
Former bride Baskov about his wedding with Lopyreva: “For me it was a shock. Nikolay Baskov and Lopyreva personal life latest news: a profitable marriage contract will save the artist from past mistakes


The relationship between the famous Russian singer Nikolai Baskov and the model, as well as TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva, has been talked about for several months. Only recently it became known that the lovers really decided to get married.

Latest news about the wedding of Lopyreva and Baskov

All rumors about the upcoming wedding of the Basques and Lopyrev were dispelled when they came to the show of Andrei Malakhov. They said that they really plan to get married. The date of the event has already been set (October 5), but at the behest of his mother, Nikolai is postponing a magnificent celebration. The thing is that on this day his grandfather passed away, so the fun will be unnecessary.

The singer's bride believes that the wedding should take place after the football championship ends. This means that the ceremony should take place no earlier than next July. The lovers assure that this is the right thing to do, and that it is impossible to marry without the blessing of Nikolai's mother.

Is it true that the wedding will take place in Chechnya?

At the reception in honor of the first match football club"Akhmat" in the city of Grozny, Nikolai made an offer to Lopyreva. He presented her with a gorgeous diamond ring. Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov himself told the public about the event, who later said that he wanted to organize a wedding celebration for a couple in love as a present.

Video: Nikolai Baskov makes an offer

Baskov himself declares that he wants to hold two celebrations: both in Chechnya and in the capital of Russia. It is planned that the famous singer Valeria and the President of the Chechen Republic will be witnesses at the wedding. If in next year the event will take place, then it can be safely called the wedding of the year.

Basque and Lopyreva - a love story

The news that Nikolai and Victoria decided to be together excited the fans of young people. The thing is that the singer never said that he broke up with Sophie Kalcheva, with whom he lived for 3 years. Now Nikolai claims that their relationship would not end in marriage. They felt good together, but the couple were less and less seen together. Even Basque and Kalcheva rested in different places.

The famous singer has known Victoria for more than 10 years. They led together celebrations, and Baskov asked Lopyreva to be co-hosts, explaining this by the girl's incredible charm and her ability to improvise perfectly.

Once the singer stood up for Vika when a scandal broke out at the plane's ladder (the girl refused to turn off her mobile and show her boarding pass). Rumors of their romance spread in the spring of 2017 when the couple danced together at the closing ceremony of the Miss Russia pageant. Then in in social networks Basque and Lopyreva corresponded, hinting that this evening was unforgettable for them.

Basque and Lopyreva on the "New Wave"

At the gala concert of the competition " New wave»Nikolay and Victoria were the presenters. In this role, they constantly emphasized their relationship. Baskov sang songs, his bride filmed performances on the phone and sent him air kisses. In between the songs of other performers, the lovers exchanged phrases about the upcoming wedding ceremony: that the bride does not plan to throw the bouquet, will not arrange a bachelorette party, etc.

Photo: Instagram @newwave_official

In addition, Lopyreva and Baskov played jealous husband and wife. Vika asked to spend more time with her, and not with Nonna Grishaeva on "TV", and Nikolai jokingly threatened to kill his bride if she constantly attended football matches.

Photo: Instagram @mir_znamenitykh

In addition, Baskov told why he changed his image. He dyed his hair dark to make him look more masculine. At the end of the release, Basque dedicated a musical composition to his beloved.

Video: on the air at Malakhov's (song by Nikolai Baskov)

The wedding of Lopyreva and Baskov has been postponed to an unknown date. Fans suspect that this is another PR stunt.

The reason why the wedding of young people was postponed is quite good. The distrust of the environment does not bother the star couple. The wedding is scheduled for the summer. Nikolay Baskov intends to conclude a marriage contract.

Nikolay Baskov and Lopyreva personal life latest news: fans do not believe in the reality of a star marriage

Fans and familiar couples reacted with disbelief to the news. Many suspected that the event was invented by the stars in order to "stir up" interest in their persons. And the fact that the event was postponed and did not take place on time, only strengthened the confidence in this version.

Nikolay Baskov and Lopyreva personal life latest news: the wedding of celebrities has been postponed, but the event will take place

In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, the mother of Nikolai Baskov said that the planned wedding day, October 5, coincided with the day of the death of her father, grandfather Nikolai. And at her request, the young people suffered a joyful event. Nikolai's mother really likes the chosen one of her son.

According to the latest information, it is not known when and where the wedding will take place. The lovers have not yet commented on what is happening. There are suggestions that the celebration will be celebrated as planned in Chechnya.

In an interview, Nikolai and Vika said that they did not care at all about the attitude of the public to their personal life. Many people still consider the wedding a joke. And Nikolai assured that this time he quickly and decisively proposed to the girl, and Vika agreed.

Victoria Lopyreva has a wedding dress ready. A chic dress from fashion designer Yudashkin remained with Vika after a failed wedding with the football player Smolov. And Nikolai prepared a seven-carat diamond ring for the bride.

Nikolay Baskov and Lopyreva personal life latest news: a profitable marriage contract will save the artist from past mistakes

The wedding of Lopyreva and Baskov is still not a myth. According to the latest data, the event was postponed until the summer of 2018. Young people are carefully preparing for the celebration and for their future family life.

Nikolai unconditionally decided to draw up a tough marriage contract. In his opinion, this legal document gives some guarantees and confidence that mistakes of the past will not be repeated. The singer promises that having a contract will be beneficial for him and his future wife.

A natural blonde does not hide the fact that he has always generously presented his ladies and Vika is no exception. In an interview, Baskov joked that if his wallet is losing weight, then he has to look for a lady with fewer requests.

And although the marriage proposal was made in front of a very serious witness - the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, and the bride was presented with a fabulously expensive ring (I quote the groom - "a seven-carat diamond"), doubts that a new star family duo would soon be born not just me. The story seemed very sudden. Therefore, I decided to find out the details - and not only from the main characters of the upcoming celebration.


“Kolya and I have known each other since high school, studied in one theater studio, skipped lessons, kissed in a taxi. And I know how he knows how to look after. Hearing about the wedding with Victoria, I thought that Kolya, with his characteristic sense of humor, decided to arrange another rally. But it turns out that everything is serious, and that's fine. Vika is charm itself, and look at what form Nikolai has now come to. It's incredible! "

Victoria Lopyreva

“We don’t want to prove anything to anyone, and we don’t care whether they believe in our love or not. We just want to live together. You know, there is a good phrase - perhaps for someone it will sound rude: forgive us our happiness and pass by. "

Elena Nikolaevna Baskova, the singer's mother

“When Nikolay called and said that he and Vika had decided to marry, I was seized with insane joy. I took this news as long-awaited, because I understand: my son is ready for such a responsible step. But on October 5, my father passed away, and this is a day of remembrance in our family. Of course, I upset the guys, but I want to say a huge thank you, first of all, to Vika for understanding and accepting the situation. "

Nikolay Baskov

“I remember that evening when I looked at Vika differently. We were having a wedding with her, and I suddenly say: "Would you like to dance with me?" And these three and a half minutes of dancing ... I don't know, but somehow it became warm, good, calm. Her eyes are incredible ... And I began to write to her in the evening and in the morning: how are you, what are you doing? And then I realized: I have to see her, communicate with her, hear her voice ... When my mother found out when the wedding was scheduled, she said: "Son, I cannot give a blessing, I cannot be at your wedding that day." For mom, October 5 is a sad date. Therefore, I asked Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov (he, by the way, has his birthday on October 5, and besides us, 199 more pairs of Chechen newlyweds should be registered) to get into the situation. So that, Dear friends, we will announce the date of the wedding a little later and invite everyone. "

The leader of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov spoke about the wedding of Nikolai Baskov and the glamorous blonde Victoria Lopyreva. On his Instagram page, he posted a video from the reception dedicated to the first match of the Akhmat football club in Grozny. On it, the "Golden Voice" of Russia presented his beloved with an impressive diamond ring and made an offer. Ramzan Kadyrov Baskov asked to become a witness at the wedding.

Dear Ramzan Akhmatovich, I ask you to become a witness at our engagement and future wedding, - Baskov turned to the head of the Chechen Republic. - I want to propose to Victoria. Because I have known this girl for a long time and love her very much. I want to make her the happiest in the world. My heart completely belongs to her, and there is no woman in my mind anymore.

Ramzan Kadyrov promised to support the young. And at the same time he added that the wedding would have to be played in Grozny. By the way, the young people have already set the date for the celebration on October 5, 2017.


For both the bride and the groom, this marriage will be the second. Nikolai Baskov was married to the daughter of his producer Svetlana Shpigel. From this marriage, the singer has a son, Bronislav. True, the fans remember his romance with another Russian beauty Oksana Fedorova much more. She, like Victoria Lopyreva, is the owner of the Miss Russia title in 2001 only.

In turn, the glamorous blonde was married to the footballer of the Russian national team Fyodor Smolov. For his sake, the beauty even moved from Moscow to Yekaterinburg for six months. It was in 2014, when the Dynamo forward was offered a contract with FC Ural. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" decided to remember how the future wife of Nikolai Baskov lived in the capital of the Urals ...

A month after the spouses moved to Yekaterinburg, we met Victoria while walking along the embankment near the Drama Theater. A light red dress, a Chanel handbag and ankle boots for high heels- it seems that the cold weather in the Urals did not frighten the heat-loving Rostov woman.

Victoria, you are quite lightly dressed for the Ural autumn ...

Yes, I am very cold. For me, this is the only minus of the Urals. To be honest, on the last day of August I was packing my suitcase. Only not to Yekaterinburg, but to the sea. Of course, it was a shock for me! I knew that negotiations were underway, but until recently it was not clear whether they would be crowned with success and what decision my husband would make. We were presented with a fact. And in the Moscow press jokes immediately rained down: "You, like the wife of a Decembrist-football player, will go into exile." And you know, being here, I can say with confidence - everyone would have such links! (Laughs)

- Do you feel that you are in the province?

Of course, geographically, Moscow is the capital. For Muscovites, any other city is a province. But Yekaterinburg has a well-developed infrastructure, many interesting places and, most importantly, good people. I will not dissemble, I am not here all the time. I live in three cities: Moscow, Dubai and Yekaterinburg. And this is in addition to the rest of my travel at work.

- How long have you been in Yekaterinburg?

Two weeks a month. This is not so little for me.

- Have you already met the city?

First of all, I went to the Novo-Tikhvinsky convent. Then we walked with Fedya along the embankment. Today I am walking alone, as my husband is training. It is beautiful here, and the foliage of the trees is the color of the dress. (Laughs) But mostly we go where our friends invite. Yesterday we went to the cinema for the new film by Alexander Reva. An easy comedy, but Sasha is inimitable, as always.

- So there are many friends in Yekaterinburg?

There are no accidents in life. Some time ago in Dubai, Fedya and I met cool people Marina and her husband Dima. They turned out to be from Yekaterinburg. Any place is, first of all, people. Marina and Dima have already introduced us to their company. It’s probably strange to hear this from me, but Yekaterinburg is already like my own for me. At any moment I can pick up the phone and ask: “Where is it? Where is it better? " and get a decent answer!

Nikolay Baskov marries Victoria Lopyreva! It was this sensational news that the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov reported on his Instagram. And a wedding feast will take place in Grozny on October 5.

Ramzan Akhmatovich shared a video filmed at a gala dinner dedicated to the first match of the Akhmat football club. In the video, Nikolai tells about his feelings for Victoria, hands her a ring and asks the head of Chechnya to become a witness at their engagement and wedding with Victoria.

Evgeny Plushenko with Yana Rudkovskaya, Igor Vernik, Igor Krutoy, Timati, Valeria with Joseph Prigozhin, who were present at the celebration, witnessed the appearance of an amazingly beautiful ring on Victoria's ring finger.

Nikolai Baskov is insanely happy and glad that Victoria agreed to his proposal. A little later, Nikolai said that he had only decided on the engagement, but thanks to Ramzan Kadyrov, who unwittingly accelerated the development of events, the wedding would take place very soon.

Although Victoria Lopyreva continues to intrigue her admirers. In her Instagram account, she posted a funny video - an episode from the comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus", in which Shurik meaningfully states "There will be no wedding!"

Nikolai's fans are happy for him, but also surprised. But what about Sophie Kalcheva, with whom the singer had a long and serious relationship?

It turns out that this novel is already in the past. Nikolai did not advertise the parting. Their relationship was a guest marriage, and Baskov already wanted a real family, comfort and certainty with his life partner. Nikolai and Sophie admitted that their relationship "came to naught" and quietly parted.

We can only rejoice for this beautiful couple and wish Victoria and Nikolai happiness and love!