
Authoritative birthday greetings. Best birthday wishes. Beautiful birthday greetings in prose


Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov celebrated his seventieth birthday. Numerous letters of welcome, congratulations and telegrams have been received and continue to be received in his address. Among them: from the President of Russia V.V. Putin, Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, chairmen of both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Matvienko and S.E. Naryshkin, heads of parliamentary factions in the State Duma V.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Zhirinovsky and S.M. Mironov.

From the pages of the Pravda newspaper
2014-07-03 10:32

Among those who sent their congratulations are the heads of ministries and departments of Russia, deputies of various levels, heads of executive and legislative bodies of the country's regions.

In the name of Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov, greetings have been received from the leaders of many states, heads of diplomatic missions working in Russia, and foreign friends of the leader of the Communist Party.

Numerous warm congratulations came from representatives of labor collectives, trade unions, youth, women's and other public organizations, scientists and cultural figures, and individual citizens of Russia. A solid place in the mail G.A. Zyuganov these days is occupied by greeting telegrams from colleagues in the international communist movement, friends and comrades in the Union of Communist Parties, communists of the country, who came from all corners of our vast Motherland, from abroad.

The editorial staff and readers of Pravda join in all the congratulations and good wishes. With the kind permission of the hero of the day, we publish a small part of the telegrams that came to him.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept our congratulations on your 70th birthday.

You are known as an authoritative public figure, a principled and energetic person. For many years you have been the permanent leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, one of the oldest political parties in the country, making a significant contribution to the development of civil society, Russian parliamentarism, and the improvement of legislation.

It is important that when discussing key priority issues, you and your party colleagues invariably demonstrate a constructive, balanced approach and offer specific solutions.

I wish you success, good health and all the best.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my congratulations on your 70th anniversary.

A well-known politician, you have done a lot for the development of Russian parliamentarism and constructive interaction between all branches of power. Largely thanks to your efforts, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation represents a significant part of our society and enjoys the support of voters.

I am sure that your great professional experience and high business qualities will continue to help you in your work for the benefit of our country.

I wish you health and all the best.


Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my congratulations on your 70th birthday.

Extensive experience in political activity, high business and moral qualities, personal authority and trust of voters rightfully allow you today to represent their interests in the State Duma and confidently lead one of the leading political parties in Russia.

Your tireless energy, integrity and competence, your great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and the development of parliamentarism in our country have rightfully earned you a well-deserved authority among fellow citizens.

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity. And success in serving the Fatherland.

Sincerely, S. IVANOV.

Head of the presidential administration Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

accept my my sincere congratulations happy 70th birthday.

Are you one of those politicians who emerged and became in demand in the era cardinal changes in Russia. You are distinguished by your great capacity for work, unfailing professionalism, and the ability to make constructive decisions.

As a member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of six convocations, you have made a significant contribution to the development of modern Russian legislation and parliamentarism in our country. Under your leadership, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is achieving stable results in the elections to the State Duma and is forming its own representative faction. Many initiatives of the Communist Party faction have acquired the status of laws, which indicates its effective and well-coordinated work.

Your fruitful state and public activity was rightly awarded with high awards.

I appreciate your personal and business qualities and look forward to further cooperation.

I wish you good health, prosperity and success.

S.E. NARYSHKIN. Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your 70th birthday.

Your life path is a clear evidence of honest service to the Fatherland. It is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the development of modern Russian parliamentarism, the formation of a domestic civil society. Your multifaceted fruitful work has earned you well-deserved prestige and respect in our country.

Today, your rich experience as a politician and statesman, your inherent wisdom, energy and determination are in demand in creating conditions for further dynamic development and comprehensive modernization of Russia, and improving the well-being of our citizens.

We are ready to continue constructive cooperation with you, including in promoting inter-parliamentary contacts with foreign partners, in the interests of effectively implementing the country's foreign policy and strengthening Russia's position in the international arena.

I wish you good health, well-being, and new successes in your work for the good of the Motherland.


Dear Gennady Andreevich!

From the staff of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and from me personally, please accept the warmest congratulations on your anniversary!

You are rightfully one of the most authoritative public and state figures in Russia. An experienced politician, scientist, and philosopher, you have made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the Russian statehood, and have earned nationwide recognition for your desire to defend the interests of the Motherland in the most difficult political conditions.

You direct your extraordinary organizational talent, strong will, great capacity for work and a heightened sense of justice to serve the Fatherland, invariably demonstrating exceptional competence and sincere attention to people.

With all my heart I wish you, Gennady Andreevich, good health and energy for many years to come, the fulfillment of all life plans, new successes and achievements for the benefit of Russia.

A.I. BASTRIKIN. Colonel General of Justice, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and on my own behalf, I warmly and cordially congratulate you on your anniversary!

We highly appreciate your activity in strengthening the prestige and influence of the international communist and workers' movement.

We would like to express special gratitude to you for your courage and adherence to principles in resolving the issue of the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation.

You are rightfully an example of what a person with extraordinary abilities and hard work can achieve. All your successes and achievements are the result of great work, knowledge and inexhaustible vital energy.

On this wonderful day, we want to wish good luck to accompany you in everything, and your soul to remain young for many, many years to come!

Let life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights and victories.

May all your plans, the plans of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, be successfully implemented and all the good that is in your life multiply many times over.

Peace and blessings to you and your home!

S. AKSENOV. And about. Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the board of JSC Russian railways” and on my own behalf I congratulate you on your anniversary!

A broad outlook, responsibility, a subtle understanding of problems and unconditional service to the interests of Russia have earned you well-deserved authority and respect.

With all my heart I wish you further success in your legislative activities!

I am sure that your characteristic energy, determination and perseverance will continue to be directed to the benefit of Russia.

Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, V.I. YAKUNIN.

President of Russian Railways.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I heartily congratulate you on your 70th birthday. You have been working in the State Duma for many years and have made a significant contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood, the development of parliamentarism in Russia, and the establishment of democracy. Your party is a large political association that expresses the interests of a significant part of our society.

I wish you, dear Gennady Andreevich, successful and fruitful work, health, prosperity and all the best to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, I.I. SECHIN.

President, Chairman of the Board

OAO NK Rosneft.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your anniversary. Your deep knowledge, high professionalism and competence earned you the well-deserved respect of your colleagues and all those who happened to work and communicate with you. I am convinced that all your efforts will continue to be directed to the development and prosperity of our Fatherland, I always remember with warm feelings our joint activities in the State Duma of Russia, from the bottom of my heart I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness, prosperity, and success in serving the Motherland.


Member of the Federation Council.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary.

Your rich experience, extensive knowledge, excellent business skills, talent as an organizer have earned you well-deserved prestige and respect.

With all my heart I wish you new constructive successes for the benefit of Russia, for the sake of its stable development and prosperity. Let fruitful work, new ideas allow you to carry out your plans, and what has been achieved will become a solid foundation for the future. Good health, happiness, only good changes in life!

Sincerely, I.K. Rodnina.

Member of the State Duma.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your 70th birthday. As a politician at the federal level, a patriot and statesman, you have made a huge contribution to the development of national parliamentarism and the modern political system. Orlovtsy are proud of you - one of their outstanding countrymen.

I wish you good health, peace and kindness, comfort and warmth in your home, love and kindness of your relatives. May every day of life be filled with joyful moments, pride in what we have managed to do.

I am confident that your energy and determination will allow you to continue to achieve success for the benefit of a strong and prosperous Russia.

Sincerely, V.V. POTOMSKY.

Interim Acting

Governor of the Oryol region.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. Let every day bring you the joy of communicating with interesting people, satisfaction from how your work is going.

Let your family and friends always surround you with their care, and let colleagues and friends be a faithful support in all endeavors, in the profession and in life. I am sure that your knowledge, experience, the highest professionalism and purposefulness will continue to be the key to the success and efficiency of your activities.

Good health, optimism, good spirits and prosperity!

Anatoly LOKOT.

Mayor of the city of Novosibirsk.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 70th anniversary and on your awarding with the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

For many years you have been taking an active part in the political and public life of the country. Your activities are aimed at protecting the ideas of social justice and democracy.

The award that you have been awarded by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation is a high recognition, a well-deserved appreciation of your contribution to the socio-economic development of the country, the protection of the rights and interests of citizens, and active legislative activity. I am confident that you will continue to do everything possible to strengthen the development of our federal state and improve the well-being of its citizens. Rich life experience, professionalism, competence will undoubtedly help you in this.

May all your plans come true, may good luck accompany you in all your affairs.

Good health to you, Have a good mood, optimism.


Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the labor collective of the Kirov Plant, I congratulate you on your significant anniversary - the 70th anniversary of your birth.

At the plant, you are known and respected as a prominent statesman and public figure who is not indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland and has a heightened sense of civic responsibility and social justice, a person who is always and in everything true to his convictions, consistent in words and deeds.

Being the leader of the Communists for many years, you have done a lot to ensure that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation continues to be a real political force at the present historical stage, capable of representing and protecting the socio-economic rights and interests of working people.

For us, the contribution that you, as the head of the parliamentary faction, make to support domestic industry and domestic producers, ensure the food security of the state, and reduce the import dependence of the Russian economy is especially significant for us. We highly appreciate the attention that you pay to the Kirov Plant, we are especially grateful for the support of our enterprise in February 1999, which was difficult for us, and in today's difficult days for the entire Russian industry.

Health, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones, political longevity, fortitude, optimism and good luck!


Chairman of the trade union committee

employees of OAO Kirovsky Zavod.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I heartily congratulate you, a prominent Russian politician and statesman, on your significant anniversary! Your knowledge, experience, bright organizational skills, enriched with great professional and life experience, are successfully embodied as the head of the Communist Party faction, rightfully won authority and respect among like-minded colleagues, politicians, representatives of business circles, and the public. On this significant day, I would like to wish you good health, strength, energy and success in all areas of your active political activity, as well as the implementation of all your tasks!


Director General of the Mosfilm Cinema Concern.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

We sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulate you on your significant 70th anniversary.

Your life is an example of honest and selfless service to our people, our great Motherland.

We, former underage prisoners of fascist concentration camps, feel your care, nobility and humanity when difficult issues appear on the agenda that require a fair decision within the walls of the State Duma. You are always on the side of historical truth, not indifferent to our fate. Thank you for that!

We wish you good health, long life, success in your important political and social activities for the benefit of Russia.


Dear Gennady Andreevich!

We congratulate you on the round date, on your birthday. At all stages of our life, you selflessly, courageously and staunchly defended the interests of the Russian and other peoples of our country. Those who work in factories, mines, scientific laboratories.

We are especially grateful to you for your constant and attentive activity in the work of the World Russian People's Council, in upholding the spiritual traditional values ​​of the peoples of Russia.

Your merits in the struggle are invaluable, namely in the struggle to ensure that our culture and literature are not a culture of depravity, nascent greed and cynicism, but are connected with a deep history with the images of classical Russian literature with all its folk roots.

Perhaps, today there is no such public figure who would be trusted by the people, waiting for your innermost sincere word, assessment of what is happening.

We wish you good health, historical steadfastness and audacity, and reliable comrades. Good and happiness to relatives and friends, to all your associates!

With deep respect, writers V. GANICHEV, V. RASPUTIN, V. KRUPIN, M. NOZHKIN, S. KOTKALO, YU. ORLOV (St. Petersburg), E. KUZMINA (Arkhangelsk), V. MOLCHANOV (Belgorod) and the entire seven thousandth Union of Russian Writers.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept the most cordial congratulations on the anniversary from the oldest theater in Russia. We are sincerely grateful to you for your kind attitude to Russian classical art and, in particular, to the Maly Theatre. Watching the stages of your path in politics, we highly appreciate the attention you pay to cultural issues. In the life of the state, as well as in creativity, the preservation of traditions and continuity are necessary, and your activity is a vivid confirmation of this. We sincerely wish you good health, victories and achievements.

Sincerely, Yuri SOLOMIN.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

On behalf of the leadership of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and on my own behalf, I testify my respect and send my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your anniversary. High professionalism, determination, erudition and devotion to the interests of one’s state, combined with organizational talents, are a worthy example of selfless service to the Russian Federation. Today, thanks to your inherent political wisdom and active citizenship, you are working, giving all your strength, extensive knowledge, rich life and professional experience for the benefit of the Russian people, skillfully implementing your plans.

I take this opportunity to express the assurances of my deep respect. I sincerely hope that the Russian-Pridnestrovian constructive interaction will acquire a high degree of stability and dynamism. On this festive day, I send you, dear Gennady Andreevich, my heartfelt wishes for good health, prosperity and long years happy life. Inexhaustible energy and good spirits. Good luck and new successes in your noble work for the benefit of the Russian Federation and its people. Peace and good. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, E.V. SHEVCHUK.

President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept my warmest and most heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary.

You were born in the very heart of Russia, on the land of the glorious Oryol region, which more than once was the shield of the Russian and Soviet state, the land that gave the world outstanding scientists, designers, and cultural figures.

This land has found reflection in your soul and your heart, giving you cordiality and friendliness, kindness and diligence, breadth of nature. From the depths of folk life you have inherited love for home country, its history, culture and traditions.

Your parents instilled in you a strong character and the ability to work with people, and this was very useful to you in your Komsomol and party work.

As a real communist, you were very upset by the collapse of a great country - the USSR. At the very difficult period You resolutely undertook to recreate the organization of the communists in the Russian Federation and have been standing at the helm of the Communist Party for more than 20 years.

In our homeland you are known and respected as a great friend of the Bulgarian people. Your meetings in different cities, your books in Bulgarian, love for our history and friendship between two Slavic fraternal peoples remain in my memory.

We are confident that political wisdom and the ability to work with full dedication will continue to contribute to your responsible and successful state activity.

We wish you happiness, good health, prosperity and the implementation of your plans.

Sincerely, Biser Kirov.

Goodwill Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Who knows You, Your energy, Your conviction and steadfastness, will never believe that You are already 70 years old. I also want to join that huge army of people congratulating you, both in Russia and abroad.

According to Russian custom, I embrace you and wish you from the bottom of my heart further success as the leader of the Russian communists, personal well-being and especially the famous strong Siberian health!

I am glad to be with you in the same ranks. With a friend who, after the defeat of the USSR, in the most hard times, restored the honor and dignity of the Russian communists and continues the traditions of the Leninist party.

We met thanks to my friend Evgeny Mikhailovich. And I will never forget the solidarity of the Russian communists and your personal support at that difficult moment for me when I was imprisoned due to my political activities in the GDR.

Thanks again for your solidarity and support!

My thoughts are with you.

Yours sincerely, Egon Krenz.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

We congratulate you and salute you on the occasion of your 70th anniversary. This is, of course, an important personal milestone - "serious age", as someone put it.

Your anniversary is a reminder of your leadership and great service over 23 years to resurrect the Communist Party, whose alternative vision and ideas, primarily devoted to issues of social justice, are in demand by your people. We also admire your commitment to the democratic opposition, electoral democracy and your party's electoral victories over the years, despite conditions that were by no means "free and fair". Without you and your party, there would be much less democracy in today's Russia, and not only in the Duma.

As you know, we are not communists. As American patriots, we have our own political views and our own policies. But over the course of many years of our acquaintance, which included many conversations, you have always respected and encouraged our other views than yours. For us it was a truly democratic relationship, we admire it and thank you for it.

Russia will need you in the future, just as it needs you today. Therefore, we wish you many years of health and energy, necessary for the future struggle.

Stephen Cohen.

Katrina Vanden HAVEL.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on

70th anniversary.

You belong to a galaxy of outstanding, strong-willed people who have written bright pages in the political history of Russia. Your vast experience, vast knowledge and creativity are in demand today more than ever. Your dedication, breadth of thinking and high professionalism make it possible to solve the complex tasks facing the Communist Party. Thanks to you, the Communist Party continues to be an influential force fighting for justice and opposing corruption and lawlessness.

I would like to wish a person of your stature, who bears great responsibility for the assigned work and defends the interests of ordinary Russians, health, success and new achievements on his birthday.


Director General of FSUE TsAGI.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

Please accept our warmest congratulations on your birthday. Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights.

May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, all the good that is in your life will be preserved, and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply. We wish good luck, success and inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life.

Perseverance and patience in solving everyday problems!

I.I. Kazankov.

State farm "Zvenigovsky".

Mari El Republic.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

The team of the Moscow Open Joint Stock Company "Bolshevichka" warmly and cordially congratulates you on your anniversary.

On this wonderful day, we wish you good health, fruitful activity and long life.

We wish you to continue to confidently move towards the achievement of our common goals, remaining for many years a recognized international authority and a permanent leader in the struggle for the well-being of labor production teams.


General Director of MOAO "Bolshevichka".

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

The Vladimir Vinokur Foundation for the Support of Culture and Art congratulates you on your anniversary. In this significant date we wish you prosperity and prosperity, success in all your endeavors, good health, happiness, joy and longevity.

Let luck go hand in hand with you, and every new day will be full of brilliant opportunities. I wish you successful implementation of all projects, implementation of all plans. inexhaustible energy, good mood, interesting ideas.

May your life path be illuminated by the rays of goodness and luck. May your family and friends be healthy and happy.

Political victories, successful scientific searches, harmony in the family!

Sincerely, V.N. DISTILLER.

Foundation Director, People's Artist of Russia.

Happy Birthday!!! I wish you great achievements in your work, which will help you get your favorite car as soon as possible! And let this car fly no faster than your Guardian Angel.

Lots of smiles and goodies!

Today you will be told a lot beautiful words addressed to a lot of smiles and amenities! I wish that throughout your new year you do not forget (a) how much everyone loves you! And remember that this age will never return and may it be a great year! Happy Birthday!!

Happy Day!

Happy Birth Day!

Happy Birth Day! May there be no place for unpleasant surprises, sorrows and poverty in your happy life! And let all problems be solved quickly and without hindrance! Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Day!

The richest person is the one with the most powerful friends! Here, I wish this year to get you another good and respected friend! And he (a) be healthy, good, love, grow! Happy Day!

most important day

On your most important day, I wish: flowers, gifts, love, kindness, smiles, pleasant sincere words, comfort and harmony in the soul, as well as inspiration and realization of everything planned for this year! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!

A good person's birthday lasts more than one day!! May this holiday be bright, cheerful and inspiring! And in this important year of yours, I wish you self-realization, achievements and, of course, satisfaction from life! Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!!! All the best, kind and magical! Life victories, happiness, even more love, well-being and positive emotions from exciting travels!

You are a strong woman with a kind heart. Happy birthday, congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Happy birthday, congratulations from the bottom of my heart! You are a strong woman with a kind heart, everyone knows that you will not disappear anywhere and even from the most difficult life situation you will emerge victorious. But I really, really wish you to be weak, so much so that you don’t have to drag everything and everyone on yourself. So much so that she could not think about serious things, but go and buy herself a new dress! I want to be myself happy woman on this planet! Congratulations*

Live without fraers - trump card,
And become in favor with the lads,
It will never hurt
After all, we are not offended.
Happy birthday,
Without shnyaga, and bullshit themes,
And we are in a lucky mood,
Let's get rid of all the problems.

My best friend on the date, congratulations,
Let the felling pass us by,
I want to hide from garbage
So that every word of yours is respected.
Call me to work, and do not be afraid,
Fortune never fails
We will achieve much more with you,
After all, the Lord himself leads us by the hand.

You were not a vile pontorez,
For a word, I did not dazzle in my pocket,
And relieved the brothers of stress,
Lyulei handed out suckers to everyone.
With great brotherly respect,
On my birthday I want to say -
So that you are in a good mood,
I did not dare to be sad and despondent.

It makes no sense to work on a hair dryer,
In Russian I will congratulate
The smoke in the house is like a rocker,
It's time to cook the chifir.
Let a smile on your face
Always glows with happiness
And fraer, like a fish in a net,
Floats to us more often, again, lads.

After all, we are not strangers at all,
Brother for brother, we can stand
Let the people say: BLATNY,
We can only send them to hell.
Happy birthday, homie, congratulations
Go boldly forward
I wish fartu suit and good,
May success in life await you.

On your fingers, tell us about our life,
How did you achieve fame and heights,
About how you plow in the field every day,
You have a lot of hard work.
In kind, you're my homie, perfect
Always extinguished suckers in the liver,
But now he's calm and normal
After all, there is a wonderful family nearby.

May the brothers never let you down
The wife keeps the hearth, brings comfort,
To know that the breadwinner is waiting at home again,
And that your friends will never sell you.
Fuck everyone who rustles with feathers,
The Lord Himself will crumble them into pieces,
Forget all the problems, spine,
After all, you are a man, not some kind of loon.

Forward towards the will, my friend,
And true friends are always with you,
Let's cover our chest from crazy people,
Piss suckers, and beat the guards!
May the family always be healthy
And things go uphill
Achieve your goals and don't be afraid to live
Suckers on grandmas often breed.

What do you wish? Wealth? Good luck?
From life everyone wants their own ...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that it was a little, but everything!

Don't let your youth fade away
And with it - love and kindness.
May they be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!

Happy birthday to kume (talented gossip)

My dear gossip,
Happy Birthday to You
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you!
Be happy always!

Let failures bypass
And adversity side.
I wish to stay
All the same groovy

Be still beautiful
Charming, smart.
Let your life be a fairy tale
That is full of love.

Let the husband cherish and cherish,
And wears on the handles
After all, more beautiful than you in the whole world
In a century he will not be able to find!

All the same, be wise
Be our authority.
I know you will always help
And share your advice.

May you always have a reliable rear
There will be a family for you
Let them accompany you in life
Only true friends.

And let everything work out
Whatever you take on,
You create masterpieces
After all, you were born with talent!

Let that come true that has not yet come true,
To live long, easily and beautifully,
May your life be beautiful, bright,
And we will never stop loving you!

Live and know that life is beautiful
And how many days would not be in it,
Do not offend people in vain,
Know how to love and be kind!

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always have cheerful look,
Never know where it hurts.

Please accept our congratulations,
Part of our warmth.
We wish you good health
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

With all our hearts we wish you laughter
Fun, joy, success,
Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Eat well, sleep soundly
Never worry
Don't get angry, don't swear
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow like a river
Among the rocky shores
And may they always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

Always sad and happy
Celebrate your birthday:
Years go by irrevocably
Just keep counting them.
But time seems to flow
Nothing can hold on.
Today is your birthday
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove
More laughter, less sadness -
And never be discouraged.

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And an eternally young soul.