
Swaddling the hands of a newborn. Proper swaddling of a baby in the maternity hospital. What mothers need to know about swaddling


Elena Zhabinskaya

A young mother faces many problems immediately after the birth of her child, and caring for him is no exception. There are many things that raise questions, one of which is swaddling. The older generation explains its need by the physiological need of the baby, but is this really so?

In any case, after their advice, the woman begins to wonder how to properly swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step. The answer to this is obvious: there are several methods and techniques, mastering which is actually not difficult. It’s worth learning about them, if only so that you can properly wrap your baby in a blanket before going out. But first things first.

People joke that swaddling is an ancient art that everyone can do. It’s interesting that not only our mothers and grandmothers, but also their parents figured out how to swaddle a newborn baby.

In ancient times, it was believed that such events protected children from the influence of dark forces. Simply, involuntary movements of the limbs of newborns are nothing more than the result of the influence of evil spirits on children. Therefore, if you swaddle them tightly, they will not attract the attention of otherworldly forces.

Over time, opinions on this matter have changed. In the last century, the idea has successfully taken root that if you swaddle a baby at night, he will sleep soundly. Firstly, because those same involuntary movements of the limbs will not wake him up. And, secondly, because in this way he will be able to feel calm and tranquility, like in his mother’s tummy, where it was just as cramped.

Looking back at all these rules and principles today, one involuntarily becomes convinced that no matter what goals swaddling may serve, in fact it justifies the shortage of clothing for babies that was felt in Soviet times. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether to swaddle a newborn baby today can be answered this way: no, if you can afford it. Simply because it is a relic of the past, and any non-compliance with the rules in this matter is fraught with serious health problems for the baby.

Types of swaddling

In the young years of our great-grandmothers, there was only one type of swaddling that was popular – tight. This is when, with the help of a swaddling blanket, children were wrapped together with their arms and legs, literally not allowing them to move. There was no talk of any freedom for them then. This type of swaddling has gone down in history under other names: classic, simple, column, soldier.

For a long time they only used it, because there were no clothes for children at that time, as well as disposable diapers. Therefore, they were wrapped in diapers while still in the maternity hospital and used until the baby reached 6–8 months of age, when he could sit up independently. Moreover, it was very convenient for the nurses, because the children then lay separately from their mothers and could demand attention, but thanks to the tight swaddling they simply slept peacefully.

By the way, in some maternity hospitals they do not allow you to take clothes for your baby from home, suggesting that you use local diapers. Let's leave open the question of whether hospitals have the right to tell you what to dress your own child in. In this case, in order not to waste unnecessary nerves, I recommend that you find out in advance how to properly swaddle a newborn in the maternity hospital. We will discuss the most gentle methods below.

Why is tight swaddling dangerous?

If you still doubt whether you need to swaddle your baby, you should definitely read this section. So, tight swaddling. It immobilizes the baby, depriving him of the ability to move his limbs. On the one hand, this situation promises a good night, but on the other, it is fraught with serious health problems.

Judge for yourself: in Japan, until 1975, a huge number of cases of hip dysplasia were recorded. Afterwards the situation changed. What caused this? Hitherto conservative views on tight swaddling were rejected, as was the swaddling itself. Doctors and the media played a significant role in this, after which the disease subsided.

But this is far from the worst thing. Tight mindless wrapping of a child:

Looking back at all of the above, you involuntarily ask the question: why swaddle a child? Moreover, not only pediatricians, but also psychologists are against this. They insist that such restriction of movements fosters a submissive, ready-to-submit personality, whose character will be dominated by passivity and the desire to feel like a victim. Do you want this for your child?

Acceptable swaddling methods

If, due to lack of finances or the ability to purchase comfortable and loose clothes for the baby, a young mother decides to swaddle, she needs to study the features of this process so as not to cause harm. Below we will look at how to properly swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

  • Closed swaddling.
  • Open.
  • Wide.

It deserves attention, as it allows the baby to take the usual physiological position - “frog”, when the legs are bent at the knees and spread out to the sides.

How to properly swaddle a newborn with a “frog” - the diaper is laid in a triangle, with the baby placed in the center.

One corner is wound between his legs, and the other two are wrapped around his waist.

  • "Diaper".

Wrap the free ends of the triangle around his waist. It does not matter whether swaddling is a boy or a girl - the technique is the same for babies of both sexes.

  • "Envelope".

For those families from the outback, who do not have free access not only to diapers, but also to children’s clothes for the cold season, there is a way out of a difficult situation - it is enough to learn how to properly swaddle a newborn in a blanket for a walk outside. We will help you with this by providing the entire process in pictures with photos step by step.

In the cold season, take two: thick and thin. The dressed child is placed on the last one and wrapped according to the principle of closed swaddling with the head. Then they are transferred to an unfolded thick blanket.

The bottom side covers the baby's legs, and the sides wrap the child himself. It is tied with a ribbon at the waist. Needless to say, the fourth upper corner serves as a kind of hood for the envelope. You can see this in more detail in the video, and also sympathize a little with the baby, who is clearly dissatisfied with everything that is happening.

  • Swaddling with the head. The very warming way to properly swaddle a newborn's head. To implement this, the diaper is spread out and the baby is laid across, making sure that his head is below the top edge. Then the free edge is wrapped around the little one, bringing the hand behind the other side. A similar manipulation is carried out with the free edge on the other side. In general, the technique resembles closed swaddling.

It is worth noting that it is important to understand not only how to properly swaddle a baby, but also what kind of diapers to use for this. In the warm season, you need to choose lightweight ones, and in the cold season, insulated ones.

Is it possible to swaddle in hot weather?

It is strictly forbidden to swaddle a baby in the heat. This can cause overheating and even dehydration. At temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius, you can choose light cotton diapers. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the baby should be in one diaper, and above 28 degrees - without it at all.

If a child has congenital muscle tone, he cannot be swaddled in the summer for health reasons. Swaddling is also not recommended for colic, as it only aggravates the situation. In this case, you should alleviate the child’s condition by simply laying him on his stomach or picking him up with his tummy facing you.

Up to what age

For many mothers, the question of how many months to swaddle a baby remains open. According to doctors, it is reasonable to do this until 3 months; later, the risk of developmental inhibition increases, because stiffness prevents the muscles from strengthening and the child himself from exploring the world.

Some pediatricians, when asked about what age to swaddle, cite the figure as 6 months, that is, the time when the baby learns to crawl, walk, and sit.

So is it necessary to swaddle

Grandmothers will convince you that yes. They will give a lot of arguments in their favor, which for the most part will not have scientific evidence. There is an opinion that tight swaddling allows the child to “get” beautiful, straight, long legs. Do you know what the paradox is? The fact is that these processes are in no way interconnected. Moreover, such tightening and restriction of movements is fraught with the development of hip dysplasia, hip dislocation and serious problems with internal organs.

And it doesn’t matter how many months you swaddle your baby. Whatever one may say, diapers are harmful. The only case when their use can be justified is the inability to purchase regular children's clothing. Needless to say, then you should wisely approach the choice of the diapers themselves (take only those that are made from natural materials, and not from synthetics and only according to the weather), as well as to the techniques of the swaddling itself.

No matter how good your intentions are, the child should be given a chance to move.

It is much wiser, in my opinion, to find inexpensive, high-quality clothes for the baby in the largest Russian online store MyToys. I assure you, this will not hurt your wallet, because the baby doesn’t need a lot of clothes - it practically doesn’t get dirty (provided you use disposable diapers, of course) and grows quickly. Therefore, 4-5 T-shirts and 3-4 cotton overalls for a cool room are quite enough!

Returning from the maternity hospital, a young mother is faced with a choice. Should we adhere to traditional views and swaddle a newborn, as has been done for centuries? Or should we listen to the opinion of modern pediatricians that this is not necessary to do in order to avoid impaired motor activity and other unpleasant consequences?

If the newborn does not have any health requirements, this issue is resolved by the parents independently. And if the answer is positive, you will also have to choose a method of swaddling, of which there are quite a few.

If you don’t know how to swaddle your newborn during feeding or for a walk, use the closed method. For this you will need:

  • vest;
  • rectangular diaper;
  • cap.
  1. Put on the vest so that there are no folds on the back. Otherwise, they will interfere with the newborn, and you will not be able to feed him normally or take him for a walk: he will be capricious.
  2. Put on a hat. If it has ties, they will then need to be tucked into the diaper.
  3. Place the child exactly in the middle.
  4. Throw one edge of the diaper under the opposite side of the baby and secure it behind the back.
  5. Secure its edges at the back.

To properly swaddle a newborn in this way, look at the step-by-step photo: it will help you understand unclear points.

This is far from the most complicated scheme, although difficulties may arise when fixing the diaper behind the baby. Make sure that it is not too convex, otherwise it will put pressure on the spine.


To properly swaddle a newborn in an open diaper, the closed swaddling skill will come in handy. This will be useful in the evenings when you decide to give your baby's hands a rest.

If he is still very small (up to a month), the vest should have closed sleeves so that he does not accidentally scratch himself. At an older age, this method of swaddling becomes the main one. You won't need a hat anymore, since this is done for spending time at home.

  1. Put on a vest.
  2. Secure it with a diaper.
  3. Spread the canvas in a rectangle on a flat surface.
  4. Place the baby exactly in the middle so that the top edge of the diaper is just below his armpits. If you do it higher, it will rub the body and cause discomfort.
  5. Throw one edge of the diaper under the opposite side of the baby and secure it behind the back.
  6. Do the same with the second side.
  7. Bend the bottom remaining in the form of a trapezoid towards the baby.
  8. Secure its edges at the back.

Open swaddling is practiced when the baby has already grown a little, but it is still too early to completely release him, or he has a problem with the joints of the legs (pelvis).


To tightly swaddle a newborn, you need dexterity and skills practiced on a doll. Previously, this method was welcomed by pediatricians and used by nurses in all maternity hospitals. All the babies looked the same like pillars and could not move their arms or legs.

Now experts are increasingly speaking out against this technique, talking about the harm it causes to health:

  • hip dysplasia may develop;
  • the development of motor functions is inhibited;
  • the body overheats;
  • the lungs are compressed;
  • blood circulation is impaired;
  • poor sleep;
  • the instinct for freedom is drowned out;
  • muscles, joints, ligaments develop poorly due to passivity.

And at the same time, after tight swaddling, children most often calm down and fall asleep not only faster, but also more soundly. So here's how to do it:

  1. Put a diaper (diaper) on the newborn.
  2. Place the canvas on a flat surface in the shape of a diamond.
  3. Bend the top edge into a triangle so that its border passes under the baby’s neck.
  4. Wrap the left end of the diaper under the opposite side of the child, leading him under the armpit. Secure it behind your back.
  5. Raise the bottom of the diamond up, along the line of the toes, and secure it behind the right shoulder.
  6. The remaining right end of the diaper is folded under the opposite side and secured there behind the back.

A feature of tight swaddling is the fact that as soon as one edge of the diaper is not fixed or weakens due to the active actions of the newborn, the entire structure will fall apart. But, as already mentioned, now rarely anyone resorts to this method.


If you need to loosely swaddle a newborn's legs, leaving everything else outside the swaddle, this method is called wide.

Its advantages are that the baby takes a physiological “frog” pose that is convenient for him. He can straighten and bend his arms. Sometimes this method is prescribed for medical reasons if a diagnosis of hip dysplasia has been made.

For clothes you will need a vest and panties-diaper.

  1. Put on a vest.
  2. Fold the diaper into a triangle and place it on a flat surface with an acute angle down.
  3. Place the newborn on it so that this sharp corner is in the center between his legs, and the upper edge of the triangle runs along the lower back.
  4. Fold the sharp tip of the diaper up, threading it between the legs.
  5. Fold the edges over opposite sides one by one and secure behind your back.
  6. Lay out the second diaper into a rectangle.
  7. Place it in the center of the baby so that the top goes along the lower back.
  8. Wrap the edges of the diaper behind your back one by one, leaving enough free space for your legs.
  9. Raise the bottom up and also secure it behind your back.

Wide swaddling of newborns is a fairly common method today. It is recommended by pediatricians, as it creates enough free space for the baby and does not limit his motor activity.

With your head

In the first days of life, you need to swaddle a newborn with his head in order to protect the fontanelle that has not yet healed and to avoid accidental injuries. The technique is similar to closed swaddling:

  1. Put on a vest.
  2. Put on a cap.
  3. Spread the diaper in a rectangle on a flat surface.
  4. Place the child in the middle so that his head is much lower than the top edge of the canvas (4-5 cm).
  5. Carefully wrap the head with loose cloth.
  6. Place it behind your opposite hand, wrap it tightly and tuck it behind your side.
  7. Do the same with the second side.
  8. The bottom is folded up and secured behind the back.

To swaddle a newborn in a diaper with his head, you first need to practice. Here it is important to ensure that the fabric does not hang over the baby’s eyes. After a week, you can switch to closed swaddling.


You can swaddle your newborn in an envelope-shaped blanket. Typically this method is used for walks in the cold season. You will need two blankets at once - a warm (thick) one and a thin one.

  1. Dress your child according to the weather.
  2. Spread both sheets in a diamond shape on a flat surface.
  3. Place the child in the middle.
  4. Throw one side of both blankets under the opposite side of the baby and leave behind the back.
  5. Do the same with the second edge.
  6. Bend the bottom edge remaining in the form of a trapezoid towards the child.
  7. Tie the top blanket with a ribbon in the abdominal area.
  8. The fourth corner of the envelope turns out to be a kind of hood.

If the top (warm) blanket is elegant, you will get a very beautiful walking swaddling - warm and comfortable.

In fact, all these methods require certain skills and endless patience, since it is not always possible to wrap a squirming baby in a diaper. A few useful tips will help you cope with difficulties.

To properly swaddle a newborn, young mothers (especially those with their first child) can adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Ask the doctor who is observing the newborn in the maternity hospital about choosing a swaddling method. Knowing the characteristics of his physique and health, the specialist will give the right advice.
  2. Buy a set of appropriate diapers in advance.
  3. Learn to swaddle before birth on a regular doll to strengthen your skills.
  4. If something doesn't work, ask older or more experienced women to show you how it's done. You can watch the training video.
  5. Never swaddle a newborn in a bad mood: he will feel it and will worry for a long time afterwards.
  6. If a newborn cries, squirms, worries and does not allow himself to be swaddled, he needs to be reassured. To do this, the mother herself needs to not be nervous and talk tenderly to the baby, sing a song, read a nursery rhyme. The voice of a loved one works real miracles.

As you can see, swaddling a newborn correctly is not that difficult. The main thing is to choose a method that suits your individual characteristics.

It is best to learn on a large doll, so as not to accidentally pinch the baby’s arms or legs. The hand quickly gets used to the movements, the necessary skill is acquired, so that after a few days, swaddling will not cause any difficulties. Its main task is to ensure peace of mind for you and safety for the baby.

How to swaddle a baby correctly? This is perhaps the first question that a mother has when she comes home from the maternity hospital with her baby. It is simply impossible to swaddle a baby evenly, neatly and tightly enough the first time. However, this problem can be solved very easily, the main thing is practice, and you will have enough of it in the near future)

When changing, we use only clean diapers. For a long time there was an opinion that it was necessary to iron it, and this had to be done very carefully, on both sides. However, as pediatricians have proven, ironing diapers is a waste of time and effort. Freshly washed diapers do not contain any pathogenic bacteria that would need to be destroyed using high-temperature treatment.

Where should you swaddle your baby? Yes, wherever it is convenient for you. This could be a changing table, a sofa, or a bed. The main thing is not to leave the baby alone for a minute, in order to avoid an accidental fall. If you need to leave, be sure to put the baby in the crib, where he will be safe while you are away.

How to swaddle a newborn baby

The baby must be clean and in a clean diaper. If you use gauze diapers rather than disposable ones, you need to have at least 20 diapers, since they will get dirty much more often.

If it’s cold outside and cool indoors, prepare a couple of films in advance.

The picture clearly shows what the process should look like swaddling bags with handles. This is how all children in maternity hospitals are swaddled.

We spread the diaper and carefully place the baby in the middle of the diaper so that his head is higher than the edge of the diaper. We press the right hand to the body, and wrap the right corner of the diaper diagonally, the edge of the diaper should be wrapped behind the baby’s back. Now we press the left hand to the body in the same way, and wrap the left corner of the diaper, like the right one, diagonally. At the bottom we get a “fish tail”. The edges are tucked under the baby one by one, and then secured in the side pocket we created.

Everything is ready, the baby was swaddled quickly and not at all difficult. A few training sessions and this process will be brought to automaticity, don’t even doubt it.

Below we show how to properly swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

When the house is cool, we swaddle the baby in a second diaper, the only difference being that there is no longer any need to press the arms, since they are already hidden.

How to swaddle a newborn baby in the summer?

In hot weather it is best to use the method free swaddling. With this method, the baby, while swaddling, is positioned on the diaper so that his arms remain above the edge of the diaper. We wrap the diaper in the same way as with simple swaddling. Thus, the newborn baby's arms remain open. Or, you can use ready-made envelopes in which the baby’s legs are fixed and the arms are free.

If your swaddled baby shows obvious signs of anxiety and cannot calm down even in your arms, check whether you swaddled him too tightly and whether there are folds in the swaddle that are interfering with him. It is very important that the baby feels comfortable. The recommended air temperature in a room with a newborn wrapped in a diaper should be about twenty degrees.

Should I swaddle my baby?

Not long ago, whether to swaddle a baby or not became a subject of debate among pediatricians and parents of babies. Opponents of this method cite the following arguments in their favor:

  • It is possible for babies wrapped in diapers to overheat, since their thermoregulation mechanism is very different from adults. If the room is too warm, it’s hot outside, and the likelihood of overheating increases;
  • keeping a baby in a diaper can lead to developmental delays, since he is not able to freely master the movements of his arms and legs;
  • It is useful for newborn babies to sleep lying on their stomach, but while swaddled it is almost impossible to do this;
  • tight constriction can have a detrimental effect on the child’s cardiovascular system, as it slows down the blood circulation process;

In addition, common reasons for young mothers to refuse to wrap their baby tightly are the following:

  • simplifying newborn care;
  • inability and unwillingness to learn to swaddle;
  • It’s much easier to put rompers on your baby, and dad can change them if necessary.

At the end of the article we have prepared additional material for you. Download the checklist “How to properly put on and change diapers” and caring for your baby will bring you only joy!

Here's what proponents of the method say in defense of their position:

  • swaddling keeps the baby's body temperature normal in the first weeks of life;
  • the baby is calmer and sleeps better when wrapped in a diaper, as it does not disturb itself with uncontrolled movements of its arms and legs;
  • being in diapers, the baby feels more natural, because in recent weeks, while in the womb, he has become accustomed to the lack of living space, and therefore in diapers he is both more comfortable and calmer. In rompers and blouses, babies may get scared in their sleep and wake up;
  • Using diapers is much less expensive for a young family’s budget than purchasing new pants, tights, and blouses for a growing child every two to three weeks.

There are several types of swaddling. In addition to those already described, free and swaddling with handles, swaddling with an “envelope” and wide swaddling is practiced.

Swaddling with an "envelope" is done as follows. The corner of the diaper above the baby's head should be left free. We lift the bottom corner of the diaper and place it on the baby’s tummy. We lay the side corners as with normal swaddling. All! A child in such a diaper will feel great while walking outside. If it is cold, we wrap it in a blanket, but if it is hot, we use a gauze diaper.

Wide swaddling A newborn is used if the baby has muscle tone disorders or orthopedic problems. When swaddling wide, the baby's legs are bent, the hips are abducted, the position is very comfortable and familiar for the baby. This type of swaddling does not interfere with the proper development of the baby’s hip joints, it can help in cases of mild dysplasia, and prevent the occurrence of subluxation or dislocation of the hip in babies. This type of swaddling is used from birth to six months.

It is advisable to master all types of swaddling; this will be very useful for your newborn baby and will make your life easier. It is better to alternate different swaddling techniques.

And one more tip on how to swaddle a baby correctly.

Before swaddling, put on your baby a thin vest that wraps around the back, followed by a warm one that wraps around the chest. After that . A diaper is often a gauze square 80 by 80 cm, which is folded into a triangle. We pass a right angle between the baby’s legs, and wrap the sharp corners around the stomach.

Until what age should a baby be swaddled?

There are no specific time standards. Different babies need different times to get used to the new, huge world around them, which has replaced the close comfort of their mother’s tummy. One week may be enough to adapt, or it may take six months. In general, children from one and a half to three months can get by with loose swaddling. And yet, until how many months to swaddle a baby, you have to decide for yourself, and with experience you will definitely understand how to swaddle a newborn in the most convenient way.

Watching how your newborn baby falls asleep and sleeps, you will understand when the time comes to say goodbye to diapers.

Read our next article.

Download the checklist "How to properly put on and change diapers"

Do you think that gauze diapers are safer for your baby? By downloading the checklist, you will learn how to properly put on and change diapers. Let caring for your baby bring you only joy!

Your baby is born. Now he needs constant care and attention. Every loving mother wants to give her child the best and tries to do everything right. One of the questions that worries her is: how to swaddle children, is it necessary to do it?

To swaddle or not

Today, in the maternity hospital, the baby is immediately dressed in undershirts and rompers, and they also recommend that young mothers do so in the future, arguing that the baby should develop from the first days of birth, and diapers hinder the movements of arms and legs. At the same time, grandmothers insist on mandatory swaddling. They know, They say, they swaddled themselves before everyone else, and also tied them with a ribbon - the baby is so warm, comfortable, like in his mother’s tummy, and he won’t wake himself up with his hands, which means he’ll sleep better. Yes, you definitely need to swaddle tightly, straightening the baby’s arms and legs - this way the baby will have them even and beautiful. Of course, you need to listen to the advice of both doctors and grandmothers, but it is better if the mother herself decides what is best for her child. As for tight swaddling, this can greatly harm the baby, since swaddling a newborn baby can only be swaddled loosely. According to some experts, strong fixation of arms and legs can harm not only physiologically, but also psychologically: children who were swaddled this way in childhood grow up weak-willed, unable to make their own decisions. Therefore, if a young mother prefers swaddling, she must learn to do it correctly. We will talk about how to swaddle children in different ways below.

How to swaddle a newborn baby

If the expectant mother has decided in advance that she will swaddle the baby, she can ask the nurse at the maternity hospital to show her how to swaddle the baby correctly. Both for the first time and subsequently, it is necessary to use clean, soft diapers depending on the season - flannelette, calico or flannel, and the same clean and soft clothes without internal seams, labels, snakes and other accessories that could injure the baby. Diapers and clothes must be ironed on both sides. When ironing, use a steamer to prevent the diapers from drying out and becoming stiff. If you don't have a steamer, just spray your clothes with water. After ironing, let the items cool slightly; do not immediately hide them in the closet to avoid being locked. The surface on which to swaddle must be hard. In the maternity hospital there are special changing tables for this. Depending on your financial capabilities, you can purchase a stationary changing table or a mobile changing table for your home. It can be placed directly on a sofa or table, and can be attached to a crib or changing chest. You can also adapt a regular table. It is convenient to use disposable diapers as bedding, but you can use regular diapers and oilcloth. In the maternity hospital, the diapers that will be used for swaddling are spread on the table, first a warmer one, for example, flannelette, then a thin one.

The baby is placed on the diaper so that the top edge is higher than the shoulders. The child is put on a diaper, a thin vest, wrapped around the back and straightened well, a flannel blouse on top, wrapped in the front, and a hat. Then they take the right edge of the diaper and wrap it around the baby, wrapping the arms, take out the right leg and pull the edge of the diaper under it. Thus, one leg is on top of the diaper. This is necessary so that the baby, when moving his legs, does not rub them on each other. They do the same with the left edge, tucking it under the child, hiding both legs. The tail of the diaper is folded up, and the corners are tucked under. The same is done with the second diaper. Only after tucking the tail up, turn one corner down and bend the other into a “pocket.” If necessary, they can also swaddle the baby in a soft blanket.

Having learned how to swaddle a baby in the maternity hospital, you can do the same at home.

In addition, there are other methods of swaddling.

Which diapers to use: disposable or reusable

Parents must also decide which diapers to use. The main rule is that in order to avoid diaper rash in the baby, irritation and other damage, the baby’s skin should always be dry and clean. Skin contact with urine and feces can cause diaper dermatitis. Due to improper use of diapers, disposable or reusable, the skin becomes red, itchy, and microcracks form on it. All this is dangerous and can lead to a fungal infection, after which long-term treatment will be required. Therefore, to prevent any skin irritation, it is necessary to use diapers correctly. A regular reusable diaper is made of gauze or cotton fabric, usually triangular in shape, less often T-shaped. Every mother can easily make such diapers on her own. Disposable diapers should only be purchased in special children's stores or pharmacies to avoid counterfeiting. These products must be selected correctly; they must match the size and weight of the child.

Is the baby comfortable?

It may seem to you that a baby wrapped in a diaper feels cramped and uncomfortable. Don't worry - the baby is used to being in a confined space. With the help of diapers, you can make his stay in the new world as familiar as it was in his mother’s tummy. And, note, you should not swaddle tightly, but use the principle of loose swaddling. We bend the upper corner of the diaper inward. We put the baby down. We tuck the edge of the diaper under the baby, leaving the opposite arm free. We wrap the diaper up from the bottom, and close the handle with the other edge. During swaddling, the legs and arms do not need to be straightened. Let them be in a natural position.

A very simple way to swaddle

It is necessary to turn the top edge of the diaper 15 centimeters inwards. We cover the baby's left arm with the folded edge and, using movements from right to left diagonally downwards, we slide the upper right corner of the diaper under the baby's right thigh. We proceed in the same way on the left side. We tuck the remaining tail underneath.

We swaddle "without handles"

Every day the baby grows and learns about the world around him. Now he is constantly trying to pull his hands out of the diaper. If it doesn’t work out, he becomes capricious and cries, and when he is free, he sucks his fingers or simply waves his arms. In this case, you need to know how to swaddle a baby without arms. To do this, the child is placed on a diaper so that its upper edge is under the armpits. In the same way as with free swaddling, we continue. Handleless swaddling can be practiced at approximately 3 or 4 weeks of age. Not only during wakefulness, but also during sleep, so that the baby gets used to his hands and is not afraid of them while resting. By this time, the child no longer shudders so much and wakes himself up less with his hands.

If your baby doesn't sleep well

If the shuddering continues, and the child wakes up and cries from this, then you should wait, swaddle with arms for now, and use the “under the arms” method when the baby is not sleeping. During sleep, you can only swaddle your baby’s arms if, for example, it’s hot. How to swaddle a baby's arms and leave his legs free? To swaddle your baby, you need to use a thin diaper. It is necessary to swaddle in the usual way, only we do not tuck the tail up, but bend it back and wrap it around the tummy. How to swaddle children, if the diaper for wrapping only the arms is very wide, a large tail is inconvenient for the baby? In this case, the diaper can be folded in half or cut in half.

Swaddle your head

This type of swaddling is used in the first days of life to keep the baby very warm and comfortable, as well as for walks and trips. It replaces outerwear and a hat. All grandmothers know how to swaddle a baby's head; this method used to be quite common. First, the child is dressed in undershirts and a thin hat, then swaddled in the usual way. After this, they place the child on a warm, soft blanket with his head in a corner so that you can make a “hood” for the baby from the corner. On the right side, we wrap the corner of the blanket around the head in the same way as putting on a scarf, and then we tuck the right free corner under the baby. From below We lift the blanket up. We do the same on the left side. To prevent it from coming undone, you can tie it with a ribbon.

How long to swaddle a baby

When a baby is just born, he sleeps almost all the time. Every day it grows, develops, and the time of wakefulness increases first to 15 minutes, then to half an hour, an hour or more. First, the child will want to move his arms, look at them, pull a fist into his mouth, then grab a bright rattle that has been hanging near his crib for a long time. Therefore, most likely, he will begin to protest when his mother swaddles him well and does not leave her little hands. Believe me, no matter how well you swaddle your baby, he will try to reach his arms, grunt, twirl, tug at them, and yet he will pull them out. And every time he is in a diaper, he will take out his hands. From this moment on, you need to stop swaddling them, allowing the baby to freely explore the world.

Also, when preparing him for bed, from about a month of age, there is also no need to swaddle his hands. Let him get used to his body. Over time, the baby will want to completely free his legs. This is a sign that you no longer need to swaddle him. On average, babies are swaddled up to six months. But children are different, some sleep more peacefully even up to 10 months if their arms are taped, while others protest against any swaddling almost from birth.

What about in the summer?

How to swaddle a baby in the summer when it is very hot? In summer, you can often leave your baby naked. When going for a walk, you can swaddle him in a cotton diaper loosely, you can put on a thin T-shirt and swaddle him “under your arms.” You can also use gauze diapers at home. As often as possible, you should leave your baby completely naked, without wearing diapers, and the diaper under him should be changed as soon as it becomes wet. You can put a linen sheet on the mattress of a crib or stroller. Linen cools very well in hot weather and warms in winter.

The article describes the most common ways to swaddle children. Use what is necessary according to the situation, and let your baby grow up healthy and smart.

When a baby is born, many inexperienced parents are worried about many questions, first of all - how to care for and how to swaddle the baby? After all, this is undoubtedly important for the health and well-being of the baby.

Methods of swaddling a newborn in a diaper

The methods of swaddling a baby are quite varied and convenient. There are quite a lot of types of swaddling, thanks to generations of grandmothers who knew firsthand how to swaddle a baby. The knowledge has been collected over the years and has now been refined and made public.

Types of swaddling:

  • Medicinal.
  • Free, no handles.
  • Tight - like a soldier.
  • Wide therapeutic, as well as swaddling only the legs.
  • In a blanket with his head.
  • Headless swaddling.
  • Swaddling of arms only.

The list does not end here; you can practice several types at the same time. Now any mother can easily find a suitable swaddling option and learn how to wrap her baby without much difficulty.

Swaddling a newborn algorithm of actions

The algorithm for swaddling a newborn baby is very simple, but, like any other field of activity, it has nuances from a theoretical point of view:

  • The diaper only needs to be washed and ironed. There can be 2 diapers at the same time during the swaddling process, and for each type of swaddling the product is folded differently;
  • You should definitely wear a diaper or diaper at the mother’s discretion;
  • You can wear rompers, bodysuits or vests. The main condition for their use: manufacturing from high-quality cotton;
  • Before wrapping in a diaper or blanket, it is important to wash the genitals well under running or just warm water. Baby wipes are allowed;
  • After washing, it is necessary to treat the folds with powder, ointments, and oils.

The mother's procedure before swaddling:

  • unfold, remove the old diaper;
  • Wash the child well - all the folds and organs of the reproductive system. Wash off old hygiene products;
  • wipe dry or blot with a towel;
  • treat folds and genitals with creams, ointments against diaper rash, powder (1 care product to choose from);
  • put on a diaper or diaper;
  • spread out a washed and ironed diaper.

special instructions

  • Washing and thoroughly drying the genitals is a mandatory procedure before swaddling. If the umbilical cord wound has not healed, the front part of the diaper should be folded back so that it does not put pressure.
  • Swaddle only in ironed and washed diapers. Repeated swaddling in dirty or unwashed clothing results in skin irritation.
  • Pay attention to the room temperature. After this, decide to wrap the baby in a warm or thin diaper. It is better to use cotton material for diapers.
  • Swaddle tightly in extremely rare cases. Pay attention in time to folds of fabric under the back and on the sides and get rid of them immediately.

The baby should be swaddled so that the legs and arms are in a natural position. Don't force them to bend. A friendly voice and a smile from a loved one will help calm the baby during the swaddling procedure.

How to swaddle a newborn in the maternity hospital?

In the last days of pregnancy, expectant mothers are concerned about the following question:

Are babies now swaddled in the maternity hospital?

In the maternity hospital they not only swaddle, but also teach such a simple task. For some, this is difficult; others have no idea how to swaddle a baby. After childbirth, the mother's body becomes very tired and it is more difficult for an inexperienced mother to think about swaddling.

In the maternity hospital, tight and loose swaddling is practiced.

Tight swaddling

At first, a thick diaper is spread on the table, and then a thin diaper on top. A baby in a diaper should be placed in the center. The head should be above the diaper. Do not straighten your arms, but swaddle them in the most natural position.