
How does a bride get through her wedding day? How to survive your own wedding. Tips from an experienced bride. In preparation for the wedding


Every girl dreams of a wedding since childhood. However, the approach of this day can drive into depression. Not only are you tired of preparing for this event, but now you are starting to worry about how everything will go - whether the groom will be late (and whether he will change his mind at all), whether the battery on the photographer’s camera will run out, whether you will drop you are a ring, putting it on the finger of the groom in the registry office. It's so easy to drive yourself crazy and turn your own wedding into a nightmare.

Stop! You have been waiting for this day all your life, it should be the happiest in the world. What needs to be done for this?

First, you need to put your thoughts in order. You are the bride. This is your day and it will be whatever you want it to be. Believe when you beautiful dress you will stand holding hands with your fiancé, there will simply be no negative thoughts. You won't care about any of the little things. Then why load yourself with negative thoughts now? When we arrived at the registry office, we discovered that we forgot the champagne that we were supposed to open at the registry office. It would seem - it's a nightmare! But I was so happy that I didn't care who and how would solve this problem. Mom ran to the nearest store.

Second, take care of yourself. If you are planning a bachelorette party, spend it in advance, and dedicate the pre-wedding day to your beloved. Take a bath in foam and aromatic oils. Just lie down with your eyes closed and let your whole body and mind rest. Tidy up the skin of the face, nourishing it with a mask. The body also needs care. Use a scrub. Don't forget about manicures and pedicures - you have to look perfect at the wedding. And most importantly, go to bed early. If you feel that you will not be able to fall asleep, drink warm milk with honey before going to bed. Before the wedding, you need to get enough sleep.

And most importantly, I will tell you about some little things that can spoil the mood.
. Try to have a good breakfast in the morning. Most likely, you won’t get a piece down your throat, you need to eat. You don’t want to faint from excitement and even from hunger! Besides, you'll have to drink champagne. And if you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, you will quickly get drunk, which should not be allowed at your own wedding (at least at the beginning of the day).
. If you have a fluffy dress and have a petticoat, it makes sense to carefully sew it to the bottom of the dress. When you lift your skirts while walking, the petticoat will stay in place and spoil the photos. It is not worth sewing in advance - such a dress is inconvenient to store and put on. When you have already put on the dress, have mom sew with stitches in several places. In general, the petticoat brings a lot of trouble. Rehearse in advance how you will sit down, how to get into the car.

Do not try to put the dress on through your legs, so as not to wrinkle your hair. You don’t remember your hair, because the dress can be put on very carefully, given that a witness will help you. But putting on a dress through the legs, it can be easily torn. This is definitely an undesirable event.
. If the hairdresser offers to spray your hair with glitter varnish, refuse. The glitter reflects off the flash and looks like dandruff in photos.
. Even if you think your shoes are very comfortable, they still need to be broken in. Whatever comfortable shoes no matter how it was, on the first day of wearing it, it will definitely rub. And also pay attention to the floor in the restaurant where you have to dance. If there is a tile, then rub the soles of the shoes with sandpaper so as not to slip.
. If you have gloves, then check how the loops that are worn on the finger are sewn on. As a rule, they are sewn very loosely and can easily come off. In addition, check how all sorts of beads, strasses are attached to the dress itself, on the garter, on the diadem.

You need to take a lot of food for a walk. Lots of. All guests after the registry office will be hungry, while you will be photographed, they will eat. By the way, I note that you yourself will want to eat - the most exciting moment is behind you!
. Collect a handbag for the witness (in case she doesn’t think to do it herself): colorless varnish for nails (if the stocking breaks), a white thread with a needle (if something suddenly breaks), pills (from the head, abdomen), spare hairpins and invisible hairpins (suddenly the hairstyle starts to crumble), handkerchiefs - you will definitely shed a tear in the registry office (very much it is touching!)
. If you want to be sprinkled upon leaving the registry office, collect the “sprinkling” yourself. Never take coins. No matter how you tell the guests to throw them at their feet, there will still be a “wise guy” who will throw them up. And this, by the way, is painful and unpleasant. Rose petals will do (we tore the wild rose - they are brighter and more economical))), confetti (they are now sold in wedding stores) and rice. After sprinkling, let the witness clean it all off your head. In general, warn the witness in advance to keep an eye on your appearance (remove shine from your face, straighten your veil and dress, make sure that the locks of jewelry do not move to a conspicuous place).

Remember that you are being photographed from all sides all the time. So keep your posture and don't make faces to avoid funny photos.

Of course, there are many more nuances and it’s impossible to think through everything. But all these little things will fade into the background, because on this day you will be the happiest!

They worried, they chose, they planned, they prepared. And then they shared their own experiences with us. What to take with you if you have a wedding in a tram. How to load guests. Who to entrust wedding planning. And who to pay attention to on a responsible day. The brides themselves told us about all this in 2015 when they shared stories about their beautiful holidays.

We present you the most useful collection of tips from those who became a happy wife in the past year. Let these important and the right words from already ex-brides will become your guide to the world of preparing for your own celebration.

Based on my own experience, I would like to advise you not to take on absolutely all the wedding chores, but to trust a professional and master of his craft - a wedding planner. This person is competent in all matters, nuances and subtleties of the wedding industry. Just choose a reliable steward and trust him. Let yourself be a real bride!

I also want to advise you to be extremely responsible in choosing a photographer. After all, it is on him, on his professionalism, that your wedding photos and memories that will remain with you in the future from the wedding day depend.

Dear brides, I want to wish you a wonderful magical wedding, which everyone has probably dreamed of since childhood! Absorb every day before the wedding, do not let negative emotions and excitement take over you. The main thing you have already done - found each other! Be happy girls!

Never get upset and do not react to circumstances that happened outside of plans. This is YOUR day, one way or another it will go down in the history of the newly-made family and turn into a pleasant memory, regardless of what happened. So don't spoil your memories with negative emotions! Take everything positively and with humor.

Dear girls, I would like to advise you not to get upset if the budget of the planned wedding is small.

Any wedding can be done by the most, even from improvised means. The main thing to understand is your day. Good mood, beloved person and the happiest day in your life with him.

Every girl has a picture of her dream wedding in her head. You need to trust yourself, your thoughts and create what you want. And then on this wonderful day - your wedding day - nothing will upset you, but everything will only please you, and you will get unforgettable impressions and emotions.

Dear brides, the most important thing is not to worry! This is your day, your holiday, and you are the most beautiful, the happiest on it! You are only surrounded loving people, and even if something doesn't go according to plan, laugh and smile. You will have time for everything and it does not matter when the preparation begins: in a year, in six months or in 2 months. :)

We mixed everything up at the wedding during the dance, but no one knew this, everyone thought it was right.
We improvised, laughed, and all the guests began to clap for us! I wish every bride to relax, smile and remember: this is YOUR day and on this day you are the QUEEN, and no one and nothing will spoil it!

Who said getting married is fun?! A wedding is always a chore, worries and stress! And stress is known to cause hair loss. Be prepared that it won't be perfect anyway. In the morning you will be late for the registry office, your hair will fall apart, your shoes will be rubbed, the tables in the restaurant will be set wrong, the presenter will mix up the names of your parents, and the cake is so terrible, it’s scary to look at! Of course, I'm joking, but ... Girls, my advice is to relax and have fun. Guests will not even notice these little things, and you will remember with laughter.

When planning your wedding day, think about yourself first, and not about what relatives, parents or friends will say. This is just your holiday! And you decide what it will be. The main thing is that the groom supports any of your crazy ideas. ;)

First of all, choose a good manager for your wedding who understands what you want, and solve all organizational issues with him. Do not start with an independent search for a leading photographer, so that later you can go to the organizer with all this. After all, he knows the wedding market much better than you and will help you save money by explaining what you can refuse at a wedding, and what you should not forget about.

And if you want big have a nice holiday, proceed to it for 6-8 months. We barely had time to prepare our celebration on time. Therefore, in order for everything to be perfect, take care of the holiday in advance.

If you decide to have a wedding ride in a tram, do not forget about the music that is not provided in the carriage. There are two ways out: either take vociferous guests, or a portable tape recorder. We had a full "ammunition" with us - and that's why the trip turned out to be fun and groovy!

Do not take guests with you on a photo walk - let them go to a restaurant or cafe where a banquet is scheduled and wait for you there! Our friends went with us, as a result they got cold, hungry, bored and disrupted our shooting, so the photos about memorial day we have a little left.

Remember one thing: this is YOUR day, YOUR holiday! It should make both of you happy. Stand up for details. Only you and no one else knows what will bring you happiness and a smile. You can and should listen to the advice of parents, brothers, sisters, girlfriends, friends, organizers. But you need to feel and understand what of what has been said and proposed will help improve your evening, and what is said simply out of a desire to do it your own way.

Share with family and friends the responsibilities of pre-wedding preparation. Trust them even minor tasks, but believe me, they will greatly relieve your time. I understand that I want to control everything myself and take part, but with such a situation, there will be no strength left for the wedding. And also - do not swear and do not quarrel over trifles! Get them out of your head. If something does not work out, then it is not needed, and even more so it is not worth your nerves. Catch the pleasure of everything that happens before, during and after - this is a unique atmosphere!

Remember: together you are strong! Do not be afraid to take the preparation into your own hands, do everything together, in the evenings, it is very romantic and leaves wonderful memories. Making and organizing your holiday with your own hands is not only exciting, but economical. The atmosphere of the event becomes more comfortable!

Under no circumstances do not get upset and nervous, and even more so do not give up if you suddenly, for example, did not pick up napkins for the curtains. Remember that you love, are loved and get married anyway. Then this day will be the brightest, and you will be the happiest couple on earth!

There is no need to strive to register your marriage without fail at the registry office on a strictly appointed day. To stand in frantic lines, so that after 15 minutes of superficial ceremony, rush to the restaurant?!? Another thing - outside registration. Everything happens at the time and place that you choose. Registration can last as long as you like, and after it you don’t have to run for a walk and to a restaurant. You depend only on your desires.

I also advise brides to relax and trust professionals. No matter how creative a couple you are, it is unlikely that your cool ideas form a unified whole. Professionals know better, more, and they will help arrange a wedding to the smallest detail.

Do not save on memories, on a photographer and a videographer - this is for life. And also think over your image not only in terms of beauty, but also comfort. Photos and videos also depend on this. It is unlikely that you will show your grandchildren with pride a tense, twisted face from rubbed legs, a tight babylon on your head and a tight dress in the heat. :)

The main thing is to know how you see your holiday, what you expect from this day, and with whom you want to share your celebration.

I wish everyone strength and patience in preparation, but remember that the more effort is invested in preparation, the more pleasant and carefree your holiday will be!

Get in touch with a professional. In fact, they will take on a gigantic amount of work and save, first of all, your nerves. :)

May this day be unforgettable! Rejoice, and do not bother with absolutely nothing and no one except your husband. ;)

I advise you to make your wedding the way you envision it in your mind. You should not include in the celebration such elements that you would not like to see, but they are advised to you. What for? This is your day! It must be lived in such a way that it can only be remembered later with a smile.

I wish the brides not to be afraid of anything, to be creative and think over their wedding to the smallest detail. Bring your part to the celebration, something that will distinguish your holiday from many others. Now there are so many forums, online publications that can lead to some thought or idea. Don't be afraid to make them!

New Year is the time for new wedding ideas. May your celebration be no less bright event than every wedding that took place in 2015. Take advice from former brides, make your fantasies come true and don't forget to share the story of your own holiday with those who only think about it!

Was your wedding no less interesting?

Did you have your own chips in the organization or design? Do you want to talk about it?

Submit a short description and some photos from your wedding
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will assist you in the preparation and publication of the report.

Valeria Chumakova

28.06.2015 | 535

“I wanted something completely different…” What if everything went wrong on the wedding day?

A wedding is a happy event in the life of two loving hearts. But is this event always really happy? Learning how to survive a wedding so that only wonderful memories of this day remain.

Live "here and now"

If it turns out that your day does not initially correspond to the format that you have come up with for yourself, there is no need to be upset, all is not lost. In order not to remember your day as something uncomfortable, uncomfortable and dull, look at the situation in a new way.

Find the pros, because they can not be! Adapt to the situation, enjoy the fact that you are a participant and the main culprit of this event, focus on the good that is in this day.

Do not forget that you need to live "here and now" as it was the last time. Even if today, on your wedding day, many moments upset you - look at them with different eyes! Make this wedding yours best moment in a life that you will remember fondly.

Any event can be repeated

Don't forget that you can re-plan your wedding day and spend it in a special way. After all, no one forbids you and your loved one to put on your wedding dresses the next day and go on a picnic, having fun photographing each other! Or take everything you need for your honeymoon and enjoy your wedding day there.

Be mobile, be light in your desires and remember that any event can be repeated, making it special.

Our memories are changing

Our memories are selective and changeable. Do not forget that the human psyche is like this: memories of small negative events become dull over time. Therefore, after, for example, a month or a year, small incidents at the wedding will not be remembered in your memory, but the spoiled mood for the whole wedding day may well be fixed in your memory.

Therefore, try to take everything easier, let your mood remain at its best, despite a small stain on the dress, a fight between guests or a failed first dance.

No need to worry about feelings

I have a lot of examples when girls, remembering their wedding day, were no longer worried because of the incidents that happened at the wedding, but because of their experiences and spoiled mood during the celebration. After a while, they think with annoyance about why they paid so much attention to a soiled dress or a broken heel, when it was necessary to enjoy and enjoy a beautiful day.

So, no matter what, remember the reason for the event more often: you started this wonderful event to say “yes” to your loved one, so protect yourself in advance from future unpleasant thoughts about experiences.

Pattern break and laughter are the best helpers

Remembering the torn Wedding Dress, do you perceive the call to laugh at this incident as a mockery? However, in most cases, it is laughter or a good joke that saves an unpleasant situation, and transfers it from the category of “cant” to the category of “interesting chips”.

Forgot the moves in your first dance? Laugh and improvise! Let everyone appreciate your resourcefulness.

Another a good option actions - breaking the pattern, which means performing an action that is not expected of you in this situation. Imagine the amazement of the guests when, having spilled red wine on the dress, instead of convulsively rubbing it off, you pour the whole dress with this wine, making red stains, after which you cheerfully run to dance in an embrace with your future husband! Who will now think that the first spot was an incident?

The example, of course, is too extravagant, but it is based on the real events of the wedding day of one happy couple!

I repeat: have fun! You're not at the Congress of Deputies, are you? Do everything possible to make you have fun and comfortable and not a single incident could upset your wonderful day.

According to psychologists, a wedding in terms of stress is comparable to the loss of a loved one. How not to be in the role of a runaway bride and not to lose the groom?

Wedding test: which of the stars did not cope with stress?

In the movie "Sex and the City", tortured by pre-wedding fuss and general pressure, Mr. Big (Chris Noth) left Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) right at the altar, and Maggie (Julia Roberts) more than once arranged similar escapes from her unlucky suitors in the film "Runaway bride".

By the way, she herself, following the example of her heroine, in 1991, a few days before her wedding with Kiefer Sutherland, changed her mind and fled to another country.

Crystal Harris, five days before the wedding, canceled her marriage to the founder of the Playboy empire, Hugh Hefner, which broke the fiance's heart.

And Jennifer Lopez, in a 2010 documentary, said about her failed wedding at the initiative of Ben Affleck: “Such a crushing blow was dealt to me for the first time, and it was not easy to survive. Going through this in front of everyone is not at all the same as quietly crying over life's difficulties.

From the stress before the wedding, chronic diseases can worsen, the skin condition may worsen, not in better side change weight. So, Kim Kardashian's chronic illness worsened before the wedding. Every day she got worse, Kim was even afraid that she would have to cancel the celebration.

To avoid adding to the sad statistics, read our guide: how to survive the ordeal of a wedding.

Wedding test: how to save your nerves?

  1. Make a clear plan of action, write down everything that needs to be done a month, a week, a day before the wedding. Psychologists believe that it is easier to cope with several small tasks than with one large one.
  2. When compiling your invite list, remember that this is your day and you can't please everyone. You should not risk your wedding and call the fifth cousin of your second cousin, whom you have not seen in your eyes, but are aware that he likes to drink too much and crushes furniture.
  3. Most The best way to limit the obsessive participation of relatives in the organization is to delegate “especially valuable” tasks to them. Let the mother-in-law choose the cake, tablecloths, etc. Convince her that these are the most important things at the wedding and so she will make an invaluable contribution to the preparation of the celebration.
  4. Try not to worry about the little things. Invitations with bunnies, not kittens, and the lilac shade of the tablecloth instead of pale pink will not force guests to refuse to attend the celebration. And it is unlikely that anyone will later remember these details.
  5. If in the process of organizing you feel that you are starting to get angry or tired, start repeating some kind of pleasant affirmation. Or stop, close your eyes, rest and take 10 deep breaths - this simple exercise should help restore calmness.
  6. Even if you were attacked by the “bride syndrome” and there is no desire to “neither eat, drink, or sleep” from happiness, think about how such a regimen and diet will affect your appearance. The complexion may worsen, or, God forbid, rashes and swelling under the eyes appear. From malnutrition, the body can begin to store fat, which will not have the best effect on the figure.
  7. Pamper yourself at the spa, get a mask, massage, chat with friends. These small feminine joys will help you relax and get distracted. By the way, this version of a bachelorette party is becoming more and more popular. On it you can relax both mentally and physically.

Wedding test: how to save the groom's nerves?

If you and your fiancé pay for the wedding yourself, then one of the main frightening factors for the groom is its cost. Write down the cost of all items of the action plan. Feel free to add 20% to the amount received - this will be the approximate amount that the wedding will cost. Try not to go over budget too much. As well as:

  1. In order not to be alone in front of the altar, look for compromises. In the pre-wedding period, you need to become a single team.
  2. Although sometimes take a break from preparation, even the most important and enjoyable chores require a break. Do not forget that you are first of all a couple in love, and not mass entertainers.
  3. If you have activated the “bride syndrome” and you have read a lot of information, you should not retell everything to the groom. Choose the color of bows for invitations and the number of balloons on the windows together with your mother or friends. The groom can get tired of so many discussions of nuances that are not always interesting to him. For him, the details on the wedding day are not as important as they are for you.
  4. Trust the groom to organize what he will be interested in. If he is a car enthusiast, let him choose and order cars. If you love your city and know it well, entrust your loved one with compiling a wedding route. If the groom is fond of photography, ask him to choose a good photographer, and if he is a musician, then the musical accompaniment of the ceremony and banquet.
  5. Minimize "pleasant" surprises. Tell the groom what color, cut and style your dress will be - this way you will help him choose the most suitable suit. Show him the bridal bouquet you like, and you won't have to walk around with a huge "flower bed" given from great love. Agree on a ransom with the groom - you should not put him in a bad light if he cannot sing or has forgotten your mother's middle name.
  6. Help the groom de-stress before the wedding. About the ways that help your loved one relax, you know better than us ...
