
Proverb where in the family there. Parent meeting: “Where there is harmony in the family, there the children are well raised. Proverbs about the people


Today we will read proverbs about family. Proverbs are short phrases in which a deep meaning is laid, the experience of generations and the wisdom of the people are transmitted.

Russian proverbs about the family are wise sayings in which the family plays an important role.

A person enters the family from birth. Here the child learns the world, here his character is formed, he learns to walk, talk, learns to love relatives and friends.

If the family has a good, friendly environment, all family members understand and support each other, then the child will develop correctly. Native people are the most important thing for all of us.

Proverbs about the family help to educate our children in understanding, friendship, love. These short phrases have a good educational effect. In Russian proverbs, the authority of the mother is emphasized. She is the keeper hearth takes care of her husband and children. A mother loves her children, no matter how they behave. Parents are the main authority for a child. Children in childhood always want to be like their mom and dad.

Therefore, playing with the child. when educating, include these proverbs in your classes. You can also read

Interesting proverbs and sayings about the family for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Brotherly love is stronger than a stone wall.

Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, a complete orphan.

In not friendly family good does not happen.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

A diligent house is dense, and a lazy house is empty.

The family agrees, and things are going great.

All children are equal - boys and girls.

In your home, the walls help.

In the family, the porridge is thicker.

There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.

In a family where there is no consent, good does not happen.

In a good family, good children grow up.

Everywhere is good, but home is better.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.

A friendly family knows no sorrow.

The life of parents in children.

To marry is not to drink water.

He who honors his parents never perishes.

I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.

The mother feeds the children like earth-people.

Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.

The mother of all business is the head.

The father punishes, the father praises.

With warmth, with mother good.

Parents honor-you will not go astray from the true path.

Parents are hardworking, and children are not lazy.

The bird is happy for spring, and the baby is happy for its mother.

A Russian person does not live without relatives.

A family without a child is like a hearth without fire.

A family is strong when there is only one roof on it.

Glory to the son-father is a joy.

You will make a house with your son, and you will live the rest with your daughter.

Treasure family - be happy.

Family consent is the most precious thing.

A family without children is like a flower without a smell.

Family is the foundation of happiness.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

Consent in the family is wealth.

The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.

Only work keeps the house.

He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach.

A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

Read and learn proverbs about families with children. It's interesting and useful. Sometimes such short phrases carry more meaning and benefit than large works.

And on the day of family, love and fidelity, I congratulate you all and wish you and your family happiness and prosperity!

May every day of your life become a day of family, love and fidelity, where happiness, fun and joy will be present.

Let your second half be the most desirable for you and reciprocate, and the children please you with their successes! May you always have love, and loyalty, and a loving family.

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. No value or wealth can replace a family. But ... the family is a fragile creature that requires constant replenishment. And nourishment can give love and fidelity. Love each other and respect, trust each other and be happy.

1. Create conditions for reflecting the experience of the family on moral grounds.
2. To promote the development of communication skills, kindness and mutual understanding in the families of pupils.
1. Make joint conclusions about the importance of mutual understanding in the family, as one of the components of future happiness.
1. Training for acquaintance (all those present become in a circle join hands)

We are people with different names, different education, different tempers, views on life, different destinies, but there is one thing that unites us, we are all mothers and fathers of our children. Who, if not us, knows that for a child the whole world is his family. Many of us are building our own family.

What is family? (Answers).

This is a word that everyone understands. It is with each of us from the first moments of life. A family is a home, parents, close relatives.

In the family circle, we are growing,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
In the family circle, all your roots,
And in life you leave the family.

Raising a child, we always face problems.

The family team has a complex structure fixed by customs, traditions, moral and legal norms, within which children, parents, grandparents are united whole system relationships: between older and younger children, between children and parents, etc. These relationships determine the psychological climate of the family.

What makes a good family atmosphere? In a circle, parents offer their options:

From comfort, order and ready meals;
- from good relations between family members;
- from the contribution of each to the common family business;
- from family holidays.

A healthy family is a family without conflicts.

Today our topic is devoted to the problems of family relationships, namely conflict situations.

Its goal is to build a model (mental algorithm) of the adequate behavior of us parents.

Everyone will probably agree that there are no conflict-free families. But in some families, conflicts are not only resolved safely, without causing harm to children, but also help to strengthen mutual understanding. In other families, they turn into a protracted "war" in which there can be no winner. Let's try to formulate some causes of conflicts (answers):

Misunderstanding of each other and unwillingness to compromise;
- excessive parental care for the child, when parents adhere to the following rule: children are created for joy (as a result, a small and then a big despot grows up in the family, accustomed only to receive and give nothing in return);
- disagreements between parents on issues of education, when the child has to maneuver between the requirements of the father and mother;
- excessive severity to the child and pedagogical vindictiveness.

1. Do you think that in your family there is mutual understanding with children?

Thank you for your answers, and I would like to turn to the words of I. D. Vilde “How much human happiness has been shattered into smithereens just because someone didn’t say to someone:“ Sorry ”

2. Do you think your child would like his future family to be like yours? If you can, please explain why?

Exercise 1.

Situation No. 1. The boy comes home late. Parents, having been waiting, fly at him with reproaches and screams, not allowing him to speak out. The boy goes to sleep without explaining anything to his parents.

Later, the phone rings and the parents learn that their child has been delayed for a very good reason.

Real situation?
What is the complexity of this situation?

Try to solve it yourself

Situation #2.

A young man is in love with a girl from a dysfunctional family who studies very well, is exemplary, well-mannered and you will know about it, but you do not approve of your child's choice. Your actions? Do you think it is important to look at the girl's marital status?

Situation #1.

The child liked the toy, but the toy is very expensive, he asks to buy it, being naughty. You do not have such opportunities to buy this toy. Your actions?

Situation #2.

7 pm (winter time). The child is late at school. Classmates have long been at home. He comes home at 7.30 and starts thinking that the teacher kept him, etc. You know that the child is lying.

Your actions?

Situation #1.

Dima is often angry with his parents because they bring him up a lot and often scold him: you can’t spend a lot of time on the street, you need to wash your hands more often, don’t sit at the computer for a long time, why don’t you learn lessons, don’t be friends with Serezha - he is up to he will not bring good: and so on endlessly: he is rude to his parents and demonstrates disobedience.

How to be in this situation?
How to find a way out of the tangle of conflicting relationships?

Situation #2.

Your son (daughter) has developed bad habits. You smelled cigarettes. Your actions? How to be in this situation?

Situation #3.

The home environment itself objectively contributes to the emergence of trust and sincerity.

The girls go home from school and discuss what they will do at home. One of them says that her mother has just arrived and now the girl will tell her the news in 3 days.

But as soon as the girl enters the house, the mother quickly asks about grades, scolds for sloppy look and sends to do homework, referring to his fatigue.

The upset girl goes to her room.

Conclusion: It is important not to miss the moment when children need us, when they are drawn to us, want to discuss with us issues that are important to them. And this should not become a cause of family contention.

Psychologist's message what is suicide, types of suicide (showing a presentation)
Screening of the video "Where Childhood Goes" (discussion with parents)
Screening of the video "Please take care of childhood"
Reflection showing the video "13 phrases of life"
At the end of the meeting, parents are invited to write on hearts the best qualities of their child, wishes for them
On the stickers write Druzhnaya happy family- this is ... following the results of the parent meeting

Let's now answer the questions:

When was the last time you had a private heart-to-heart talk with your child?
When was the last time you stroked his head?
When was the last time you were told that you love your child?
When with love and tenderness looked into the eyes of your child?

If you didn't do it yesterday or the day before yesterday, then do it today.


I would like to end our meeting with a parable.

One morning a fisherman went fishing with his two sons. The catch was good, and by noon the three men were ready to return home. But as they began to stretch their nets, a storm suddenly came up and completely hid the coastline from view.

And at the same time, the storm did not spare their little house either. It caught fire, the fire burned to the ground their homes and all their property.

When the fisherman and his sons got ashore, a weeping wife was waiting for him, who immediately told her husband and children about the misfortune that had befallen them. But the fisherman did not raise an eyebrow. The wife was indignant: “Husband, we have lost everything. what we had, and you don’t care!”

Then the fisherman replied: "The fire that destroyed our house turned out to be the same light that suddenly appeared in the fog and showed us the way to the shore."

The light in the window of the house... How does it make our children feel? Joy, what are you waiting for? Tears of cleansing: "Well, here I am at home": irritation - well, what do they need, why can't they sleep: fear - how to go quietly so that there is no scandal and screams?

Leaving the meeting, I really want you to think about what feelings the light in your window causes in your children, who themselves in a very short period of time will become dads and moms and will themselves turn on the light in their windows.

Reminders for parents

Principles of parent-child relationship

1. I want to be loved. Therefore, I will be open to loving children's hearts.
2. I love being accepted for who I really am. Therefore, I will strive to empathize with the child and appreciate him.
3. I am the only one who can live my life. Therefore, I should not strive to completely control the life of a child.
4. I often forget about the complex labyrinths of childhood. Therefore, I will let the children help me find ways out of deadlocks.
5. I know a lot about the world around me. Therefore, I will try so that my child also finds himself in this world.
6. I can't make a child's fear, pain, and frustration disappear. Therefore, I will strive to soften the blows of fate.
7. I feel fear when I am defenseless. Therefore, I will touch the inner world of the child with kindness, affection and tenderness.

Sometimes even the meaning of proverbs can not be explained, the baby understands the meaning or content without the help of adults. Yes, such short aphorisms, but sometimes there are more benefits and meaning than long works or stories.

Proverbs and sayings about the family convey to children the age-old wisdom of the people. Therefore, it is so important, when raising a child and playing with him, to include these proverbs in classes.

The most famous, interesting folk proverbs about the family for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Brotherly love is stronger than a stone wall.
Without a husband - that without a head, without a wife - that without a mind.
Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - a complete orphan.
It would be someone to drink to death, feed, and cover their eyes.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
They are friends in the family - they live, they do not grieve.

Every bride will be born for her groom.
Every layman is a family man to his brother.
In the family, love and advice, so there is no need.
That is the strength of a wife loving her husband.
The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.
Choose your wife not in a round dance, but in a garden.
A diligent house is dense, and a lazy house is empty.
The family agrees - and things are going great.
All children are equal - both boys and girls.
In a friendly family and warm in the cold.
There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.
Everyone in his family is big.
What is the calculation in your family?
In your home, the walls help.
In the family, the porridge is thicker.
There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
In a family where there is no consent, good does not happen.
In a good family, good children grow up.
Everywhere is good, but home is better.
Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
Where there is advice, there is light; where there is agreement, there is God.
The thick porridge of the family will not disperse.
Twins - and happiness twice.
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.
The child does not cry - the mother does not understand.
Although the child is sickly, the father and mother are nice.
A good wife will glorify her husband's valor, and smooth out shortcomings.
A good family will add intelligence-mind.
To take a good wife - not to know boredom or grief.
A girl's humility is more precious than a necklace.
Daughters flaunt, with sons they live in high esteem.
Goodness does not flow like a river in the world, but lives as a family.
A friendly family knows no sorrow.
The life of parents in children.
To marry is not to drink water.
The wife is in charge, so the husband wanders around the neighbors.
A wife is for advice, a mother-in-law is for greetings, but there is no dearer mother.
The wife caresses, and the mother regrets.
A wife is a friend to her husband, not a servant.
To marry is not to attack, as if, having married, not to be lost.
The wife does not harp - you can’t hang it on the wall.
Why a treasure, if the family is in harmony?
An evil wife will drive her husband crazy.
A father is scolded for a bad fighter.
Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is an empty flower.
Whoever respects his mother will not scold someone else's.
He who honors his parents never perishes.
It is better to eat bread with water than to live with an evil wife.
It is better to burn seven times than to be widowed once.
It is better to cry in childhood than in old age.
I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.
Love and advice - there is no grief.
A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.
There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
She gave birth, but did not teach.
Hints and reproaches are family vices.
A husband without a wife is like a goose without water.
Husband - for a cup, and wife - for a stick.
A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
The mother feeds the children, as the earth feeds the people.
Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
The mother of all business is the head.
Welcome mother - a stone fence.
To marry an unloving one - the heart will become embittered.
There is no good if there is enmity between one's own.
There is no friend against a brother.
The father punishes, the father praises.
To honor a father and mother is not to know grief.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.
Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
The parental word is not spoken by.
Do not brag about your father - brag about your son - well done.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
The bird is happy for spring, and the baby is happy for its mother.
With a good year and godfathers - sworn brothers.
Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.
Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy.
A Russian person does not live without relatives.
A family without a child is like a hearth without fire.
A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
The glory of a son is a joy to a father.
You will make a house with your son, and you will live the rest with your daughter.
With a bad wife you get old, but with a good wife you get younger.
A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.
The family is at war, and the lonely one is grieving.
Treasure family - be happy.
Your home is not someone else's: you can't leave it.
Your own is not an enemy.
Consider your own with your own, but do not intervene with someone else.
Family consent is the most precious thing.
The family pot is always boiling.
A family where they help each other is not afraid of troubles.
The family and peas are threshed.
A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
Family is the backbone of happiness.
The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not terrible.
The family gives a person a start in life.
The family is strong.
A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
The mother's heart is outgoing.
Sister with sister is like a river with water.
Consent and harmony - a treasure in the family.
A consonant family and grief does not take.
Consent in the family is wealth.
A quarrel in his family - to the first sight.
An older brother is like a second father.
The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the moon is bright.
A mother's patience knows no bounds.
There is nothing to grieve about who knows how to live at home.
Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather knows no troubles.
The dear child has many names.
Though closely, but better together.
A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.
What is - together, what is not - in half.
Only work keeps the house.
He knew how to give birth to a child - know how to teach.
Help the unmarried, God, and the married mistress will help.
It is warmer to wear a fur coat, and choose a wife kindly.
A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.
What you do not want for your sister and brother, do not wish for your offenders either.
What a wife does not love, that husband should not eat for a century.

Russian proverbs about family and love, on the topic of parents and family relationships

Well, let's consider ourselves our own: how did grandmother's grandson's goat fit the mother-in-law's hen?
Baba-grandmother, golden lady!
You pray to God, you feed with bread, you take care of the house, you guard the good.
Close relatives: our Marina is your cousin Praskovya Katerina.
Brother will not betray brother.
Brother and brother go to the bear.
If it were my grandmother, I'm not afraid of anyone; grandmother - a shield, a fist - a hammer.
Be a wife even a goat, if only the golden horns.
They married me without me.
White in face, but thin in father.
In people - an angel, not a wife; at home with her husband - Satan.
In the same bag - yes, different money, in the same family - yes, different kids.
In a family where harmony, happiness does not forget the road.
The family agrees that things are going great.
In a large family, they do not click their beaks.
In a large family, they don't clap their ears.
Every family has its black sheep.
Where the heart lies, there the eye runs.
Big pot for the whole family.
The son-in-law loves to take, the father-in-law loves honor, and the brother-in-law squints his eyes.
Matchmaker, not matchmaker, but don’t go into the peas.
Children of parents are not judges.
For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
The bad seed grows fast.
A good wife is fun, and a thin wife is an evil potion.
Village relatives are like a toothache.
The evil seed is the nettle. You can't brew beer out of it.
Mother-in-law thought, five cannot eat; and the son-in-law sat down, and ate it at a sitting.
There is relatives, there is fuss.
Close together, but boring apart.
What is my father-in-law, if there is nothing to eat.
Grandmother - only one grandfather is not a grandson.
Behind the husband, as behind a stone wall.
Tenth water on jelly.
The family is fat, but not simple in the family.
He is our locksmith's second cousin blacksmith.
How is relative? Yes, we look at one sun.
A wife without a thunderstorm is worse than a goat.
The wife is a cat in the hut, the husband is a dog in the yard.
And a mad sheep will be born from a good father.
The children's hut is fun.
From dirt - yes planted in riches.
As is the seed, so is the tribe.
Who comes from a fist, he cannot straighten into a palm.
Husband and wife are one Satan.
The mother in the family is a treasure.
Young, but walks around the world; old, but he feeds his family.
Husband and wife - two pair of boots.
You can't drag a thread between husband and wife.
The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.
A righteous mother is a stone fence.
Mother swings high, but does not hurt; the stepmother swings low, but it hurts.
Maternal prayer takes out from the bottom of the sea.
Dad didn’t buy a hat - let his ears freeze.
Hints and reproaches are family vices.
The family depends on the elderly.
On its ashes, the chicken beats.
Your father is an onion, your mother is garlic, but how did you turn out to be a rose?
Your father is a stocking, your mother is a rag, and what kind of bird are you?
Skinny chickens make skinny eggs.
The father slurped cabbage soup with a furnace, and the son ended up in the governors.
The last spoke in the chariot.
The bird is strong with its wings, the wife is red with her husband.
A goat with a horn, and a donkey by birth.
Relatives until noon, but nowhere to dine.
A grumpy wife - a fire in the house.
The father-in-law is a thunderstorm, and the mother-in-law will eat out her eyes.
A pig - snout to the ground, and a pig - not to the sky.
A blind puppy - and he crawls to his mother.
Family is a furnace. How cold - everyone is going to her.
Seventh water on jelly.
Bake on the side.
There is no salt, so there is no word; and the flour came, the whole family was talking.
Uncle will spoil you, looking at himself.
The dashing mother-in-law has eyes behind her.
The hinny boasts of a kind-tribe.
A cone from a spruce falls not far.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
When I don’t see my own, it’s so sickening without them; but I'll see my own, it's better without them.
Although the inheritance is not to be divided, but it is necessary to reckon with your own.
Everyone in the family is sleeping, and the daughter-in-law is told to grind.
The father's son is more stupid - pity; the father's son is smarter - joy; and the brother of the brother is smarter - envy.
Spiritual kinship is more than carnal.
Wherever you take a grandmother, but feed your grandson!
Consent in the family is wealth.

Mostly asked in 2nd or 3rd grade as homework find proverbs about the family in the amount of 5-7 pieces to the school, children or parents will come, they will safely rewrite, pass on grades and forget. Stop, think, spend a little more time, read and comprehend - believe me, a lot will change after these wise quotes or thoughts, aphorisms or sayings, phrases or statuses, and sayings in your family life and marriage, in yourself and in your relationships with your family. Think about it, maybe it is you who will be able to bring an understanding of the value of the family to your family, you will become proud of the dynasty, a full family circle.

It will also be interesting, useful and informative, love, proverbs about mom.

In many modern families there is a lack of communication. Mom and dad are always busy with things. Each to their own. The child is left to himself. And only when the influence of the street has a negative effect, the parents are perplexed: Where does this come from in him? After all, everything is fine in the family. There are no conflicts. Scandals excluded. But there is a cold indifference. There is no interest in raising children, communication with them, timely praise.

The only thing that education comes down to is control over whether you ate on time, whether you did your homework. And the child needs communication, in conversations with adults. It is important for him that they show sincere interest in him, he is understood, he wants to consider his parents, first of all, friends. And you need to be able to do this.

It is very important to cultivate confidence in the correctness of one's views, in case of a mistake - tactfully correct, but in no case offend; if the views of the child and the adult coincide, be sure to praise.


Don't let your child feel weak. An inferiority complex is developed, disbelief in one's own strength. This will affect family life in the future. The opposite is also dangerous - the belief in the exclusivity of abilities.

As long as parents help, a person copes. Having embarked on an independent path, he will often become helpless: there are no expected successes, and yet he has extraordinary abilities. Parents have always talked about this. Justifying one's own ineptitude - failures - comes down to conflicts with colleagues at work: “They don't recognize it. Crushed." Either negative emotions affect relationships in the family: at work, the accumulated resentment against others results in the tyranny of loved ones.

Some parents use a belt in raising a child - a method tested by grandfathers, in their opinion, is the most reliable. By doing this, they cause the child to fear punishment and quickly “solve” problems with food, sleep, and misconduct. Lack of spiritual contact with parents, constant fear of punishment bring up a cowardly person from a child. In the future, from here - meanness, hooliganism, flight from family problems.

Aging parents who express resentment that their grown-up sons are inattentive to them should remember whether they have always responded to the needs of their children, to their feelings.

Can't have bad kids good parents. More precisely, where good relationship between father and mother, adults and children, friendship and mutual love prevail.

It is a great happiness to have a child, but not everyone can experience this joy. Statistics show that 10% of all families are childless due to existing or past illnesses. This means that the one who has this opportunity should make every effort to educate a real person. Future husbands and wives from childhood should grow up in the belief that the family is one of the main values ​​of their future.

It is worth recalling that it is always easier to educate than to re-educate. However, before taking up the upbringing of children, some parents should think about self-education, reconsider the system of their own relationships in order to have the right to give recipes for happiness to children.


  • Child education. What mistakes do parents make...

A native home is where it is warm and cozy, where the heart rests and the soul sings, and the family is a reliable fortress with a foundation of love, respect and mutual understanding. About boundless love for relatives, about the importance of benevolent family relations- the following proverbs.

  • In a friendly family and warm in the cold.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
  • There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
  • Earth without water is dead, a man without seven is an empty flower.
  • In the native family and the porridge is thicker.
  • They are friends in the family - they do not grieve.
  • A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
  • The family and peas are threshed.
  • Consent and harmony in the family is a treasure.
  • A consonant family does not take grief.
  • The family agrees that things are going great.
  • A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.
  • A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
  • Hints and reproaches are family vices.
  • In a good family, good children grow up.
  • Close relatives: our Marina is your cousin Praskovya Katerina.
  • There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
  • The family agrees that things are going great.
  • In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the road.
  • Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
  • Where advice is, there is light; where consent is, there is God.
  • A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.
  • What a treasure, when the family is in harmony.
  • Hints and reproaches are family vices.
  • Your home is not someone else's: you can't leave it.
  • Treasure family - be happy.
  • A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
  • Family is the backbone of happiness.
  • The family is strong.
  • Consent and harmony - a treasure in the family.
  • A consonant family and grief does not take.
  • Consent in the family is wealth.
  • Though closely, but better together.
  • A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.
  • What is - together, what is not - in half.

Proverbs about parents and children

The parental home, like a cradle, warms with warmth and tenderness, care and kindness. Mom and dad are yours best friends, fair mentors and major critics. Appreciate and respect your parents, because they are a priceless treasury of wisdom and love, given to You from above.

  • It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
  • Children of parents are not judges.
  • For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
  • The life of parents in children.
  • And the crow praises the crow.
  • Brotherly love is stronger than a stone wall.
  • Brother and brother go to the bear.
  • Like a brother, like a sister.
  • If I have granddaughters, I know fairy tales.
  • Where the mother is, there the child goes.
  • I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.
  • Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
  • A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.
  • Maternal prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.
  • Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
  • The mother of all business is the head.
  • The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
  • Welcome mother - a stone fence.
  • We are relatives: your dogs ate, and ours looked at yours through the wattle fence.
  • There is no good if there is enmity between one's own.
  • There is no friend against a brother.
  • The father punishes, the father praises.
  • To honor a father and mother is not to know grief.
  • When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
  • Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.
  • Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
  • The parental word is not spoken by.
  • A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
  • Sister with sister is like a river with water.
  • An older brother is like a second father.
  • The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
  • Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the moon is bright.
  • There is nothing to grieve about who knows how to live at home.
  • Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather knows no troubles.
  • What you do not want for your sister and brother, do not wish for your offenders either.
  • A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.

Proverbs about people

Every person is a mystery. It is not easy to solve, but it is so interesting to learn if it is decorated with wisdom, prudence, sincerity. Read proverbs and sayings about people and find out which qualities in a person are valuable and which are harmful.

  • A man is not a nut - you won’t bite right away.
  • You recognize a person when you eat a pood of salt with him.
  • A man with a short mind acquires a long tongue.
  • A man lives for a century, and his deeds - two.
  • In rags, they will take the king for a beggar.
  • A twig sees in someone else's eye, but does not notice a log in its own.
  • If you don't know a person, look at his friend.
  • Those who do not respect themselves will not be respected by others.
  • Not a penny, but the glory is good.
  • It looks like a falcon, but the voice of a raven.
  • The man of God is sheathed in leather.
  • It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place.
  • Meet by clothes, see off by mind.
  • The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.
  • Honor is dearer than life.
  • A person is painted by a head, not a hat.
  • Alien soul - darkness.
  • The day fades at night, and a person with sadness.
  • There are no such herbs to know someone else's temper.
  • Absolutely stupid, who does not know anyone.
  • Conscience without teeth, but will bite.
  • A good person is good everywhere, but a bad person is bad everywhere.
  • Don't judge people, look at yourself.
  • It is not the eyes that see, but the man; It is not the ear that hears, but the soul.
  • It will fit into the soul without soap.
  • And a thin man will live his life.
  • In adversity, a person succeeds.
  • Man walks, God leads.
  • Water for fish, air for birds, and the whole earth for man.
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
  • And the sparrow does not live without people.
  • It flies high and lands low.
  • Leopard change his spots.
  • Don't be a sheep or the wolves will eat you.
  • On the beauty, every rag is silk.
  • Good glory lies on the stove, and the thin one runs around the world.
  • Man is famous for his work.
  • What is, such is the honor.
  • Birds are fed, and people are deceived by a word.
  • Don't think to be smart, but think to be neat.
  • A man is like a castle: you need to pick up a key for everyone.
  • The language is small, but it turns over a great man.
  • A nightingale is greedy for a cockroach, a man for flattering speeches.
  • There are a lot of people, but there is no person.
  • The more fruits on the tree, the more modestly its branches bend down.
  • See a tree in its fruits, a man in deeds.

Proverbs about the people

A long time ago, when there was still no ink and paper, folk wisdom was passed down from generation to generation in fairy tales, songs, legends and sayings. Until today, fair statements about our people have come down - friendly, colorful, sincere and talented ...

  • If the people are united, they are invincible.
  • If all the people breathe, there will be wind.
  • Thunder and people cannot be silenced.
  • You can't kill people, there's enough for everything.
  • The enemy is a striker, but our people are steadfast.
  • Offended people burn worse than wasps.
  • The earth is strong with its people.
  • The people will want to jump over the abyss.
  • Where there are people, there is truth.
  • Teach the people, learn from the people.
  • Without the people - one adversity.
  • For oneself to live - smolder, for the family - to burn, and for the people - to shine.
  • If you serve the people, you can live at the Pole.
  • Earth - water, wealth - to the people.
  • Whoever is with the people is invincible.
  • Whoever stands for the people, the people call him a hero.
  • The sea will not dry up, and the people will not get lost.
  • The people will not talk in vain.
  • Our people do not like to talk in vain, and if they did, they tied them up.
  • Our nation is growing from year to year.
  • Serve the people in such a way that for him through fire and into water.
  • The sun will not fade, the people will not break.