
January 21 what day. Church Orthodox holiday of January. January holiday in Ukraine, events in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Crimea, China, Korea, USA, Belgium, in the world

Pathology of the uterus

Hug Day

between folk holiday
All over the world, January 21 is celebrated as one of the best and most unusual holidays, which, according to some assumptions, was founded in 1986 by American students under the name Hug Day and in a few years the whole world learned about it. On this day, you can enclose anyone, even a person you do not know, in a warm friendly embrace. Why the date of the holiday was chosen on January 21 - today it is not known for sure
According to some legend, during a warm hug, people exchange their warmth with each other, but psychologists believe that, on the contrary, people who want to wrap you in their arms strive in this way to experience a feeling of comfort, love and security.
We accompany our whole lives with hugs, we often hug relatives and friends to express our love, happiness, joy or gratitude.
The celebration of Hug Day on January 21 does not require any material costs from you.
You can generously reward everyone you wish with your warmth and love, congratulating on this bright holiday.

Day of Engineering Troops in Russia and Belarus

In Russia and Belarus, on January 21, the professional holiday of workers and military personnel of the engineering troops is celebrated.
The history of the first engineering troops of Russia dates back to the time of Peter I, when, by his Tsar’s Decree of January 21, 1701, he organized the “School of the Pushkar order” in Moscow, in which artillery officers and military engineers were trained.
For the first time in 1702, graduates of the "School of the Pushkar order" were recruited into the mining units of the regular army of Russia.
In 1712, the engineering school was separated from the school of the Pushkar order and expanded by order of Peter I. Then, by the Decree of the Tsar in 1719, an engineering school was established in St. Petersburg.
In the royal Moscow and St. Petersburg schools, non-commissioned and chief officers were trained for the engineering troops.
The head of the engineering school in 1753 was the engineer-general Abram Petrovich Gannibal, the great-grandfather of A.S. Pushkin, the famous "Moor of Peter the Great". Engineering troops in all battles defended the Fatherland. The knowledge, courage and courage of military engineers have always contributed to the conduct of successful military operations both in the Patriotic War of 1812, during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) and during two world wars. Also, the engineering troops made a significant contribution during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Grandmother's Day in Poland

In Poland, the kindest family holiday is celebrated every year. On this day, all adults and little grandchildren congratulate their grandmothers. On this day, grandchildren give gifts and flowers to all their grandmothers and always visit them. Grandmothers greet their grandchildren with joy, treating them with sweet pies. On this day, grandmothers gather together all their children and grandchildren.
As it turned out during the survey, 60% of Poles believe that they were raised by their grandmother. Also in the process of research conducted by Professor Harald Eyler, it became clear that most people consider the connection with their grandmother to be very strong.


- holiday of the Slavs
Prosinets is the Old Slavonic name for January, and “to shine” meant the rebirth of the Sun. This holiday was celebrated with water blessing. On this day they praised Heavenly Svarga - the Host of all Gods. Prosinets fell just in the middle of Winter, and the Slavs believed that on this holiday the sun's warmth returned to the Slavic lands at the behest of the gods, and the cold began to subside, the Slavs bathed in icy river water and created grandiose feasts.

Holiday according to the folk calendar

Emelin day, Emelyan winter

This day was named after the venerable Bishop Emilian of Cyzicus, who lived in the 9th century. If yesterday, on the eve of Ivan the Brazhnik, the happiness of girls who were given in marriage against their will was “washed down”, then guys were already “washed down” on Emelya.
The decision on the marriage of the Parents did not always coincide with the desire of the guy, therefore, it was believed among the people that the hated union would come to the point that it would “endure - fall in love” if the unwanted marriage was “filled with” strong drinks.
On this holiday, they treated the godfather with the godfather, it was believed among the people that this would bring health to the children. And godfather and godfather, coming to a dinner party, brought with them a towel and a bar of soap. At the first bath, a newborn should be wiped with this towel and washed with this particular soap, saying: “Water from a goose, thinness from my child!”.
On this day there were customs to tell different fairy tales, stories and interesting stories. To do this, in the evening they gathered in the house with the whole family and took turns telling a story. From here a well-known saying came to us: “Meli, Emelya, your week!”. Among the people, Emelyan, like Ivan the hawk, was called Perezimnik. On this holiday, there was a quick change in the weather and the turn of winter to spring began.
Emelyan, at the same time, was considered to be "wind up with a snowstorm." On this day, a blizzard was considered a common occurrence.
The peasants followed the weather and signs. They noticed the direction of the wind that day. The wind blows from the south to Emelya, which means that there will be a summer rich in thunderstorms.
Name day January 21 with: Vasilisa, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, George, Grigory, Dmitry, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ivan, Ilya, Mikhail, Pafnuty, Julian

Unusual holidays

— The day when last year's money runs out
- Proud Feminist Day
- The day of conquering your temptations
- Day of lovers of outdoor recreation
- Day of admiring one's own charisma

January 21st in history

1924 - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, political and statesman, founder of the Soviet state, died (born in 1870).
1925 - Recognition of the USSR by Japan. Japanese troops leave the Far East.
1925 - The Krasny Proletarian oil refinery began operating in Makhachkala.
1926 - Zabit Rizvanov (d. 1992), an outstanding Lezgi poet and writer, publicist, collector of folklore (epic "Sharvili"), was born. One of the authors of the book "History of the Lezgins". Author of poetic and prose books "The Stream of Shakhnabat", "My Muse", "The Wind Loves Space", "The Green Banner of the Prophet", "South of Samur". One of those who stood at the origins of the LND "Sadval" ("Unity").
1934 - XII Congress of the CP(b)U decided to transfer the capital of Ukraine from Kharkov to Kyiv.
1941 - Placido Domingo, Spanish opera singer, was born.
1943 - Soviet troops liberated Stavropol from the Nazis.
1949 - The Memorial House-Museum of V. I. Lenin was opened in Gorki Leninskiye.
1949 - Chiang Kai-shek resigns as President of China due to a long string of defeats for the Nationalist army.
1952 - Italian scientists announced that the Leaning Tower of Pisa should fall in 2151.
1954 - The first nuclear submarine Nautilus is launched in the USA.
1968 - Beginning of the Siege of Khe Sanh, one of the most famous and controversial battles of the Vietnam War.
1976 - Commencement of operation of the Franco-English supersonic passenger aircraft Concorde.
1977 - Abortion is legal in Italy.
2001 - Paul McCartney became the first musician whose fortune exceeded one billion dollars.

According to psychologists, if a person likes to hug, he wants to experience a feeling of love, security, comfort. Hugs accompany us all our lives. It is not surprising that even a corresponding holiday appeared, which is celebrated on January 21st. Congratulating your family and friends on him, do not forget to hug them and tell them how much you love them. By the way, in many European countries on this day you can meet people with “Free Hugs” signs on the streets. So, if you have no one to hug, just go to these silent smiling people - they will be happy to give you pleasant emotions.

The engineering troops took an active part in all the battles involving the defense of the Fatherland. Courage, courage, knowledge of engineers largely contributed to the successful conduct of hostilities during the Patriotic War of 1812, during the defense of Sevastopol, the Russian-Japanese, World War I. It is also known that it was the engineering troops that made a significant contribution to the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The history of the engineering troops begins on January 21, 1701, when, by the Decree of Peter the Great, the "School of the Pushkar order" was created in Moscow, in which artillery officers and military engineers were trained. The first mining units of the Russian army began to be completed precisely by graduates of this school since 1702.

On January 16, 1712, Peter the Great ordered to separate the engineering school from the school of the Pushkar order and expand the latter. In 1719, the St. Petersburg School of Engineering was created, to which the Moscow School was later transferred. It was here that officers for the engineering troops were trained.

In order to increase interest in local schools and instill in the nation respect for the engineering troops, Peter the Great, in his Table of Ranks of 1722, elevated the engineering troops to a higher rank than the cavalry and infantry.

The Chancellery of the Main Artillery and Fortification became the central body of the engineering troops. Interestingly, in 1753, Hannibal Abram Petrovich, who is known as "Peter the Great's Arap", became the head of the engineering school.

Poles celebrate Grandmother's Day on January 21st. On a holiday, of course, it is customary to visit grandmothers with gifts.

The holiday is celebrated by blessing the water. The very name of the day means the rebirth of the sun. It is believed that most of the winter is already over, and it is worth preparing for spring. On this day, they remember the legend that the god Kryshen spilled the magical Surya on the ground, which made all the waters healing. Therefore, on January 21, it is customary to swim in the hole, drink water, and bless it. There must be milk or dairy products on the table on a holiday.

On January 21, 1338, the King of France was born from 1364 to 1380. Charles V the Wise, who belonged to the Valois dynasty

January 21, 1855 was born the American industrialist and designer John Moses Browning, the author of a series of industrial pistols and machine guns (easel, manual, large-caliber)

January 21, 1882 was born a mathematician, one of the most famous Russian philosophers Pavel Florensky

January 21, 1885 was born the Italian inventor and scientist Umberto Nobile, who was engaged in the builder of airships

On January 21, 1905, fashion designer Christian Dior was born, who introduced dresses with crinoline skirts into fashion.

Published on 21.01.18 01:26

Today, January 21, 2018, we also celebrate International Hug Day, World Religion Day and other events.

January 21 is the national holiday of Yemelyan Perezimniki. The Church today remembers the Monk Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of Cyzicus, who was nicknamed Kumishny by the common people for meetings and gatherings with godfathers.

Little is known about the life of Emilian the Confessor. According to legend, he lived in the 9th century during the reign of Leo the Armenian and served as Bishop of Cyzicus. The emperor struggled with the veneration of icons, and Emilian fell out of favor with him. Leo the Armenian suggested that he stop doing veneration, to which the bishop refused. He intkbbee objected to the ruler that these issues should be decided by the church, and not by the emperor.

Emilian was imprisoned and defrocked for disobedience. He did not renounce the teachings of the holy fathers and died in captivity.

According to tradition, on this day, people went to visit each other, since it was possible to start working only after lunch. Kuma and kuma were especially treated. It was believed that the godchildren would have the whole year good health if the godfathers gladly treated themselves. In return, they gave soap and a towel so that the godchildren were ruddy and white. According to legend, washing with this soap protects the child from disease and spoilage.

If the marriage is not made out of love, but out of selfish motives, then the guy should drink a lot of alcohol in Emelyan Perezimniki. It is believed that then there will be peace in their marriage, and communication with an unloving wife will take place without scandals.

By folk omens if a south wind blows on Yemelyan or snowfall begins, then summer will be with thunderstorms.

Windless weather promises a warm summer.

On this day determine the weather for August.

If at night the path is illuminated by the bright moon and the stars strewn the night sky, then frost will soon hit.

If the dog curled up in the yard and fell asleep, it will get colder, and if the windows began to fog up that day, there will soon be a thaw.

If Emelyan Perezimnik was hit by cold weather, then warming will have to wait a long time.

International Hug Day 2018 is celebrated on January 21st. This is an unofficial holiday founded in the US in 1986 under the name of National Hug Day. The initiators of the holiday were American students of the faculties of psychology and medicine. On this day, they hugged not only fellow students, friends, but also strangers. The tradition has gained popularity and spread throughout the world.

Engineering Troops Day

January 18 is the Day of Russian Engineering Troops. This holiday was established by the President of Russia B. Yeltsin by Decree of September 18, 1996 No. 1370. Decree of the President of Russia V. Putin of May 31, 2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." On this day in 1701, Peter the Great founded the "School of the Pushkar Order" in Moscow to train military engineers. Its graduates began to staff the miner units of the army. In 1712, the tsar ordered the engineering school to be separated from it and enlarged. In 1719, a similar educational institution opened in St. Petersburg. In 1723, these two institutions merged into one - the St. Petersburg Engineering School. In 1722, Peter I issued a Table of Ranks, in which officers of the engineering troops were placed above the rank of cavalry and infantry officers.

world religion day

World Religion Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of January. This year the holiday falls on the 21st. For the first time this holiday was held in 1950 in the United States. It was initiated by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís (a monotheistic religion). Following the United States, the idea of ​​​​celebration was picked up by other countries.

Target world day religions - informing people about the common essence of all religions and overcoming disagreements between representatives of different faiths. The motto of the holiday: "Religion should be the cause of unity."

Postgraduate Day

Postgraduate Student Day is celebrated on January 21st. The event started in 2008. The selected date has symbolic meaning. It is connected with the approval of the "Regulations on scientific workers of universities" and "Instructions on the procedure for training scientists at research institutes and universities in applied, exact and natural sciences" of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of January 21, 1925.

Vasily, Vasilisa, Victor, Vladimir, George, Dmitry, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ivan, Ilya, Mikhail, Julian.

  • 1775 - Emelyan Pugachev was executed in Moscow on Bolotnaya Square.
  • 1921 - Lenin in the newspaper Pravda for the first time used the phrase "The leading role of the party."
  • 1945 - in Moscow, a decision was made by the Council of People's Commissars to establish the main Botanical Garden.
  • 1954 - The world's first nuclear submarine was launched.
  • John Browning 1855 - American inventor of handguns.
  • Pavel Florensky 1882 - Russian religious philosopher and scientist.
  • Umberto Nobile 1885 - Italian airship designer.
  • Pitirim Sorokin 1889 - Russian and American sociologist.
  • Oleg Volkov 1900 - Soviet writer and publicist.
  • Christian Dior 1905 - French fashion designer.
  • Igor Moiseev 1906 - Soviet and Russian choreographer.
  • Pavel Shpringfeld 1912 - Soviet theater and film actor.
  • Arno Babajanyan 1921 - Soviet and Armenian composer.
  • Stephen Reeves 1926 - American actor and legendary bodybuilder.
  • Placido Domingo 1941 - Spanish opera singer.
  • Dmitry Kharatyan 1960 - Soviet and Russian film and theater actor.

Today it is customary to pay attention to various holidays and anniversaries in the stories discussed in this article.

January 21 is a holiday in Ukraine, events in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Crimea, China, Korea, USA, Belgium, in the world

Postgraduate Student Day is celebrated, which takes place as a tribute to the date on which the "Regulations on Research Workers of Universities" was approved, which happened in the RSFSR and 1925.

It is customary to hold thematic seminars, meetings and conferences with the obligatory awarding of outstanding industry figures and listen to speeches by famous personalities from the field of education.

In Poland, Grandmother's Day, which was first proposed in 1964, is celebrated, and Grandfather's Day is celebrated the next day. Today is also Prosinets, which is customarily celebrated with water blessing and glorifying Heavenly Svarga, helping the sun to be reborn. Vedic temples begin to recall how in ancient times Kryshen was able to bestow fire on mankind, when everyone died from the Great Glaciation and the magical Surya from heavenly Svarga was bestowed.

What holiday is January 21 Orthodox church according to the church calendar, what can not be done

They commemorate the Monk George the Chozevit, Gregory the Wonderworker, the Monk Domnica of Constantinople, and the Hieromartyr Isidore of Yuryevsky.

No less interesting is the holiday of Emelyan Perezimniki (Seeing carols), when it is customary to treat godfathers. The first half of the day should be spent away, and the second half is given permission to work. If you feed godfather and godfather well, then godchildren are granted excellent health. On their part, soap and a towel should be given, thanks to which spoilage and any illness will be washed off the children.

According to popular beliefs, a south wind or snowfall will indicate a rainy summer, and the absence of winds indicates warm weather. summer days. If the windows “sweat”, then soon there will be a thaw.

Holiday 21 January is the international day of hugs and hugs, which cards to give

It is customary to celebrate International Hug Day, which began in 1986 with the United States of America. Although it cannot be called official, it is still given attention in the form of hugs with loved ones and best friends with whom you want to exchange spiritual warmth.

January 21 is a holiday of engineering troops

The celebration began in 2006, when presidential decree number 549 was issued in the Russian Federation, and in Belarus it began in 1999 with presidential decree number 50. The date was not chosen by chance, since it was today in the capital of Russia that " School of the Pushkar Order.

international hug day

Engineering Troops Day

The history of the engineering troops dates back to the time when Peter I issued a Decree regarding one of the military schools in Moscow. It trained artillerymen and military engineers. Actually, the graduates of this school created the backbone, which formed a number of mining units that were part of the regular Russian army. At the beginning of 1712, the engineering school was divided according to the Pushkar order and expanded. This was followed by the creation of an engineering school in St. Petersburg. Three years later, the Moscow school moved in full force to St. Petersburg and merged with the school already operating there. Officers studied at the school in order to serve in the engineering troops. In order to increase the attractiveness of these schools, at that time the engineering troops were of great importance, Peter the Great awarded officers from the engineering troops with a higher rank than infantrymen and cavalrymen. Managed the engineering troops of the Office of the main artillery and fortifications. At the beginning of 1753, engineer-general Abram Gannibal was appointed to the position of head of this school, he was a noble Arap of Peter the Great and great-grandfather of Pushkin. Not a single battle, which was associated with the defense of the Motherland, did not take place without the participation of engineering troops. The Gewaldigers had all the necessary knowledge, courage and bravery. In many ways, the successful outcome of hostilities depended on them. These troops proved themselves in the defense of Sevastopol, with courage and valor, took part in the hostilities with Japan and in World War I. Many times they took part in the elimination of the consequences of various disasters, for example, such as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. At all facilities, the engineering troops were marked by real coherence and professionalism.

Grandmother's Day in Poland

This day on the territory of the Polish country is characterized by the celebration of a good event. Actually this an important event gives young and mature grandchildren the opportunity to sincerely congratulate their grandmothers on such a significant event, which is their "professional" holiday. According to one of the surveys in the social sphere, which was conducted that day, more than half of the inhabitants of Poland, in terms of their moral principles, religious beliefs and feelings, are quite closely connected with their beloved grandmothers. The organizer of the study was Harald Euler, the results showed that a significantly larger part of the three thousand people who took part in the survey at the age of 16 to 80 do not doubt the strength and stability of the connection that exists between them and their beloved grandmothers. . Grandchildren showered numerous congratulations on their grandmothers. They are given many different pleasant surprises and gifts. On this day, you should definitely go to visit your grandmothers. In turn, the grandmothers meet their grandchildren with great joy and bake delicious and sweet pies for them. Considering that many grandmothers see their beloved grandchildren once a week or more often, and many of them generally visit their grandchildren all their free time, this holiday is still considered a special day for them. Grannies, in spite of this, are waiting for the whole family to come together, talk and have a good time. Grandmothers gladly give all their warmth, tenderness and care to their loved ones and loved ones. This event is actually very important, because it is these people who need support and help. The people of Poland are fully aware of the importance of this wonderful holiday and are happy to fulfill all its traditions, giving deserved attention to these wonderful people who have invested so much good in us.

January 21 in the folk calendar

Emelin day, Emelyan winter

This holiday got its name in memory of the Monk Metropolitan Emelian of Cyzicus, who lived in the 9th century. Before the holiday, Ivan the Brazhnik, it was customary to “wash down” the happiness of the girls who were forcibly given in marriage, and the turn of the guys came to Emelya. The decision of the parents about marriage, unfortunately, was not always the same as the desire of the groom, but people believed that if you “fill in” the marriage with strong drinks, then the unloved union will quickly come to the stage of enduring - falling in love. On Emelin's Day, it is customary to treat a godfather with a godfather. The peasants believed that this would bring health to their children. According to tradition, when godfather and godfather came to a dinner party, they brought a bar of soap and a towel with them as a gift. When the child was bathed for the first time, it was necessary to use this soap, and it was imperative to wipe the child with this towel. In addition, according to tradition, fairy tales were told and interesting stories gathering in the evening with the whole family in the house. Emelyan, like Ivan the hawk, is called Perezimnik, which means that winter turns to spring and the weather will soon change. The weather was monitored that day. It was believed that if a blizzard sweeps it is quite natural, but they followed the direction of the wind. If the south wind blows, you need to expect a lot of thunderstorms in summer.

Historical events on January 21

Emelyan Pugachev was an ordinary Don Cossack, and later became the leader of a peasant revolt. In order to attract more supporters to his side, Pugachev declared himself, miraculously, the surviving Emperor Peter III. The first who succumbed to outright lies were the Yaik Cossacks, they joined Pugachev and began to revolt the peasant communities. In a matter of weeks, Pugachev managed to raise the largest uprising in the history of Tsarist Russia. The Pugachev "army" delivered a series of effective blows to the small tsarist units. In the course of their movement, the Pugachevites plundered and plundered the estates of the landowners, many of them were executed on the spot, others were taken prisoner. In the areas of the uprising, conflagrations blazed everywhere, fear and anarchy reigned. Taking advantage of the fact that the main tsarist army was concentrated in the theater of the Russian-Turkish war, Pugachev rampaged in the Siberian regions of the country. Local and sent small garrisons could not eliminate the uprising, but kept it within the Siberian region. After the victory over Turkey, the main Russian army returned to Russia, and was immediately thrown to suppress the uprising of the mob. And in 1774, Pugachev was defeated near the Solenikova gang, the remnants of the rebels, led by Pugachev, fled to the Don. On the Don, Pugachev wanted to incite the Don Cossacks to revolt, but was refused, the Cossacks declared that they recognized the power only of Mother Empress Catherine. Pugachev was in despair, besides, a conspiracy arose in his camp against him, Pugachev's associates decided to extradite him to the authorities in exchange for a pardon. Autumn. In 1774, Pugachev was handed over by his “comrades-in-arms” to the tsarist authorities, he was immediately arrested and put in shackles. In the Yaik village, General A.V. personally interrogated him. Suvorov, then he was sent to Simbirsk. Here the state criminal was interrogated and tortured for several days in a row. Unable to withstand the terrible torture, Pugachev slandered himself and his followers. However, later he denied his testimony and stated that he had slandered himself, unable to withstand the terrible torture. In November, Pugachev, like a wild animal, enclosed in a cage, was brought to Moscow. Together with him, the closest associates of the rebel were brought to the white stone. The Cossacks who extradited Pugachev were not touched by a special decree of the Empress, but were interrogated as witnesses. A so-called "general investigation" was organized; it was conducted by a special government commission, a secret mission of the Senate. Empress Catherine strictly followed the progress of the investigation. After the end of the investigation, the empress personally formed the so-called "court of senators." The observer from the Empress at the trial was Prosecutor General Vyazemsky. Several court hearings came to the conclusion that Pugachev and his accomplices were completely guilty. Puvgachev and Parfilyev were sentenced to quartering, the rest to other types of execution, many ordinary rebels were sent to hard labor for life, others had their tongues cut. Catherine brutally dealt with the rebels, so that others would not be in the habit of rebelling against the holy autocratic power.

January 21, 1924, Lenin, in an interview with the Pravda newspaper, spoke for the first time about the leading role of the party

On January 21, 1924, the leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, giving an interview to the Pravda newspaper, first used the phrase - "The leading role of the party." At that time, the newspaper Pravda became the main propaganda mouthpiece of the Bolshevik Party. Lenin's interview dealt with communist ideology and party activities. Lenin expressed his irreconcilable position towards the opponents of Bolshevism. Despite tough statements, Lenin still allowed a gentle and patient attitude towards the common people, who, due to their lack of education, could not fully understand the ideas put forward by the Bolsheviks. Lenin declared that the Communist Party took full responsibility for the fate of the country, and advised to introduce the new order by the mildest possible methods and only, as a last resort, resort to the Red Terror. Lenin also emphasized the collective principle of party leadership and attached great value the highest body of the party leadership - the congress. During the life of the leader, party congresses were held with enviable regularity. Lenin believed that decisions and resolutions of particular importance for the country should be made within the framework of a broad party discussion. In his last messages and articles, Lenin emphasized the exceptional role of the Party Congress as the highest governing body of the Party. After Lenin's death, the principle of running the party through a congress was abolished. Stalin single-handedly ruled the country, he was not interested in the opinions of any party functionaries, especially since he did not tolerate any opposition. Lenin's ideas were perverted and distorted by the Stalinist regime, with disastrous consequences in the end.

At the end of the war, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution dated January 21, 1945, on the establishment of the first Botanical Garden in Moscow. The event was timed to coincide with the 220th anniversary of the USSR Academy of Sciences. With a similar decision, the government of the USSR tried to return everyday life states in a peaceful direction. In the spring of the same year, the leadership of Moscow allocated about 400 hectares of the Ostankino forest for the creation of the Botanical Garden. Academician Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitsin became the first director of the garden. The architects I. Petrov and A. Shchusev designed and built the Botanical Garden with the direct support of N. Tsitsin. In 1991 the Main Botanical Garden Russian Federation received the name of its founder - Nikolai Tsitsin. Nowadays, the Tsitsin Botanical Garden is the largest artificial flora reserve in Europe. The funds of the botanical garden are recognized as a national and world heritage of mankind. The living collection of greenhouses includes more than 18 thousand specimens of plants. In addition, there are more than one and a half thousand representatives of the natural flora in the garden, of which 170 plants are under the threat of complete extinction. The dendrological part of the garden has 1220 species of plants, this also includes a collection of plants from the tropics and subtropics. The number of species of ornamental plants reaches five and a half thousand copies. The total volume of the botanical herbarium is close to six hundred thousand plants.

For the first time, the idea of ​​creating an underwater vessel was expressed by the great Leonardo da Vinci. Also, this topic was brightly covered in the famous novel by Jules Verne, "20 thousand leagues under the sea." The first real prototype of a submarine was a design proposed by the Dutch inventor Cornelius van Drebbel, who designed and built a rowing submarine, the ship was tested in the waters of the Thames. In Russia, the first attempts to create a submarine fell on the era of Peter the Great. During the First World War, the first primitive submarines appeared, they were powered by diesel and electric engines. On the first one it was possible to swim only on the water, and on the second it was possible to swim under water. A generator was connected to the diesel engine, which generated electricity to charge the batteries. In the future, underwater technology began to seriously improve and eventually became a formidable and dangerous weapon in naval battles. During World War I, submarines sank over fifty large warships and over a hundred destroyers. In 1954, the United States created the world's first nuclear submarine and named it the Nautilus. The length of the submarine was almost 100 meters, and the width was more than 8 meters. She broke a number of records in the duration of stay under water and in speed. "Nautilus", the first submarine to pass the North Pole under the thickness of the Arctic ice. Secret psychotropic research was carried out on board the ship. In our time, only advanced developed countries can afford to keep nuclear submarines in their arsenal.

The bright, but at the same time difficult, life of the great Russian scientist Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov cannot leave anyone indifferent. For the creation of the first thermonuclear charge, Sakharov was showered with favors and awards from those in power. He was elected Academician and awarded three Stalin Prizes, in addition, he was awarded the Order of the Hero of Socialist Labor. Andrei Dmitrievich, like no one else, was aware of the enormous danger lurking in nuclear weapons. He openly began to advocate a complete ban on nuclear tests, as well as the refusal of world powers to use nuclear weapons in resolving ethnic conflicts. Soon he publishes an article on the danger of nuclear war, the article was called, "Reflections on Progress, Peaceful Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom." It was she who became the beginning of the disgrace of the great scientist. Sakharov was removed from scientific work, in newspapers and magazines, printed humiliating lampoons against the scientist. Since 1970, the scientist has completely immersed himself in human rights activities and, with his like-minded people, founded the Human Rights Committee. In 1975 Andrei Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The leadership of the USSR was wary of such international recognition of the scientist. The culmination of Sakharov's anti-Soviet activities was a sharp condemnation, introductions Soviet army to Afghanistan. In response to the "impudent" statements of the scientist, the authorities sent him into exile, to the city of Gorky on January 21, 1980. In addition, he was deprived of all titles and awards. Sakharov was able to restore his honor and status only with the coming to power of Mikhail Gorbachev.

January 21st were born

Dmitry Kharatyan(1960…), Russian actor

Dmitry was born in January 1960 in the Uzbek SSR. Three years later, Dima's family moved to live in the suburbs. When Dmitry was little, he did not dream of becoming an actor and was passionate about sports and music. He played guitar songs beautifully and sang with pleasure. In the cinema, Kharatyan first appeared in the film "Joke", where he played Igor Grushko. After the film, the young actor became relatively famous. After school, Dima entered the theater school. Shchepkin. Next it successful work, became the role of Volodya Patrikeev in the film "Green Van". The most famous work of Kharatyan was shooting in the film "Midshipmen, forward!", In the film he played one of the most important roles. After showing the picture, Kharatyan literally bathed in the rays of glory. Fans did not give the young actor a pass and for several years, the actor was called the best in the country. In 1991, Kharatyan starred in the continuation of the Midshipmen, "Vivat, midshipmen" and "Midshipmen III". In the cinema, Dmitry played more than 60 roles. In the 90s, he starred in such films as “Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation”, “Black Square”, “Queen Margo”, Gentleman of Investigation” and others.

Arno Babajanyan(1921-1983), outstanding Soviet composer

Arno Babajanyan was born in 1921 in the city of Yerevan. In a musical family. As a child, he began to play the harmonica, and at the age of nine he wrote his first work, Pioneer March. In 1934 he received the first prize for participating in a competition for young musicians. After graduating from school, Arno went to Moscow and easily entered the Gnessin Musical College, where he was accepted for the last year. Then Arno graduated from the faculty of composers at the Yerevan Conservatory. Since 1950 he has been working as a teacher at the Yerevan Conservatory, at the same time composing musical works, concerts and songs. In 1956, the young composer moved to Moscow and began to write songs that became famous throughout the country. In collaboration with the poet Rozhdestvensky, he creates songs: "Queen of Beauty", "Blue Taiga", "Be with me", "Call me", "Make a wish". Arno Babadzhanyan writes famous poems by Yevtushenko - “Do not rush”, “Your traces”, “Ferris wheel”. The song “Yerevan” written by him is perceived in his homeland as an anthem to the capital of Armenia. Babadzhanyan worked both in the instrumental-jazz style and in the musical-theatrical style. Arno also writes the musicals "Uncle Baghdasar", "Bride from the North", "My heart is in the mountains." The most repertoire works imbued with expressive imagery are "Heroic Ballad", "Six Musical Pictures" and others. The great composer was world-famous for his virtuoso works "Armenian Rhapsody" and "Festive". Famous performers of Babadzhanyan's works were: M. Rostropovich, E. Gilels, D. Oistrakh, L. Vlasenko, J. Ter-Merkeryan, D. Khanjyan and others.

Yuri Levitansky(1922-1996), Soviet poet

Yuri Levitansky was born on January 21, 1922 in Ukraine. Yura's childhood passed in Kyiv and in Stalino (Donetsk). In 1938, after graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Humanitarian Institute at the Faculty of Literature and History. Soon the war began, and Yuri was called to the front and could not finish his studies. On the fronts of the war, Levitansky rose to the rank of officer, and from 1943 became a war correspondent. In 1947, Yuri was demobilized from the army and came to grips with literary work. For several years he has published three collections of lyrical and military poems: "Soldier's Road", "Meeting with Moscow" and "The Most Expensive". In the 1950s, Levitansky studied at higher literary courses. The courses were organized on the basis of the Gorky Literary Institute. After completing the course, the poet publishes the collection Earthly Sky, ”this work made the author a well-known poet. In total, the poet published more than twenty poetry collections. On the verses of Levitansky, many well-known and beloved songs were written. The most famous were, “Everyone chooses for themselves ...” and “Dialogue at the New Year tree. During all his literary activity, Yuri Levitansky enjoyed great prestige and recognition in the literary community.

Christian Dior(1905-957), famous French designer and fashion designer

The famous French fashion designer was born on January 21, 1905 in France, into a wealthy family. At the age of six, Christian's family moved to Paris. Elementary education received at home, where tutors were invited to him. When the boy became older, he was sent to the school of political sciences. Parents prepared the boy for a political and diplomatic career. But the prospect of a diplomat did not attract the young man; it was more interesting for him to visit museums, art galleries and concert halls. In 1927, together with his associate, he opened an art gallery. The gallery was financed by Christian's father and after his death, it had to be closed due to lack of profitability. After the loss of his father, Christian decided to sell models and sketches of hats and dresses, he did not expect success from his occupation, but success came to him. Since 1941, Christian has been working for the well-known modeling agency Lucien Lelong. At the end of 1942, Dior opened a small laboratory for the production of perfumes. In the future, the legendary corporation Christian Dior Perfume will grow from this tiny laboratory. Christian Dior considered the art of fragrance an integral part of women's clothing. In 1946, Dior opened the first fashion house and created a wonderful New Look collection for women, his collection conquered all European countries. And soon the work of Dior became popular in the United States. Soon Dior began to produce shoes. Through his activities, Dior confirmed the status of Paris as the capital of world fashion.

Placido Domingo(1941…), outstanding Italian tenor

Placido Domingo was born in Madrid in 1941 into a musical family. From the age of eight, Domingo began to perform as a young pianist, moreover, he became seriously interested in singing. In the 50s, the Domingo family moved to live in the capital of Mexico. Here Domingo began to study at the National Conservatory of Mexico. From the age of sixteen, he has been performing as a singer and conducting in his parents' concert troupe. In 1959, the National Opera of Mexico signed a contract with the young tenor. Soon Domingo becomes the leading soloist of the Dallas Opera and Ballet Theatre. Then he is invited to sing in Tel Aviv for three seasons. In the second half of the sixties, great fame and fame came to Domingo, this was facilitated by his regular performances on the most prestigious stages in New York. In 1968, the great operatic tenor opened the season of La Scala. Since that time, Domingo has been a visiting card and a wonderful decoration of this pop-opera theatre. Among the most famous performances of recent times, one can single out the opera Guarani by Gomez, the part of Othello. As a talented conductor, Domingo made his debut in New York in 1973. In addition to his musical career, Domingo also tried his hand at directing. During his life he received many prestigious awards, different countries peace.

Name day January 21

Vasilisa, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ilya, Evgeny, Mikhail