
Christmas celebration in Europe. Catholic Christmas: when is celebrated, history, traditions and customs, congratulations March 25 what kind of holiday in Europe


Christian denominations living according to the Gregorian and the so-called New Julian calendar celebrate Nativity two weeks earlier than Orthodox Christians, who adhere to the so-called "old style". Christmas in the Western religious tradition is considered the main holiday, which is associated with the joyful expectation of a miracle.

When is Catholic Christmas

Christmas according to the Gregorian and New Julian calendars is celebrated December 25. Christmas Eve is celebrated December 24, and in the evening on this day all the main Christmas services are held.

Who celebrates Christmas on December 24-25

When is Christmas celebrated in Russia and Ukraine

Russian Orthodox Church celebrates holidays according to the Julian calendar, so in Russia they will celebrate Christmas on the night of 6 to 7 January. This holiday is a public holiday in Russia.

In Ukraine and Belarus, the majority of Orthodox people also celebrate Christmas together with the Russians - on January 6-7. But in Ukraine, for the sake of Catholics and representatives of other faiths who live according to the Gregorian calendar (and there are many such among Ukrainians, although not the majority), December 25 is also declared a day off. However, this is probably for the best, since an extra holiday day is always good, especially when it comes to Christmas.

History of Christmas

Christmas is associated with the gospel story of the birth of the son of God Jesus Christ at the virgin Mary.

According to the Gospel, in the year of the birth of Jesus, by decree of the emperor august in the Roman Empire, of which Judea was a part, a census was conducted. For the convenience of scribes, all the inhabitants of Judah were ordered to appear in the city of their birth. Husband of the virgin Mary Saint Joseph was a descendant of the king David, and his "small homeland" was Bethlehem. Mary, at that time already pregnant, went to Bethlehem with her husband.

However, in Bethlehem, due to the influx of guests, Mary and Joseph could not get into the hotel. When the due date approached, Mary gave birth to the child Jesus in a cave in which cattle were hidden from the weather.

After the birth of Jesus, the first to bow to him were the shepherds, who were informed by an angel about the birth of the son of God. Next came the magi, who showed the way to the cave a star that appeared in the sky at the time of the birth of Jesus. The Magi brought Jesus royal gifts - gold, frankincense and myrrh. With this gift, the Magi made it clear that they see in the baby Jesus the king of God.

According to the Catholic tradition, the Magi, who themselves were kings (according to another version, magicians) were called Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar.

Having learned about the birth of the son of God, the then king of Judea is cruel Herod decided to destroy Jesus. Herod did not understand and ordered to kill in Judea all babies under the age of two years (the famous massacre of babies).

However, an angel of God saved Jesus and his family. The angel told Joseph, together with Mary and the child, to flee to Egypt, where the holy family hid until the death of Herod, after which they safely returned to Judea.

Catholic Christmas - holiday traditions

Catholics begin to prepare for Christmas in advance - a month in advance. The pre-Christmas period is called Advent, it includes prayers, fasting (not as strict as Christmas for the Orthodox), as well as various activities related to charity.

Advent is dedicated to the expectation of the miracle of Christmas, so various Christmas events are held in Europe at this time - fairs, performances, etc. The most grandiose pre-Christmas fairs are held in Germany.

Catholic Christmas Eve

On this day, it is customary for believers to keep a strict fast. It is advisable not to eat anything all day, and when the first star lights up in the sky, “break the fast” with juicy - grains of various cereals boiled in honey. At this time, festive services are held in Catholic and Protestant churches, and then people go home and sit down for festive table, which traditionally contains meat delicacies.

Catholic Christmas traditions

nativity scenes

Since the Middle Ages in Western Europe, a custom has appeared to arrange Christmas nativity scenes for Christmas - to make toy mangers with dolls in the form of the Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, St. Joseph, shepherds, wise men, etc.


At Christmas, Europeans, especially children, love caroling - dressing up in carnival costumes and masks and walk the streets and houses singing Christmas carols. Singers are usually given sweets or money.

Christmas tree

The main Christmas custom, which came to Russia in the time of Peter the Great by visiting Germans, is to put a decorated fir tree in houses and squares, which symbolizes the tree of paradise.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus(he's a saint Nicholas) is a Christmas grandfather who brings gifts to children at Christmas. In Western tradition, it is believed that, like St. Nicholas, Santa enters houses at night through the chimney, leaving gifts under the tree or in a special sock hung by the fireplace.

As we wait for this wonderful holiday,
Again the world is lit up with magic,
How much joy, how much happiness
You and I will bring Christmas!

Holiday time, gift time,
Time of happiness, peace, miracles,
Let the star of Christmas shine bright
We love, sending from heaven!

Let Christmas light up
Every home
Strengthens faith in God
For in it -
Consolation, joy, and support.

And the hope is
What we will soon understand:
There is nothing more precious in the world than love,
With her, we seem to be higher from the earth.

Christmas will remind us of this again,
Let love give way to miracles.

It is known that Christmas in Russia and Europe is celebrated on different dates, despite a single calendar and chronology. In Russia, the holiday is celebrated on January 7, in Europe - on December 25. What is the reason for such a discrepancy?


In ancient Rome, March 1 marked the beginning of the year, however, when Gaius Julius Caesar modified the calendar, the shortest day of the year, December 22, became the starting point for new years.

It is well known that the Romans revered the pantheon of gods, where the day of the winter solstice was a symbol of the victory of Saturn (approx. God of the earth and crops) over winter.

At the beginning of the 4th c. The Christian Church took over in the territory of Rome and it was customary to abolish the objectionable holiday with pagan roots. So, the feast of Saturn was replaced in the 10th century. the date of Christ's birth.

The difference in church chronology

To date, the difference in the dates of Christmas can be explained by the fact that the Orthodox Church focuses on the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar, and the Catholic - on the Gregorian.

Russia at the beginning of the 20th century introduced a calendar adopted by the Western world, but the church tradition remained unchanged.

Key Facts

  • Both calendars have the same number of days;
  • The leap year occurs in both calendars at different intervals of time;
  • According to the Julian calendar, a leap year occurs every three years, while according to the Gregorian it happens every four years.

So, the difference in the celebration of the dates of Christmas can be explained by purely historical reasons. In the course of the development of civilizations, their decline and the formation of new customs, a new faith, and with it the change of the chronology, the dates of the feast of the Nativity of Christ also shifted.

Due to the above reasons, the Western Catholic world meets him on December 24, and the Orthodox Church on January 7.

Based on the fact that the prevailing part of European countries are either Catholic or Protestant, we can conclude that Christmas in Europe will be celebrated on December 25, 2018. Although the date of the celebration of the Catholic Christmas does not coincide with the Orthodox, the meaning of this event remains unchanged.

The date of the Christmas celebration on December 25 was set at the 3rd Ecumenical Church Council in the 5th century. Since then, the eve of the holiday and Christmas can be called the most fun, but also the most hectic period of the year for Europeans.

It is a well-known fact that Catholics and Orthodox have different dates for celebrating Christmas. The reason for this was the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century, which replaced the Julian calendar (established by Julius Caesar in 46 BC). A similar decision was made by Pope Gregory XIII due to some inaccuracy of the Julian calendar.

But in Russia and other Orthodox countries they continued to use the old calendar, since the Orthodox Church did not agree with the changes of the Catholic one. Therefore, Catholics and Protestants celebrate a big holiday on December 25, and Orthodox - on January 7. The only exceptions are individual autocephalous Orthodox churches, which also celebrate Christmas on December 25th.

Another difference among Western Christians is the absence of a strict Advent fast, as among Orthodox believers. However, Catholics observe Advent, starting from 4 Sundays before the holiday. Believers should devote this period to spiritual purification. The weeks of Advent are called differently:

  • iron (first);
  • bronze (second);
  • silver (third);
  • gold (fourth).

On December 25, it is customary to hold 3 masses in Catholic churches (night, morning and afternoon.). It is noteworthy that for Western Christians, Christmas is the main church holiday, unlike the Orthodox, who revere Easter more.

Christmas traditions in Europe

Residents of European countries are preparing for the celebration of Christmas in advance. Holiday fairs begin to work in cities, buildings are decorated with bright garlands, Christmas trees. Traditionally, children go from house to house with songs and wishes, which the owners treat with pastries and sweets. In addition, in European countries there are indispensable attributes of Christmas:

  • an advent wreath is made from Christmas tree twigs, twigs. It symbolizes not only Christmas, but also the fact that this holiday is worth spending with your family. It can be hung on the door, put on the windowsill or festive table;
  • candles are often used in white or red. Europeans light it by the fireplace, on the windowsill or on the festive table;
  • It is customary to hang special red socks over the fireplace or next to the festive tree and fill them with small gifts “from Santa Claus”. According to legend, Santa enters the house through the chimney and quietly leaves gifts for obedient children.

The amazing holiday of Christmas has become a favorite in many parts of the world, in countries with the most different culture, history and climate. How do people celebrate Christmas? By tradition, of course, at home, because this is, first of all, a family holiday. The customs on this day are the same for many countries, but each country has its own habits, especially for the Christmas table.

  • Where did the difference in dates for celebrating Christmas come from?
  • Great Britain
  • Germany
  • Bulgaria
  • France
  • Italy
  • Austria
  • Greece
  • Finland
  • Estonia
  • Israel
  • Dominican Republic
  • Portugal
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Iceland
  • Argentina

Where did the difference in dates for celebrating Christmas come from?

If New Year is a secular holiday, then Christmas is a Christian holiday. Everybody knows, When is Catholic Christmas celebrated in Europe - December 25.

But why, then, this holiday among the Orthodox got another date on January 7, because it is unlikely that even such an unusual baby as Jesus could have been born twice. This confusion with dates arose from the inaccuracies of the calendars used by Europeans. The ROC now lives according to the old Julian calendar, which Julius Caesar borrowed from the Egyptian priests and put into circulation in the Roman Empire. The New Year started on January 1st. Christmas, according to it, also falls on December 25, but according to the Gregorian calendar, according to which we all live, it is already January 7.

Until 1582, Europe lived according to the same calendar, but it was difficult to calculate the time of Easter according to it. Therefore, Pope Gregory XIII decided to reform the calendar, making it more accurate. The difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars lies in the principle of accounting for leap years. If at the time of the introduction of the Gregorian calendar the difference between them was 10 days, now it has reached 13 days and will slowly increase further. That's why Christmas is celebrated in different days v different countries peace.

Great Britain

The date when Christmas is celebrated in the UK is no different from Western Europe - all the same on December 25th. But since the inhabitants of Foggy Albion are very respectful of traditions, the celebration of this Holy Day should be marked by a short speech by the queen, delivered immediately after Christmas dinner.

When the British celebrate Christmas, before they sit down at the festive table, they must attend church. Children here ask for gifts from "Father Christmas" ("Father of Christmas"). To do this, the offspring must write a letter with a detailed list of everything that he wants to receive in the new year, and then burn it in the fireplace - and the smoke coming out through the chimney will convey the wishes to their intended destination.

In the UK, people celebrate Christmas for two days - after Christmas itself comes St. Stephen's Day. On this day, the British open boxes for donations and distribute what they have collected there to needy people.

On this family holiday, all family members tend to gather at their parents' house, exchange gifts and collectively go through family photo albums. Celebration of Christmas in the UK is impossible without turkey with gooseberry sauce, and pudding for dessert. The British drink brandy on this day, and then tea.

The decoration of the table should be a pie, in which, according to an old custom, small surprises are invested. By what someone gets, the British guess what the coming year promises them: a horseshoe - good luck, a coin - wealth, and a ring - marriage. The British decorate their homes for Christmas with mistletoe (fertility and hospitality) and holly (wealth).


Germany is a Christian country, there are approximately equal numbers of Catholics and Protestants in it, so the celebration of Christmas in Germany falls on the night of December 24-25.

But the preparation for this holiday begins in November. In the temples, festive services, repentance and communion are held. The traditions of celebrating Christmas in Germany are curious, according to which the season of Christmas holidays begins on November 11 at 11:11 am local time. The Christmas holidays are called “the fifth season of the year”. Noisy fairs open on the squares of ancient German cities, which attract thousands of buyers. They spend their time cheerfully: they eat, drink mulled wine, sing, dance, hug. Children, on the other hand, eagerly open Advents - sweet calendars designed for 24 days, and one candy is hidden in the cell of each day.

Also, the Germans give each other "Christmas stars" (in our opinion, spurge) - plants brought in the last century from Mexico. If you properly care for this plant, then around Christmas, a pink or scarlet flower will appear on it, shaped like a star. It is also customary to give pots of clover - for good luck.

In the Catholic regions of the country, such as Bavaria, on holy days, costumed processions roam the streets, often with a frightening look - masks or just a face smeared with soot.

In the premises it is customary to arrange biblical "nativity scenes" - scenes on a Christmas theme. Typical elements of the den are the cave with the newborn Jesus, the Magi and the guiding star. The doors are decorated with candles intertwined with ribbons and biblical characters.

As elsewhere, in Germany, Christmas is a family holiday - the whole family must certainly gather at the festive table. There is also a besherung - a ceremony of exchanging Christmas gifts.


Since the Bulgarians are mostly Orthodox people, the question of when Christmas is celebrated in Bulgaria does not even arise for many. But, oddly enough, the date of celebration in this country falls on December 25th.

The holiday begins on December 24 with Kolyada, when caroling guys go from house to house, sing Christmas songs and wish the owners health, prosperity, wealth, and a good harvest. It is customary to give carolers gifts and money, some of which must be given to charity (to a church or school, for the needs of the poor).

Christmas Eve is called “poor evening” here, everyone who came that evening is invited to it, and Lenten dishes are necessarily put on the table in an odd number. Housewives bake "banitsa" - a traditional cake in which various surprises are baked (notes with wishes, nuts, coins). First, the hostess pricks the cake with a fork, and then divides it in such a way that everyone at the table gets a surprise.

Since Bulgarian Christmas is also a purely family holiday, on Christmas Eve and Christmas night the streets of the country are very few people.


The answer to the question of when Christmas is celebrated in America is obvious - they brought this tradition from Europe, like many others. Therefore, Christmas trees are also decorated here (since the New Year is coming soon), Christmas carols are sung, and a traditional turkey is placed on the festive table on December 25th. Many Americans drink an egg-nog cocktail at Christmas.

When Americans celebrate Christmas, it can be seen from afar as they put on lavish lights and decorate the streets. Everything is lit these days: offices, shops and residential buildings. On the front door Americans like to hang Christmas or New Year's wreaths outside at home. And they tend to shower each other with a mass of gifts. To do this, before Christmas, most stores bring down prices, and then many goods can be bought several times cheaper than usual.

The meeting of Christmas at home also takes place in the circle of family and close relatives. A roasted turkey or goose flaunts on the table, complemented by salads and appetizers, as well as pudding or pie.


The traditions of celebrating Christmas on December 25, of course, are also in Catholic France, and they are quite typical, including:

  • installation of a fir tree decorated with toys and balls;
  • arrangement in the house of a Christmas "nativity scene";
  • acting out in the temple a small performance on a Christmas theme.

But the French also have their own specific traditions, among which there are quite old ones. So, at Christmas, the French chose the log they liked the most, solemnly went around the festive table with it, and even with sentences, and only then sent it to the fireplace. Now it is difficult to find a log, so it was replaced with an outwardly similar roll, which, instead of falling into the fireplace, becomes a festive treat.

The French are famous gourmets, so they pay special attention to the festive table, putting turkey, champagne, sweets and various dishes on it.


Christmas, which also falls on December 25 in Italy, is celebrated in a more religious context. Here you can rarely meet St. Nicholas, and more often Christmas "nativity scenes" are arranged, staging the birth of Jesus. Live performances or just figurines are present in all public places: in temples, in squares, near fountains, in shop windows, in houses.

Another important Christmas character here is the witch on the broom - La Befana. But you should not expect unpleasant surprises from her, because this witch is kind. It is believed that she delivers gifts to Italian children, so they prefer the sorceress to Santa Claus, so his role is secondary. The Italians call him Bobbo Natale.

It is very difficult to get to the Christmas mass in St. Peter's Basilica - tickets here must be ordered several months in advance. Those who are less fortunate can watch the service on a large screen installed in St. Peter's Square.


It is also easy to guess what date Christmas is celebrated in Austria, December 25th. Preparations for the holiday begin a month before its onset. At the end of November, Advent is announced - the Christmas fast, and with it the expectation of the approach of the celebration. In houses during this period, classic Christmas wreaths with 4 candles are made. On the first Sunday of Lent, only one candle is lit, on the next two already, then three, and on the last Sunday of Advent on the eve of Christmas, all the candles of the wreath are already burning brightly.

Throughout Austria, festive markets are open during the weeks leading up to Christmas - this tradition dates back to the Middle Ages. These bazaars set up beautifully painted stalls selling various sweets: beautiful shape cookies, lollipops, fragrant mulled wines and roasted chestnuts.

The Austrians prefer to decorate the Christmas tree not with balls and garlands, but with delicious decorations - marzipan and chocolate, which they are very proud of here. The Christmas table in Austria should have perfectly cooked carp and spicy pastries.


Some compatriots are surprised when Greece celebrates Christmas, because this is a largely Orthodox country, but here Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and also in a close family circle.

A Christmas tree is decorated in the house, and gifts of Greek nature are displayed on the Christmas table - figs, nuts, raisins, fruits and other sweets. But the main dish is the roasted turkey. Housewives bake sweet cookies with almonds and melomacaroni - honey cookies in advance. The Greeks also bake christopsomo, reminiscent of our Easter cake, a sweet biscuit made from yeast dough with the addition of wine, butter, almonds and several aromatic spices. Baking is decorated with a cross, and a walnut is inserted into its center right in the shell.

At Christmas, the Greeks give their neighbors household items, books, clothes, children's toys, and sometimes just envelopes with money. During the holiday week, it is customary to sing Christmas carols. In some places, young people still go caroling, but for this they receive from the audience not treats, as we do, but simply money.


It is interesting how the Finns celebrate Christmas, especially when you consider that Joulupukki (aka Santa Claus, aka Santa Claus) has been officially registered since 1984 in the north of the country - in Lapland, near the Arctic Circle. Any child from anywhere in the world who sent a message to Santa Claus in Lapland can count on his answer.

In the old days, Christmas in Finland was celebrated a little earlier, and the treat in those days was pork legs and Christmas beer. In our time, the Finns celebrate this holiday on December 25th. But it is customary here to bring a Christmas tree into the house not earlier than Christmas Eve, and indeed, this tradition appeared in Finland during the period when it was part of the Russian Empire (XIX century).

On December 25, in the morning, the whole family quickly decorates the Christmas tree, after which many of them go to church. Then you can enjoy a steam bath in the sauna.

Steamed and clean Finns sit down at the festive table in the evening. On this day they prefer to drink mulled wine. For Christmas, housewives cook ham baked according to a special recipe, which is accompanied by rice or carrot porridge. Moreover, there is a secret in porridge - whoever gets an almond seed on a plate will be lucky next year.

The day after Christmas in Finland is the feast of St. Stephen, who is the patron saint of horses. Saint Lucy is especially revered at Christmas among the Finns.


The celebration of Christmas in Estonia has retained its flavor and unique customs. On the eve of the holiday, people read a Christmas prayer - this tradition originated in the Middle Ages. Then the church sought in this way to reconcile the eternally warring barons, at least on the eve of such a big holiday. So this prayer has reached our days in Estonia, it calls not to offend anyone - neither people nor animals, to be able to forgive, to be attentive, to take care of both loved ones and complete strangers, especially the elderly.

Like the Finns, Estonians cannot imagine Christmas without a sauna, because they believe that bathing in these last days of the year allows you to heal all ailments and kindles the “inner fire”, which will warm the inside of a person for the whole coming year.

The table for Christmas in Estonia should be plentiful - starting from Christmas Eve, gluttony is given free rein here. On the table of Estonians you can see traditional sausages, pork and homemade beer.


Many people wonder if Jews celebrate Christmas? As you know, the main religion in Israel is Judaism, however, and the Nativity of Christ is widely celebrated here. Of course, the main festive ceremony is held where the story of the birth of Jesus Christ began - in Bethlehem. There is a Church of the Nativity of Christ in the city, in which a mass Christmas service is held. It is headed by the Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem. There are several important points in the rite:

  • the patriarch goes to the altar, on which lies the Star of Bethlehem prepared in advance;
  • on this star he puts a sculptural image of a baby;
  • both items are transferred together to the manger, where they will be until the feast of the Epiphany.

There are two dates for celebrating Christmas in Israel at once - both December 25 and January 7, depending on the denomination. The Orthodox celebration begins on January 6 with a large procession led by the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem. She is on her way from the Old City to Bethlehem. Beautifully dressed Palestinian children take part in the procession, and the procession is accompanied by the sounds of drums and wind instruments.

Dominican Republic

If closer to the New Year you suddenly find yourself in the Dominican Republic, then you will probably be interested in the question of how Christmas is celebrated in the Dominican Republic. And this holiday in a tropical country looks very unusual for our eyes - there is no hint of frost, snow, ice slides and other signs of winter. However, all these factors do not prevent local residents from completely surrendering to the merry celebration of Christmas.

Back in early December, sales and special fairs begin to work here, at which Dominicans in in large numbers buy souvenirs, gifts, treats and other holiday items. It is also customary to attend church here, but in the morning. Also, the inhabitants of the island sit down at the family festive table. To celebrate Christmas with loved ones, many Dominicans have to return from other countries.

For the festive table, a pig or a turkey baked on a spit is prepared here, and the dishes are washed down with anything: cola, coconut milk, beer or wine. After dinner, the islanders take to the streets to join the mass festivities, fireworks, Latin dances, carnivals and continue the celebration.


For the most part, the Portuguese continue to be zealous Catholics, so the way they celebrate Christmas in Portugal is not too different from the celebration in most Western European countries.

This first winter holiday is the most important of the year for them and is also held in the family circle. Many families collectively visit temples to hear the “mass of the rooster” (it is believed here that people learned about the birth of the Messiah precisely because of his cry). Returning from the church, everyone sits down at the festive table. Young people often prefer dances and fun in the circle of acquaintances to a feast, and sometimes strangers near the fires.

Many national dishes are prepared here for the festive table, among which there must be an octopus with rice, a baked goat, lamb roast, and for dessert - pastries (bolorei cake). They drink excellent Portuguese wines at the table.


Swedish Christmas is perhaps the longest since it lasts from December 13th to January 13th. Moreover, such a scale has been observed here for a whole millennium. The Swedes expect gifts from the Christmas gnome - an analogue of our brownie. He, according to legend, lives in the underground of every house.

Christmas in Sweden is symbolized by the figure of a goat, which is made of straw every year. This tradition is rooted in Norse mythology. The first public Christmas goat was installed in the town of Gavl in 1966. True, not everyone loves this symbol, so the opponents of the goat seek to destroy it in any way - steal, break, burn. As a result, out of 45 installed in different years in Gavla, 28 goats were vandalized. Statistics also confirm that the population of Sweden is divided approximately equally in relation to this mythological character: one half considers it a perfectly acceptable symbol of Christmas, while the other sees the devilry in it and seeks to destroy it.


In Denmark, preparations for the upcoming Christmas begin on the first Friday of November. It is on this day that the first dark sweetish Christmas beer of the year appears on sale, and the shelves of all stores begin to dazzle with Christmas paraphernalia, the persistent aroma of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves is heard from the pastry shops.

Danish streets begin to smell of almonds, street markets open, where fluffy pines, Christmas trees or cypresses are sold. Squares and streets are decorated with garlands, silk and paper red hearts, and straw goats. Near the town hall on the main square, the main city ​​tree, under which they put a large transparent box for donations intended for children from poor countries.

At Christmas, housewives bake "Christmas boars" - loaves in the shape of a wild boar. On the first day of the Christmas week, a thick candle with divisions applied to it is lit - when it burns down to the first division, it is extinguished, and the next day it is lit again until it burns out to the next division, and so on.


In Iceland, they are also beginning to prepare in advance for the bright holiday of Christmas. So, on December 12, children's shoes appear on the windowsills, the owners of which expect gifts to appear in them. Icelandic children are lucky - they are presented not only by Santa Claus, but also by 13 other Christmas characters, who at the same time look like people and trolls. For two weeks they will put something in a shoe every night. The naughty ones who marked their bad behavior in the past year will find a potato instead of a gift, and those who were completely unbearable will be awarded Grila - a three-eyed cat with protruding teeth and warts. There is a legend regarding the last character, according to which Grila on Christmas night can drag off children who have not been presented with new clothes.

On Christmas Eve, Icelanders cook ptarmigan, which has long been a Christmas dish here. It is known that partridges run more because they do not fly well, so it was not difficult to catch them, and such a treat became available even to the poor who did not have guns.

Another old Christmas tradition is the preparation of leafy bread. Since cereals do not grow in Iceland, grain was always brought here by sea and was very expensive. Therefore, the flour dough was almost precious - the housewives rolled it very thinly, and then folded Christmas symbolic figures out of it. For dessert at the Christmas table, they serve rice pudding with an almond in the center.

On Christmas night, a church mass is broadcast on the radio, while television temporarily stops working.


In Argentina, where Christmas is also celebrated, it is also a family holiday. All close relatives gather in the house of one of them, where a festive table is prepared. At midnight, they solemnly open a fizzy drink (usually cider, less often champagne). Then the youth goes outside to shoot at balloons or set off fireworks and blow up firecrackers. Especially believers go to church.

On Christmas Eve, the working day is shortened in most cases, and on December 25, life seems to freeze - all kiosks, shops, restaurants, bars, clubs are closed. On the Christmas table, Argentines like to put "Russian salad" (somewhat reminiscent of the modern version of our Olivier), as well as salad with tomatoes and lettuce, marinated chicken and Argentine asado.

It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree in Argentina rather restrainedly, using balls of only 1-2 colors.

In which country did you celebrate the most interesting Christmas? What country's traditions do you like? Tell us about it in the comments, we are very interested in your opinion.

Unlike Russia, where the main and most happy holiday New Year is considered, in Europe the celebration of Christmas has been and remains the brightest event for everyone. Catholics celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar on the night of December 24-25. On this day, you will not be able to watch folk festivals on the noisy city streets, as Europeans consider this celebration a family one and celebrate it at home with relatives and friends. And all the fun happens a few days before Christmas.

In all countries, Christmas trees are elegantly decorated, gifts are prepared for each other, they are waiting for Santa Claus and they rush to please themselves by buying long-awaited goods at Christmas markets. But each country has its own unique traditions of celebrating Christmas!

For example, in Great Britain On the night before Christmas, it is customary to decorate all the windows of houses and churches with burning candles, which is why this night was nicknamed “the night of candles”. In the last century, in the villages, shortly before the holiday, women organized competitions on the best decoration Christmas candles. These decorations were made from strips of colored paper, foil, bright ribbons, gold and silver threads. With lit candles in their hands, the residents went to the night mass in the church.

At Christmas, the British gather at their parents' house, have a festive dinner, give each other gifts and look at family photos. is stuffed turkey or roast goose, as well as pudding and birthday cake. The pie is stuffed according to the old custom various subjects who predict the fate of the coming year. A found ring means a quick wedding, a coin - wealth, a horseshoe - good luck in the new year. Also at Christmas, there is a custom to kiss under the branch of mistletoe - an evergreen shrub plant that is used as a talisman.

Since with the introduction of Christianity, the custom of giving gifts is associated with the bringing of gifts to the baby Jesus Christ by the three wise men, gifts are given, first of all, to children. It is generally accepted that they are carried by the kind uncle Santa Claus. And for adults, gifts are given by the youngest member of the family.

V Italy Christmas is the most beloved family celebration, when the whole family gathers for a common meal after a festive mass. A week before the celebration, shepherds from the mountainous regions create a festive atmosphere on the streets of Italy. They play national musical instruments, sing songs, arrange performances.

The festive menu in almost all regions of the country includes dishes such as dumplings in broth, stuffed meat, sweet buns or Milanese cake.

Many Italians still, according to an old tradition, throw old things out of the windows at Christmas, thus parting with all the troubles that the old year brought.

In sunny Italy, there is also an incredibly touching tradition - children write letters on Christmas not only to Santa Claus, but also to their parents about their strong love to them. On Christmas morning, adults find tender confessions of their little ones under their pillows. And at the festive dinner, these children's letters are read aloud.

Very fun to celebrate the holiday in Spain. On December 25, the central streets of Madrid, Barcelona and other cities are filled with people who dress up in national costumes and sing songs. Before the beginning of the Christmas mass, it is customary to gather at the church and dance, holding hands. Almost everyone goes to church. Time is spent in the company of family and friends in a cozy favorite restaurant.

In Spain, there is a long tradition - the "spirit of giving". On the eve of Christmas, the Spaniards try to guess the desire of the person to whom they want to present a gift. Christmas markets and markets are noisy all over the country. From December 23-24, the Christmas lottery is held, which can be compared with a bullfight in terms of intensity of passions.

Children on this day find in their cherished gifts. They rely only on the obedient, and the disobedient get pieces of coal. Therefore, now confectioners make sweets in the form of coal, so that the guilty children do not feel left out.

V Austria a month before Christmas, houses are decorated with a special wreath, on which four candles are placed. On the first Sunday, it is customary to light one candle, the next - two, and the last one on Christmas Eve.

V Germany At Christmas, it is customary to give a "Christmas star". About a hundred years ago, this plant was brought from Mexico, in Russia it is called spurge. A red corolla resembling a star flaunts on a green bush. There is also a tradition of giving clover in a pot for good luck.

V Denmark a festive atmosphere reigns around, comparable to magical world fairy tales by Andersen. Here Christmas is, first of all, a holiday of the soul, and then the body. One of the traditions is Christmas candles. At night, two candles are lit on the table, and one on the windowsill, as a guiding star for lonely travelers.

Despite the fact that each country has its own distinctive customs and traditions on Christmas, this holiday unites people, allows you to believe in magic and the fulfillment of cherished dreams!