
Fighting conspiracy: a powerful way to divide people. Conspiracies so that a brother meets love In what cases a quarrel is made on blood relatives


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A conspiracy for a strong quarrel implies a powerful magical effect on one or two people, aimed at causing a quarrel between these people. Quarrels can be used as a lapel, so that constant misunderstandings, aggression and negativity can lead to a falling out.

Such rituals are often used against rivals in matters of the heart, but do not forget that this is a rather insignificant interference in the energy of another person, therefore, with the help of a fight, it is unlikely that it will be possible to destroy a relationship built on true love.

As you know, there are no ideal relationships. There is strong love, affection, this can strongly strengthen the bond between lovers, however, in most cases there are weaknesses in relationships between people and the appearance of quarrels and aggression can lead to a complete rupture and destruction of even a strong bond.

Conspiracy to quarrel

This magic ritual is best done outdoors. The ideal location is a stream or small river next to a forest. So, you need to alternately touch the old tree, then to damp earth and at the end wash your hands in water. Now you need to read the magic conspiracy:

“Earth you, earth, mother earth, water, water - sister. Make you a place where two servants of God (names) will be close together. They will spit from each other, never kiss them again, and not show mercy, but only spit out of anger and hatred. As a cat hates its enemy - a dog. As the she-wolf hates the bear, and the mouse does not love the cat and is afraid, so you will no longer sit next to the servant of God (the name of the man) and the servant of God (the name of the woman), and do not look at each other with love. There are two different paths in a wide field, so on different paths in life for you the servants of God (names) only go. I close my word forever, but I close it with a strong lock, and I throw the key into a deep river. No one to find, no one to open. Key, lock, tongue. May it be so. Amen".

To embroil people with photography

To carry out this magic ritual you will need a joint photo of those people who need to quarrel.

You need to take the photo in hand. Concentrate on all your anger, which this union causes, and tear apart the picture in one quick motion.

The intention of the performer is very important in performing such rituals.

At this moment, you need to imagine that you once and for all break the union and the destinies of two people, and they will no longer have the opportunity to be together.

“So that you run away, so that you no longer need each other, so that you forget each other, so that in the end you quarrel and beat each other. You cannot be together, you cannot drink water alone, you cannot live in the same house, you cannot lie on the same bed, separate and don’t know each other at all ”.

The snapshot, torn to shreds, now needs to be burned. When the fire devours the paper, you need to say in a whisper over and over again:

"It is not your photograph that is burning, it is your relationship that burns out and completely burns out."

When only a handful of ash remains from the picture, it should be thrown out the window or scattered in the wind outside. Speaking a conspiracy:

"As this ash scatters, so you scatter, just as the dust particles cannot get together anymore, you will never get back together, you cannot forgive each other, you cannot put together a relationship, forget each other and no longer know."

If you know the names of people, then in the process of pronouncing words, you can pronounce their names, adding them where they should, for example,

"As this ashes scatter, so you (the name of the man) and (the name of the woman) scatter."

Throughout the ritual, performing each action, imagine the faces of people who need to quarrel, scroll through the scenes of their quarrels, scenes of aggression and other negative pictures in your head. Visualization will give your energy the right direction, and the ceremony will work as quickly and as strongly as possible.

If you are using a picture, indicate all anchors on it.

If you don't have a photograph, you can use a small piece of paper instead, with two people silhouettes and their names written on it.

Strong way to conduct

The ceremony must be performed three times at sunset: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

To carry out the ritual, you will need 7 new needles and a ball of black thread.

You need to go to some deserted place, dig a small hole there, tear off the ears from the needles with wire cutters and throw them on one hole.

Now we insert the needles into a ball of thread and also throw them into the ground.

We bury a hole and say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As the ears grow back to these needles, only then the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) will be together. Only then will they find peace, forgive each other and fall in love again. Until then, you will not be together. Do not get along with you and do not love, quarrel, fight, do not forgive and do not calm down. May it be so. Amen".

While pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to concentrate on your desire to make people quarrel, to put into each word all the negative feelings that the connection between them causes in you.

The conspiracy is done by a sister or brother in order to sibling love came.

Whatever a forest beast or a heavenly bird does not live alone, so would the servant of God (name), my dear brother, did not live alone, found love for himself, a beautiful girl, hard-working and affectionate. The key in the lock is closed, the lock is sunk in the okiane-sea. Amen.

The plot is done at midnight on the waxing moon. They take a photograph of their brother, cross themselves, speak, then sprinkle them with holy water.

Az, the servant of God (name), I go out to the steep shore and throw a difficult wreath into the water, what kind of wreath that floats to the shore, so let my brother, the servant of God (name), find a wife for himself. The word is flint, so it will be. Amen.

A woman makes a conspiracy on her brother. You need to go barefoot to the meadow on an early summer morning, collect flowers, weave a wreath from them, then put them on your head. Walk to any body of water (river, stream, pond, sea), cross yourself, remove the wreath from your head, speak it and throw it into the water. Then go home without looking back.

Jesus Christ, the son of God, what kindness you gave to everyone, you were dear to people, so it would be good for my brother, the servant of God (name), that he did not live alone, he took on a family. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conspiracy. On the table you need to put a photograph of your brother or any of his little things.

Love is sometimes evil and dangerous. Falling in love passionately and ardently at a young age, you can just as quickly cool off to this person. But what if you have a new beloved, and the "past" interferes with your life? To get rid of ex-wife, you can apply special spells and spells.

Quite often in their youth, people make mistakes: they fall in love, get married, get married and get divorced. Wives can not always come to terms with the departure of the husband to his mistress. They bother in every possible way, scandal and do not let go. In such a situation, it is very difficult to control yourself and try to build new relationships. But not everyone succeeds in getting rid of the past without the help of magic.

Love triangle: solving the problem with magic

To resolve the current situation, magic comes to the rescue. There are many conspiracies that help get rid of the "ex" and can discourage her from her husband. They help to make a lapel for an ex-wife. Their action is soft and unobtrusive. You just need to have a little patience. The first noticeable changes can come instantly, and it will take about one month to get rid of the annoying wife forever. Everything will depend on how strong her feelings towards you are.

Lapel with bread

This type will help the husband to get rid of his ex-wife gently and unobtrusively. With his help, he will be able to ward off his spouse from himself. Its action is aimed at the gradual estrangement of the former lover. Every day her feelings for you will be colder and colder. She will have some irritability, disgust for you and your presence.

The most important advantages of this conspiracy are the following factors:

  1. Its effect is almost invisible to the people around.
  2. The plot is quite simple to use and does not require special preparation.

Bread loaf crumb for conspiracy

To execute magic rite you will need breadcrumb crumb. From it you need to sculpt two dolls. The first doll represents the wife, and the second, the husband. They need to be seated in different corners of the room. And when the sun comes up, go one by one to each of them and say the following conspiracy:

Just as these dolls can not be together, so (the names of the husband and wife) do not love each other, do not eat bread together, do not swing children together. As these dolls cannot see each other, so (the names of the husband and wife) do not give a damn about each other. As these dolls dry up in the corners, so (the names of the husband and wife) will not while away the century together. My word is strong for ever and ever.

The ceremony is carried out until the bread dolls dry up. An important point in the performed ritual is the following: while the ritual is being performed, the spouses should not see each other and their communication should be completely stopped.

If everything is done according to the rules, you will definitely be able to drive your wife away from you. She will no longer bother you and interfere with your personal life.

To carry out a magic ritual, it is necessary to find photographs of the husband and wife in advance. Buy two candles from the temple. Place the photographs on the table so that they "look" at each other. Light a candle near each photo. And between them put a piece of paper and write "LOVE" on it. Then set it on fire read the following conspiracy:

“As the flame burns out, so their love will burn out. As this paper will burn to ashes, so tenderness ... (husband's name) to ... (wife's name) will turn to ashes. When the ash is blown away by the wind, let it leave his heart! "

Spread the ashes from the piece of paper downwind. Repeat the ceremony for three days in a row. And after a week, you will notice how the feelings of the wife and husband grow cold, communication becomes more intense, and soon it will completely disappear. It is with such a conspiracy that you can get rid of your former lover forever.

Very strong love lapel

To perform this ceremony and get rid of the "past" forever, you must perform the following steps:

  • Go to the temple and get twenty-six candles there. Half of them will be needed for performing a magical ritual, and the other half for home use.
  • Collect holy water in the temple in a previously prepared container.
  • Buy an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the ritual

In the church in front of Nicholas the Wonderworker, set thirteen candles and read the conspiracy:

As the Lord brought me to my husband, you divorced me forever. Have mercy, God, and send me to cool my soul and cleanse my memory from the image of your servant (call the name of your husband). May it be so! Amen!

At home at midnight, place candles in a circle and light them. Place your husband's photo face up in the center of the circle. Place icons of saints bought in the church and a container of holy water near the burning candles. Look closely at the picture of the husband. Try to keep your feelings for him even and calm. Do not look at him with hatred and irritation. You should feel indifferent to him.

When you have overcome your feelings, you can start reading the conspiracy.

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. I know that sorrow is a righteous cleansing. Help me to cope with the anguish of my soul and take away my sinful thoughts. Take away the evening longing for your servant (call the name ex-husband) and night suffering. Give me strength to be forgotten soon. As you connected your servant (say your own name) and God's servant (pronounce the name of your ex-husband), so destroy my grieving feeling. As candles burn, as water is drunk, so my soul without (you name the name of your ex-husband in the genitive case) my soul will manage. May it be so forever and ever! Amen!

The conspiracy must be read seven times in a row without interruption. After reading, drink a few sips of holy water. Next, you need to wait for the candles to go out by themselves. The cinders from the candles must be buried in the ground in a deserted place. And do not tell anyone about the magical action done. This is only your secret and nobody else's.

After one month, you will be able to ward off the former "love" from your husband and get rid of her forever. If you have not been able to achieve the desired result, repeat the ceremony next month.

To quickly get rid of the "former" and drive her away from her beloved, you will need to work hard. It is very important to follow the necessary recommendations for the ritual and clearly pronounce the spell. And do not forget that your desire to be happy must be sincere.

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No language has so many names for relatives as in Russian. It's not even worth talking about the banal father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and son-in-law, everyone knows who it is. But did you know, for example, that the husbands of two sisters are brothers-in-law, and the wives of two brothers are yatrovs? It is interesting that in the Russian language there are very apt and sarcastic proverbs and sayings reflecting difficult relationships within the family. For example: “city kumas are arrogant”, “babble that mother-in-law”, “mother-in-law has skinny pockets”.

But today we will focus on one relative - this is the husband's sister, or sister-in-law. Do you know how they have long spoken about her husband's sister? Sister-in-law is a spite or sister-in-law is a reel! And they also used to say: "my sister-in-law's speeches are like a thorn." How did this relative deserve such an attitude towards herself?

A husband and wife's sister almost always has a difficult relationship. This is the same well-known conflict as in the “mother-in-law-son-in-law” or “mother-in-law-daughter-in-law” relationship. At the same time, wives usually consider themselves to be the suffering party: they are convinced that sisters-in-law allow themselves to interfere in the spouses' personal life, in their everyday life, in the sphere of raising children and managing the family budget. At the same time, the sister-in-law themselves are often perplexed: they sincerely believe that they have every right to do so. That is why wives usually keep communication with their sister-in-law to a minimum, or at least try to do it. And even the need for a husband once or twice a year turns into a real problem, conflicts are so acute.

The reason for this situation is a banal misunderstanding of the parties, unwillingness to accept each other's position. And the injured party is usually the husband. Let's try to understand what lies at the heart of this misunderstanding.

A husband's sister may treat her brother differently. First, she can associate herself with her mother (older sister or simply more mature as a person). In this case, she will treat her brother kindly and condescendingly and allow herself to interfere in his life. The degree of this interference will depend on her tact and how much she is allowed to do so. Also, the husband's sister can project the image of the father onto her brother, trying on him the role of protector. Consequently, she will declare her rights to his participation in her life, while not at all taking into account his changed. Often this situation in the wife is associated with complete selfishness, but sometimes the sister-in-law simply did not have time to realize all the changes. Another problem of this situation is that the husband's sister continues to use his things and money, in no way reckoning with the brother's wife. Remember how they said - "sister-in-law-reel". This is the aspect of the question at issue: the husband's sister still believes that she has the right to use her brother's money (his apartment, car, dacha, etc.) as her own things. It is easy to understand her position: she is used to doing it, and is not going to change her habits for the sake of some “outsider” woman.

The most neutral option is friendly relations between sister and brother. But in this case, conflicts arise, most often because of banal jealousy. Moreover, her husband's sister can be jealous of a new woman in her brother's life, and her husband's wife can be jealous of her relatives in general and her sister-in-law in particular.

Is there a way out of this situation? I would like to say that there is, but this is not entirely true. In order to avoid such a development of events, it is necessary that both sides of the conflict abstract from emotions, which is practically impossible. And yet, you should at least try to take a step towards each other: talk, try to understand, identify the most acute moments. This must be done, otherwise one of two things will happen: either one woman will lose her husband, or the other will lose her brother.