
Pregnancy test evitest cassette instructions. Evitest for pregnancy - price, photos, reviews. Pregnancy test Evitest - instructions for use. On what day does Evitest indicate pregnancy? How it works


When you need to quickly determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not, you can use a test. Today there is a wide choice - such products are freely available. The most popular pregnancy test is Evitest. It is simple and easy to use. Can be used already on the first day of a missed period.

Features of the Evitest pregnancy test and its varieties

There are both positive and negative opinions about the Evitest pregnancy test. What is he? This is a special device that allows you to perform an immunochromatic study of the body and confirm or deny pregnancy. This test is highly accurate. It can show the onset of conception as early as 10-14 days.

Evitest - name trademark, which is a manufacturer of pregnancy tests.

The brand provides different types of products:

  • Plus;
  • Proof;
  • Perfect.

These devices can be used anywhere: at home, in a store, in a hospital.

An important condition is to choose the test that will best satisfy the requirements.

Evitest One is the most primitive of all. It has only one strip with a special reagent. This type is less popular, since many people do several tests at once to get the most accurate result.

Evitest Plus is a simple diagnostic method; one package contains two test strips. This offer is more interesting for women, so this type is purchased more often. It is possible to double-check the result at no additional cost.

Proof is a tablet test. A special pipette is included for the study. With its help, you need to collect urine and drop a few drops onto the tablet. Wait a while and evaluate the result.

Perfect – jet test. To carry it out, special cartridges are used. The kit includes several such devices. Changing cartridges is very easy. Has high accuracy.

Benefits of the test

The Evitest pregnancy test has positive reviews. Has the following advantages:

  1. highly sensitive;
  2. accuracy is 99.5%;
  3. Diagnostic measures can be carried out from the first day of the delay;
  4. does not require special conditions for implementation;
  5. The manufacturer uses only high-quality materials; production takes place under sterile conditions with testing at every stage.

Almost all tests work on the same principle - determining the presence in urine hCG hormone. It begins to be produced in a woman’s body after the embryo is attached. Every day its amount in urine and blood increases rapidly.

The maturation of the egg and the bursting of the follicle occur in the middle of the cycle, provided it is regular.

If the cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th day. The probability of conception is high these days. If fertilization has occurred, the egg moves to the implantation site.

A positive result can be obtained already on the 24th day of the cycle. In this case, the test must be highly sensitive.

If a woman has an irregular cycle and is planning a pregnancy, then the release of an egg can be correctly determined by conducting an ovulation test. After 14 days, you can begin a pregnancy test.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for the Evitest pregnancy test, to obtain an accurate result you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Use only once.
  • The result can be assessed only in the first 10 minutes after the study.
  • Store in a dry place, away from direct sun rays.
  • Open immediately before use.
  • Do not use after expiration date.
  • Carry out the procedure immediately after waking up. It is in the morning that in a woman’s urine greatest number HCG.

How to use the Evitest pregnancy test?

Rules of use:

  1. Collect your morning urine sample in a clean container.
  2. Insert a special strip with an indicator into the urine and wait a few seconds.
  3. Place on a horizontal surface and wait 3 minutes.
  4. The result is reliable in the first 10 minutes of use.
  5. One strip is a negative result, two is a positive result.

Does the Evitest test detect ectopic pregnancy?

Pregnancy tests can detect both normal and ectopic conception. Therefore, after receiving a reliable result, you must consult a doctor for confirmation. Ectopic pregnancy, if detected late, has negative consequences.

Probability of error of this test

According to research and reviews from real customers, the probability of error is minimal and is more than 99%. To confirm the result, it is recommended to do several repeated procedures to eliminate errors.

Any woman can experience a delay in menstruation. Naturally, few people will be able to visit a doctor or get tested at this time. The Evitest express test will help with this difficult task. He will give her the opportunity to determine almost instantly and after a delay whether she is pregnant. Based on research, this test is among the most common. Product manufacturer - German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh.

Is he wrong or not? Benefits of the test

When producing pregnancy tests, the most selected materials are used. Sterility is guaranteed. Every stage of production is checked.

The basis of any test is the recognition of the hCG hormone in female urine, which manifests itself in early stages. The embryo begins to produce it approximately on the 5th–6th day of its life. Unfortunately, the required level of the hormone appears a little later. After a week, the saturation of the hormone increases to its maximum limits, and at the age of 11–12 weeks it begins to decrease. Therefore, for reliable diagnosis, it is necessary to add 10 days to the moment of ovulation and repeat the procedure. Although such a difference may be caused by completely different circumstances, which must also be taken into account.

The advantage of rapid tests is that you do not need to do an ultrasound, and using strips is better than measuring a low temperature every day while sleeping or resting.

Types of tests

The manufacturing company guarantees its clients: diagnosis in the early stages of pregnancy (almost in the first days); extreme accuracy 99%; sensitivity, which is equal to 20 mME/ml.

Do not forget that no test can determine pregnancy 2 days after conception. There is not yet the required amount of the hormone in your urine.

There are 5 varieties

EvitestOneis a typical single strip test. It is impregnated with a special reagent for diagnosing pregnancy. This type of test gives a 100% result, detecting pregnancy in the first days of the delay.

EvitestPlus- This is a two strip test. It is recommended to repeat testing 2 days after a missed period. This is due to the fact that in the initial stages of pregnancy, the hCG hormone is not produced on the first day of the delay.

EvitestProof- This is a cassette (tablet) test. The set consists of a cassette and a pipette. Using a pipette, a few drops of morning urine are injected into the hole in the cassette and, after 2 minutes, the result will appear in another hole. The test is more convenient to use. Its system ensures precise contact of urine with reagents.

EvitestPerfect- This is a jet type of dough. The kit consists of a holder and a protective cap. Its practicality is hygiene and comfort. There is no need to collect urine and worry about sterility. Simply remove the cap and place the holder under a stream of urine for 5 seconds. Then close the holder with the cap. The result will appear after 5 minutes, but you do not need to wait more than 10 minutes.

EvitestSupreme- This is an inkjet test tablet. Today it is an ultra-modern design and an ultra-sensitive test.

Terms of use

Each of tests have their own principles for how the reagent works together with urine. Therefore, always read the instructions before use. Despite the quality of Evitest products, tests may give incorrect answers. This can happen due to improper use of the test.

  • Do not use the device more than once.
  • Do not wait more than 5–10 minutes for the result; during this time, the test should be kept dry and clean.
  • The test should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • For a more correct result, carry out the procedure in the morning, the degree of hCG saturation at this time is maximum.
  • Limit your fluid intake in advance.
  • Collect urine in a clean container, and place the strips only in a vertical position (this rule does not apply to Evitest Perfect, Evitest Proof and Evitest Supreme).
  • Store in packaging. In a dry place and at room temperature.
  • Test only after a delay.
  • If you are sick, the test may be wrong.

If you are still unsure of the test results, contact the laboratory and take a blood test. There may be doubt about low levels of the hCG hormone in the urine. It increases faster in the blood.

Can a pregnancy test be wrong? - Reliability of express analysis

Should you rely on Evitest tests? Reviews about the product are absolutely varied. Manufacturers announced that its accuracy is 20 mIU/ml to the hCG hormone. Moreover, the same developers later published that all pregnancy tests are accurate to 25 mIU/ml, and the proclaimed 10, 15 and 20 mIU/ml are advertising.

Of course, an accuracy of less than 25 mIU/ml is an advertisement, but this does not harm the consumer at all. The tests themselves indicate that they can be used in the first days of menstrual delay. This means that the duration of pregnancy, if any, is two weeks. Accordingly, this indicates an increase in the hormone to 100 mIU/ml. The sensitivity of the rapid test is sufficient to diagnose pregnancy.

Along with Frautest and Clearblue.

Evitest pregnancy test is a rapid test for diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages.

Evitest is produced by the German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh.

Let's talk about the advantages

The advantages of this test include:

  • high sensitivity, which is 20mME/ml;
  • accuracy more than 99%;
  • diagnostic capability from the first day of delay menses;
  • Possibility of use anywhere, at any time of the day;
  • getting results within 3-5 minutes;
  • availability of 4 types of testing to determine pregnancy at home;
  • use of high-quality materials in production, sterility, testing at every stage of production.

The action of the Evitest pregnancy test, like any other, is based on the detection presence in a woman's urine human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG). The strip contains reagents that become colored when they interact with the hormone contained in the urine.

- This hormone, which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced immediately after embryo implantation(its attachment to the wall of the uterus), that is, 5-6 days after conception.

However, the level of this hormone in the urine required to establish pregnancy is reached several days later. HCG synthesis continues throughout pregnancy.

Starting from the second week its content in the blood and urine grows rapidly, doubling every 1.5 days, and reaches a maximum at 11-12 weeks, and then begins to decline.

To the result was as accurate as possible, you should add 10 days to the expected date, and then test.

Types of test

The Evitest brand produces a whole series of tests for Evitest pregnancy detection at home.

Evitest One is the simplest, consisting of one strip. The strip is removed from the package and immersed in urine for the specified time.

Evitest Plus– Includes two test strips to improve the accuracy of the analysis. Used in the same way as the previous one. To clarify the result, the test should be repeated after some time.

Evitest Proof – cassette test for pregnancy Evitest, including a special cassette and pipette. It is more accurate and convenient to use compared to the above types and is a prototype of professional laboratory diagnostics, since its design provides more effective interaction liquids with reagent.

Pregnancy test Evitest Perfect – jet test with holder and cap. Its advantage, hygiene and ease of use is that for testing there is no need to collect urine and worry about the sterility of the container. You just need to place a strip of dough under a stream of urine.

Evitest Supreme- an inkjet test cassette with an ultra-modern design, which is the most sensitive and stylish test.


The design of all varieties of the Evitest test is quite simple, but in any case you should read the instructions carefully, which is in the package.

Although different types test and act according general principle, it can vary significantly in small details, from the exact observance of which the correctness of the result depends.

How to use Evitest One

Remove the test from the packaging, avoiding moisture. The test strip is dipped into pre-collected urine until the specified there are marks on it for 3-5 seconds, then placed on a horizontal surface. After 3-5 minutes you can evaluate the result, but you should not wait more than 10 minutes.

If one red stripe appears on it, the test is negative (there is no pregnancy), if two red stripes- positive (pregnancy exists). The test is carried out at room temperature.

How to use Evitest Plus

The second test is done to confirm the result of the first. It is recommended to carry it out every 2 days, since every 1.5-2 days the level of hCG in the urine doubles.

It is best to repeat the test in the morning, immediately after sleep, since at a short stage of pregnancy highest concentration of hCG found in the first morning urine.

How to use Evitest Proof

Remove the cassette test and pipette from the bag, place the cassette on a horizontal surface.

Pipette a small amount of urine and drop 4 drops into the round indicator window on the surface of the tablet.

After 3-5 minutes you can evaluate the result, but You shouldn't wait more than 10 minutes. The test is carried out at room temperature.

How to use Evitest Perfect

Remove the protective cap from the test cassette. Place the tip of the cassette marked with an arrow under stream of urine for 5 seconds, then close it again with the protective cap. After 5 minutes you can evaluate the result, but you should not wait more than 10 minutes.

The test is being conducted at room temperature.

We follow the rules

To obtain the most reliable result, you must:

  • do not use the same test twice;
  • evaluate the test results no later than 10 minutes after the procedure;
  • store Evitest in its packaging at room temperature (5-30 C) in a place protected from direct sunlight and moisture;
  • do not use expired test;
  • most optimal test in the morning when the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine is maximum.

Should not be consumed a lot of fluids the day before– this may adversely affect the reliability of the test.

The sequence of actions is simple:

  • urine should be collected in a clean glass or plastic container;
  • strip is placed into the liquid strictly vertically;
  • while waiting for the result, the test should be placed on a dry horizontal surface;
  • Don't trust the result if the test strip is underexposed or overexposed to urine, and also if the second strip appears later than 10-15 minutes;
  • with an uncertain result It is recommended to take a blood test for hCG, since its level in the blood is higher than in the urine.

It is possible to receive false positive or false negative result.

False positive test shows two stripes in the absence of pregnancy.

False negative test may only show one line when there is pregnancy.

These results depend on the following factors:

  • are they complied with? all testing conditions, specified in the instructions;
  • is the woman sick?
  • the hormone concentration is still too low, so it’s worth retest later a few days.

Evitest pregnancy test: the price varies in the following range:“Evitest One” and Evitest Plus – from 30 to 85 rubles; “Evitest Proof” – 162-185 rubles; “Evitest Perfect” – 110-120 rubles.

Consumer Reviews

“More than once I had to use the Evitest test when my period was late. And this test always showed an accurate result.

If there is no pregnancy, then no, and if there is, then even if it is small, the test will still show it. In the early stages of my first and second pregnancies, the test showed a barely noticeable second line.

I doubted it, did the test again and again, but the result was the same. Now I only buy Evitest and no other. Evitest has many different tests, but I don't understand them, so I buy regular strips. The strip is cheaper than the jet test and is easy to use. The result will not change if you buy a more expensive test.” Julia, Korolev

“I was really looking forward to my pregnancy and tried a bunch of tests, including Evitest. I’ll say right away that there were early signs pregnancy, so there was very high hope for Evitest. But even after his period was late, he stubbornly refused to show anything. Moreover, I did everything according to the rules, as it should be - in the morning.

Completely upset, I bought a Frautest with a window, just to have something different. I came home from work around three in the afternoon, I think I’ll ruin this one too. In the morning I checked on Evitest, there was nothing. Well, I drop drops into the window - and what do you think, at three days a faint second strip appears, which after 15 minutes became clear. The next morning I did Evitest again and again nothing.

Although all the signs are there. I don’t want to pass judgment on this test, but personally I’m not very happy with it and I think it’s right to buy tests from different companies.”
Inna, Kharkov

“One day a story happened to me that still surprises me. One Saturday I was doing housework and the idea came to me to go take a test. On the one hand, there were still 6 days before the delay, but on the other hand, you can’t fool your intuition! At home there were only the usual Evitest tests in the form of paper strips.

Believe it or not, a faint second line has appeared! I asked my husband to buy a few more tests on the way home, and he brought Evitest again. I used a couple more just to be sure. They also showed a pale second stripe. Two days later I donated blood for hCG, and the analysis showed that the second lines on the tests were not ghosts, I was really pregnant!

These Evitest tests are sensitive, it turns out! If the second stripe is poorly visible, it means there is simply very little hormone yet, the period is very short. I definitely recommend it!”
Vera, Rostov-on-Don.

“Whenever there were any doubts about the absence or presence of pregnancy, I bought this particular test. I had never been pregnant before, but he showed absolutely exactly that there was no pregnancy. And he didn’t let my friends down either. I think that Evitest is convenient, easy to use and has a reasonable price.

You should not overpay for more expensive tests. In addition, it is available in almost any pharmacy. I believe that the test may show an incorrect result if the woman has some hormonal disorders, or the test was purchased not at a pharmacy, but somewhere else where the storage conditions were violated.”

“It was Evitest that gave me a false positive result. I didn’t take hormones, there were no other problems in my body. I haven’t been able to get pregnant for a long time, but then I saw two lines. I was happy and went to the doctor - but neither the ultrasound nor the hCG showed anything. Since then I haven’t bought Evitest, I don’t trust it.”

“I was planning a pregnancy...and now there’s a delay))) I asked my husband to buy two tests, even though the instructions say what to do in the morning, but I couldn’t wait to find out the result, I did it......yes, 2 strips))) I went to bed happy. In the morning I did it again and again 2 stripes. On the same day, my husband and I went to the gynecologist, she conducted an examination and said: “there is no pregnancy, or maybe it’s ectopic, although it doesn’t seem to be there, you have a cyst, go for an ultrasound, you’ll come back in a week.”

I came out in tears, my husband took me by the hand and dragged me to the ultrasound. They did a vaginal ultrasound, the result: a fluid inclusion in the left ovary, that is, a cyst and that’s it. After a week and a half, I decided to go for a second ultrasound, just a regular one, in a different place... I lay down while I was talking about the results of the previous ultrasound, the doctor laughed and said: “YOUR CYST IS SIX WEEKS AWAY!!!”

My eyes widened. Here are the doctors at the clinic!!! Evitest was right, I was pregnant!!! I registered at another clinic, never set foot in the previous one.”

“I haven’t had the opportunity to use such tests often, but I still had the experience a couple of times.

What can I say about Evitest? Very expensive. I bought it only when there was no other choice (they are sold in any supermarket, but our pharmacies close early).

Simple and easy to use. Once I got a defective one and showed pregnancy when there was none. At the doctor’s appointment they convinced me otherwise, which I was glad about.”

Rapid pregnancy tests are popular all over the world these days. The Evitest pregnancy test occupies a leading position in the accuracy of the result.

This is a special device for immunochromatographic studies of early pregnancy. The test indicator reacts to the pregnancy hormone - hCG, if its levels in the urine are at least 25 mIU / ml. Modern rapid tests determine the presence of pregnancy even at a period of 10-14 days.

Any test for determining pregnancy, including Evitest, works on the same principle - it determines the presence in a woman’s urine (pregnancy hormone), the production of which begins immediately after the attachment of the embryo. Every day there is an increase in its amount in the blood and urine, which allows for appropriate diagnosis.

When a woman does not always know the day the egg leaves the follicle, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, she is recommended to use or measurement. After determining the date of possible ovulation, 15 days should be added to this number - it is on this day that you can take a pregnancy test and expect a reliable result.

Pros and cons of the test

The Evitest pregnancy test has the following advantages:

  • hypersensitivity (20 mIU/ml);
  • accuracy more than 99%;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy from the 1st day of missed menstruation;
  • the study can be carried out in any conditions, at any time of the day;
  • diagnostic result within 5 minutes;
  • The test is made from high quality materials, under sterile conditions, with mandatory testing at all stages of production.

But this rapid test also has disadvantages:

  • A pregnancy that is confirmed by a test is not always “correct”, that is, it can develop, which is extremely dangerous for the health and life of a woman. Therefore, if the Evitest test shows a positive result, you need to consult a doctor for advice. Only a specialist knows what the signs of a normally developing pregnancy look like.
  • It is possible to get a false result.
  • Risk of low-quality products (expired test, broken packaging).
  • High cost of some models.

General rules of use

The accuracy of the Evitest pregnancy test depends on following the recommendations for its implementation:

  • you cannot use the same test several times;
  • It is important to read the test result within the first 10 minutes after the procedure;
  • The express test must be stored in its original, unopened packaging in a dark and dry place;
  • you cannot use expired tests (this applies not only to Evitests, but also to any others);
  • it is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning, since it is at this time of day that the content of hCG in a woman’s urine will be maximum;
  • Before diagnosis, you should not drink a lot of fluid, otherwise the result will be inaccurate.

Some women may not know how to use the Evitest pregnancy test.

Here are the general principles:

  • urine must be collected in a clean plastic or glass container;
  • the test strip is inserted with the desired indicator into the liquid in a vertical position for a certain time;
  • to read the test result, the test is placed on a flat, dry surface;
  • The result is only valid for 10 minutes; any changes occurring to the test after this time should be considered invalid.

If the Evitest pregnancy test was used according to the instructions, but the woman doubts the accuracy of the result, it is recommended to conduct a blood test to determine hCG to dispel the feeling of uncertainty.


There are several types of pregnancy tests of this brand. Let's look at each one.

Evitest One

This is the simplest version of rapid tests, which looks like a thin strip with corresponding marks. It is painted on one edge bright color- the strip should be held by it during the study. The second end must be placed to the desired level in the collected urine (the limiters will be drawn arrows). After this, the test is placed horizontally on a dry surface for 5-10 minutes. That's all the simple instructions on how to do the Evitest One pregnancy test.

Evitest Plus

This express test differs from the one discussed above only in that the package contains not one, but two identical test strips. Thus, the instructions for using the Evitest One and Plus pregnancy tests will be the same.

It is advisable to use a second test strip 48 hours after the first test, provided that menstruation is still delayed. HCG level doubles every 2 days, and if the first diagnostic result can be questioned, then the second one will be more reliable.

Evitest Proof

The sensitivity of the Evitest Proof pregnancy test is higher when compared with test strips (from 10 mIU/ml).

Evitest Proof is a cassette pregnancy test. The manufacturer includes the test itself, enclosed in a plastic case, and a pipette in the package. The cassette has a window into which you need to place 4 drops of pre-collected urine. The result should be read in the second window after 5 minutes, similar to the test strips described above.

Since the reagents of the test cassette and urine enter into an optimal, almost laboratory interaction, the diagnostic result will be as accurate as possible. It is worth noting that Evitest Proof is more expensive than test strips, and the manipulations to conduct the study seem somewhat more complicated. But this device can diagnose pregnancy earlier than simpler test models.

Evitest Perfect

The Evitest Perfect pregnancy test is a third generation system, which is designed somewhat differently and can truly be used in any conditions. This test system is called the jet test. Its convenience lies in the fact that the woman does not have to collect urine first. In addition, these devices guarantee high accuracy of the study.

Let's look at how to perform the Evitest Perfect inkjet pregnancy test correctly.

To do this you need:

  1. Remove the test system from the package.
  2. Remove the protective cap from the device.
  3. Place the appropriate test tip under stream of urine for no more than 5-7 seconds.
  4. Replace the protective cap on the system.
  5. After 5 minutes, evaluate the diagnostic result.

Evitest Supreme

Another option for an inkjet test system. The principle of application and operation of the Evitest Supreme test is exactly the same as that of Evitest Perfect in the previous case, the differences between them will be only external. Evitest Supreme looks more stylish and attractive, the device itself is placed in a blue case, which can be saved for the future if there is a positive pregnancy test.

What affects the test result

Even if a woman knows how to use the Evitest pregnancy test correctly, and factors such as violation of diagnostic rules and improper storage of the test are excluded, the following diseases and conditions can affect the result:

  • ovarian disorders;
  • tumors in the body that synthesize hCG (chorionic carcinoma, hydatidiform mole);
  • recent or past childbirth (hCG is removed from the body after these conditions not immediately, but for at least a month).

​The easiest and most affordable way for a woman to find out whether she is pregnant or not is a home rapid test, which is sold at any pharmacy.

A strip treated with the reagent, placed in morning urine, reacts to the content of the “pregnancy hormone” in it - human chorionic gonadotropin. If it is present in the urine (this is indicated by two stripes appearing on the applicator), then the woman will soon become a mother.

Indicator strips have different sensitivity, sometimes showing a false result. One of the ultra-sensitive tests that rarely gives erroneous data is Evitest.

Evitest - a reliable pregnancy test

Evitest is a tool for determining pregnancy in the early stages (the name is sometimes confused with cosmetic products brand Eveline). It confirms the fact of conception at 10-14 days, reacting to the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine in an amount of 25 mIU/ml.

Features of Evitest:

  • increased accuracy - up to 99%;
  • high sensitivity - from 20 to 25 mIU/ml (according to some data from 15 mIU/ml);
  • recommended time of use - the first day of absence of menstruation;
  • ease of testing - you can use the test strip regardless of the time of day or place;
  • fast analysis results - up to 5 minutes;
  • high sterility and quality of test material.

Evitest, while confirming the fact of conception of a baby, is not able to determine where the embryo has settled: in the uterus or outside the uterine cavity. If the result is positive, the woman needs to contact an antenatal clinic to confirm the “correctness” of pregnancy.

Given the high accuracy of this diagnostic tool, there is a possibility of obtaining false results due to the packaging being broken or the expiration date expiring.

What types of test are there?

The Evitest series produces several test variations.

They differ in different sensitivity, the number of indicator strips in the package, and the principle of use.

Evitest One

This is a standard strip with indicators, packaged in a pink box. One edge of the strip is painted dark color. She is held in her hand for him. The white side should be dipped into a container with urine, lowered to the mark indicated by arrows on the test strip.

The test is kept in the liquid for several seconds. It is then removed and left on a dry surface for at least five minutes. After this time, the results of the study are checked.

Evitest Plus

Evitest plus differs from the basic one in the presence of an additional strip, which must be examined 48 hours after using the first one. If on the first test tool the second red line is barely noticeable, then on the second one, used after 2 days, it will become brighter.

This is due to the fact that the amount of hCG hormone produced after conception doubles every day, and each subsequent study will clearly confirm or refute pregnancy. The Evitest plus double test allows you to get accurate information.

Evitest Proof

This is a highly sensitive cassette pregnancy test. The indicator is placed in a plastic case. Additionally, the manufacturer includes a pipette in the packaging. Use it to collect a few drops of urine and place them in the window on the cassette. The result will appear in the second window in five minutes.

The cost of this type is more expensive, but it shows a more accurate result, since the reagents in it “work” practically in laboratory conditions. The peculiarity of this type is the diagnosis of the presence of an embryo earlier than other home tests are capable of.

Evitest Perfect

Evitetst perfect is a third generation diagnostic device or inkjet test. It does not require preliminary urine collection.

It can be used anywhere and in any conditions. To do this, just remove the protective cap, place the indicator under a stream of urine for a few seconds, put the cap back on it, wait five minutes and see the information received.

Evitest Supreme

This is another inkjet type test system. It works the same way as Evitest Perfect. The difference is that the kit includes a case designed for long-term storage if a woman wants to preserve the memory of that exciting moment when she found out she was pregnant.

The manufacturer of these popular test systems not only has tools for determining pregnancy, but also indicators used to monitor ovulation.

Thanks to the Eviplan express diagnostics, a woman can independently determine how ready her reproductive system is for conception, that is, identify the most favorable time for it.

How to use Evitest - detailed instructions

For the study to be reliable, you need to know how to use these diagnostic tools correctly:

  1. Make sure the urine container is sterile, the test system is fresh (with an expiration date on it), and the packaging is intact.
  2. Do not reuse the test strip.
  3. Do not check the result before 5-10 minutes after the test.
  4. When purchasing the product in quantities of several pieces, store it in a dry place in closed containers.
  5. Carry out the analysis in the morning, when the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is higher than at other times of the day.
  6. Do not drink a lot of fluids the night before your test. It affects the accuracy of the result.

The test system is used as follows:

  • a little urine is collected in a clean container;
  • a test strip is inserted vertically into it for a few seconds up to the limit indicated by the arrows;
  • the test strip is removed and placed on a flat, dry surface;
  • After five minutes, the result is deciphered. One line is a negative result. Two stripes - positive.

The test readings are reliable only for ten minutes after it is carried out. If a woman has doubts about the reliability of the home test, it is worth purchasing another system to do the test again, or donate blood from a vein to the laboratory to check for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin.

In the first seconds after dropping the test into the urine, a bright first stripe (n) is visible. The second weak line (n2) appears a little later if the test is positive. Even if it is barely noticeable, this gives reason to believe that the woman will soon become a mother.

A short video will tell you how to use Evitest and its analogues from another company:

What can affect the final result?

Even if the instructions for using the rapid test are followed correctly, the possibility of obtaining a false result still remains.

Thus, a woman can receive negative data if she is pregnant and, conversely, positive data if she is not pregnant.

Receiving false data is associated with:

  1. Interruption of fetal development during pregnancy.
  2. Pathologies of ovarian function.
  3. Early research (before the menstrual cycle is delayed).
  4. Tumors that provoke the production of human chorionic gonadotropin.
  5. Recent termination of pregnancy (hCG is eliminated from the body gradually, so it is detected by the test even several weeks after the abortion).

How much does Evitest cost?

The most affordable price at Evitest One. It is sold in pharmacies, supermarkets, even some gas stations. Its cost ranges from 100 rubles. and higher. The cassette test system has a higher cost (over one hundred rubles).

The most expensive test system among Evi is Supreme. This is an inkjet test that looks like stylish accessory. It can be used as an attribute of a themed photo shoot or stored along with photographs of the baby’s ultrasound, the first pacifier and other cute mother's heart things in memory of the exciting birth of a child for every family.

The price of this highly sensitive test tool is original design from 400 rubles.

On average, the cost of Evitest test systems is higher than their budget counterparts, but at the same time, their quality and sensitivity are higher. To find out more precisely how much these diagnostic tools cost, you can go to several pharmacies.

In addition to strips, inkjet and cassette tests, electronic texts for pregnancy are popular, not only confirming its fact, but also showing the duration of the “interesting position” in weeks.

Such test systems are usually purchased not to confirm that a woman is pregnant, but to find out how many weeks the baby is. These test systems also have different sensitivity and accuracy.

To buy or not - reviews of the Evitest test

There are many reviews on the Internet about the quality and reliability of Eve test systems. The vast majority of them speak about the high accuracy of Evitest. Many women claim that, thanks to the high sensitivity of these tests, they were able to find out about their “interesting situation” on the first day of the delay.

There are reviews claiming that the test “streaked” even before the delay began, and subsequent studies confirmed that the weak second stripe is a fact and not a test indicator error.

In addition to positive opinions about the accuracy and reliability of Evitest, there are also negative ones.

Not all women, without exception, were satisfied with their experience of using these test products, but many negative reviews do not indicate whether the rules of use were followed, whether the expiration date and condition of the packaging were violated, what the result turned out to be after the following studies.


Home rapid tests - simple and available funds diagnostics that make it possible to recognize signs of new life in the mother’s body from the very first days of its development.

Like any express diagnostic tool, Evitest has a certain percentage of error, but the vast majority of users consider it a reliable and reliable way to gain complete confidence in positive or negative readings.