
Self-defense exercises for girls. Simple and effective outdoor self-defense techniques. Never open the door to strangers



Self-defense - actions taken to protect oneself, loved ones or property in relation to the aggressor. It is incorrect to understand self-defense only as strikes, painful holds or shots from weapons. You can get out of many dangerous situations through negotiations, persuasion, finally, just run away.

Nevertheless, if you are firmly resolved not to retreat and not give up, the study of self-defense should start with an assessment of your own physical condition, in accordance with which you need to choose the path along which you will develop. For strong young people, studying either (the disciplines that are closest to) is suitable, and for the fragile it is better to do aikido, or learn ways to protect yourself with the use of self-defense weapons.

There are many self-defense video courses, and choosing the right one can be difficult. Immediately filter out those that offer guaranteed results in the shortest possible time. Miracles do not happen, and any professional knows that it takes months of training to stage the simplest strikes. At the same time, you should not choose especially exotic and complex martial arts designed for a very high level of physical fitness. So, for example, in one of the wushu schools, a beginner is invited to perform a backflip in the third lesson. In most dangerous situations, such abilities will not be useful to you. Choose a middle ground, for example, the same box.

In addition to training in the self-defense program, do regular physical training exercises. Running, push-ups, pull-ups, dumbbell or barbell work are as necessary as knowledge of fighting techniques. In the end, even if you don't have any special skills in martial arts, you will be less attractive to potential aggressors with a sporty look.


Karate is the oldest martial art that came to us from Japan. This art of defense and attack is based on punches or kicks, i.e. without using weapons. Everyone, from a child to a pensioner, can learn the technique of karate.


First of all, you need to get an idea of ​​both a form and a means of self-defense. Read on the Internet thematic sites dedicated to different styles and schools of karate. Choose the most suitable destinations for you. And also remember those that categorically do not suit you (for example, the direction of Kyokushin is considered the most difficult and toughest of all directions of karate).

Next, when you have decided on the desired styles, you need a section. Check out local sports school advertisements. They constantly there is a recruitment groups of both those who want to learn, and more prepared athletes who want to raise the level of skill. Or, if you have heard about a certain section in your city, or about a karate school with good reviews, take an interest there. If the result will be worth it and the classes are enjoyable, then it is better to spend extra time on the road.

Before making a final decision, be sure to get to know the coach (in karate schools, the coach is called "sensei"). It is imperative that you have developed a good relationship with your future mentor. Only an experienced sensei can not only put on good karate technique and teach how to fight, but also educate.

Once you start training, do not forget to continue to educate yourself. Watch themed films dedicated to the great warriors of karate, the founders of karate schools, as well as films that nurture the spirit of war. Ask your sensei to recommend special literature on martial arts in general and karate in particular. And don't forget to devote time to general physical training. No good physical form it is impossible to master the basic technique of karate and learn how to fight well.


Once you have learned to fight, do not abuse your skill. First, the enemy may be stronger. Secondly, the best fight is the one that was avoided.

Useful advice

You can learn a lot useful information by attending seminars of renowned karate masters, as well as competitions and demonstrations. Communication with great athletes raises morale.


  • Site about martial arts and martial arts

The sword is a slashing weapon with a double-edged blade, the length of which should not be less than the length of the forearm. Role-playing games and reconstructed battles require weapon handling. Swords in such cases can be used differently, and each has its own characteristics. Most often, European weapons are used in reenactments of European battles.

You will need

  • - textolite or wooden sword.


Regardless of whether left-handed or right-handed takes up arms, the sword is held in one hand. Bend your arm halfway at the elbow. Take the sword handle, lift it with the blade up and tilt it forward slightly at an angle of about 30 ° C to the vertical. It cannot be clamped in your hand too tightly. The coverage should be soft. Otherwise, the attacker can easily knock him out of your hands, while beating you hard with a hand.

Stance is of great importance - the position of the body. Stand to the alleged enemy with that side in which hand you have a sword. Spread your feet so that your heels are shoulder-width apart. If the sword is in the right hand, the right foot is directed towards the opponent, and the left is perpendicular to it. If the sword is held by a left-handed person, then the left hand with and the left foot will be in front. This position provides maximum protection for the body, since it is, as it were, "in the shadow" of the sword. The ability to repel enemy blows is achieved by minimal movements of the hand holding the sword.

In the event that the enemy inflicts blows from above from the right or left side, reflect them by raising the sword up and pointing the hand in the direction from which the blow is being struck. This puts your sword in a position ready for a counter-attack from above. In the case of a bottom left or right blow, reflect the attack by lowering the blade down and deflect the blow to the side from which the attack was made. In this case, your sword will be at the beginning of the trajectory, which will allow you to twist the enemy's weapon. After that, you can attack with a slashing blow from above, taking a step forward.

It should be noted that when working with a sword, it is not necessary to ensure its violent control, but to correct the movement of the weapon already untwisted in the air. This simultaneously saves strength and protects the fighter from blows that could knock the sword out of his hand.

If you have two-handed sword, take it in one hand too. The second hand in this case helps to turn the sword, holding it by the pommel, or serves to intercept, if the fighter works with both confidently.


Both when repelling a blow and when attacking, make sure that the elbow of the hand holding the sword is not vulnerable to the enemy. For this, it is recommended to work more with a brush, and move with the whole body.

Remember the golden rule of knight: "The sword is an extension of the hand."

Sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where it is necessary to resort to forceful methods of solving the problem. Even if you are categorically negative about this method and prefer the peaceful resolution of conflicts with words, a fight with an aggressive opponent may be inevitable.

Should you use force?

Before using force, you need to make sure that it is really necessary. Maybe just say a few words calmly.

It is necessary to use physical force in several cases:
- if the enemy wants to take property from you or your companion;
- if he swung at you or your companion;
- if he sticks with you with threats to use physical force against you and does not respond to reasonable words.

If one of these situations occurs, you can use force to protect yourself and your companion.

If you are attacked by one enemy

If you find yourself in this position, you do not need to lose your composure. You should behave as calmly and calmly as possible. Because, in fact, the outcome of the fight largely depends on this. In addition, you need to confidently and aggressively look your opponent in the eyes and not look away. This method greatly affects the enemy psychologically. There is a possibility that this may simply scare him and retreat without harming you, or his self-confidence will noticeably decrease.

To defeat your opponent in a fight, you need to feel no pity for him. Otherwise, your punch will be too weak, and you will find yourself a target for your angry enemy. It should be remembered that in a situation where you are defending your dignity, health or life, sentimentality is inappropriate.

Knowing that you are doing justice will give you an influx of strength and an edge over your opponent.

If your opponent greatly surpasses you in physical data, you need to attack as quickly and unexpectedly as possible. It is best to aim at the enemy's most vulnerable spot, such as the groin, kneecap, or throat.

You can punch your opponent with a swing in the nose. When your punch reaches its target and is delivered correctly - sharp and strong, you will dominate your opponent. After that, it will be much easier to crush the opponent psychologically, and it will become easier for you to fight. Don't miss the moment while your enemy wakes up from the first hit. Apply a few more to him - this will give you a significant advantage over him. Most likely, after that the battle will be won by you.

If you are mobbed

It may also happen that several aggressive people approach you at once. In such a situation, perhaps the most correct solution is to flee, because it will be difficult for you to resist them. But if it was not possible to escape, you need to move away from them at some distance. This is done so that all opponents are in your field of vision. Thus, you will greatly facilitate your position and will be able to easily dodge blows.

Remember: if several opponents attacked you, it is better to fight with their leader first. When you defeat him, acting decisively and ruthlessly, the fight may end there altogether.

In addition, you should get rid of unnecessary things that may interfere with you. These include scarves, ties and long ties. After that, take a close look around. Perhaps next to you there will be a stick or a piece of reinforcement, with which you can safely attack. The blows must be delivered with confidence and coolness.

Remember not to keep a fist all the time.

To learn how to fight, you should seek help from a professional who will not only show and teach fighting techniques by personal example, but also explain the theory in detail, because this is the foundation of any martial art. It is necessary to begin the physical part of the battle after comprehending its spiritual side.

It is a delusion to think of a fight as aimless waving of legs and arms. This attitude leads to losing the battle. To win, it is necessary to study the enemy as much as possible, to comprehend the purpose of the fight and the essence of victory. This is possible if you firmly master the philosophy of combat. Do not neglect the help of a professional. After all, it is better to pay a small amount of money once for a lesson than to pay with your health in the future, when fate brings you together with a more experienced opponent.

How to build muscle quickly

Before starting a workout, it is worth remembering that the intensity of physical exercise, first of all, should be comparable to the individual capabilities of the body. You should not overexert yourself in the first lessons, this will not increase the effect, but on the contrary, sprains, injuries and severe muscle pain are possible.

It should be noted that the growth rate of muscle mass directly depends on a properly selected set of exercises, adequate nutrition during the training period and the number of approaches. You should not load exclusively one muscle group. At each lesson, it is necessary to maximally use several muscle groups, for example, when pumping biceps, at the same time it is recommended to pump the press and back muscles. Experts recommend increasing the number of approaches gradually.

To build muscle mass quickly, it is worth increasing your intake of animal and vegetable protein during training. In this case, horse meat, poultry and beef are most suitable.

You should temporarily reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed and forget about fats. To increase muscle volume, never use hormonal steroids. The effect of these drugs is only temporary. Remember: steroids have a negative effect on all body systems.

B to build muscle, you can use a simple bar. Pulling up daily, already after short term you can evaluate a positive result. The exercise should be performed with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing inward. When pulling up, do not forget about correct breathing. It should be smooth and calm. Rising up, we take a deep breath. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. Pulling up has a beneficial effect on the abdominal muscles, back and arms.

Self-defense techniques! The master class is shown by charming girls with decent pectoral muscles, how to correctly turn an opponent onto the shoulder blades if you are at the bottom. Watch and admire the self-defense techniques provided by the beautiful half of society. (Armbar sweep from mount - MMA Candy) / span>

Lever on the elbow joint, hellish pain and the enemy knocks his palm on the canvas. Not a difficult technique in wrestling, but you need to prepare for it and catch the moment to get your opponent's hand between your legs, bend over and press! (25 Kimura from Side Control to Arm Bar UFC Edith Labelle MMA Candy)

Self-defense lessons for girls, if you are on top of an opponent and she is trying to hit you or grab you by the hair, this lesson shows how to grab a hand and twist it so that the opponent feels terrible pain and gives up. (Keylock from Mount - MMA Candy)

Another self-defense lesson for girls in unforeseen situations. Here, the movement of the girls and a quick transition to wringing the hand between the legs, bringing the elbow joint to a painful state, and the rival surrenders from pain, is disassembled and shown in slow motion. (Push off to Arm Bar- MMA Candy)

A sparring fight between two charming girlfriends, using techniques from fights without rules, or rather the art of wrestling (MMA). (Natalie and Rachel Sparring - Wrestling - MMA Candy)

Self-defense lesson for girls, how it is correct, if you are in clothes, to transfer your opponent from the top position (above you) to the bottom one when you are astride her. To do this, grab the hand with one hand. and the second to grab the lapel of the blouse, jacket and put the knee in the stomach, turn the offender under you. (Scissor Sweep - Brazillian Jiu Jitsu - MMA Candy)

The technique for girls is called a throw over the thigh. The technique is very simple, you just need to hone all the actions to automatism, and then not every "bad guy" will come up to you with claims. (Hip Toss Throw MMA Candy)

A technique for self-defense, in which it is shown how to correctly grab the lapels of clothes with your hands and make suffocating actions against an opponent, be it a girl or a guy. (Collar Choke Back Hooks- MMA Candy)

How to be found in women's opposition, or rather to say it in the popular language - fights, first of all, everyone grabs the hair and mutuzat each other. In this video, two sexy girls show by their example one of the ways how to properly hold and keep an opponent at a disadvantage for attacking with hands. / Guard escape- Girl Fight- MMA Candy.

Mixed martial arts in the common people are called fighting without rules, but today we will look at some of the rules of struggle, one might even say self-defense techniques for girls, using the example of two charming girlfriends who master this sport as MMA. / Kimura Trap to One Arm Choke- UFC Edith Labelle - MMA Candy.

The girls show a painful hold on the hand, look carefully and remember, in this unstable world anything is possible. and you will be armed with a martial arts technique. / Kimura- Girl Fight- MMA Candy

Self-defense techniques! Unusually pretty girls show the reception of the capture of the opponent's body with the legs into the lock, thereby depriving her of any actions and applying suffocating actions with her free hands. / Fist Choke - MMA Candy.

Sparring of two pretty athletes on the carpet, practicing the correct movements and grips for the use of self-defense techniques with elements of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu./ Scissor Choke - Brazillian Jiu Jitsu - MMA Candy

In this lesson we will talk about self-defense without the use of specialized means, some hand-to-hand combat techniques, methods of attack and defense, and the possibilities of getting out of a fight with an attacker with minimal losses. The information is mostly intended for beginners, but those who already have certain knowledge and skills will also find it useful.

Below we will consider:

  • Most effective strikes
  • Basic methods of protection
  • How to free yourself from strangulation and grip
  • Tricks for girls and women
  • Receptions for girls and women

Whenever possible, we will provide the material with pictures or links to videos.

Features of self-defense on the street

The street is not a gym, and sports and morality are not enforced here. Almost always, any street fight is a fight without rules. Also on the street there is a factor of surprise: a criminal can attack anytime and anywhere. The stake here is placed on fright and shock, in which it is difficult to take any adequate action. When walking or walking somewhere, you should always keep in mind that an unforeseen extreme situation may arise in which you will have to defend yourself. Of course, you don't need to be paranoid, but you should always and everywhere. The plus is that when attacking on the street, the defender has many options for action: from escaping to using a very different arsenal of techniques.

Features of self-defense in a confined space

Attacks in entrances, stairwells, bars, etc. far from uncommon. Defending in a confined space is more difficult than on the street, because there is no room for sweeping movements, turns, etc. Here strikes must be characterized by maximum speed, accuracy and efficiency. The distance from the enemy is also important: the closer he is to you, the more likely it is that he can invisibly use some kind of weapon. You need to strive to attack as early as possible and as strong as possible in order to retire faster.

Most effective strikes

To practice your strikes, it is advisable to take the time and practice with a partner. We will consider not only the classic, but also the strikes prohibited in sports, based on the impact on the pain points of a person. There are many such points on the body:

The blows described below hit the most vulnerable spots on the attacker's body:

  • Direct blow. It is applied to the nose, jaw, eyes, neck, throat. Able to "knock out" the attacker, knocking him out, and knock him down. Advice for beginners: To avoid injury to the hand and knuckles, hitting should not be done with a fist, but with the base of the palm:

  • Uppercut. It is applied with a fist to the opponent's jaw from bottom to top. Instantly neutralizes the attacker. When striking a blow, it is recommended to slightly turn the fist to the side towards you - this way the blow will be stronger (training is needed to practice the blow, since unprepared knuckles and fingers can be knocked out):

  • A blow to the groin. A sneaky, but trouble-free blow that can seriously harm the offender. You can hit with your knee or feet, as well as with a swing hand. For greater efficiency, when hitting an opponent with a knee, you can grab the chest and pull towards you. It is better to beat with your feet when it is impossible to reach with your knee:

  • A blow to the kneecap. A painful and effective blow. Can be applied from the side or straight. If you hit from the side, the opponent can be unbalanced, and if directly, it can break his bone or joint:

  • Blow into the "sun". It is applied to the area of ​​the solar plexus. You can hit with your fist or the base of your hand, but as sharply as possible. When attacking from behind, it is convenient to hit with an elbow. The blow knocks down breathing and neutralizes the offender (a strong blow unconscious):

  • Shin kick. Causes severe sharp pain in the opponent, as well as temporary paralysis of the limb or bone fracture. It is recommended to hit with the inner side of the sole. You can hit with a toe only when wearing durable shoes with a hard toe or massive protector:

  • A blow to the ears with the palms. Belongs to the category of prohibited. Quickly unbalances the opponent, stunning him. May damage eardrums and cause ear bleeding:

  • A blow to the toes or the instep of the foot. It is best to apply with the whole heel. Can cause temporary paralysis of the limb and fracture of the fingers:

Basic methods of protection

Self-defense techniques are very diverse, and defense techniques occupy a separate place among them. Given that the course information is more intended for beginners, we will describe only a couple of them:

  • Block. A universal element of protection against blows by hands. To perform the simplest block with your hands, you can intercept the opponent's hands, knock them to the side, just cover your face with your forearms:

  • Grabbing the brush. It is used to protect against punches. When performing, you need to grab exactly the hand with which the opponent beats:

The defensive elements are always more complex than the attack elements. To master them professionally, you need to contact a sports section or school for any kind of martial art (we will consider the types of martial arts in the next lesson). A successful defense requires a quick response and.

However, for protection, you can use not only blocks and hand grips, but also special techniques. In most situations, they show great efficiency, because their execution does not require well-developed movements and such skill as for blocks and grips. We continue our self-defense lessons.

How to free yourself from a strangulation or grip

Self-defense techniques are a good opportunity to free yourself from grips and strangles. One of effective ways consists in the following: if the offender grabbed you by the throat with one hand, you need to punch him in the face to loosen his grip. Then you should lean on the opponent's hand with your forearm or shoulder from top to bottom with your entire body weight.

In the case when your hand is captured, you need to turn it to the side thumb opponent, then transfer the center of gravity over the front leg to the grasped hand and hang on it. The unloaded leg can be used to kick an offender in the thigh or groin. It is also helpful to use the energy of the reversal to backhand the abuser in the face.

What to do if grabbed by clothes

If the offender grabs your clothes, you need to put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders for greater stability, put your palm on the attacker's hand and squeeze it as tightly as possible. Then you should hit him in the shin to distract attention. After that, without letting go of the villain's brush, you need to turn to face him and, raising the other hand, free yourself from the grip.

It is important not to turn in the direction of the opponent, otherwise he can easily hit you with his free hand, but turn in the other direction in order to get you more difficult. If the kick missed the shin, you need to step back and hit the opponent again, but not with your foot, but with your hand - in the area of ​​the lower ribs. You need to hit with all your strength in order to work for sure.

What to do if grabbed by the neck

Let's say the criminal grabbed you by the neck with both hands. You need to raise your hands to confuse him - he will think that you are giving up. Then you need to hold his hands, step back slightly and turn around, while simultaneously removing the attacker's hands from your neck. After that, it is important to quickly turn to face the enemy and sharply hit him in the nose or throat with one hand, and with the other in the area of ​​the lower ribs.

Do not kick the scoundrel in the groin when grabbing the neck, because men instinctively defend him, and the attacker can simply squeeze his hips, thereby stopping your leg. Also remember that your neck is only controlled by the criminal's two thumbs, and if you manage to grab at least one of them, you can easily twist it.

What if they try to push

If the attacker wants to push you, it's better to just brush it off: raise your arms and keep them at the level of your opponent's shoulders, then take a step to the side and hit the opponent's arms with one hand, as if you were brushing off mosquitoes. After that, you can hit the abuser with the base of the palm of your other hand in the nose.

Do not step back under any circumstances, otherwise you may fall on your back. Plus, by stepping back, you give the perpetrator room to continue the attack. And shifting to the side will change the trajectory of the attacker, which will give you a little time.

When doing this, keep your arms relaxed and do not spread them wide. When pushed with your right hand, fight back with your left, and vice versa. When pushing with both hands, fight back with your left (if you are right-handed) so that you can hit with your right (the sequence is opposite for left-handers).

What to do if they want to punch

If you have fixed that the enemy is going to execute a blow in a straight trajectory, take a step to the side, knock down the blow that has begun with one hand, and with the other hit the attacker in the nose.

If you understand that the blow will be from the side, you can either bend down or block with the hand with which the blow is made. Parrying the attack, strike back at the offender with the opposite hand - direct or lateral.

Keep in mind that if the attacker manages to knock you down, you will find yourself in a vulnerable position - you can simply be pinned down from above and start beating, etc. It is very difficult to extricate oneself from such a situation. And if you lie on your stomach, then the chances of repelling attacks and getting on your feet are reduced to zero.

Advice: if you are lying on your back and the enemy sat down on top of you, in any way try to free at least one hand in order to poke your fingers into the eyes of the offender with all your urine or hit him with the edge of your palm in the neck or nose.

What to do if grabbed from behind by the body

Self-defense techniques give a person many benefits. If you were taken in a "bear" grip (grabbed by the back of the body with both hands), you will only have your hands at your disposal. Try to find the attacker's little finger and pull it sharply towards the wrist - believe me: he will be very unpleasant.

You can do it differently: sit down, slightly shifting the pelvis, try to reach the inner thigh of the attacker with your hands and squeeze with all your might soft tissue or the scrotum. The pain will cause the attacker to loosen his grip, and you can free yourself.

By the way, when grabbing the neck from behind (not with your hands, but with your forearm), you do not need to waste time trying to hit in the groin. It is much more effective to press the chin to the chest and sharply hit the back of the head in the face of the enemy. Even if he is taller than you, you have a chance to injure his jaw.

What to do if grabbed from behind by the neck

If you are grabbed by the neck, you do not need to panic, because if you wanted to kill, you would not be able to think. You need to grab the attacker's upper arm with both hands and bring your chin to his elbow to make it easier to breathe. Then you should sit down, with one hand continue to hold the offender's hand, and with the other, squeeze the inner surface of his thigh with all his might.

As soon as you feel that the grip is weakening, quickly free yourself, turn around and sharply hit the intruder in the nose or throat. The enemy will be disoriented, and you will have time to escape or continue the attack.

What to do if grabbed by the elbow

When you are grabbed by the elbow, turn to face your opponent and assume a stable position. Then press the attacker's hand with your free hand towards you with maximum force, and raise your other hand slightly upward and make a circular motion with it around the attacker's forearm. This will allow you to free yourself from the grip.

What to do if attacked with a knife

If the offender has put a knife to your neck, you can resist only if you are sure that there is no other option to protect yourself from the knife. Then grab the attacker's hand with your hands, fix it firmly, sit down, tilt the body forward and direct the blade towards the attacker.

If the attacker is at a distance from you, it is best to move away from him by increasing the distance and range of motion of the weapon. You can also use special hand grips, but this is much more dangerous, and only trained people can perform them. But remember the trick: the longer the knife, the easier it is to knock it out - with a foot or with some object, so short and small knives are more dangerous.

For a more visual representation of the techniques discussed above (as well as some others), we suggest you watch some useful training videos:

Now we turn to the second big part of the lesson - self-defense for the fair sex.

Safety rules for girls and women

It is wrong to believe that criminals only attack frivolous girls walking in the middle of the night in miniskirts. Research by the United Nations has shown that one in three girls around the world are victims of street violence. Statistics is a stubborn thing, and therefore we recommend that ladies first familiarize themselves with the safety rules for girls and women:

  • If you notice that someone is following you, change your route several times to confuse the perpetrator. You should not allow persecution to the very house, especially if you have to pass through a deserted courtyard or if there is no one at home. In such a situation, it is best to call someone close or friends and ask to be met.
  • Returning home in the dark, prepare the keys to the entrance in advance so as not to stand in front of the door, looking for them in your purse. The same goes for car keys.
  • Try not to enter the entrance with someone you don't know. Better to enter quickly and immediately close the door behind you. A person who goes to visit someone will call the intercom without any problems to open the door for him.
  • Try to walk mainly on crowded and lighted streets.
  • If suddenly there are traces of a break-in on the door to the apartment, you should not go inside. It is likely that someone is in the apartment, and it is better to immediately call the police and call for help.
  • When you go to work or school and return home, from time to time pay attention to places where you can get help if necessary. Such places include private homes, convenience stores, offices, etc.
  • He who is forewarned is armed. Just in case, get yourself a shocker or a gas can and put it in your purse.
  • If suddenly, while you are waiting for the elevator, an unfamiliar man appears at the entrance, it is better to let him into the elevator, and wait until he rises to the desired floor. It is not recommended to ride in elevators with strangers.
  • If you spent the evening at a party or just visiting someone, if you are wearing a bright and defiant outfit, in the case when there is no one to accompany you home, be sure to call a taxi.
  • Always and everywhere, remain vigilant so that in the event of a potential threat, you do not pay attention to it in time.

In addition to safety rules, there are a few more tricks for girls that are very easy to use. True, they already concern situations when the attack took place.

Tricks for girls and women

  • If you are attacked, you need to buy time. To do this, no matter how strange it may sound, you can offer the attacker to go to a more suitable place where he can accomplish his plan. You can also offer a drink or a bite to eat. It is sometimes effective to talk about your poor health, pregnancy, menstruation, sexually transmitted disease or some other dangerous and contagious disease.
  • If the attack on you is carried out in a deserted place or a confined space, and the attacker is armed and firmly intends to carry out his plan, you must not insult and irritate him. Of the two evils, the least should be chosen. The main thing is to stay alive.
  • An effective trick is to portray fainting or heart attack, epileptic seizure, or vomiting. If you become a vegetable for a while, the perpetrator is likely to lose interest in you. If not, you will have an advantage - at a moment unexpected for the villain, you can hit him in the groin or jaw, grab his nails in his eyes, or start scratching his face with all his might.
  • If the attack takes place in the entrance or yard of your house, start calling someone you know by name. You can shout whatever you want: “Vasya, help!”, “Sveta, we are on fire!”, “Sasha, they are killing! Help! ”,“ Vitya, save me! They are robbing! " etc. Chances are good that someone from your acquaintances or neighbors will pay attention to your screams and take the necessary measures.
  • Abusers most often think that by frightening the victim, they will throw him into shock and stupor. But another scenario could disrupt all their plans. If you are determined enough, start attacking the aggressor as violently as possible so that he himself feels like a victim. But here you should be careful: if a maniac has a weapon or looks like a hardened criminal, such tactics can provoke him to take more decisive actions.

When tricks do not help, and preventive measures have not worked and there is nowhere to wait for help, it is time to use self-defense techniques.

Receptions for girls and women

If it is necessary to engage in a fight, you need to attack the offender in such a way as to neutralize him for sure. Otherwise, you can only anger the attacker and provoke him to attack without regard to belonging to the weaker sex. Here are some self-defense techniques that work almost flawlessly:

  • A blow to the groin or grabbing the scrotum. A very painful and effective technique. It must be performed as hard and quickly as possible so as not to infuriate the attacker. To hit hard, you need to fold your palm in a "boat" and beat with the side surface of the fist from the side of the thumb (similar to how they beat with a knife from the bottom up).

When the opponent is behind your back and holds you by the hair or throat, you need to hit in the groin with a swing down and back with the base of the fist, or with the edge and with the base of the palm. If the opponent is significantly taller than you, you can elbow. You can also kick in the groin - as we described in the first block of the lesson.

You can also “play along” with the rapist: pretend that you do not mind satisfying his “request” and that you yourself get pleasure from it. When he loses vigilance and reveals his "device", squeeze his scrotum with all your strength, pull it towards you or twist it to the side.

  • Jab into the chest cavity. To perform a technique, fold all your fingers as if you were taking a pinch of salt, and then poke them as hard as possible into the chest cavity of your opponent. The blow is applied at an angle of 45 ° either from bottom to top or from top to bottom, based on the height of the attacker. If everything is done correctly, the villain will cough, his eyes will begin to water. A strong blow causes fainting. By the way, you can hit not only in the chest cavity, but also in the throat and any part of the face (preferably in the eyes).
  • A blow to the nose or upper lip. It is applied with the edge of the palm from the side of the little finger. To disguise the attack, you need to fold your hands in front of your chest, palm to palm in a "pleading" gesture. Ask the criminal for mercy to embarrass him. At the right moment, pull your right palm a little (if you are right-handed) towards you and sharply hit the attacker in upper lip(under the nose) or on the nose.
  • A blow to the ears. It is masked in the same way as the previous one. At the moment of the attack, the arms are sharply, but not strongly spread apart, after which a blow is made to the attacker's ears. A severe blow causes rupture of the eardrums, pain shock and ear bleeding. After stunning the rapist, you can continue the attack: grab him by the ears and start twisting his head sideways and downward in a spiral motion.
  • A blow to the leg. There are two variations of the strike. Both are performed at a close distance to the attacking distance. First, if you are in high-heeled shoes, pull the toe towards you a little, lift your leg and sharply lower the heel to the instep of the foot or toes of the attacker. Second: put one foot back a little, and then sharply kick the toe into the shin of the offender.
  • Squeezing out the eyes. Thumbs need to be thrust into the villain's eyes with force, and with the rest of the fingers grab onto the corners of his lower jaw from both sides to create pressure. Press with your thumbs until the abuser looses his grip and steps back. If there is a wall behind the attacker, at the moment when he is disoriented, you can hit him with the back of his head.
  • Female blow. At a moment unexpected for the offender, you need to lightly press the leading (or free) hand to yourself, and then whip with the edge of your palm or knuckles of the attacker in the face, as if you were slapping him in the face with a glove. Remember that at the beginning of the strike, the elbow is brought forward, and then the forearm and hand are "thrown out".

It is very important even not to turn your back to an opponent who is lying on the floor or covering his face with his hands. this mistake can cost you your life. If you managed to gain time, you need to leave the scene as quickly as possible, finish off the enemy (remember the limits of necessary defense), call for help or call the police.

But there is another scenario: attackers can attack when a guy walks with a girl. In general, according to the laws of the street, this cannot be done, because this is not "kid-like", but still such cases are far from uncommon. In most situations, the man comes into conflict, and the lady just looks, gasps and groans, compassionately pressing her hands to her chest. Shyness, fright, shock - all this is understandable, but you cannot stand still, and the companion needs help.

How you can help your companion in a street brawl

There are several options for action. First, you can start shouting that you have the strength, and call for help, attract attention, etc. But it can work when the attacking amateurs are themselves tense and afraid of unnecessary witnesses. If experienced criminals are attacking, it is better not to get on the rampage and use cunning at the right moment.

Secondly, if the offender has put, for example, a knife to the throat of your beloved or friend, you can play on surprises and stun the attacker with a blow from behind on the head. As a rule, the attention of the villain is riveted on the victim, and he forgets about the woman nearby. At this moment, you just need to sneak up from behind and hit the villain in the back of the head, which is enough urine.

Thirdly, if a fight ensues, the offenders will most likely forget about you, and an attack from a woman is a phenomenon that does not fit into the standard scenario of bandits. You can throw a strap from your bag around the neck of one of the attackers and start choking him, hit him with a bag or some improvised object in your field of view, get pepper spray or even hairspray from your bag and direct the jet at the attackers.

Of course, all self-defense techniques must be practiced. You can practice with a friend or your other half in their performance. After repeating each technique 10-20 times, you will already roughly know what to do in extreme situation.

And in addition, a little video on the topic of self-defense for beautiful ladies:

  • Anti-rape protection for girls

    Canadian self-defense specialist Richard Dimitri, who has studied the factors affecting the outcome of a street fight, says that 60% of the success of self-defense depends on how well a person is psychologically prepared for a critical situation. 25% depend on emotions and only 15% on physical fitness and ability to defend themselves. That is why one must always keep in mind that there is a potential threat of attack everywhere.

    Naturally, no one has yet canceled physical strength. Based on this, it is advisable to lead, play at least some kind of sports and pay attention to the development of your body. If you are seriously interested in the topic of self-defense, you can sign up for the combat section, where you will be taught how to effectively defend and attack.

    And we will talk about which sport to choose in the final lesson of our course. We'll cover the basics of two popular and powerful martial arts, Krav Maga and Sambo, and introduce you to a host of other martial arts you can look out for.

    Do you want to test your knowledge?

    If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. In each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you have selected one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to the next question.

V modern world it is not that often the situation arises when it comes to fighting. And it would seem that learning to stand up for yourself would be a waste of time. However, it doesn't happen once at a time, and even the least conflicted people can get into trouble if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

An unsuccessful company in a club, a robber in a dark alley threatens you and your loved ones, a drunk acquaintance aggressively sticks to your girlfriend. In such moments, it will not be superfluous to know some self-defense techniques in order to give a worthy rebuff to your offenders.

Is it possible to learn how to fight at home?

It is quite possible to learn how to fight at home and without any special equipment. A huge role here is played by theoretical knowledge about the main points of the battle, such as: vulnerabilities of a potential enemy, knowledge of the elements of defense and attack, correct assessment of the situation and correct tactical decisions in battle.

Undoubtedly, for their more successful application, regular training in the correct formulation of the basic movements is necessary. Exercise will not be superfluous.

Do I need to learn self-defense?

Are there so many dangers to prepare yourself for? The most common of them are listed below, roughly divided into two types (lethal and non-lethal). You can estimate what the likelihood of running into them is and decide whether it is worth preparing for them and how much.

Robbers in the street... Also here can be attributed to various drug addicts who do not give an account of their actions and killer maniacs. Most dangerous situation, which is the most difficult to resolve peacefully, without giving up what is asked of you. They rarely walk alone or / and may be armed. In most cases, you should not get involved in a fight, but complete thugs may also get caught, who will start with an attack or just want to let off steam. It is also worth running away or calling for help, but only if you are 100% sure of the positive outcome of your decision.

Domestic skirmishes. Drunken fights in a club or bar, someone harassing your girlfriend, running into a friend, or even you were the first to attack in response to insults or defend some of your interests. Here the stakes are not so high, you can often come to an agreement and in many respects it depends on you and on your point of view on the current situation whether you will fight or not. If such circumstances may arise in your social circle from time to time, then it would be nice to be ready for this.

As you can see, almost any person is likely to get into such trouble. And it is better to prepare well for them.

How to learn to fight at home through Workout

As many coaches of oriental styles of martial arts say - if all you want is to just win a fight, swing dumbbells and hit a punching bag. When it comes down to it, knock your opponent out with one hard blow to the jaw. Overall, it's a good idea. But in order for this to always work, the necessary daily and monotonous workouts for several years and good sports equipment.

If you want to learn how to stand up for yourself in difficult situations, but there is no opportunity or desire to devote it a large number of time and effort, it is worth learning more about the tactics and strategies mentioned above.

It will be more convenient and informative to analyze the vulnerabilities and capabilities of different parts of the body. Where, how and what is better to beat and what to defend in battle.

  1. Head. There are many vulnerabilities, but the most effective will be blows to the eyes, throat, jaw, nose and bridge of the nose. Of the striking parts, there is the forehead and the back of the head (if you are grabbed from behind), which can unexpectedly hit the bridge of the nose. Special training for competent performance is not required here.
  2. Frame. There are no striking parts here, but there are vulnerable ones, which, nevertheless, are difficult to penetrate and easy to defend. Aim for the solar plexus, ribs, and armpits.
  3. Arms. Without special training, it is impossible to inflict damage on your hands, except perhaps to yourself, having missed the wall. The blows are applied with fists, fingers (in the eyes) and elbows on the body and head.
  4. Legs. Our targets here are toes, kneecaps, and groin. Hit with the base of the foot, shin and knee to the weak points of the body and legs. Try not to lose your balance.

Train your speed, strength and correct hitting. Also work on a steady stance, balance and defense (punches are blocked by the forearms). Combine it all with physical exercise... All this will give you an excellent foundation for successful self-defense.

When the fight started

So, you've learned your vulnerabilities, practiced your movements and stance, and now you find yourself in a situation where things are actively moving towards a fight. How to behave in battle?

First of all, quickly assess the situation. What is the enemy, how many there are, are they armed, is the game worth the candle. When everything is decided, get into your comfortable fighting position and attack. Try to immediately seize the initiative and deliver the fastest blow, even if it is not even the strongest. The advantage is usually with those who attack first. Next, look for places where the enemy opened up and deliver more powerful blows to these places. You will also need some of the tips below, especially if the fight is dragging on.

  1. In battle, keep a strong defensive position, make strikes quickly and without callsigns, look your opponent in the eyes - do not show with your gaze where you want to strike.
  2. Try to somehow distract attention and take advantage of the surroundings, such as taking a higher position or so that the light hits the enemy's eyes.
  3. Do not use creases, grips and counter-grips. Correct execution of even the simplest of them requires special preparation and regular training. It is more practical in response to the capture, to deliver an accurate and strong blow.
  4. Try not to use blows that can cripple or even kill, especially in domestic skirmishes. You run the risk of going under the article for exceeding the permissible self-defense, even if you were in mortal danger.
  5. For the same reason, do not carry weapons with you and do not use improvised items unless absolutely necessary.
  6. Avoid empty dark alleys, questionable clubs and other bad companies. The best fight is the one that didn't take place.

How can a girl learn to stand up for herself?

Separately, it should be said about the fair sex. It is difficult to rely on brute force here, and the chances of getting into an unpleasant situation are often higher - they are often an easy target for robbers and aggressive boyfriends. You have to rely more on dexterity, reaction and various tricks.

The best self-defense techniques for girls will be striking the most vulnerable places: fingers in the eyes, throat and feet in the groin or kneecaps. The time-tested heel kick to the toes works well.

Always attack unexpectedly and first. It will not be superfluous to portray defenselessness and fear in order to weaken the attention of the ill-wisher.

Teaching children self-defense

Children often like to fight, this is a fact. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to achieve a higher place in the school hierarchy. The stakes there are not as high as it might seem, such fights do not threaten life, no one will take away valuable things without consequences. However, letting things go on their own if your child is brought to tears or, on the contrary, he is a local hooligans, is by no means worth it.

So how do you teach him to stand up for himself? Everything here is somewhat more complex and ambiguous than in adult conflicts. It is best to teach your child self-confidence and the ability to avoid conflict. Although it seems practical to teach a child the elements of self-defense at home, but without any cultural or sports overtones, he may get the impression of society as a very aggressive environment, where there is nowhere without a fight.

If the hooligans do not give a pass at all, then it would be a good idea to give it to the martial arts section, giving preference to those styles where grabs and creases prevail, since they are more effective in defense and do not cause damage. This will not only boost his self-esteem and self-confidence, but it can also be a great hobby. The main thing is to explain to him in time that your skills can only be used for self-defense purposes.

In conclusion, we can say that it is quite possible to get a serious advantage in a street fight if you arm yourself with a good theoretical base about the key moments of the fight, train the speed and strength of the main movements at home, and also make good tactical decisions in battle.

Girls are representatives of the fairer sex, sweet, gentle, fragile and, as a result, vulnerable. Their psychophysical characteristics distinguish them from men. Usually women are weaker, with rare exceptions. Nature has laid this distinction for a reason. Historically, a man was a breadwinner, hunter, protector, and for this he inherited good physical characteristics.

Weak and fragile by nature

Everything in the world is changing, and a woman is not so weak, and some men are not distinguished by their article and greatness. However, there are individuals who enjoy superiority in strength in conflict situations, finding no other argument but brute masculine strength. Robbery and violence are also targets of attacks against girls. Frequent terrible incidents suggest the idea of ​​mastering the basics of self-defense.

The recent events in Germany, in the city of Cologne, where more than 100 girls were subjected to violence and harassment from migrants during New Year's celebrations at the mass festivities, once again prove that it is not superfluous to master techniques to repel attacks. After these incidents, thousands of people began to enroll in self-defense courses.

Self-defense for girls - what is included in the training program

There are several self defense lessons for girls ... You can attend classes for beginners - the so-called basic course, and classes for the basic course. The basic one is designed for those who do not own and have not previously studied. The main course is intended for the more experienced and prepared and is aimed at honing skills and abilities, as well as mastering new techniques and techniques.

In the course of training, girls are psychologically prepared for the ability to fight back in an attack, because many are simply lost, frightened and in this state they do not find the opportunity to repel the onslaught. Trainers help to deliver a blow with both hands and feet, teach how to move correctly, use and direct force. The course includes the study of the mechanisms of release from grips, keeping the distance. Separate lessons are devoted to the attacker's vulnerability, weaknesses and points. The study and construction of schemes of attacking techniques are the basis of self-defense for girls.

Since there are many places where you can face hooligans, several options are worked out in the classroom: near the wall, on the ground and in a confined space. Various positions and situations are honed in practical exercises that are close to real ones. Self-defense schools for girls do not train professional fighters, they help to find their bearings in the situation and try to get out of it with minimal losses, both physical and moral.

Serious institutions pay particular attention to legal regulations. It is very useful to familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of self-defense, since in the Criminal Code there are articles 37 and 108 concerning the exceeding of the limits of necessary defense.

Everything must be done to avoid the possibility of an attack

The best defense is not an attack; doing everything possible to avoid such a situation is much more effective. Do not stay alone on the street in the dark, try not to find yourself in unfamiliar companies and places unaccompanied, not to draw attention to material values. All this and the skills of self-defense (in the event of an attack) can help preserve and preserve health, and maybe life.