, but let others eat them, as I now eat what my ancestor planted.

I propose a toast to the old man,

So that his covenant does not go out for centuries,

To generosity just like that

Distinguished each of us.

The most beautiful toasts about friends

Friendship in the Caucasus is a sacred concept. It is not without reason that a system of kunachestvo has developed here and still exists. Kunachestvo is social relations that make people among themselves not just friends, but twins. A highlander is able to give his life for his kunak, and the children and parents of a friend become his own children and parents for him.

Table speeches about friendship occupy a huge place in the corpus of Caucasian toasts. And among them there is not a single comic one, because according to the ideas of Caucasians, they don’t scoff at the saint. Toasts about friends are of a pronounced lyrical nature and are full of a deep sense of gratitude. It is in this category of table speeches, as in no other, that the original, ancient function of the toast, prayer, is manifested to a greater extent.

Somewhere far away in the mountains lived a beautiful animal. It loved itself very much for its long slender horns, iridescent plumage, large Blue eyes and graceful wings. This animal ate only exquisite food and drank only spring water, but every evening it climbed high into the mountains and howled very sadly at the moon. Scientists became interested in the strange behavior of this selfish animal and found out that he simply did not have friends! Let's raise our glasses to the people who won't let us howl with boredom! For friends!

One old Georgian had five friends: one was honest, the second was smart, the third was kind, the fourth was fair, and the fifth was generous. When a Georgian was told how kind, fair, or smart he was, he always answered: “I have five friends: one is honest, the second is smart, the third is kind, the fourth is fair and the fifth is generous. They taught me how to be!”

I join the opinions of this wise old Georgian and ask you to raise your glasses to my friends!

In the old days, two people lived in one village. One was very economic and was constantly cleaning his yard: now from snow, now from leaves, which constantly covered the road to his house. And the second had many friends, and every day they trampled down the path to his house, so that he did not have to clean anything. So let us raise our glasses to our friends, thanks to whom the road to our homes will not be overgrown and blocked!

A man with a dog was walking along a tiring mountain road. He walked and walked, he was terribly tired, the dog was tired too. Suddenly in front of him - an oasis! Beautiful gates, behind the fence - music, flowers, the murmur of a stream ...

- What it is? the traveler asked the porter.

“This is paradise, you have already died, and now you can enter and rest for real.

- Is there water there?

- As many as you like: clean fountains, cool pools ...

- Will they give you food?

- Whatever you want.

But I have a dog with me.

I'm sorry, but dogs are not allowed. She must be left here.

And the traveler went past ... After a while, the road led him to the farm. The porter also sat at the gate.

“I am thirsty,” the traveler asked.

- Come in, there is a well in the yard.

- And my dog?

- Near the well you will see a drinking bowl.

- What about food?

“I can take you to dinner.”

- And the dog?

- There is a bone.

– What is this place?

- It is a paradise.

- How so? The porter at the palace nearby told me that heaven was there.

- He's lying. There is hell.

- How do you, in paradise, endure this?

- It is very useful for us. Only those who do not abandon their friends reach paradise...

I raise my glass to real and true friends!

Caucasian toasts for an anniversary

Anniversaries in the Caucasus are highly respected. Round dates here are perceived in the same way as other Russians - as a kind of mystical milestone. Often Caucasians compare life with climbing a high mountain, and an anniversary within the framework of this metaphor resembles a mountain plateau where you can take a break and look back at the road you have traveled.

Caucasian toasts for an anniversary are an occasion to remind a person of his merits and achievements. At the same time, the emphasis is not so much on the material aspects of life, but on the valuable personal qualities of the hero of the day.

According to the rules of etiquette, attention should be paid to the toast. When a speech is being made, guests should not talk, eat or serve food, or interrupt the speaker. This is considered a manifestation of disrespect not only to the toast, but also to the hero of the day.

In the Caucasus, they say that God sends people into the world with four purposes: some for suffering, others for boredom, third for eking out a miserable existence, and fourth for giving joy to others. So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who gives us incomparable joy!

The mountain peoples have one good proverb: “The camel gave birth to a camel - the neighbor did not hear. The hen laid an egg - cackles all over the world. Let's raise our glasses to our humble hero of the day, who knows his business perfectly, but does not ring about it all over the world!

In the Caucasus they say: "It's easy to make people know you, but it's hard to know yourself." I want to wish the dear hero of the day to know himself! This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy anniversary, dear!

Congratulations in verse

Traditional Caucasian table speeches, although they have a certain poetic quality, are not pronounced in poetic form. But this does not mean that any congratulation in verse cannot be styled as a Caucasian toast. To create this styling, you need to do two things.

Firstly, the text of the congratulations should include characteristic concepts and images that convey the spirit of Caucasian hospitality or wisdom. This figurative system includes bread and wine, the road, fidelity, respect, perseverance, warm relations between children and parents. Secondly, you need to complete the congratulations with the traditional turn: "Let's drink to ...".

The art of table speeches in the Caucasus is cultivated at the level of national tradition. Caucasian toasts, full of powerful energy, sparkling humor, touching tenderness and deep wisdom, will decorate any feast. Such a speech never looks banal and remains in the memory of guests and heroes of the occasion for a long time.

Remember my son

There are many troubles in life.

Her lessons are both wise and strict.

And yet, probably, there is no worse misfortune,

Than suddenly be without a road.

The road is under the stones or under the sand,

Straight or curved - all the same more expensive

Covered in sadness and longing,

Aimless, empty off-road.

Happy birthday, my son, and let's drink to the fact that the road never leaves under your feet!

I drink, so that for everyone who was not with us today,

Could not drink and eat at this wedding,

We kept the good smell of bread,

which we broke down here.

So that everyone sitting at the table,

For a long time saved in your blood

And mischief, and this invigorating current

Wine, fun, friendship and love.

Let's drink to the young, and let their happiness, like new wine, intoxicate the whole world!

The ancient sages said that the birth of good is good. Therefore, I want to drink for the birth and many years of our friendship!

The American Indians have a legend that tells how one night a coyote was called to place the stars in the sky. Being sleepy, the coyote didn't see where he was going and fell down! The stars scattered in different directions and formed the sparkling patterns that we see every night. Let's drink to the fact that any, even the most unreasonable act of our birthday boy, brings the same excellent results.

An eagle sits on a mountaintop.
Looks around, thinks:
- Look to the right - the mountains. Boring! Left
look at the mountains. Boring! And peck yourself in the tail - it hurts!
So many people, from the fact that the environment is boring, begin to peck at themselves, i.e. are doing selfishness! I mean our birthday. My advice to you, look in the mirror more often: everything is fine with you, everything is fine! .. One person is asked: do you never smile? "I'm sad," he replies. "Cheerfully sad!" - advise him. This is what I would like to recommend to you!

In ancient times, an old frigate was wrecked in the ocean. Only one person was able to escape - he grabbed a floating long plank and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later the second victim emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of the plank. The first one started crying. The second asked:
- Why are you crying?
The first one said:
-Wah! Such a guest, but there is nothing to treat!
So let's drink to dear hosts who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests!

Chinese wisdom says:
"When you came into the world, you were crying, and everyone around was rejoicing. Make sure that when you leave, everyone is crying, and you are the only one smiling."
For what has been said!

A person has two main directions in life, - one wise man noted, - he either rolls or climbs. Which is easier? It seems the first. But do not rush to a conclusion. a person who would roll, let's say, up to 70 years old! But you can climb! Here is our birthday boy from the category of climbers. And let him climb up to 100 years old. My toast: to the healthiest sport - mountaineering!

The ancient Chinese have a legend that tells how one day a dragon swallowed the Sun. People beat drums and shouted to scare the dragon. And it seems to have worked - the Sun has returned. I want to drink to the fact that in the life of our birthday never happened solar eclipses, and if this happens, so that there will always be people around who can beat the drums.

One wise man said: "The most amazing thing in a person is not that he often grieves over the lost state, but that his life is passing, he is not upset." Let us raise a toast to bright and useful every day of our life.

One of the Eastern sages said: "It is easy to make people know you, but it is difficult to truly know yourself."
I want to wish my son to know himself. This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy birthday son!

What is the difference between a wise person and a smart person? A wise person will never get into a situation from which a smart person will come out with honor. So let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy has the patience to be smart, the mind - to become wise and the wisdom - to remain ourselves at the same time!

One ancient legend says that once upon a time in an old eastern city lived a man of extraordinary wisdom. Crowds of people flocked to him for advice, since the doors of his house were always open. But not everyone liked it. The sage also had envious people. And then one day one of them decided to disgrace the sage by asking him a question that he could not answer. He went to the meadow and caught the most beautiful butterfly. Putting it on his palm, he decided: “I will ask the wise man which butterfly I have in my hands - alive or dead. If he says - alive, I will close my palms, and she will die, if he says - dead, I will open my palms, and she will fly away. Then everyone will be convinced that this wise man does not know everything. Having come to the sage, the envious person asked: “O wise one, what kind of butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?” The sage, without thinking twice, answered: “Everything is in your hands ...” So let's drink to ensure that our birthday boy never envy anyone and always understands that everything is in his hands!