
January 15th celebrity birthdays


People born on January 15th are ruled by Capricorn. This zodiac sign is a typical representative of the Earth element. His ruling planet is purposeful Saturn, which allows Capricorn to successfully achieve his goals. It is not surprising that many celebrities were lucky enough to be born under this sign, in particular Jim Carrey and Jared Leto.

General characteristics of the sign

People born on January 15, whose characteristics are largely determined by the ruling planet - Saturn, have amazing determination and perseverance. They are better than others at coping with life's difficulties and adversities. With all this, the representative of the Earth element in question rarely makes a good first impression. He creates a kind of barrier between himself and others, behaving withdrawn and reserved.

Due to this in his youth, this sign is not very lucky in love, this is especially true for male representatives. They do not yet have self-confidence, which will later be formed by life experience, a high financial position and a stable social status.

Capricorn is trying to inspire trust and mutual sympathy in the chosen partner, demonstrating his advantages: a fat wallet, an expensive suit, power and status - for men, a beautiful appearance, long-term family plans and oath assurances of his own loyalty - for women. It is difficult to say how successful such tactics are.

The sign in question rarely chooses a suitable partner right away. First of all, the physical characteristics of the chosen one are pushing him to get acquainted. And already after the fact, Capricorn is trying to justify his sexual desire with some other, higher feelings. He begins to look for similarities and common interests, to evaluate compatibility, estimating the chance for a successful outcome of the relationship.

Like any other representative of the earth element, Capricorn pays great attention to the material sphere of life. Social status and financial security are very important to him. To achieve these benefits, this sign is ready to work long and hard. And Capricorn women do not hesitate to enter into marriages of convenience in order to achieve financial independence and high status in society.

Sooner or later Capricorn will still achieve success, along the way developing a set of communication skills, improving your professional skills, expanding your horizons. All this is hard work, and there is no more hardworking sign than this representative of the Earth element among those remaining in the zodiac circle. A pleasant bonus on this difficult path is the favor of Fortune, which is bestowed by the ruling planet Saturn. Capricorns are capable of leading the masses. It is not surprising that Martin Luther King, an orator and fighter for the rights of blacks in the United States, was born on January 15th.

Few zodiac signs other than Capricorn have such amazing energy and willpower. An inhabitant of the earth element is helped to achieve his goals by amazing self-confidence and ambition. Coupled with a fair amount of arrogance, the complex of qualities described can cause conflicts with other people.

However, most often Capricorn is prudent and careful, showing strict pragmatism in any human relationship. Refuses to take unjustified risks, does not like idle talk, and rarely procrastinates.

The key to his success is to draw up a detailed plan in which goals and means will be balanced, and strictly follow it, every day taking at least one small step towards your dream.

Capricorn is used to doing, not thinking. As a result, he believes in actions more readily than in any words or ephemeral forecasts. He has a well-developed intuition, which often helps him in his work. Believes that happiness is hard work. Afraid of pain, disappointment, rarely opens up to other people and is rarely truly sincere.

Over the years, accumulating wisdom, he becomes even more self-possessed and thorough, and if he managed to achieve success in the material sphere, then with characteristic calm he pays attention to the other components of life, embarking on the path of spiritual self-development. Of course, for this to happen, an internal transformation must occur, involving the resolution of contradictions in your head and the elimination of your own shortcomings. If you cannot cope with them, then often such people remain lonely until the end of their days.

List of negative qualities

Despite his dedication, endurance and a fair number of positive qualities, There are several negative traits of Capricorn, which their potential partner should know about. These include:

Compatibility with representatives of the native element

In such unions, there may be a lack of passion and sensuality, but this is the strongest relationship of all possible. Such a couple will have a smooth road without sharp and unexpected turns and material success.

Capricorn and Taurus are reliable, patient and hardworking people and who will probably have many common interests. They are both pragmatic, do not hover in the clouds, but they prefer real actions to ephemeral words. Taurus, although not energetic enough, is more sensual, and good ideas come to him more often.

With Virgo you will get a practical union with common sense. Both partners are conscious and purposeful, this gives rise to mutual sympathy. Traditional values ​​and family customs will be strong in such a couple. Virgo will give such a union warmth, care, and diversify the emotional sphere. If Capricorn is a tactician, then Virgo is a strategist who calculates any possible outcome of events down to the smallest detail. She will guide her companion.

Such signs are rarely compatible. Capricorn is no exception in this regard. Such a union is a privilege for young couples, allowing them to look at themselves from the outside. Yes, in such a relationship there will be a common goal and harmony of characters, but the couple risks sooner or later getting stuck in a swamp. Such a union simply does not provide the opportunity for self-improvement.

Perhaps two Capricorns will achieve success in the material sphere, but at what cost? Eternal quarrels, misunderstandings, competition for the palm, a complete decline in the sphere of feelings and emotions.

The most successful pairings with representatives of the Earth:

  • Capricorn man and Taurus woman.
  • Capricorn woman and Virgo man.

Alliances with friendly Water

Despite the friendliness of Water and Earth, such an alliance is a serious test for each of the partners. However, it is not so easy for the sign in question to cope with the inexplicable attraction that he will experience if the inhabitants of Water appear in his immediate environment. Capricorn subconsciously feels that in the representatives of the water element there is something necessary, but inaccessible to him.

Both Scorpio and Capricorn are purposeful and ambitious signs striving for success in absolutely all areas of life. True, they achieve success in different ways and are skeptical about each other's small victories. In addition to the difference in the means of achieving the goal, the goals themselves also differ. For Water, this is self-realization and self-sacrifice; for Earth, it is exclusively a financial benefit. However, they will be able to find a middle ground and achieve mutual understanding. Capricorn will give Scorpio stability, and he, in turn, greatly diversifies the emotional sphere of the representative of the earth element.

Dreamy Pisces can cure Capricorn's inveterate materialism. They will use their intuition, they will be flexible and soft in order to understand the reasons for certain actions, as well as to better understand their companion. The earth sign will give this relationship financial stability, giving the water sign confidence in the future and relieving him of mental torment. Pisces, on the other hand, are able to successfully manage the home, covering the rear of their more practical partner.

Cancer and Capricorn are a union of opposites. It seems that this is a conflicting couple, because it is difficult for them to understand each other’s life structure, character, methods and goals. Apparent antagonism will not allow you to build love at first sight or at least inspire trust and sympathy. However, once these signs get to know each other better or meet at a more mature age, they will discover the beauty of such relationships, complementary and interpenetrating. Often such relationships first turn out to be friendly and gradually, as they get to know each other, develop into a stormy, and most importantly, mutual passion.

Best couples with water signs:

  • Capricorn woman and Scorpio man.
  • Capricorn man and Pisces woman.
  • When paired with Cancer, gender does not play a special role.

Thus, the most favorable option for a man (January 15) with the zodiac sign Capricorn will be Pisces, Taurus and Cancer. And for a woman (January 15) with the zodiac sign Capricorn - Scorpio, Cancer and Virgo.

Unfavorable pairings with Air and Fire

For people born on January 15, the compatibility horoscope with representatives of these elements is not the most favorable. So, Relationships with fire signs are rarely long-lasting and harmonious.. Although there is no direct antagonism here, the values ​​of representatives of different elements are still very different. Capricorn is not at all what Fire needs.

With air signs everything will be a little easier. For example, with Gemini this is a manipulative relationship in which Capricorn is in a dominant position. Despite this, the sharp mind of Gemini will more than once help the inhabitant of the Earth.

With fiery Leo, everything is exactly the opposite; now the earth sign finds itself in the role of a puppet. He is captivated by the charisma and mental energy of the strong king of beasts. Of course, this is unlikely to end well, so such relationships should still be avoided.

For Sagittarius, Capricorn, with his conservatism, is too boring and banal; he is not at all interesting to spend time with. However, Sagittarius believes that some of the practical skills of the earth sign can be used for their own purposes. Libra sees only benefit in any relationship with Capricorn, although he in vain relies on them as a faithful comrade.

A friendship can develop with Aquarius, but it will not be equal. Such relationships will be built along the “Best Friend and Best Enemy” type, where Capricorn will become the “enemy” for the “friend” of Aquarius. Such friendship is superficial. Aries Capricorn respects and admires them, although he does it from afar. For him, they are examples of an inexhaustible will to win, but disappointment will come quickly - with their first unfulfilled promise. In addition, Aries are terribly impractical people.

Attention, TODAY only!

You are determined, ambitious and know the price of everything. You are a rather energetic person; you are distinguished by innate leadership qualities. You are persistent and selfless in your pursuit of your goals, which will help you achieve a high position.

You were born on January 15th, zodiac sign Capricorn. You are a realist and a pragmatist, you are characterized by directness and frankness. Despite this, you are guaranteed popularity because you are endowed with a natural ability to understand people. However, you tend to become overly concerned about material problems. This is one of the few obstacles that can prevent you from realizing your wonderful potential.

You have excellent communication skills and an eye for detail. In terms of intelligence, you are distinguished by logic and thoroughness, you know how to concentrate and are able to think deeply.

You are naturally very critical, and you should be careful that your comments do not seem overly caustic. You love to explain the causes of phenomena and give things precise definitions. This will help you deal with various problems easily and will also enhance your innate business sense.

You have a strong character; You combine creativity with entrepreneurship. You are distinguished by sobriety of judgment, you know how to correctly assess both a person and a situation.

Therefore, you may represent and defend other people's interests or become a human rights activist. You are an independent, willful and energetic person. You have organizational skills and the ability to inspire others.

Until the age of 35, you are concerned about problems of relationships in a team; you are less serious and more freedom-loving. Perhaps you have some unusual interests and strive for individual self-expression.

After age 36, your emotional sensitivity increases and your inner life becomes more intense. It finds expression in your dreams and ideals.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

Another turning point occurs at age 66. The need to take initiative increases in you; in relationships with people you want to show courage and directness.

Personal qualities of those born on January 15

You are endowed with humanism and impartiality. You are likely capable of generously spending your own time and money on others. You pour your energy into the causes and projects you support; you inspire the people around you, and this helps them move to action.

Dwelling too much on the past can lead to frustration and disappointment. Capricorns born on January 15th are characterized by fluctuations between an excessive desire for stability and increased extravagance. These tossing and turning indicate that you need to develop your acumen in economic matters.

You have a creative spirit; perhaps it will inspire you to impressive achievements, and your desire for self-expression will yield tangible results.

At the same time, you are likely to become cheerful, carefree, sociable, and will be able to express the joy of life that overwhelms you.

If you start to spread your energy in many directions, you may feel restless and indecisive, and it will be difficult for you to make choices. You are often ahead of your time and have unusual, witty ideas. You are smart and very interesting to communicate with.

Work and vocation of those born on January 15

You are an idealist, a person of strong character. It seems that the money itself is floating into your hands. You can achieve success in the field of education and scientific research. You have good organizational skills, so you can take part in a large commercial project or even become its founder yourself.

Whether you are an architect, a manager, or a government official, you will be generous in your interactions with people and make a strong impression on others.

Having achieved success, those born on January 15 can become philanthropists or founders of a charitable foundation.

You are a creative person, passionate about technology, love avant-garde art, and can work as an art dealer, curator or administrator of cultural institutions.

You are an interesting, eloquent person and may be attracted to theatre, opera or music. On the other hand, you can become a labor leader, a fighter for civil rights and humanitarian ideals.

Love and partnership born on January 15

You are friendly and have a strong desire for self-expression, so you are likely to communicate a lot with people. Many women born on this day are attracted to men who lead exciting, reckless, courageous lives.

You are resourceful and original, so you may also like smart people who can interest you intellectually.

Uncertainty and indecision in close relationships can be a source of anxiety and disappointment for you, so you must learn to combine a sense of responsibility with ease and cheerfulness.

An ideal partner for those born on January 15th

If you want to find lifelong happiness, security and love, you should meet people who were born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 13, 26, 29; February 11, 27, 29; March 9, 25, 27; April 7, 23, 25; May 5, 18, 21, 23, 29; 3, 19, 21, 27, 30 June; July 1, 17, 19, 25, 28; August 15, 17, 23, 26; September 10, 13, 15, 21, 24; October 11, 12, 19, 22, 29; November 9, 11, 17, 20, 27; December 4, 7, 9, 15, 18, 25.
  • Favorable contacts : January 11; February 9th; March 7, 31; April 5, 29; May 3, 27, 31; June 1, 25, 29; July 23, 27, 31; August 21, 25, 29, 30; September 19, 23, 27, 28; October 17, 21, 25, 26; November 15, 19, 23, 24, 30; December 13, 17, 21, 22, 28.
  • Soulmate : January 18, 24; February 16, 22; March 14, 20; April 12, 18; 10, 16, May; June 8, 14; July 6, 12; August 4, 10; September 2, 8; October 6; November 4; December 2nd.
  • Fatal attraction : January 12; February 10; March 8; April 6; May 4th; 2 June; July 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
  • Troubled relationships : 1st of January; February 8; March 6, 29; April 4, 27; May 2, 25; June 23; 21 July; August 19; September 17; October 15, 31; November 13, 29, 30; December 11, 27, 28.


Born on January 15th: meaning of birthday

This period reveals to the world incorrigible romantics and unbridled dreamers. They love everything unusual and exciting.

In their high aspirations they can often stray too far from reality.

Surely you have an ideal that you will strive for from a very early age, if you were born on January 15, your zodiac sign is Capricorn, which pushes you to heroism and great achievements. Once you feel the taste of victory, you will fearlessly fight difficulties and obstacles all your life.

Such individuals are helped to achieve what they want by their perseverance, courage and determination; they have absolutely no doubt about the feasibility of their plans and hopes.

Almost always, the years of personal development for Capricorns who were born on January 15 are accompanied by some kind of domestic or financial difficulties. But over time, they become more experienced, responsible and enterprising, which gives them the opportunity to live in abundance.

Interpersonal relationships in the lives of such persons play almost a decisive role; it is important for them to constantly be in a state of love, to be in harmony with others, and they cannot find any other way to achieve inner harmony.

Wherein zodiac sign of people born on January 15, makes them largely self-sufficient and not striving to be involved in the social process. For them, knowing themselves and their inner world is much more important. At the same time, they simply need someone who will help them understand themselves and provide them with valuable advice.

In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

January 15: influence of the sign Capricorn

Having reached a certain level of development, people born on January 15 begin to actively strive for self-expression, and more often than not they do this in a spirit of protest. These are true revolutionaries and rebels who will not put up with the imperfections and injustice of the world.

Looking at them, you will never guess that in these sweet, open and somewhat naive people they are strong, strong-willed and fearless people.

Those who came into our world on January 15 try to never step on the same rake twice: the zodiac sign helps them learn from their own mistakes, draw the right conclusions based on them, and never repeat their sad experience. However, they always risk suffering because of their openness and gullibility.

To achieve absolute happiness and peace, they should moderate their own power ambitions, and also not succumb to blind passion, always maintaining prudence.

On January 15, 1982, Ekaterina Volkova, a popular theater and film actress of Estonian origin, was born. She became one of the best graduates of the Shchepkinsky School in her year and was immediately hired by the State Film Actor Theater. Since 2000, she has been actively playing in the theater, starring in numerous television series, one of which, “Voronins,” made her truly recognizable and successful.

Persons on January 15th like to play on their nerves. But not because they are selfish, quite the contrary, they worry about the status of the people around them. They believe that it is better to act and make decisions in accordance with common sense than to take into account feelings and promptings of the heart. Their problem is that they are too practical, realistic, simple, closed.

Capricorn on January 15 will not shed a tear, will not admit real desires. It’s difficult to get “Thank you” or “Sorry” out of their lips. They are used to ending a conflict with calmness, they behave as if they are parallel to what is happening. But lava explodes in my soul. This contributes to the fact that on those who have a birthday January 15 They say they are frivolous and irresponsible. In fact, such a zodiac sign on January 15 is stubborn, but sensitive. You can argue that people January 15 life is easy, because they do not express their complaints about what is happening.

We have selected a list of celebrities, January 15th. Actress from the TV series “Voronin” Ekaterina Volkova; Actor Valery Barinov; Director, screenwriter Evgeny Vestnik; Produced by Dorian Missy.

Personality of Capricorns born on January 15th

Don’t change, your “I” gives the image individuality and specialness. Bring something new and interesting into life, but remain with a kind soul.

  • Stones that have the energy of the Earth. Sapphire, amber, pearl, ruby.
  • By the way, if we are talking about the color scheme, then not one of the seven colors will hurt you, match the shades of the rainbow. Unfavorable - burgundy, black.
  • Best compatibility – Cancer, Pisces, Libra.

It is worth remembering that horoscopes are compiled on statistical information, so you shouldn’t take absolutely everything to heart, but you need to follow some advice.

This period reveals to the world incorrigible romantics and unbridled dreamers. Those born on January 15 love everything unusual and exciting. In their high aspirations they can often stray too far from reality. Surely you have an ideal that you will strive for from a very early age, if you were born on January 15, your zodiac sign is Capricorn, which pushes you to heroism and great achievements. Once you feel the taste of victory, you will fearlessly fight difficulties and obstacles all your life. Such individuals are helped to achieve what they want by their perseverance, courage and determination; they have absolutely no doubt about the feasibility of their plans and hopes.

Almost always, the years of personal development for Capricorns who were born on January 15 are accompanied by some kind of domestic or financial difficulties. But over time, they become more experienced, responsible and enterprising, which gives them the opportunity to live in abundance. Interpersonal relationships in the lives of such persons play almost a decisive role; it is important for them to constantly be in a state of love, to be in harmony with others, and they cannot find any other way to achieve inner harmony. At the same time, the zodiac sign of people born on January 15 makes them extremely self-sufficient and not striving to be involved in the social process. For them, knowing themselves and their inner world is much more important. At the same time, they simply need someone who will help them understand themselves and provide them with valuable advice.

Having reached a certain level of development, people born on January 15 begin to actively strive for self-expression, and more often than not they do this in a spirit of protest. These are true revolutionaries and rebels who will not put up with the imperfections and injustice of the world. Looking at them, you will never guess that in these sweet, open and somewhat naive people they are strong, strong-willed and fearless people.

Those who came into our world on January 15 try to never step on the same rake twice: the zodiac sign helps them learn from their own mistakes, draw the right conclusions based on them, and never repeat their sad experience. However, they always risk suffering because of their openness and gullibility. To achieve absolute happiness and peace, they should moderate their own power ambitions, and also not succumb to blind passion, always maintaining prudence.

Zodiac sign January 15 - Capricorn

Those born on January 15 often encounter the theme of heroism in their lives. At some point, they find a streak of fearlessness in themselves and later rely on it in situations of crisis and stress. Often those born on this day do not even suspect the existence of such a quality in them until fate openly challenges them. Until this moment, they are, as a rule, no different from those around them. Events which suddenly awaken dormant heroism usually occur between twenty and thirty years.

As children, those born on January 15 often dream of exploits and even have an ideal hero whom they want to be like in everything. Parents can be role models, but most often they are still a surrogate, cobbled together from several images. By imagining themselves in the role of heroes or heroines, those born on January 15 try to stimulate their activity and initiative. Some of them then actually become heroes, even if only in the eyes of their own children, thus realizing their youthful dreams.

Those born on January 15 are not necessarily socially active individuals, but they may be attracted to one or another person who will inspire them to self-knowledge. Teachers and mentors often play a key role in the careers of these people. Love, or at least deep friendship and tenderness, is also important in their relations with the outside world. Rebellion is a kind of manifestation of maturity that those born on January 15 demonstrate. They feel injustice very keenly, so they are ready to fight any form of oppression or aggression. Many of them have a pleasant, and often even naive, appearance that hides deep inner strength. Those who try to take advantage of the gentleness of those born on January 15th are soon surprised to discover their ability to resist. Those born on January 15 quickly learn the lessons of life and often repeat: “Shame on the one who deceives me the first time, shame on me if I am deceived twice.”

Those born on January 15 should not be too trusting and let into their inner world those who could cause them harm. On the other hand, surrounding yourself with an iron wall after inflicting insults is stupid, to say the least. Finding a balance between openness and security is the main task for these people. Those born on January 15 should approach the issue of sensual pleasures, for which they have a weakness, more carefully. Sometimes their energy is simply scattered on objects that do not deserve attention. In addition, they need to moderate their desire to dominate the world around them and remain open to evolution and change.

Love and Compatibility

You are friendly and have a strong desire for self-expression, so you are likely to communicate a lot with people. Many women born on this day are attracted to men who lead exciting, reckless, courageous lives.

You are resourceful and original, so you may also like smart people who can interest you intellectually. Uncertainty and indecision in close relationships can be a source of anxiety and disappointment for you, so you must learn to combine a sense of responsibility with ease and cheerfulness.

Work and Career

You are an idealist, a person of strong character. It seems that the money itself is floating into your hands. You can achieve success in the field of education and scientific research. You have good organizational skills, so you can take part in a large commercial project or even become its founder yourself. Whether you are an architect, a manager, or a government official, you will be generous in your interactions with people and make a strong impression on others.

Having achieved success, those born on January 15 can become philanthropists or founders of a charitable foundation. You are a creative person, passionate about technology, love avant-garde art, and can work as an art dealer, curator or administrator of cultural institutions. You are an interesting, eloquent person and may be attracted to theatre, opera or music. On the other hand, you can become a labor leader, a fighter for civil rights and humanitarian ideals.

Health and Diseases

Those born on January 15 have health problems of a predominantly sensual nature. For example, they may be excessive when it comes to food and sex. And these problems are brewing already in youth.

Those born on January 15 should monitor their emotions so that they do not turn into tools of manipulation in relationships, especially with children. Culinary skills will only have a positive effect; they will create the right attitude towards food. Any kind of sport will be useful, especially team sports.

You will definitely wait for your time to act as a hero. But it is necessary that it does not contradict your life credo. Discretion is necessary, but openness to change is also important. Decide what will help you in life. Sometimes you have to wait a moment, learn to be patient.