
In what position is it better for pregnant women to sleep. What pillow is best to sleep on during pregnancy? Homework During Pregnancy: Do's and Don'ts


Pregnant women do a lot of things - choose clothes, exercise, and even sleep! Waiting for the baby takes place in taking care of himself and the child. Expectant mothers at this time often notice disturbances in sleep patterns, it occurs due to hormonal changes accompanying an interesting position. Already in the early stages, the woman's body changes, as does the sleep regimen, and in the later stages, a large belly does not allow finding a comfortable position. Also, pregnant women have many questions - is it possible to sleep on your stomach, is it possible to sleep on your back, and on which side it is better to sleep - right or left.

Deep sleep in the first trimester

This time is often characterized by depression of the nervous system. The expectant mother becomes sleepy. You don't have to fight it, just allow yourself to sleep well. Think about the future child, who is still so defenseless. Your sleep is important to him too.

In the early stages, you can sleep in any comfortable position. It may not be very comfortable on the stomach as the breasts become painful and very sensitive due to hormonal changes. At this time, it is worth accustoming yourself to the poses that you will use in a few months - on the back and on the side.

Features of the second trimester

The well-being of a woman after 12 weeks of pregnancy improves. Mood swings and morning sickness disappear. By this time, the troubles associated with hormonal changes had already ended. And new inconveniences, such as back pain, excess weight, clumsiness, have not yet begun. They appear, as a rule, in the last months. But the question of how to sleep is becoming more acute. What position should you choose?

For this time, sleeping on your stomach is no longer suitable. After all, it increases so much that in this position you can crush the baby with your weight. It is worth considering other options in order to ensure yourself uninterrupted and sound sleep. After all, you yourself will probably be uncomfortable in this position because of the round belly.

The best position in the second trimester is the supine position. Since the baby's weight is still small, the expectant mother will feel comfortable - the diaphragm and spine will not be compressed. However, after the baby starts to move, it is advisable to change the posture. It will be most convenient and useful at this time to sleep on your side. The left one is best, but the right one will do in the middle of pregnancy.

How to sleep in the third trimester

The abdomen at this time increases significantly, which creates new problems and questions. Getting enough sleep in your third trimester isn't as easy as it used to be. Therefore, it is worth considering important details to help you do this.

  • You should prepare not only yourself, but also the room for sleep. It is imperative to ventilate it. It is enough to open the window for 10-15 minutes. In summer, it is recommended to sleep with the window open.
  • Your nightgown and lingerie should be made from natural fabrics. This will make your sleep more comfortable.
  • The choice of pillow plays an important role. It is important that it is firm and high enough for the spine and neck to bend correctly. During sleep, you can put it under your back, and not just under your head. This will reduce the stress on the spine, and the back muscles will be able to relax as much as possible. For pregnant women, there are special pillows from which you can make a "nest" for the abdomen. It helps a lot to sleep properly in the third trimester. Experiment with regular pillows of different sizes. You can put them under your leg, under your belly, under your lower back, between your legs - whatever is more convenient for you.

Which side?

In the later stages, sleep on the left side is recommended. Why exactly on the left? This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of women, more precisely, the position of the inferior vena cava, which runs along the right side of the uterus. Sleeping on the right side can lead to the fact that she is pinched by a child, whose weight is already quite heavy in the third trimester. You should try to avoid this. The fact is that the inferior vena cava is involved in the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs and legs. If a pregnant woman often sleeps on her side, she is squeezed. As a result, varicose veins may appear on the legs. In addition, the baby's blood supply may be impaired. A sufficient amount of oxygen will cease to flow through the placenta to the baby. You will feel that his movements become more intense.

In late pregnancy, it can be uncomfortable to sleep even on your side. What about the expectant mother in this case? If you lie on your left side, it is recommended put a pillow under bent at the knee right leg... In this position:

  • blood flow to the placenta increases, therefore, the baby will receive a sufficient amount of oxygen for development;
  • improves kidney function, which is especially important in the last trimester;
  • you will be less concerned about swelling of the legs and arms;
  • there is no pressure on the liver;
  • no painful sensations in the pelvic area and in the back;
  • your heart is working optimally.

However, it is not always best to sleep on your left side later in life. Sometimes you should choose the right one. We are talking about the case when it is on this side that your baby's head is located. Doctors call this position of the fetus transverse presentation and recommend sleep on the right side... This will help the child to take the correct position in the future.

From forums

zamarusia As convenient - and lie TE))) !!! Just don't put your legs on your legs))) Try NOT on your back, and the side does not matter. You need to listen to your feelings - a woman is the most sensitive creature! Close to nature, you have to act as intuition tells 😉 🙂

[email protected] And I sleep now on the right, then on the left. But I always fall asleep on my back. And even during the first pregnancy I slept without thinking, the only thing I put under my back was small pillows, I could not sleep without them. And I have never heard that it is not recommended to sleep on some side. Now I manage to sleep on my stomach (I roll over in my sleep) 😀 As well as sleep, listen to your body and baby 😉

Irina I only sleep on my left side, although after 15-20 minutes. the stomach begins to ache terribly. My masik has just an ass on the left side and with it he squeezes the stomach under the ribs to unbearable pain. We had a breech presentation and only recently did our son turn his head down, but he is still very active and turns to the sides. So I have to sleep on the side where his back is in order to keep him in the correct position.
Just like Olga wrote, she simply stopped sleeping due to the fact that it was terribly uncomfortable. On the left side it hurts, on the right side the baby is spinning and may again be positioned incorrectly, but the doctor does not advise on the back, because even on CTG it was clear that his heart was suffering when I was lying on my back.
We are only 35 weeks old, walk for another month and a half, but I can’t sleep at all. She adapted to dozing half-sitting, putting in 2 pillows, but so quickly my neck becomes numb and my back hurts in the morning.

Natalia Girls, dear, but don’t worry who you sleep on which side. Sleep as you like. If the kid doesn’t like it, he will let you know. I slept throughout the pregnancy, as it was convenient for me, on my back, on my left side, and on my right. Nobody's veins, stomachs, hearts suffered. The only problem shortly before giving birth was to roll over from side to side at night, I had to wake up every time. When the child will not let him sleep at night, you will sleep in any position.

  • You should not use sleeping pills if you are unable to sleep. They can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor and in very rare cases. Any medicine, including sleeping pills, affects not only your body, but also the fragile body of the child.
  • Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks at night. These include not only coffee, but also tea. By the way, green tea has more caffeine than black.
  • It is recommended to consume carbonated water as little as possible. Do not take large amounts of food or water 2-3 hours before bedtime. A glass of kefir and a small snack in the form of several crackers will help get rid of toxicosis.
  • Get some fresh air before bed. A walk will be useful, but great physical activity at night is not recommended.
  • Try to get up and go to bed around the same time. A consistent sleep pattern is very important for the body.
  • If you suddenly wake up with cramps in your legs, stand up and stand for a while. After that, do a pinch-relaxing massage. Convulsions indicate that there is not enough calcium in the body. Increase your intake of foods that contain high amounts of it. It is especially abundant in poppy seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, herbs, beans and dairy products.
  • Do not be afraid of childbirth. Fear of them is a fairly common cause of insomnia, especially in the late stages. Special courses for pregnant women or stories of friends who have already given birth will help prepare for this important event. Counter this fear of wanting to see your baby, and you will feel how he retreats. We also read:

Use the time of pregnancy to build up the strength you need after giving birth. When the baby is born, you will no longer have time for sound sleep. The child may require care even at night. But after giving birth, you can again sleep in any position.


Can't sleep? Is the kid pushing? Not finding the right sleeping position? The cause of insomnia is not always a growing tummy. How to deal with hormonal changes and what can a pregnant woman afford in the fight against lack of sleep, except milk with honey? Ekatrina Ishchenko, in an attempt to fall asleep, was looking for the correct sleeping position under the supervision of the head of Women's Clinic No. 25 Elena Farafonova.

Olga Leonidovna Maslennikova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category. Work experience in practical medicine - 31 years. Tells about what position you can sleep in during pregnancy?

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs?

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs? This issue worries many expectant mothers in the first half of pregnancy, until the uterus has grown significantly. Is it dangerous to be in this position for several hours in a row and how do the doctors themselves recommend sleeping during pregnancy? Let's figure it out.

Sound logic tells us that sleeping on your stomach with such strong pressure on the uterus is hardly beneficial for the fetus. Blood circulation may deteriorate. However, the situation is not dangerous if the gestation is less than 20 weeks. Of course, any doctor, when asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their stomachs, will answer that it is undesirable. And you need to strive to rest in other comfortable positions. But even if you woke up on your stomach, do not panic, nothing bad will happen, the baby is protected by the amniotic sac. And if for short periods you need to try not to lie on your stomach, then from the middle of the second trimester you will not have to control yourself, it will be physically uncomfortable for you to be in this position.

How do gynecologists recommend spending nights? Can pregnant women sleep on their backs? Indeed, many people sleep on their backs and consider this position one of the most comfortable. But expectant mothers are not recommended to lie on their backs for physiological reasons. The fact is that a vena cava passes in the lumbar region, carrying blood from the legs back to the heart, and when it is squeezed, oxygen starvation can occur in the body of the mother and child. Such consequences are unlikely to occur in the early stages of pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy, many expectant mothers themselves cannot lie in this way, since this, in addition to difficulties with breathing, causes aching pain in the lumbar region.

It is clear that lying on your back is a taboo, but is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their side? Yes, doctors consider this kind of rest the most favorable and convenient. Moreover, it is recommended to rest on the left side, since in this case the heart has less load. In some cases, your doctor may recommend sleeping on your right side. Such a recommendation can be given to mothers whose children are not in the head, but in an oblique presentation. It is very comfortable to lie on your side with a soft blanket or pillow between your legs. This position is the most physiological. Needless to say, you need to worry about a good mattress and a pillow under your head.

By the way, it is important not only whether a pregnant woman can sleep on her stomach, back or in another position, but also how to get up correctly from a lying position. First you need to lie on your side, then gently take a sitting position and only then get up. With such movements, the tone of the uterus will not occur, and there will be no surges in blood pressure.

Expectant mothers often ask themselves the question: how to sleep properly during pregnancy? Indeed, the upcoming motherhood makes its own adjustments to the physiology of the female body: the hormonal background changes, the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, mood fluctuates, depression and increased anxiety are possible. All this can negatively affect the quality and duration of a woman's sleep, while a full night's rest is one of the basic conditions for bearing a strong baby and maintaining the health of the mother.

Each of us has a favorite position that we involuntarily assume when we go to bed. But are all sleep positions during pregnancy safe? Consider the possible impact of each of them in terms of trimester.

First trimester

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally and there are no special medical recommendations, then in the first 12 weeks you can not give up the usual resting positions. The position on the stomach is not forbidden either. The fetus is still too small and sufficiently protected by the bones of the pelvis and the pubic articulation from compression. The only inconvenience that makes many women abandon their favorite position on the stomach is painful sensations in the chest, which swells and becomes extremely sensitive already at an early stage of pregnancy.

Second trimester

The question of how to sleep better for pregnant women is actualized at this stage. After the 12th week, intensive growth of the fetus is noted, and from about the 18th week, the uterus extends beyond the pubic and pelvic bones. Despite the cushioning function of the mother's amniotic fluid and abdominal fat, the prone position can cause unwanted pressure on the fetus.

The optimal resting position during pregnancy is considered to be on the left side. In this position, the enlarging uterus does not press on the liver, the pressure on the kidneys and bladder is also minimal. However, it is difficult to stay in one position all night, so it is permissible to roll over from one side to the other.

Third trimester

The last three months of pregnancy are accompanied by increased fetal growth, in this regard, staying on the stomach becomes not only dangerous, but also impossible. It will be more difficult for those who are used to sleeping on their backs. In this position, the uterus, already having a significant weight, exerts pressure on the spine and intestines, and also squeezes the inferior vena cava. This disrupts blood flow from the lower body to the heart. As a result, a woman may note:

  • restless behavior of the child in the womb;
  • symptoms of hypotension (dizziness, weakness, flashing of flies before the eyes);
  • pain and stiffness in the lower back and lower spine;
  • indigestion (feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea, heartburn, problems with stools);
  • signs of varicose veins of the lower extremities (discomfort, pastiness, edema);
  • development of hemorrhoids.

Venous congestion in the mother's body is no less dangerous for the fetus, which does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Violation of trophism and hypoxia can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences. It is for these reasons that it is important to choose the right sleep positions during pregnancy.

A person changes his body position during sleep, and this is impossible to control. At the same time, there are some tricks that do not allow a sleeping woman to roll over on her back: someone, laying on their left side, places behind themselves any object that prevents the roll over on their back, someone sews a tennis ball into the bottom of a pajama jacket.

The correct sleeping position in the third trimester is on the left side. In this case, the right knee can be pulled up to the stomach by placing a pillow under it, and the left leg can be extended. In this position, the load on the pelvis is minimal, and the woman has the opportunity to fully rest. From time to time you can turn to the right, but it is better to fall asleep on the left side. At the final stage of pregnancy, the child is able to send jerks to the mother about his unhappiness, which helps the woman to navigate in time and change her posture.

Sleep positions for complicated pregnancy

In some cases, the question arises in what positions you can sleep during pregnancy, if it is accompanied by any deviations. The main ones are: atypical placement of the child in the uterus and significant dysfunctions of the mother's body.

If a woman during pregnancy is worried about excruciating heartburn, breathing problems or complications from the cardiovascular system, then it is advisable to ensure an elevated position of the upper body. To do this, if possible, you need to raise the top edge of the bed or put a large pillow under your back. With edema of the legs, it is desirable that they are on a slight elevation. The position on the left side with the right knee pulled up to the abdomen also helps prevent swelling of the lower extremities.

Sleeping area and special bedding for pregnant women

Paying attention to the position in which it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep, do not forget about the resting place itself. The bed should be spacious enough so that the woman can easily assume various positions. The mattress should have a flat surface and not be too hard. Choosing a special orthopedic (or anatomical) mattress for a pregnant woman, you should give preference to models without springs or with independent springs. They provide an even distribution of the woman's weight and effectively relieve the load on the spine. Properties such as hypoallergenicity, ventilation, strength are also important.

There are also special pillows for pregnant women, with which it is easier for a woman to take a comfortable position while lying down. Products are available in various sizes, configurations and compositions. For information on how to sleep on a maternity pillow, which models and fillings to choose, please contact our sales consultants.

How to get good sleep during pregnancy

The problem with falling asleep is caused not only by physical changes in the body of a pregnant woman, but also by many other factors that can and should be corrected. In this regard, it is necessary:

  • Establish a daily routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time, in the afternoon, exclude activities that cause physical and mental fatigue, serious negotiations, watching disturbing films and television programs. Do not forget about regular walks in the fresh air and gymnastics for pregnant women.
  • Exclude from the diet foods that increase the excitability of the nervous system or complicate digestion (coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, abundant fatty and spicy foods). The last meal and drink should be no later than 1.5 hours before the rest.
  • Take care of the microclimate of the room (cleanliness, optimal air humidity, ventilation).
  • Do not resort to sleeping pills - such appointments are made by the doctor in exceptional cases. Warm baths with aromatic oils, a glass of milk with honey, a decoction of mint and lemon balm have a noticeable sedative effect.
  • If your insomnia is caused by fears of an upcoming childbirth, attending antenatal courses is a constructive step. Experts will step by step analyze the situations of concern with the future woman in labor. Having a concrete understanding of the subject and a clear plan of action in certain circumstances will help you overcome fear and gain confidence.

Every mother-to-be dreams of a healthy and strong child. However, in addition to proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, it is of no small importance in what position to sleep for a pregnant woman. After all, only a sound and full sleep will help you gain strength and give birth to a healthy baby. How to choose a sleeping position.

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  1. It is best for the expectant mother to choose a sleeping position on her side, so you need to take care that the bed is not too hard. Moreover, doctors advise choosing exactly the left side, since if a pregnant woman sleeps on the right side, there will be a possibility of squeezing the kidneys.
  2. Allowed to take the middle position. For this purpose, it is necessary to place pillows under the back without completely lying on your back. If you have chosen the position on the side, the pillow should be placed under the stomach, as well as between the legs, which will reduce the load on the pelvic region. For this, special pillows are sold that are very easy to use.
  3. juicy breast sensitivity. The main thing is not to forget that pregnant women cannot lie on their stomachs for a long time, and after a while they will have to change their position.
  4. If your favorite position before pregnancy was sleeping on your stomach, you can choose this position, but not for long. This position causes compression of the vena cava, which is located along the spine. If her deformation occurs, the woman will feel bad, and there will be attacks of suffocation. Also, the embryo will receive an insufficient amount of nutrients along with the blood - which is why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs for a long time.

Which pillow to choose?

Each woman chooses a pillow for herself: one prefers to put flat, small pillows under the head and legs, the other - to pinch it between the legs, thereby relieving tension from the pelvic area.

Convenient position

Let's take a closer look at which pillow for pregnant women is better for resting.

  1. The modern market offers various types of pillows. For example, there are universal models that are filled with polystyrene balls. Their appearance resembles a banana or a month. The advantage of such a pillow is that it provides a truly full, comfortable sleep, and after the birth of the baby, it can be used during feeding.
  2. If you have no desire to buy a large, voluminous pillow specially for your "interesting position", a large soft toy will easily help you. It is also quite comfortable for a pregnant woman to sleep on it, placing it under her head or holding it between her legs.
  3. If you like to do everything with your own hands or you simply do not have enough money, you can sew the pillow yourself. You just need to remember that it should be about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. Polystyrene balls can be purchased in advance at a furniture or hardware store. Don't stuff your pillow too tight, as it is best for a pregnant woman to sleep with a soft base. The cover can be made of cotton with a zipper so that you can wash it if necessary.

Your back is not the best sleeping position

The first trimester of "interesting position" does not require any restrictions, so a pregnant woman herself can choose in which position she sleeps better. However, after the 20th week, it is necessary to limit the "back" position.

Let's figure out why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their backs.

  1. Between the uterus and the spine, the inferior vena cava is located - this is the largest vessel through which blood circulates from the trunk and legs to the heart. If, under the weight of a grown fetus, amniotic fluid, a heavy uterus, this organ is clamped, the inferior vena cava syndrome will occur. This situation is very dangerous, since it implies a sharp drop in the volume of circulating blood, as with profuse blood loss.
  2. A long stay in this position is fraught with the following symptoms: dizziness, severe weakness, a feeling of lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness, a sharp drop in blood pressure up to hypovolemic shock.
  3. The embryo experiences a severe lack of oxygen, its condition progressively worsens.
  4. If a multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios has been delivered, then the expectant mother needs to abandon this position after the first trimester. Also, this recommendation is relevant with a low position of the fetal head in the presence of a threat of interruption.

If, in a state of wakefulness, a woman can quickly feel a bad state and change position, then in a dream the body's defensive reaction is triggered more slowly. As a result, mom and baby can be seriously injured.

Sit on your side

Consider in what poses you can sleep for a pregnant woman in terms of trimester.

First At this time, a woman can afford to sleep as she loves. But it is better to start changing habits, so it is better to refuse the position on the stomach. For sleep, it is better to choose the left side to reduce the burden on the kidneys. As for the back, you can sleep as long as you like.
SecondsideThe second trimester already requires refusal to sleep on the back, since the abdomen is already beginning to produce pressure and can squeeze the vena cava, preventing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It is best to sleep on your left side with a maternity pillow between your legs. This will ensure you and your baby have a comfortable, deep sleep.
ThirdsideThis period assumes lying only on its side, since this position provides the baby with oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, there is no pressure in the area of ​​the liver, which is on the right, no back pain. If there is a transverse presentation, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby's head is.

Which side is better?

Regarding which side it is better to sleep on for pregnant women, all doctors agree that this is the left side. It has been proven more than once that the left side provides:

  • the best blood circulation in the body;
  • head presentation of the baby;
  • if you sleep like this all the time, then the baby will never roll over into breech presentation, which is most important for the last trimesters.

If a woman really wants to lie on her back, then an intermediate position must be observed. This can be done easily by placing a pillow on one side.

Dangers of Incorrect Position

The wrong position during sleep can cause many problems and pathologies. Let us consider in more detail why pregnant women should not sleep in certain positions and whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomachs.

Why you can't sleep on your back during pregnancy:

  • difficulty breathing occurs;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • obstructed blood circulation and blood flow to the uterus;
  • there is pain in the back;
  • hemorrhoids develops and worsens;
  • under the baby's weight, the vessels located behind the uterus - the inferior vena cava and the aorta are squeezed;
  • there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Find out how to sleep better for pregnant women. Sleeping on the right side can provoke:

  • poor blood circulation from mother to baby;
  • compression of the arteries under the weight of the uterus;
  • lack of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

The child himself reacts to this position of the mother. After 10 minutes, he begins to give signals about the lack of oxygen by active shocks. You should immediately change the position of the body.

Sleep on your stomach:

  • bears a direct threat to the life of the child;
  • can provoke a miscarriage;
  • can cause bleeding.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

With the onset of conception, pregnant women radically change their lives. With the growth of the tummy, you have to update your wardrobe, learn the right gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women. With the approach of childbirth, you have to learn how to sleep during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. It's just that by the last trimester, many patients have disturbed sleep, a big belly makes it difficult to sit comfortably in bed. In this regard, mothers have a lot of questions about sleeping positions during pregnancy.

Cool baths have a positive effect on overall well-being

Choosing a comfortable sleeping position is not easy at all and depends on the gestational age. For a pregnant woman in the early stages, it is good to sleep in any position she is accustomed to, because there is no belly yet, and the embryo is still quite tiny and it is simply impossible to harm it with an uncomfortable position of the body. Toxicosis and related conditions can become the only obstacle to normal sleep. Sometimes sleep does not go by itself, depressive outbursts roll in at night, and during the day, sleepiness and fatigue are exhausting. Hormonal changes noticeably affect the mother's condition, but in the first trimester of pregnancy there is still an opportunity to sleep normally on her stomach.

With the onset of the second trimester, toxicological ailments subside, the moral and psycho-emotional state stabilizes. Now, it would seem, you can sleep in a restful sleep. But in the second trimester, the condition is overshadowed by the inevitable growth of the baby, which leads to an increase in the tummy. Therefore, the 2nd trimester is considered a period of major changes. A pregnant woman needs to start moving around more carefully, holding her tummy, not carrying weights, choosing the most comfortable positions in order to fall asleep as soon as possible and get a good night's sleep. From about the middle of the second stage of gestation, it is already forbidden to lie on your stomach and sleep on your back.

With the onset of the last trimester, the patient has a very difficult time, but she will have to endure. The uterus is maximally enlarged, so the woman no longer sleeps on her stomach, even if she really wants to. Positions on the back and abdomen are strictly prohibited for a pregnant woman, so mothers modestly doze on their side throughout the last trimester. This position is considered ideal if in the third trimester the patient prefers to rest on the left side.

Other factors

If the pregnant woman has severe swelling of the lower extremities, which is not at all uncommon in the later stages of gestation, then it is recommended to put a roller under them. I sleep on my side, but the baby suddenly starts kicking violently - such complaints from mothers to an obstetrician-gynecologist can be heard quite often. If this happens, you must immediately change your position, usually the baby begins to show dissatisfaction when he lacks oxygen, so he demands to reduce the pressure on the stomach.

If you happen to get pregnant, then for a long time you need to choose the most comfortable position for yourself, which will help relieve tension, relieve the spine and lower back. It is impossible to lie still throughout the night, so doctors recommend alternating the left and right sides during rest. Try to get used to sleeping on the left side in the letter C position in the early stages, then it will become much more comfortable to sleep with a big tummy.

Which side is better for a pregnant woman to sleep on

Many pregnant women have no idea how to sleep properly in the last weeks of gestation.

  • Doctors generally give the same recommendations for all patients - it is best to sleep on your side during pregnancy.
  • You cannot rest on your back for a fairly simple reason - the fetus strongly presses on intraorganic structures such as the intestines, kidneys or liver, which leads to severe soreness in the back, exacerbation of hemorrhoids or breathing difficulties, so pregnant women cannot sleep in this position.
  • If the patient often rests on her back, then the baby, being inside the uterus, will exert pressure on the inferior vena cava running along the spinal column, and this is dangerous by a decrease in blood flow. As a result, mom's health worsens.
  • If such squeezing is observed regularly, then this can negatively affect fetal development, because against the background of insufficient blood circulation, there is a lack of nutrition for the baby, his heartbeat is disturbed, which leads to irreversible consequences.
  • Experts recommend how to sleep better. This should be done on the left side, because lying on the right side can provoke compression of the renal structures, which will lead to increased swelling.

The first step is to think about the condition of the baby, and not about your preferences. It is imperative to monitor your well-being, if in certain positions the pregnant woman feels discomfort, she becomes ill or even painful, then you must immediately change the position and continue to avoid such a position while resting. While sleeping on the left side, it is easier for the body to get rid of excess fluid and metabolites, and the heart functions normally.

In the last trimester, it is not very comfortable to sleep even on the left side. To ensure herself the most comfortable position, it is recommended for mommy to put a pillow under her right leg, which must first be bent at the knee. This arrangement helps to increase blood flow to the placental structures, which leads to the baby receiving more oxygen, which is so necessary for full development.

What else do you need to know

The main thing is not to overeat at night.

In addition, this position improves kidney function, which is most important for the third trimester. You sleep in this position for at least one night, and in the morning it is noticeable how the usual puffiness from the face and limbs has subsided. In addition, such a position relieves pain symptoms in the back and pelvis, optimizes cardiac activity.
But there are exceptions when it is not recommended for mom to sleep on her left side in the third trimester. Why? You need to sleep on the right side, when the baby has taken a transverse presentation and his head is on the left. In such a situation, a night rest on the right side of the body will help the baby to take the desired position.

Prohibited poses for the third trimester

In order not to cause accidental harm to the child, it is necessary to clearly understand that during pregnancy in the second half of the term, it is necessary to give up sleeping on the stomach and back, even if in other positions the mother is not used to sleeping and tossing and turning for a long time, but cannot fall asleep. Resting on her tummy, mommy will put pressure on the child, which does not bring anything good.

Lying on your back is prohibited due to the same squeezing. The uterus causes compression of the intestines, vertebral structures, arteries and other organs. Long sleep on the back provokes hyper-edema of the limbs and pain in the spine. Sometimes, with such an incorrect body position, mommy even wakes up in the middle of the night due to severe lumbar pain. You just need to change the position of the body, the soreness will immediately recede. Try to sleep so that you are comfortable and that the baby does not suffer from excessive pressure.

We equip a resting place

Many mothers are thinking about how to ensure themselves the most comfortable and quiet rest, so they begin to accustom themselves to the correct position of the body. But you also need to watch out for what you sleep on so that the body is located comfortably.

  1. You need to choose a mattress of medium firmness. The surface of the berth should follow the outline of the body and support the spinal column in its natural physiological position. A similar effect is provided by orthopedic mattress models.
  2. When choosing a mattress, make sure that it is not very springy. When the spouse turns at night, he will cause strong vibrations, which will cause discomfort not only for mommy, but also for the fetus.
  3. Size matters. The bed should be comfortable so that mommy has enough space for a comfortable rest and good sleep.
  4. The room in which mommy sleeps must be ventilated before resting. Fresh air will inevitably help a pregnant woman fall asleep soundly and quickly.

If mommy is too often worried about nasal congestion, heartburn, breathing difficulties, then you need to sleep in such a position so that the body is raised. Mothers are often worried about cramps, which not only cause discomfort, but also cause painful sensations. To quickly get rid of a spasmodic muscle spasm, you need to reach the big toe of the leg affected by the spasm and pull it up towards the knee.

It is impossible for a woman to control the position during sleep, therefore it is recommended to use a pillow for pregnant women, which will help to sleep in a comfortable, and, most importantly, safe position for the baby.

Choosing a pillow

There is a huge selection of special attachments.

Experts have calculated that for complete comfort, mom needs to put at least 5 pillows under different parts of the body. A pillow was created especially for pregnant women, which helps to calm down and take the most comfortable position. It is difficult for mothers to find a comfortable sleeping position, they often want to lie down on their tummy, which is absolutely impossible to do. As a result of a sleepless night, Mommy wakes up irritated and nervous. With each sleepless night, the stressful state of the pregnant woman is aggravated, which provokes the development of severe depression.

If you use a pillow for pregnant women, it will distribute the load on the spinal column, help the muscle tissues of the limbs to fully relax, help you fall asleep quickly, and come in handy after childbirth for more convenient feeding of the baby. Such pillows come in a variety of shapes, such as a boomerang, a banana, the letter C, G, I, U, J or a bagel, so even the most fastidious mommy will be able to choose the most convenient option for herself.

Of no small importance is the filling of the pillow, which can be quite varied, for example, synthetic fillers like polystyrene balls, holofiber, artificial fluff, as well as natural fillers such as swan's down, buckwheat husks, etc. If you use a pillow filled with holofiber or synthetic winterizer, it can noticeably decrease in size. They are too soft, so after childbirth, they are unlikely to be suitable for comfortable feeding.

Buckwheat husk or polystyrene balls emit a specific rustling, which not all girls like. But such products keep their shape perfectly and do not shrink. It will be great if the pillow has a removable cover that is easy to remove and wash.

Maternity pillows have both disadvantages and advantages.

  • If we talk about the shortcomings, then they include the large size of such a product. Also, the disadvantages can be attributed to the heat, if you sleep on such a pillow in the summer, because the fillers retain heat, so it will be hot to sleep in an embrace with such a product.
  • Pillows have much more advantages, if only because they help to eliminate painful sensations in the hip joints, lower back, neck and back in general.

The U-shaped pillow is considered the most comfortable, since it does not need to be turned over every time Mom changes her body position. There is also a minus - such a pillow will take up a lot of space on the bed, and you will have to sleep with it at some distance from your spouse, which not all mothers like.

In order for mom to have a full night's rest and sound sleep, the patient must adjust her life in accordance with some rules that she must observe daily throughout the entire gestation.

First, the food. A pregnant woman is simply obliged to eat in a timely manner, correctly and in a balanced manner. You cannot overeat; it is better to eat often and little by little. You need to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime so that the gastric contents have time to fully digest and do not overshadow the night's sleep with unnecessary stress. Also, before going to bed, it is necessary to exclude the use of caffeinated drinks, sweet soda, etc. It is better to drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed.

Every day, you need to perform special exercises for pregnant women, which in part will contribute to rapid falling asleep and sound sleep. Such workouts should be planned for the day so that the body has time to fully relax before a night's rest. Also, before going to bed, you should not watch TV, read books or engage in mental activity, it is better to listen to calm music in order to properly relax.

It is worth adhering to a certain daily routine, which will help teach the body to fall asleep and go to bed at the same time. If you suffer from insomnia at night, then during the day it is better to give up sleep, and before a night's rest, be sure to take walks. You also need to ventilate the room, and in the summertime sleep with an open vent / window, which will help you sleep soundly and calmly at night.

You need to take a warm bath before going to bed, and half an hour after it go to rest, then falling asleep will occur almost instantly. It is better to sleep in pleasant to the touch pajamas or a shirt made of natural knitted fabrics. If at some point, against the background of lack of sleep and irritation, despair and fatigue rush over, it is worth encouraging yourself that all mothers go through such inconveniences.