
Natural black hair color. How to dye your hair black (photo). Dark chestnut color paint. Photo


Despite the cyclical fashion that affects the popularity of a certain color, black hair color never loses its relevance. Of course, under the influence of fashion, the number of brunettes either increases or decreases, but women with black hair always attract attention. This most common color in nature is associated with determination, self-confidence, strong-willed character and passionate temperament, so many women, in an effort to change their image, choose the dark color of various shades.

If you decide to become a burning brunette, keep in mind that black hair suits someone, but someone is simply contraindicated. It is quite difficult to return to a natural tone after dyeing in resinous color, and it will not be possible to repaint it in a lighter shade soon.

Black fit:

  • women with swarthy or very fair skin. It should be noted that brunettes with milky white skin look very extravagant, and the blue-black tint makes them look like Snow White;
  • owners of brown,.

For brown-eyed brown-haired women and natural blondes, black can give a gloomy and tired look.

For blue-eyed and gray-eyed women, stylists do not recommend dyeing curls dark, since the eyes lose their expressiveness (). Despite the recommendations of stylists, many light-eyed beauties, dyed in resinous color, are very pleased with the result. Women belonging to the type of woman-summer and woman-winter (European type of face, bright eyes and cold natural shades of hair) can afford such experiments.

Can help determine if it's right for you bright eyes ah black hair color photos of famous actresses and models. Among the famous light-eyed actresses and models, at least sometimes former brunettes, one can note:

  • Liv Tyler (natural - dark blond, eyes - blue) No. 1;
  • Emily DiDonato (eyes - blue,) No. 2;
  • Isabelle Adjani (blue eyes, natural brunette) #3;
  • Vivien Leigh (eyes - gray, curls - chestnut) No. 4, etc.

Although the black hair color looks very impressive, it can visually make the face thinner and more tired, emphasize skin imperfections (acne, irritation, wrinkles, etc.) and gray hair, so it is not recommended for older women (with the exception of natural brunettes), owners of freckles and women with skin problems.

Black color palette

Shades of black hair color in almost all well-known dye manufacturers are black, blue-black and plum-black.

  • Blue-black hair color is a deep black color that becomes light in the sun. blue tint and beautiful shine. The ideal color for women with dark skin - it turns out the Asian type of appearance.
  • Black tulip hair color is a dark color with a slight reddish or eggplant tint that suits women with (contrasting and bright appearance, cold natural tone).

In order to get a rich color, the curls sometimes need to be discolored, so it is better to dye the hair in the salon, where a good hairdresser can mix several tones if necessary, which will give the curls a natural look.

If you like to experiment, then there is a large number of ombre options and.

The influence of black hair color on character

Modern research by psychologists confirms the long-established opinion that the color of the hair affects the character of a person and, accordingly, his lifestyle. It is believed that the owners of dark curls are people who are confidently moving towards their goal, prudent and rather tough. Women have masculine traits in their character, but this does not prevent them from being mysterious and enigmatic.

Brunettes are prone to loneliness, they prefer to communicate with a limited circle of close friends, and as husbands they choose, as a rule, men with a gentle character.

Sociological research confirms the popular wisdom that men love blondes and marry brunettes, as they consider them more reliable, and therefore more suitable for family life.

In addition, when applying for a job and with new social contacts, the stereotype about the natural closeness of blondes often works, so brunettes have clear advantages in this regard.

Makeup and style suitable for brunettes

There is no single advice for all brunettes without exception, since each woman is individual. However, there are general recommendations stylists and makeup artists, allowing you to emphasize the individual beauty of the owners of resin strands. So, swarthy and dark-eyed women with black hair color may not resort to bright makeup, but with fair skin and bright eyes, bright makeup is necessary.

In order for the eyes to look expressive, it is recommended:

  • line your eyes with a pencil (the coal-black color is still in the lead);
  • use golden and eyeshadow (shadows with sparkles look great);
  • use cool shades of eyeshadow (pink, blue, white, etc.).

The lips of brunettes should be bright and appetizing. Can be used:

  • bright lipsticks;
  • all shades of pink.

Almost all colors of clothing are suitable for brunettes, although red, white and dark shades will be the most spectacular.

In addition, the top five popular clothing colors for brunettes included:

  • grey. Looks great with metal accessories;
  • lavender;
  • aquamarine, giving brunettes romance and femininity;
  • fuchsia color;
  • a citrus shade that suits both romantic and eccentric black-haired beauty.

The image of the fatal brunette, which is so replicated and popular in the cinema, attracts many women. They bring it to life, using coloring and matching makeup. However, many, having already found themselves in a hairdresser, do not even think about whether black hair color will suit them, whether it will emphasize the dignity of appearance. In the article, we will consider in detail the question of who suits black hair and how to choose makeup for a new style.

How to choose black hair color in appearance?

The new hair color - black, red, blond and any other - is a change not only in appearance, but in part in character, and perception by other people. In order for the changes to be successful, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. First of all, deciding to become a brunette, evaluate your appearance. Black color hair fit:

Owners of white porcelain skin with blue or green cold shades of eyes.

suitable for girls with fair skin and green eyes

porcelain skin tone and green eyes

fair skin tone and light Blue eyes

fair skin and green color eye

Owners of dark skin by nature or tanned skin with dark brown or black eyes.

harmonizes with dark skin and brown eyes

olive skin tone and brown eyes

dark skin and dark eyes

dark skin and brown eyes

The list is not long at all, but these rules should be followed. Perhaps if you don't fall into any of the options, you should consider darker shades of chestnut or brown. Of course, experimentation in this matter is not prohibited. There are cases when black hair color is suitable for those to whom it was not recommended.

If you decide to experiment, then you need to know that the black color is very difficult to wash off from the hair and, moreover, is not painted over. Therefore, use the universal advice and try on the wig in the store before dyeing. You will immediately understand whether it is worth taking such a radical step.

Features of black hair

Cons of painting black

Having decided to become a brunette, pay attention to some features of black hair color:

  1. often black color ages, gives much older age externally;
  2. emphasizes all skin imperfections - wrinkles, age spots, circles and swelling under the eyes;
  3. blurs the outlines of the eyes, nose, makes facial features less expressive;
  4. if the face is not white by nature, but pale, then the painful appearance will be aggravated;
  5. naturally blue lips will look more blue, and tired eyes will become extinct;
  6. the blush on the cheeks will greatly increase in contrast with black hair;
  7. olive skin color can become earthy.

The nuances of coloring in black

In black, as a rule, those who do not have natural brightness want to "leave". At the same time, the choice of such a dark shade can aggravate the situation, and from a pleasant European appearance with light brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin will turn out to be a nondescript painful owner of black hair. Even makeup will not correct the flaws; in general, disharmony will be noticeable.

Brunettes are often very attractive. But if you think about it, you can come to the conclusion that it is not only the hair color that makes them so. Nature laid in them the right skin tone, in harmony with the hair, eye color and facial features. Shades in this case play a decisive role - the eyes are dark or cold, the skin is white or swarthy, the eyebrows are identical in color to the hair.

To understand whether you have chosen the right hair color, it is enough to evaluate the color of the skin, it should look fresh, the eyes should be bright, the lips should be expressive. Deficiencies in the form of bumps and inflammation should not be too noticeable.

brown eyes and tanned skin

like girls with green eyes

harmonizes with fair skin

looks natural and emphasizes the beautiful shade of dark skin

with color tinting in the form of blue and purple strands

with ombre coloring

Choice of black hair dye

Hair dyes are presented today in a wide variety. If we analyze the most popular black paints of well-known manufacturers, we can distinguish only 3 shades:

  1. black;
  2. blue-black;
  3. plum black.

If a pure black color remains so in the sun, then blue-black becomes blue. It is ideal for owners of dark skin, giving the image an Asian touch. The plum shade was created for white girls, it has a deep eggplant undertone or a reddish tint.

shade of blue-black

shade black

shade plum black

Makeup and black hair

The general rule of make-up, developed by stylists and makeup artists, is that accents are necessary for white skin and light eyes. Black hair color and dark eyes do not need additional bright colors on the face.

Brunettes, regardless of individual characteristics, are suitable for different shades of rich lipsticks that emphasize lips. Eyes can be drawn with a pencil or liquid eyeliner, just do not forget to choose one thing - bright eyes or lips. Be careful with your choice foundation for face.

light accent on the lips and smoky eyeliner

bright lipstick and neat arrows on the eyes

smokey eyes and nude lipstick

bright accents on the lips and cheekbones

Black hair care

Coloring is stressful for hair. In any case, this is the effect on the hair of the chemical composition. It is best to choose ammonia-free gentle paints and trust a specialist, so that later you do not experience the difficulties of repainting.

It should be remembered that dyeing can provoke hair loss, make them brittle and weakened. To support them, use special shampoos for color-treated hair, enriched with nutrients. Don't forget about hair masks. Careful care will help not only restore hair, but also increase the durability of color.

To make your hair look well-groomed, pay attention to the rate of regrowth of the roots. They need to be painted on time.

If you are not ready to radically change the color, use gentle highlighting or coloring procedures.

Hello everybody! I was seduced by an almost natural product and good feedback about this wonderful paint. Previously, she dyed her hair with chemical black dye for more than 5 years. When I saw this paint, I decided that enough was enough for me. She endured exactly 4 weeks after the last chemical staining (so as not to turn into a green-haired mermaid, because there was an unsuccessful experience with basma earlier in her youth). The paint dissolves well in "sour cream" slurry. I personally did not conduct an allergy test (not allergic), although it is necessary, no doubt. Of course, it does not apply very smoothly. Still, chemical paints are slippery, and here is a diluted powder ... I took 2 sachets on my hair (below the shoulder blades), because I was going to paint only the roots a little. And not in vain, because I would definitely not comb them out later ... I kept the paint for about 2 hours. I wanted black charcoal. It is washed off, like any henna, disgusting ... to make things go more smoothly, I still applied a balm and then washed it off with water and vinegar. But the feeling that there is no smoothness in the hair due to the powder ... fufu ((but this was to be expected.

A big plus is the color! Bright, juicy! I just didn't expect this from herbal paint! I'll update my review later on the durability. And also the fact that having previously applied chemical dye on my hair, I did not get a green color! So, you can still get the desired color without ammonia and other nonsense)

In general, I am satisfied, but paint long hair such paint is a torment for me ... after all, such paints are more convenient with short haircuts... I imagine how I will have to comb all this and come to quiet horror)) so I advise you to be prepared for this

Fortunately, the relevance of shades of black hair color does not fall under the influence of the cyclical nature of fashion. Always girls with black hair attract increased attention to themselves. It is believed that those who suit black hair color are distinguished by determination, passion, and originality. That is why modern girls often turn to masters with a request to dye their curls in trendy color.

Stylists recommend

Who is black hair suitable for? Of course, seductresses with olive and chocolate skin tones and expressive dark brown eyes can transform into brunettes without fear of looking ridiculous. But the blue-black hair color on white-skinned beauties looks somewhat outrageous, making them look like the heroine of the Disney fairy tale Snow White. With care, the choice of dark hair color should be approached by natural blue-eyed blondes. There is a chance that you will look gloomy and inorganic. If you want to refresh the image with black, then highlighting is the best solution. Brunettes with healthy skin without acne, pimples and age spots- these are those to whom black hair color will go unconditionally. If appearance the skin does not allow to focus on it, it is worth stopping the choice on light tones of hair, which will help hide cosmetic defects.

If you are the owner of hair of this luxurious color, you must follow a number of recommendations. First, hair should always look well-groomed. If fair-haired girls can be forgiven for a mess on their heads, then even slight negligence on dark hair catches the eye. Secondly, after dyeing your hair, you should update your hair care products. Black shades visually increase the volume of the hair, so the emphasis should be on the shine of the hair.

Black hair color has always been considered one of the most attractive of its kind. And today, we would like to talk about what shades of black hair color will be relevant in the new season. We will talk about natural colors that are popular among young girls and adult women. We will talk about techniques for dyeing black hair, we will also touch on the topic proper care behind the hair. Join.

natural black hair color

Intense black hair.

Saturated black hair color is considered the most natural in this color palette. Many stylists note that today girls prefer to create stylish jet black hair shades that look incredibly naturalistic. Deep black hair color is incredibly popular this year.

The Elegant And Interesting peek a boo ombre highlights Intended for hairdo is Convenient to Changing Appearance – natural salon

It is believed that girls with such hair are magnetically attractive, since this hair color is fraught with a certain zest. Saturated black hair color is suitable for owners of dark skin and brown eyes.

Ash black hair color

Black-ash hair color is a fairly common shade among owners of natural black. Today, black and ash hair color is often called graphite, because it has rich gray notes. For several years in a row, graphite hair color looks simple and stylish.
Black and ash hair color suggests a beautiful glossy sheen with a mother-of-pearl tint. It is preferred to be worn by girls with light eyes and fair skin.

Black and red hair color

Quite often you can notice black hair color, the key feature of which is a red tint. This color cannot be called chestnut, because it is rich dark. However, still warm notes betray its nature. Black-red hair color or black-brown shade looks just amazing and very natural. This trendy hair color is ideal for owners of brown or blue eyes and fair skin.

Fashionable shade of hair Bitter chocolate

A shade of black hair with brown notes is called by many stylists Bitter chocolate. It looks incredibly bright and attractive, and at the same time perfectly emphasizes dark skin and blue eyes. However, most of all, according to stylists, it suits the owners of brown eyes and fair skin.

Shade of hair black charcoal

There aren't many girls with black charcoal hair in the world. This hair color looks incredibly stylish and gives the image a zest and even magical beauty. Shade black charcoal hair color suggests a beautiful mother-of-pearl shimmer. Very often, stylists complement it with silver hair color, which allows you to create a bright image. Be sure to pay attention to this shade in the new season.

Hair color black coffee

An incredibly fashionable shade of hair this year is this Black Coffee. Black brown hair or bitter chocolate are suitable for owners of olive or dark skin, and brown eyes. One of the most pleasant and rich shades in this color palette. It is preferred by many women because it looks incredibly stylish.

ebony hair color

Another trendy and popular hair color is Ebony. For lovers of natural black hair color, there is nothing more pleasant than the shade of ebony. The hair looks glossy and strong, while they have a rich black-brown hue. This hair color is universal, as it is suitable for both owners of light and dark skin, as well as blue and brown eyes.

Who is best suited for black hair?

It is believed that black hair color is ideal for owners of very light and even porcelain skin. However, in reality, everything turns out to be completely different. Stylists emphasize that one or another fashionable shade of hair suits girls with different color types. For example, owners of dark skin and light eyes are ideal for a shade of blue-black or black charcoal. Owners of dark chestnut black hair color are the perfect combination with brown eyes and swarthy skin. At the same time, girls gray eyes you should choose an ash-black hair color.

How to take care of black hair?

To make black hair look brighter and more saturated, stylists recommend using fashion tricks such as tinted hair balms. It is they, according to many stylists, who can create a vivid image and make it more saturated. Almost all modern hair balms contain silk proteins in their structure, which help hair look brighter and more attractive.