
The world around the middle group. World around us Cognitive research activity: observation of the work of the driver. Objectives: to continue acquaintance with the work of the driver, the names of the parts of the car; cultivate respect


Svetlana Larkina
Synopsis of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world "The artificial world around us" (Middle group)

Target: Familiarization children with a variety of materials from which objects are made the surrounding world.

Tasks: 1. Expand children's understanding of the variety of materials from which objects are made around us, find out the basic properties of some materials (metal, rubber, plastic, wood). Improve vocabulary in words A: waterproof, airtight, durable, brittle, heat capacity; carry out work on word formation A: made of wood - wooden, etc.

2. Promote the development of attention, memory, coherent speech.

3. Cultivate respect for toys, for each other.

Equipment: Multimedia presentation " Artificial world around us", projector, screen.

Course of the lesson:

1. Guys, today we will look around around ourselves and carefully look at those objects that we surround. They are all different, have different qualities. Why? (children's options) All these items are different because they are made from different materials. What materials are you already familiar with? (children's answers) That's right, things surrounding worlds are made of wood, plastic, metals, rubber, glass, cloth, paper. Now we will play with you.

The game "From what is made." Now you will take turns taking any object and putting it on a tray, respectively, "made of wood", "made of metal", "made of plastic", "made of rubber".

Physical education "Ball"

2. This is how many different items are on our trays. Let's look at things made of wood. If they are wood, then they are wood. What are the qualities of wooden objects? (children's answers) That's right, they are solid, warm, strong enough. But if a wooden object has thin walls, then it can crack. Look at the matryoshka.

Matryoshka on the window

Matryoshka on the window

Under a bright sundress.

And the whole family in a nesting doll,

Like a wooden house.

Although it is wooden, it has a crack on its side. You need to play with nesting dolls more carefully, make sure that they do not roll onto the floor.

And here are metal objects, so they are. (children answer). What qualities do they have? (children's answers). That's right, they are hard, cold, heavy. Therefore, never fight with metal cars, for example, you can cause injury. Metals are durable materials and therefore they are used to make appliances, tableware and cutlery. We will put a metal pan on the hot stove, not a wooden one. A metal pan can withstand high temperatures, because it has a high heat capacity, a wooden one can burn out.

Here are objects made of rubber, they are. (children answer) What qualities do they have? (children's answers). That's right, they are soft, easy to bend, stretch, warm. And they are easy to chew, so children chew them with pleasure. And therefore, our rubber toys often have bitten off edges, ears, noses and toys become ugly. And chewing toys is also harmful. Listen poem:

The ball is made of rubber.

I hit him on the floor with my hand -

He takes off like a spring

Dancing, like clockwork.

(B. Lema)

What kind of rubber are we talking about here? The rubber is elastic. The rubber chambers of the wheels are filled with air and the air stays inside because the rubber is airtight. Rubber boats, inflated with air, float on the water, do not sink, because no water enters the boat - the rubber is waterproof.

One more left group items - made of plastic, these items. (children answer). What are their qualities? (children's answers) Right: quite hard, but pressed through with fingers, you can change the shape, which is not desirable, because you can break, warm, do not stretch like rubber objects. Plastic toys are also exposed to teeth. Plastic toys break easily, deteriorate, so they must also be handled with care.

3. And now we will watch a presentation that will help us once again remember the variety of objects environment and materials from which they are made. (Show presentation " Artificial world around us")

4. So, around We have a lot of items from different materials. What did we talk about today? finish the phrase: Metal toys. .

Wooden toys. .

Plastic toys. .

Rubber toys.. Well done!

Related publications:

Synopsis of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world "Friendly family" (middle group) Program content: To form children's ideas about the family and family members, that everyone in the family loves, cares for and helps each other.

Synopsis of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world "Where did the bread come from" (middle group) Purpose: To give children knowledge about the process of growing bread, To consolidate knowledge about the work of a baker. Expand and enrich children's knowledge about the profession.

Synopsis of OD on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group "Air around us" Purpose: development of the cognitive sphere of children of primary preschool age through inclusion in the process of experimentation. Tasks: to acquaint.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world "Miracle everywhere" (middle group) Cognition of the surrounding world Lesson-acquaintance “Miracle is everywhere” (middle group) Program content: - to deepen the knowledge of children about.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world "Zoo" (middle group) Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about animals living in hot countries To consolidate knowledge of the names of animal cubs Equipment: Illustrations.

GCD on familiarization with the outside world "The world around us" (senior group) Program content 1. Clarify children's ideas about the world around them, about the Earth (there is life on Earth - man, animals, plants,.

Target: Familiarization of children with household appliances, with the rules for the safe behavior of children during the operation of household appliances in kindergarten and at home. Familiarization with materials: paper, plastic, rubber, polyethylene. Enrichment of ideas about the moisture resistance of materials, experiments to test the moisture resistance of materials.



Calendar plan for introduction to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Topic of the week: "World around us"

Target: Familiarization of children with household appliances, with the rules for the safe behavior of children during the operation of household appliances in kindergarten and at home. Familiarization with materials: paper, plastic, rubber, polyethylene. Enrichment of ideas about the moisture resistance of materials, experiments to test the moisture resistance of materials.



Direct educational activity (GCD)

Educational activities in regime moments (ODRDM)

Independent activity of children (SDD)


Conversation with children on the topic "Objects around us: what they are made of" -expand children's knowledge about the properties of objects.

Work with the calendar of nature. -invite Katya, Nina to consider the calendar, enrich ideas about the characteristic signs of winter. Note that daylight hours are increasing. Contribute to the development of coherent speech of children.

Morning exercises "The sun is radiant."To form and improve motor skills, maintain and strengthen the health of children.

Practical exercise:"My, my, soap, soap - our little hands are clean!".

Continue to reinforce children's knowledge about washing their hands with soap and water before eating.

Playing the situation "Workshop" -ensure the inclusion of children in joint play activities to invent a plot, combining various events of a realistic, fabulous, fantastic nature.

Work in the corner of musical education:"Children's musical instruments" - to consolidate children's knowledge of musical instruments, to form the ability to name them, to extract musical sounds.


Theme of the week:World around us. Man and his health

Target: Develop an idea of ​​yourself - a person and signs of human health, interest in studying yourself, your physical capabilities (posture, height, movement, health picture, etc.), in the rules of health-saving and safe behavior.




Communication activities

Conversation“I protect my health” Purpose: to tell children about healthy foods, about the benefits of physical education, outdoor walks; to form an idea of ​​the need to protect their health.

Individual work on connected speech with Roma K. D / and “Say kindly” Purpose: to promote the ability to name words with the suffix “points”.

Self pictorialI amactivity. Drawing with pencils at the request of children. Purpose: to develop interest in drawing, visual skills.

. Ph.D.. Canteen duty

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about dishes and cutlery, their purpose; education of KPs, culture of behavior and self-service skills.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1.motor activity. Sports.9.00-9.20

N O D No. 2 Cognitive activity. The study of objects of animate and inanimate nature. Cognition of the objective and social world.9.30-9.50

TOPIC: " Tablets grow in the garden

Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones and a desire to help them. Learn to answer questions correctly, develop active speech.


: Watch for seasonal changes.

Objectives: to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night is growing and the day is waning); learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, teaches you to guess riddles. The teacher makes riddles for the children, talks about signs.

It flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (Water.)

Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut. (Freezing.)

December ends the year - winter begins.

Warm winter to cold summer.

The sun is warm in summer and cold in winter.

Motor activity subgame "We are funny guys" - increase motor activity, act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

"Pair run". Purpose: to continue to teach to run in pairs.

Game activity D.I"Hot Cold"

Purpose: fixing in the representation and vocabulary of the child opposite signs of objects or words-antonyms.

Individual work physical activity (with Natasha S.) Gliding exercises - learn to slide along ice paths from a running start.

self-service and elementary household work To replenish the feeders - to involve children in feeding birds, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Independent activity: games with remote material (shovels, buckets)


hardening e. Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along the massage path.

Play activity. Role-playing game. Preliminary work. "I am a driver"

Reading K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr". Purpose: reading and discussion of the work, formation of ideas about the rules of personal hygiene.


Cognitive research activity: Car monitoring

Purpose: to expand knowledge about land transport (their classification, purpose). Repeat the basic rules for crossing the street .

Motor activity: p.i. "Homeless Hare" Purpose: to teach children to run fast, navigate in space.

Outdoor games for children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity.


Game activity. Board games Offer children board - printed games at the request of children. Purpose: to develop the ability to determine the choice of the game.

building game"We are building a house." Purpose: to organize the use by children of the ability to rhythmically arrange bricks in a row, to observe symmetry when building a simple structure.




Communication activity

Examining illustrations on the topic "Parts of the body. Hygiene supplies". Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the appearance of a person, of his features as a living organism. To develop in children an understanding of the meaning and necessity of hygiene procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

With Misha E. didactic game "One - many" Purpose: to form the ability to form the plural of nouns.

Play activity

3 « What changed?" Purpose: to promote the development of attention, coherent speech, the ability to describe objects.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1“Cognitive activity. Mathematical and sensory development. 9.00-9.20

TOPIC:#2 "Score within 4."

1. Exercise in counting within four: to form the ability to correlate the numeral with the noun; find given geometric shapes

N O D No. 2 Motor activity. Physical culture. 9.30-9.50 game


Cognitive research activity: Observation of the work of the janitor. Objectives: to form a willingness to help, the ability to evaluate the results of work; to cultivate respect for working people; develop speech, expand vocabulary (the name and purpose of the janitor's working equipment).

Motor activity:.P/I"Run quietly" Purpose: to cultivate endurance, patience, the ability to move silently. P/I"Horses". Purpose: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal.

On acquaintance with the natural world “It happens - it doesn’t happen” (with a ball) Goals: develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of reaction.

(with Alina Zh.) Exercise in throwing at a distance. develop accuracy and throwing power.

self-service and elementary household work Clearing the feeders from snow and replenishing them with a variety of food is to cultivate a desire to take care of the birds.

Independent activity


Hardening Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along the massage path.

Play activity

Role-playing game "Bus". The plot “Controller checks tickets” Purpose: invite children to play a game, ask for the role of a controller for yourself. Develop social behavior skills in society

Experimental activitiesWater coloring»

Reveal the property of water: does water have a color

Perception of fiction and folklore Reading "Zhikharka" Purpose: to arouse the desire to listen carefully to a fairy tale .. To cultivate friendly relations, to promote the ability to answer questions about the content.


Cognitive research activity: Watching the snowfall

Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the phenomena of nature; to form a cognitive interest, the ability to observe the surrounding world.

Motor activity: p.i"We are funny guys." Purpose: to improve motor skills and skills, the ability to play together.

Independent activity. Independent play activities of children on the site, games of choice. Remind them to be friendly to each other.


1Self-play activityü Games in the play corners at the request of the children. Purpose: creating conditions for the development of children's ability to organize joint games, form friendly relationships. Enrich the experience of organizing your own leisure time with your favorite toys.

2Constructive modeling activity. Designing furniture (table, sofa) for nesting dolls Purpose: to promote the ability to build from a desktop builder as shown by the educator, to offer to beat your building.




Cognitive. - research activity

Conversation on OZOZHINSTRUCTIONS Walking on ice

Individual work on mathematical and sensory development with Yegor K. Purpose: to play a game of quantitative determination of objects (one, many, none).

self-service and elementary household work _ assignment Watering indoor plants. Purpose: to remember with children the correct methods of watering plants.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Communicative activity.Development of speech. 9.00-9.20

TOPIC:"Caring Helpers"

P.S.: To form the ability to use elements of explanatory speech when answering questions; support the desire to ask and correctly formulate questions; support the initiative and independence of the child in verbal communication with adults and peers; consolidate knowledge about the benefits of hygiene items, rules of conduct at the table

N O D No. 2 9.30-9.50


Cognitive research activity: observation for sparrows. Purpose: to pay attention to the appearance of the bird, the color of plumage. Observe the behavior of sparrows. To develop the speech of children, to cultivate a careful attitude towards birds

Motor activity: p.i"Sparrows and a car" Purpose: to bring children a joyful mood, to develop physical activity.

X / and "Loaf" Purpose: to achieve the ability to independently stand in a circle, move in a circle without ahead of comrades.

Game activity"Name the objects in one word." Purpose: to form the ability to classify objects according to their main features.

Individual work: engine with Natasha S. Walking between the lines (10-15 cm) Purpose: to develop and improve physical activity.

self-service and elementary household work __ Cleaning the paths from ice and snow - to consolidate the skills of working with a shovel; to cultivate perseverance, independence.

Independent activity. Remote material


Hardening Exercise after sleep. Hand massage.

Play activity

Role-playing game."Bus" Purpose: to propose the plot "Tour of the city." To form the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, to cultivate a culture of behavior in public transport.

Ind. art work with Natasha S. Purpose: strengthening the skills of drawing straight and wavy lines.

Perception of fiction and folklore. Making riddles, reading proverbs about health. Purpose: to teach children to guess riddles, to understand the meaning of proverbs, to form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.


Cognitive research activity: Monitoring the delivery of products to kindergarten. Purpose: to recall the concept of “products”, to talk about the fact that there are a lot of products, they are brought by truck so that the cook in the kitchen prepares food for children. Develop thinking, the desire to enter into a dialogue.

P / s Airplanes, Cars. Purpose: to develop physical activity, teach to follow the rules of the road.


Self-play activityRole-playing games at the request of children. Purpose: to create an environment for uniting children in the game, to cultivate friendliness.

ppm. "Pick the right timbre" Purpose: to develop timbre hearing, learn to select a musical instrument in accordance with the character of the hero




Communication activities

1 Conversation (My city) "Houses on our street."

Purpose: To acquaint with the architecture of the native city: houses are wooden, brick; single storey and multi storey. To cultivate a feeling of love for one's home and city, the ability to see its beauty in residential buildings. Learn to follow basic hygiene rules

Individual work on coherent speech, ZKR with Egor K. Did. ex. "Who has whom?"

Purpose: practical assimilation of a compound sentence with an adversative conjunction A

Play activity

Role-playing game"Bus" Purpose: to invite children to play a game, help distribute roles, educate communication skills, friendships and partnerships, develop interest in the game.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Visual activity. Painting. 9.00 - 9.20

TOPIC“It smelled of winter cold ...” (winter landscape)

Tasks: continue to acquaint children with winter natural phenomena; learn to notice the beauty of the winter landscape; improve the ability to draw with gouache; develop imagination, compositional skills.

N O D No. 2 Motor activity. Physical education 9.30-9.50


“Target walk: “Excursion to the kindergarten laundry”.

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the content and structure of the laundress's labor, the result and significance of labor; talk about the dangers of household electrical appliances and their careful handling .

Motor activity:P / s"Cat and Mice" Purpose: to develop loose running, on a signal

Individual work: engine with Alina Zh. Development of movements.

Target: learn to walk on an inclined board.

self-service and elementary household work _ Clearing the site from snow - to cultivate the desire to collectively ennoble your site

Independent activity. Remote material masks for games, dolls dressed according to the weather


Hardening Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Individual work (sensorics) with Roma K. _ Ind. work (sensorics) with Nastya O. Did. ex. "Long short". Purpose: to learn to compare objects in length, to learn to use the words “longer”, “shorter” in speech

Communication activityimplementation of the partial program"Attention, ice!" (educational situation)

Tasks: to teach children to enter into a dialogue, to understand the essence of a problem situation; to form the ability to examine objects; introduce the properties of ice, lead to an understanding of what properties are associated with danger; to teach to identify cause-and-effect relationships in the course of practical actions with ice; to form a conscious attitude towards their health and safety.


Cognitive research activity: Monitor the work of the janitor.

Objectives: to continue monitoring the work of the janitor; improve vocabulary; to form a desire for order and cleanliness; to instill a love for nature, a thrifty and caring attitude towards the environment.

Motor activity: p.i"Two frosts" - teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

Independent activity outdoor games at the request of children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity.


1 Watching cartoons"Be Healthy", "Masha and the Bear" Purpose: consolidation of the CPG, creation of a positive emotional climate

2N.P.I Board games: “lotto”, “lacing”, “Collect a picture”, Purpose: to develop attention, sensory perception of objects, fine motor skills of hands.




Cognitive. - research activity

1Conversation on etiquette"Polite words »

Target: To teach children the rules of etiquette, the forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using words of greeting. To help overcome the shyness and stiffness of children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.

2. Motor activity Outdoor game"Mousetrap" - to develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly after a signal.

self-service and elementary household work. Ph.D.. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to eat carefully, use cutlery correctly, maintain correct posture at the table.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Visual activity. Sculpting/Applique 9.00-9.20

TOPIC:"Birdhouse" (plot application)

Tasks: continue to develop children's interest in applications; learn to glue the finished form on a certain part of the base of the sheet according to the sample; develop visual perception, attention, motor and speech activity, fantasy, creativity; generalize knowledge about birds; to cultivate love and respect for birds.

N O D No. 2 Musical activity. musical 9.30-9.50


Cognitive research activity: Observation of trees and shrubs

Goal: Continue to teach to describe plants, noting their differences and similarities, characteristic features.

Observation course: pay attention to plants that stand without foliage. In winter, all the differences between trees and shrubs are especially clearly visible. Find differences and similarities between plants.

Motor activity. The mobile game "Frost - Red Nose" - learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

“We are funny guys” - increase motor activity, act quickly on the signal of the educator.

Game activity.Di"Useful-harmful" Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about environmental factors that affect health

Individual work: engine with Yegor K. Jumping up from a place. Purpose: to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

self-service and elementary household work. Replenish feeders - involve children in feeding birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds

Independent activity. Takeaway game material with spades and buckets, hockey game


Hardening Wellness exercises after sleepwalking on massage paths

Entertainment "A journey through fairy tales"

Purpose: to introduce children to folk culture - knowledge of fairy tales

Tasks: to activate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;

promote the development of speech, attention, memory through various tasks;

foster friendly relations in the team when performing joint tasks;

create conditions for guessing the character of the fairy tale and the name of the fairy tale according to the description;

to form the ability to make a whole from separate parts;

encourage children to find errors in the names of fairy tales.

self-service and elementary household work Create conditions for households. domestic labor. Group cleaning. Purpose: to independently clean up toys after the game, arrange them in specially designated places.


Cognitive research activity: Observing the wind Purpose: The teacher asks the children questions. Guys, is there any wind today? How can you define wind? (along the swaying branches of trees). arouse interest in the world around; learn to determine the presence and direction of the wind; expand horizons.

Motor activity. mobile game"Birds and a cat" - learn to move on a signal to develop dexterity.

Independent activity Outdoor games for children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity


Self. activity Independent games in the musical corner. Purpose: to promote the development of musical ear, to develop interest in music. tools

Game activity: Theatrical game "Wintering of animals".

Purpose: To introduce children to folk verbal creativity, involve them in a game situation, develop imagination, awaken an emotional response in children

Theme of the week: The world around us. Properties of objects.

Goal: Continue to acquaint and expand children's ideas about the objective world; to form knowledge about the qualitative characteristics of objects, to acquaint with the properties of various materials from which they are made




Communication activities

Conversation "Our Furniture" What kind of furniture do we have in the group? What material is it made from? What is this furniture for? How should you take care of furniture?

Purpose: to form children's ideas about furniture, its purpose and the material from which it is made, to develop cognitive interest, children's speech.

Individual work on connected speech with Yegor K. D. and .: “Call me affectionately”(spoon-spoon) . Purpose: to develop the speech of children.

Play activityround dance game"Silence"

Goals: to teach children to move in accordance with words; education of discipline, endurance.

Self-service and elementary household work. Labor order"Taking care of houseplants"Purpose: to develop the ability of children to care for indoor plants: wipe the leaves, water, pick off the yellowed leaves.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 motor activity. Sports.9.30-9.50

N O D No. 2 Cognitive activity. The study of objects of animate and inanimate nature. Cognition of the objective and social world.9.30-9.50

Topic: "Water is a helper"


: observation behind the melting snow.
Goals: learn to connect with nature; continue to expand knowledge about the properties of snow,lead to an understanding of the relationship between the properties of snow and the state of the weather.

Motor activity.P.i: "Mice lead a round dance." Purpose: to learn to move quickly on a signal; run without bumping into each other.

Game activity.Didactic game"Find the mistake" Objectives: to teach clearly to pronounce polysyllabic words loudly, to develop auditory attention.

Individual work with Alina J. Development of movements. Target: exercise in jumps in place with turns to the right, left, around yourself.

Collective work on the site for snow removal. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, the desire to help adults, to improve the ability to use a spatula.


Hardening. Exercise after sleep.Walking barefoot on massage paths.

Play activity. Role-playing game "Sailors". Offer the children the plot "Medical examination before sailing." Purpose: to form playing skills.Exercise in the ability to assign roles, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.

. S. Ya. Marshak "Where did the table come from?" Purpose: to form the ability to listen carefully, answer questions about the content, find out what material the tables are made of.


Cognitive research activity: "Observation of pigeons"

Objectives: to expand knowledge about the appearance of birds, their habits and habitat;form real ideas about the life of birds.

The teacher organizes a conversation with the children, asks questions.What is the name of this bird? What color can she be? What size? Dove is a migratory bird? What are the benefits of pigeons? Where do they build their nests? Why is a pigeon called a postman?

Motor activity. P / I "Colored cars" Purpose: to develop in children dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to act on a signal.

Independent activityOutdoor games for children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity.


Game activity. Board games"Associations", "Seasons".

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about the seasons, their signs.

Constructive-model activity. paper construction"Hat". Purpose: to teach how to fold a sheet of paper, combining corners and sides; develop small muscles of the hands, coordination of movements.




Communicative activity. Considerationfabric collections. Purpose: to create conditions for acquaintance with the types and properties of tissues.

Individual work on cognitive developmentwith Rodion S. Did. game "What to whom". Purpose: to teach to correlate tools with the profession of people; to cultivate interest in the work of adults, the desire to help them, to take on the roles of people of different professions in creative games.

Game activity. Did. the game“Name it in one word” Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to combine into groups and isolate parts from a group.

Self-service and elementary household work, CGN when dressing for a walk. Purpose: to consolidate the dressing algorithm, to consolidate the ability to fasten buttons.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 “Cognitive activity. Mathematical and sensory development. 9.00-9.20

Lesson "Orientation in space"

N O D No. 2 Motor activity. Physical culture. 9.30-9.50 game


observation behind the spring sun. Goals:
continue to teach children to notice and name the state of the weather;to clarify the knowledge that in spring the sun shines brightly, begins to bake;to teach to establish a causal relationship: the sun is shining, it is getting warmer.

Motor activity: p.i.P / I “The sea is worried” Purpose: to develop in children dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to act on a signal."Toss-catch." Target: improve movement.

Game activity did.gamefamiliarization with the natural world"Who eats what?" Target: reinforce children's ideas about animal food.

Individual work with Rodion K. (engine power)Log walking. Target : to consolidate the ability to maintain balance.

Garbage collection at the site. Target:educate diligence, a desire to help adults

Remote material: shovels, buckets for playing with snow, cars, steering wheels, dolls. Independent games with remote material.

Goal: fostering friendly relationships between children.


Hardening Exercise after sleep. Walking along the massage paths.

Play activity

Role-playing game "Sailors". Offer the children the plot "Journey to hot countries." Purpose: to teach how to equip a place for a game, select attributes, implement a game plan,to form an elementary idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsafe behavior on the water.

Experimental activities:"EACH STONE HIS OWN HOUSE"

Tasks: classification of stones by shape, size, color, surface features (smooth, rough); show children the possibility of using stones for play purposes.

Perception of fiction and folkloreK. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief" Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to the text, answer questions, consolidate knowledge about dishes.


Cognitive - research activity: observation for the work of a janitor
Objectives: to form a willingness to help, the ability to evaluate the results of work;
to cultivate respect for working people; develop speech, increase vocabulary (the name and purpose of the janitor's working equipment).

Motor activity. P / I "Cunning Fox". Purpose: to develop patience and observation in children. Exercise in fast running, in building in a circle, in catching.

Independent activity.Outdoor games for children. Purpose: to develop independence, physical activity


Watching a cartoon"At the bus stop" (the series "Smeshariki" Purpose: to form ideas about the rules of behavior at the bus stop.

Self. game activity.Play with your favorite toys. Purpose: creating conditions for the development of children's ability to organize joint games, form friendly relationships. Enrich the experience of organizing your own leisure time with your favorite toys.

Structural modeling activity"Bridge over river". Target:learn to build a bridge across the river so that a car passes, and a boat sails under it. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the purpose and structure of bridges, the name of their parts.




Cognitive - research activities.

Conversation on OZOZH "Dangerous games". Purpose: to teach to follow the rules of safe behavior at home; offer to consider the consequences of a fun game, discuss what dangerous situations may arise, form a conscious attitude towards one's health and safety.

Individual work in mathematics. and sensory developmentwith Nastya O. exercise“Lay out a geometric figure” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, to develop the ability to compose a geom. figures from counting sticks.

Self-service and elementary household work. Order:wash the dishes in the doll's nook. Purpose: to develop labor skills, cultivate accuracy, arouse a desire to help adults.

Independent visual activity.Provide children with coloring pagesstencils on the theme "Furniture", "Dishes". Purpose: development of fine motor skills, fixing the names of dishes and furniture.

N O D No. 1 Communicative activity.Development of speech. 9.00-9.20

Topic: “To live without a quarrel is better for us!”

Target: To form the experience of social interaction - the ability to find a way out of conflict situations;

Develop the ability to speak and listen to the statements of the interlocutor;

support the desire to ask and correctly formulate questions;

support the initiative and independence of the child in verbal communication with adults and peers;


Cognitive research activity.Traffic monitoring. Purpose: to invite children to name familiar modes of transport, to learn to distinguish them, to enrich ideas about the purpose of different modes of transport, to activate vocabulary, to form elementary ideas about the rules for the movement of vehicles.

Motor activity: p.i "Flight of Birds", "Hares and the Wolf". Target:practice climbing, jumping down stairs, running.

Play activity . "Guess the object by the names of its parts."

Purpose: activating the dictionary, fixing the names of familiar objects.

Individual work:engine act (with Alina Zh.) Game exercise."Toss and Catch". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to throw the ball and catch it with two hands.

Self-service and elementary household workShoveling snow around trees.

Target: educate diligence, a desire to help adults.

Independent activity.Games on the playground at the request of the children. Purpose: to encourage the desire of children to organize a game with their peers, to teach how to equip a place for a game, select attributes, and realize a game plan.


Hardening. Exercise after sleep. Rolling a pencil between the palms.

Play activity

Role-playing game"Sailors". Suggest the plot "The cook is preparing dinner." Purpose: to teach children to act according to the chosen role. To teach how to use the attributes of the game correctly, to consolidate their purpose and actions with them, to help children diversify the plot of the game,cultivate friendships, a sense of collectivism.

Experience "Sinks - swims."

Purpose: to form the concept that heavy metal objects sink, but wood does not.

Ind. work on thin creativityWith. Egor K. Purpose:practice creating a pattern using the priming technique.

Perception of fiction and folkloreReading the fairy tale "The Miracle Tree" by K. I. Chukovsky. Purpose: to develop interest in fiction, to teach to listen carefully, to answer questions about the content.


Cognitive research activity:supervision of the work of the driver. Goals: continue to get acquainted with the work of the driver, the names of the parts of the car;educate respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.What is this car? What is the name of the person who drives it? What other cars are there? What is the difference between a truck and a car?

mobile game “We are drivers”, “Sparrows and a car”. Goals: develop spatial orientation; to cultivate independence in the organization of the game.

Self-service and elementary household work. Cleaning the kindergarten area from debris. Goals: form a responsible attitude to the assignment; encourage initiative in helping each other, adults.


Self. play activityin the physical corner education.Purpose: to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, to develop physical activity.

ppm " Song-dance-march" Target: develop ideas about the main genres of music, the ability to distinguish between a song, dance, march.




Communication activities

Conversation What do we know about paper? Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the properties of paper, to develop cognitive interests, children's speech.

Individual work on coherent speech, ZKRwith Nastya O. Purpose: to exercise incompiling a story-description of the animal according to the model and given plan.

Self-service and elementary household work, Ph.D.. (duty in the canteen).Table setting. Target:develop the ability to properly arrange cutlery, cultivate accuracy.

Play activity D \ and . " The fourth extra ”Goal: develop attention, thinking, speech.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Visual activity. Painting. 9.00 - 9.20

Theme: "Spring is coming to us with quick steps" (non-traditional drawing)

Tasks: to evoke in children an emotional response to spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences; develop creative imagination, the ability to choose image methods and visual material depending on the transmitted image; develop technical and artistic skills, a sense of composition, the ability to create a spring image in non-traditional techniques; improve skills and abilities in non-traditional techniques: print with seals (foam rubber), print with crumpled paper and a plastic bottle (waste material); cultivate an aesthetic attitude to nature through the ratio of colors

N O D No. 2 Motor activity. Physical education 9.30-9.50

PROGRAM CONTENT:see physical instructor plan. education


Topic: "Target walk Topic: "Target walk to the sports area"

Purpose: to consider sports equipment, remember its name and purpose. To form in children a conscious attitude to their health, to teach them to follow the rules of behavior on the sports ground.

Motor activity: p.i"Homeless Bunny" Target:

Individual work:engine activity with Roma K. Exercise "Jump to the flag." Purpose: to improve the ability to jump on two legs moving forward.

Self-service and elementary household workCollective work on cleaning snow from the tracks. Target:reinforce the ability to work together.

Independent activity.Remote material: shovels, buckets, cars. Games designed by children with portable material. Purpose: to develop independence, the ability to play together.


Hardening . Exercise after sleep. Hand massage.

Ind. work (sensorics)with Roma K. "Find by touch" Target: to teach to find the described objects by touch, consolidation and development of fine motor skills, massage of the hands, fingers, increased sensitivity of the fingers,

Communication activity. Implementation of a partial program.Theme: "Magic knitting needles".

Tasks: to acquaint children with knitting needles, their purpose; talk about woolen products and where wool comes from, develop the ability to invent and lay out patterns from planar figures.

A source: Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. Partial Program". - Childhood - Press, 2015., p.49.

Experimental - experimental activity. "Properties of sand".Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the properties of sand, to develop observation, the ability to draw conclusions.


Cognitive - research activity:observation of the magpie

Goals : expand ideas about spring and the behavior of birds at this time of the year; enrich knowledge with new words, concepts.

Motor activity: p. game"Birds times! Two birds! Target:exercise in the ability to coordinate movements with the text.

Independent activitygames with portable material. Purpose: creating conditions for the development of children's ability to organize joint games.


Play activityin the music corner. Purpose: to promote the development of musical and creative abilities of children.

Role-playing game"Sailors". Purpose: to develop role-playing dialogue, the ability to beat the plot, combine several games; educate a socially active person.

N.P.I "What is it made of?" Purpose: to teach to classify objects according to the material from which they are made.

"Seasons". Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the sequence of seasons.




Cognitive. - research activity

A conversation on etiquetteWhy are there fights? Purpose: to form communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of the norms and rules of behavior among peers; Cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.

Motor activityAn outdoor game "Flight of the birds". Purpose: to develop endurance in children, the ability to move on a signal. Practice running, climbing.

Play activity di. "Who will name more actions?" Goals: to learn to select verbs denoting actions, to develop children's speech, memory, attention.

self-service and elementary household work. Instruction "Wash the toys". Target: create conditions for joint action to care for toys in the play corner, wash toys together with children, develop labor skills, and arouse a desire to help adults.

morning exercises

N O D No. 1 Visual activity. Sculpting/Applique 9.00-9.20

Theme: "Spring has come" (collective plasticineography)

Tasks: to arouse children's interest in seasonal changes in nature in spring,

emotional response; develop fine motor skills of the fingers; continue

introduce children to the landscape as a genre of fine art; teach

techniques of work in the technique of "plasticineography": sculpt individual parts,

press down, lubricate, smooth out the boundaries of the connection of parts; teach

convey in the work the characteristic features of the external structure of different

primroses; to strengthen the cognitive interest in nature.

N O D No. 2 Musical activity. Musical 9.30-9.50.

P.S: see the music director's plan.


Cognitive research activity: observation behind the wind. Objectives: to continue to reinforce ideas about weather changes; to form concepts about the wind, its properties; learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Progress of observation

Warm air is lighter than cold air, and so it rises, and cold creeps down. But the air is not the same everywhere, it gets warmer over the sand, and therefore the wind in the deserts is warm. The air is always cool over the river, so a cool breeze always blows from the river. Where the air warms up, it imperceptibly rises, and in its place the cool one hurries, and in such a hurry that everyone feels it.

Motor activity. Mobile game "Faster than the wind", "Who is higher?". Goals: develop running speed; learning to jump is easy.

Play activity di. D / and " Find an extra item ”Purpose: to develop the ability of children to single out an extra item from a group of objects that are similar in a certain way.

Individual work with Roma T. Development of movements. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to crawl through and crawl into the collars.

Self-service and elementary household work.Collective cleaning of the site from the remnants of snow and debris. Purpose: to develop labor skills, cultivate diligence, accustom to cleanliness and order on the site.

Independent activity. External material for blades, buckets for playing with snow Purpose:create conditions for independent play activities on a walk with the help of a portable material.


Hardening e. Exercise after sleep.Walking on massage paths

Entertainment (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Game activity.

Role-playing game "Sailors". Purpose: to talk with children about how they played, what plot they liked the most, what roles they like to play the most. Develop children's interest in the game, game skills.


Cognitive - research activity: Observation "Sparrows in Spring". Purpose: to enrich children's ideas about the life of birds in early spring, to learn to see the simplest connections between weather conditions and the life of birds, to draw conclusions. Recall the rules of bird watching that are safe for humans and nature.

Motor activity. mobile game "Bird flight". Target:learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Independent activitygames of the choice of children. Purpose: to pay attention to the relationship of children, to the way out of conflict situations.


Self. activity. Role-playing games at the request of children. Purpose: to create an environment for uniting children in the game, to cultivate friendliness.

Game activity: Theatrical games. Playing out "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Purpose: to develop interest in theatrical activities, develop children's speech, creative abilities.

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, secondary school "Educational Center" of the village of Chelno-Vershina, structural unit "Kolobok"

Plan summary of directly integrated educational activities in the educational field "Cognition" with children of the senior speech therapy group Topic: "The world around us"

Educator Alekseeva Zulfiya Mirkarimovna s. Chelno-Vershiny 2012

Topic: "The world around us"

Integration of educational areas:



"Artistic creation"

Purpose: Formation of holistic ideas about natural phenomena.

1. Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.

2. Expand and enrich knowledge about inanimate nature (natural phenomena).

3. Activate the speech of children and expand the vocabulary of adjectives ..

4. Cultivate curiosity.

Methods and techniques:

– Game (games with elements of breathing exercises)

- Visual (TSO)

- Verbal (poems, riddles)

– Practical (activity)

Materials and equipment:

A laptop, a projector, audio recordings of the songs “Clouds” (from the m / f “Shake, Hello!”), A white sheet, seat cushions, an imitation of a balloon, a bus, equipment for experiments (a jar filled with hot water 2.5 cm, ice, plastic bags, balls according to the number of children), Whatman sheet, gouache, cotton wool.

Topic: "The world around us"

The logic of directly educational activities

Children are located near the teacher.

Q. - Guys, who are travelers? (presumed responses of children). What can you travel on? (children's answers). And what do they travel in fairy tales? Do you want to go on a trip? On what we will move on: by bus, balloon or cloud. (Children choose a vehicle together)

Depending on the means of transportation chosen by the children, the course of educational activities is built.

If the children chose the bus.

The soundtrack of the song “We are going, we are going, we are going…”

Q. - Guys, guess the riddle?

Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He is invisible, and yet,

We cannot live without it. (air)

Q. — And what is air? You can't see him, you can't hear him, but you can catch him! (Children "catch" air in plastic bags. Questions about the properties of air).

V. - And the air can make even a car move, though ... a toy one. Let's see how. But for this we will stop. Getting off the bus

Driving experience. A tube with a balloon is attached to the car. The balloon is inflated through a tube and, deflated, helps the car move.

V. — And we also have air inside and it can be hidden, for example, in a balloon. (Children inflate balloons and release them).

Q. - What sound does a deflating balloon make? (sh-sh-sh-sh)

The teacher asks the children to choose the next vehicle

If children choose a balloon.

Q. - Guess another riddle? (view slides about the rainbow). What is a rainbow? What colors does the rainbow have? A poem will help us remember the colors. Let's make a stop.

(Fizminutka "Every hunter ...").

Everyone point their hand at each other

Hunter depict a gun

Wishes to shake your head up and down

Know raise your index finger

Where they shrug their shoulders

sits squat

Pheasant flapping wings

V. - Let's make our own rainbow. Be careful. (Children on the palace lay out a rainbow from strips of colored paper).

Children are located on an impromptu cloud.

Q. - Guys, what do you think a cloud is? (children's answers). Want to know how clouds appear? (The song “Clouds” sounds. Experiment: fill a glass bottle halfway with hot water, put a piece of ice on top). Warm air rises from the ground and water bodies and meets cold air. This is how a cloud appears, which then floats through the air (slide view).

Q. What do you think helps our cloud to float across the sky? (Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”). Do you want to become as powerful and strong as the wind? We need to get down to earth. Let's play the North and South wind game. (Children blow on paper boats floating in a basin of water).

V. — And what is this bright? The sun. (View slideshow "What does the sun look like?") What is our sun? (warm, bright, hot, large, radiant).

V. - Well, our journey is over. What did we encounter along the way? (Answers of children). Let's now draw everything that we saw: the sun, a rainbow, we will make clouds from cotton wool.

On a piece of drawing paper, children depict a rainbow with their fingers, the sun with their palms, and clouds are made from cotton wool on velvet paper.

V. — Let's share our impressions with friends and show them our drawing.

  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"