
Postcards with Ramadan in Russian. Uraza Bayram - congratulations on the holiday in Tatar, Russian and Turkish in prose, pictures and short SMS. Children's congratulations with Uraza Bayram in pictures


The most strict and severe fast of all Muslims - Ramadan - is coming to an end. Already on the last day of a long abstinence, with the onset of sunset, the entire Muslim world begins to actively prepare for Uraza Bayram - the holiday of the end of the fast. This bright celebration is connected with cleansing from sins and the continuation of a renewed life. The believers fasted for almost a month, not taking a sip of water or a crumb of bread during the daytime. It was not until dusk in Ramadan that they could eat and gain strength for the next day of strict restrictions. Of course, after such trials, you expect liberation from them with special trepidation and joy. Already 3-4 days before the start of Uraza Bayram, the whole family begins to prepare for the holiday. Adult men prepare gifts, women wash the house and clean the yard, children read books on Muslim customs and traditions. When preparing congratulations to friends and relatives for Uraza Bayram, you can write them in your native, Tatar language. Poems-congratulations in Tatar are pronounced and for festive table, and sound at concerts, organized events. If you do not have enough time, and there are a lot of relatives, you can send them SMS congratulations on Uraza Bayram.

Joyful congratulations on the holiday of Uraza Bayram

The fast is over, souls and bodies are cleansed: the time has come to rejoice and rejoice. Believers who have managed to never break the fast, observing all its heavy restrictions, experience special joy and spiritual uplift. Such Muslims perceive congratulations on Uraza Bayram as personal, kind words addressed only to them.

Here comes the holiday season,
Glorious Allah is favorable to us!
We will joyfully meet the holiday of Bayram!
He is given to us for patience and loyalty!
We wish health to all believers,
Peace of warmth and reliable shelter!

First day of the month after Lent
Let's break the fast at Shawwal, the reason is clear,
Eid al-Adha removes the ban from us,
Ramadan has come and gone.
The Prophet Muhammad gave us the Koran,
He protected himself from genie and sin,
Happy and festive day for Muslims,
We'll all break the fast because we can now.
Let relatives and friends not be bored,
And they open their doors to you in the house,
Bring hotels for a huge family,
Pray for the happiness and joy of Allah.

Only the sun will appear in the sky,
I will come to Allah with a prayer,
May it send me endless light,
About love, I will pray for you.
So that Eid al-Adha reminds us
About good and sincere deeds,
I'm like a submissive son on my knees,
Through prayer I call ALLAH -
Protect our lives from sin
And give a little love
So that we live with you in love.

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Arabic

More than 7 million Tatars live in the world; most of them are Russians. Many Russian Tatars observe fasting and celebrate all national holidays. Uraza Bayram for believing Tatars is the happiest period. Of course, your Muslim friends and acquaintances will be sincerely happy if you give them a card with congratulations from Uraza Bayram in the Tatar language. If you find it difficult to find poems or other congratulations in the native language of your friends, our selection will help you.

Uraza berem is Belen season chyn kunelden kotlym! Behet, Isen saulyk Khodai Birsen barygyzga!

Eid Mubarak! Eid Mubarak! Oh, your blessing has risen on this day! I congratulate the whole planet and wish you happiness, love, prosperity, and live until the next Eid al-Adha. May Allah protect your soul and heart. Do not be cunning, be obedient and observe all the traditions of our people and you will be happy in life.

Good SMS congratulations with Uraza Bayram

Probably, each of us has friends living in other cities and countries. Letters to them will take a long time, and calls are expensive now. Another thing - short telephone messages. Send your friends and family SMS congratulations on Eid al-Fitr: they will be pleased to receive news from loved ones on this bright day.

We celebrate a bright holiday
We meet Uraza Bayram!
We go to the mosque in the morning,
The muezzin will sing there.
We will congratulate everyone
And meet relatives, friends,
Relatives to adorn,
give alms
The table is chic without a doubt,
There will be many treats.

After the month of Ramadan
The feast will last for three days.
Allah has given us a holiday,
The entire Muslim world rejoices.

Great holiday - happiness for everyone,
Everyone welcomes new guests.
Fun and children's sincere laughter -
This is Uraza Bayram.

Congratulations to all Muslims
Eid al-Adha came to us,
We are seeing you off today
Fasting month of Ramadan.
You can eat and drink
Put us on the tables
Everyone will be full today
After fasting Ramadan.
Get all the gifts
And bring it to your loved ones in the house,
Let things stay
For further later

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Russian

Most of the believing Muslims living in Russia consider the Tatar language to be their mother tongue. However, many Muslims live in mixed families and choose Russian as the language of communication: it's easier that way. Send congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Russian in e-mails and postcards - this is how you express your respect for the traditions and faith of your friends.

Today is Eid al-Fitr!

All Islam rejoices, rejoices.

And on the sacred day of breaking the fast

We give thanks to Allah.

For testing us

And sent to this world to carry

Laws, Truth and Koran.

The lesson of abstinence was passed,

For this, brothers, a rhyme for you!

In the blessed month of Ramadan,

The holiday of Uraza Bayram is coming.

The post is over, the soul is pure,

The night of doom has come.

In the morning we will gather in the mosque,

We will gain peace and tranquility.

And may Allah decide

How great is the feat of our spirit.

Uraza gaete bairame belan ihlastan tabrik itam. Sinen kebek imanly, yash, sabyr, nykly ruhly din kardashem bulganga min chyn kүңelemnәn sөenәm. Һәm kilәchәk tә dә shul doreslek yulynda, Allah kushkan namaz yulynda bulyrsyң һәм үzenңә bashkalarny da aidarseң digәn izge telҙкә kalam. Allah sinen kylgan dogalarynny kabul kylyp, fareshtәlәr sina ugan yullar, mul tabynnar һәm kaya gyna barma gel namusly imanly keshelәr gene ochratsyn. Tәnen, җanyң һәrchak sәlamәt bulyp һәr el shulai urazalar totyp, gaeten, korbanyn kүp ellar bәyrәm itәrgә nasyp bulsyn.

When sending congratulations to Uraza Bayram in Russian, Arabic or Tatar, choose the poetic form of your messages or simply sign the card “in your own words”. Friends from other cities can send funny SMS congratulations to Uraza Bayram. Learn a verse in Tatar and read congratulations to your comrades in their native language - your friends will be pleased to hear kind words.

The great Muslim fast of Ramadan ends, and already in the evening of the last fast day, preparations begin for the most cheerful and joyful holiday of believers in Allah - Uraza Bayram (or Eid al-Fitr). The holiday of breaking the fast - the beginning of eating food and drinking water after a long strict abstinence for a lunar month - Islam has been celebrating for almost one and a half thousand years. This bright holiday is truly joyful for believers who have spent thirty days in prayer, the absolute absence of water and food during the day and reading the Koran. Of course, not all Muslims fast so strictly, but they also look forward to the onset of the day of Uraza Bayram, when everyone around becomes cheerful again, and the morning is filled with the sounds of prayer coming from the main mosque of the city or their place of residence. In Uraza Bayram, all Muslims accept congratulations - both believers and those who are only by birth a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, leading a secular life. Islam is multinational and multilingual: congratulations are heard on Uraza Bayram in Russian, Tatar, Turkish, Arabic, and dialects of other languages. It can be wise parting words in prose, and funny pictures for children, and short SMS sent to friends.

Congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Tatar and Russian

More than five million Tatars live in Russia, and many of them consider Tatar their mother tongue, and continue to communicate with their friends in Russian. Respect them too: give your friends cards with congratulations in the Tatar language or even learn and say a few kind lines to your friends.

Uraza gaete bairame belan ihlastan tabrik itam. Sinen kebek imanly, yash, sabyr, nykly ruhly din kardashem bulganga min chyn kүңelemnәn sөenәm. Һәm kilәchәk tә dә shul doreslek yulynda, Allah kushkan namaz yulynda bulyrsyң һәм үzenңә bashkalarny da aidarseң digәn izge telҙкә kalam. Allah sinen kylgan dogalarynny kabul kylyp, fareshtәlәr sina ugan yullar, mul tabynnar һәm kaya gyna barma gel namusly imanly keshelәr gene ochratsyn. Tәnen, җanyң һәrchak sәlamәt bulyp һәr el shulai urazalar totyp, gaeten, korbanyn kүp ellar bәyrәm itәrgә nasyp bulsyn. Amine.

The holiday is very long-awaited
Eid al-Fitr is a welcome day for everyone!
Rejoice, people, thank God!
And live together in faith and love!

Eid Mubarak! This is the end of the prayer.
Eid Mubarak! The sun makes us happy.
I congratulate you on Eid al-Adha,
I wish you faith and happiness!

I'm already waiting for a visit to my house for a feast.
We will be glad to see you not only today.
In Eid al-Fitr we will sing songs with you,
And let us fill the house with happiness and faith!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu.

Kaderle kardashlyar, tugan-tumachalar barcha moselmannar-barygyznyda boiler season ORAZA BAYRAM belyan!

Today I congratulate all Muslims on the holiday of URAZA BAYRAM (the end of the holy month of RAMADAN)! I wish prosperity and peace to you and your loved ones!

Beautiful congratulations on Uraza Bayram in Turkish with translation

Among the Muslims of Turkish origin, there are many believers who will surely rejoice at your beautiful congratulations in their native Turkish language. Eid al Adha - bright holiday fun, but also a celebration, once again reminding us how important faith is. You can send congratulations to your relatives and friends in Turkish, indicating the translation of the text into Russian next to it.

Mübarek Ramazan Bayramını sevdiklerinizle beraber sağlıklı ve huzur içinde geçirmenizi dileriz. Bayram tum insanlığa hayırlı olsun! Congratulations on the holy holiday of Ramadan Bayram. May it pass in the circle of loved ones, in health and joy. Happy Holidays to all mankind!
Her ilkbaharda gelinciklerin en güzel başlangıçları müjdelemesi gibi, bu bayramın da sana ve ailene mutluluk ve neşe getirmesini diliyorum… İyi bayramlar! May the holiday, like a poppy - the most beautiful herald of spring, bring you and your family joy and happiness. Happy holiday!
Yureğine damla damla umut, gunlerine bin tatlı mutluluk dolsun. Sevdiklerin hep yanında olsun, yüzün ve gülün hiç solmasın. BayramIn kutlu olsun… May your heart be filled with hope drop by drop, may your days be filled with thousands of happy moments. May your loved ones be always by your side, may your face and your roses never fade. Happy holiday.
Tüm yürekler sevinç dolsun, umutlar gercek olsun, acılar unutulsun, dualarınız kabul ve bayramınız mübarek olsun. May all hearts be filled with joy, may all hopes be fulfilled, may all sorrows be forgotten, may God hear your prayers, and may the holiday be blessed.
En güzel anıları birlikte paylaşmak dileği ile en güzel hatıraları bu bayramda tazelemek dileği ile mübarek Ramazan bayramınızı kutlarız. I wish this holiday to share the most beautiful moments and refresh the most beautiful memories. With the sacred holiday of Ramadan Bairam.
Ramazan Bayramınızın da böyle bir neşeyle gelmesi ve tüm ailenizi sevince boğup evinize bereket getirmesi dileğimizle. Iyi bayramlar! I wish Ramadan Bairam to bring joy, fill all families with happiness, and bring prosperity to the house. Happy holiday!
Kalplerde sevgi olsun gozlerimiz ışık dolsun Ramazan Bayramınız kutlu olsun. May hearts be filled with love and eyes radiate light. Happy Ramadan Bayram!
Bayramların en güzeli ve hayırlısını diliyorum size Ramazan Bayramınız mübarek olsun. I wish you all the best and the best on this holiday. May Ramadan Bayram be blessed for you!
Bugün ellerinizi her zamankinden daha çok açın. Avucunuza melekler gül koysun, yureğiniz coşsun. Ramazan Bayramınız hayırlara vesile olsun. Open your hands more than usual today. Let the angels fill their palms with roses, and in their hearts with inspiration. Let Ramadan Bayram be an occasion for all the best.
Güzellik, birlik, beraberlik dolu, her zaman bir öncekinden daha güzel ve mutlu bir Ramazan Bayramı diliyoruz. Büyüklerimizin ellerinden küçüklerimizin gözlerinden öpüyoruz. We wish this Ramadan Bayram holiday to be even better and even happier than previous holidays. May beauty and unity fill it. We kiss the hands of the older ones, and the eyes of the younger ones.

Holiday greetings from Uraza Bayram in prose

The coming day of breaking the fast is so cheerful and bright, because before that the Muslims were fasting. Some of them were so immersed in prayers and reading the Koran that even after sunset they did not eat food, continuing to read surahs. Your congratulations in prose will be especially dear to them on such a big holiday as Uraza Bayram.

Congratulations on the bright holiday of Uraza Bayram! I wish you peace, prosperity and love. May your table on this day be full of delicious delicacies, and your soul - happiness! Prosper and live long, may the children always be healthy and cheerful. Happy Breaking the Fast!

Eid Mubarak! May this bright holiday bring you peace, blessings and love. From now on, let only joy live in your heart and never leave it. Let only luck be your companion on all roads of fate. And may you have so much happiness that you can bestow it on everyone you meet.

Glory to Muhammad, who gave a blessed day when you can put on the most best clothes and make a holiday prayer! Let your table burst with dishes, and a joint meal of breaking the fast will gather many close people in an abundant house! Let the laughter of your children be a source of spiritual inspiration! Eid Mubarak!

Children's congratulations with Uraza Bayram in pictures

Holy Ramadan allows underage children not to fast: a growing body constantly requires food, and without water in the heat, the child will be even worse. However, children will grow up and understand the meaning of Ramadan and the following day of breaking the fast. In the meantime, they exchange gifts, treats and congratulations from Uraza Bayram in pictures.

Eid al-Fitr is an Islamic holiday, which is usually celebrated in honor of the end of the fast of Ramadan. The holiday is celebrated during 3 days of the month of Shawwal. Uraza Bayram has existed since the distant 624. Believers actively congratulate each other, wishing only the best. On the day of the holiday, it is customary to collect alms for the community of the poor or travelers, to congratulate and wish a blessed holiday, to perform a ritual prayer. Children can play special games and visit their neighbors, hoping to receive some sweets as a present. People traditionally ask each other for forgiveness, donate money or food to the poor. Numerous rituals and traditions have survived to this day, but at the same time, modern technologies have added new gestures. For example, you can choose a holiday picture for Uraza Bayram and send it to your Muslim friends, showing respect for their religion.

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Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha) is one of the most significant and revered Muslim holidays, dedicated to the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca. Every year, the date of Eid al-Adha is calculated anew, since it is celebrated according to Islamic lunar calendar. So, in 2018, this important celebration will come on August 22 and will last for three days. According to traditions, on Eid al-Adha - 2018 congratulations, pictures and beautiful postcards with inscriptions in Russian, Tatar and other languages ​​will be received by relatives, friends and colleagues of devout Muslims. Having picked up a few pictures with congratulations, you can send them to this joyful holiday sacrifices to all relatives and friends.

Beautiful pictures from Eid al-Adha - 2018 - greeting cards (photo)

With the onset of Eid al-Adha, every Muslim is preparing to make a sacrifice, symbolizing obedience to Allah and humility before Him. For a solemn ceremony, a healthy artiodactyl animal is traditionally chosen - a ram, a goat or a camel. We have selected the most beautiful postcards and pictures from Eid al-Adha - 2018 for congratulations dear to my heart people.

A selection of congratulations in pictures on Eid al-Adha - 2018 in the photo

The best congratulations on Eid al-Adha in 2018 - in Tatar

The tradition of exchanging congratulations on Kurban Bayram dates back to the mists of time - today Muslims give each other colorful pictures and postcards with warm sincere words. Here you will find the most best congratulations with Eid al-Adha - 2018 in Tatar, to send by e-mail on this joyful and bright holiday. Peace be upon you, goodness and blessings of Allah!

How to congratulate Eid al-Adha - 2018 in Tatar

Sezne Korban Bәirәme belәn ikhlas kүyңeldәn tabrik itam, barcha din kardeshlәremgә isanlek, namelek, behet ham bәrәkәt telәp kalam. Bәirәmnәregez mөbәrәk bulsyn

Sezne chyn kүңeldәn Korban bәirәm belәn tabriklim! Barygyzga da saulyk, bakhet-shatlyklar һәm ozyn gomerlәr Khodai birsen, kylgan dogalarygyzny һәm birgәn khәerlәregezne kabul itsen! Bәirәm belәn, kaderle duslar!

Korban Gaete jitte,

Onytmagyz tugannar!
Өylаregez tazadyr,

Kүңelegez, -bayrәmchә.​
Moncha yagyp kergansesder,
Pure cue kigansesder.
Irtәgә bit zur bәirәm,
Mәchetlәr kotә bezne!
Yakynnarygyzny, yes,
Hallaren belukirak.
Korban chalyp chakyrsalar,
Barmy beruk Kalmagyz.
Dogalar tynlar ochen,
Җyelabyz һәr elny.
Khale bulgan һәrkem dә,
Kүchtәnәch alyp bara.
Olylarny olylybyz,
Ash-su, östäl äzerläp.
Әti-әnigә kaitabyz,
Kaderlaren belerg.
Zur savaplar җyyarbyz,
Zurlasak bu bairamne.
Bәirәm belәn mөselmannar,
Bahetlar birsen Hodai!
Allaһny onytmyyk ber da.

Korban bayreme mobarak bulsyn! Rahimle, Märkhämätle Allah iseme belän! Mөhtәrәm din kardәshlәr! Says, Haailә әGzalarygyzny, Tagannaryznyi үClәshkәn Dini Oshma - Tatarstan Mөselmannary Diniya Nәzarәteneң Challes MөhtәSibәT һәM үз үз сеемумна Мябрак Крубан БәйрәMEBEZ - Goydүl-әDha Belәn Chyn Kңңeldәn Tubrik IT! Korban bayreme Islamnyn bishench baganasy bulgan olug haҗnyn tamamlanu kone. Pәygambәrebez Mөhәmmәd (s.g.c.) әytte: “Ikhlas kүңeldәn kylyngan haҗnyn bүlage - bars tick Җәnnәt.” Bu kөnne izge Mәkkә җirendә millionlagan haҗilәr, shul isәptәn shәһәrdәshlәrebez, җirdә tynychlyk, iminlek bulsyn ochen dogalar kylalar. Alarnyң isәn-sau әylanep kaytuyn telly

Sezne һәm Tatarstannyn Islam Dine әһellaren Kurban bayram uңaennan chyn kүңeldәn tabrik itam. Keshelәr һәm җәmgyyat hakyna izge gamallәregez ihlas iman, yugary әhlak ideallaryna omtylu һәm Allaһy Tagalә rәkhmәte belәn bashkarylsa ide. Sezgә nykly sәlamәtlek һәm igelekle ruhi missionazne үtәүdә zur uңyshlar telim. Respublikabyz mөselman өmәte tynychlyk soyu, kin kүңellelek һәm miһerbanlylyk, yugary humanistic ideallarga tugrylyknyң laekly үrңge bulyr dip yshanam.

The best postcards from Eid al-Adha - 2018 - with wishes for the holiday, photo

Collection of the best postcards (photo) for congratulations on Eid al-Adha

Congratulations on Eid al-Adha 2018 in Russian - poetry and prose

Eid al-Adha is a blessed and bright holiday for all who profess Islam. On this day, it is customary to remember the prophet Ibrahim, who received a generous reward from Allah for his humility and devotion. In memory of the act of the prophet, devout Muslims annually hold a sacred ritual of sacrifice, and also congratulate all relatives and friends on the Eid al-Adha holiday. We tried to collect the most heartfelt congratulations on Eid al-Adha - 2018 in Russian in verse and prose - to be sent in the form of a bright picture or postcard.

Collection of Russian congratulations in verse and prose on the holiday of Eid al-Adha - 2018

Eid al-Adha is a sacred holiday!
Congratulations to all Muslims
And may Allah give happiness
By accepting the sacred sacrifice gift.

Let misfortunes leave the house,
Let there be light in the soul.
May good luck accompany you
And let everything be fine.

I want to wish good
Joy, health to you.
Congratulations on a great day
Peace to you in Eid al-Adha.

Feed the poor today
Pray for relatives:
About those who have gone to the beautiful world
And about all their living.

Congratulations to you and your family on a glorious holiday! We wish you that the generosity and wisdom of Allah descend on your house, so that prosperity, wealth and cheerful laughter do not dry out in it.

May Eid al-Adha bring joy and happiness, bring prosperity and love to the house, fill the family cup with goodness and understanding, may sincere prayers be heard, and the sacrifice made serve as retribution as grace and joy of the soul.

May morning prayer fill your soul with sunny kindness and bright light on the great holiday of Eid al-Adha. Always keep peace and love in your heart, and may your generosity be rewarded with health, success and prosperity!

Pictures for Eid al-Adha - 2018 - with inscriptions of congratulations

The Eid al-Adha celebration traditionally begins in the early morning, when Muslims go to the mosque to pray. Here you will find the most beautiful pictures for Eid al-Adha - 2018 - with inscriptions of congratulations and best wishes to all the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.

Examples of congratulations for Eid al-Adha 2018 in pictures with inscriptions

Eid al-Fitr is one of the largest holidays in Islam, completing the holy month of Ramadan. For devout Muslims, on this day it is prescribed to indulge festive mood, eat food and drink. It is forbidden to fast on a holiday. The celebration continues for three days. It is customary to visit their parents, sick people, give them gifts, go to cemeteries to commemorate the dead. Over their graves, passages from the Koran are read and they ask Allah to ease their plight.

For adherents of Islam, on the Fresh-Cards website, you can download beautiful postcards and funny pictures, as well as a photo of congratulations on the Holiday of Uraza Bayram with wishes in verse and prose, with memorable words and short inscriptions, as well as without text in the form of thematic images. Virtual postcards are easy to send by e-mail, post on pages in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram.