
Bonus for women with over 40 years of experience. Recalculation of pension based on length of service. Title "Veteran of Labor"


The pension is a monthly payment to those citizens who have already completed their personal labor activity. The pension completely replaces people's earnings. Once a citizen reaches the age of incapacity for work, he has the right to retire. In this case, it is due to him due to old age. In different countries and cities, the total pension amount may change and vary in many ways. But in this article we decided to talk about what benefits are provided if a woman has 40 years of work experience and in this case the recipient of the pension is a woman.

All about retirement age

Of course, before we talk in detail about the data benefits we will give you some information about the retirement age. The retirement age can increase for two main reasons:

  • Due to various economic aspects.
  • Due to the increase in living standards.

In our country, women have the right to retire when they reach the age of fifty-five, and men - at sixty. In order to receive a pension, you must have a certain length of work experience. It will not be paid to those citizens who have not worked in their lives. Currently, total work experience must be five years or more. By the beginning of 2030, the Russian government plans to increase this figure to 15. Citizens receive pension payments from the funds that the employer paid to the Pension Fund throughout their entire working life. Thus, an old-age pension is being formed in our country. We will talk about it in our article. All the funds transferred by the employer are stored in the personal pension accounts of any citizen. Upon reaching a person retirement age, the latter has the right to apply to the Pension Fund for the calculation of pension payments.

In order to be able to calculate how much pension will be paid, employees pension fund use a specific form. This form includes the basic pension and the total amount of savings until 2002, as well as valorization and the amount of capital. The amount that comes out at the end of the calculations is divided by the number - 228. The number that comes out in the answer will be the person’s monthly pension.

At the beginning of 2013, pension system reforms began in our country. This work implied a complete change in the calculations of pension payments. New rules came into effect. According to this, the calculation of pensions depends on the total pension points. As a rule, the formation of a pension is based on the amount of wages and the total length of service of the citizen. If a pensioner applies to the Pension Fund later than necessary, the number of points will only increase.

The pension for individual entrepreneurs is somewhat different from the standard one. Individual entrepreneurs, like ordinary citizens, can replenish the savings and insurance part. In this case, everything remained without much change. There is no need to lose sight of the fact that a citizen must have been born either in 1966 or later. If a person is employed, then all contributions are made by the employer.

What to do in that situation if you are an employer? In this case, you pay all the fees yourself. Many individual entrepreneurs were forced to close their own businesses simply because the Russian government almost doubled insurance premiums.

Increases in 2015

If your work experience is more than 40 years, then you will probably be interested in the question of what benefits are provided in this case. The new pension formula began working in our country for the first time in 2015. Currently, the price of one pension point is 65 rubles. In the very near future this amount will be increased to 72 rubles. Since the beginning of February 2015, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has laid down the costs associated with the indexation of the pension point. But according to many experts, pension indexation will be carried out according to the old 2014 index. The total amount of fixed contributions for insurance pensions was also determined. Its total amount is 3935 rubles. This means that it increased by 744 rubles compared to 2014. Pension payments for old age will increase by 780 rubles, and for disability - by 365 rubles. In case of loss of a breadwinner - 592 rubles.

We must not forget that the new pension formula includes all types of payments in points. In the coming year, the average size of insurance pensions will increase by 838 rubles. This means that last year an amount of 11,208 rubles was paid, and at the present time - 12,047 rubles. size social pension will increase by 902 rubles - from 7578 to 8479 rubles. According to our government's forecasts, the pension supplement will improve the living standards of pensioners. Since from the beginning of 2015, the minimum pension will be 11,980 rubles. This amount is 69% higher living wage.

Bonus for forty years of experience

For the new pension reform, the Pension Fund has recalculated pensions for pensioners who have been members of this fund since January 1, 2015. Russian citizens with extensive work experience can apply for an increase of 500-600 rubles. This information was provided by Deputy Minister of Social Protection and Labor Andrey Pudov. As we learned, the pension will be divided into 2 main parts: funded and insurance. One of the most interesting aspects of the pension reform is that today the payment of the insurance pension will be made in coefficients, which in turn have accumulated over the entire work experience of a person. Coefficients will be calculated every year. The more money a citizen receives from his place of work, the greater the overall coefficient will be. According to Andrei Pudov, the Pension Fund of Russia was instructed to recalculate 1.3 million pensioners who are currently receiving pension bonuses. According to his assumption, the total amount of payments can increase for those citizens who, at the time of retirement, have a total work experience of more than thirty years (for women) and 35 for men.

The majority of our fellow citizens, after retirement due to age, continue to work and thereby increase their length of service. In the future, they can expect increases in their monthly payment. It is worth noting that due to some changes in the current legislation, the minimum period of labor activity has currently been increased to 9 years, but on average, each person officially works for about 30 years, and maybe much more. In this article we will examine the question of whether the pension will be recalculated after 40 years. length of service.

Retirement age

Probably, the retirement age established at the legislative level is known to everyone: men can go on a well-deserved rest only at 60 years old, and women at 55. But usually, upon reaching the above age, many continue to work officially and replenish the pension fund with their insurance contributions. At the same time, at the legislative level, continuing to carry out labor activities is not prohibited.

It is worth noting that in any case, you can count on state payments after reaching retirement age. In this case, the pension will consist of several indicators, one of which is the period of work activity. Among other things, government payments will depend on the earnings of the future pensioner at the time of working activity and other components. There are certain categories of the population that can either retire early or receive additional payments, for example, for long service.

Components of a pension payment

Thanks to some changes in legislation, the system for calculating pension payments has changed somewhat. Currently it consists of three main parts:

  • a fixed payment established at the legislative level and due to absolutely all citizens upon reaching a certain age;
  • the insurance part includes the number of points accumulated during the period of employment, multiplied by their value;
  • The savings part is the amount of additional contributions to the savings account from the employer for the entire period of employment.

Please note that length of service directly affects the size of future payments, because even during labor activity, every citizen can influence his security in old age, thanks to personal investments in the funded part of a future pension in a state or non-state pension fund.

Speaking in simple words, future pension will directly depend on work experience and salary. Carry out reforms in Pension legislation, most likely, is an urgent need, for the simple reason that many entrepreneurs use the practice of paying for labor “in an envelope.” That is, the official part of the wage is minimal, so the insurance premium, and, therefore, the future pension will depend on it.

Please note that if during the period of labor activity a citizen had the status of an individual entrepreneur, he is obliged to make contributions to the pension fund on his own behalf, thereby influencing the amount of future monthly profit.

What will be the pension if you have 40 years of experience?

Now let’s return to the question of what kind of pension supplement there will be for 40 years of service and whether it is due at all. In fact, of course, such additional payments with increasing length of service will be relied upon, if only for the simple reason that while continuing to work after a weekend of well-deserved rest, the citizen continues to make contributions to the pension fund and accumulate points, which have a certain value. It is worth noting that pensions are recalculated annually for absolutely everyone; this is, first of all, indexation and an increase in the cost of one individual pension coefficient.

By working officially and earning seniority, you can significantly influence the size of your future payment. The coefficient is calculated depending on the salary; the more contributions are made to the Pension Fund, the greater the payment will be. But these are not all the benefits; depending on your length of service, you can receive additional bonuses in the form of points from the state, and they will be distributed as follows:

  • if the total work activity exceeded 30 years, then one more unit is added to the accumulated points;
  • if the total duration of labor activity ranges from 40 to 45 years, then an increase of 5 IPC is made;
  • but if the length of service exceeds 50 years, then a fixed amount of 1,063 rubles is added to the total pension payment, which is indexed over the years.

So, we answered the question of whether an additional payment to a pension is due for 40 years of work experience. Indeed, at the legislative level it takes place. Thus, the government motivates our fellow citizens to continue working after retirement. But it is worth noting that in different regions the terms of recalculation may differ significantly.

Recalculation of pension for 40 years of service

Probably, for many pensioners, the scheme for calculating monthly payments is incomprehensible, especially when, due to changes in one of the components of payments, pension points. As mentioned earlier, having 40 years of experience, an additional 3 points are awarded, the cost of which in 2018 was 81 rubles 50 kopecks, respectively, the minimum increase is 244 rubles. But that’s not all, because while continuing to work, the total number of points accumulates with each period and, accordingly, they increase the amount of future payments.

But it is worth noting that since 2015, our country has not carried out indexation of pension payments for working pensioners. But, most likely, from 2018 there will still be indexations, and the funds have already been included in the federal budget.

We must not forget that payments to pensioners and preferential categories of the population are established not only at the federal, but also at the regional level. That is, in some regions Russian Federation the premium is made through investments from the local budget. Among other things, residents of the northern regions can count on increased payments.

Where to go

The Russian Pension Fund is responsible for providing financial support to elderly citizens; it is the fund that annually recalculates payments in certain cases. But in fact, no statements from the outside are required. That is, all allowances will be taken into account automatically by pension fund specialists.

But at the same time, if you expect an increase in monthly payments, you must apply to the authorities social protection population. The documents you will need first of all are: a pension certificate and identification, a personal passport, a certificate in form 2-NDFL from the employer and the bank account number to which you will accept transfers.

Do not forget that citizens who are on pensions have the right not only to monthly old-age payments, but also to other privileges, that is, benefits. These include:

  • free public transport tickets;
  • subsidy for payment of housing and communal services up to 50%;
  • free medical dental services in municipal clinics.

Please note that most benefits and subsidies are established at the regional level, so you can find out about your options directly from the social protection authorities.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners with more than 40 years of service is carried out annually without a prior application. After all, having an official source of income, payments continue to be received into the personal account, increasing the amount individual coefficient and the funded part of the pension. But at the same time, under general conditions, pensioners can receive additional privileges from the state in the form of benefits and subsidies.

The working-age population has more than once thought about how likely it is for them to retire in the future and receive income during a well-deserved retirement. IN Lately The government is carrying out reforms in this area, some changes are being made and the requirements for potential pensioners are becoming more stringent. Similar “levelling”, which was observed back in the days Soviet Union, no longer.

Now, in order to have the right and opportunity to receive these payments, you must meet certain requirements and earn it. The size of the pension received may change for pensioners; this should be accompanied by important metamorphoses in the life of a citizen. Let us further consider what pension recalculation is, how it can be done, and what is necessary for this.

What it is?

If we consider the very definition of this concept, it can be described as a change in the amount of the pension; it must be carried out by the competent authorities, that is, the PF. To make a recalculation, the grounds and application of the pensioner are required, You will need to provide supporting documents.

The basis for recalculation may be the fact that the pensioner continues to work and, accordingly, the employer pays insurance contributions for him, and so on. Accordingly, the amount changes, the length of service changes, and the fixed payment ratio increases.

Recalculation can be made if a person becomes disabled or has other important changes that affect the amount of payment.

How is it happening?

Recalculation is carried out by representatives of the Pension Fund, but for this the pensioner himself must submit a corresponding application. This process must be initiated by the recipient of the payments; for this, he will also need to take care to provide documents confirming his words. Based on this, recalculation will be made.

It is important for pensioners to understand that any changes that occur to him, for example, he went to work, decided to continue working, or vice versa, decided to stop working and go on a well-deserved rest, all these facts must be reported to the Pension Fund within a certain time frame, which you will tell you when applying for .

Not only the pensioner, but also the Government can initiate recalculation.

A striking example is the recalculation that is carried out every year before August 1. This applies to those pensioners who continue to work, such a recalculation for them is positive thing, since the result is an increase in pension payments.


The procedure for recalculating pensions is described in Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 “On insurance pensions”. It depends on the basis and method by which the recalculation is made. There are two options here - by application from the pensioner or automatically.

The second method does not require the intervention of the recipient of pension payments, since this is carried out at the initiative of the Government; such recalculations are applied to working pensioners. So, let's consider the order depending on the method of recalculation.

If there is a change that is a prerequisite for making calculations that will change the amount of payments, then it will look like this:

  • The applicant collects the necessary documents.
  • Writes a statement.
  • Submits documents to the Pension Fund for review.
  • The decision is made within five working days from the date of submission of all documents or from the date of submission of the last of them.
  • The accrual will be received the following month from the date of application.

In accordance with the rule described in Federal Law No. 210 of July 27, 2010, the Pension Fund can request from citizens only those documents that cannot be obtained by them through a single information database.

If we talk about automatic recalculation, then nothing is required from the citizen. On August 1, the pension amount is recalculated.


In order to better understand the recalculation method, let's consider an illustrative example.

Inna Valerievna retired, but continues to work at her previous place of work. Like all working pensioners, she is entitled to an automatic recalculation of her pension on August 1. To do this, you need to know the level of her average monthly salary last year. It amounted to 16,500 rubles.

On this moment her salary is at the level of 23,000 rubles. The employer pays contributions for its employees in the amount of 22% of the salary. A citizen develops exclusively insurance pension, that is, 16% goes to it.

Let's calculate the annual salary of a pensioner: 16,500 * 12 = 198,000 rubles.

The amount of pension contributions will be equal to: 198,000 * 0.16 = 31,680 rubles.

Do I need to contact the Pension Fund?

If the length of service is 40 years for women and 45 for men, then they are entitled to additional payments in the amount of 5 coefficients(everything about the pension supplement for 40 years of service is described). Once this has been achieved, there is no need to contact the Pension Fund to recalculate the pension, since this will be done automatically.

After the moment when a working pensioner’s total age is over and 45 years, respectively, for women and men, it is necessary to make the required additional payment. After this, the next reason for such a recalculation may be 50 years of service. With this indicator, an additional payment of 1,063 rubles is required for 2017.

Description of the procedure and list of documents

If we talk about additional payment for 40 years of experience, then this procedure is completely carried out by the Pension Fund when assigning pension payments. As for 50 years of experience, a citizen must independently contact the department of social protection of the population with the necessary package of documents and an application.

The list of documents to apply is as follows::

  • Passport.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Pension insurance document.
  • Employment history.
  • Bank account.

More detailed information The Social Security Administration will be able to provide you with, they may require some additional supporting documents.


If a person continues to work after receiving the right to retire, then for additional years he will be entitled to additional payments in the form of additional pension points or cash payments.

In order to receive these funds, you must contact the department of social protection of the population and provide documents and an application.

Recalculation of pensions for 40 years of service in Russia will be carried out in 2018 by analogy with the previous year. The payment rules encourage working citizens to work officially, thereby increasing their total length of service, thanks to which they can achieve an increase.

After a person retires, he can qualify for monthly payments from the state. Moreover, the requirements for length of service, taking into account all the rules, are quite flexible. The minimum length of service to receive an old-age pension must be 7 years. However, you should not leave your job after working for seven years. After all, the longer your experience, the more profitable payments you can count on in the future. The state took special care of citizens and adopted a law that states that pensioners who have officially worked for 40 years or more will be able to receive a pension supplement. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

When are people entitled to an old age pension?

According to the law, every citizen of the Russian Federation is required by the state to receive pension payments as the main source of income upon reaching a certain age or due to certain circumstances. The law establishes that women must retire at the age of 55, and men at the age of 60. IN next year this norm will remain unchanged. However, some persons have the right to retire early, as before. This applies to citizens retiring after long service. This occurs after their official work experience with characteristic working conditions reaches its maximum level.

Long service payments are compensation given to people whose professional activity associated with increased health risks. It also takes into account that the age of people can negatively affect the quality of work, which is why the state decided to send them into retirement. In turn, such pensioners can continue to work, but in more comfortable conditions, while receiving compensation for lost earnings in the form of a long-service bonus.

What determines the size of pension payments?

According to current legislation, pension payments are constantly indexed and changing. Currently, the pension is formed from 2 parts:

  1. insurance, that is, when during the work experience a working citizen accumulates personal pension coefficients or, in other words, points. After which their number is multiplied by the cost of 1 point for the current period.
  2. cumulative, that is, a fixed payment that is accrued monthly. Its amount is determined depending on the amount of accruals from the employer for the entire period of work of the citizen.

Thus, the duration of the total length of service and its availability have a direct impact on the payment of pensions, but are not the factors that play important role in the purpose of its size.

The amount of pension accruals today, as before, depends on the citizen’s salary, since the salary portion affects the amount of monthly insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the enterprise. This means that the larger your official wage, those more money will be transferred by the employer to your individual account opened with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If you are an individual entrepreneur, then by law you are required to pay for yourself to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in order to be able to receive the required pension from the state in the future.

What pension supplement is due to pensioners in 2018 for a total length of service of 40 years or more?

Pension accruals consist of a funded and insurance part. Cumulative part has a fixed rate. Today it is 4805 rubles. The amount of points accumulated over the years of work is added to it, multiplied by the cost of 1 point. In the previous year, the price of a point was about 79 rubles. However, it is expected to increase in 2018.

Personal coefficients are accumulated in the account of the future pensioner. They are accrued from incoming contributions from the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The greater their sum, the more points you can accumulate. In addition, the legislation makes it possible to additionally accumulate them due to the duration of the total length of service. So:

  • the additional payment for 30 years of service to all citizens is one point;
  • for 40-45 years of experience adds another 5 points;
  • For official work for 50 years, a pensioner is given a fixed bonus, which in the previous year amounted to 1,063 rubles. In 2018, this amount may be indexed.

In addition, the amount of the increase in pensions for long overall service depends on the region of residence and the citizen’s workplace.

Will there be an increase for working pensioners for 40 years of service in 2018?

Working pensioners with 40 years of experience behind them deserve special attention. For them, in addition to pension points, it is expected that payments will increase through transfers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from their place of work. However, indexation of pensions for working pensioners has not been carried out since 2015.

In 2018, these people will be recalculated in the direction of increasing the premium. Preliminarily, we can say that the price of 1 point will be about 81.5 rubles. The state will be able to add a maximum of 3 points or 244 rubles to the pension payments of working pensioners. It is known that funds for indexing their pensions have already been included in the federal budget. This means that the increase will most likely begin in January 2018.

What working periods can be included in the total length of service?

In order for the state to provide you with an additional payment to your pension payments for 40 years of service, it is absolutely not necessary to work during this time. The legislation establishes rules that state that the following will be taken into account in the full length of service:

  • conscript service in the RF Armed Forces;
  • maternity leave and the period of caring for the baby until he reaches 1.5 years, however, it is important to note that this period cannot exceed 4.5 years.

The time spent studying at a university in a specialty that will become a citizen’s profession in the future is not included in the work experience according to the law.

Military personnel working under a contract, on the contrary, have the right to count on an increase in their pension for length of service. The amount of the bonus in this case will depend on the number of years served for the Motherland.

What increase in pension for a total of 40 years of service in 2018 can pensioners in the regions claim?

​In certain regions of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies set their own amounts of supplements to pension payments. These amounts usually depend on the cost of living for retirees in a particular region, as well as regional coefficient. For example, for a total experience of 15 years in the regions Far North a citizen can qualify for a 1.5-fold increase in payments. At the same time, for 20 years of experience in an area that is legally classified as the North, you are also entitled to a bonus.

In turn, for work in hazardous production, benefits and access to a well-deserved rest based on length of service are entitled, but the state has not provided any bonuses. Therefore, in such a situation, pension payments will be made to citizens as usual.

Where to go to apply for an increase in pension for a total of 40 years of service?

If your length of service is 30-40 years, then the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will automatically recalculate your pension payment, taking into account all allowances. You do not need to write a special application for this.

If you have worked for more than 40 years, then in order to receive additional payment you must submit the necessary documentation to the social security department. Increased pension Taking into account the allowances, it will be transferred to you within a month after the date of application.

What documents are needed to receive an increase for a total experience of more than 40 years?

If you have a total experience of exactly 40 years, you do not need to apply to social security or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But if you have officially worked for more than 40 years, then you need to bring the following documentation:

  1. Application for recalculation of pension taking into account additional payments for length of service.
  2. Passport of the Russian Federation.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Certificates received locally former works or in the employment center, as well as from archives and medical institutions.
  6. Characteristics from employers.
  7. For the military: certificates and extracts from orders from military service.
  8. Documents confirming official salary transfers.
  9. Bank account statement proving salary receipts.
  10. Agreements confirming labor relations with employers.

How are pension payments calculated for labor veterans?

For labor veterans, the law provides for completely different conditions for pension payments. Labor veterans include citizens who:

  • worked as a minor during the Second World War, with a total experience of more than 35 years;
  • earned the length of service necessary to enter a well-deserved retirement, and during their service they were awarded medals, titles, and orders.

In order to be recognized as a labor veteran, you will need to visit the social security office at your place of registration in order to obtain the appropriate certificate.

To register, you must present:

  1. Russian passport;
  2. work book or papers confirming the presence of the required experience;
  3. awards from employers;
  4. 3x4 photo for document.

After receiving the certificate, you can qualify for the following benefits provided to pensioners depending on the region of residence:

  • a travel pass for moving around the city on public transport, issued free of charge;
  • discount on utility bills in the amount of 50%;
  • free restoration of lost teeth in a state dental clinic;
  • another vacation for working pensioners.

A lawyer is ready to answer your questions.

Modern pension system on the one hand, it introduces more and more difficulties to achieve a pension, on the other hand, it creates clear conditions necessary for receiving a decent pension in old age. At the same time, there are various allowances, such as recalculation of pensions after 35 or 40 years of work experience. It’s the latter that we’re going to look into in this review.

Lately the Internet has been full of legends. Of course, for long work experience and delayed retirement, any person will be assigned an increasing coefficient. But we're talking about specifically about increasing the pension simply for length of service - 35 or 40 years. Is this true, and where do the rumors come from?

Attention! With a long work experience, it is possible to receive, for which there are pension bonuses and fringe benefits.

Experience for retirement

In almost every article we have to write this for the newly arrived reader. According to the latest amendments, one of the mandatory points reduces to the need to obtain a minimum insurance period.

In 2018, the minimum insurance period is 9 years.

Every year it will increase by 1 year until 2025, where it will be 15 years.

Total necessary conditions for receiving an old-age insurance pension:

  1. Retirement age (60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively).
  2. Experience (15 years).
  3. Retirement points (30 in 2025).

But even if this is not enough, the state will still provide a pension. Read more about all types of old-age pensions.

Is there a bonus for 40 years of experience?

The rumor about additional 5 coefficients was never confirmed - as a result, we can say that there will be no additional increase. But there are other increases! Let's talk about this below.

According to the latest amendments, the size of the pension can only be affected by earned pension points, which directly depend only on the size of pension contributions to the Pension Fund. That is, two pensioners with the same length of service may have different pensions, and a person working on a low salary may have an even lower pension than a person who has worked much less at a high salary. That is, the very fact of working for a long time does not affect the size of the pension; only the actual contributions are important.

What could be the surcharge for?

There can be a lot of possible options for increasing your pension. But in our case there are only 3 main ones:

  1. The experience for previous years has been restored - for example, if documents or payments were previously lost when submitting an application.
  2. Delayed retirement – ​​for each year of retirement the coefficient increases.
  3. Awarded the title "Veteran of Labor". The work experience of 40 years for men and 35 years for women is taken from here. So check out the article suggested above.

Let us note the mechanism of the Pension Fund's work: in case of refusal of a pension, recalculation occurs automatically on August 1 of each year. But for other cases, you will have to go to the nearest branch to write an application for recalculation. No one will recalculate the pension separately after 40 years of work experience.

To obtain the title of “Veteran of Labor”, you must contact the social protection authorities.

At the same time, “veteran” deductions and benefits provided are under the jurisdiction of REGIONAL authorities. And payments may differ significantly from region to region.

Supplement amount

So, we have determined that when we talk about 40 or 35 years in the context of pensions, most likely we are talking about the title “Veteran of Labor”. There is no separate supplement to the pension for 40 years of service. But a labor veteran is entitled to fixed monthly payments, as well as additional benefits. Both are determined by the regional authorities at your place of residence. Here, for example, are payments for several regions:

  • Moscow – 495 rubles
  • St. Petersburg – 828 rubles

Of course, this is quite a bit. But even a penny from the state can be pleasant for an elderly person. In addition, veterans are generally entitled to many benefits.

How to apply?

  1. You should already have an old-age pension.
  2. There are the necessary length of service and conditions for obtaining the status of “Veteran of Labor”.
  3. We go to social security and submit a package of documents:
    • Application (you can find out everything and write it on the spot).
    • Passport.
    • Certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the assignment of an old-age insurance pension.
    • Certificate "Veteran of Labor".

You can submit this both at the branch and through the State Services website, but in practice it is more convenient to apply for a personal visit.

Other length of service: 30, 35, 45, 50, 60 years

For people with 30, 35, 45, 50 and 60 years of experience, nothing else is provided either. Everything was recalculated in , and based on their number every year, the size of your pension is determined.

That's all. We found out that there are no general bonuses for people with 40 and 35 years of experience, but for those who received the title “Veteran of Labor” because of this, the regional authorities are ready to give small bonuses.