
What should I do to get him to call? What plot to use to make a man call Strong rituals to make a sweetheart call


Do you want a guy or a man to call you?

  1. Dial his number and "let" the call. After a second (after the first beep), reset it. The guy will call because real curiosity will “speak” in him. It is developed in men no worse than in the female population of the planet!
  2. Take a guy a large amount of money or something dear to him. Very soon your "joy" will remember you and dial your number. You will even be able to meet soon. So it's not as bad as you think!
  3. Don't look at your mobile. Do not turn it nervously in your hands! Put the phone in the farthest corner of the apartment. Turn on the music and go about your business. By the way, you can turn on your favorite song at full volume so that the melody muffles the call to your home. And he will! A person appears when they think about him for a long time and suddenly stop thinking about him.
  4. Invite him to a holiday, to a walk, to a party or somewhere else. He will definitely call. At least in order to find out the time of your meeting (you should deliberately keep silent about it).
  5. Attune your thoughts only to your loved one. Clearly imagine that the guy is calling you. Think about what you will say to him, what you will ask him about. Thoughts, they say, are able to materialize…. There is a reason to draw a conclusion.
  6. Write him a message saying that you want to hear his pleasant voice. The guy will "melt" and call you in a few minutes after reading your short but cool message. Wait! You can “throw” him a virtual picture (by e-mail). The corresponding inscription should “loom” on it.
  7. Order a composition for him, in which there will be a hint of a call. Make sure that he listens to the song you ordered (from beginning to end). Pick up a musical "thing" that your beloved boyfriend would like. To do this, you need to know his musical tastes well.
  8. What should I do to get him to call? Don't call the guy yourself! Hold on for a day, second, third, fourth .... You will have to be patient until the moment when your "narrowed - mummers" does not think of calling. Waiting is not painful or scary. Moral pain will pass, as any trouble or “black streak” passes.
  9. Change number. It is important that his numbers are very similar to the numbers of your loved one's number. Call him and tell him to call "here" now. The guy will be pleased that you did this. He will tell about your act to all his friends and good acquaintances. Your relationship will improve and will "burn" (in good sense) with renewed vigor.
  10. Let's talk about magical methods. They, too, can do something if the instructions are followed correctly.
  11. Love spells, conspiracies, magical methods to make a guy call.
  12. Find out how you are recorded in the phone book (in the mobile phone) of your chosen one. Try to remember the word (diminutive - affectionate) that your man (boyfriend) associates with you. Write down the information on a blank sheet of paper. Below (under the data) indicate your number in full format. Burn the paper in the flame of a wax candle. Collect all the ashes and transfer them to another sheet. Wrap it in an envelope to take with you. "Catch" a convenient moment and pour the ashes into the bag of your loved one. It can also be poured into the pocket of a jacket (trousers), if such an opportunity arises. The person will call in three days. Delays are possible. Cause? Unseen circumstances.
  13. Write his phone number on the sheet. Take the paper in your hands and start remembering the pleasant moments associated with this person. Say the following words nine times: “My falcon (name), why don’t you write to me, why do you call and don’t talk to me at all? I'm so nice, unusual, cute .... Pick up the phone and dial my number! In the receiver, the voice will respond - the heart will gently smile!
  14. The conspiracy that we will write now will suit girls who quarreled with their young people. Take a photo of you and your boyfriend. Look at the photograph and say quietly: “Beloved, remember our every happiness. Beloved, remember our joy. Remember how I was desired by you. I dream to be your love again! Dial my phone number, and take away the unbearable sadness.
  15. Go to the place where you met. Sit comfortably on a bench or on a stump (depending on the place of acquaintance and on the opportunity). Relax and close your eyes. Speak or “think” the following speech: “One Russian city lies in the Russian land. There is a house in this city. Well, a good fellow is found in the house. He (name) is called. Let him take his phone in his hands, and quickly dial my number!
  16. The plot is suitable if the guy does not call for a very long time for a long time. Take a sheet of paper (landscape). Light a red candle and set fire to a leaf from its flame. Speak these words (powerfully and clearly) while it burns: “His body and soul are destined to suffer in fire until he calls me!”.
  17. For him to call... Magic. - Draw a circle on big sheet paper. Place a glass filled with water in the drawn figure. Pour salt into the palm of your hand and pour it into the water (gradually). Speak: “Hear me, dear friend! With your call, return to my circle! He'll call in twenty-six hours, unless his comm goes down. Wait and don't forget to enjoy life!

In the age of telephones, women think: how to make a man call, they are looking for some kind of magical conspiracy. Ladies and before with trepidation expected signs of attention from their beloved. But the time for letters and telegrams has passed. Technical means have become more complex, and the rules of etiquette have become simpler.

Before you make a conspiracy to make a guy call, think about how much you need it.

Now a girl can be the first to dial a phone number or write an SMS message to a guy or loved one she likes. And the stronger sex often shows indecision. However, there are circumstances when it is absolutely indecent to take the first step, and it is difficult to live without this communication. Will help strong conspiracy to a phone call from a loved one.

What needs to be done to trigger a conspiracy

Before you make a conspiracy to get a guy to call, think about how much you need it. Do you need exactly that man, do you need him right now, does he love you. It often happens that a girl just yearns for bad mood and thoughtlessly, for fun, turns to higher powers. She does not even really believe that they will help. In this case, it will be very good if nothing happens, but more often than not, such “jokes” lead to irreversible consequences. After all, any conspiracy, even as frivolous as a conspiracy to call, is an interference in the natural course of events and in the fate of people.

If you use a strong conspiracy without extreme necessity, it can lead to a strong rollback. A conspiracy for a guy to call or a conspiracy for a guy to write, can only be said if you wish it with all your heart. Think about whether you definitely have no life without it and you are ready to take full responsibility for the consequences.

  • If you definitely decide to apply a conspiracy to a call, cast aside all doubts about its effectiveness.
  • Imagine your loved one in every detail, as a living thing, and not as an image in a photograph. Let the sweetheart look at you with tenderness in your thoughts.
  • Speak the words of the conspiracy clearly and rhythmically, gradually increasing their energy. There should be a climax in the middle of the text. You must throw out all the power of your desire and finish the plot more calmly.
  • After reading the plot, in no case do not share your impressions with your friends: neither in case of luck, nor if the magic does not work.

Your secret knowledge is only your knowledge. Your magical experience with all its consequences is only your experience. Magic and talkativeness are two incompatible things. Otherwise, you will bring a lot of trouble to yourself and your loved one.

Rituals for getting an important call

If you perform any actions while reading the plot, this is already a ritual, it enhances the effect of words. When using the simplest objects for magical actions, handle them carefully and carefully, as with living beings. To carry out a simple ritual that supports a conspiracy to make a loved one call, you need a photograph. It should show the person you want. Also, prepare a clean sheet of white paper and a pen.

For a conspiracy, prepare a blank sheet of white paper and a pen.

Conducting a ritual for a long-awaited call

  1. Put a sheet of paper to your right, a photo to your left.
  2. Take a pen and read the following words: “My dear, beloved, dear, I will be your guiding star. You rather take your phone, convey the words through the space. Know that without me there is neither night nor day. All your work is about me. Throw off your worries, call, dial my phone!
  3. Write your phone number on a piece of paper.
  4. Put the photo face down on a sheet of paper, read the plot again.
  5. Swap the sheet and photo so that the sheet is now on top. Say the cherished words again.

Despite its simplicity, this conspiracy is very effective. Usually, immediately after the ceremony, the bell that you desired is heard.

How to get a call from a stranger

It often happens that after the first acquaintance and exchange of phones, a woman cannot wait for a call. She really wants to communicate, but the darling no longer calls.

Try the following method, which is strong enough to get him to dial your number.

  1. Having retired, dial the number you need, but do not press the call button.
  2. Put the phone to your ear, imagining that the person you are waiting for is having a conversation. Say a few sentences in response. Such techniques are often used in the practice of neurolinguistic programming.
  3. You can increase the impact by saying the following spell:

    “The forces of the earth, the forces of water, the forces of the ether! Make it so that my beloved (name), my dear, will call me. I hear your words, the phone will repeat them, (name) is already calling me.

The call can be heard immediately, and it will be exactly the right person. So that the conversation does not take you by surprise, prepare in advance, show yourself as an interesting interlocutor. What kind of man does not like when a woman can keep up a conversation with him, and not just nod in response.

Call after a big fight

call after strong quarrel possible if you resort to a conspiracy

Conducting the ceremony

  1. Count the numbers on your phone and divide them by two. If this cannot be done, then let there be more than one in one part of the digits. For example, if the phone number consists of eleven digits, there will be five characters in one part, and six in the other.
  2. Go to the house where the person you want to talk to lives, pick up small pebbles there, the size of a walnut. The quantity must match one of your phone's parts of the sum (e.g. five)
  3. Collect the rest of the stones in your yard.
  4. Without stirring the pebbles, immediately wash them under running water and dry them.
  5. Arrange the stones from left to right in this order: a pebble from your yard, a pebble from the yard where your loved one lives.
  6. Write on the surface of the pebbles the numbers that make up your phone number. This must be done during the day.
  7. In the evening, light two red candles. Place all the stones in a bag made of black natural fabric, tie it with a string in three knots.
  8. After tying each knot, read the following plot:

    “Numbers on pebbles, give my (name) a sign. Let him remember you, think about me. Think about me, miss me. As he misses me, let him dial the numbers. Phone to ring, so be it!”

It is possible that after this rite, a person dear to your heart will call you often to the point of obsession. Think carefully about whether you need such a result.

Many believe that modern technology and magic cannot be combined. They are mistaken, as the world of technology and magic is gradually mixed together. Magic is the management of our life processes on a subtle level, and if life develops, then magic develops.

If there is a vital need, perform rituals to achieve your goal. But remember that by performing this or that ritual, you can also be exposed. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Then the person you want to be with will never leave you.

Even the closest people hurt each other sometimes. Overcoming resentment is not easy, but life without a loved one seems unbearable. There is a very strong ritual for the person with whom the relationship has been destroyed to call you. This will give you a chance to recover them.

At work, I ran into the following problem: every day a duty officer is selected from the school staff, who has one of his duties - to give calls according to the schedule, to press the button in the teacher's room. I didn’t care until I saw this process in action - I’m sitting in the teacher’s room, a woman is running, literally flies into the teacher’s room and with the words “until you run from the third floor .......” gives a call, then half a break brings the heartbeat to norm. And so every day .... Very often they give calls at the wrong time. The turn came to me ........ and I realized that this business should be automated.

Let's start with the fact that the school is special, here we study for a week in the morning (1st shift), a week in the afternoon (2nd shift), the days are shortened, then the lesson lasts not 45, but maybe 40 and 30 minutes. Compiled the appropriate call schedule for each mode of operation:

1 shift 45 1 shift 40 1 shift 30 2 shift 45 2 shift 40 2 shift 30
1 lesson
8:45 8:45 14:10 14:10 14:10
9:25 9:15 11:55 14:50 14:40
2 LESSON 9:40 9:30 9:20 15:00 14:55 14:50
10:25 10:10 9:50 15:45 15:35 15:20
3 LESSON 10:35 10:15 9:55 15:50 15:40 15:30
11:20 10:55 10:25 16:35 16:20 16:00
4 LESSON 11:35 11:10 10:40 17:00 16:55 16:05
12:20 11:50 11:10 17:45 17:35 16:35
5 LESSON 12:25 11:55 11:15 17:50 17:40 17:00
13:10 12:35 11:45 18:35 18:20 17:30

I chose the ATmega8535 microcontroller as the "brains" of the entire system, because. of the available it is most suitable for this task. Approximate device interface:

button "CHANGE" selects the current mode of operation

the "HOURS +" button adds hours, "HOURS -" subtracts, and the same with minutes.

The selected shift is displayed by the LED corresponding to the inscription.

I chose 4 seven-segment indicators as indicators, 2 show hours, the other 2 indicators show minutes, and 2 LEDs flash between them every second.

I decided to give the call myself through a relay, there was no 5 volt relay, but there was a relay from a 12 V washing machine, so I decided to turn on the relay with a transistor key, I chose a more powerful transistor from those that I had, 5 volts are needed to power the circuit, so I decided put a 5 volt stabilizer made on a 78L05 stabilizer. I decided to feed the circuit with 2 crowns, which I later regretted and redid to a 12-volt power supply. As a result, I got the following scheme:

I arranged the parts according to the front panel, designed and created a double-sided printed circuit board:

I made the printed circuit board using a photoresist, I made the jumpers between the PP layers from a layered stranded wire:

The next step was to solder all this, first the socket for the microcontroller, then the resistors, etc.

Then we flash the microcontroller and run it, we test all systems.

Having completed this, I took up the hull, I decided to make the hull from fiberglass. Based on the parameters of the printed circuit board, I designed the case, printed it on matte photo paper and transferred the drawing to the fiberglass using the method:

I cut out the component parts of the case with a drill, drilled holes for the buttons and LEDs:

Using a corner, soldered the case:

Removed all irregularities with sandpaper:

Painted the body and tried it on:

Next, you need to make the interface part, for this we print with a laser (everything will flow from an inkjet) printer on ordinary office paper, cut it out, glue it on PVA and press it with a press through a flat surface until it dries completely:

The relay decided to take it out of the case (blue wires), the black wires are connected in parallel to the button that the call is given manually.

The next step is to glue a sheet of fiberglass on the back with a hot-melt adhesive gun and get the finished device:

List of radio elements

Designation A type Denomination Quantity NoteScoreMy notepad
U1 MK AVR 8-bit


1 ATmega8535-16PU To notepad
U2 Linear Regulator


1 To notepad
Q1 bipolar transistor


1 To notepad
C1 Capacitor0.33uF 50V X7R1 To notepad
C2 Capacitor0.1uF 50V X7R1 To notepad
C3, C4 Capacitor22pF 50V NPO2 To notepad

10 kOhm

8 To notepad

130 ohm

8 To notepad

5 kOhm

1 To notepad

330 ohm

7 To notepad
Light-emitting diodered 3 mm2 To notepad
D3-D8 Light-emitting diodegreen 3 mm6 To notepad
Rele1 Relay812H-1C-C1

Among all the options for using love magic, those conspiracies that are aimed at calling right person are the safest. They do not have any negative consequences, because they do not bring a significant change in fate.

In this thread:

After all, the call does not oblige to anything, it does not force any actions and feelings. The desired person still has the right to choose even after the call is made.

However, such a conspiracy can be very useful in establishing interpersonal love relationships.

Sometimes it takes just one conversation to get everything right.

Simple conspiracies that will make a man call

Before reading the magic words, one must surrender to visualization. At the same time, they clearly and tangibly represent their sweetheart with a phone in their hand, draw how he is dressed, how he looks. You need to wish with all your heart that he called you. Thinking about this, they say a conspiracy:

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and don’t talk to me? I'm a stately, handsome girl, for everyone and everything is good, but for you - a favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

It is not worth pronouncing words loudly, but believing in them with all your heart is a must. Your energy and the power of your thought will do their job, and the guy will definitely call.

There is another conspiracy based on visualization. They are used at the beginning of the development of relationships. If you met a young man once, and there is no continuation of the relationship, you can use this conspiracy to make the guy call. The following plot should be read 9 times:

“My dear (name), who met me once, why are you silent for so long, don’t write, don’t call and don’t talk to me? Take your phone quickly and dial my number! Your soul (name) will be filled with joy when you hear my voice in the receiver!

When these words are read, you need to think exclusively about the guy whose voice you crave to hear on the phone. You need to imagine how he picks up the phone and dials your number. To enhance the effect of visualization, it is better to pick up some thing that belongs to him, or at least something that was in his hands. You can understand whether your appeal to magic has worked if you hear a call in the near future.

If you have great relationship, which are overshadowed only by inattention on his part and a minimum number of calls, you can use the conspiracy to make the right person call. Young people do not perceive the absence of telephone conversations as tragically as girls. A guy in general can wind up and not even think about how a girl suffers without talking to him. If you have been waiting for a call for a long time and to no avail, you can correct the situation by reading the following lines:

“Strong, strong, strong, strong, I speak a servant of God (name) to a quick call. I dare him from other things and urge him to come to his senses. Let his thoughts renounce everything, and let his hands reach for the phone. Let trouble not happen to him, and he will return alive. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

This conspiracy is not just aimed at making a person call, it also protects him from everyone possible dangers. While reading it, you should imagine how a man calls you, mentally remove all obstacles from his path. You need to put all your emotions into these words and repeat them several times. Then the result will not have to wait long.

Restoring Relationships

Sometimes a call is needed not in order to start a relationship, but in order to restore them, return the lost, make peace. In this case, you need a fairly strong ritual that can bring major changes. To perform such a ritual, you need a photograph. And the fresher it is, the better.

In order for a loved one to overcome resentment and his anger, you should be well prepared for reading the conspiracy so that he calls. A prepared photograph is placed on the shelf, candles from the church (2 pieces) are placed next to it, a mobile phone and a sheet with your phone number are placed next to it.

Candles are lit, looking at the photo, remembering the wonderful time spent together. The following is a conspiracy:

“(Name), remember our joy, remember our happiness! Remember how you were desired! After all, I am your happiness, joy and love! Take the offense, dial my number, return our happiness!”

The words are repeated 6 times. Then the picture is hidden, and a piece of paper with a written phone number is burned in a candle flame, the ashes are carefully collected and thrown into the wind through an open window.

Strong rituals to make the darling call

The rituals given here have a much more powerful effect on the target. A man should stop doing any other business until he talks to you on the phone.

And this is already a fairly strong influence on fate. So such actions can end unpredictably and lead to unexpected consequences. But they are ideal for those girls who do not intend to wait and urgently want to hear the voice of their beloved.

First, you can try to make a strong nominal call, in most cases it is enough for a dear person to call. Having prepared a large red candle, it is necessary to make an inscription with black paste on a clean white sheet of paper. This must be the person's full name. Then the leaf is set on fire from the flame of a candle and the following words are read:

"Body and soul on fire until you call me!"

The text is repeated 3 times. This must be done faster than the sheet with the inscription is completely burned.

If the above method does not work, you can use black pepper. First you need to correctly count the peas. There should be as many of them as your dear has lived in the world for years. Peas are thrown into a hot frying pan, where a little vegetable oil is first poured. Once the peppercorns are hot, they will bounce on the surface of the pan. In doing so, you have to say:

“How this pepper jumps and toils, so let (name) spin until he calls me!”

The absence of a call after such a conspiracy for the guy to call speaks of how bad and painful he is in this moment and he just can't muster the strength. So before carrying out such a ritual, you need to think carefully, is it worth doing so that your husband or just a loved one experienced suffering?

Hello!" - she twitched all over slightly. Again, her voice ... cut through her hearing to the point of pain, longing squeezed her temple like a ring: "Well, hello, glad to hear from you or something ?!" He muttered something indistinctly ... or maybe to be interference again on the network: - I can’t hear you well, what did I say? - I’m in the city ... to call on the way? ... And at that moment she ... seemed to die. For a year I never called her ... for hundreds of days, not a word, that's the case, and he did not warn that he would come ... For more than three hundred days! ... well, how is it, he did not remember the one ... who was waiting. "Drop along the way?"...she couldn't believe it...she couldn't. I've been dying here for a year! I count months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds from impotence ... I fall asleep in ... thoughts of you ... I imagine your smile in the morning ... I'm so tired of lying to myself that I don't suffer a bit for you. Yes .. if you called ... I would come with all my might ... rushed, flew in! ... I didn’t dare anyone! .. do you hear? .. I would never dare to love except you .... on the way? ".... like a slap on the cheek, so much so .... that it burns, bakes to a scream." But .. taking a deep breath .... she came to herself ... and after a pause she said: "Wait a minute ! You don’t need to stop by .... understand, business .... After all, a year has passed .... and a year sometimes .... like a century. Everything has changed. I have a family....I have a dear...beloved person. I're happy there too. Hearing your voice... insanely happy... You are alive and well!... Thanks to all the Gods! But ... call on me ... sorry, don't!" He kept looking at the phone for a long time ... as if he blamed him for everything. He tried to believe everything .... and could not that at that moment he was happiness lost .... And there ... in impotence ... throwing the phone away, sobbing a little breathing ... all at the limit. The only thing that loved him .... on a lonely .... for two in bed. _______ Believe me .. ..everything happens in life! That sometimes there is no time ... and smoke .... But, even if not on the day ... but at three - at least five minutes ....
find! .... to call your loved ones! ....