
Basket made of paper strips. Basket made of paper strips. Weaving. Master Class. Paper weaving: step by step instructions for twisting and painting


However, the method, which will be discussed further, appeared quite recently. This is paper weaving. Interestingly, for this method needlework there is no need to buy special materials, since everything can be found at home. But getting original and beautiful things using paper weaving is very real! These can be baskets, rugs, caskets, bookmarks for books, souvenir shoes and much more.

The choice of paper for weaving

A wide variety of paper is suitable for weaving: magazines, newspapers, facsimile rolls, tracing paper, cash tapes, packaging and office paper, but each of them has its own characteristics. So, weaving from newsprint is more convenient because the tubes or strips from it are very soft and plastic, making them more pliable in the hands, but at the same time they require very careful handling, since the newspaper itself is fragile and loose. Magazine sheets are denser, especially glossy ones, although they are thinner. Tight and non-plastic tubes are obtained from such paper, but they are more durable.

Cash and facsimile tapes are very convenient in work, they have such properties as softness, thinness, strength and snow-white color. In addition, these materials lend themselves perfectly to coloring in the desired color, which is very much appreciated by people involved in needlework. Office paper is rougher and tougher, but it can also be used for weaving. If we talk about colored office sheets, they also have such an advantage that for the manufacture of an item, you can immediately select blanks of the desired color, and not paint the finished product.

It does not matter what material you will make paper weaving with your own hands, it is important that the entire product is woven from paper of the same quality. Even newspapers from different printing houses differ in thickness. Therefore, when planning to do this type of needlework, you should pay attention to the fact that all newspapers and magazines have the same name.

Ways of weaving paper products

Paper weaving, it would seem, is nothing special, but when it comes to the activity itself, it turns out that not only different products can be made, but also in different ways.

So, you can weave piggy banks, baskets, planters, caskets and various souvenirs from two types of blanks - tubes and strips. Moreover, you can give the product any desired shape using any object (vase, box, flower pot, etc.). Can be attached appearance product, using only a paper "vine" or braiding ready-made things, thus making them more attractive.

What will be needed for work?

Of course, the main material for this type of needlework is paper, as mentioned above, of any thickness, texture and size. But this is far from the only thing that may be needed to make an original basket, souvenir or box.

So, paper weaving for beginners provides for the presence of PVA glue, knitting needles or a wooden skewer (for forming tubes), stationery scissors, a ruler, a pencil, several clothespins, as well as an object that is planned to be braided or with which to give the product the desired shape. This list may also include the following tools and materials: decorative elements (ribbons, flowers, bows, beads, etc.), if you plan to decorate a finished item, cardboard for making a bottom, an awl, a needle and thread, a brush, acrylic or water-based paint, if there is a desire to give the finished product a certain color.

Preparation of tubes for weaving paper products

Paper weaving technique involves the use of vine-like tubes. They are made, of course, at home immediately before starting work. It is always more convenient to use the most durable and plastic tubes, and these indicators depend both on the type of paper and on the width of the strips used for their manufacture. Over time, people who enjoy this activity gain experience and make tubes mechanically, knowing exactly what it should be, but paper weaving for beginners sometimes seems like an overwhelming task.

During the period of mastering this hobby, you will have to do everything exactly. So, the knitting needles will need number 2 or 3, and the paper should be cut into strips of 6-9 cm. Do not be lazy to use a ruler and a pencil to make strips, otherwise you will have to redo everything later.

So, the stripes are ready, the knitting needle right size at hand. Next, you need to perform the following steps: put the knitting needle on the edge of the strip at an angle of about 30 degrees and wind the workpiece onto it. It is important to ensure that the weaving paper tubes are tight and one end is thicker than the other. The latter will be needed in the manufacture of the product for a more convenient extension of the "vine". When the tube is completely twisted, you should drop a drop of glue on the corner of the strip and, having fixed it, carefully pull out the knitting needle. It is necessary to make as many blanks as approximately may be needed to weave the desired item.

Preparation of strips for weaving paper products

Paper weaving involves the use of not only tubes, but also strips, which is undoubtedly easier, at least in the preparation of materials. To do this, you need to cut newspaper, magazine or standard sheets into strips of the width you need for weaving. It is worth noting that wicker products look more original, for the manufacture of which strips no more than 1.5 cm wide were used.

When using sheets from glossy magazines, office paper or store "advertisements", it is enough to simply cut them into strips of the desired width. If you use newspaper or other not very thick paper, then when cutting strips, you should expect that it is better to fold them in half for weaving, since such blanks will be more durable, and it will not only be easier to work with them, but also the shape of the future they will keep the products better. Therefore, if you plan to weave a basket, box or any souvenir from strips 1.5 cm wide, cut the paper 3 cm wide. If the sheets are too short, you can also glue several strips in advance so that there is less hassle in the process that they need to be sharpened.

When cutting, it is also important to use sharp scissors, a ruler and a pen. These tools are necessary so that the edges of the workpieces are perfectly even and of the same width, otherwise the future product will look sloppy. So, before cutting the strips, you should mark the required distances on paper and only after that pick up scissors.

Weaving baskets from paper tubes

Weaving paper baskets involves the use of pre-prepared tubes. To form the racks and the bottom of the future product, you will need 10 pieces of "vines". Most likely, before weaving, the tubes will have to be connected in two, inserting their thinner edge into the thicker one and fixing it with glue.

Five straws should be placed on the table at a distance of 0.3-0.5 cm from each other. Then, slightly to the left of the middle, they should all be pressed across with a ruler. Next, you need to lift up through one three tubes, and on the two remaining below, drop a drop of glue and put the sixth straw on top. Having lowered the raised tubes, the same should be done with those that remained below, adding 7 straws. Similarly, apply the remaining three blanks.

When the design of 10 tubes is ready, you should take one of them, turn it at an angle of 90 degrees and twist it. Similar actions will need to be done with the remaining straws. When all the tubes are woven, you will get the bottom of the future basket round shape. The main thing is not to forget to finish the paper vine in time. Having received the desired diameter of the bottom, you should install a pot or jar of the desired size on it and, fixing the rays raised up with clothespins, continue the vertical weaving by the already known method.

When the desired height of the basket is reached, you will need to trim the edge. To do this, the edge of the tube should be bent inward, bypassing the adjacent one. A piece of straw is inserted into this loop. We do this until the last tube, and insert it into the loop formed by the first. It remains only to attach the handle to the basket, and you can safely complete this paper weaving. A master class given by a person specializing in this field often ends without attaching a handle to the product, but this is not so difficult. It is enough just to twist several straws together and attach them with glue or thread to the basket.

Basket weaving from paper strips

Tubes are not the only blanks with which you can weave paper baskets. With no less success, you can use strips, the manufacture of which was described a little higher. True, for this product it is better to use the thickest sheets. Weaving from strips of paper should begin with the preparation of materials. You need to cut 8 strips 32 cm long and 2 cm wide. The basket will look more original if you use strips different colors, for example 4 blue and 4 yellow.

Four strips of the same color should be placed on a flat hard surface and weave 4 strips of a different color into them. It is important that the resulting square be as dense as possible and located in the center of the stripes. To form the sides, bend all the branches up and continue weaving. There are already quite a lot of paper baskets, but it is always nice to complement the interior of the house with a hand-made item.

When the weaving of the basket in height is completed, the remaining strips should be folded into the inside of the product and glued. Next, equip the basket with a handle by attaching a strip 34 cm long and 2 cm wide to it.

Weaving paper bookmarks

If you have schoolchildren in your family, then you can hardly do without bookmarks for books, but why buy something that you can do yourself? Moreover, you can also take your child with the manufacture of this accessory. Weaving bookmark paper begins by cutting a strip, the width of which will be twice the desired width of the future bookmark.

The workpiece should be folded in half. From the side of the fold, draw triangles every 1 cm so that their tops do not slightly reach the opposite side of the strip. Make cuts without reaching the tops of the triangles. Now the workpiece can be deployed. Next, you need to cut a strip that would be already the previous one and differ in color. It is she who should be woven into the holes formed on the first workpiece. At the final stage, the edges of the product should be fixed with glue. Weaving paper bookmarks is a fairly simple task, but at the same time, if you experiment with patterns and colors, you can get a new one every time. original bookmark for books. For example, as a pattern, you can draw hearts, droplets, hexagons, or even figures of your favorite animals.

Weaving paper boxes

by the most in a simple way making a box by weaving paper tubes is the braiding of a box with a removable lid of the desired shape and size. So, paper tubes should be glued to the bottom of the selected box at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm from each other. Next, these racks must be bent up and attached with clothespins to the top of the box. Then, unhooking the clothespins one by one, the straws should be woven horizontally until the entire box is braided. Weaving should be completed by wrapping the adjacent tube with one tube and stuffing its end into the loop formed. In the same way, you should braid the removable cover.

Ready product can be painted in any desired color, as well as decorate with all sorts of decorative elements. Inside the product can be pasted over with silk or velvet fabric suitable color. Weaving a paper box will not take you a lot of time and effort, but will only bring pleasure. In addition, you will receive a useful and practical item for the home.

Weaving a shoe from paper tubes

To start making a slipper, like many other products, you need to form the bottom, however, in this case it is done a little differently than in the previous ones. The sole of the future shoe is cut out of cardboard. Then, every 2 cm in its front part and every 1.5 from the side of the heel, holes must be made, it is best to use an awl for this task. It is important that there are two holes on the toe, and not one. Paper tubes are inserted into the holes formed and fixed from the bottom side with glue (there should be 30 in total).

Fixed racks are braided with a "vine" in a circle. This is how two rows are made, after which a clothespin clings to the two central racks on the toe of the future shoe, and further weaving is carried out. At the end of the 8th row, two racks should be weaved together on one side, and then similarly on the other. Next, you need to close two racks on both sides, and then one at a time, until 12 tubes remain - this will be the tongue.

The remaining vertical straws are intertwined with another 4-6 horizontal rows. At the final stage, the ends are hidden and glued so that they do not bloom.

To get a beautiful bottom of the shoe, it should be pasted over with pieces of tubes. After that, the product can be painted, varnished and decorated. Such a slipper can become an excellent decorative element in any home and delight the eyes of the owners and guests.

Depending on your wishes, you can weave one of the things described above or come up with your own. At the same time, you can be sure that paper weaving will become one of your favorite pastimes, with which you can also give your home a unique look or keep the younger generation interested and useful.

A basket is a decorative product, it is easy to make it even from paper. You may ask why do it at all? We will answer - you are going to visit, for example, a friend or girlfriend, and have prepared a gift for him (her). If it is small (for example, a diamond ring for a girl, or a 999 gold bar for a friend), you can arrange a gift plain paper, this is very easy to do. Believe me, the effect will increase, and everyone will be happy - both you and the person to whom you give a gift.

Now we will tell you how you can make a paper basket that will give your item originality.

Making a paper basket is not difficult, choose from any available methods described below.

    Show all

    Wicker paper basket

    Cut strips of cardboard of different colors, forty centimeters long and two wide. Depending on how many strips you cut, the size of the basket will also depend. What kind of gift do you want to make it for.

    Weave the cut pieces of cardboard as shown in the figure below.

    This type of weaving is called fabric, as it resembles in structure the structure of almost any type of matter that is used for tailoring. This will serve as the bottom for our product.

    In the same way, you need to make the sides for the basket, just use more cardboard rectangles.

    After that, bending the corners, lubricate them with glue, fix the structure, then leave the structure to dry.

    Then continue to weave the structure upwards until it is the height you wanted. Remember, its height directly depends on the length of the paper strips that you originally cut out.

    The ends that remain are bent inside the basket and glued to the body. If they turned out to be long, and the height already suits you, carefully cut off the excess length with scissors.

    Another version of a beautiful paper basket

    You will need to prepare newspapers (or office paper), glue, paints for coloring, an empty half-liter jar, or a liter one (depending on what size basket you want to make).

    Well, shall we weave? First, cut rectangles out of paper, it is best to take A4 format. How to cut it correctly, we will describe below.

    Cut each leaf in half lengthwise.

    Then, using a knitting needle, or a regular skewer, twist the tubes from our paper halves. Keep in mind, you need to start twisting from the corner and as tightly as possible. Glue the very tip of the tube to the base of the workpiece.

    We will need a lot of such blanks, so please be patient.

    You lengthen a certain number of blanks by pulling out the core of the glued product, but not by much. We want one end of the tube to be thinner than the opposite.

    Lubricate this thin end with glue, and then insert it into the wider end of the prepared tubes. Wait for the glue to dry. Such glued long tubes need to be made at least nine pieces.

    To make the weaving as even as possible, flatten the prepared tubes a little.

    Now we make the bottom of our basket

    Take four prepared tubes and lay them on any convenient surface parallel to one another. Along the perpendicular, you now need to weave the fifth tube between them, covering the first, and then under the bottom of the second, and so on until the end of the row. Similarly, weave three more tubes into the structure, only alternating the sequence of actions. For example, the second tube will already go down first, and only then cover the next one.

    The last paper tube needs to be woven into one of the sides, then bent it at an angle of ninety degrees, not forgetting to change the top / bottom order.

    Gradually lengthening our base in this way, it will take on its own a rounded shape, this is normal.

    Make it the same size as the bottom of the jar you prepared.

    Now we will weave the walls of our basket!

    Bend the ends of our workpiece, then put our jar on it and make walls. To do this, carefully push the tube between the rows. If it turns out to be too short, then glue more tubes to it, as described above.

    When you have woven a product of the desired height, do not relax, you also need to make a handle for the basket, and you need to attach it somewhere. To do this, thread the tube with which you wove through the top and penultimate row.

Big and warm hello to all! For a long time I did not post master classes on making any things for the house. And today we will do very a simple basket. By the way, it is not necessary to do it directly, as in the picture. If you try a little and show your imagination, this product can be used not only as decorations for the kitchen table on the holy holiday of Easter, but also for storing small things. To do this, just do not make a pen. And decorate, for example, with ribbons or artificial flowers, beads or lace. It is also worth experimenting with size and shape.

In general, a lot depends on you, on the purposes where you want to use the basket and, of course, on the materials you want to use.

In this master class, kraft paper was used. But if you don't have it, then great alternative can become plain white for a printer or even newspaper. Once I saw on the Internet, a similar product made of scrap paper. It looked very even nothing, original. The main thing is that you like it. Another advantage of this wicker basket is that it is very easy to make. You've probably seen paper tube baskets. They turn out very beautiful and in some cases it is difficult to distinguish them from natural, woven from the vine. The craftswomen do everything so neatly that you wonder. But today's master class is suitable even for beginners. You don’t need to twist anything, you can say this is a lightweight option. So let's get started...

Wicker paper basket

In order to make a wicker paper basket, we need:

  • kraft paper (or any other)
  • hot glue
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • and good mood))

First of all, we will need to cut off the bottom of the package, since the base is taken from it. If you have a solid sheet, skip this step. Draw strips 1.5 centimeters wide on the canvas. But be careful, if the material is not too dense, then the basket will turn out to be fragile. You can fix the situation by folding the rectangles in half, making them double, but for this you also need to double the original width. That is, in order for the workpiece to be 1.5 cm, then you need to cut a strip of 3 cm. And so, then glue the two strips together. This way they will be longer.

Now comes a very crucial moment, be careful. Take 6 blanks and stick them on a piece of paper to make it clearer, see the picture. Do these steps 2 times. Thus, you should get 2 parts.

Fly over them and straighten them in the middle. Also stick the free ends on paper stripes. In the middle of the part, a dense canvas turned out, this will be our bottom of the basket. Then lift the edges and continue to interlace the sidewall strips of the product. To do this, prepare more paper strips. They must be the same width.

When you get to the top, peel off the paper pieces that helped us hold the base and first cut the protruding parts evenly, leaving 5 centimeters on top, and then bend under the lower ledges, see the picture. You should get a product with neat edges.

It's time to make a pen. This is easier to do. You just need to weave a pigtail from thin strips of paper of the desired length and glue it to the basket with hot glue. If desired, decorate the product with ribbons or flowers, put sisal there, and painted eggs on top.

Soon we will all be celebrating Easter. Such a basket will decorate your home and give festive mood And I also have a second option. It is also not difficult to make.

How will you decorate your home? Maybe you have your own little secrets? Share them in the comments!

See you soon! Health to you and prosperity! Till!

  • Colored cardboard. I have an orange base, and inserts - light green, peach and yellow;
  • Glue, simple pencil, ruler, scissors.

I used glue stick, but it holds together well too cardboard paper PVA.

How to make a paper basket

basket drawing

First you need to correctly draw the necessary lines of folds and cuts on a sheet of cardboard. I used standard size cardboard - A4, based on this, I indicate the data.

Look at the photo, on it a sheet of orange cardboard is drawn in this way:

  • Horizontally, you need to divide the sheet into 3 parts, the side areas are 7 cm each.
  • These side sections need to be drawn into small sectors, each of which is 3 cm.
  • Divide the remaining middle in half and draw diagonal lines forming a triangle.


Cut as shown in the photo, that is, the lines between the small sectors, cut out the triangles. Make folds along all lines. The result is such a basket frame.

Color inserts

To make the basket bright and colorful, 12 small sectors can be pasted over with colored cardboard. If you are more interested in a one-color version of the basket, you can skip this step.

For the multi-colored basket, cut out 12 rectangular strips of colored cardstock to exactly match the size of each sector. My strip is 7 cm long and 3 cm wide.

Glue the cardboard strips to the sectors of the orange frame of the basket from the outside in relation to the folds.

Forming a paper basket

Now begin to form a paper basket into a single whole. To do this, turn the basket with a triangle towards you, glue the bottom strip to it, first on one side, and then on the other. As you can see in the photo, the orange triangular part overlaps the yellow stripes.

In the same way, glue two stripes on the second row, they are pink for me.

And then the last green third row. All parts should overlap each other so that there are no voids. You also need to adjust the symmetry of the sides in the process. One side of the basket is ready.

Glue the sectors on the second side in the same way.

Basket handle

The basket cannot be without a handle. Cut it out of cardboard. My strip is 28 cm long and about 2 cm wide. Also cut out two circles, each can be 5 cm in diameter.

Fold the circles in half and glue to the basket so that part of the circle is outside and the other half is inside. Glue the tips of the pen inside on the halves of the circles. The basket is ready.

Now you know how to make a paper basket. Various toys, flowers, as well as Easter eggs, bunnies or, for example, .

Wicker things have been popular at all times. Only before they used birch bark, vine, willow twigs, and now they are being replaced with an ordinary newspaper, magazine and office sheets. Such products are covered with stain, varnish, due to which they create an imitation of the structure of a tree.

This is the popular Master class for beginners will be devoted to the basics of this needlework, as the information on it is scattered in pieces from various sources, and all the available lessons on weaving crafts are designed for people with basic knowledge.


For weaving, you will need paper, knitting needles, paint, stain, varnish, cardboard, glue. Newspapers, magazines, office and fax paper are suitable for work. Softer tubes are obtained from a newspaper, and thinner, more elastic tubes are obtained from magazines and office paper.

Please note: four tubes should be obtained from one newspaper spread (the width of the segment is no more than 7-12 centimeters). From office paper, cut narrow strips 2-3 centimeters wide.

Experiment with different type material, then get an extraordinary paper weaving. You can create a wide variety of crafts using this technique - from trays and panels to animal figurines and dishes.

Masters use knitting needles of different thicknesses. The selection depends on the craft: for example, a newspaper needs a needle number 2-3, and for office paper - a hosiery. For the base of the craft, twist the thick tubes, and for the braid - soft ones.

Choose paint, stain on a water-based basis (on alcohol, the product dries quickly, but makes the tube brittle). Dilute the paint with PVA glue (2:1 or 3:1). They paint either the product after work, or the workpiece before the start of the creative process. But the finished craft is always smeared with glue, left to dry. Only at the last stage it is varnished. Cardboard is used to create a finished bottom or container of the desired shape.

Paper weaving: a master class for beginners

How tubes are made:

The tubes should not be soft or hard; ideally, a “medium” paper weave is obtained. For beginners, a bunch of video tutorials on twisting have been created, but without practice they are useless. For example, for blinds and panels, craftsmen specially twist hard sticks, for decorative miniature items they prepare thin tubes, where the width of the strip can be less than the traditional seven centimeters. You need to experiment to find your own thickness of the tubes.

Please note that when cutting with a knife, notches are formed that interfere with proper twisting. Therefore, before work, spend research work: try cutting two sheets of newspaper into transverse and longitudinal strips, determining which way you get fewer chipping. It is from a segment with smaller notches that the tube rolls off without problems.

Paper weaving: step by step instructions for twisting and painting

When twisting the sticks, one end should be wider, and the other narrower. So when weaving crafts due to the insertion, an extension occurs, that is, a narrow corner is inserted into a wide one. If the ends are the same, then one edge is flattened, compressed and inserted.

Many masters do without glue when building, they simply insert a stick three centimeters deep into another. Other pros drop a drop of glue into a tube with a wide end, and advance it three centimeters with a narrow stick.

There is also a secret how to make the twisting faster and the weaving soft. Before work, newspaper tubes are laid out in a row and walked over them with a rolling pin. It turns out that each master has “his own” paper weaving.

Master class for beginners in painting tubes

  • First way. Paint the sheets before work, then dry, cut into strips and twist into tubes.
  • The second way. Twist the sticks, then paint each one individually with a brush. Suitable for products if you need an unusual pattern.
  • The third way. You make crafts, then decorate by weaving or randomly with a brush.

Methods of mass painting

For paint, you can use a water-based emulsion, pigments, for eggs. If it turned out bad color, anyway, continue weaving from paper. A basket, for example, can have any color, just complicate the weaving or resort to decoupage.

Tube secrets

Please note that the color becomes lighter after drying. By combining with other sticks, you create the desired pattern or draw the finished product with the desired shade. Drying is not necessary until completely dry. Wrap slightly damp sticks in a bag so that both ends are outside. In winter, they can be stored in the cold.

The sticks must be flexible in work, and after painting they become hard and brittle. Ideally, immediately after painting the tubes, paper weaving should begin. A basket, boxes, dishes can be obtained from dry colored tubes if you spray the middle of the sticks with ordinary water using a sprayer from all sides before work.

Wrap them in a wet cloth (ends outside) or put in a bag. Harvest immediately a large number of tubes, so that in the process of work not to be distracted by twisting.

When weaving, an even and odd number of tubes is taken. It is in the direction where there is an odd number of sticks that work begins. The “odd” tube braids all the others. As soon as its length ends, build up a new stick.

Types of weaving

We have finished the material blanks, now we will consider paper weaving. A master class for beginners on his technique is given below.

  • Simple plain weave. With a braiding tube, like a snake, go around each stick of the base. That is, it either covers the base, or hides behind it. If you need to return, then weaving goes the same way, but in the opposite direction.
  • Simple weaving in rows. The pattern changes after several rows. That is, take one stick, go through simple weaving. The next tube lays down in the same way as the first. So continue the drawing several times. Then you shift the pattern, that is, where the base was braided, it remains free, and the next one is braided the same number of times as in the first pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weave. Each tube begins with a new base stick diagonally. It turns out an oblique (oblique) pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weaving in rows. Just as in a horizontal pattern, weave with several sticks, and shift the new circle along the pattern.

Varieties of weaving

We continue to consider paper weaving (a master class on creating patterns):

Technique and secrets of weaving

To keep any pattern, it is braided with a rope or a pigtail. Let us consider in more detail the “protective” paper weaving (we will describe it step by step using the example of a basket).

Please note that the weaving of the tubes begins with thick ends from left to right. To get a given shape, the racks are pinched to the desired object (vase, bucket, box, etc.). The finished product is abundantly lubricated with PVA glue (with or without paint), “put on” on the object of the desired shape, and dried. Then, when painting and varnishing, the product from the tubes will be beautiful and durable.

Basket making

For beginners, it is better to start with something simple (for example, blinds, frames, panels) to train your hand in twisting the tubes and simply interweaving them. Then you can move on to complex paper weaving (horseshoe, heart, box, bell). Consider a master class on weaving a simple basket without a lid and a handle.

To save the labor of weaving baskets, use a cardboard bottom. To do this, take an object of the desired shape, circle the bottom on thick cardboard. Cut out two pieces. Decorate them immediately (paste with wallpaper, paint or apply decoupage).

Attach to the bottom half along the edge. Now glue newspaper tubes on it. The distance between them should not be more than 2-3 centimeters. This is the basic rule of such needlework (meaning paper weaving).

Pen holder, photo frame, hat - any craft should have a distance between the racks of no more than three centimeters. The fact is that a larger gap between them leads to friability and fragility of the product.

Continuation of basket weaving

Next, apply PVA glue to the bottom with tubes, cover with a second bottom, put a load on top and leave it overnight. Now go through two rows with a “string”, a simple interlacing of racks. After that, put the form on the bottom on which you will weave, with a load (the load is needed to fix the bottom when weaving). If you immediately start weaving the walls from the cardboard bottom, then you will get holes in the basket that will need to be decorated.

Raise the tubes up, continue working until you reach the desired height. Next, braid up or separately weave a pigtail, gluing it to the base. By the same principle, paper boxes with a lid are weaved from paper.

There is another way to weave a rectangular bottom using ribbons and newspaper tubes. This look is reminiscent of working with a paper strip rug. Only in this case, take not one tube, but two or three for one unit. For example, below are four groups of sticks. Then put three sticks across them on them.

Lay four groups of tubes on top so that their ends are between the bottom ones. Now you braid all the rows with a ribbon or a soft stick. Then lay the transverse group of sticks again, braiding them with tape. Using colored tubes, you can get an original pattern.

The bottom in this case turns out to be voluminous, as if double. Then you lift all the joints, braid them with a “rope”, smoothly moving to the walls of the product. For trays, this is the optimal paper weave. step by step photo on weaving a square basket clearly shows the essence of the work. Prepare tubes and create.

If you have never worked with newspaper tubes, start with simple views. For example, blinds. To do this, simply twist the thick sticks along the length of one half of the window. Tie a double knot on both sides of each stick, retreating from the edges by 3-4 centimeters. In the process of work, you coat the “seams” with glue.

From above, fasten along the ring for the curtains (blinds will be attached to them) and a loop where you can put the twisted roll if necessary. Paint the finished product, varnish it. Now you can try simple weaving on small souvenirs and move on to baskets.