
About love for mom. What is mother's love and why is mother's love the strongest? What does love for a mother mean?


An essay about:

What does Mother's love mean?

Mom, mom, mom ... Is there a word in the world more affectionate and gentle than this? Is there a word in the world that sounds more euphonious? Of course no. After all, all maternal warmth, all maternal love, kindness, cordiality and tenderness are put into this word. They love us, their children, not for something specific, but simply for what we are. No one will come to the rescue so quickly, no one will understand us as well as our mothers.

My mother's name is Julia. She is the best. From the first days of her life she is next to me, surrounds me with her care and attention. I love my mother because there is no better person or friend for me. If I am sick, my mother is beside me, if I am sad, my mother will console and understand, if I cannot figure out something, my mother will advise and explain. When I come home from school, my mother helps me do my homework, learn a poem. It's so good that my mother is there, kind and attentive.

I know that my mom will never offend me, she will always support me, forgive me for any mistakes. She will love me the same way, even when I become quite an adult.

We owe our birth to our mother, it was she who, not getting enough sleep at night, carried us in her arms, softly singing a lullaby. It is the mother who will always forgive and understand, while never demanding anything in return. This is all the love of a mother.

Yana Vlasova

4 "A" class, MAOU secondary school No. 5, Kaliningrad

Bad mom: why love her? Loving an ideal, kind, affectionate, successful mother is easy. And a real mother - an alcoholic mother or a mother who punished and beaten with a belt - is difficult and even seems impossible. Is it possible to love, respect, be grateful to such a bad mother ??? I will answer like this: "It is not only possible, but also important to love!" And first of all it is necessary not for mom, but for ourselves. Because when we do not love and respect our mother, we do not make it worse for our mother, but for ourselves.
Rejecting our imperfect mother, our closest and dearest person, we close ourselves off from love and all the blessings that the world gives us, we close ourselves off from the world and life itself. Exposing a bill to mom, we close our heart - and love, happiness, health in our life becomes less. This is especially true for women, because a trusting relationship with mom is the basis of happiness and harmony.

Here are seven reasons to cherish your relationship with your mom:

1. The direct path to female happiness!
Tell me what kind of relationship you have with your mom - and I will tell you how much you happy woman... I was convinced of this by consulting the most different women and mine personal experience says the same thing. Now there are many trainings for the development of femininity. However, I am convinced that you need to start from the beginning - by building your relationship with your mother. This is the foundation of female happiness. Why with your mother, and not with your husband, for example? Because mom is an earthly real expression of the feminine principle.

Respecting and appreciating mom, we cultivate within ourselves the value of femininity, tranquility, serenity. Through my mother, we connect with the feminine principle of our kind, which is many millions of years old. We begin to appreciate feelings, emotions, a state of calm, and our consciousness reveals to us what was previously closed.

2. Beautiful and healthy body
Healthy body - sure sign self-love, beautiful body- it is also a reflection of the value of peace and love in a woman's heart. Women's diseases are a serious sign of a tense relationship with a mother, whom we reject, do not accept, whom we resent. If you blame your parents for being raised incorrectly, for not instilling in you the value of the feminine principle, nothing good will come of it. The parental manifestation in this life is their karma and destiny, and your karma is your reaction to their actions, these are your thoughts and actions.

The sooner you begin to take responsibility for what happens to you, the sooner you will begin to live a happy adult life.

3. Warm and close relationship with the mother-in-law
Imagine a wise mature woman. She is love and peace itself. She is tuned in to the positive, to trust in the world, and the world brings her all the best. Sometimes on her way there is aggression, resentment - behind these negative emotions and manifestations of another person, she sees his weakness, his pain. And since she is a woman, she can accept this pain and experience it in her heart. It is pain, which is an external lesson, that teaches you to open your heart. If you introduce such a woman, then think, can she argue with another woman, for example, with her mother-in-law? Quarrels happen if these women have a bias towards masculine energies and they see each other as rivals. They do not see ordinary human pain behind negative manifestations.

The main female muscle is the heart and it is important to be able to open it, respect and appreciate yourself and your loved ones.

4. Material wealth in the family
We all dream that my husband will earn a lot, provide for his family. What are we doing for this? We saw, give advice, criticize, set up as an example of a neighbor on Lexus. And it doesn't work. It also robs us of peace and happiness. There is another way - the way of love. Creating within herself the value of femininity, being in a state of love and pacification, a woman intuitively begins to behave correctly: not to criticize, but to inspire her husband, not to worry about money, but to believe in her husband's success! Being in a state of conflict with your mother, you cannot understand what tremendous inner strength true love gives - patient and forgiving. Even just a cold, strained relationship with a mom is already blocking the flow of feminine energy that flows through us.

Open your heart towards your mother, and you will feel how the world has become kinder to you, how abundance and prosperity are entering your family!

5. Cozy home, happy family
What is rest? This is not a trip to the mountains or the sea, this is the feeling that you are accepted when you are real in body and soul. This is what our loved ones dream about. Where can you find the strength to accept the weaknesses of your loved ones - husband and children? I know only one answer - through acceptance and respect for my mother, admiration for her as an older and wiser one. Through understanding her weaknesses and accepting them with love, without judgment or arrogance. It is in a relationship with mom that we learn to love, open our heart, learn to accept other people's shortcomings calmly and with love. These feminine qualities- the foundation happy family... Families where the wife respects her husband, and he gladly takes responsibility, where children respect their parents.

6. Success like a woman
Love for mom makes us softer, relaxes us, fills us with love from within. We begin to listen to our body, our intuition. And in this very feminine state, it is easy to decide questions: to work or not to work, and if to work, then where and how. Start with a small step towards your success, towards your inner harmony - think with warmth and gratitude about your mother. It's never too late to build and improve your relationship with your mom, no matter how old you are.

Closeness with her mother inspires a woman, she gains strength and new opportunities in life - those of which she did not even suspect before.

7. Long-term relationship
Many women know how to charm a man, make a vivid impression, and at the same time keep this charm for at least several years living together, not to mention decades, only a few are able to. And this is the most important indicator of femininity. The more feminine, lunar energies we have, the easier it is for us to build long-term relationships with both my husband and other people. In order to increase the amount of lunar energy in the body, you can take more care of yourself, your face and body, you can dance, sing. There are many ways, it is important to both receive energy and keep it in yourself. And a close, trusting relationship with my mother helps to do this in the best way. If, at the thought of your mother, you feel resentment, anger, then all the accumulated lunar energy immediately disappears from the body. Emptiness, irritation remains. And vice versa, only one ray of love that you send from your heart to your mother stabilizes and preserves the feminine energies in the body.

If you want to improve your relationship with your mom, try to start simple - talk to your mom about her affairs, life, ask about her health. Do the meditation on being intimate with your mom before speaking. It will relieve tension from your relationship, free your heart from the burden of past grievances and help you to accept all the weaknesses and shortcomings of your mother with love. Close your eyes and conjure up your mom. Look into her eyes and imagine that you are walking slowly towards her. You go and become smaller and smaller, and now you are quite small - the size of her heart. Imagine how mom takes you, little one, and carefully puts you in her heart. Immerse yourself in your mother's heart and feel how good it is for you to be with your mother. Now imagine your mother walking towards you in turn, shrinking and turning into a very small figure the size of your heart. Take your little mom and put her in your heart. Feel how good it is to keep your mother in your heart and love her. Everything that used to be a wall between you, all this really has nothing to do with your closeness and unity.

Even if now you value and respect your mother, there is always a higher level in love, which gives even more happiness, abundance and miracles! Take or not take your choice!

Love- the binding force that unites all that exists. Spiritual substance from which everything arises. In addition, love is a spontaneous and unconditional sharing of life experience with another living being, aimed at the harmonious growth and development of a loved one. Love is not demanding and gives itself away without expecting anything in return.

For centuries, the best minds cannot answer the question: "What is the power of love?" The essence of this feeling is also incomprehensible, because it is because of deep emotional attachment that we experience the best moments life and at the same time we suffer in difficult times.

It is these extremes, which are so easy to fall into, that awaken the strongest feelings in us. We all know that love is a risk, but the excitement and reward that two loving hearts will receive make us write history over and over again, constantly reminding lonely people how wonderful it is to love.

Love for mother

Mom is the child's first teacher and friend, and the closest at that. She will always understand him, comfort him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from harm. There is no person in the world dearer and closer to the mother.

Remember, loving your mother should feel more like respect than love. Loving your mother is more like gratitude. She gave you life, she brought you out into the light. Your love for her should be very much like prayer. Do whatever you can to help her. We are in an eternal, unpaid debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us throughout our lives. Therefore, love her tenderly, respect her, take care of her, do not hurt the mother with your words and actions. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind and sensitive, responsive to her. Mom expects attention, cordiality, sympathy from you, kind word.

Our mommy Who we first meet, Coming to the world, - So this is our mother, She is no sweeter. All life revolves around her, Our whole world will be warmed by it, For 100 years it has been trying to save Us from troubles. She is the protection in the house, Hustles every hour. And there is no one except Who would love us so much. So she has more love, And life is longer for years, And smiles are her lot, And less sad things!

Beloved mom. Mommy, dear, dear, Sunny, chamomile, cornflower, What I do not know with joy On this wonderful day, I wish you joy and happiness in love, Coziness and good luck for your age, So that the heart does not break into pieces, My beautiful, my dear , Human!

How many stars are there in the clear sky! How many spikelets are in the fields! How many songs have birds! How many leaves on the branches! Only the sun is one in the world. Only Mommy is alone in the world.

Patriotism- moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate his private interests to his interests. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one's Motherland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and identification with other members of the people, the desire to defend the interests of the Motherland and one's people.

Ascribing to others patriotic feelings, and some events have a patriotic coloring, the evaluating person thus most often gives a positive characteristic.

Patriotism- a special emotional experience of their belonging to the country and their citizenship, language, traditions ..

The idea of ​​patriotism is associated with a reverent attitude towards their homeland, but the idea of ​​the essence of patriotism is different for different people. For this reason, some people consider themselves patriots, while others do not.

The art of loving.

Sometimes, when meeting another person, your usually calm heart begins to pound madly. It seems that it beats so loudly that everyone around you hears this sound. Then you slow down your breathing, hide your gaze, try to hide from prying eyes. You are afraid that suddenly someone will guess and violate your space with unnecessary questions. How do you know if it's real love or something else? How did you know that you love your parents or your sister? You just know about it and do not question the fact. So: as soon as you meet your true love, you will understand everything in the same way and you will not ask yourself stupid questions.

"When a man loves his only woman and a woman also loves a man, angels from heaven descend into their house and begin to sing with happiness."

Brahma Sutras

Love cannot rule over people, but it can change them. Goethe

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come to the edge of the abyss and pluck it. Stendhal

Love is the ability to sacrifice for the sake of a loved one to everyone, including oneself.

Love is the ability to understand and forgive.



1. formulation of the task;

2. definition of the meaning of the concept;

3. theses on the topic;

4. examples of arguments;

5. compositions;

6. bank of arguments;

1. Statement of the task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the combination " MOTHER'S LOVE" ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write a reasoning essay on the topic "What's happened MOTHER'S LOVE» , taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) example-arguments, confirming your reasoning: one example- give the argument from the text read, and second - from your life experience.

2. Working with the concept

Maternal love - this is the most beautiful and strong feeling, it is a huge force capable of working miracles, reviving to life, saving from dangerous diseases. Mother's love is multifaceted, it manifests itself in selfless dedication, care, worries for their own child.


1.What is Mother Love? This is the most beautiful and strongest feeling in the world. Mother will never betray, always support, share with you your joy and sorrow.

2. Mother's love is a concept that is almost impossible to describe in words. Maternal love makes a woman rejoice, looking at her child, worry about all sorts of trifles as if something serious had happened, and a difficult moment the mother is ready for anything for the sake of her child.

3.Mother's love is the source of life on earth, radiating light, warmth, tenderness and affection. A mother is ready for a lot for the sake of her child, even for self-sacrifice.

4... Examples of works on the topic

L. Sailor. About motherly love

5. Compositions

What is motherly love.

1 .

Mother's love is the most beautiful and strong feeling, it is a tremendous force capable of working miracles, reviving to life, saving from dangerous diseases. Mother's love is multifaceted, it manifests itself in selfless dedication, care, worries for their own child. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let's turn to the text A.G. Aleksina... The mother of the protagonist, a first-grader Tolya, loves her son very much. Her love manifests itself in excitement and experiences. That is why on September 1, when Tolya goes to school for the first time, she secretly follows him. Tolya feels like an adult on this day, so he doesn't want his mother to accompany him to school. But for the mother, he will always be a child. At some point, Tolya understands the excitement of his mother and he wants to calm her down. Mother's love cannot be invisible.

Striking with the power of maternal love and the heroine of the story LE Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara". Bukhara did not just show own child care, she performed a maternal feat, giving all of herself to the upbringing of her daughter Mila, who had Down syndrome. Even being terminally ill, the mother thought through the whole future life of her daughter: she got a job, found her new family, husband, and only after that she allowed herself to die.

Thus, motherly love makes the child's life fulfilling and happy. (205 words)

2 .

What is the strength of maternal love - this is the problem that V. A. Sukhomlinsky ponders.
The author's reasoning about a mother's love for her child is based on an old Ukrainian legend. The famous teacher with bitter sympathy tells about the fate of a poor mother, whom her son, blinded by love for his young wife, kills. The author, shocked by the power of the mother's love, whose torn heart still feels the pain of her son, calls on us, young people, to be grateful children.

The author's position is clearly formulated in sentence 43: "There is no stronger love than mother's ..."
I share the author's point of view. Dozens of books I read, movies watched convince me that motherly love is strong and selfless, it does not require any payment for its feelings.
A. Fadeev left magnificent memories of his beloved mother. As if asking her forgiveness, he talks about the sad moments that he experienced at her grave. The famous writer warns us young people not to do in relation to mothers or fathers what we will regret for the rest of our days.
"Take care of mothers as they take care of us!" - these are the lines from which the writer begins his appeal to readers A. Aleksin... The author writes about the sacrifice of maternal feelings, says that it is natural, but our readiness to resist the noble "unreasonableness" of maternal generosity should also be natural. A. Aleksin reflects on the fact that now we sometimes too thoughtlessly accept the sacrifices of our mothers and that someday we will regret it ...
Thus, I can conclude that children should appreciate the love given by their mother, because there is nothing more beautiful than her ... Valentina Ts.


Larisa G. Matros - a lawyer, is a doctor of philosophy, as well as a writer and literary critic. In his work, the writer reveals the problem of the manifestation of mother's love.

The author writes about Anna Viktorovna and her son, who was everything in the life of the heroine. For many, this friendship and affection of the mother to her son caused surprise, and even envy. Despite the fact that she knew that she was attracted to men, no one could interest her except her son. Anna gave all of herself to him, and did not even go into science, but remained a teacher.

Let's turn to the work A. Tolstoy "Russian character" ... Yegor Dremov, not wanting to upset his old parents, did not inform them that it was he who came, but mother's heart felt that it was he who came. Parents do not care how their child looks, they will always love him, no matter what he was.

Agreeing with the author, I cannot fail to mention the lack of due attention from the mother to her child. In the modern world, there are periodically such parents who do not need a child. Due to a lack of love, he often grows up not quite the person his mother could dream of.

In conclusion, I want to say that motherly love is manifested in everyone in different ways, someone becomes a friend to their son, and someone becomes a mentor or advisor.

4 .

What is motherly love? This is the purest, most sincere and strongest love. This is free love. After all, a mother loves her child, not because he did something, but because it is her child.

I believe that motherly love is not only love for your child, but also for other children. This is explained by the fact that the mother's heart is like a bottomless bowl of tenderness, care, attention, in which there is a place for love for all children. For evidence, refer to the text Yu. Ya. Yakovlev a and life experience.

For example, in sentence 36 the narrator, who was "tormented by an inhuman thirst," calls a strange woman a mother, asking her for water. The “stranger” woman gives the narrator water and supports him like a family. This once again proves the generosity of all mothers, their boundless love.

I also want to recall a poem I recently read D. Kedrina "Heart" ... The Cossack, having cut the mother's chest with a blade, brings the girl a mother's heart as a gift. But on the porch he fell, and his mother's heart fell out of her hands. But in spite of everything, the mother's heart asked her son if he was hurt. This act of the “heart” shows the tremendous power of mother's love: she forgave him.

Thus, we have proved the enormous “size” of mothers' hearts, in which there is a place not only for their own children, but also for other people's children who need their mother's help. We realized that mother's love is limitless.

5 .

Mother's love, in my opinion, is the most wonderful feeling in the world. It is able to work miracles, bring back to life and save in difficult times.

I believe that motherly love is a broader concept than just love for one's own to my own child... Love, namely maternal love, has no boundaries. In support of my point of view, I can cite the following evidence from the text of Yu.Ya. Yakovlev and life experience.

As the first argument for the correctness of the stated thesis, let us take Proposition 36. It says that a stranger mother has shown her love and care to someone else's child. It is in this sentence, as it seems to me, that the meaning of boundless love is revealed.

As a second argument proving my opinion about what motherly love is, I would like to give an example from life. V maternity hospital the stranger's mother had no milk to feed the baby. The child cried very much, but since my mother was very sorry for him and she had a lot of milk, she decided to help: she happily fed someone else's child, as well as her daughter, my sister.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude: motherly love is a great force that helps us in the most difficult moments of life. The mother's love is all-embracing: it is enough for both her own and other people's children.

6 .

Mother's love ... What is it? This is something special, light, joyful and kind. This is the most powerful and wonderful feeling in the world. Love is care, this is affection, this is tenderness, support, understanding ... That's all! Without my mother, there would be no life on earth.

I believe that the most important thing in life is love, motherly love. There is nothing more important than a mother, because her feelings are manifested not only for her own son or daughter, her love, responsibility and care extend to everyone. And she, like a bird, carefully covers her children and strangers with a reliable wing from hardships and danger. In support of my point of view, I can cite the following evidence.

For example, in the text proposed for analysis in sentences 34-36, we see that the soldier, whose mother died in besieged Leningrad, mistook a strange woman for his mother, because she responded to his call 6 "mommy". In this act of an unfamiliar woman - boundless maternal love.

As a second proof, I want to cite the statement of a famous writer. Maxim Gorky said: "You can talk about mothers endlessly. So the love that a mother bestows on her child is inevitable. And, most importantly, disinterested love." His words only confirm that there is no stronger love than mother's.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude: motherly love is the highest degree of love. To love without demanding anything in return ...

7 .

Mother's love can be called a certain set of positive feelings and qualities that all mothers of the world possess. This is maternal care, devotion, and warmth that a mother gives to her child.

I believe that every mother can love not only her child, but all the children in the world. Motherly love is feelings that span the entire planet, regardless of time. In support of my point of view, I will turn to the text I read. Yu. Ya. Yakovlev a and life experience.

As the first argument confirming my opinion, I will take Proposition 36. It says that one mother can replace another, since mother's love is similar and unlimited. This is probably one of the strangest properties of maternal love: a woman-mother does not divide her children into hers and others.

As a second argument proving the thesis of what motherly love is, I would like to give an example from life. Recently I read in the newspaper that one woman who did not have children of her own took a child from an orphanage. She is ready to give her love to someone else's child, like her own, so that he feels that someone needs it on our land.

After analyzing two arguments, I came to the conclusion that maternal love is something fantastic, because maternal love does not have a precise term, because everyone perceives maternal love in their own way.

8 .

Mother's love is the love of every mother for her son, it is support and care in difficult times. Mother's love is felt from a distance.

In my opinion, mother's love is not only love for her children. There are women who, for some reason, raise other people's children or help them in difficult times. They do not divide children into friends and foes. In support of my point of view, I can give examples from the text Yu. Ya. Yakovlev a suggested for analysis and personal experience.

The text says that the main character is wounded in the war. At this moment, he calls his mother for help ... And suddenly the narrator feels the "familiar touch of the hand", he hears the "native voice" (26). Then, after the war, recalling his past, he says that “all mothers have a great similarity” (36). Main character understands the power of maternal love: “if one mother cannot come to the wounded son, then another becomes at his head” (36).

I recently read an article about a Russian youth who had an accident in Turkey, after which he cannot walk, speak, cannot remember who he is, what his name is. For about seven years, a Turkish woman has been taking care of him, who took the boy out of the hospital. She fell in love with him like her own son and even tried to find her own mother, but this was unsuccessful.

Thus, I can conclude that maternal love cannot be replaced by anything, it can extend to other people's children. This is a tremendous force on which the world is held.

Mother's love is the love of every mother for her son, it is support and care in difficult times. Mother's love is felt from a distance.

The power that can work miracles, revive to life, save from dangerous diseases.

What is Mother Love? This is the most beautiful and strongest feeling in the world. Mother will never betray, always support, share with you your joy and sorrow.

Striking with the power of maternal love and the heroine of the story LE Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara". Bukhara not only showed concern for her own child, she performed a maternal feat, giving all of herself to the upbringing of her daughter Mila, who had Down syndrome. Even being terminally ill, the mother thought over the whole future life of her daughter: she got a job, found her a new family, a husband, and only after that she allowed herself to die.

What is motherly love? This is the purest, most sincere and strongest love. This is free love. After all, a mother loves her child, not because he did something, but because it is her child.

Let's turn to the work A. Tolstoy "Russian character ". Yegor Dremov, not wanting to upset his old parents, did not tell them that he was the one who came, but his mother's heart felt that he was the one who came. Parents do not care how their child looks, they will always love him, no matter what he was.

6. Examples of arguments

Mother's love

One poor mother did not sleep. She clung to the head of her dear sons, who were lying nearby; she combed their young, carelessly tousled curls with a comb and moistened them with her tears; she looked at them all, looked with all her senses, all turned into one sight and could not see enough ... “My sons, my dear sons! What will become of you? What awaits you? " - she said, and the tears stopped in the wrinkles ... Her sons, her lovely sons are taken from her, taken in order not to see them ever! (N. Gogol, Taras Bulba) Edison sobbed for several hours. Then he wrote in his diary: "Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally retarded child. Thanks to his heroic mother, he became one of the greatest geniuses of his age."

Story 2. "If you survive, remember that I love you"

After the earthquake in Japan, when rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman's house, they saw her body through the cracks. Her posture was very strange - she knelt down like a praying person, her body was bent forward, and her arms were clasping something. The collapsed house hurt her back and head.

With great difficulty, the leader of the rescue team put his hand through a narrow gap in the wall to the woman's body. He hoped she was still alive. However, her cold body indicated that she had passed away. Together with the rest of the team, he left this house to investigate the next collapsed building. But an irresistible force called the leader of the group to the house of the deceased woman. Kneeling down again, he stuck his head through the narrow slits to examine the place under the woman's body. Suddenly he cried out with excitement: "A child! Here is a child!"

The entire team carefully removed the piles of debris around the woman's body. Beneath it lay a 3-month-old boy, wrapped in a flowered blanket. Obviously, the woman sacrificed herself to save her son. When the house collapsed, she covered her son with her body. The little boy was still sleeping peacefully when the team leader picked him up. The doctor quickly arrived to examine the boy. Unfolding the blanket, he saw a cell phone. There was a text message on the screen: "If you survive, remember that I love you."

Such is the love of a mother!