
An active conspiracy to raise money. Strong conspiracies and prayers for money. To an old wallet


Each of us has repeatedly faced such situations when Fortune mockingly passed by and turned away, leaving to meet another lucky one. A conspiracy for luck and money, which you can read in our article, can change everything in your favor. Remember, the use of white money magic in almost all cases is quite effective, provided that the person actually craves it and agrees to fulfill all the conditions of the ceremony.

A selection effective conspiracies, which will allow you to get the required amount of money and the necessary luck!

Good luck conspiracies have been known since the Middle Ages, when kings and earls turned to witches and sorcerers. In many cases, the rulers had their own court magicians or sorceresses.

Nowadays, magic and spells to attract good luck and money are just as popular as it allows you to bring a favorable atmosphere into the house and increase your monetary profit through faith and the strength of your spirit.

Strong conspiracies for money and luck

You can find two pretty strong conspiracies for getting money here.

Finding conspiracies that are strong for money is not so easy. Many sites offer various variations of these or those rituals for water, 7 coins, fire and wheat. But their effectiveness has not been confirmed by anything, and experimenting with spells without proper testing is dangerous. Incorrectly formulated slander can seriously harm not only your energy, but also the energy of your entire environment (family, colleagues, friends).

Important: It is worth remembering that any conspiracy or spell is necessarily accompanied by any magical actions, movements and manipulations. Their observance is also mandatory, since the conspiracy will simply lose its power.

Below are the most powerful conspiracies that have been repeatedly experienced by people and received positive reviews.

Silver spoon plot

Get a new and beautiful silver spoon, wash it thoroughly and wipe it with sacred water. As you wipe, you need exactly three times a strong conspiracy for money and good luck to read:

Mount Abraham, the Power of Adam, I turn to you, I know the forces of the Most High!

Do not refuse me a servant of your God (name) in the service.

As a snake sheds its skin, so I will forever shed my thinness, poverty and nakedness.

Morning wind, you pick up and carry my misfortune to distant lands and bring the royal mansions to my feet,

A good horse, mountains of gold and silver. In all this gold I will put my spoon and I will never find it!

May my word be strong! Key, lock, tongue, amen!

Put the spoon in a secluded place and repeat the indicated ritual every month. For the second and subsequent month, calculate the exact amount of money you need (down to a penny) and keep it in your head while reading the conspiracy. With each new reading, you will move closer and closer to this amount.

Houseplants conspiracy

It is also a fairly strong and not difficult conspiracy on houseplants, and it is perfect if you have 2-3 plants of any kind (except cacti) in your house. Put a note under each pot with the following conspiracy:

In the distance, far away, there is a garden of Eden, and in that garden a wonderful tree grows.

And on this tree, whatever you write to the Lord, he will write to you.

I write on a piece of paper and wish you wealth, prosperity, good luck!

My paper is made of wood, the paper is burnt, planted in the ground and planted around with flowers.

Bloom with my flowers, and money grow, grow, grow!

Amen, amen, amen!

Take good care of the plants, they are now charmed! If any of them dies, within 3 days you will need to change it to a new one. Your income will grow slowly but inevitably.

Conspiracies to quickly raise money

Rules for reading a conspiracy to quickly raise money

It also happens that money is needed as soon as possible, but you have no idea where you can get the required amount. Some will advise you to rely on fate, others will advise you to take a loan from a bank, or you can use a conspiracy to attract money, which is not difficult to read, but it will quite help even at the most difficult moment in life to find the right amount of money.

Milk conspiracy

A very old and fast-acting milk conspiracy. From early morning go to the market and buy fresh “homemade” country milk, about 10-12 liters. Buy the most expensive thing you find on the market, preferably from a non-young woman and a grandmother, don't take the change and leave it to the saleswoman.
Pour it into 12 small jars at home. Pouring milk, utter a conspiracy.

There is a hill in the field, there is a high mountain right on the hill,

There is a green meadow under the mountain, a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.

The bull had huge horns right up to the sun, and the cow had half the Earth's udder.

I will go out into the field, climb the hill, find that meadow, cut off the horns of that bull and milk the cow.

A bull will immediately grow horns, and a cow's udder will be filled with milk.

And in my house the profit will grow, the wealth will increase. Amen!

Repeat the plot continuously until you have spilled all the milk. Now the hardest part: you need to come up with and make 12 different dishes in each of which you use 1 can of milk.

Any recipe will do. The resulting dishes must be eaten no later than three days. Most of it must be distributed to friends, neighbors and, of course, at work. Pay attention, all whom you will treat - within three months they will bring you money.

Important: A strong conspiracy to attract luck and money must be read in good spiritual condition. If the state is spoiled or your thoughts are clouded by something, then the conspiracy may not work. In some cases, the spell can be harmful and will greatly aggravate the situation.

Silk thread conspiracy

Two of the most powerful and effective money conspiracies - how to read on your own?

Another powerful silk thread conspiracy that will work in as soon as possible... He will be able to attract money to the house and help you build relationships with Fortune. It is done only on oneself by a girl or a woman.

  • Take a long red silk thread and a "gypsy" (also called carpet) needle;
  • We pass the thread through the wax and thread it into the needle;
  • Buy a new nightgown in advance, wash it and iron it well;
  • Put on a topsy-turvy shirt and go to bed;
  • We leave the thread with a needle next to the headboard;
  • You need to wake up before sunrise.

We take a needle in our hand and begin to hem the hem of the shirt "to ourselves", saying the following words:

Son of God Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, your servant of God (name).

My words are weak, but my sins are strong and great.

You, Lord, are rich and merciful.

Give me, Almighty, not for my sins,

And according to Your unlimited wealth! Amen!

Conspiracies for money and luck that cannot be removed

Powerful conspiracies differ not only in the "verbal component" but also in the energy. They usually require several stages of implementation and a symbolic sacrifice. Such ceremonies will provide not only a quick addition of money, but also career advancement with a subsequent increase in earnings.

The strongest and most powerful conspiracy for money, which cannot be removed, is problematic to find in books or on primitive magic sites. Such spells belong to ancient magic and are incredibly rare. For such a conspiracy to work effectively throughout your life, fully adhere to the instructions provided.

Plot of four candles and a mirror

Stand in front of the main door of your apartment or house on Monday before sunrise. This is not necessarily the front door, it is exactly the "main" one, think carefully which of your doors is the main one. Prepare four wax candles and a mirror in advance. Hang a mirror on the door, light the candles, placing them in the direction of the four cardinal points, and say these words.

The old gray wolf ran into the forest to look for the gray hare.

I could not catch up with the hare, but I found an amazing forged casket, all in gilding and silver.

The lock on the casket is large. The key to the casket is hidden in a deep lake.

I need to find that key between the algae and stones.

Not a hare, not a wolf, but a servant of God (name).

I will find the key, unlock the lock, find the treasure, take it for myself. Amen!

Repeat the plot four times, turning to each side of the world. Then put out all 4 candles one by one, remove the mirror and in no case go to "fill up".

On this day, you need to work at full strength at home and at work, in the evening you must fall off your feet. Over the next month, you will notice a change for the better.

Twelve Coin Plot

To perform this rite, we need to find 12 yellow coins. At midnight, take these coins and go to the nearest intersection, where no one will disturb or disturb you. When you reach the crossroads, do not look around. Also, do not try to take anyone with you, as this can spoil the whole result of the ceremony.

Standing in the middle of the cross, stretch your hands with coins forward and say these words quietly

Everything grows and multiplies from the sun of light,

And money comes from the light of the moon, clear.

Grow money, multiply, add!

Come to me, the servant of God (name)! Amen!

It is necessary to read the words of this spell 3 times. When finished, go home with the coins. Coins are put into the most beautiful wallet (it is best to buy a new one). After they have been there for three days and three nights, it is necessary to buy any necessary thing for the house with these funds.

Important: This conspiracy is dangerous due to the fact that at the crossroads you can meet all kinds of unclean spirits disguised as a person. Do not talk to them or turn around, even if they call you by name. Start reading the prayer "Our Father" to yourself and evil spirits will lag behind you.

Full moon conspiracies for luck and money

Two strong conspiracies on full moon days for money

Full moon conspiracies for money and wealth are one of the most difficult and difficult, despite the fact that they are best known "among the people." It takes patience and endurance to bring such rituals into action.

The full moon in magic is considered one of the most favorable periods of time when you can not only attract good luck, but also establish love relationships, mutual understanding with relatives.

Wallet conspiracy

It will be best if on the eve of the ceremony you go to church and pray. After that, wait for the full moon. The spell will need to be cast for three days in a row. Watch carefully so as not to be mistaken in determining the exact time of the full moon. For reliability, check the lunar calendar.

On a full moon day, place your empty wallet on the windowsill. It is best to pick up a large wallet in bright colors (yellow, red, green). Bright colours attract money. While looking at the moon, repeat the following spell.

So let there be so much money in my wallet that no one can count!

Help the Moon, Lady of the night, Queen of heaven, give me a decent prosperity

And fill my purse to overflowing! I conjure you! Amen!

When casting a spell on the third day, put in your wallet all the funds that you find in the house. After that, tie the wallet with red string and leave it next to the white wax candle. The candle should be bought the day before at the church. Wait for the candle to burn completely. After that, the wallet can be opened and money can be used.

Conspiracy on a glass of water

The next conspiracy is known not only to magicians, but also in practical esotericism. It is so strong that, if read correctly, the action begins within a few hours. The main feature of the conspiracy is that it should be learned completely by heart, so as not to get confused and distracted while reading. It is also necessary that only you yourself remain in the house or apartment where the ritual will be performed. Strangers can frighten off the spirits of fortune that will come to you this night.

The moon must necessarily be growing. This condition is also necessary, since the growing moon is directly associated with the addition and increase. Go outside (courtyard or balcony) with a full clear glass of water. The moon should be clearly visible, and there should be no barriers between you. If you are doing it at home, open the window wide. It will be ideal if there is not a single cloud in the sky. Speak the words with your hand over the glass.

Water-water in my glass, you saturate with the light of the moon,

Fill to the brim with the power of the heavenly, lunar.

Take all this wonderful grace into yourself.

Mother Moon, spring water is in my hands, I turn to you with my soul.

Do not leave me in trouble, and help me, fill my wallet to overflowing with money!

How much water is in the seas, oceans, rivers, streams,

So let the same amount of money be in my pocket!

Luna-mother, wealth, good luck for many years, give, give, give!

My wallet will be full, and I will forever forget poverty.

After that, the water is drunk, and the glass breaks to smithereens. If you are plotting on the street, make sure that there is a stone next to you or something solid that you will hit. Collect the glass shards the next morning and bury it anywhere.

Consequences of reading conspiracies

Want to read the conspiracy? Think about the implications before you start!

Conspiracies for luck and money: the consequences after reading them can be very different. White magic, like black magic, gives its own warnings about what can happen to a person in the future after he has let magic into his life.

Each person should remember that after uttering even the very first insignificant spell, he completely changes inside. His aura not only changes its original color, but also begins to carry a completely different energy. What kind of energy it will be depends only on the person who has resorted to magical rites.

If the conspiracy was read in the wrong way and the person was skeptical from the very beginning of what was happening, then the ceremony may not work. In some cases, a conspiracy negatively affects the state of the individual and her later life, namely:

  1. Deterioration of health, the appearance of chronic diseases;
  2. Problems at work, demotion;
  3. Quarrels with relatives, friends;
  4. Loss of a large amount of money;
  5. Weakness, tiredness;
  6. Feelings of the constant presence of someone nearby.

Conspiracies focused on attracting luck and money can have a positive effect and set a person on the right wave. After a successful ceremony, a person gets what he wants in full. Conspiracies can work throughout life, if they reactivate their action every few years.

Video: "We attract wealth and money by conspiracy"

Site Visitor Comments

    We had trouble in our family, the scammers left us without a single house on the street, and without money. We lived in a summer house with two children, whom I am raising alone and with pensioner parents. Wherever we wrote, wherever we did not refer to these swindlers, but they have a lot of money and all the courts have bought them out. With work, too, it was not like. I tried rituals to attract money and good luck. It helped a lot, things gradually went uphill.

    My assistant has become my personal assistant, treating me with her pastries. She didn’t tell me anything about conspiracies, she just “does it with her soul”, puts in good thoughts. Maybe so, and maybe he says something special. But now I offer her cookies to all my clients, and her treat helps better than store-bought baked goods. Things started to go better.

    Tell me, does this definitely help? and how many times can you use such conspiracies?

    tell me what will happen if the glass did not break while reading the conspiracy. and can it be repeated?

    Yes, and all the same, conspiracies need to be taken seriously!
    Okay, if the ceremony did not work, then, as it turned out, there are side effects.
    Successful Conspiracy = Attracting Luck
    And vice versa

    Alena, I completely agree with you! He personally spent, so as not to be mistaken, he conspired on indoor plants
    Apparently, everything went well ...
    There are no health problems, and the wallet is getting fat slowly but surely

    Good evening! Conspiracy on a silver spoon. I didn't buy a new one, I took the old one from the sideboard, treated it with holy water, etc.
    Now it remains to wait for the result

    Hello everyone =)
    I'm not looking for easy ways, so I decided to try a silk ribbon conspiracy
    It was not easy, but I followed all the steps as written in the article!
    It seems like it works
    Why not?)))

    "No money, but you hold on"
    It would be for that ... so I decided to resort to conspiracies. Nowadays, all is fair, I think
    Also used a conspiracy on a silk thread
    I disagree, everything worked out quite simply!
    Also used a conspiracy of 4 candles and a mirror

    It is good news that the conspiracies are verified by real people!
    But of course you don’t try you don’t know
    Let's practice!
    I will definitely unsubscribe in a couple of weeks, so that for sure ...

    Good evening!
    It is very convenient that all conspiracies are collected in one place.
    True, it is said in the article that it is problematic to find in additional literature or some kind of "left" sites
    Everything is detailed and clearly painted! Thank you

    I myself didn’t really believe in such things before, but now I practice from time to time. The most important thing is to do everything clearly, as written in the article.
    "Aaa, and so it will do" does not sound like
    All the same, conspiracies are not toys, let's not forget.
    A friend advised, threw off the link to the site
    First, I studied and prepared in detail

    I heard about conspiracies from my grandmother as a child. From generation to generation, so to speak
    Unfortunately, she did not have time to write down her words (((but good, the 21st century
    Everything can be found on the Internet. The main thing is to use the right sources, otherwise you never know ...

    Good day! I decided to try a conspiracy for 12 coins. Not so easy, I will say. Most of all I was afraid to meet someone on my way, but I was lucky! I did everything as written, I even bought a new wallet. Now I will wait for the result. Good luck to everyone!

    4 candle plot
    Well, what can I say .. I worked all day at work as never before, as a result of PREMIYA. Conspiracy or luck?)) I don’t know, but I can tell you for sure that I didn’t regret what I had done. Therefore, I advise everyone! And thanks to the author for the good article.

    I myself adhere to the rule that the red wallet attracts finances, so I chose full moon conspiracies. I would not say that it was difficult, but I definitely started to be fortunate!
    So everything is quick to watch moon calendar and act! At the same time, she advised all her friends

    Galina, they did the right thing, that they first tested it on themselves, and then went to advise their loved ones. And sometimes they say ... you don't know what to believe
    I myself always look for only trusted sources. Here's how, for example, either someone advises, or a sufficient number of positive reviews.
    Waiting for the growing moon for a conspiracy on a glass. Are there any more waiting?

    Yeees! Instant conspiracies
    Sounds tempting. In the meantime, I practice conspiracies for indoor plants. She is a florist by profession, so there were no problems with inventory. But explaining to my family that I'm not a shaman is more difficult ... well, nothing. They will see the result, they will speak differently!

    Good evening!
    Live and learn - my motto for life! I thought for a long time what I hadn’t tried before, and now the answer itself came with a link from my sister’s friend. Randomness is not accidental, I will say.
    I found a red thread at home, but no "cyan" needle. Then I had to run. At the end of the week I will try

    I was looking for a conspiracy, not so much for money, but rather for luck, well, one does not interfere with the other. Yes, yes, I'm talking about those powerful conspiracies. 4 candles, 12 coins .. the main thing is to BELIEVE in what you are doing! And the rest is a matter of technology
    Trust me, an active practitioner ...

    Yes, Olga, faith is sooooo important! Will not forget about the placebo effect. I myself am a skeptic, I will not hide, I decided to read at my leisure for the sake of interest. You know, fun. Of course, I will not try, but to everyone who practices I wish good luck and thicker wallets !!!

    But I believe! Especially about the full moon. I printed out the full article, along with the lunar calendar. Prepared everything you need, it remains to wait. By the way, I also want to cut my hair only on the growing moon. Colleagues say that I suffer from nonsense, but I have a different opinion ...

    If you do not want to be judged, then keep your mouth shut! And I will ask the skeptics to come out. You just knock the whole mood down. For those who just simply indulge in, so to speak, there is a separate column with the consequences of such "fun".
    Only a serious attitude to business will bear fruit!

    Hello everyone) I'm new here. Today I will try for the first time. What do you advise?
    I didn't tell anyone either, it's dumb for some reason .. I don't know
    In general, yes, please advise!

    Katerina, hello. Personally, my first conspiracy was for milk. Therefore, I will advise him. After the first time I got involved, now I practice from time to time.
    I really see the result. You just have to wait.
    Good luck.
    P.S. just read the article very carefully!

    They wrote a lot about faith, but they forgot about the attitude! The article clearly states that the situation may even worsen.
    You should not come tired from work and take up conspiracies! Relax, insist, read the instructions again, so to speak, and then start talking wallets !!!

    Excuse me, what's wrong with that? Magic is white, conspiracies are quite adequate
    I went to the site to refresh my knowledge so to speak. For some reason, the conspiracy was very attracted to the silver spoon, and the moon does not need to mean any.
    Holy water has been standing since baptism.
    I marked the day in the calendar with a red circle, so as not to forget to repeat the ritual once a month

    Really got a bad guy and lack of money. I tried to work, I'm not a slacker. Well, I can't find a money job, as the company was closed so it's a disaster.
    Came down, decided to try a conspiracy. They say it helps. I read the article, everything seems to be simple and clear. Positive reviews impressed, maybe it really will help. I will experiment.

    Hello everyone! I myself have not personally tried any of the listed conspiracies. I came to read on a tip from a friend. She said she tried it, it really helped. If she had a problem, she was left alone with the children and without money. Now I look, her life is getting better.
    Well, I'll try too. I'll start with a simple one

    There is a crisis in the country, of course there is work, but in our town the pay is scanty. I decided to try a conspiracy on a silk thread, which the devil is not joking.
    I decided, I did. Although the truth is not very simple. But everything seemed to work out as written.
    I hope for the result.

    I want to live! And I want to live well even more)
    In pursuit of a long ruble, he missed love. Lost my family. My wife was leaving to work in the capital and could not stand it. Now I have returned home, and here is a complete disarray. For the work that is, they pay mere pennies. What to do? I'll try a conspiracy, maybe it will help.

    I'll tell you about four candles.
    I stayed on broads. Former now husband, drank everything about the thread and left it with children and debts.
    Have you seen at least one employer who would gladly employ a middle-aged lady with two offspring? I don’t know such people either. I got a job in a small company for a small salary.
    I work from call to call, but I still don't have enough money.
    I decided on a conspiracy. And do not believe it, the result (?) Was not long in coming. They gave a tangible increase in salary.

    I'm happy as an elephant)
    Honestly, if the conspiracy works, if it's self-hypnosis. But I really got lucky in terms of money.
    Still under New Year I had no idea how to make ends meet, and tomorrow I am flying to Bulgaria to bask on the sand)
    Thanks to the article and the full moon)))

    Lucky as a drowned man - it's about me. A series of problems started almost a year ago. I crept up unnoticed and covered with my head. Papa's illness took away the last strength and means.
    I am an excellent housewife and I love guests. Therefore, I chose a conspiracy in milk. In the morning I went to the market early and chose the most expensive milk, and further in the text)
    I did everything, cooked, treated. And it’s true. One of the guests offered a job, the second returned the old debt.
    It's already the third month since I carried out the conspiracy, I'll tell you for sure, there is a result!

    I have been fond of conspiracies for a long time. I help myself and my friends if they apply. I came to this through family problems... There were many problems, I will not describe everything. I know a lot of conspiracies, but I want to tell you about one of those described in this article.
    So, the conspiracy for the wallet. Anyone who decides to do it, pay attention MANDATORY to the lunar calendar. The conspiracy 100% works, just do not make a mistake with the phases of the moon, you can get the opposite effect.

    Great article, conspiracy worthy.
    I agree that it is worth paying attention to the lunar phases. As in any business and conspiracies have "two sides of the same coin" Be vigilant!
    I knew many of the above conspiracies before, but I saw a conspiracy on plants for the first time. I will definitely try it

    I love this business!
    For a long time I have been interested in all kinds of palmistry and conspiracies. I wandered on the Internet in search of something new, unknown.
    I was very impressed by the conspiracy of candles and a mirror. I decided to try it. How did I try to understand which door in my apartment is the "main" one and the definition of the cardinal points is generally a song)
    Well, in the end, I sort of coped with it, I wanted to sleep sooo, I fell off my feet. I'm waiting for the result.

Everyone wants to have good health, love and material well-being. And often people resort to magic rituals hoping to get what you want. Money conspiracies have been known for a long time and are considered effective method attracting material success. The effectiveness of such methods can be explained from an esoteric point of view. As you know, spoken aloud is doubly material. The energy that is invested in a conspiracy or spell feeds an egregor (a kind of energetic substance that returns converted energy in the form of fulfilled desires), in this case money. Therefore, the power of money conspiracies is quite real. But before we go to specific rituals, it is necessary to learn several rules, following which, you can prevent the outflow of money.

  • You should always pick up small change, for example, you can not refuse to change in the store.
  • On Sunday, all the small coins accumulated in the wallet must be distributed to the poor.
  • You cannot lend money on Monday and evenings.
  • The floors should only be swept from the threshold.
  • You can't give animals just like that, you need to take at least a symbolic payment.
  • Empty bottles should not be kept in the house.
  • The broom should always be with the sweeping side down.
  • In the wallet, the bills must be stored facing the owner and be arranged in ascending order.
  • To attract money, the wallet must be black or red, preferably square shape.
  • You cannot transfer money from hand to hand, you need to put it on some surface.
  • Money loves neatness. Do not store crumpled bills in your pocket.
  • The wallet must not be empty - at least one bill must always remain in it.

In order for money to come, you need to want it. You cannot complain about a material disadvantage. The phrase: "If you want to be rich - live like a rich one" has the right to exist. You need to inspire yourself constantly and daily: "I am rich", "money loves me and comes to me in a continuous stream." Self-hypnosis is a very strong and proven thing in many people.

Now let's look at the most popular and effective conspiracies for money.

  1. The strongest money conspiracy is believed to be the young moon conspiracy. On the first or second day of the lunar cycle, you need to go outside at midnight, pick up bills (preferably large ones), "show" them to the month and repeat 10 times: "As the moon grows, so my incomes grow."
  2. The most popular are church candles. They buy 5 church candles, put them on banknotes and hide them for 5 days in a secluded place. Before hiding, they say: "The money is flowing, the money is floating, like the candles burn out, I will become rich." After 5 days, the candles are taken out and burned one at a time (in the evening), and the charmed bills are not spent.
  3. Fast money conspiracy. You need to take a bill, roll it up with a tube, and oblige with a red woolen thread... Tying, saying: "how many fish are in the sea, how many leaves on a tree, how much sand is in the river, so much money will come to me." You should always carry a bill with you to attract money luck.
  4. Conspiracy with grain. To do this, you need to strip naked, and sprinkle yourself with grain, saying: "money for bread, bread for money." Another conspiracy: grain or cereals should be laid out in all corners of the house, saying to each one: "as the field is rich in spikelets, so I have some money."

Conspiracies for money will only work if a person believes in them. Therefore, when making a conspiracy, you need to make efforts, wish with all your heart wealth. It is worth noting that you cannot use several conspiracies at the same time, at least you cannot do more than one ritual during the lunar month. It is not necessary to engage in raising money on Monday, the most better days to attract wealth are Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

A conspiracy for money and good luck quickly attracts finances, you can read strong spells without leaving your home. The rituals below work to attract wealth and success in all matters. All the rituals this year carried out at home require strict adherence to these rules. Otherwise, you will achieve the exact opposite result.

Conspiracy rules for getting money

Many people think if using white magic, then you urgently need to run to the Weduns. We will answer you like this: "You can read our money conspiracies yourself." Throughout January 2019, we have collected the most strong rituals for home use. Practice financial magic correctly and money will pour into your house!

There are many sources for attracting financial success, therefore conspiracies for luck and money are divided into varieties. In 2019, prosperity-related items are used in money magic:

  • paper bills;
  • coins;
  • metals;
  • stones.

Using these things enhances money conspiracies and speeds up the enrichment process. To make sense of slander and prayers for money and good luck, you need to study all the rules in detail.

  1. Set a clear goal. Finances: the exact amount and how exactly they should get to you. Happiness: what exactly, why is it necessary and when;
  2. Give thanks to the good forces that provide you with help;
  3. Most of the attributes included in the ritual procedure cannot be changed;
  4. Saying the words of a spell for the sake of curiosity is not worth it;
  5. Pregnant women are not allowed to use financial magic;
  6. Be sure to observe the times indicated in the ritual;
  7. Following all the guidelines will help you attract financial luck.

Powerful conspiracies for big bucks and success

Conspiracies for money and business success slander yellow coins or a paper bill. This year the ritual is performed on odd days, at night. Money is put right in front of you and at this moment a prayer is read:

“There are so many leaves in the forest, as many stars in the sky, the same amount of money in my pocket. Grow my wealth and exaggerate. Help me, Lord, the servant of God (your name), never know poverty and troubles. Amen".

They hide in one of the corners of an apartment or house, where it will be exactly twelve days. After the expiration of the term, the bill must be spent on good deeds. Make a donation to the church or help those who are in need.

You can not spend on alcohol and tobacco products, this money is intended to improve your financial situation and attracting positive emotions.

Home conspiracy for money from Vanga

A conspiracy for big money from Vanga will help not to feel a lack of funds. The ritual is simple, for which you will need a slice of black bread. It is performed on an empty stomach (do not eat for about three hours), at night. Find a secluded place in the house where there will be no other people. Put a piece in front of you and say a prayer for money:

“Lord, you helped all those who were suffering and sick, took away sorrows and sorrows. Give support to me, the servant of God (your name) and my family: never experience hunger, lack and sorrow. Let grief and poverty not touch us. I swear to help everyone in need and spend it wisely. Amen".

Eat some bread after you read it.

The peculiarity of the ritual is that it can no longer be repeated. Executing correctly will ensure that you see results quickly enough.

Money ball

One of the ways to attract finance to the house is the creation of a "ball of money."

To make a ball, use red thread, some paper bills and a couple of coins. All together are wrapped three times, and greased with eucalyptus oil. If it dries out too quickly, you need to additionally lubricate. During the process, use a conspiracy for luck and money:

“A bill to a nickel, and he to a wallet. Everyone goes to the yard. "

Hang over front door in the dwelling. They keep it exactly as long as the new moon lasts. After that, put it in any prominent place and sort it out again within a week. Repeat the procedure until a positive effect. In some cases, it is used as an amulet.

A conspiracy to attract money to Trinity

Prayers for money used in the trinity are considered the most effective. On this day, people come to church with a herbal broom, and when leaving they bow to the four sides and weave wreaths. At the same time, you need to read the money prayer:

"Like a wreath I braid - so I attract talent into the house."

At home they put it next to the icon and keep it for a whole year, for next year the procedure is repeated. Also, you can use the "centaur grass" method. They take a centaury with them to the service, and then take a steam bath with him. According to legend, he brings prosperity for a whole year.

The grain money conspiracy

A conspiracy for money luck at work is performed using coffee beans and a candle. After sunset, head to the room with one large window. The moonlight penetrates directly inside and falls on the site of the ceremony. Place a lit candle on the windowsill, and surround it with grains, then pronounce the conspiracy:

“As the sun rises in the sky, so I grow at work. There will be no problems or decline in my work - only luck and success. Let the envious shut up, and the evil tongues wither away. My word is strong, the key is on the table with the Lord. Amen".

Read it three times in a row. Take the coffee beans to your work place and hide them in different places. After three weeks, you will notice how things have gone up.

Conspiracy for a good call

In order for the one who is needed to call, you should read a special conspiracy for success in business. Suitable for those who are planning to get a new position or are waiting for a change in life. Take a piece of paper and describe what kind of work suits you or what changes in your life you want. The last point is the growth of money. Wash your face three times with cold water and say the following conspiracy for luck:

“The angels are leading me out of the gate - they will call me happiness and success. I (your name) will find happiness, angels will save you from failure. Amen".

Wipe your face with a towel and put the piece of paper in an envelope. After one year - open it and compare with what happened in your life during this time.

Money pin amulet

A pin conspiracy for good luck in business can be carried out at any time. You must have with you:

  • Raw white rice
  • Salt and sugar;
  • A new pin.

Each of the ingredients must be taken with a teaspoon and put in a saucer. The pin is dipped into the mixture, after which magic conspiracies are read:

"I stick the edge, luck, happiness and money on myself!"

Leave it on overnight, and in the morning, pin it to the inside of your garment. It is important that no one knows about your magical knowledge.

Conspiracies multiplying money by 3 phases of the moon

Night time is considered the most effective for various magical influences... Many magicians wait for this time to attract luck. Of particular power are those conspiracies for money and luck that are made on the new moon. She is associated with a new stage in life, the opportunity to fill the future with only positive energy.

On a full moon, they ask for blessings and prosperity, this hour is called "full", because the moon has gained full strength and can distribute it to others. You can pick up any spell from the ones presented, and perform it at the appointed time.

Important: correctly calculate the phases of the moon so as not to be mistaken with the conduction. The months are favorable for carrying out various operations.

  • October, November, May - high efficiency;
  • Less favorable: April, December, June;
  • July, August, March are not suitable at all;
  • Full moon days: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13.

New moon money conspiracy

To use a conspiracy to attract wealth during the waxing moon, you need seven coins. At exactly 24:00, squeeze coins in your fist and say the prayer:

“All living things grow under the sun, under the moon - wealth and good fortune. Increase and multiply, enrich me (your name). Never know poverty, never lose wealth. It will be as the word is spoken! "

After that, put coins in your wallet and carry them with you, as they say, "a penny saves a ruble."

Full Moon Wealth Conspiracy

Reading conspiracies for money and good luck on the full moon brings only positive events to life. It is similar to the previous one as you need seven coins again. Take a mug and pour holy water into it. The ceremony must be performed under direct moonlight, exactly at midnight. Dip coins in water and say a prayer:

“The moon is as full as a mug with water. You are inseparable and white, let the money shine like the stars in the sky. Scattered in handfuls in your pocket, I don’t know troubles and sorrows. Poverty bypasses the path, and wealth comes to me. Key, tongue lock "

Leave the coins overnight under direct light. In the morning, dry them with a clean towel and put them in your most frequently used wallet.

Finance conspiracy for the waning moon

With the help of a conspiracy, the waning moon can get rid of the lack of money. The ritual is performed as soon as the moon appears in the sky. You can stand near an open window, reach out to the heavenly body and talk about problems. After that, read the conspiracy to attract money to the house:

“As the moon wanes in the sky, as it takes my sorrows. Moon, pure silver - be good to me. In the darkness you will dissolve, new luck will be born in me. Amen"

Go to bed and imagine that your problems have already been solved.

The main thing is to say everything clearly and loudly, realizing all the power.

Forbidden money conspiracies from ancient magic

In addition to light slanderousness for money, there are those rituals that turn into the otherworldly. They should be performed by a person who has sufficient faith and energy. After and before carrying out cleansing and preparation. Relevant among those who want a quick result, but with consequences. If you are not sure, then it is advisable to turn to professionals.

The performer will need an initial protection from the manifestation of Evil Spirits. Magic attributes are selected in advance so that during the course there is no need for additional items.

Gray magic money

In this case, preparation will be required that affects the further outcome. Before performing a gray ritual for money, you need to drink only water and eat black bread for one day. Time is new moon or waxing moon. You will need three church candles, several small bills, a white tablecloth and red wine.

At night they go outside the house or to any free place where people rarely appear. They put a white tablecloth and money on the ground, put candles nearby and light them, read the plot of attraction:

“The wealth that I see will double, or even hundreds. Fill the gold with the moonlight, come to my house and become a constant guest "

The candles are extinguished with red wine and then wrapped in a tablecloth along with the money. They hide in a secluded place, which only the performer will know about. For a whole week they do not return to this place, and at the end of the term they put a coin on top of the bundle.

"I pay for my wealth, adding to gold and silver, green and red."

Burn, and the remaining coins are left in place. You can go back and watch to see if the remaining money has disappeared. They must be picked up by someone within 40 days. If this did not happen, then the ceremony was performed incorrectly.

Black magic of money

A conspiracy for money and good luck quickly attracts finances, you can read strong spells without leaving your home. The rituals below work to attract wealth and success in all matters. All the rituals this year carried out at home require strict adherence to these rules. Otherwise, you will achieve the exact opposite result.

Conspiracy rules for getting money

Many people think that if you use white magic, then you urgently need to run to the Veduns. We will answer you like this: "You can read our money conspiracies yourself." Throughout January 2019, we have collected for you the most powerful rituals for home use. Practice financial magic correctly and money will pour into your house!

There are many sources for attracting financial success, therefore conspiracies for luck and money are divided into varieties. In 2019, prosperity-related items are used in money magic:

  • paper bills;
  • coins;
  • metals;
  • stones.

Using these things strengthens money conspiracies and speeds up the enrichment process. To make sense of slander and prayers for money and good luck, you need to study all the rules in detail.

  1. Set a clear goal. Finances: the exact amount and how exactly they should get to you. Happiness: what exactly, why is it necessary and when;
  2. Give thanks to the good forces that provide you with help;
  3. Most of the attributes included in the ritual procedure cannot be changed;
  4. Saying the words of a spell for the sake of curiosity is not worth it;
  5. Pregnant women are not allowed to use financial magic;
  6. Be sure to observe the times indicated in the ritual;
  7. Following all the guidelines will help you attract financial luck.

Powerful conspiracies for big bucks and success

Conspiracies for money and business success slander yellow coins or a paper bill. This year the ritual is performed on odd days, at night. Money is put right in front of you and at this moment a prayer is read:

“There are so many leaves in the forest, as many stars in the sky, the same amount of money in my pocket. Grow my wealth and exaggerate. Help me, Lord, the servant of God (your name), never know poverty and troubles. Amen".

They hide in one of the corners of an apartment or house, where it will be exactly twelve days. After the expiration of the term, the bill must be spent on good deeds. Make a donation to the church or help those who are in need.

You can not spend on alcohol and tobacco products, this money is intended to improve your financial situation and attract positive emotions.

Home conspiracy for money from Vanga

A conspiracy for big money from Vanga will help not to feel a lack of funds. The ritual is simple, for which you will need a slice of black bread. It is performed on an empty stomach (do not eat for about three hours), at night. Find a secluded place in the house where there will be no other people. Put a piece in front of you and say a prayer for money:

“Lord, you helped all those who were suffering and sick, took away sorrows and sorrows. Give support to me, the servant of God (your name) and my family: never experience hunger, lack and sorrow. Let grief and poverty not touch us. I swear to help everyone in need and spend it wisely. Amen".

Eat some bread after you read it.

The peculiarity of the ritual is that it can no longer be repeated. Executing correctly will ensure that you see results quickly enough.

Money ball

One of the ways to attract finance to the house is the creation of a "ball of money."

To make a ball, use red thread, some paper bills and a couple of coins. All together are wrapped three times, and greased with eucalyptus oil. If it dries out too quickly, you need to additionally lubricate. During the process, use a conspiracy for luck and money:

“A bill to a nickel, and he to a wallet. Everyone goes to the yard. "

Hang over the front door to the dwelling. They keep it exactly as long as the new moon lasts. After that, put it in any prominent place and sort it out again within a week. Repeat the procedure until a positive effect. In some cases, it is used as an amulet.

A conspiracy to attract money to Trinity

Prayers for money used in the trinity are considered the most effective. On this day, people come to church with a herbal broom, and when leaving they bow to the four sides and weave wreaths. At the same time, you need to read the money prayer:

"Like a wreath I braid - so I attract talent into the house."

At home, they put it next to the icon and keep it for a whole year, the next year the procedure is repeated. Also, you can use the "centaur grass" method. They take a centaury with them to the service, and then take a steam bath with him. According to legend, he brings prosperity for a whole year.

The grain money conspiracy

A conspiracy for money luck at work is performed using coffee beans and a candle. After sunset, head to the room with one large window. The moonlight penetrates directly inside and falls on the site of the ceremony. Place a lit candle on the windowsill, and surround it with grains, then pronounce the conspiracy:

“As the sun rises in the sky, so I grow at work. There will be no problems or decline in my work - only luck and success. Let the envious shut up, and the evil tongues wither away. My word is strong, the key is on the table with the Lord. Amen".

Read it three times in a row. Take the coffee beans to your work place and hide them in different places. After three weeks, you will notice how things have gone up.

Conspiracy for a good call

In order for the one who is needed to call, you should read a special conspiracy for success in business. Suitable for those who are planning to get a new position or are waiting for a change in life. Take a piece of paper and describe what kind of work suits you or what changes in your life you want. The last point is the growth of money. Wash your face three times with cold water and say the following conspiracy for luck:

“The angels are leading me out of the gate - they will call me happiness and success. I (your name) will find happiness, angels will save you from failure. Amen".

Wipe your face with a towel and put the piece of paper in an envelope. After one year - open it and compare with what happened in your life during this time.

Money pin amulet

A pin conspiracy for good luck in business can be carried out at any time. You must have with you:

  • Raw white rice
  • Salt and sugar;
  • A new pin.

Each of the ingredients must be taken with a teaspoon and put in a saucer. The pin is dipped into the mixture, after which magic conspiracies are read:

"I stick the edge, luck, happiness and money on myself!"

Leave it on overnight, and in the morning, pin it to the inside of your garment. It is important that no one knows about your magical knowledge.

Conspiracies multiplying money by 3 phases of the moon

Night time is considered the most effective for carrying out various magical effects. Many magicians wait for this time to attract luck. Of particular power are those conspiracies for money and luck that are made on the new moon. She is associated with a new stage in life, the opportunity to fill the future with only positive energy.

On a full moon, they ask for blessings and prosperity, this hour is called "full", because the moon has gained full strength and can distribute it to others. You can pick up any spell from the ones presented, and perform it at the appointed time.

Important: correctly calculate the phases of the moon so as not to be mistaken with the conduction. The months are favorable for carrying out various operations.

  • October, November, May - high efficiency;
  • Less favorable: April, December, June;
  • July, August, March are not suitable at all;
  • Full moon days: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13.

New moon money conspiracy

To use a conspiracy to attract wealth during the waxing moon, you need seven coins. At exactly 24:00, squeeze coins in your fist and say the prayer:

“All living things grow under the sun, under the moon - wealth and good fortune. Increase and multiply, enrich me (your name). Never know poverty, never lose wealth. It will be as the word is spoken! "

After that, put coins in your wallet and carry them with you, as they say, "a penny saves a ruble."

Full Moon Wealth Conspiracy

Reading conspiracies for money and good luck on the full moon brings only positive events to life. It is similar to the previous one as you need seven coins again. Take a mug and pour holy water into it. The ceremony must be performed under direct moonlight, exactly at midnight. Dip coins in water and say a prayer:

“The moon is as full as a mug with water. You are inseparable and white, let the money shine like the stars in the sky. Scattered in handfuls in your pocket, I don’t know troubles and sorrows. Poverty bypasses the path, and wealth comes to me. Key, tongue lock "

Leave the coins overnight under direct light. In the morning, dry them with a clean towel and put them in your most frequently used wallet.

Finance conspiracy for the waning moon

With the help of a conspiracy, the waning moon can get rid of the lack of money. The ritual is performed as soon as the moon appears in the sky. You can stand near an open window, reach out to the heavenly body and talk about problems. After that, read the conspiracy to attract money to the house:

“As the moon wanes in the sky, as it takes my sorrows. Moon, pure silver - be good to me. In the darkness you will dissolve, new luck will be born in me. Amen"

Go to bed and imagine that your problems have already been solved.

The main thing is to say everything clearly and loudly, realizing all the power.

Forbidden money conspiracies from ancient magic

In addition to light slanderousness for money, there are those rituals that turn into the otherworldly. They should be performed by a person who has sufficient faith and energy. After and before carrying out cleansing and preparation. Relevant among those who want a quick result, but with consequences. If you are not sure, then it is advisable to turn to professionals.

The performer will need an initial protection from the manifestation of Evil Spirits. Magic attributes are selected in advance so that during the course there is no need for additional items.

Gray magic money

In this case, preparation will be required that affects the further outcome. Before performing a gray ritual for money, you need to drink only water and eat black bread for one day. Time is new moon or waxing moon. You will need three church candles, several small bills, a white tablecloth and red wine.

At night they go outside the house or to any free place where people rarely appear. They put a white tablecloth and money on the ground, put candles nearby and light them, read the plot of attraction:

“The wealth that I see will double, or even hundreds. Fill the gold with the moonlight, come to my house and become a constant guest "

The candles are extinguished with red wine and then wrapped in a tablecloth along with the money. They hide in a secluded place, which only the performer will know about. For a whole week they do not return to this place, and at the end of the term they put a coin on top of the bundle.

"I pay for my wealth, adding to gold and silver, green and red."

Burn, and the remaining coins are left in place. You can go back and watch to see if the remaining money has disappeared. They must be picked up by someone within 40 days. If this did not happen, then the ceremony was performed incorrectly.

Black magic of money

The word "conspiracy" according to the explanatory dictionary (in the magical sense) means - a small text to achieve the desired result by magic rite... And this is an integral part of the ritual.

And even though it seems to us that we are far from the influence of rituals, this is not true. For example, when we meet, we say hello - this wish for health is already an energetic message. And repeated repetition is already a ritual. And there are many such trifles ...

Basically, conspiracies for money, old ones are used, new conspiracies have - very rare use, because there are very few specialists in creating such. But even the ancients need to be read with a special message. When you need something for a petition, the intonation is pleading, when you attract sources of profit, it is laudatory, and when at the end you “seal” it, it is affirmative.

Let's take a look at old conspiracies:

Collect water in an earthen vessel and, being alone, at a convenient time of the day, utter words on the water. Cover with a tight lid when finished. After 3 days, open - and let all the water evaporate by itself in your house, office, apartment. It doesn't matter how long it takes, let it stand until it disappears. You can't pour it out!

Repeat 3 times: “Water, God's charming water, conductor. Flowing from the east and from the west, from the south and from the north from paradise to earth. You bring good to everyone, you quench your thirst. Everyone honors you, everyone loves you, everyone loves you. People put you under the starry sky, they hope for you, they expect goodness and offerings: healing in Baptism, good news in the Annunciation, cleansing in Forgiveness Resurrection.

The noble queen of life is the supporter - forgive us, help us! Bring me (us) money as much as drops in you, as dew in a stream, as waves in the sea, as rivers in the sea, as seas in the ocean. You see no end, no edge, you flow continuously, without rest, without fatigue. So let the money flow to me, come and fill my (our) wealth. Without interruption, without rest, money will come, endlessly and without edge flow into my nets. I close it with aminem, so be it. "

“Mount Seyanskaya and the Jordan River, listen to my words! The giver of life walked along the shore, spoke words, threw pebbles into the river, made a guess. The river is fast, harsh, strong! You wash the golden shores and wear that gold around the world. Bring me (name) that ardent gold, good gold, gold ... (monetary, ritual, glorious). Come (15 times), settle in my bins (8 times).

Siyanskaya's speech straight into your hands bring prosperity: at dawn in the morning and evening, at noon and at every midnight, at every day, hour and minute. Under the diamond stars and on a clear day! Proceed from the world, help riches. To my words the seal (Amen 40 times) ".

Strong conspiracies from Vanga

This text is slandered to attract a certain amount of money. For example, it can be read about the return of a debt, which is considered hopelessly lost, or you can guess the fulfillment of profit. You need to pronounce the words on the street for the first Sun rays. An important condition this strong conspiracy is that you need to spend money on long-planned needs.

In the sun

Dawn, dawn, morning, morning, I got up early in the minute when the sun scatters its gilded gold. Come, come light (3 times). From the three wise men, please, who know what is due to me. Omniscient sages, you know how much I owe (s), you know where it is hidden, you know how to get it. You know my secrets, I conjure you, bring me (the amount) of gold-wealth. Enlighten me with wisdom, fulfill your desire! Amen (3x).

For bread

Get up in the morning and break off the rim from the loaf. Read on it, then soak in salt and eat it, drink it down with holy water.

Daily bread - you are always in the house, make our life well-fed, happy, rich. Open the way for all goodness to my house, bring prosperity and wealth. Promise! They will do good. I promise to read you, to serve you to the poor. Holy bread, bring prosperity. Amen (three times).

In the full moon

Before using this conspiracy, you just need to stand under the moon for about 5 minutes. You need to tune in internally, to accept wealth.

Wait, breathe, open your energy channels, and when you feel energized, start.

“The moon is full of silver, scatter your glare, put it in my pocket. In my pocket the most (3 times). Let the magic silver from poverty and evil save me and never run out. May it be so forever! "

To the growing moon

On the third night of the waxing moon, take several large bills and, substituting them under the moonlight, rustle them and say:

"A generous month brings gold,

He is the richest in the world

Holy month, become my brother,

Make me rich. "

And repeat 12 times, and do not waste the bills until it turns into the moon, completing its cycle. By that time, the spell will take effect, and the profit will flow to where the bills will lie.

For 12 coins

Take twelve coins and clench it in your fist, leave the house on the growing moon. When the coins are warmed by the warmth of your palm, expose them to the moonlight and whisper:

“Grow, grow the moon, multiply the tide and bless my money! Grow and multiply my money! Enrich me (name), deceive the good and glory. May it be as I command! How I want! How I command! "

Read the conspiracy 12 times, and then put the coins where the savings are.

On a green candle

This ritual will require a bowl of water, a copper coin, and a green candle. At midnight from Saturday to Sunday, pour the settled water into a bowl and place on the table. Throw a coin there and light a candle, drip wax onto the water and say:

“From every eternal minute, from every eternal hour, from every eternal day, from every eternal week, from every eternal month, from every eternal year, multiply my wealth! Come to me silver and gold, money and goodness! May it be so until the last days! "

It is necessary to speak until the candle burns out, so it is better to buy a small one. Then pour the water around the house and let it dry on its own. Carry the coin in your wallet pocket and do not show it to anyone.

How to read a money conspiracy at home?

As a rule, the ritual should begin for reading at midnight, and if preparation is required for it, then it begins to be done in the evening. Everything should be arranged in advance. Also, by the due time, you must tune in. In thoughts, nothing superfluous can be allowed, no murmur, no recklessness, no doubt.

Conspiracy - black magic - for money to read at home

Buy a thick candle and a new sharp knife. At midnight, cut a candle along the length and light it at both ends, and while it burns, say:

"My spirit is marked with wealth, I order the fire to burn carelessly, bring me profit forever!"