
Beaded birch step by step instructions. Spring birch from beads. White beaded birch


To begin with, I want to show you the birch itself. Let's drool, and then - for the cause! :)))

Of course, we will make a similar, but smaller and simpler birch. Its height is 23 cm. (The birch is 33 cm higher) Well, let's get started.

We collect about 8 beads per wire

The length of the wire can be from 25 to 40 cm - depending on how long the branch you want to get

We twist the loop-leaf)))

We collect 8 more beads ...

And again we make another loop-leaf

Then the 3rd loop, etc.

We make the number of loop leaves we need, for short upper branches there can be 7-8 loops each ...

For the upper, short branches, 8-9 loops are enough, and for longer ones, there can be 12-15 loops-leaves

For this, very small birch, I wove 31 branches ... but it is desirable to make more of them - the birch will be more magnificent))))

From these, woven in 3 branches, you can already form larger branches

Here is such a small "fountain" made of beads turned out for the top of a birch

14. Thicker, copper wire can now be braided to the twisted tips of the branches - it will lengthen and strengthen the branches

We twist a long copper wire coming from the top - we get the base of the trunk

We take a small triple branch and also weave copper wire to it.

Copper wire thickens and strengthens the twig and saves us thin, beaded wire))))

You can form another top of 3 (3 pieces each) branches, the same as the first top

This, the second tip, can be fixed on the trunk just below the first-main one ....

We add another small branch, woven from 5 small ones ... also, lengthening and thickening it with copper wire

All branches are woven together - the base of the mini-birch is ready!

Now we proceed to winding the twigs and the trunk with floss threads on PVA glue

All branches are already wrapped with floss threads, the trunk is thickened with wire and another branch without leaves is formed - "dry")))

Now we proceed to the manufacture of the stand - we cut out the desired shape from drywall and ALWAYS GROUND! (pictured primer)

We try on a tree on a primed and dried base form, straighten the "roots" -wires so that it stands exactly

Now, directly on the base, we apply alabaster (gypsum) or finishing putty (in this case, putty), both are suitable

We plant the "roots" directly into the alabaster solution)))

Now you need to pay attention so that the tree stands evenly and does not freeze at an angle, but as you need - exactly ...

DO NOT FORGET that the stand must be PRIMED!!! Otherwise, the solution will not adhere to it well))))

After the solution "seizes" - you can modify the entire stand-base, where you need - to form a relief and pebbles ...

In this case, the base is formed only with the help of finishing putty, without glue ... just alabaster (or putty) and water!

The tree is fixed on the base, wrapped with threads - it remains to work out the trunk!

Now we form the trunk using a solution of alabaster (gypsum) with PVA glue about 1: 1 and a little water.

The composition of the solution may also depend on the quality of the PVA glue ... I still take a little more alabaster and a little less PVA glue and water

I apply the solution in two passes - first small branches and the trunk, and with the second pass I form the relief of the trunk and roots

After the solution dries, you can start painting. I apply black color to the whole tree - a pigment, you can use simple paints and acrylic

This dye is very well absorbed - unlike acrylic, it does not create a film on the surface, but is absorbed into the bark of the tree.

After the black has dried, a white color is applied on top, with a semi-dry hard, flat brush, do not paint over the cracks with white!

The tips of the branches, hollows, cracks remain black, and only the protruding parts of the trunk are covered with white

The stand is also painted over first with black, and then with white - the result is gray

After drying, I apply Dragon glue (polymeric, transparent) on the stand and pour green grass beads)))

Now we fix the small flowers in the clearing)))

The flower has a stalk-root, which we plant in the base

With a thin drill, we drill a hole in the base, drip PVA glue there and plant a flower))))

All flowers are planted

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Products made of beads enchant with splendor, originality of execution. It's not just decorations and paintings. Beads are used to create a bead tree. Crafts, made with careful observance of the instructions, look extraordinarily beautiful, fit perfectly into the interior, and can become a wonderful gift.

What do you need for beading

Before you make a bead tree, you need to prepare necessary materials. For a lush summer tree 25 cm high, you will need the following:

  • uniform beads of bright light green color with a diameter of 1 mm;
  • special wire for weaving beads;
  • white and black paint;
  • primer solution;
  • gypsum (putty, alabaster will do);
  • copper wire for a birch trunk;
  • green floss threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • a piece of drywall (for a stand);
  • multi-colored beads for decorating crafts - blue, pink, white, yellow.

How to weave a tree from beads

Beaded birch is different depending on the season. First of all, decide which tree you want to weave:

  • The summer version with flowers and dense light green foliage is one of the species.
  • Russian winter birch is made in the form of a tree with drooping branches, as if strewn with silver frost. For such work, you need beads of white translucent or white mother-of-pearl and transparent shades. The wire is required not copper, but gray metal.
  • To weave bright autumn birch, you need to use orange, yellow and golden beads.

Though appearance finished beaded birch is mesmerizing, even a novice master can create such a miracle. To get a beautiful bead tree, you need:

  1. Allocate time every day to spend on needlework. Attempts to create a beautiful thing in between daily activities or while watching your favorite series lead to the fact that the craft fails.
  2. Select material carefully. The "get rid of unnecessary beads" strategy is economical, but does not guarantee excellent results and accurate color reproduction.
  3. Take your work seriously and follow all instructions carefully.

birch beading pattern

There are several ways to weave birch twigs. In the first version, the creation of tree leaves looks like this:

  1. Take the first wire, string 12 beads on it.
  2. Step back from the edge 15 cm.
  3. Fold the collected beads with a loop, twist the workpiece.
  4. Step back 1 cm, make another loop with beads. Repeat until 9 birch leaves are formed.
  5. Finish the twigs by cutting the wire at a distance of 15 cm from last loop.

To make a beaded tree with your own hands in a different way, weave the branches in a looped way:

  1. Complete four sheets. The distance between them is 1 cm.
  2. Step back 2 cm from the extreme element.
  3. Make the fifth loop.
  4. Step back 2 cm again.
  5. Make four loops.
  6. Twist the workpiece to form an elegant branch with leaves.

Step-by-step instruction

How to make a birch from beads? Start by weaving branches. Procedure:

  1. Take a wire 40 cm long, dial 8 beads.
  2. Twist the beads into a loop.
  3. Dial 8 more beads, make a loop, connect to the second end. Do the same with the second end.
  4. Having made the required number of leaves on the branch, twist the cuts. Set the workpiece aside. Make as many branches as you need for the birch.
  5. Twist the blanks together in three pieces.
  6. Form larger branches from triple shoots.

We proceed to the implementation of the trunk and base:

  1. Fold the thick wire in half, braid it to the top branches.
  2. Twist the stem.
  3. Braid the wire to the triple branch.
  4. Tape it to the trunk.
  5. Weave three triple branches into the top.
  6. Attach it below.
  7. Attach the remaining branches.
  8. Lubricate the wire with leaves with PVA glue. Wrap it with thread.
  9. Cut out the desired shape from drywall.
  10. Prime the workpiece before applying the solution.
  11. Apply plaster to the base.
  12. Plant the roots of the tree in the solution.
  13. Finish the base with plaster.

The decoration of the craft comes down to the following:

Beading is a popular type of needlework. The elegance of beadwork, the variety of assortment, democracy - that's what contributed to the spread of this type of creativity.

Weaving of trees and flowers is a separate direction in beadwork. There are truly no limits here: you can create a small copy of almost any plant. Oak, maple, lilac, mountain ash, honeysuckle, exotic sakura and palm. And even Ava's tree of happiness from the movie "Avatar".

A slender birch with spreading branches is often associated with Russia itself. How many songs have been composed about the white-barrelled, how many poems have been written! Let's create our own little Russian beauty!

Master class "Birch from beads"


  • green beads of three shades;
  • wire of different diameters (0.2 - 0.25 mm; 0.8 - 1 mm; 1.5 mm; 5 mm);
  • sewing threads for winding;
  • acrylic paints (or gouache);
  • acrylic varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • alabaster (plaster building).

Stages of work:

At the initial stage, we need to make small branches in the amount of 100 - 120 pieces.

To do this, we string beads on a wire with a cross section of 0.2 - 0.25 mm.

We make loops small! The distance between the loops is about 1 cm.

The number of loops can be different, depending on the size of the branch.

Then fold the branch in half and twist.

We make shorter branches for the top of the tree.

After the required number of branches are woven, we connect (twist) them 2.3 pieces together.

Then we take a wire with a diameter of 0.8 - 1 mm and wrap it with threads to our branches. We make the winding cm 2 - 2.5.

Thus, we wrap all double and triple branches.

Let's start forming large branches.

To do this, we need a wire with a diameter of about 1.5 mm.

We take one double or triple branch and attach another one to it along with the wire.

Below we retreat cm 1.5 - 2 and attach another. Here's what should happen.

Now we need to assemble the top of the tree.

We take 2 branches and connect them together, not forgetting to add wire.

At the next stage, we will wind more branches to the top of the tree.

We make branches all different. I got these.

We wind them with threads to the trunk of our future tree. The trunk will gradually thicken. To do this, we need an aluminum wire ∅ 5 mm.

We wind the branches in this way: first one branch, lower by cm 2 - 2.5 another. We wind all the branches in a circle.

And so they tied 2-3 branches to the trunk.

We wrap it tightly with threads (for example, I take “iris”, they are thicker than sewing ones). If you have floral tape available, you can use it.

So, we tied 2 more branches to the trunk (or maybe more at your request) and a thick aluminum wire.

Now we make the roots of our tree: like this, as shown in the photo. Aluminum wire is very flexible, but at the same time light and strong.

Now we need to plant our birch. We take a container, cover it with a plastic bag.

We breed alabaster and water, but not too thick.

We plant a tree and pour this mixture into a container.

We are waiting for 15 - 20 minutes until it hardens. We take out the tree, and this is what happens.

Then we need to make a mixture of alabaster and PVA glue. Stir until the density of sour cream and apply the mixture to each branch with a flat brush.

We apply two layers on the trunk, after allowing the first to dry.

As soon as the first layer on the trunk is dry, apply the second one and make grooves with a sharp object.

They made grooves.

We are waiting for everything to harden well, about 5 hours.

We begin to paint - first with white paints. The paint must dry well, otherwise, when we apply a black layer, the paint will smudge or flow. We are waiting for about 2 hours.

Now we take a thin brush and make stripes on the trunk and twigs with short strokes.

We paint the trunk. For this we need a wide brush. Paint with a dry brush!

It remains to make a clearing. I fill it with beads and glue it on acrylic lacquer, and also paint over the stand itself.

And now our birch is ready.

Wish you success!

Julia Guseva worked for you.

You can make any beaded tree yourself, including Birch. In this master class step by step photos and instructions, you will learn how to make a beaded birch with your own hands according to the correct pattern.

We will need: Thick wire for the trunk, thin wire for twigs, 2 cups of gypsum, beads (green mixture) 500 gr., paper towel, foil, PVA glue, white and black paint, wire cutters and pliers.

We start making our tree from the trunk. We take a thick wire.

We twist the first branches. This will be our top.

We retreat from the first branches 5-7 cm and fasten the next ones. We do this with all wire. Our upper branches are 10 cm long, and the lower ones are 15 cm each. We bend the rest of the wire from below to form a stand.

We take the container you like to fill the stand. We cover with foil to make it easier to remove the already frozen workpiece. We place our wire blank in the center and fill it with plaster.

The remains of gypsum can give relief and volume to the trunk of our future tree.

After complete drying, we take out the stand from the mold and remove the foil from the plaster. Using PVA glue and napkins, we glue and paint our stand in dark color.

Lubricate the top of the stand with glue and pour beads on top to simulate grass. You can also use ordinary river sand, pebbles or semolina.

Now let's start making twigs for birch. We collect beads on a thin wire. The length of the wire must be filled at least half.

Stepping back from the edge of the wire 10 cm, count 8 beads for the first leaf.

We twist the loop.

We do 5-6 more twists to form the stem of the leaf. Twisting can be done more or less. It just changes the look of the branch itself. It depends on your desire.

Stepping back 1.5 cm, we form the next loop for the next leaf.

We make a short branch so that on the heel of the leaf we make a turn.

And we continue to make leaves for the second side of the branch.

Having made the first leaf, we twist both sides of the branch together until the beginning of the leg of the next leaf.

We continue to make leaves to the edge of the second side.

We align the free ends of the wire, twist them together and cut off the excess. Our first branch is ready.

We need to make 144 long branches (with 15 leaves) and 58 short ones (with 9 leaves) for our birch.

We take 4 short branches and twist them into one fluffy branch.

With the help of wire or thread we attach our branch to the top of our tree.

We take the next three short branches and form one fluffy branch from them.

We make three such fluffy branches. We retreat from the apical 3-4 cm and attach all three at the same level to the trunk. Then, retreating another 3-4 cm, we fasten the same three more fluffy branches. The top is completely finished.

Now we move on to filling in the side branches. Again we take 3 short branches, twist them together and attach them to the tip of the branch.

Now let's move on to long branches. We take 3 long ones, twist them together.

We take such two fluffy branches and fasten them to a branch stepping back from the already attached 4-5 cm.

Again we take 2 fluffy branches and also attach them to the branch, stepping back from the previous branches 4-5 cm.

So we fill all our branches.

When all the branches are attached, we proceed to wrapping the branches with napkins. We start wrapping from the side branches.

Having finished with the side branches, we begin to wrap the central trunk starting from the top.

This is what a fully wrapped tree looks like. We take PVA glue and mix white paint 1x1, and cover all branches and trunk with this liquid.

After the white paint has dried, we apply dark paint (also mixed with PVA). We paint the top and side branches completely in dark color. We apply paint on the trunk with strokes to achieve similarity with the birch trunk.

When painting, all the branches remained in a compressed form.

Now you can straighten them and give the desired bend.

All our birch is ready. This birch is 60 cm high. If desired, you can make a more compact tree.

Birch from beads step weaving for beginners (video)

Beaded birch step by step weaving for beginners (video)

Even for the ancient Slavs, birch was a sacred tree. Her beauty was mesmerizing. She was worshiped and considered this tree to be healing.
Beadwork can help us recreate this tree in all its glory. And in its various versions. If you own the basic techniques and have studied all the basic patterns, then you will undoubtedly be able to weave almost any of the trees with the help of beads, no matter what you like. Moreover,
most the best way improvement in the technique of working with beads. In our master class you will find both photos and videos on how to make a birch tree with your own hands. And most importantly, such a master class of weaving from beads is not at all difficult even for beginners.
Before you start weaving a birch, you will certainly need a master class in photo or video format, as well as step-by-step instruction describing weaving in every detail. To make a birch with your own hands, pick up a photo or video that will show the tree you like. Although you can draw a sketch, having carefully thought through all the details, or simply depict your birch tree in the form of a diagram, on which it is easy to indicate the shape of the branches or the bends of the trunk. Having depicted your future tree in this way, you can easily follow your idea, looking at an illustration or photo whenever you are in trouble.

Master class - summer beaded birch

To make a birch with your own hands summer version, select the beads you need. It is good if it will be several beautiful shades of green. It should be somewhere around 70 or 80 grams. In addition, beading requires the presence of wire, which in this case should be of two types. The first is used to create birch branches, from which the crown is formed. And the second, more durable, made of aluminum or copper is used to create a trunk. Then, from the trunk and crown, you will need to make a tree. Also necessary will be silk thread for shoes or white floss for wrapping wire sections of twigs, as well as black gouache, white water-based paint, putty, varnish and all kinds of decorative elements. It can be some other beads, stones, moss or any other natural materials.

So, we take the first wire and string beads on it with our own hands. Then we retreat from the edge of 15 cm and begin to form a branch. For this, the following scheme is used. Twelve beads are folded into a loop, and then retreat 1 cm and repeat the manipulation. Thus, 9 loops are created and we cut the wire, stepping back from the last loop 15 cm. This is the first option for creating blanks. But there may be another way. In this case, you must first weave four loops 1 cm apart, and make the fifth loop, departing from them 2 cm. After completing the fifth loop, weave the remaining four loops 2 cm after it. Such beading is called looped. To create your own tree, use either of the two suggested methods.
After you have created a large number of blanks, you need to make birch branches. To do this, we twist both ends of the wire together, starting from the loop, which is located in the middle. After the last couple of loops have passed, weave the wire for another 4 cm. You can make different number of loops for your birch, but it should always be odd.

Now we form the crown. Weaving of all blanks is completed, and you need to start collecting wood. Don't forget to look from time to time at the photos and videos depicting your chosen pattern. For the top of the birch, we select 10 blanks. And for all other branches, the same schemes are used. Take a thicker piece of wire and wrap the blanks tightly to it. For branches, use three to five blanks and seven or more. The latter form the very bottom of the crown.

If the tree shown in your photo or video contains any bends in the branches, then it is necessary to form them before tying the branches to the stem wire. Gather the top of the birch and attach it to the frame. Then attach the branches, placing them like a spiral staircase.

After the weaving and assembly of the birch is completed, it is necessary to install it. To do this, we need a tray or an unnecessary plastic plate. Pour gypsum into a separate bowl and stir it with water until it becomes like thick sour cream. This mixture should not contain lumps, so mix very carefully. We quickly pour it all onto the tray in a slide and immerse the loop formed at the end of the stem wire there. Ask someone to help you at this stage. And while the assistant will hold your trunk, form a stand, helping yourself with a knife. Your coaster will not stick to the tray.
Now dilute the putty with water and add PVA glue there. And with its help we make out the trunk and branches. Try to work out the grooves and notches to mimic real tree bark. We let it all dry.
In addition, it is necessary to make holes for planting decorative elements on the base. You can create them in two ways. It is possible, even at the stage of forming the base from gypsum, to insert cocktail tubes into it, which are removed after complete solidification. Or you can use a drill and make holes in the already hardened base.

When everything has dried out very well, we proceed to the most interesting, namely, we begin to draw up our birch. We paint the trunk with white water-based paint and after it dries we apply stripes with black gouache. To do this, use a dry hard brush. We dip it in the paint and, making horizontal strokes, distribute the stripes throughout the trunk. For the reliability of the coating, add a little PVA glue to the paint, then it will probably not spread under the varnish. In this case, the bottom of the tree needs to be painted over more intensively. Do not forget to wrap all the beaded parts with foil so that after painting your birch tree looks neat and not dirty.

You can of course not paint anything. Just wrap your bouffant with white thread very carefully and draw stripes on it using a black marker or felt-tip pen. Just take into account the fact that the felt-tip pen under the varnish coating may well leak. So, either use paint, or leave the product unvarnished. Now we plant beaded decor and lay out pebbles and moss. It is possible to weave flowers and bushes from beads especially for this purpose. Or you can generally create a whole clearing under a birch, and build a miniature house for a fairy on it or organize a stream. Or fall asleep with something fluffy and green, imitating a juicy grass cover. In general, you should not limit your imagination in anything. In conclusion, the whole tree is covered with a thin layer of varnish from an aerosol can.

You can use some form to create the base, for example, an old and unnecessary plastic box, which then, after the gypsum has set, it will not be a pity to break it if such a need arises. Although the commonly used form is covered with polyethylene over the edges of which, subsequently, the frozen base is removed. Or pour the tree into a cute small pot of the original shape or covered with fabric in the color of the crown.
By the same rules, you can create an autumn birch. Just use instead of green, different colors and shades of autumn. And not only in the design of the crown, but also decorating the stand for your tree. In general, yellow, orange and red shades are suitable. You can use them individually, or you can mix them together. When decorating the base of a birch or a pot in which to plant your tree, use small elements with an autumn theme.

White beaded birch

An alternative to the green lady, but no less beautiful, would be a winter birch. In addition, it can be wonderful and original gift, for example, on one of the winter holidays. And on New Year an elegant beauty will make an even greater sensation than a beaded green Christmas tree. Such a master class of its weaving will have some differences from the previous one. In particular, in the method of weaving blanks for branches.
So, to create such a tree, we need beads of winter shades. It can be white matte or transparent, and any silvery shades are also perfect.

Consider a master class on creating a branch for a winter tree. To create it, you need to collect twelve beads on a wire segment. By the way, the number of beads does not have to be equal to twelve. This will all depend on your idea. Dial different colours in any order. It is even better to mix them together in advance. We leave one bead free, and through the rest we stretch the wire in the opposite direction so that as a result two identical ends are formed. Their length should be 15 or 20 cm. Now we put on another twelve beads on one of the free edges and repeat everything again. Connect two wire edges together, and put on eight more. Then bend one of the wires and put 20 beads on it and pull the wire in the opposite direction, but only to the middle of the row. We put 9 beads on the same part and bring it back first through 8, and then towards the adjacent edge of the wire. Again we put the beads on both edges of the wire at once and again create branches. Thus, we make as many branches and as many branches as we need. For the top of the tree, use the shortest ones.
To form birch branches, branches of different orders are used. Branches of the first order should be both long and short. The first should be - 24, and the second - 27 pieces. Of these, you need to make branches of the second order, using for each of the three pieces of the first branches. But the branches that are third in order will consist of two branches of the second order.

Attach branches to the birch trunk in tiers. It is better to make them in the amount of three. Just first, bend all the branches, in such a way as they should look in the final version. This is necessary so that in the process of attaching them to the trunk there are no overlaps or, conversely, large voids between the branches. The greatest distance can be between the branches of the third tier. The branches here can move away from each other in different directions and are not at all required to be located clearly in one line.

Form the trunk and stand in the same way as in the previous master class, using plaster and putty. Just make sure the base is in winter style. Use beads and sequins in white and silver shades. Also, small figurines on a New Year's theme or miniature winter birds will serve as a wonderful additional decor, and all the same natural material, only decorated for frosty time.

Video: master class of weaving birch from beads