
Japanese hair extension lakht. Japanese hair extensions are a safe way to embellish your look. Benefits of Japanese Hair Extensions


Japanese hair extension technique refers to cold technology... It implies the use of special metal-ceramic clips designed for fastening the strands.

Procedure technology

Hair extension carried out by metal clips... To make hair extensions using Japanese technology, use sintered clamps 2-3 mm, which fix the place of attachment of the curl. Clips come in a variety of colors, so you can always choose strands that are invisible on your own hair.

Japanese extension procedure lasts on average 3.5 hours, during this time the master increases 150-200 strands. Result You will be pleased 2-3 months. Hair become voluminous and lush.

The advantages of Japanese technology

  1. You can experiment with your hair, for example, you can add bangs and see how the new hairstyle suits you;
  2. Japanese hair extensions are not afraid of high temperatures. After the procedure, you can style your hair with a hairdryer, visit the sauna without fear of damaging it;
  3. Even short hair can be done with Japanese extensions;
  4. Such a build-up is perfect for those who adhere to an extraordinary style. It makes it possible to experiment with color, style hair extensions in a variety of ways, attach strands of different shapes and lengths.

Japanese hair extensions with metal clips- always safely because the hair does not come into contact with any adhesives!

Disadvantages of Japanese technology

  1. Sintered metal clips are heavy and can cause discomfort;
  2. You should not do Japanese hair extensions if the hair is weak, brittle and falls out a lot;
  3. After removing the curls, creases will remain at the attachment points of the strands.

Hair Extensions Care

When shampooing, the shampoo should be gently applied to the hair. Creams, masks, balms, etc. are applied along the entire length of the hair without affecting the roots. Then they should be thoroughly rinsed so that the shampoo does not remain at the roots. Also keep in mind that when washing your hair, you must not throw your head back or forth, otherwise the curls may become tangled. And never curl your hair when rubbing it.

You need to comb it with a special comb designed for hair extensions. Don't go to bed with wet hair. At night, hair extensions in the Japanese way should be braided or gathered in a ponytail, do not pull them together.


  1. Allergy to building-up elements;
  2. Vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  3. Individual intolerance;
  4. Skin diseases of the scalp;
  5. Increased sensitivity of the scalp;
  6. Regular intake of hormonal drugs;
  7. Severe hair loss.

Combination with other types of procedures

Hair extensions should not be bleached or permed, but procedures such as hair coloring, hair toning and hair coloring.

Glamor at home! Japanese hair extensions are coming to your house! You pay only for the cost of our services! The price and quality will pleasantly surprise you! All fashion magazines about hair beauty and reviews on thematic forums devoted to new hairstyles and accessories to them are full of such headlines. We decided to delve into history a little and find out how the Japanese hair extension technology was able to break into the European market and conquer it at such a fast pace.

The Japanese, as you know, are cunning and resourceful people, so all their inventions still serve the benefit of all mankind, including in the fashion and beauty industries. Any Japanese cosmetics are created mainly on natural ingredients. If this is - then it is the most effective and efficient at this time. If - then this is a masterpiece in designer nail art. If these are eyelashes, then just a revolutionary breakthrough - there is nowhere to hang the medals. Of course, the Japanese also paid attention to hair extensions.

Japanese hair extensions have earned such wild popularity due to their soft and gentle technology, as well as a wide range of shades and relatively low cost. At the request of the client, during this procedure, you can create or without the use of scissors and chemicals. But the main difference is that Japanese technology does not require the use of high temperatures and glue. Artificial strands are attached with rings or clips. With the help of them, artificial strands were hooked to their own hair.

Initially, these rings were metal, but they injured their own curls. This was the reason for the improvement of these mounts. And after a while, the rings began to be made plastic. The second name of this fastening technology is Ring Star.

Japanese hair extension and its scheme

Japanese hair extension on clips (rings) is that your own strands are connected to the false ones using rings, or beads with a diameter of 3 millimeters. With a special thin hook, at a distance of 0.4 - 0.5 millimeters, the extensible and natural strands are threaded into one ring, and then clamped with special forceps. Thanks to this simple and reliable attachment method, the hair does not overheat and does not break.

The clips are selected in such a way that they do not differ from the natural color and completely merge with it, since the colors provided for sale will satisfy your needs. And the small size of the rings will make them completely invisible to others. In this case, the hairstyle will look completely natural. As a rule, one hairstyle takes up to 200 donor strands. The procedure lasts an average of 3 hours with a ponytail. This type of extension is suitable even for owners. And even if the length of your curls is only 3-4 cm.

Many girls are familiar with this technique as Korean technology. Korean uses beads. Except for this detail, these methods do not differ. One of the interesting points of this technology is the ability to grow strands of different lengths and colors. So during the extension, you can not only increase the length of your head of hair, but also give it a coloring effect or .

Because your curls are not exposed to heat or chemicals, there is no need for special care for your hair extensions. There will also be no obstacles for a trip to the sea, going to the solarium, sauna, bath. You can safely use an iron, a styler, dye your hair. And if you decide to radically change your image by repainting them in a different color, remember about the fasteners, since they were matched to your original color.

Positive and negative points in the procedure

Before you decide to get some luxurious hair extensions, check out our detailed list of all the advantages and disadvantages of this method.


  • Availability and fast execution speed.
  • The extension procedure, as well as correction, takes place without the use of thermo - devices and chemicals.
  • Subsequent hair care has no restrictions.
  • The ability to build up strands of various shades and lengths.
  • Japanese hair extensions can be styled in various ways.
  • Resistance of rings to various temperature extremes (frost, heat).
  • Hair after Japanese build-up is not afraid of salt sea water or acid rain.
  • The clips are made from anti-allergenic drugs and are environmentally friendly.
  • Japanese hair extension technology is great for those who like to experiment and adhere to an informal style.


  • If you have extended your hair using metal clips, your hair will be kinked.
  • With this fastening of the strands, you will not be able to wear or collect them in a high ponytail.
  • If you brush your hair carelessly, strands can fall out.
  • The possibility of loosening the fastening and loss of strands is not excluded.
  • Such extensions are not suitable for those girls who have weakened hair.
  • The weight of the metal rings is quite perceptible, which can cause some inconvenience while wearing them.

Contraindications to the building procedure:

Japanese hair extension technology is not possible without consulting your doctor. It is not worth wasting time and money for people suffering from scalp disease, as well as while taking hormones and antibiotics.

Absolute contraindications

  • If you have experienced an increased sensitivity of the scalp.
  • If you are suffering from migraines.
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia.

Hair extension correction

The hairstyle keeps its original appearance for 2 - 3 months, after which it needs updating. It all depends on the rate of growth of your own hair. If the border between your own curls and the overhead has become too noticeable, then it's time for a correction. This does not require any special devices or special solutions, as in other technologies. The ring is simply unclenched, with the same tongs as for building, they raise the overhead strand higher and step by step connect it again with their natural ones. Usually, hair extensions are worn for about a year. The removed strands can be used several more times for subsequent wear.

Care for extended strands

Japanese care is not much different from usual. Shampooing is carried out only in an upright position, combing start from the ends, braiding the weaves in one or two braids at night. The choice must be approached selectively. It is advisable to choose products without wax and oil components.

Video: Ring Star extension technology

Have you decided to extend your hair in the most gentle way? Japanese hair extension in Moscow is one of the most fashionable and safest cold techniques.

Allows you to give your hair the desired volume and length without the use of complex tools, adhesives and high temperatures. The simplicity of the procedure, different lengths and a wide palette of shades of overhead strands provide the master with room for creativity: you can make a cascading haircut without paints and scissors or create a highlighting effect. Judging by the Japanese technology - the most gentle. And the ability to perform extensions on short hair, lengthen the bangs - and all this is moderate, made it also in demand. ArtHair salon experts guarantee a professional approach to extension: by contacting us, you will certainly be satisfied with the result.

Extension technology

Japanese hair extensions or hair extensions on rings (clips) are one of the most interesting and unusual technologies, and this is not surprising, because the inventive Japanese came up with it.

It consists in the fact that overhead and native strands are connected using small rings, beads or clips (2-3 mm in diameter). With a special crochet at a distance of 0.5 cm from the roots, the master passes the extensible and natural strands into the ring and clamps it with tongs. Thanks to this simple technique, the fasteners are extremely reliable, and the hair is not exposed to heating, therefore it is not damaged. The clips can be selected so that they completely merge in color with the natural shade of the hair: the wide range of colors in which they are presented allows you to do this. And the small size of the rings makes them completely invisible on the hair, the hairstyle looks very natural. As a rule, the master builds up 150-200 donor strands, the procedure lasts an average of 3.5 hours, and the result lasts 3-4 months.

Hair extension correction

They wear hair extensions for up to 1 year, that is, the removed strands can be used for subsequent socks. But the hairstyle retains its original appearance for about 2-3 months, after which it needs to be updated. Everything, of course, depends on how quickly your own hair grows. If the boundaries between overhead and natural curls have become noticeable, then it's time to make a correction. This procedure is as simple as building. No removers or special solutions are needed to remove donor strands, as in other technologies. The master unclenches the ring with the same tongs with which he extended his hair, pulls the false strand higher and connects it with natural curls.

Pros of Japanese Hair Extensions

  1. Ease and speed of the procedure;
  2. During building and correction, thermo-devices and chemical preparations are not used;
  3. There are no restrictions on hair care;
  4. You can grow strands of any length and in different shades, so the Japanese extension method is perfect for those who like bold experiments or adhere to an informal style;
  5. Hair extensions can be styled in a variety of ways;
  6. Rings are resistant to temperature influences;
  7. You can lengthen the bangs and perform extensions for short hair - from 3-4 cm in length;
  8. Overhead strands are not afraid of styling with a hairdryer, nor sea water, nor hot air;
  9. The rings are made of environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic materials, so Japanese hair extension has practically no contraindications.

Cons of Japanese hair extensions

  1. If the rings are strongly squeezed during extension, then after removing the overhead strands, they can leave creases on the native curls, therefore hair extension using Japanese technology is more suitable for girls with coarse hair, thin and brittle hair, it is not recommended. But quality rings with silicone inserts will help prevent this problem;
  2. Hair cannot be combed up, the clips will look out;
  3. In the process of wearing, the clip can unclench, and the overhead strand can fall out (with poor-quality build-up);
  4. The rings are not visible, but felt when touched.

Contraindications Japanese hair extensions are not recommended if there are serious health problems: scalp diseases, alopecia, vascular dystonia, cancer, as well as while taking strong hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

Photos of our work - before and after building

Looking to extend your hair but are afraid to ruin it? Do you want to have long curls, but do not know how to find a place where they can provide you with the safest extension?

You should know that Japanese hair extensions are one of the most harmless cold techniques, common in many beauty salons.

Japanese extensions will allow you to give your hairstyle the desired volume and length without the use of all sorts of adhesives, complex improvised means and exposure to high temperatures that are harmful to the hair.

Extension procedure

The hair extension process is to hold the real hair strands and the false hair together. This is done using small rings, clips or beads, the diameter of which is 2-3 mm.

With a special crochet, the specialist at a distance of 0.5 centimeters passes the natural and extensible strands into the ring, and grips them well with tongs.

Do not worry, your hair does not heat up or be damaged during use.

Basically, experts, when making hair extensions in Moscow, use about 150-200 strands. The procedure takes a little time - 3.5 hours, but the result lasts for several months.

Thanks to a wide range of clip colors, you can find exactly those that will practically merge with natural strands. The rings are very small in size, they are not visible at all and the hairstyle looks perfect.

Length correction

Hair extensions can be worn for almost a year if you remove strands and then reuse them. Only now the hairstyle looks perfect only for the first few months, after which it needs to be freshened.

If natural and hair extensions have become very different, then it's time to go for a correction. This is an easy process, just like the extension itself. The specialist unclenches the ring with the same tool that he used to fasten it, then pulls the artificial strand higher and again fasten it to the hair.

Benefits of Japanese Hair Extensions

This procedure is very simple and has many advantages:

  • It takes very little time and effort to build up.
  • You can take care of your hair and style your hair with almost no restrictions.
  • Rings easily withstand any temperature influences.
  • Craftsmen do not use chemicals and thermal devices, as they do.
  • You can extend your hair in all kinds of shades and lengths.
  • Hair extensions will not deteriorate from hair dryers, hot air or sea water.
  • The rings are made of hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly materials, which means they will not harm your hair.

It should be noted that in terms of technology and security, this service has similarities with.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The Japanese extension technology has its drawbacks. True, if you are attentive to your hair and follow the rules, then there will be no problems.

The disadvantages may be as follows:

It is forbidden to carry out building-ups if a woman has such health problems as: oncological diseases, vascular dystonia, scalp diseases and alopecia.

You cannot do overhead strands if you are taking strong antibiotics or special hormonal drugs.

Other procedures using strong chemicals cannot be done on artificial hair.

How much does the service cost?

The cost of the service depends on the length of the strands you want (30-100 cm) and the number of strands (50-300).

A popular option is to extend the length of 45 centimeters with a hundred strands. The cost of this procedure is 7,500 rubles.

If you want to have healthy and luxurious hair, while getting the length and volume that you have dreamed of for many years, we recommend that you make a Japanese extension for you.