
Why is the appearance of herpes on the lips during pregnancy dangerous? How to treat a cold sore during pregnancy: effective and safe remedies What can pregnant women do with herpes on the lips


If a rash appears on your lips during pregnancy in the form of bubbles that itch, know that you have contracted the herpes virus. There are 2 types of herpes: the first (labile, when the rash is located near the lips, nose, mouth) and the second (genital - the rash appears in the genital area, occasionally around the lips). The carriers of the virus are 95-98% of the population, that is, 9 out of ten people. They become infected with it in early childhood. The virus in the body is dormant, waiting in the wings. When the body is weakened, an aggravation occurs.

What are the causes of herpes on the lips?

This disease is contagious. Through the mucous membranes, herpes enters the body and multiplies. The human body begins to respond to it by producing antibodies. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus. He hides in the nerve ganglia, where he stays in anticipation of a decrease in immunity.

Causes of exacerbation: colds, hypothermia (or vice versa), flu, excessive exposure to sunlight, poisoning, stress and much more.
The herpes virus is transmitted from person to person in the following ways:

  • during direct contact;
  • by airborne droplets;
  • household way;
  • by climbing to the embryo through the cervix.

How does it manifest itself?

  • Before the appearance of herpetic vesicles in the corners of the lips, on the surfaces of the cheeks and lips, itching appears on the tongue.
  • An itchy swelling appears that turns into a blister.
  • After that, liquid secretions appear from the bursting bubbles, which contain viruses in huge quantities. Instead of a bursting bubble, an ulcer occurs. Herpes is highly contagious at this stage.
  • The ulcers cover the scabs.
  • After the scabs fall off, the person recovers.

Why is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy?

While carrying a baby, a woman's immunity falls. If at this time she first contracted herpes, then her body does not have time to develop antibodies to the virus. The herpes virus crosses the placenta to the fetus with blood, multiplying and transmitting the infection to it. In the first trimester of pregnancy, this may result in a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy; in the third trimester, premature birth, damage to the liver, eyes, and central nervous system of the fetus are not excluded. The risk of infection is almost 70%.

If a woman is a chronic carrier of the herpes virus, then infection during pregnancy will not cause complications, and fetal damage does not occur. If signs of genital herpes appear later than 32 weeks, then doctors, most likely, in order not to risk, will do a cesarean section so as not to infect the baby during his passage through the birth canal.

Actually, the exacerbation of herpes on the lips of the first type is not dangerous for the fetus. It is possible that the woman contracted the infection even before pregnancy, but the disease was asymptomatic.

If there are antibodies to the virus in the mother's blood, the fetus will receive them through the placenta and then it will be protected from infection. Itchy vesicles are not found on the skin of all carriers, or they are hidden from the human eye with genital herpes.

Even an experienced healthcare professional can mistake the signs of other illnesses for herpes. Therefore, it is advisable to pass an analysis to identify the herpes virus in advance, before pregnancy.

Herpes therapy is aimed at relieving acute manifestations and reducing the frequency of relapses:

  • antiviral drug acyclovir;
  • immunoglobulin, viferon - for immunocorrection;
  • Brilliant green solution, oxolinic ointment.
If the infection occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy, then it may need to be terminated. In the case when the risk of infection is small - for example, in case of relapses - taking antiviral drugs is minimized, since there is a risk to the fetus.

Ointments are used as antiviral drugs - they are not absorbed through the skin.

Natural vegetable oils (fir, sea buckthorn, rosehip) heal post-herpetic wounds. Echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus are used - immunomodulators of plant origin.

Herpes is a viral infection that "lives" inside the lymph nodes and manifests itself in the form of thick characteristic bubbles on the mucous membranes and skin. There are many types of cold sores. The most common: genital, labial (localized on the lips) and cytomegalovirus. Chickenpox is also caused by this virus.

The peculiarity of carrying a baby is manifested in the fact that he is not only a carrier of his mother's DNA, but also his father's. And so that the female body does not perceive the embryo as a foreign object and does not start the process of rejection, the future woman in labor is constantly in conditions of immunodeficiency. If a woman is already a carrier of the herpes virus, in such conditions it can easily become activated. But this is less dangerous than meeting the disease for the first time after conception.

If a woman enters pregnancy with already developed antibodies to the disease, the baby is practically protected from the attack of viral cells for all 9 months. But if there was an initial contact with the herpes pathogen, and the woman fell ill, it is extremely dangerous for the existence of the fetus. The virus quickly penetrates into all fetal tissues and disrupts the normal rhythm of their development. And this process does not depend on the type of herpes: regardless of the focus of the rash, the main concentration of pathogens is concentrated in the lymphatic system, which carries them throughout the body. Therefore, you should not think that herpes on the lip in the early stages of pregnancy is not related to the child.

To protect yourself and your future pregnancy, it is very important to undergo TORCH screening at the planning stage, and twice in the process of carrying a baby.

The mechanism and ways of infection with herpes during pregnancy

Herpes is an intracellular nucleoprotein virus. It does not easily wander through the body, but immediately inserts its DNA into the proteins of neurons and is firmly fixed in the lymphatic system. Therefore, it is impossible to completely "kill" the infection. Treatment is reduced only to raising immunity, eliminating external vesicles (bubbles) and suppressing the synthesis of viral cells.

Herpes is transmitted by contact, through biological fluids, such as saliva, semen, blood. Or directly in contact with a liquid that collects in bubbles. In everyday life, everyone comes into contact with this virus, but due to strong immunity, most immediately begin to produce antibodies and may not even notice the latent course of the acute phase of the disease. Under the influence of antibodies, the virus is in a state of sleep, but as soon as immunity fails, for example, with acute respiratory infections, stress, pregnancy, it can become active and appear on the skin in the form of a profuse rash.

Symptoms of herpes on the lips during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the clinical picture of the appearance of a "cold" on the lips has the classic symptoms: on the lip or in the area under the nose, first there is a slight tingling sensation, burning, then itching, hyperemia, and redness join. After 12-24 hours, vesicular eruptions appear - various-sized vesicles with a sticky serous fluid.

Headache, weakness and fever can join the general picture.

When the liquid reaches the highest concentration, the bubble bursts, and its contents are poured out, spreading the viral infection in space. At this point, the woman is most infectious to those around her. In place of the burst vesicle, a weeping wound forms, which dries up over time and transforms into a crust. After 8-10 days, the scab leaves on its own.

Primary infection with the herpes virus during gestation

The most dangerous is considered to be herpes during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. But we are talking exclusively about the first contact with the virus, when there are no antibodies in the blood. In such conditions, both the woman and the baby are completely defenseless against the virus. Since any antiviral therapy is contraindicated before 12 weeks of gestation, stopping the disease is reduced to close monitoring of the development of the embryo, local treatment of herpes on the lip and the appointment of immunomodulators based on natural interferon. If a woman's immunity cannot fight the virus, pregnancy may end prematurely as a result of embryo freezing or miscarriage.

With a primary infection in the second trimester, treatment with strong antiviral agents is already allowed, so the outcome of the disease is more favorable for the mother and fetus. But herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, even during treatment, often leads to gross damage to internal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, spleen).

Without special laboratory tests, it is rather difficult to distinguish between primary infection and relapse of an existing disease. For this, an analysis must be done to quantify antibodies (Ig) to each virus strain separately. If the result showed the presence of Ig M immunoglobulin (an active process without antibodies) and the absence of Ig G (the presence of antibodies and a latent course), this is bad. This means that the woman recently contracted the virus and is now sick.

With these screening results, the spouse is examined, since he will also be infected. Treatment is carried out at once by both partners to prevent relapse.

Herpes during pregnancy: relapse of the disease

Activation of an already existing virus in the blood does not require special treatment and only in rare cases causes complications. When examining a woman, a small amount of Ig M or their complete absence is determined, and a lot of Ig G. The risk of infection of the fetus with the virus is 1% and, as a rule, occurs only during delivery.

Herpes during pregnancy: consequences

The features of the course of herpes during pregnancy have been carefully studied by doctors for a long time. By this time, obstetricians-gynecologists already have an impressive arsenal of knowledge about the nature of this virus and methods of treatment during gestation.

If you believe the dry numbers, with regard to the virus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • More than half of humanity is carriers of this virus, and most do not even know about it. By the time of puberty, 98% of the population has herpes simplex virus.
  • Primary infection with the virus can threaten intrauterine infection of the fetus in 50% of cases, with a relapse this figure is only 3%.
  • If the virus first enters the body in the first weeks of gestation, the risk of abortion is 30%. When meeting with herpes in the 2-3 trimester, the risk of late miscarriage is about 50%.
  • Surviving children, after suffering intrauterine infection, become carriers of the latent form of the virus. At the same time, all kinds of body dysfunctions against the background of the disease can manifest themselves at a more mature age. The number of such children is 40% of the total.
  • If herpes is mild or asymptomatic without adequate treatment, about 70% of babies are born infected. Mortality after birth reaches 60%. Only 15% of babies are born completely healthy.
  • The least dangerous infection with herpes during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. During this period, you can easily suppress the disease with drugs that are incompatible with pregnancy at an earlier stage.
  • The most serious consequences of the virus include: miscarriage, gross malformations of organs and the nervous system, perinatal mortality.

Not all types of the virus need to be treated, and not all are dangerous for a pregnant woman. Surgical treatment requires only the initial infection of a woman with any strain of the virus or an acute exacerbation of the disease. Disease in a latent state provides only for monitoring the condition of a woman, since antibodies serve as a guarantor of the baby's safety.

But how justified are such statistical assumptions regarding the "cold" on the lips and is this herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

It turns out that only genital and herpes zoster in the primary form is considered the most dangerous during pregnancy. The herpes simplex virus, which manifests itself on the face, mainly multiplies directly in the upper layers of the epidermis and rarely inserts its viral DNA beyond the spinal cord. Such a local residence minimizes the contact of herpes with the embryo. In addition, all outbreaks of herpes on the lips in 72% are recurrent, which indicates the presence of immunity to the disease.

It is very difficult for herpes simplex to get into the abdominal cavity on its own, and even more so into the amniotic waters of the uterus, therefore it quietly multiplies in the tissues of the skin and facial nerves, without disturbing the baby in the womb.

But you should not completely eliminate the risk. There are separate options for the development of the disease during primary infection, when viral particles can affect pregnancy. For instance:

  1. Immunodeficiency state of the future woman in labor. Immune system problems open up the possibility for herpes to spread completely throughout the body without restriction. If there are no antibodies, and the immune response is unable to contain the virus, there is a threat to both the fetus and the woman's life.
  2. Transmission of infection to the genitals of a woman during sexual intercourse. A woman can infect her partner's genitals, and he, in turn, will transfer viral particles to her genitals. Thus, the virus can enter the uterus.
  3. Special care must be taken if cold sores appear on the lips before childbirth. After birth, the mother can infect the baby by caring for him. The entire period of the disease, you should avoid contact of the lips with the baby and wash your hands regularly.

Treatment of herpes during pregnancy

Treatment for herpes during pregnancy on the lips does not involve taking antiviral pills. Doctors prescribe only topical ointments to relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up the scarring of the vesicle.

In parallel with drug treatment, a woman is advised to observe a strict hygienic regime, especially in case of contact with the eyes and genitals. Correction of the diet is also carried out with an increase in the amount of fruits, legumes, seafood and vegetables. In this case, carbohydrates and sweets are excluded as much as possible. During treatment, it is forbidden to peel off the crust from the wound in order to avoid the attachment of another infection. And after recovery, it is recommended to change your toothbrush.

Among pharmaceuticals, there are many effective drugs, but the doctor decides how to treat herpes during pregnancy.

As an external remedy for herpes during gestation, dermatological ointments with an antiviral effect based on aciclovir are prescribed. They can be used at any gestational age up to 8 times a day. Among these drugs, the following can be distinguished:

  • Acyclovir (India).
  • Zovirax (Great Britain).
  • Agerp (Ukraine).
  • Acivir (Cyprus).
  • Virolex (Slovenia).
  • Herpetad (Germany).

For quick healing of the skin, you can use a liquid solution of tocopherol (vit. E) or the vitamin preparation Aevit.

For local enhancement of immunity, oxolinic ointment and interferon solution are prescribed. Inside, you can take homeopathic tinctures (eleutherococcus, echinacea) or vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Oral administration of antiviral agents is indicated only in more severe cases and is possible in late pregnancy.

If the manifestation of bubbles on the lip is mild and is not accompanied by soreness and itching, you can only do with folk remedies:

  1. Tincture of propolis (the vesicle should be cauterized).
  2. Calendula ointment (softens the crust).
  3. Grated raw potatoes (dries the bottle).
  4. Tea, fir oil, aloe juice (accelerate skin regeneration).
  5. Toothpaste (accelerates vesicle breakthrough).

Herpes during pregnancy - reviews

In the first weeks of pregnancy, every second woman is faced with herpes on the lip. Special ointments help to solve this cosmetic defect in less than a week. The only complication from this disease that women note is excessive fear for the baby. This virus does not cause dangerous defects in the development of the baby, if the woman does not have immunodeficiency diseases, and there are antibodies to herpes in the blood. Therefore, there should not be any special experiences in this regard, if all the recommendations of the doctors are followed.

In order not to live with strong excitement when herpes appears on the lips during the period of gestation, it is better to undergo an examination in advance before conception occurs. If it turns out that you are already a carrier of the virus, calmly get pregnant and do not be afraid of the consequences. In the absence of antibodies, try to limit yourself from contact with people who have herpes rash. And at the first suspicion of infection, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

Video. Herpes and pregnancy

Is "cold" on the lips dangerous during pregnancy? How it can affect the fetus. How to treat a herpes infection in pregnant women.

Herpes is a disease caused by herpes viruses. They are carried by many people, about 90% of the entire population of the planet.
The herpes virus is activated and becomes aggressive with obvious manifestations of the disease with a decrease in human immunity. And immunity can decrease due to many reasons - colds, stress and, including pregnancy.

To figure out whether herpes is dangerous during pregnancy, let's talk a little more about what herpes is and how it works in the body.

Herpes on the lips: is it worth worrying?

There are several types of herpes - the first, second, third, as well as the Epstein virus, cytomegalovirus and several others.

  1. The first type is a lesion of the skin and mucous membranes that is familiar to many, manifested in the appearance of crowded vesicles and sores on the skin and mucous membranes after they are opened.
  2. The second type is herpes affecting the genitals
  3. The third is herpes, in which children's chickenpox and shingles appear
  4. Epstein's virus and cytomegalovirus, when activated and damaged by them, can lead to serious consequences for it.

The disease with the herpes virus can be primary, this is when it first appears in the human body.
In the future, it may have relapses, since the herpes virus is not completely removed from the body, but is latent, hidden in it, and manifests itself, as already noted, with a decrease in a person's immunity.

For primary infection with the herpes virus, especially the herpes simplex virus type 1:

  1. The person initially feels unwell, like a cold or flu
  2. He will have chills, itching, burning sensations on the skin
  3. Herpes develops, passing into the stage of the formation of specks, turning into bubbles with liquid. These bubbles are called vesicles, and they burst after a while.
  4. In place of the vesicles, crusts then form, which later disappear

IMPORTANT: Infection of herpes viruses occurs from a sick person or a carrier of the virus, in whom the symptoms do not even appear in an explicit form

Is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy?

The appearance of herpes on the lips during pregnancy means that the pregnant woman is infected with a virus, and any viral diseases, as you know, are highly undesirable during pregnancy.

Both the disease itself and the treatment of a pregnant woman with drugs can adversely affect the development of the fetus. In addition, the expectant mother herself with a viral infection feels bad, her immunity is reduced, which means that there may be other health problems, which, in turn, also negatively affects the development of the child in the womb.

IMPORTANT: The most unpleasant is the initial defeat of a pregnant woman with the herpes virus. Not only can her condition be extremely unpleasant due to intoxication, but it is also possible in 90% of cases to damage the fetus.

If a woman previously had similar manifestations of herpes, then there are certain antibodies in her body in order to minimize the troubles associated with the development of this virus.

The possible negative impact of the consequences of recurrent infection with the herpes virus of a pregnant woman on a child is estimated in 5% of cases.
If pregnancy has occurred, then the pregnant woman should try to avoid contact with carriers of the herpes virus:

  • do not eat from the same dish
  • do not use a shared towel
  • don't kiss

With the genital form of the virus in a partner, condoms must be used during intercourse.

IMPORTANT: For a woman planning a pregnancy, a herpes vaccine may be a recommendation, which will help to minimize the risks of contracting the herpes virus

VIDEO: Herpes what a disease. Herpes on the lips treatment. How to treat herpes on the lips. Herpes during pregnancy

Could cold sores be a sign of pregnancy?

The onset of pregnancy is established for various reasons. At home, a woman can recognize the onset of pregnancy if she has no menstruation, her breasts swell, and so on. Pregnancy is then confirmed by a gynecologist based on examination and ultrasound.
If a woman develops herpes, this should not at all mean that she is pregnant. This only means that the virus has manifested itself and passed into an active-aggressive form of its life.

Herpes on the lips when planning pregnancy

It is hardly possible, when planning a pregnancy, to take into account all the factors that may affect its course.

  1. If a woman is a carrier of the herpes virus, and she has had its manifestations repeatedly, this means that her body is already familiar with it, has antibodies to it and is able to cope with it. The baby in the womb will be protected
  2. If a woman has herpes initially, then, when planning a pregnancy, she should make sure that it goes away, as well as strengthen her immunity with good nutrition, physical activity, and a good mood

All of these tips relate to the herpes virus type 1, namely herpes on the lips. Unfortunately, herpes on the genitals is much more dangerous for both the woman and the child, therefore, its treatment must be taken very seriously.

Herpes on the lips in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

If an infection occurs, and herpes appears on the lips of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), then this can negatively affect the underdevelopment of the fetus, the formation of which is very active during this period.

Through the woman's blood through the forming placenta, the virus can infect the fetus and harm it.
Herpes can also pose a threat of miscarriage.

Herpes on the lips in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Unpleasant situations with a fetus continuing to develop in the womb may also appear if herpes has intensified in a pregnant woman during the second trimester of pregnancy (up to 22 weeks):

  • deformities and congenital fetal damage may still develop
  • there is a threat of miscarriage

IMPORTANT: Relapses of the disease at this time rarely lead to any negative consequences.

Herpes on the lips in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

It is believed that herpes on the lips in the third trimester of pregnancy is less aggressive than in the early stages, however, with the initial lesion of a pregnant woman, the same risks of infecting the fetus with it persist, until the occurrence of premature birth and the birth of a still child. Recurrent herpes does not create such risks.

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy, the consequences

The consequences of the appearance of the herpes virus on the lips during pregnancy can be summarized as follows:

  • without consequences, especially with a recurrent form of the disease in a pregnant woman
  • minimal, associated with discomfort in a pregnant woman (itching, burning, etc.)
  • significant, associated with infection of the fetus, damage to its brain, spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth

What to do with herpes on the lips during pregnancy?

Treatment of all diseases during pregnancy should be coordinated exclusively with the gynecologist supervising the pregnant woman. Only a doctor can assess the risks to the health of a woman and her fetus and prescribe adequate therapy.

A pregnant woman, in order to protect herself and her unborn child from all kinds of negative consequences, should take care of her health, and her family and friends should help her in every possible way in this. The recipes for her lifestyle are known to everyone:

  • healthy and nutritious food
  • positive emotions
  • positive environment
  • strengthening immunity
  • avoidance of overwork and hypothermia
  • possible vaccination against the herpes virus

Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the least dangerous external use of medicines for herpes.
If the manifestation of the virus in a pregnant woman is not the first time, then the doctor may prescribe an antiviral ointment against it. These include:

  • Zovirax
  • alizarin ointment
  • oxolinic ointment

Internally, antiviral drugs are usually not prescribed to a pregnant doctor.

Folk remedies for herpes include:

  • lubrication of lips with Forest Balsam toothpaste
  • lubricating lips with sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil or tea tree oil
  • the use of special anti-herpes lipsticks based on tea tree oil
  • observance of individual hygiene and hygiene of the relationship with a partner

Ointments for herpes on the lips during pregnancy

Acyclovir ointment is perhaps the only drug approved for pregnant women for the treatment of herpes.

Acyclovir is the best herpes ointment for pregnant women.

There is also a solution of acyclovir, which, in severe herpes lesions, is recommended for intravenous use.

VIDEO: Pregnancy and herpes

Once infected with herpes, a person becomes a carrier of the virus for life. The disease cannot be completely cured, the activity of the pathogen can only be tamed with the help of medicines and folk remedies.

If a woman has a herpes on her lip during pregnancy, the question immediately arises: does the virus affect the development of the embryo and what are its dangers, how can you fight it. Let's consider this problem in detail.

Why is herpes activated in pregnant women

Labial herpes (the so-called cold on the lips) is activated against the background of hormonal changes characteristic of carrying a pregnancy and leading to a weakening of the immune system. The female body becomes vulnerable and easily seizes viruses, microbes, infections.

Infection with labial herpes (HSV-1) occurs through airborne droplets. Also, specific blisters on the lips can appear after oral sex with an infected partner. This means that the cause of herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman can be sexual contact with a sick husband. (HSV-2) is dangerous for the unborn baby - it complicates the course of pregnancy and provokes a miscarriage.

How does herpes on the lip manifest, and in what stages does the disease occur in expectant mothers? The activation of the pathogen becomes noticeable with the appearance of itching in the lip and mucous membranes of the mouth (nose). An increase in body temperature with a deterioration in well-being is possible. Further, puffiness occurs on the lip, and vesicular elements appear on the surface.

At stage 3, the bubbles burst, and the skin ulcerates. Gradually, the affected area grows overgrown with a scab, the crusts periodically crack and bleed, but the lip still heals.

A child cannot inherit labial herpes from a pregnant mother, since female antibodies are transmitted to him through the placenta and form immunity to a viral disease.

Why is herpes on the lips dangerous for pregnant women?

Consider whether herpes on the lips during pregnancy is dangerous and how great is the effect of a short-term illness on the fetus.

Doctors say that viral particles divide in skin cells in the middle layers of the dermis. Viral agents that are located in nerve cells leave their DNA material in them. But these points - nerve ganglia, are located quite far from the area of ​​manifestation of external signs of herpes.

When herpes comes out on the surface of the lips, it speaks of damage to the tissues and nerves of the face. The virus does not penetrate into the peritoneum and pelvic organs, where the uterus with appendages enters. Thus, two conclusions can be drawn:

But in some cases, herpesvirus is still dangerous for the woman and the fetus. For example, if the expectant mother has never had herpes before conception, the initial infection can spread the pathogen throughout the body. This will lead to the formation of rashes on different parts of the body and the manifestation of generalized symptoms. The body does not give an immune response to the virus, and before its formation, the strain can invade any tissue.

But you should not worry too much about this, because immunity is developed quickly, and during this time HSV-1 affects a small number of nerve axons and small areas of the labial tissue.

The sad consequences of herpes during pregnancy are with an immunodeficient state of the female body. Both primary infection with the virus and relapses are dangerous for the damage and death of the fetus, there is also a risk of death for the expectant mother.

In late gestation, labial herpes is rare (compared to the first weeks after conception). The woman's immunity adapts to the new position and becomes more resistant to relapses of the disease. In the 2nd - 3rd trimester, herpes on the lips is not dangerous to the health of the woman and the fetus. If the virus is activated on the eve of or during childbirth, the danger of infection for a newborn baby will come from the fact that the mother kisses him or performs manipulations to care for him with unwashed hands, with which she previously touched the sore lip.


How to prevent infection of a child? It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly, do not break off the crusts on the lips and achieve healing of the affected tissue as soon as possible. Herpes treatment should be carried out using drugs that are safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

How to treat labial herpes in pregnant women

Drug treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is carried out in the form of external treatment of the focus with antiherpetic agents:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Oxolinic ointment.
  • Alpizarin ointment.
  • Interferon solution.
  • Tromontadine ointment.

Lubricating the lips with liquid vitamin E and olive oil can help speed up the healing of bursting blisters and sores.

With severe immunodeficiency, herpes on the face of pregnant women is treated with immunoglobulins and immunostimulants - these are preparations of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea. The course of treatment includes vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies.

From folk remedies, judging by the reviews of pregnant women, egg film saves from well. They extract it like this:

Garlic is considered another harmless remedy for treating herpes in pregnant women. Rub several slices of vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the gruel. The product is used to lubricate herpes sores. You can do it differently: just cut a clove of garlic and wipe the problem area with a cut. The procedure can be supplemented by smearing the lips with a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar (the products are combined in equal proportions).

Aloe juice should be considered as a gentle treatment option. The leaf is cut off and the healing liquid is immediately squeezed out. She is smeared with a herpes bladder or sore. You can moisten the rash with mint decoction. 1 tbsp dry herbs need to be boiled in 200 ml of water for no more than 10 minutes, leave for half an hour and strain.

The process of waiting for a child is often accompanied by various diseases, many of which are very dangerous for the mother and baby. Herpes during pregnancy on the lip refers to just such ailments.

Varieties of the disease

- an infectious disease. Most often it appears on the skin, mucous membranes, and the cornea of ​​the eye. Less commonly, the disease affects the nervous system and internal organs.

While waiting for the birth of a child, a woman has colds that can affect not only the lips. Often diagnosed - the disease appears on the labia during pregnancy.

This is due to the fact that the disease exists in two varieties:

  • the virus of the first type is located on the upper part of the body - because of it, rashes appear on the lips;
  • the second type virus affects the lower half of the body - it manifests itself in the form of colitis, cystitis, genital ulcers, anal fissures.

How does the disease proceed:

  1. At the initial stage, itching appears, the state of health worsens, the temperature may rise.
  2. Then the lips swell, bubbles with liquid appear. As the disease progresses, the bubbles break open, and small ulcers form instead.
  3. At the last stage, scabs form, the sensitivity of the skin increases, and bleeding is possible.

What is the reason for the appearance of the disease

While waiting for a child, a woman's body has many additional responsibilities. Therefore, some functions are temporarily disabled, or I am not working at full capacity. This applies to immunity. Since the fetus is considered a foreign body. And if the protective force works diligently, rejection and miscarriage will occur.

But with weakened immunity, diseases begin to appear, with which the body had previously successfully coped. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy occurs most often in the early stages. It is during this period that the body is in a state of extreme stress.

Important! Also, the disease can provoke hypothermia, overwork. Herpes can develop against the background of sore throat, flu, or a respiratory viral infection.

How dangerous is it

When a cold appears on the lips, mothers, first of all, are interested in whether it is dangerous. Doctors have no definite answer to this question. It all depends on, and the duration of pregnancy.
The herpes virus, having appeared once, settles in the body forever.

Important! Only 3% of the population has not found this virus. Anyone who has once had a disease develops antibodies.

Therefore, if the expectant mother had herpes earlier, it is not worth worrying about this disease during pregnancy. A rash on the lip only signals a decrease in the body's defenses, one should start strengthening the immune system. The disease poses no threat to either the mother or the baby.

If during pregnancy the herpes popped up on the lip for the first time, the woman shows all the symptoms of infection - aches, high fever. This course of the disease has more serious and dangerous consequences. In this case, the woman should be supervised by a specialist. Because there is a threat to the fetus.

But initially getting sick with herpes during pregnancy is quite difficult. Most often, the disease affects children over four years old, many become infected even at the time of birth.

The danger of the disease depending on the duration of pregnancy:

  • herpes in the first trimester is the most dangerous, because at this moment all the baby's systems are formed. But if the mother is not sick for the first time, the antibodies will be passed on to the baby, and up to six months he will be reliably protected from the given ailment;
  • herpes on the lip during pregnancy in the second trimester is not so dangerous, even with the initial infection of the mother. Treatment should be carried out strictly in a stationary environment;
  • in the third trimester, the mother's immune system practically returns to normal, herpes is extremely rare. It is dangerous if the disease intensifies in the last week of pregnancy, or during childbirth. Such a mother can infect a newborn while caring for him.

Important! A woman with obvious signs of a cold on her lips will give birth in the infectious diseases ward.

Many are afraid of such an outcome, therefore, in the later stages, you should carefully monitor your health, strengthen the protective functions of the body. Herpes can lead to a frozen pregnancy. Miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth.

Differences in the treatment of herpes in pregnant women

When a cold appears on the lips, you should figure out how to treat the disease. And how to do it right.


Treatment should begin with the external use of antiviral drugs. Ointment can only be prescribed by a doctor. Pills are not prescribed for pregnant women, the exception is a severe course of the disease.

  1. Preparations containing acyclovir do not affect the condition of the fetus. Since they act only superficially, they are not absorbed into the blood and tissues.
  2. Zovirax ointment and acyclovir contain the same active ingredients, differ only in price and country of origin.
  3. A modern antiviral drug approved for use in the treatment of pregnant women is fenistil pencivir cream.

The product should be applied to the affected area in a thick layer, rubbing lightly into the skin. Repeat the procedure as the ointment dries. The duration of therapy is at least 5 days. Even if the bubbles began to dry out earlier, the treatment cannot be stopped.

Important! Before purchasing a medicinal ointment, the affected areas can be lubricated with toothpaste, liquid vitamin E, and Corvalol.

If the disease is accompanied by severe pain, the lips can be lubricated with menovazine or benzocaine ointment. Medicines prohibited for the treatment of herpes during pregnancy:

  • famvir;
  • valtrex;
  • foscarnet.

A diet aimed at maintaining immunity is also important for successfully getting rid of the disease. If the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals, this also affects the health of the baby. All chronic ailments are aggravated, hair and nails suffer.

During herpes treatment, there should be more protein in the diet. All the necessary substances are found in lean meat and fish, fruits and vegetables. Raisins and chocolate should be completely discarded.

If, before the manifestation of herpes, the mother did not take special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, it is imperative to start taking it during the illness. You can strengthen the immune system with the help of herbal immunostimulants - ginseng, echinacea.

Traditional methods of treatment

Unconventional remedies can be used in an integrated manner. It is better to use medication for the first few days. As their effect weakens as the virus grows. From the moment the bubbles burst, you can use agents that promote rapid healing - sea buckthorn oil, almond oil, juice from aloe and Kalanchoe leaves.


You can eliminate a cold on the lips with the help of an egg film, which is on the inside of the shell. It should be fixed on the affected area and allowed to dry completely.

  1. Grate a few cloves of garlic, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Lubricate inflamed areas up to 5 times a day.
  3. Mix 20 ml each honey and apple cider vinegar.
  4. Lubricate over the garlic juice.

A medicinal ointment can be made from honey and garlic. To do this, mix 10 g of liquid honey with the same amount of garlic juice. Lubricate areas covered with bubbles up to 7 times a day.


For compresses, you can make a soda solution - dilute 5 g of soda in 110 ml of water. Moisten a cotton pad, apply to inflamed areas.


Strong black tea brew is effectively used in the treatment of herpes. Dip a spoon into a cup of strong, hot, unsweetened tea. After it heats up, apply to the affected area.


The best prevention is early pregnancy planning, strengthening the immune system for several months. You also need to get rid of bad habits, undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Important! It is necessary to pass an analysis that will show the presence (absence) of antibodies to the herpes virus.

Modern obstetricians have mixed opinions about herpes. Some argue that this disease can lead to malformations in the fetus. Others believe that herpes poses no danger. But any illness during pregnancy must be fought. And do it in a timely manner, especially in the early stages.