
How can a woman enjoy. How to enjoy sex


A personally growing person, thanks to his failures, develops and begins to enjoy those things to which he was previously indifferent, or which he simply did not understand and did not accept.

Pleasure must be distinguished from pleasure.

By pleasure I mean a pleasant feeling associated with the satisfaction of biological needs. Thus, pleasure is the feeling that unites us with the higher animals. The feeling of pleasure is accompanied by the act of eating and drinking, and the sexual act, and the act of breathing. Yes, and the act of defecation and urination brings us great satisfaction. If we want to increase it somewhat, we just need to refrain from immediately satisfying this need. Then we can experience something like joy, in a way reminiscent of enjoyment.

Even the ancients said that the best seasoning for food is hunger. From my point of view, one cannot enjoy if the biological need is not satisfied. If I am very hungry, I eat quickly. If I have not been with a woman for a long time, then all my actions are hasty, and I will not be able to feel pleasure.

Pleasure occurs after the biological need is satisfied. For example, I am full, but suddenly they offer me my favorite dish. I savor it, in general, enjoy food. The feeling of pleasure is in some way artificial and peculiar only to man, i.e. You have to learn to enjoy food. The same can be said for sex. Only a trained person can enjoy it, an untrained person gets only pleasure. All the pleasures we have just talked about are bodily and they are limited by our physical capabilities.

But there are also spiritual pleasures. There are no spiritual pleasures, from my point of view. I cannot enjoy listening to classical music. There are only two options here: either I enjoy, or I die of boredom. Thus, spiritual enjoyment must also be learned. The spectrum of spiritual pleasures is much wider than bodily pleasures.

I experience spiritual pleasure in the process of intellectual activity (thinking and lecturing, working with patients and clients, writing a book). No less pleasure, and perhaps more, I get when I begin to understand the depth of thoughts of famous writers, poets, philosophers. I know the pleasure from music (but not from my own playing, since I play badly). The theater gives me pleasure, less painting. You must have noticed that I just described myself. Indeed, by the level of pleasure one can judge the development of a person, his abilities. After all, if I cannot enjoy something, then I simply do not own it, I am not developed. The ability to enjoy expands our possibilities. If I enjoy swimming in a stormy sea, then no weather will spoil my vacation. If I can't walk in the mountains, I won't be able to enjoy the view from the top of the mountain.

The degree of enjoyment depends on the degree of skill. And if I know how to do something, but I do it poorly, then instead of pleasure I will get only torment. To paraphrase a well-known saying, it can be expressed as follows:

"Tell me what you enjoy and I'll tell you who you are."

Where to look for pleasure?

Easier and best in professional activities. But for this you need to become a high-class professional. If a teacher says that he feels great excitement before each lecture, that it takes a lot of energy from him, I begin to doubt the level of his qualifications. The doctor should not die with every patient. He only has to do everything possible for the patient with a clear conscience, and then his work will turn into pleasure.

For me now the criterion of effective work is pleasure. If after work I was tired and did not enjoy it, then this means that I should also look for ways to increase its efficiency.

The most important sign of spiritual pleasures is that it is not a pity to share them with them, on the contrary, because you share them, you get an additional source of pleasures. This position is well illustrated by an Eastern parable.

“I have one apple and you have one apple. If you and I exchange them, then you will have one apple and I will have one. But if I have one idea and you have one idea, then after the exchange of ideas, each of us will have two ideas.”

We prolong life

And, finally, pleasure strengthens health and prolongs a person's life. Indeed, when enjoying, the level of endorphins and alcohol in the blood of a person is increased, which improves the adaptation processes. A person who enjoys often stops drinking and has no addiction to drugs. But just as a person gets used to a dose of morphine or alcohol, so we get used to the object of pleasure.

The same object, after repeated repetition, the feeling of pleasure ceases to be caused by the same objects. Pay attention to how quickly songs go out of fashion, how quickly you stop enjoying a newly received and newly renovated apartment. You have to come up with something new. In fact, the pursuit of pleasure is the source of human development.

Spiritual development

But there is another source of pleasure that does not require additional material investments and a change in the object of pleasure, especially spiritual ones. This source is one's own spiritual development. Then the person begins to see more in the same object and in the same person. Then you can repeatedly return to the same brilliant book. On subsequent reading, you will find something new in it. You will become more interested in the same people, because you will see something in them that you did not notice before. And then the sources of pleasure will become boundless and will always be near us.

So let's learn to enjoy!

Women's pleasure is capricious, unpredictable and noticeably different from men's. After all, the female orgasm is not so dependent on the physical component. Emotions reign supreme here. Here you can not do without adequate self-esteem, the ability to "dissolve" in sex and trust in your partner. But these are just some aspects of female pleasure.

He just can't come, or suddenly covers his head like a wave, he makes the body glow, and sometimes barely noticeable. Female pleasure is unpredictable and may not be, even under the most favorable conditions. But why does it happen that it is easier for men to enjoy sex than for women?

Maybe because they are more worried not about him, but about their sexual desires and possibilities. They are more concerned with the question, will everything work out as it should? And women are physiologically arranged in such a way that there is no visible biological meaning in their orgasm. After all, they can have sexual intercourse, become pregnant and give birth to children without it.

Let's find out why women do not always experience the pleasure of sex, and try to get around these "pitfalls".

Vaginal, clitoral, is there a difference?

There is no particular difference in the strength of pleasure, but there is only a difference in the way to achieve them. In addition, it depends on the type of stimulation, directly or not. With direct stimulation, brighter, more intense sensations occur. Although the same degree of orgasm can be achieved in the second case. Experience and knowledge will help here. It is easier for mature women to have an orgasm than for young and inexperienced women.

Is multiple orgasm possible?

As sexologists explain, orgasm is just a reflex. It is reached during intercourse, but it can also be reached in a dream. It occurs as a result of stimulation of the genital organs, when the peak of pleasure is reached and the muscles of the vagina begin to contract. As experts say, the female body is quite capable of experiencing multiple orgasms.

Why do some women not experience pleasure?

Yes, indeed, there are difficulties. And you need to understand the reasons for this. For example, many women can only achieve the height of bliss from masturbation, when there is a direct impact on the clitoris. And there are far fewer of those who experience the peak of pleasure during normal intercourse with vaginal penetration. Therefore, you need to understand yourself, your body and try options. If the case is severe, a specialist will help.

Does tantric sex increase pleasure?

Yes this is true. Because tantric philosophy explains the importance of understanding each other in the process of love play. Partners act slowly, caressing and comprehending each other, without any haste come to the highest pleasure. This is the philosophy of tantric sex - to capture and enhance pleasure. Such relationships help to reveal all the shades of physical joy that our own body gives us.

There is no exact answer to the question of which position in sex will give the couple the highest pleasure. Even the most ordinary "missionary" position can bring great sensual pleasure if the lovers are passionate, insatiable, and the penetration is deep. But what, of course, is that the “cowgirl” position will help the lady experience an orgasm, since it is she who controls the rhythm, depth and speed of penetration in this position.

There is an opinion that excess weight dulls the sensations and the ability to enjoy sex. Well, it's not like that! In the female orgasm, physiology does not play a big role. The main thing is thoughts, feelings and erotic fantasies

Men something about women

Men need to know that with normal intercourse, he is able to reach orgasm in 1-3 minutes. But his partner will need at least 8-10 minutes for this. Therefore, she often remains unsatisfied, although she imitates an orgasm so as not to upset her beloved.

The peak of a woman's pleasure is stronger than a man's. But the brevity of the sexual act does not allow to experience it.

Men, think about it. Indeed, there are extremely few truly frigid women. Basically, over time, unsatisfied ladies become cold. Therefore, it is the stronger sex that needs to be taken care of and learn to prolong the time of sexual intercourse. According to sexologists, the achievement of orgasm by women increases in direct proportion to the duration of love foreplay and intercourse.

Otherwise, there is a suppression of female sensuality. And this not only negatively affects the psychosomatic balance of a woman, but also gradually kills her love.

Try to help your partner and use the inner caress that will help both of you reach orgasm at the same time. A man should not restrain his excitement when he notices that his partner is close to ecstasy.

Such a caress can help to achieve the highest pleasure even for a completely inexperienced girl in a sexual sense. From one act to the next, the vagina will gradually eroticize, especially if you pay special attention to the stimulation of the clitoris.

Simultaneous discharge will give lovers an excellent opportunity to fulfill the dream of emotional unity.

Oh, that female orgasm that is talked about so much! So desirable and so elusive. So close and so far away. The heroines of modern romance novels or films never seem to wonder how a woman can get an orgasm: they easily achieve it at the behest of the author or at the command of the director. At the same time, in real life, many women admit that they just simulate an orgasm during sex, but in fact they have never experienced it. They cannot tell their man about this, as they are either embarrassed or afraid that he will consider them sexually flawed or frigid. In fact, the reasons for the lack of orgasm are not at all in this.

Amazingly, just a generation ago, the female orgasm was considered something unimportant and optional, since its presence or absence does not in any way affect a woman's ability to conceive a child. Moreover, there was an opinion that most women are generally not able to experience pleasure during intimacy. Fortunately, attitudes towards this issue have changed in our days. Now it is known that unlike the male orgasm, which is an automatic response of the body to sexual arousal, the female can only occur under favorable conditions.

The inability to listen to your own body and relax are the two main enemies of the female orgasm. The first reason is the result of puritanical upbringing and bashful reticence about such a side of life as intimate relationships. Not surprisingly, some women never consider their body as a source of sexual pleasure, let alone purposefully seek orgasm. But the more a woman knows about how her body reacts to sexual arousal, the easier it is for her to quickly reach the pinnacle of pleasure.

The second reason is a whole combination of factors that prevent a woman from “turning off her brain”. At the same time, it does not matter to a woman how serious her anxieties are from an objective point of view. It's a completely killer cocktail of worrying about a failed work project and a bad haircut, a fight with your best friend, and losing your umbrella.

So, "who is to blame" we found out. Now it remains to answer another age-old question: "What to do?". You can seek help from a psychologist or a sexologist, but for this you need to have a fair amount of courage and self-confidence (as well as a certain amount of money on a bank card). You can wave your hand and continue to pretend, imitating an orgasm in bed. And you can put into practice the tips that we have selected for you in our article.

Make friends with your clit

The female orgasm can be vaginal or clitoral. The first is more intense and extensive, but, according to statistics, only every third woman experiences it more often than the clitoral one. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to stimulate the clitoris. You may have heard this more than once, but if you yourself cannot bring yourself to orgasm, then what do you require from a partner? It's like sending him on a treasure hunt and not giving him a map.

So get comfortable and... start masturbating. Sex in the "solo" version is not only the shortest path to pleasure, but also the opportunity to pay attention only to yourself, without being distracted by satisfying the desires, requests or demands of another person. By focusing on your feelings, you will quickly understand what gives you pleasure, learn to trust your body and experience different ways to achieve orgasm.

Just remember: it’s not enough just to get an orgasm, you need to remember the path to it, so that later you can explain in detail to your man how best to get from point A to point B. “Lower, higher, right, left” is not enough. It is necessary to clearly explain where, how and in what position, and only then his caresses will really excite you. Alternatively, you can caress yourself while the man is inside you.

Find your treasured points

Sexual arousal increases when erogenous zones are stimulated, on which there are many nerve endings. Stimulation of such points causes the production of the hormone of joy - oxytocin, which is also called the "hormone of love." The rush of oxytocin increases the intensity and duration of orgasm.

Traditionally, the honorary title of one of the main erogenous zones is borne by the female breast. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what size it is - the owners of magnificent forms and bras of “zero” size react equally positively to breast caresses. Ask a man to stroke your breasts, gently massage your nipples with your fingers or tongue. Another highly sensitive area on a woman's body is the neck and especially the back of the head. Massage, kissing - that's the best tactic to stimulate these areas. The inner surface of the thighs and buttocks are also very responsive to gentle male caresses.

Every woman has her own treasured points, which are distinguished by unexpected sensitivity: the area of ​​​​the back between the shoulder blades (the so-called “cat zone”), fingers or toes, ears, etc. Women's erogenous zones are located much more individually than men's, which are concentrated mainly in the genital area. What gives pleasure to one woman may be unpleasant to another. Find your individual erogenous zones on your own or with a partner.

Choose a pose and rhythm

Achieving orgasm also depends on the chosen position. Some women are more easily and quickly aroused in the cowgirl position, others with tightly clenched legs. In some positions, the clitoris is stimulated, in others - the walls of the vagina. Some positions involve deep penetration of the penis, others only superficial.

Making love in different positions, you can experience different types of orgasm. Look for your own sexual position and don't forget to involve your man in this search. Experiment and fantasize with him. The search may take some time, but it's worth it! A certain rhythm of movements can also affect how soon you experience an orgasm. Slow and smooth or fast and abrupt? Try it and you will definitely find your perfect rhythm.

Train your vaginal muscles

Most women do not even think about strengthening the muscles of the vagina. And absolutely in vain. If your vaginal muscles are sufficiently developed, you can control them by tightening your grip on your man's penis. This will please both of you, and your orgasm will be more powerful and brighter.

Training the muscles of the vagina comes down to making them contract. Alternate periods of tension and relaxation: tense these muscles for ten seconds as if you were trying to hold on to urination, then relax. Training does not require any special preparations or conditions. They can be done anytime and anywhere. Doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is also necessary because they improve blood flow in the pelvic organs and serve as an excellent prevention of genitourinary diseases.

Proper breathing is also very important. In the dry language of science, an orgasm is a series of muscle contractions. The more oxygen enters the body, the stronger the muscles contract and the stronger and longer the pleasure. No, no, don't be afraid, you don't have to inhale and exhale according to a complicated mathematical formula. You already know how to breathe. Just do it a little more intensively. Breathe in a little faster, breathe in a little deeper, breathe out a little longer. Do not hold your breath in anticipation of the climax, too much tension can ruin everything. Breathe with pleasure.

Relaxation is the key to success. Women are wired differently than men, who can orgasm anywhere, anytime. So, you need to understand what works on you relaxing. Perhaps it will be vanilla-scented candles, a hot bath, a glass of wine, or something else. You need to find something that will help you "turn off" your internal monologue - a continuous stream of thoughts about everything in the world. Listen better to your instincts.

The female orgasm is a unique phenomenon. When a woman experiences an orgasm, she instantly reduces the activity of those parts of the brain that are responsible for feelings of fear and anxiety. According to the observations of doctors, these reactions are so blunted that the woman quickly falls into a state similar to nirvana or trance. This causes complete relaxation both during intimacy and after it.

The environment is also important for achieving orgasm. Try to figure out what really turns you on. Maybe music? Or a certain shade of lighting? Perhaps you would like to experience some love toy? Experiment, look for something that will breathe sensuality into the environment.

Is your partner already aroused and you still don't feel anything? This does not mean that you are "behind" him. It's just that for most women, in order to experience an orgasm, a long love foreplay is required: up to forty-five minutes! Unfortunately, our sexual culture (including the concept of orgasm) is male-oriented and based on the male response to arousal, the main principle of which is: “Quickly! Even faster! Do not become a hostage to these stereotypes. The pursuit of the "perfect" orgasm will not lead to anything good. This is not a standard that must be met at all costs. Women's sexual energy grows and gains strength gradually. So stop counting the minutes and fully surrender to your feelings.

Trust your partner

Feel free to discuss with your man how you feel about sex. If you had a good time, be sure to tell him about it. Surely he will be pleased that you find him a desirable and skillful lover. Sincerely praise and thank him for the pleasant sensations that he brought to you. Do not be shy and during intimacy express your pleasure from the caresses of your man.

It is all the more necessary to talk to a man if you feel that you do not get any satisfaction from sex. The main thing here is not to stoop to petty nit-picking or accusations of sexual incompetence. Men are very sensitive to such things. Do not behave like a strict teacher with a negligent student: you do not need a partner who suffers from an inferiority complex. Explain what kind of caresses bring you the most pleasant sensations, what excites you, and what you are completely delighted with. During intimacy, you can help a man with your hand or words.

Talking to a man about his own sexual feelings can be difficult, for some it is simply painful to discuss such intimate things with him. But you need to do this: a trusting relationship with your partner, the realization that he is ready to listen to your desires, whatever they may be, will help you relax and get closer to the desired orgasm.

Of course, our selection of tips is just basic tips on how to get an orgasm. To learn this is quite realistic and within the power of any woman. Someone will master this science quickly enough, someone will need more time. The main thing is to tune in to success, listen to your body, freely follow your instincts, do not replace feelings with thoughts and trust your beloved man.

Autar: Pigulevskaya Irina,
Dadana: 05-08-2013 ,
Krynitsa: website.

1. Introduction

It has always been believed that the main purpose of a woman is home and family, caring for her husband and children. Of course. It would be foolish to argue with this, without such worries life would not be complete. However, this does not mean at all that in caring for loved ones, a woman should forget about herself. Below we will talk about a topic that used to be almost taboo, and even now it is not often raised. It is a theme of female sexuality and sexual pleasure.

Moreover, this topic is not easy. This includes women's frigidity in the medical sense, and the lack of pleasure due to psychological problems and busyness at work, and the difference between women's and men's perceptions of sex. To be honest, it's much easier for men to get pleasure. But this does not mean at all that women should reconcile themselves and behave as in Victorian times, when it was believed that a lady could not get any pleasure from an intimate life, that such sensations were a sign of a fallen woman.

No. Not everything that was the norm in the past is good for women. And if we do not sit in a tower and do not completely depend on our husband, if we have learned how to earn money ourselves, achieve success in our careers, then why shouldn't we enjoy our personal lives? Intimate, to be more precise. What is needed for this? A little knowledge and a little desire. The presence of desires depends on you, dear readers, but I will provide you with knowledge. I will try to write clearly, we do not need complex medical terms. And you can increase your sexuality and susceptibility to positive emotions and sensations with the help of the simplest foods, physical exercises, relaxing or tonic baths, aromas, erotic massage and psychological moods for the best.

There is nothing impossible in being pleased with yourself, really, really.

2. Why a woman does not want sex

One of the most common sexual problems for women is the loss of sexual desire. According to the statistics of American scientists, 43% of American women suffer from "lack of sexual desire." Indeed, you can often hear women complain about a lack of interest or even a complete lack of interest in sex. What is it connected with? What generally influences female sexuality? This problem has a medical aspect associated with hormones and the menstrual cycle, and there is a psychological one, which plays a very important role in women, almost more than the hormonal background. Let's start with something simpler: physiology.

2.1. Hormones and desire

A woman's ovaries produce the female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. And yet (this is not so widely known to non-medics), the ovaries produce small amounts of male sex hormones: testosterone and androstenedione. Also in the body of both men and women, follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones are produced.

Follicle-stimulating hormone regulates the production of eggs in the ovaries.

Luteinizing hormone regulates the production of sex hormones in the ovary. According to some scientists, LH levels are closely related to sexual desire.

The production of hormones in a woman occurs cyclically. The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases, between which ovulation occurs.

The first phase is called follicular. A follicle develops in it, from which an egg will be released, which can then turn into a developing fetus. The phase begins on the very first day of the onset of menstruation (menstrual bleeding) and ends when ovulation occurs. This is about half of the entire cycle. During this phase, estrogens are produced.

The next phase is the luteal, or corpus luteum phase. It is formed in the ovary at the site of the released egg. This phase occurs immediately after ovulation and lasts as long as the yellow case exists, that is, on average, about 12-14 days. The main task at this stage is to maintain the balance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which the corpus luteum secretes to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy.

Ovulation is the release of a mature (ready for fertilization) egg from the follicle into the abdominal cavity, followed by movement through the fallopian tubes to the uterus itself. In the body of a woman by the time of puberty, approximately 300-400 thousand eggs are stored. All of them are in the ovaries from birth and are laid in the womb. The first ovulation occurs a little later than the onset of puberty, the last - after the extinction of the menstrual function, with menopause. During pregnancy, ovulation also does not occur, but after the birth of the child, it is restored.

Thus, the level of estrogen slowly rises during the first half of the month, and then gradually declines. Progesterone levels rise sharply after ovulation and then decrease just before the onset of menstruation.

Many women notice that their level of sexual desire changes throughout the month, but not everyone has the same days of maximum arousal. Approximately half of women notice that sexual desire peaks around the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle, but the other half admit that their peak falls on the days before the onset of menstruation, or coincides with menstruation. And the reason for this different preference is still unknown. It is only known for sure that this cyclicity exists.

In addition, as estrogen decreases (this may be due to menopause or hormonal imbalances in women of childbearing age), many women experience changes in sexual function, including inadequate vaginal lubrication and reduced genital sensitivity.

Also, low levels of the hormone testosterone contribute to a decrease in sexual arousal, genital sensitivity, and difficulty achieving orgasm. Back in the 1980s, scientists from England and Denmark conducted an experiment and found that when treating frigid women with small doses of testosterone, there was an improvement in the quality of their sex life. The level of active testosterone decreases when taking hormonal contraceptives: according to researchers, about a third of women who are protected in this way note a decrease in sexual desire.

Research on this topic is still ongoing.

An important role in the formation of sexual desire is played by the hormone prolactin - with its increase, desire will decrease. An increase in the level of prolactin physiologically occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as if it diverts the woman's attention from her partner and directs it to the child. If a woman is not pregnant and does not feed, and the level of prolactin is elevated, then this may be a sign of a serious illness, then a gynecologist's consultation is needed. Also, prolactin increases with the treatment of certain psychotropic drugs.

Any malfunction of the reproductive system will affect the sexual health of a woman, but in addition to sexual desire, hormones of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands also affect sexual desire. True, with violations in the work of these hormones, symptoms characteristic of them appear, and a decrease in sexual desire will be only one of them.

Decreased desire is caused by an underactive thyroid gland: hypothyroidism. Therefore, if there is a low mood, constant drowsiness and weakness, apathy, weight gain, low body temperature and no desire for love games, then a blood test for thyroid hormones makes sense.

2.2. Blood tests for hormones

In diseases of the female genital area, they donate blood for: luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, progesterone, 17-oh-progesterone, prolactin.

For diseases of the male genital area and women for an in-depth analysis of the hormonal background: dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA), testosterone.

Hormones of the adrenal cortex: cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

In diseases of the thyroid gland: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), antibodies to thyroglobulin (AT-TG), antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO), etc.

How to take an analysis for hormones correctly: since the human hormonal system is connected with all organs and systems of the body, it is necessary to take this analysis in the morning on an empty stomach. Before donating blood for the study of hormones, give up smoking, alcohol and strong physical exertion. Women need to take an analysis of many hormones on certain days of the menstrual cycle. Usually the doctor speaks about this, prescribing this or that analysis.

2.2.1. Hormones of the female genital area

Sex hormones affect many organs and systems of the female body, they also affect the condition of the skin and hair, and general well-being. Not without reason, when a person is nervous or even behaves inappropriately, others say: "Hormones are raging."

The rules for donating blood are approximately the same for all hormones. First, the analysis is given on an empty stomach. Secondly, the day before the test, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, smoking, sexual intercourse, and also limit physical activity. Emotional stress can also lead to distortion of the results (therefore, it is advisable to take the analysis in a calm mood) and taking certain medications (primarily hormone-containing ones). If you are taking any hormonal drugs, be sure to tell your doctor.

Different hormones are given by women on different days of the menstrual cycle (counting from the first day of menstruation).

FSH, LH, prolactin - on the 3rd-5th day of the cycle (LH is sometimes taken several times during the cycle to determine ovulation).

Testosterone, DHEA-s - on the 8th-10th day of the cycle (in some cases it is allowed on the 3rd-5th day of the cycle).

Progesterone and estradiol - on the 21-22nd day of the cycle (ideally 7 days after the expected ovulation. When measuring rectal temperature - 5-7 days after the start of the temperature rise. With an irregular cycle, it can be taken several times). luteinizing hormone (LH)

It is produced by the pituitary gland and regulates the activity of the sex glands: it stimulates the production of progesterone in women and testosterone in men. In women, it stimulates the formation of estrogen, provides ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum. In men, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, testosterone levels increase, due to which spermatozoa mature.

The secretion of the hormone is pulsatile and depends in women on the phase of the ovulation cycle. During puberty, the level of LH rises, approaching the values ​​characteristic of adults. In the menstrual cycle, LH concentration peaks at ovulation, after which the level of the hormone decreases. During pregnancy, the concentration decreases. After the cessation of menstruation (in postmenopause), there is an increase in the concentration of LH.

The ratio of luteinizing hormone to follicle stimulating hormone (LH/FSH) is important. Normally, before the onset of menstruation, it is 1, after a year of their passage - from 1 to 1.5, in the period from two years after the onset of menstruation and before menopause - from 1.5 to 2.

3 days before blood sampling it is necessary to exclude sports training. Do not smoke for at least an hour before taking blood. Blood should be taken in a calm state, on an empty stomach. The analysis is done on the 4th-7th day of the menstrual cycle, unless other dates are indicated by the attending physician. In the case of irregular cycles, blood for measuring LH levels is taken every day between 8-18 days before the expected menstruation.

Norms of luteinizing hormone:

Children under 11 years old 0.03-3.9 mIU / ml,

Men 0.8-8.4 mIU / ml,

Women: follicular phase of the cycle 1.1-8.7 mIU/ml, ovulation 13.2-72 mIU/ml, luteal phase of the cycle 0.9-14.4 mIU/ml, postmenopausal 18.6-72 mIU/ml. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

It is produced by the pituitary gland. In men, it causes the development of seminiferous tubules, stimulates spermatogenesis, in women, the development of follicles in the ovary depends on it. FSH stimulates the formation of follicles in women, when a critical level of FSH is reached, ovulation occurs.

FSH is released into the blood in pulses with an interval of 1-4 hours. The concentration of the hormone during the release is 1.5-2.5 times higher than the average level, the release lasts about 15 minutes. Seasonal fluctuations in the concentration of the hormone in the blood are observed: in summer, the level of FSH in men is higher than in other times of the year.

The analysis is done on the 4th-7th day of the menstrual cycle, unless other dates are indicated by the attending physician. 3 days before blood sampling it is necessary to exclude sports training. Do not smoke for at least 1 hour before blood sampling. You need to be calm and on an empty stomach.

FSH norms:

Children under 11 years old 0.3-6.7 mIU / ml,

Men 1.0-11.8 mIU / ml,

Women: follicular phase of the cycle 1.8-11.3 mIU/ml, ovulation 4.9-20.4 mIU/ml, luteal phase of the cycle 1.1-9.5 mIU/ml, postmenopausal 31-130 mIU/ml. Estradiol

Produced in the ovaries in women, testicles in men, a small amount of estradiol is also produced by the adrenal cortex in men and women.

Estradiol in women ensures the formation of the reproductive system according to the female type, the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, the formation and regulation of menstrual function, the development of the egg, the growth and development of the uterus during pregnancy; responsible for the psychophysiological characteristics of sexual behavior. Provides the formation of subcutaneous adipose tissue according to the female type.

It also has an anabolic effect, enhances bone metabolism and accelerates the maturation of the bones of the skeleton. Promotes sodium and water retention in the body. Reduces cholesterol levels and increases blood clotting activity.

In women of childbearing age, the level of estradiol in serum and plasma depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. From the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the content of estradiol in the blood gradually increases, reaching a peak towards the end of the follicular phase (it stimulates the release of LH before ovulation), then in the luteal phase, the level of estradiol decreases slightly. The content of estradiol during pregnancy in serum and plasma increases by the time of delivery, and after delivery it returns to normal on the 4th day. With age, women experience a decrease in the concentration of estradiol. In postmenopause, the concentration of estradiol decreases to the level observed in men.

On the eve of the study, it is imperative to exclude physical activity (sports training) and smoking. In women of reproductive age (from about 12-13 years old and before the onset of menopause), the analysis is performed on the 4th-7th day of the menstrual cycle, unless other periods are indicated by the attending physician.

Normal indicators of estradiol:

Children under 11

Men 10-36 pg/ml,

Women: of reproductive age 13-191 pg/ml, during menopause 11-95 pg/ml. Progesterone

It is a steroid hormone that is produced in women by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, and during pregnancy it is produced by the placenta. In a small amount in both men and women, it is produced in the adrenal cortex under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH). In women, its concentration in the blood is much higher than in men. Progesterone is called the "hormone of pregnancy" because it plays a decisive role in its normal passage.

If fertilization of the egg occurs, then progesterone inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland and inhibits ovulation, the corpus luteum does not resolve, but continues to synthesize the hormone up to 16 weeks, after which its synthesis continues in the placenta. If fertilization does not occur, then the corpus luteum resolves after 12-14 days, the concentration of the hormone decreases and menstruation occurs.

The study is usually carried out on the 22-23rd day of the menstrual cycle, in the morning on an empty stomach. You are allowed to drink water. If blood sampling is performed during the day, then the fasting period should be at least 6 hours, with the exclusion of fat on the previous day. When measuring rectal temperature, the concentration of progesterone is determined on the 5th-7th day of its maximum rise. With an irregular menstrual cycle, most often the study is carried out several times.

Progesterone levels:

Children 1-10 years old 0.2-1.7 nmol/l,

Men over 10 years old 0.32-2.23 nmol / l,

Women over 10 years old: follicular phase 0.32-2.23 nmol/l, ovulation 0.48-9.41 nmol/l, luteal phase 6.99-56.63 nmol/l, postmenopausal

Pregnant women: I trimester 8.90-468.40 nmol/l, II trimester 71.50-303.10 nmol/l, III trimester 88.70-771.50 nmol/l. 17-OH-progesterone(17-Oh-P, 17-hydroxyprogesterone)

It is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal glands, genitals and placenta. In the adrenal glands, 17-OH-progesterone is converted to cortisol. In addition, in the ovaries, as in the adrenal glands, this hormone can be converted into androstenedione, a precursor of the hormones testosterone and estradiol.

An increase in its blood level during the menstrual cycle coincides with an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol and progesterone. Also, the content of 17-OH increases during pregnancy.

During the first week after the birth of an infant, the level of 17-OH-progesterone falls, it remains constantly low in childhood, during puberty it progressively rises to the level in adults.

Norms of 17-OH-progesterone:

Men 1.52-6.36 nmol/l,

Women over 14 years old: follicular phase 1.24-8.24 nmol/l, ovulation 0.91-4.24 nmol/l, luteal phase 0.99-11.51 nmol/l, postmenopausal 0.39-1, 55 nmol/l,

Pregnant women: I trimester 3.55-17.03 nmol/l, II trimester 3.55-20.00 nmol/l, III trimester 3.75-33.33 nmol/l. Prolactin

Hormone that promotes the formation of sexual behavior. Produced in the anterior pituitary gland, a small amount is synthesized by peripheral tissues. During pregnancy, prolactin is produced in the endometrium (the lining of the uterus), supports the existence of the corpus luteum and the production of progesterone, stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands and the formation of milk.

Prolactin regulates water-salt metabolism, delaying the excretion of water and sodium by the kidneys, and stimulates calcium absorption. Other effects include stimulation of hair growth. Prolactin also regulates immunity.

In the luteal phase, the level of prolactin is higher than in the follicular phase. During pregnancy (from the 8th week), the level of prolactin rises, reaching a peak at 20-25 weeks, then decreases immediately before childbirth and increases again during breastfeeding.

One day before the study, sexual intercourse and thermal effects (sauna) should be excluded, and smoking should be excluded 1 hour before. Since stressful situations have a great influence on the level of prolactin, it is desirable to exclude factors that affect the results of studies: physical stress (running, climbing stairs), emotional arousal. Before the procedure, you should rest for 10-15 minutes, calm down.

Prolactin levels:

Children under 10 years old 91-526 mIU / l,

Men 105-540 mIU/l,

Women 67-726 mIU / l.

2.2.2. Hormones of the male genital area

Although these hormones are considered male, they are also produced by the female body. It's just that women have fewer of them. Dehydroepiandrostenedione sulfate (DHEA-S)

It is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands (95%) and testicles (5%) and has androgenic properties. Generally, low DHEA levels during adolescence are indicative of delayed puberty. At the same time, elevated levels of DHEA indicate precocious puberty. The indicators of this hormone are important for the diagnosis of certain endocrinological diseases. With age, the absolute concentration of this hormone in the blood decreases. For research, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach.

DHEA-S norms:

Boys 0-14 days 37-376 mcg/dL,

Boys 1-3 years 6-21 mcg/dl

Boys 3-6 years 5-186 mcg/dl

Boys 6-8 years 10-94 mcg/dl

Boys 8-10 years 16-75 mcg/dl

Boys 10-14 years old 18-344 mcg/dl,

Men 80-560 mcg/dl,

Girls 0-14 days 44-367 mcg/dL,

Girls 1-3 years 6-79 mcg/dl,

Girls 3-6 years 6-38 mcg/dl

Girls 6-8 years old 13-68 mcg/dl,

Girls 10-12 years old 12-177 mcg/dl,

Girls 12-14 years old 23-301 mcg/dl,

Women 35-430 mcg/dl,

Pregnant: I trimester 66 - 460 mcg / dl, II trimester 37 - 260 mcg / dl, III trimester 19 - 130 mcg / dl. Testosterone

This is the main, most active male sex hormone, in men it is produced by the Leydig cells of the testes, and in women - by the adrenal cortex (about 25%), the ovaries (about 25%) and in peripheral tissues (50%). Testosterone at the stage of intrauterine development is necessary for the formation of male genital organs, and during puberty is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics. It is also necessary to maintain normal sexual function.

Norms of testosterone:

Boys 0-14 days 75-400 ng/dl,

Boys 1-10 years old 2-30 ng/dl,

Boys 10-12 years old 15-280 ng/dl,

Boys 12-14 years old 105-545 ng/dl,

Men 14-20 years old 200-810 ng/dl,

Men 20-49 years old 286-1511 ng/dl,

Men over 50 212-742 ng/dl,

Girls 0-14 days 20-64 ng/dl,

Girls 1-10 years old 1-20 ng/dl,

Girls 10-14 years old 5-40 ng/dl,

Women: follicular phase 14-118 ng/dl, ovulation 21-104 ng/dl, luteal phase 14-119 ng/dl, menopause 10-100 ng/dl,

Pregnant women: I trimester 30-230 ng/dL, II trimester 30-200 ng/dL, III trimester 30-190 ng/dL.

2.2.3. Hormones of the adrenal cortex

About 50 compounds are synthesized in this organ, but from 7 to 9 of them enter the blood under normal conditions. The most important are examined by blood sampling. cortisol

Produced by the adrenal cortex. Using the analysis of cortisol in the blood, the doctor can evaluate the work of the adrenal glands and identify many diseases.

Cortisol is the stress hormone in the human body. In response to physical or psychological stress, the adrenal cortex begins to produce cortisol, which stimulates the heart and concentrates attention, helping the body cope with the negative effects of the external environment.

On the eve of the test, you need to stop taking estrogens, opiates, oral contraceptives and other drugs, after consulting with an endocrinologist. On the day before the study, you can not play sports and smoke.

The norm of cortisol in children under 16 years of age is 83-580 nmol / l, in adults after 16 years of age 138 - 635 nmol / l.

The norm of cortisol varies depending on the time of day: in the morning there is usually an increase, in the evening the value of cortisol is minimal. During pregnancy, cortisol is increased by 2-5 times. In other cases, elevated levels of cortisol in the blood are a sign of serious illness. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)

ACTH has two main effects: it speeds up the production of steroid hormones (cortisol, as well as small amounts of androgens and estrogens) and ensures that adrenal mass is maintained at a normal level. ACTH stimulates mainly the synthesis of cortisol, the reserves of which in the adrenal glands are insignificant, and to a lesser extent controls the release of this hormone into the blood. In adipose tissue, it stimulates the breakdown of fats, the uptake of amino acids and glucose by muscle tissue, and the release of insulin from pancreatic b-cells, causing a decrease in blood sugar levels. ACTH also stimulates skin pigmentation.

The secretion of the hormone is subject to a pronounced daily rhythm. At 6-8 o'clock the concentration is maximum, at 21-22 o'clock it is minimum. The secretion of ACTH somewhat outpaces the rise in cortisol levels in the blood. During the day, significant fluctuations in the concentration of the hormone can be observed. With a sharp change in time zones, the daily rhythm of ACTH secretion normalizes within 7-10 days. A strong stressful situation leads to an interruption of the daily rhythm, a sharp increase in cortisol in the blood 25-30 minutes after the onset of stress. Also, the level of ACTH is affected by: the phase of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, emotional state, pain, fever, physical activity, surgical interventions, etc.

On the eve of the test, physical activity (sports training) should be excluded. The day before blood sampling, you can not take alcohol, 1 hour before blood sampling, you can not smoke. In women, the analysis is performed on the 6th-7th day of the menstrual cycle, unless other dates are indicated by the attending physician. It is preferable to donate blood for analysis early in the morning, unless there are special instructions from the endocrinologist. If it is necessary to compare indicators, then blood must be taken at the same time of day.

ACTH norm: less than 46 pg / ml.

2.2.4. Thyroid hormones

Thyroid activity is usually regulated by another small gland, the pituitary gland, located under the brain. If the level of thyroid hormones in the blood decreases, the pituitary gland releases a hormone called thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) into the bloodstream, which stimulates the thyroid gland to work and, in particular, to produce hormones. If there is too much thyroid hormone in the blood, the production of TSH stops, and the production of thyroid hormones decreases accordingly.

The study is carried out on an empty stomach. 2-3 days before blood collection for analysis, if treatment is already underway, it is necessary to stop taking iodine-containing drugs, iodine-131 and technetium-99m. 1 month before the analysis, the intake of thyroid hormones is stopped (except as directed by the attending endocrinologist). It is recommended to limit physical activity and try to avoid stress.

In severe illness (such as pneumonia) or after surgery, the values ​​may be misinterpreted. As a rule, in such situations it is better not to analyze. Different medications can also interfere with results, especially if the lab measures "total" rather than "free" thyroid hormones. Thyroxine (T4) total

The main form in which the hormone circulates in the blood. It is called so because it has 4 iodine atoms in its composition (therefore, another name is tetraiodothyronine). Before interacting with the cells of the body, the hormone turns into T3. 99% of the T4 hormone is associated with blood proteins, and only 0.05% is in a free state (these 0.05% are called "free T4"). In modern laboratories, the amount of free T4 is usually determined instead of the total amount of T4. The level of T4 in the blood is judged on the function of the thyroid gland.

Thyroxine affects the regulation of basal metabolism in tissues, their oxygen consumption (except for the tissues of the brain, spleen and gonads), and the intensity of heat transfer. It helps to increase the intake of vitamins, the synthesis of vitamin A by the liver, increase the excretion of calcium from the body and enhances metabolism in bone tissue, lowers the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood serum, affects cardiac activity, the central nervous system.

During the day, the concentration of T4 in the blood changes: from 8 to 12 hours it is maximum, from about 23 to 3 hours at the minimum level. In the autumn-winter period, a certain increase in the level of thyroxin in the blood is characteristic. In both men and women, thyroxin levels remain constant throughout life. During pregnancy, as a rule, the concentration of T4 in the blood of a woman increases by the third trimester.

T4 norms: in women 71-142 nmol / l, in men 59-135 nmol / l. Thyroxine (T4) free

Because total T4 levels are often abnormal in people with normal thyroid function, or may be normal in people with thyroid dysfunction, an assessment of circulating free thyroxine is desirable.

An elevated level of free T4 may be due to the intake of certain medications or a consequence of severe general diseases. In this case, it is necessary to conduct additional tests (T4 total, TSH, etc.). Also, an increase in the level of T4 is facilitated by high concentrations of bilirubin in the serum, obesity, prolonged application of a tourniquet when taking blood.

The norm of free T4 in adults is 9.0-19.0 pmol / l. Triiodothyronine (T3) total

The active form into which T4 passes, losing 1 iodine atom (T3 contains 3 iodine atoms). It is produced by thyroid cells under the influence of the pituitary hormone TSH. In addition, it can be formed from the T4 hormone in peripheral tissues when iodine is cleaved from it.

About 30-50% circulates in the blood in a free form, the rest is associated with a transport protein. The concentration of T3 in the blood is less than T4, but its biological activity is higher. Triiodothyronine regulates oxygen consumption by body tissues (except for the brain, spleen and gonads), participates in the increase in heat production and acceleration of protein metabolism, affects the synthesis of vitamin A in the liver, lowers the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, affects the excretion of calcium in the urine and enhances softening of the bones due to the removal of calcium from them.

At 15-20 years old, the normal level of T3 in the blood is 1.23-3.23 nmol / l, from 20 to 50 years old 1.08-3.14 nmol / l, after 50 years 0.62-2.79 nmol / l l. Triiodothyronine (T3) free

The hormone formed in the cells of the thyroid gland, as well as in peripheral tissues from the hormone T4 by splitting off an iodine molecule from it, is part of the total T3 (0.2-0.5%).

In women, the hormone index is slightly lower than in men (by about 5-10%), and during pregnancy it decreases from the I to the III trimester. The normal level is restored a week after birth. Also, T3 rises slightly in the autumn-winter period.

The function of free T3 is the same as that of total T3.

Norm T3 3.2-7.2 pmol / l. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

The hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. Therefore, changes in TSH levels are often the first sign that thyroid function is increasing or decreasing. In the absence of TSH abnormalities, T4 and T3 levels will almost certainly be within normal limits. TSH levels rise with hypothyroidism and fall with hyperthyroidism.

Daily fluctuations in the level of the hormone in the blood are characteristic: the maximum values ​​are about 2-4 am, 6-8 am, the lowest value is about 17-18 pm. During nighttime wakefulness, the rhythm of secretion changes. During pregnancy, the concentration of TSH increases.

On the eve of the study, it is necessary to exclude smoking, alcohol intake and physical activity (sports training).

TTG norms:

Newborns 1.1-17.0 mU/l,

Up to 2.5 months 0.6-10.0 mU/l,

From 2.5 to 14 months 0.4-7.0 mU/l,

From 14 months to 5 years 0.4-6.0 mU/l,

From 5 to 14 years old 0.4-5.0 mU/l,

Over 14 years old 0.4-4.0 mU / l.

During pregnancy, a high level of thyroid-stimulating hormone is the norm. Antibodies to microsomal antigens(AT-MAG, antibodies to the microsomal fraction of thyrocytes)

When immunity is impaired, it happens that the body begins to perceive the epithelial cells surrounding the thyroid follicles as foreign formations. Then antibodies to the microsomal antigen of thyrocytes (AMAT) appear in the blood. As a result, the function of the thyroid gland is disturbed, hypothyroidism develops. This analysis is important for any pathology of the thyroid gland and for diabetes mellitus, because often with it there is a pathology from the thyroid gland.

The study is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, 8-12 hours after the last meal. If the analysis is taken during the day, then it is necessary not to eat for at least 6 hours before this and to exclude the consumption of fats.

Normal value: caption

2.3. Female coldness and its causes

Sexologists distinguish four phases in the process of sexual intercourse: arousal, "plateau", orgasm, refraction (or relaxation).

Orgasm is a state that is different from ordinary intense arousal. During orgasm, all the energy accumulated during sexual time is splashed out in the form of involuntary muscle contractions. Indirect signs of orgasm are rapid breathing or its short-term delay, convulsive body movements or vice versa fading, various sounds or clenching of the jaws and biting various objects. The range of manifestations of orgasm in a woman is very wide. And sometimes the manifestations are so weak that no one but the woman herself can determine them.

During orgasm, women experience more vivid and imaginative impressions than men.

According to the place of occurrence, vaginal and extravaginal orgasm, as well as mixed forms, are distinguished. Extravaginal include clitoral, anal, oral orgasms, as well as other unusual cases of localization of the main erogenous zone.

In a special class, sexologists distinguish mental orgasm, which can occur when watching an erotic film, reading, fantasies, in a dream, etc.

Previously, it was believed that only the vaginal orgasm was a true female orgasm. Now it is believed that from the point of view of physiology, any orgasm is real if it leads to an appropriate discharge and brings satisfaction.

Anorgasmia is a phenomenon in which a woman experiences desire and arousal, but discharge does not occur. From a physiological point of view, every woman is able to have an orgasm (if there are no hormonal disorders), with the exception of a clear discrepancy in the size of the partners' genitals. However, according to statistics, an orgasm is experienced by 40 to 70% of women. From 10 to 20% do not experience either orgasm or sexual desire, that is, they are frigid.

There are the following types of anorgasmia:

1. A woman never experiences orgasm, but at the same time receives psychological satisfaction from sexual intercourse, giving pleasure to her partner and watching his orgasm. In this case, the woman does not experience discomfort and feels great. She has no violations either in the sexual sphere or in the mental state.

2. A woman does not experience orgasm with a partner, but gets it through self-stimulation in one way or another. In this case, the woman often suffers from psychological dissatisfaction. In addition, if she has previously experienced an orgasm during intercourse (with another man or the same one), self-stimulation cannot fully compensate for sex with a partner. Such women may develop neuroses, disorders in the genital area up to false frigidity.

This reason can be removed if you explain to the partner what exactly he should do to satisfy the woman, or she needs to change her partner.

3. A woman gets physical satisfaction from sex with a partner, but the pleasure does not have a pronounced peak. Usually women describe this condition as "sweet languor."

If a woman is quite satisfied with this state of affairs and she receives relaxation and satisfaction, we can assume that she receives a special kind of orgasm. Treatment in this case is not required.

The cause of anorgasmia can also be the psychological problems of a woman: stiffness, complexes, embarrassment, increased anxiety during intercourse, various fears. A sexologist or psychologist can help here, and if this condition is left unattended, then a woman can develop neuroses, frigidity and various psychological problems.

The term "frigidity" refers to the sexual coldness of a woman. This refers to the complete absence or decrease in sexual desire, as well as specific sexual sensations and orgasm. Sometimes frigidity is accompanied by discomfort or aversion to sexual intercourse.

It can manifest itself in different ways. Some women experience discomfort during sex and therefore try to avoid it. Others may experience moderately pleasant sensations during intimacy, but do not receive an orgasm. Sometimes a woman is almost indifferent to sexual contacts, but at the same time she likes to flirt with men and attract them.

Frigidity can be permanent or temporary. It can pass with a change in partner, with a change in the pattern of sexual intercourse, or with a change in the state and mood of a woman. The causes of frigidity are somatic (as a result of certain diseases) or psychological.

Frigidity can be diagnosed by a doctor. To do this, a woman needs to visit a sexologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist and other specialists in order to exclude diseases that can cause this condition. A psychologist can help uncover hidden psychological factors.

Frigidity can cause:

Androgen deficiency (lack of testosterone in women). As you know, women have little of it, but still it is produced. And it affects the presence of sexual desire, as well as the production of female sex hormones - estrogen;

Ovarian dysfunction. Sex hormones are produced there, and a violation of their production, their ratio in the body leads to a violation, including sexual desire;

Damage to the deep structures of the brain, which are responsible for the organs that produce hormones;

Venereal and gynecological diseases;

Avitaminosis (below it will be said which vitamins and trace elements are useful for enhancing sensuality);

Conditions after various diseases, when there is no strength;

Severe mental or physical fatigue;

Another cause is damage to the nervous system of a different nature.

Many diseases reduce sexual desire: diabetes, heart disease, neurological problems, hormonal imbalances, chronic kidney or liver disease; as well as alcoholism and drug addiction. Side effects of certain medicines, including some antidepressants, can affect sexual desire and sexual function.

In some cases, the cause of frigidity are congenital pathologies of the development of the genital organs.

Other causes of frigidity may be problems that can be attributed to psychological. At least, these are not common diseases and these causes are rather “in the head”.

A very common cause of coldness is stress or depression. When a woman has problems, and even more so that they drive her into melancholy and melancholy, she is clearly not up to sex.

Quite often it turns out that the cause is mental trauma due to an unsuccessful first sexual intercourse or having once attempted to rape; in this case, consultations of a psychologist or psychotherapist are necessary.

A woman may also be afraid of getting pregnant or that the relationship will be publicized, and this depresses her.

Lack of orgasm can also cause frigidity if a woman is offended by it. Orgasm may be absent for various reasons, but a woman may feel "inferior" and this feeling only worsens her attitude towards sex.

The third block of reasons relates rather to interpersonal and social ones.

A very large number of women do not experience orgasm, and simply some kind of pleasure due to the inexperience or selfishness of a partner. For some reason, it is widely believed among men that the same set of caresses affects all women. And a woman does not always manage to convince her partner, or she is embarrassed to say so.

Education can also be an important factor. For the correct formation of sexuality in a girl, it is necessary to give her maximum affection and attention in the first three years of life. With a very strict and even tough upbringing, girls grow up shy and stiff.

By the way, they say that orgasm in women is not the only criterion for sexual satisfaction. There is a difference between the actual orgasm and the feeling of psychological satisfaction from an intimate meeting. If a woman likes a partner and their relationship, she can get psychological pleasure without even experiencing an orgasm. However, there is a problem here that orgasm as such causes blood to drain from the small pelvis, and if this does not happen, then the blood stagnates, which can lead to various diseases.

If a woman is constantly unsatisfied with sexual intercourse, then she may develop false frigidity. Frustration after physical contact leads to the fact that a woman begins to avoid sexual intimacy, does not experience sexual desire and rarely feels aroused. False frigidity may be a reaction to her husband's infidelity, when for social reasons she continues to live with him, but in the depths of her soul there is resentment, and her body physically and physiologically refuses to take part in sexual life. False frigidity can also be the result of a harsh upbringing and suppression of "animal" instincts in oneself, the perception of sex as something dirty and unworthy. The cause of this type of frigidity may be the consequences of sexual trauma (rape, sexual harassment of close relatives). The reason must be clarified individually. A comprehensive examination and conversations with psychologists will help identify and solve the problem.

2.3.1. How to get rid of frigidity

If a woman's sexual coldness is caused by any disease (for example, reduced thyroid function), then this disease should be treated.

If frigidity is caused by psychological reasons, then the desire of the woman herself and the help of a psychotherapist are needed. Sometimes it happens that a woman does not realize the true reason for her attitude to sex, and then a doctor will help her. This process can be quite lengthy. Sometimes joint treatment of sexual partners is carried out. A specialist during treatment can use psychological and medical methods, as well as physiotherapy, acupuncture or some other methods. At the same time, personal contact between the patient and the doctor is considered extremely important. A woman should trust a specialist and sincerely want to be cured.

Getting rid of frigidity is very important. As you know, the lack of a full-fledged sexual life has a very negative effect on the entire body of a woman. She can get sick with various somatic diseases. At the same time, the woman falls into depression, her self-esteem falls.

And another important aspect: if frigidity is caused by psychological causes, relationships between partners, then it can not only be treated, but simply prevented. To do this, for example, it is necessary to create an environment that will allow both partners to be as liberated as possible.

In intimate relationships, haste, fear of being taken by surprise and fear of unwanted pregnancy should be avoided. A woman should not be ashamed of her body. And a man should devote a lot of time to foreplay and know the partner's erogenous zones.

2.3.2. Some Causes of Decreased Sexual Desire

This condition can occur after childbirth and last up to several months. This decline is due to a combination of reasons: fatigue, possibly poor nutrition, anxiety, and postpartum depression.

In addition, interest in sex disappears partly because the child becomes the main thing for a woman, for the sake of which she forgets about herself. Many women turn into fanatical mothers, they do not have time for a partner, and especially for intimacy. This is natural and natural, this is required by nature. The child should be full, calm and satisfied. A decline in interest in sex also helps prevent a new pregnancy, so that the child does not have to share his mother with his brothers and sisters ahead of time.

The prenatal level of sexual desire is gradually restored as the woman gets used to her new position, learns to manage the child and gets less tired. During this period, male support and understanding are especially important.

Only if the postpartum depression is very persistent, the help of a specialist and even certain medications that he will prescribe may be required.

There is also a decrease in sexual desire in women after an abortion. This may be due to hormonal imbalance or psychological reasons. If the desire to have sex does not appear a few weeks after the abortion, then it is likely that the lack of desire is not due to hormones, but to guilt or fear of a new pregnancy.

Most women expect their abortion to go without any consequences. For some women, abortion goes almost unnoticed. But many face serious physical and psychological complications - depression, loss of desire, post-abortion syndrome... In this case, a woman needs the help of a professional psychologist or psychotherapist.

After a miscarriage, a decrease in sexual desire can also occur, and here the causes of this condition lie on the surface. The woman was determined to become a mother and lost the child. Of course, this is a blow to her. And here hormonal failure will play a lesser role than depression. In this case, a woman really needs the support of loved ones, and maybe even a psychologist's consultation in order to recover.

Premenstrual syndrome is a huge problem for many women, both physically (everything hurts) and psychologically (irritability, tearfulness, headache, etc.). Of course, in this state, she does not want to have sex, but to smash the whole world into pieces.

According to one theory, premenstrual syndrome is associated with fluctuations in the level of the hormone progesterone. Some experts believe that problems arise when progesterone levels are not high enough. However, with PMS, there is no gradual change in progesterone levels, and the results of clinical trials do not allow an unambiguous conclusion.

Nevertheless, many gynecologists prescribe progestogens, a synthetic form of progesterone, to their patients, although there is no convincing physiological basis for such treatment.

By the way, there is evidence that if a woman nevertheless enters into intimate contacts at this time, even without much desire, her health will improve, because sex helps to relax and relieve tension.

It is quite common that a woman cannot get aroused properly during lovemaking, and this leads to insufficient vaginal lubrication. This causes soreness during intercourse, which further increases the woman's discomfort and can lead her to complete sexual coldness. Discomfort can also arise from a position that does not suit a woman, does not affect her internal erogenous zones, and even causes pain.

In general, intercourse can be painful for many reasons, including endometriosis (inflammation of the uterine lining), a pelvic mass, ovarian cysts, vaginitis, insufficient lubrication, scar tissue from surgery, or sexually transmitted diseases. If a woman feels such discomfort, then she needs to go to the doctor, get checked out and undergo a course of treatment if necessary.

Still soreness can cause a condition called vaginismus (colpospasm) - this is a painful involuntary spasm of the muscles surrounding the entrance to the vagina. It can occur in women who think penetration will be painful, and can be caused by a sexual phobia or previous traumatic or painful experience.

2.4. Interpersonal relationships

No one will deny that in personal relationships, a woman's psychological attitude is very important. He is much more important to her than to a man. The strong half easily shares love and sex, but the beautiful (with rare exceptions) prefers to combine them, otherwise you can forget about pleasure. What should a woman pay attention to in order to restore the freshness of feelings?

The state of falling in love, when endorphins are produced in the body non-stop, is characterized by the fact that sexual desire just rolls over. In a new relationship, everything seems new and exciting, everything arouses delight and interest, including love meetings.

But any relationship sooner or later loses its novelty and becomes a habit. Even the most enchanting sex after a while turns into a routine and does not deliver the same pleasure. Many have probably noticed that when sex ceases to be a forbidden fruit, its sweetness decreases.

In addition, cohabitation (“love boat crashed against everyday life”) and work can also influence sexual desire. After a tiring eight-hour day in bed, you just want to fall asleep. Chronic fatigue and stress contribute little to a normal sex life.

To restore freshness to relationships, you need to try to recreate those very first days of dating and courtship. Maybe go to rest somewhere where you don’t have to deal with household chores and solve production problems. After all, where can a woman feel like a woman!

In addition, you should pay attention to sleep, because fatigue is the worst enemy of love. You should also think about proper nutrition (especially if you are overweight), reduce the number of cookies and fast food, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits. Or maybe you suffer from anemia without knowing it. Just in case, you can take a blood test for hemoglobin. If there is apathy, then blood tests for thyroid hormones will not interfere (what if its function is reduced?)

And a reduced desire to have sex may be associated with hidden grievances against a partner. After all, if he is not romantic and perceives a woman only as a housewife, then will she want to make love to him? She will perceive this as another duty.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that attitudes towards sex and getting pleasure from it are closely related to upbringing in the family. A strict puritanical upbringing can be the cause of sexual coldness. For a long time it was believed that only a fallen woman or a man can enjoy such a “dirty” activity as sex, because he cannot restrain his desires.

Problems can also be associated with a man's misconception about the nature of sexual arousal and orgasm in women. For some reason, many men believe that all women are turned on by the same set of caresses. In this case, the unspoken desires of a woman are of great importance. Unpreparedness for orgasm may be due to insufficient stimulation by her partner, insufficient duration of foreplay and the act itself, as well as the passivity of a woman, relying only on the actions of a man. This is also facilitated by upbringing, when it is difficult for a woman to talk with a partner on such topics.

3. Nutrition that will help a woman

Basically, this chapter will focus on vitamins and trace elements that will help in the production of female hormones, as well as help prevent or get rid of stress and depression - these scourges of our time.

For the production of pituitary, adrenal and gonadal hormones, a woman's body needs a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D. In addition, you should know that for about 10 days before menstruation, when the ovaries are least active, the level of calcium in the blood in women slowly but steadily drops . This decrease leads to premenstrual tension, nervousness, headaches, insomnia and depression. Decreased calcium levels provoke stress, because of this, the production of cortisone and aldosterone increases, and from this salt and water begin to linger in the body, often causing swelling of the chest, face, arms and legs, weight gain of 2-4 kg, headaches and noticeable decrease in the body's resistance to allergies and infections.

On the first day of menstruation, blood calcium levels drop even lower, causing muscle cramps in the uterus and sometimes in other parts of the body. If calcium drops to dangerous levels, muscle cramps begin. Accordingly, with the use and effective absorption of calcium, both premenstrual tension and menstrual cramps can be prevented.

When cramps occur, 1-2 calcium tablets usually provide quick relief. Small calcium supplements are also desirable on the second and third days. At the end of menstruation, the level of calcium gradually rises. If a woman's nutrition is adequate, the level of calcium in the blood remains normal for two weeks after menstruation, but then it starts to drop again.

If the calcium level has dropped so low that swelling and weight gain appear, in addition to vitamin D, calcium and magnesium, you need to consume more protein, vitamins B 5 and C.

Vitamin D improves the absorption, storage and use of calcium. In youth, due to rapid growth, the need for vitamin D and calcium is especially great.

The ovarian hormone estrogen and the pituitary hormone that stimulates the ovaries (follicle-stimulating hormone) can only be synthesized with an abundant supply of protein, linoleic acid, B vitamins and especially vitamin E. Estrogen enhances calcium absorption in the intestines, retains it in the body longer and allows it to be used again and again. Thus, this hormone helps prevent menstrual discomfort when calcium is deficient in the body. With a proper, well-balanced diet, hormones are produced in normal amounts and problems do not arise.

Deficiency of vitamins B 9 and B 12 causes irregularity and decrease or stop of menstruation, but as soon as the body begins to receive the missing vitamin, menstruation returns to normal. It is not uncommon for vitamin E supplementation to correct the menstrual rhythm and cause breast growth without a corresponding weight gain. When nutrition becomes complete, menstruation returns to normal within a few weeks.

Excessive bleeding during menstruation, if it is not associated with diseases of the uterus (which can be determined by a doctor), can be brought back to normal by taking vitamin E. It may also indicate an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), then you need to be tested for thyroid hormones. Damage to the liver may be responsible for the violation of the menstrual cycle, which prevents the deactivation of hormones that regulate menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to treat the liver.

Vitamin A can serve to prevent inflammatory diseases of the vagina, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. If a woman has a tendency to such problems, then she needs to see a doctor, be treated in a timely manner and introduce a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins A, B 5, B 6, C and E into her diet.

At the end of the reproductive period, when menopause occurs, a woman really needs a complete, balanced diet. When menstruation stops, healthy adrenal glands take over the production of a number of sex hormones.

Problems during menopause are often more severe than during puberty, mainly due to the fact that a woman's diet lacks many nutrients: protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B 5 , D, E.

Because calcium is less absorbed and more easily lost in the urine when estrogen levels decrease, symptoms of calcium deficiency such as nervousness, irritability, insomnia, headache, and depression become common during menopause. These problems can be easily overcome by increasing the intake of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

During menopause, the need for vitamin E increases 10-50 times compared to the previous period. Hot flashes and night sweats often resolve with daily vitamin E, but quickly return when the supplement is discontinued. When estrogen is taken, the need for vitamin E is even higher.

When the symptoms of menopause are severe, this condition should be considered as another form of stress and emphasis should be placed on B vitamins, as well as vitamins C and E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. These same substances will be useful for stress at any age.

3.1. vitamins

Nowadays, even with a balanced diet, a person does not receive all the necessary vitamins. Man as a species was formed in such conditions, when physical activity was much greater, and much more food was eaten. In recent decades, human energy consumption has decreased by 2-2.5 times, and food intake should also have decreased, otherwise all this will result in overweight and illness. However, if the need for fats and carbohydrates has decreased, then the need for vitamins and microelements has remained the same, because they are necessary for the functioning of internal organs, the production of internal juices, good nerve conduction, etc. Even the most properly constructed diet, designed for 2500 kilocalories per the day is deficient in most vitamins, at least 20-30%.

In addition, even rural residents now have more and more refined, high-calorie, but poor in vitamins and minerals food (white bread, pasta, confectionery, sugar, all kinds of drinks). In the diet, the proportion of products subjected to canning, long-term storage, intensive technological processing has increased, which inevitably leads to a significant loss of vitamins.

What happens if vitamins are not enough? And malfunctions in the work of the body begin. Various unpleasant symptoms appear, and if you do not dismiss them, but pay attention and start taking the necessary vitamins and minerals, you can improve your condition. Moreover, vitamins can be obtained both in the form of tablets or dragees, and with food, which is much tastier.

Vitamin A. It is needed for many functions of the body, but in this case, the fact that it is absolutely necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones comes first. How to know that it is not enough in the body? With its deficiency, certain symptoms appear: dry skin, its thickening, keratinization (hyperkeratosis), a tendency to skin diseases. With a lack of vitamin A, tracheitis, bronchitis, gastroenteritis, colitis, cystitis occur for a long time and are poorly treated. There are night blindness, night blindness, conjunctivitis, in severe cases - up to complete blindness. And there is such a disadvantage with certain behavior or diseases: the predominant use of vegetable oils in the diet; a sharp shortage of animal foods rich in vitamin A and plant foods rich in carotene; low protein content in food; heavy physical work; great nervous tension; infectious diseases; chronic enterocolitis, diabetes mellitus, liver and thyroid disease.

To prevent all this from happening, you need to eat the following foods: liver, especially marine animals and fish, butter, egg yolk, cream, fish oil. In vegetables and fruits, vitamin A is present in the form of beta-carotene, which is only converted into a vitamin in the body. Carotene (provitamin A) in the highest concentrations found in carrots, apricots, parsley and spinach leaves, pumpkin.

You should know that vitamin E, protecting vitamin A from oxidation, improves its absorption. That is why Aevita capsules (vitamins A and E) are sold in pharmacies.

Zinc deficiency can lead to a violation of the conversion of vitamin A to its active form, as well as to a slowdown in the supply of the vitamin to the tissues. These two substances are interdependent: vitamin A promotes the absorption of zinc, and zinc, in turn, promotes the absorption of vitamin A.

Rancid fats and fats with a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids oxidize vitamin A. The "enemy" is also ultraviolet and high temperatures during cooking or frying.

Vitamin B 1(thiamine). It is directly involved in the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It fights against the weakening of the thyroid gland, and therefore - with a decrease in sexual desire.

Hypovitaminosis can occur with a monotonous diet of finely ground grain processing products; excess carbohydrates and proteins in food; chronic alcoholism and beer abuse; significant and prolonged use of raw fish (carp and herring); hard physical work and nervous tension; stay in conditions of high temperature or cold; chronic bowel disease, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis. Signs of a lack of this vitamin in the body are: loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, later headaches, irritability, memory loss, peripheral polyneuritis, tachycardia (rapid pulse), shortness of breath, pain in the heart, muscle weakness.

Most of this vitamin is in dry yeast, bread, peas, cereals, walnuts, peanuts, liver, heart, egg yolk, milk, bran.

But vitamin B 1 is poorly absorbed with a lack of magnesium. In addition, its reserves in the body are depleted with the active use of sugar, alcohol and smoking. Tea leaves and raw fish contain the enzyme thiaminase, which breaks down thiamine. Also, the caffeine contained in coffee and tea destroys vitamin B 1.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin). It is the supplier of sexual energy. With frequent stress, you need to constantly eat foods with this vitamin. In addition, its deficiency provokes a diet poor in proteins; a sharp decrease in the consumption of milk and dairy products; physical and nervous tension; long-term medication (akrikhin and its derivatives); diseases of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Signs of hypovitaminosis B 2: damage to the mucous membrane of the lips with desquamation of the epithelium and cracks in the lips, stomatitis, inflammation of the tongue, skin lesions similar to eczema, conjunctivitis, photophobia, lacrimation, decreased vision.

Most vitamin B 2 is found in animal products: eggs, meat, liver, kidneys, fish, dairy products, cheese, as well as leafy green vegetables (especially broccoli, spinach) and yeast.

Riboflavin promotes the absorption of iron and its preservation in the body.

Rays, especially ultraviolet, and alkali destroy this vitamin. Also, water is “contraindicated” for him (riboflavin dissolves in liquids that are used for cooking), female hormones estrogen and alcohol.

Vitamin B 3(aka vitamin PP, nicotinic acid, niacin). Expands blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation. Hypovitaminosis of nicotinic acid develops with insufficient consumption of plant foods, protein, when food mainly consists of starchy foods; also in this regard, chronic alcoholism is dangerous; hypovitaminosis can also develop with long-term use of certain anti-tuberculosis drugs. Lack of vitamin causes depression, apathy, weakness, "burning" syndrome in the feet, intestinal disorders (alternating constipation and diarrhea), respiratory tract infections, lowering blood pressure.

Most of all, nicotinic acid is in cereals, wholemeal bread, legumes, offal (liver, kidneys, heart), meat, fish, yeast, dried mushrooms.

Canning, freezing and drying have little effect on the content of nicotinic acid in products. Heat treatment, especially excessively long cooking and repeated frying, lead to a decrease in the concentration of the vitamin by 15-20% or more compared to its content in raw foods.

Vitamin B 4(vitamin B p, choline). Also responsible for sexual arousal. In fact, choline is produced in the body, and in a healthy person, there is usually no shortage of it. In the body, acetylcholine, the most important transmitter of a nerve impulse, is synthesized from choline. And choline improves memory. It is also important that it affects carbohydrate metabolism by regulating the level of insulin in the body. There are other functions in the human body that are also very useful.

The lack of choline in food leads to the deposition of fat in the liver, kidney damage and bleeding, but in fact it is found in many foods, so you need to try to earn its deficiency. Deficiency symptoms: fat intolerance (diarrhea and flatulence when eating fat), high blood pressure, poor growth, stomach ulcers, changes in heart rate, liver and kidney failure.

Most of all it is in eggs, liver, soybeans, oatmeal, cauliflower and white cabbage, peanuts. It is an integral part of lecithin, that is, it is present in all products where lecithin is present in the composition.

Vitamin B 5(pantothenic acid). It is very common, found in meat, vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, but is easily destroyed during canning, freezing and other industrial processing of products. Therefore, only products in their natural form can provide a person with vitamin B 5 . Typical manifestations of deficiency: graying, baldness, thickening of the skin, asthenia, symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, irritability, fatigue.

The best natural sources of vitamin B 5: liver, kidneys, meat, heart, eggs, green vegetables, brewer's yeast, seeds, nuts.

Pantothenic acid is necessary for the normal absorption and metabolism of folic acid (vitamin B 9) and biotin (vitamin H). It also affects the metabolism of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Heat, food processing, canning, caffeine, estrogens, alcohol are contraindicated for vitamin B 5.

Vitamin B 6(pyridoxine). Affects the quality of orgasm.

Long-term use of anti-tuberculosis drugs can lead to its deficiency in the body; chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Signs of this will be irritability, drowsiness, mental impairment, peripheral neuritis, seborrheic dermatitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis.

Pyridoxine is found in animal products: eggs, liver, kidneys, heart, beef, milk and dairy products. There is also a lot of it in green peppers, cabbage, carrots, melons, honey and nuts, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

Smoking reduces the content of vitamin B 6 in the body. Also, pyridoxine does not withstand long-term storage, heat treatment (for example, it is destroyed by stewing and frying meat), it is destroyed by alcohol, the female hormones estrogens.

Vitamin B 7(vitamin H, biotin). Signs of biotin deficiency can be hair loss, inflammation and pallor of the skin, as well as mucous membranes; depression, anemia, blood sugar disorders, muscle pain, poor appetite, nausea, insomnia. A person feels tired, irritable and depressed, a state of apathy and drowsiness sets in.

Biotin is found in many foods. There is more of it in animal products: in pork and beef liver and kidneys, egg yolks. It is also found in beef, veal, chicken and ham, cow's milk and cheese, herring, flounder, canned sardines. From plant foods, they are rich in tomatoes, soybeans, brown rice and rice bran, wheat flour, peanuts, mushrooms, green peas, carrots and cauliflower, apples and oranges, bananas and melons, potatoes, fresh onions, whole grains of rye.

Biotin, among very few vitamins, is synthesized by our intestines, and it is the most useful and best absorbed for the body. However, for this, the intestines must be healthy. And if a person has developed enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, if he abuses smoking and drinking alcohol, then there is no need to talk about the production of biotin in the body. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that people who eat haphazardly and drink alcohol age earlier - their skin becomes saggy and flabby, and their hair falls out a lot.

Biotin is destroyed at very high temperatures (cooking foods). Vitamin H interacts in the body with vitamin B 12, with folic and pantothenic acid, if it comes in small doses. The absorption of biotin slows down alcohol; its amount in the body is reduced by antibiotics and anticonvulsants. In order for biotin to be converted to its active form, magnesium is needed, so foods containing both of these substances should be combined in the diet.

Vitamin B 9(folic acid). Its deficiency develops with constant heat treatment of products; chronic alcoholism; intestinal diseases (chronic enterocolitis); irrational treatment with antibiotics or sulfa drugs. Signs of deficiency will be disruption of the intestines, dermatitis, impaired liver function, dry bright red tongue.

There is a lot of folic acid in dark green vegetables with leaves (lettuce, spinach, parsley, green onions), onions, carrots, brewer's yeast, cauliflower, melon, apricots, beans, avocados, egg yolk, liver, kidneys, mushrooms.

Folic acid is needed for the absorption of B vitamins, especially pantothenic acid (B 5).

Deficiency of vitamin B 12 and B 9 leads to the development of the same type of anemia. By replacing one vitamin with another in the diet, this anemia can be corrected.

Folic acid "does not like" water, sunlight, heat, food processing (especially cooking), female hormones estrogen.

Vitamin B 10(aka H 1, aka para-aminobenzoic acid, aka PABA). It is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B 9 and the formation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis).

With sufficient intake of folic acid from food, the need for vitamin B 10 is simultaneously satisfied. Accordingly, a lack of vitamin B 9 inevitably leads to a deficiency of para-aminobenzoic acid. With a balanced diet, this need is fully met by food.

Relatively recently, scientists have found that vitamin B 10 stimulates the formation of interferon in the body - a protective protein that strengthens resistance to various infectious diseases, and also has a positive effect on thyroid function.

Since vitamin B 10 is involved in the biosynthesis of folic acid and is part of its molecule as a structural component, it is involved in all metabolic processes regulated by folic acid. Also, this vitamin is involved in maintaining the normal condition of the skin and hair, prevents premature aging of the skin, improves its tone.

PABA increases the effectiveness of B vitamins.

Signs of vitamin B 10 deficiency are: skin diseases, hair loss, brittleness and early graying of hair, increased fatigue, irritability, headaches, digestive disorders, nervous disorders, sunburn, muscle tissue dystrophy, anemia, weakening of sexual desire.

With proper nutrition in the human intestine there are always beneficial types of bacteria that are able to independently synthesize such an amount of vitamin B 10 that fully satisfies the body's need for this substance.

Yeast, molasses, whole wheat flour, mushrooms, rice bran, potatoes, carrots, spinach, parsley, nuts, lemon balm, sunflower seeds contain a significant amount of vitamin B 10. From animal products: offal (primarily pork and beef liver), egg yolk, fish, milk and dairy products.

This vitamin is not destroyed by boiling in acidic and alkaline environments, and is quite resistant to elevated temperatures.

The combined action of PABA with pyridoxine, folic and pantothenic acids significantly slows down the process of hair graying.

Some hormones (in particular, estrogens), sulfa drugs, and alcoholic beverages significantly reduce the activity of vitamin B 10. Refined sugar is bad for this vitamin. Rafinade contains a small amount of an additive - a dye, which gives a beautiful shade to sugar cubes. However, even very tiny doses of this dye lead to the suppression of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Vitamin B 12(cyanocobolamine). Increases sexual desire, used to treat infertility.

Hypovitaminosis can occur with the complete exclusion of animal products from food (passion for vegetarianism); the presence of worms (wide tapeworm); chronic alcoholism; diseases of the stomach and intestines (atrophic gastritis, chronic enterocolitis). This is manifested by diarrhea, decreased appetite, tingling and burning of the tongue, reddening of its tip, decreased acidity of gastric juice, impaired gait and sensitivity of the skin and muscles of the extremities.

Sources of cyanocobalamin are only animal products, with the largest amount of the vitamin found in offal (liver, kidneys and heart). There is quite a lot of vitamin B 12 in cheese, seafood (crabs, salmon, sardines), somewhat less in meat and poultry.

In order for vitamin B 12 to be well absorbed in the stomach, it must interact with calcium. Also, a normally functioning thyroid gland contributes to the absorption of cyanocobalamin.

Acids and alkalis, water, sunlight, alcohol, elevated estrogen levels, and some types of sleeping pills negatively affect its absorption.

Vitamin C. Responsible for prolonged pleasure and orgasm, as it increases the elasticity of blood vessels in the pelvic area. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and fights toxins.

Vitamin C deficiency lowers sexual desire, reduces the work of the gonads, and all this against the background of low resistance to infections.

Hypovitaminosis begins when there are few fresh vegetables, fruits and berries in the diet; when, due to improper storage or improper cooking, the vitamin is washed out of vegetables and fruits; with predominantly flour nutrition, insufficient protein content in food, high physical and nervous stress. Signs of hypovitaminosis C: weakness, irritability, dryness and peeling of the skin, swelling of the gums, their bleeding, nosebleeds, petechial hemorrhages on the folds of the neck, limbs, pain in the lower limbs.

Most vitamin C contains fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs. Rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, red peppers are real pantries of this vitamin. Fresh and sauerkraut, all citrus fruits, green onions, parsley, carrots will be useful. Products of animal origin practically do not contain it.

Large doses of vitamin C (more than 1 g per day) can reduce the body's ability to absorb vitamin B 12 from food.

When pathogenic bacteria enter the body, the amount of vitamin C decreases.

During the neutralization of toxic substances, the vitamin decomposes.

About 25 mg of ascorbic acid is lost when smoking 1 cigarette.

Vitamin C is destroyed in water, during food processing, from heat, light, and exposure to oxygen. In an acidic environment, ascorbic acid is stable and can withstand heating up to +100 °C. Therefore, it is well preserved in sauerkraut, apples, etc.

Vitamin D(calciferol) is a group of fat-soluble vitamins (ergocalciferol - vitamin D 2, cholecalciferol - vitamin D 3 and several other varieties of vitamin D). Vitamin D is needed for the normal absorption of calcium and phosphate, which is absolutely necessary for children for normal skeletal growth, and for adults for normal bone composition. It is also necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands, intestines, kidneys, and the immune system.

Vitamin D deficiency occurs when the sun is not available for a long time; long-term use of foods with a predominance of carbohydrates. In children with a lack of vitamin D, rickets begins, in adults - osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue).

The largest amount of vitamin D is found in the liver of cod and halibut, herring, mackerel, tuna, mackerel (sardines). They are also rich in sour cream, butter, egg yolks. However, its richest "source" is the sun, ultraviolet.

Vitamin E(tocopherol). Responsible in the body, including for the full supply of blood to the genital organs, which is absolutely necessary for both men and women during intercourse. Vitamin E also plays the role of an oxygen carrier.

This vitamin helps destroy or neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells. It also helps the body use selenium and vitamin K. With its protective properties, it prolongs youth and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It is indispensable for diseases of the kidneys, skin, blood circulation. It also reduces age spots, rejuvenates the skin, promotes the healing of wounds and burns.

Its deficiency is manifested by a feeling of muscle weakness.

However, it should be remembered that its excess is harmful for people who suffer from rheumatic heart disease and have high blood pressure.

Another condition under which vitamin E maximizes its beneficial properties is the regularity of intake. It does not act immediately and its healing effect on the body manifests itself gradually.

The highest amount of vitamin E is found in fresh and unprocessed vegetables and grains. Products that have undergone cleaning, heat treatment with steam or cold lose most of it. Vitamin E is found in potatoes, cucumbers, radishes and carrots, but in very small amounts that are unable to meet the daily requirement for this vitamin. Much more vitamin E is found in broccoli and spinach.

In addition, vitamin E is also found in vegetable oils. But fatty acids increase the body's need for vitamin E, so the more vegetable oil a person consumes, the more vitamin E deficiency is created. Corn and soybean oils are considered the most useful, they retain the largest amount of vitamin even after processing.

An overdose of vitamin E, incorrect calculation of the dose and violation of the doctor's recommendations for taking it can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, enteritis. It is known that regular overdoses of vitamin E lead to an increased risk of developing lung cancer, high cholesterol and the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin F. Consists of a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. Unsaturated fats help burn saturated fatty acids if their ratio in the human body is 2:1. Twelve teaspoons of sunflower seeds or eighteen pecans can cover your daily vitamin requirement. If there is enough linoleic acid in the body, then the other two fatty acids can be synthesized. Excessive carbohydrate intake increases the need for vitamin F.

It is important for the cardiovascular system: it prevents the development of atherosclerosis, improves blood circulation, has a protective effect on the heart muscle and antiarrhythmic action. Polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce inflammation in the body, improve tissue nutrition.

The best natural sources of vitamin F are vegetable oils from wheat germ, flaxseed, sunflower, soybeans, peanuts, as well as walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, fatty and semi-fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, trout, tuna and etc.) and shellfish.

An overdose of this vitamin can lead to weight gain.

Its enemies: saturated fats, heat, oxygen.

For better absorption of vitamin F, you should take it with vitamin E. Anyone who is concerned about the accumulation of cholesterol in the body should take vitamin F.

Often there is a deficiency of several vitamins at the same time. But the leading one is the deficiency of one vitamin with the corresponding symptoms. In our country, hypovitaminosis C, B 1 and B 6 occur more often; moreover, hypovitaminosis C usually occurs in winter and spring.

However, it should be remembered that prolonged use, and even more so, an excess of the dose of vitamin preparations can do more harm than good.

A common mistake is the uncontrolled use of huge doses of ascorbic acid for the treatment of hypo- and beriberi C. With prolonged use of large doses of vitamin C (as part of vitamin complexes), excitation of the central nervous system (anxiety, feeling hot, insomnia), depression of pancreatic function, the appearance sugar in the urine, due to excessive formation of oxalic acid, an adverse effect on the kidneys is possible, an increase in blood clotting is possible. Hyperdoses of vitamin C lead to an increase in the loss of vitamins B 12, B 6 and B 2 from the body. Moreover, the body quickly adapts and masters the rapid excretion of hyperdoses of vitamin C. Large doses of vitamin C are prohibited in patients with cataracts, in patients with diabetes, thrombophlebitis and during pregnancy. A person needs a daily dose of vitamin C from 30 to 60 mg, pregnant and lactating - 90 mg.

Systematic long-term excess of daily dosages of vitamins is dangerous because:

With the introduction of massive doses of vitamins, protective mechanisms are activated aimed at their excretion. The more a person drinks them, the less they are absorbed;

Fat-soluble vitamins have the ability to accumulate in the body and may have a toxic effect;

The irrational use of large doses of vitamins can change the balance of vitamins, predisposing to increased or provoking hypovitaminosis;

The introduction of a large amount of vitamin A increases the body's need for vitamins C and B 1 , and at the same time it is noted that vitamin C increases the retention and concentration of vitamin B 1 and reduces the level of vitamin A in the blood;

The introduction of large doses of vitamin B 1 increases the excretion of vitamin B 2;

Large doses of vitamin A increase the symptoms of hypovitaminosis D;

Increasing the dose of vitamin C increases the urinary excretion of both vitamin C and vitamin B 12 .

3.2. Micro and macro elements

Minerals are divided into macroelements (the content of which in living organisms is more than 0.001%) and microelements (the content is less than 0.001%).

Macronutrients include those elements, the recommended daily intake of which is more than 200 mg. Macroelements, as a rule, enter the human body with food. These include carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine. Of these, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids are predominantly built.

Trace elements are called elements, the content of which in the body is small, but they participate in biochemical processes and are necessary for living organisms. The recommended daily micronutrient intake for humans is less than 200 mg.

What minerals do women need the most?

Potassium is located mainly inside the cells, regulates the functional ability of the heart muscle, adrenal glands, enhances the excretion of fluid and sodium from the body. Potassium provides active movement and endurance by regulating the nerve impulses that control the muscles.

With hypertension, heart disease, edema of cardiac origin, it is recommended to increase the potassium content in the daily diet. A lot of potassium in prunes, raisins, potatoes, apricots; somewhat less - in meat, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits.

Calcium found in bones and teeth. A small amount of calcium is found in the blood. It regulates the permeability of cell membranes and blood clotting, the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

With a lack of calcium, potency and sexual desire decrease. Calcium affects the ability to conceive, controls the acid-base balance important for the synthesis of hormones in the blood.

With a calcium deficiency in food, pathological fractures and softening of bones, muscle spasms are possible. The largest amount of calcium is found in milk, cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables (eggplants, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, beets). Calcium from dairy products is better absorbed in the intestines.

Magnesium participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, is part of many enzymes, dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, improves bile secretion and lowers cholesterol levels, has a calming effect. Due to the general calm, it liberates in bed.

However, an excess of magnesium promotes the excretion of calcium from the body, leads to the development of changes in the bones, etc.

Magnesium is rich in bran, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, legumes, buckwheat and oatmeal, brewer's yeast, parsley, algae.

Iron is part of hemoglobin, enzymes involved in redox processes in tissues. With anemia, a person is not up to sex, this is understandable. Therefore, you should monitor your diet and do not pass by foods containing iron.

It is found in animal products (meat, fish, egg yolk, liver, lungs, dry blood) and plant origin (legumes, apples, plums, peaches). Iron is better absorbed from animal products (about 20%). This process takes place in the stomach in the presence of free hydrochloric acid. Iron is absorbed worse from plant products (up to 5%), since the main process of digestion of the latter occurs in the intestine. With a decrease in the acid-forming function of the stomach and the predominance of plant foods in food, iron deficiency anemia may develop.

Copper participates in the process of tissue respiration, hemoglobin synthesis and maturation of erythrocytes. The presence of copper is necessary for the activity of iron, otherwise the iron accumulated in the liver will not be able to participate in the formation of hemoglobin.

Sources of copper are beef, liver, shrimp, oats, rye, wheat, mushrooms, beans, watermelon, peppers.

Iodine in the body is located mainly in the thyroid gland and is involved in the formation of gland hormones. It is necessary for the proper distribution of energy in the body, a deficiency leads to depression, loss of sexual desire, and sometimes infertility. This element affects mood, and from intense experiences, iodine reserves quickly melt away.

Also, iodine is necessary for raising immunity, it is involved in the creation of phagocytes - patrol cells that protect the body from the invasion of hostile viruses.

Lack of iodine causes serious metabolic disorders in the body.

The largest amount of iodine is found in seaweed, squid and other seafood. Onions, spinach, pears, beets are rich in iodine. With insufficient iodine content in food, especially in those areas where there is little of it in the soil, endemic goiter develops. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to eat iodized salt.

The interaction of vitamins and trace elements:

Vitamin A allows the body to use the iron stored in the liver.

Vitamin B 6 increases the bioavailability of magnesium.

Magnesium increases the amount of vitamin B 6, which has the ability to penetrate into cells.

Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium.

Vitamin D improves the absorption of phosphorus.

Copper improves absorption and increases the benefits of iron.

Selenium enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin E.

3.3. Foods for stress and depression

Everyone knows, and, unfortunately, from their own experience, that under stress and depression, a woman is not up to pleasure, not to intimate entertainment. To bring the mood back to normal, to stop worrying and being in a depressed state. Of course, you can’t cope with this with food alone, but something can be done.

For example, it's helpful to keep in mind that when you're stressed, it's best to choose easily digestible foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. At the same time, you don’t have to overeat - this will not help you get out of stress, but you can easily gain weight and fall into even more melancholy from this.

Do not get carried away with fast food and sweets, it is better to console yourself with fruits and vegetables. Milk and sour-milk products will be useful, in which there is a lot of calcium and magnesium - the first helpers from stress.

As for alcohol, alcohol does not save you from stress! And the depression just gets worse.

It has already been said above which vitamins and microelements will help with stress and depression, but they do not eat vitamins, but food. So what will help?

Green vegetables: spinach, beans, broccoli supply the body with B vitamins, which are sent directly to combat stress. In addition, these vitamins maintain normal skin and hair, improve metabolic processes.

Tomatoes, in addition to the necessary vitamins, contain a useful substance - phenylalanine, which slows down the breakdown of endorphin - the hormone of good mood. In fact, a tomato is a storehouse of useful. It contains sugars - mainly fructose and glucose, mineral salts such as iodine, potassium, phosphorus, boron, magnesium, sodium, manganese, calcium, iron, copper, zinc. It is rich in a whole range of vitamins: A, B 2 , B 6 , C, E, K, PP and beta-carotene. In addition to ready-made serotonin, which is often called the "happiness hormone", tomatoes also contain tyramine, an organic compound that is converted into serotonin already in the body. Thanks to this, tomatoes improve mood, and in stressful situations they work as antidepressants.

Oranges won't hurt either. Orange contains vitamin A, C, a small amount of vitamins K, E, B 1, B 2, B 6, biotin, folic acid and 11 amino acids, as well as minerals: calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc . Other citrus fruits will also be useful. It should only be remembered that in large quantities they remove calcium from the body, and this weakens the bones, nails and hair, and contributes to muscle tension. And citrus fruits should be limited to those who have a sick stomach, because they raise the acidity of gastric juice.

It has already been said above about milk and dairy products, which contain a lot of calcium. It relaxes muscles, removes tension, and also helps keep hair and nails in order.

When stressed, be sure to eat foods containing protein, that is, meat and fish. It is better to choose lean meat (lean beef or pork, turkey and chicken). Incidentally, turkey meat contains the same phenylalanine, and chicken contains tryptophan, which promotes the production of serotonin.

But the fish is preferable just oily. It contains very useful omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as B vitamins involved in the formation of the "happiness hormone" serotonin. The most useful salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, sardines. Do not neglect seafood, such as crabs, squids, various shellfish. Do not forget about seaweed - a storehouse of trace elements.

Rice and durum wheat pasta are useful as side dishes or independent grain dishes. They contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates, vitamin B, are able to cope with hunger for a long time and do not burden the stomach.

For dessert or as a snack, you can eat nuts. Vitamins in them help produce serotonin, fight the side effects of stress, such as the accumulation of free radicals, aging. Just do not get carried away with nuts - this is a very high-calorie food.

With stress and depression, you are very drawn to sweets. And this is where it would be good to keep yourself in hand. Fast carbohydrates from sugary drinks and cakes will cheer you up for a short time, and they will also be deposited in different parts of the body, and then it will be very difficult to drive them out. You can eat a little chocolate for the good of the cause, but only real chocolate, and not a sweet bar. If you want something tasty and sweet, it is better to pay attention to fruits and berries.

Of the drinks, green tea or a decoction of ginger with the addition of lemon juice will be useful.

Spicy herbs are able to cheer up, improve digestion. Just remember that too spicy and spicy dishes can adversely affect the functioning of the stomach. But a variety of greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.) will only benefit.

Neutralize stress with a variety of berries. Antioxidants found in raspberries, blueberries and blueberries can prevent oxidative stress, which has a negative impact on chronic diseases and accelerates the aging process in the body.

The cause of a bad mood may be a lack of B vitamins in the body. Based on this, legumes, potatoes, milk, wholemeal flour products should always be present in the diet. Also very important in solving this problem is an element such as magnesium. It is found in fish, milk, chocolate, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, corn, and bananas.

4. A woman takes care of herself

When does a woman want to make love? When she looks good and feels good, she is in a great mood and there is a partner nearby who attracts her.

This section will talk about exercises that will increase the sensuality of a woman, as well as aromatic oils that increase desire, relax stress and improve mood when depressed. What could be better than a pleasant aromatic bath to feel exclusive and desirable? Also, erotic massage, which can be done by a partner during foreplay, will help to come into the appropriate mood.

4.1. Kegel exercises

In the middle of the 20th century, Dr. Arnold Kegel, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the United States, developed a set of exercises for his pregnant patients that allowed them to deal with such an unpleasant condition as urinary incontinence. The fact is that during pregnancy, the uterus presses on the muscles of the small pelvis, stretching them, and this condition can persist after childbirth. Empirically, it turned out that women who performed these exercises began to feel much better, their muscles returned to normal during pregnancy and later. In addition, it quickly became clear that these same exercises also help in the intimate sphere: after all, over time, the tissues of the vagina stretch, and its walls seem to fall down. With age, the pelvic organs can also descend. All this cannot but affect the feelings of a woman (and a man) during lovemaking.

Dr. Kegel's exercises effectively tighten the muscles of the small pelvis, they become elastic, and the blood supply to the tissues of the small pelvis increases. In addition, it has been noticed that exercises for compression-relaxation of the pelvic muscles exacerbate the sensitivity of a woman's erogenous zones. The followers of the Kegel system begin to produce female sex hormones more intensively, which has a positive effect on the well-being, mood and appearance of women.

It should be noted that this complex can be done anywhere and at any time, they do not need any special environment, and noticeable results appear after a couple of weeks of classes. Exercises should be started easily, without excessive effort, over time, you can increase the load on the pelvic muscles. At the same time, it is important not to “pump up” the muscles, but to feel them. What is needed is not physical power and strength, but the achievement of control over the muscles of the pelvic region. Subsequently, classes can be held 3-4 times a week.

To date, the implementation of Kegel exercises is recommended:

Young women for effective preparation for the upcoming pregnancy and successful painless childbirth;

Pregnant women to prevent urinary incontinence;

Pregnant women to learn the complete relaxation of those muscles that usually prevent the baby from being pushed out during childbirth;

Women after childbirth to restore tissues that have experienced severe stretching;

Men and women to enhance sexual desire;

Men and women for long-term maintenance of sexual health, prevention of inflammatory processes in the genital area, countering the effects of aging on the body.

The muscles involved in the exercises are located between the pubic and coccygeal bones and form the base of the perineum. The pubococcygeal muscle is the main one. In addition, these exercises help increase the tone of the vagina, which makes it faster and easier to climax during sex.

The easiest way to feel the pubococcygeal muscle is when urinating. It is necessary to strive to stop it only by the effort of the muscles - and this muscle will be the same one, frontococcygeal. After that, you can already start practicing.

The exercise consists in tensing and relaxing this muscle several times in a row while lying down, increasing the number of repetitions every day. They need to be brought up to 50 times.

After that, you can move on to a more complicated version of the exercise: you need to strongly compress the muscle and slowly relax, making ten stops during relaxation. You can do exercises, alternating simple relaxation with relaxation with stops.

Another version of the Kegel exercise is to quickly tighten and relax the muscles just as quickly. This is an accelerated version of the first version of the exercise. It also needs to be brought up to 50 repetitions.

The third option: very slow muscle tension. You need to track how deep this tension is felt in the vagina. When there is a feeling that the pelvic region is completely tense, it is quickly relaxed.

The result of performing Kegel exercises will be a faster and easier achievement of orgasm, an increase in its intensity.

4.2. Fragrances to enjoy

In nature, there are a huge number of aromatic plants, and with their help you can influence your well-being. In ancient times, our ancestors were treated with aromatic oils. They fought epidemics using odorous oils as antiseptics, used them as sleeping pills, painkillers, and other remedies.

During the great plague in London, aromatic substances were considered the best antiseptics. In the streets, bonfires were lit from pine and other aromatic trees.

During the construction of mosques, Muslims added essential oils of roses and musk to the lime, and the walls of the mosque emitted a wonderful smell, emphasizing the beauty of these structures.

In Indonesia, the bed of the newlyweds was covered with ylang-ylang petals.

The Egyptians used aromatic substances to treat depression, relieve nervous tension, and even in case of insanity.

The ancient Chinese believed that each smell corresponds to a certain state of a person. By mixing various smells, they achieved spiritual and physical harmony. The Chinese believed that smell is always a medicine.

The Indians built temples from sandalwood - it created an atmosphere of coolness and contributed to reflection and meditation, immersion in the world of wonderful illusions, where a person becomes beautiful and healthy.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote that in order to be healthy, one must take aromatic baths and massage daily. Essential oils quickly and easily penetrate the skin. Both in ancient Greece and Rome, aromatic baths and massages using aromatic oils were very popular.

Galen, the personal physician of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, invented the original cream and wrote many works on health and medicine. Among others, his works created the basis of medicine for many European countries, and after the decline of the Roman Empire, they spread to the East, to Byzantium. Arab countries have improved knowledge in the field of aromatherapy. Until the 19th century Baghdad also prospered due to the processing of rose raw materials, exporting rose water even to India. The Arabs were the first to use distillation (steam distillation) to extract aromatic oil from rose petals - this invention is attributed to Avicenna. Distillation is used to extract pure essential oils from many plants.

In the West, infused aromatic oils continued to be used. During the period of the Crusades, these "Arabian incense" spread throughout Europe. Gum and resins from Asia were hard to come by, and natural Mediterranean plants such as rosemary and lavender were used to make essential oils. The French were especially fond of their use. They laid the foundations for modern perfume production, as well as the therapeutic use of essential oils.

In some French hospitals as early as the 12th century. to disinfect the air and "scare away" the disease, they burned antiseptic herbs - thyme and rosemary. By the end of the 18th century, "Aqua virabilis" was popular with doctors - a tincture with the addition of cinnamon, lavender, rosemary, orchid and sage oils. It was believed that it cures the common cold and strengthens eyesight and memory.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the French chemist René Gatefoss, who studied the properties of lavender oil, coined the term "aromatherapy".

Before World War II, thyme and chamomile oils were used to sterilize medical instruments.

Essential oils can be used in different ways: in aroma lamps, inhalations, aromatic baths; when setting compresses, using rubbing or massage; in cosmetics.

Volatile particles of essential oils, quickly spreading and easily entering the body, have various effects: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, boosting immunity. They renew the cells of the body and improve metabolism, promote the removal of toxins from cells, can cause excitement or pleasant languor, improve mood or relax.

Oils are very useful, but still it should be remembered that these are medicinal preparations and they have their own dose of exposure. You don't have to pour the whole bottle on yourself at once. Before using aroma oils, it is better to consult a doctor or buy a good book with a detailed description of the effects of aroma oils and apply with great care, observing the permissible doses and concentrations.

When compiling various compositions, you also need to know which oils are compatible with which, their compatibility in terms of smell and effect on the body.

In aromatherapy, there is the concept of base oils. Base oils (carrier oils, base oils, base oils, transport, carrier oils) are vegetable oils that are used to dissolve essential oils, as well as for independent use. Base oils can be mixed with each other and applied without the addition of essential oils. Essential oils in their pure form on the skin (in cosmetology) cannot be used, they are dissolved in base oils and thus transported through the skin.

At the same time, base oils also have an independent value, they dissolve the deposited secrets of the sweat glands, remove dirt, dust, and cosmetics from the skin surface.

Typically, base oils are obtained by cold pressing from nuts, seeds, fruit pits and grains. The base oils are: avocado oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, marigold (calendula) oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, jojoba, sesame, hazelnut, wheat germ oil, etc.

Rules for the use of aromatic oils

* Oils should not be available to children!

* When dosing, it is better to take less than too much. You should focus on your senses, oils should not cause a feeling of suffocation.

* When treating family members or friends, let the patient decide by smell which of the suggested oils is right for him!

* Always write down the composition and percentage of mixtures! Label formula bottles with purpose, content, and date.

* Avoid getting oils in the eyes.

* Do not apply undiluted to the skin.

* Many oils are contraindicated during pregnancy. The rest should be used in half dosage.

* For children, oils are used in a dose appropriate for age:

Up to 2 years, use 1 drop of lavender, rose, chamomile or mandarin diluted in 1 teaspoon of base oil for massage or bath;

2-12 years - use half the adult dose;

Adolescents (over 12 years of age) - use the doses for adults.

* Oils should be stored in tightly closed dark glass bottles, away from light and heat. Since essential and vegetable oils are flammable liquids, their use should take place at a safe distance from open flames.

* Before using a new essential oil, it must be tested for allergic reactions. To do this, apply a drop of oil on the inner surface of the wrist. Check for redness or skin irritation within 12 hours. In the absence of a skin reaction, the oil is safe to use.

* When this essential oil is applied to the skin, a feeling of warmth and slight tingling may occur for 1-2 minutes. This is a normal reaction.

4.2.1. Ways to use aromatic oils

Aroma medallion. This is a high temperature porous clay ceramic pendant, hollow inside; the outer surface is usually glazed. 1-2 drops of essential oil are dripped into it; it, heated to body temperature, begins to evaporate, and its vapors enter the upper respiratory tract, and from there they are carried throughout the body. The fragrance stays in the medallion for 2-3 days.

You can add a different oil each time, regardless of what flavor was in the aroma medallion before. It is also advisable to use a composition of several essential oils.

The medallion can be used to scent a room in the house, at work or in the car.

To relieve sudden stress, reduce the impact of negative emotions, you can apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to the aroma medallion, bring it to your nose and take a few deep breaths: fatigue and irritation will go away, your mood will improve.

Oil burner. Designed for use in confined spaces. All windows and doors must be closed. Before using the aroma lamp, the room should be ventilated, there should be no foreign odors in it. Water is poured into a container, oil is dripped into it, then a candle is set on fire. Essential oil is taken at the rate of 2 drops per 5 sq. m area. In this case, it is necessary to take into account both the properties of a particular oil and the sensitivity of a person to this aroma. The dosage is selected individually. Due to the slow heating of the water, the essential oil begins to evaporate and its molecules scatter around the room. The essential oil must not be allowed to boil in the aroma lamp, as this changes the composition of the oil and its properties. Therefore, water must be periodically added to the aroma lamp (the temperature in the aroma lamp should not be higher than + 50-60 ° C). The first two sessions should last no more than 20 minutes, then this time can be gradually increased (up to 3 hours). You should be aware that after some time a person loses susceptibility to smell, but the therapeutic effect of the oil continues.

If there is no aroma lamp at home, then you can take a ceramic, porcelain or glass cup, pour hot water (temperature not higher than + 45-50 ° C) and drip essential oil into it. To prevent the water from cooling too quickly, the cup can be placed in a warm place.

Do not leave a working aroma lamp unattended!

Aroma smoker. They come with open fire or electric. The evaporation container must not be too small, otherwise the water will evaporate too quickly and the oil will start to burn. The distance to the heat source should be at least 10 cm, the water should be warmer than +50-55 °C. The water must not boil, otherwise the quality and effect of the fragrance will change.

Pour warm water into a container, then drip essential oil into it. The number of drops depends on the size of the room: 2 drops of essential oil per 5 sq. m area. The duration of the session is the same as that of the aroma lamp.

Do not leave a burning aroma burner unattended!

It is best to wash the aroma incense burner with soap, then rinse with vinegar and water.

Inhalation. In a bowl of hot water, add the mixture of essential oils according to the recipe. Cover your head and shoulders with a terry towel, slowly and deeply, if possible with your nose, inhale the steam for 5-7 minutes. Wipe your face and do not go outside for at least 1 hour, otherwise the condition may worsen. If necessary, inhalations can be carried out 2-3 times a day.

Bath. The water temperature for a full bath should be + 35-38 ° C. Essential oils, depending on the recipe, can be dissolved in an emulsifier so that they are better dispersed in water. The emulsifier can be 100-200 ml of milk or whipped cream (kefir, yogurt without additives), 1 tablespoon of honey or 30 g of sea salt, into which oil must be dropped.

A relaxing warm bath helps to prepare the body for the effects of essential oils. The optimal duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes.

Massage. In massage with aromatic oils, circular movements are used to enhance their effect. Gentle massage improves lymph flow and blood supply to the area. It eliminates negative sensations, removes toxins and reduces muscle pain. The mixture of oils indicated in the recipe should be poured into a brown glass bottle and shaken well. The date of preparation of the mixture and ingredients are written on the bottle.

Aromatization of linen. Put napkins with 1-3 drops of essential oil applied in the closet with linen between the sheets.

Enrichment of shampoos and shower gels. 1-3 drops of oil per 30 ml of base (gel, shampoo), stir.

Rinse hair and body after washing. 5-7 drops of essential oils are added to a basin with water for dousing, the water is well stirred and poured over itself.

Applying pure essential oil to a comb before brushing your hair. Apply 1-3 drops directly to a comb, preferably a wooden one.

4.2.2. Properties of aromatic oils

Aromatic oils have a very diverse effect on the human body. Among the effects there is one such as the excitation of sexual desire. Investigating such aromatic oils, scientists came to the conclusion that some components in them have a structure similar to hormones, it is these substances that act on the pituitary gland and contribute to the production of endorphins. Endorphin, in turn, causes a feeling of euphoria, enhances sexual desire. Also, the composition of aromatic oils for arousal includes aphrodisiacs, which not only excite, but also regulate the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems of the body, help to solve the problems of impotence and frigidity. In addition, aphrodisiacs can reduce tension, feelings of insecurity, increase blood circulation, including in the genital area. These oils can be used in aroma lamps, added to the bathroom. If you add them to the mixture for massage, then the pleasure will increase many times over, because the sense of touch will also be connected to the sense of smell!

Also, many oils have a stimulating effect for depression or a calming effect for stress. There can be nothing better than a warm relaxing bath with a fragrance that is pleasant for a woman!

Orange. This fruit and its oil have an aroma of trust, fun and tantalizing lightness. Pleases, saturates emotions with serenity. The smell of orange will help a woman tune in to the right wave, relax, and stimulate erotic attraction. In addition, orange oil stabilizes mood, eliminates depression, helps with insomnia and induces a feeling of cheerfulness.

For an aroma smoker 3-5 drops; for a bath 4 drops for a full bath (no more!) with an emulsifier; massage: 6-10 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, masks, shampoos: 5 drops per 10 g of base

Only individual intolerance to citrus fruits will be a contraindication.

Anise. Anise essential oil is a good antidepressant and anti-stress agent, eliminates tearfulness and hyperexcitability, helps the body adapt to new conditions. It is also an excellent tool for the care of sluggish, flabby skin that has lost its tone.

Relieves pain during menstruation. In lactating mothers, it helps to increase the amount of milk.

For an aroma lamp, take 4-6 drops; for hot and cold inhalations 1-2 drops (procedure duration 5-7 minutes); for a bath 4-7 drops; massage: 6 drops per 10 g of base oil; aromamedallion: 1-3 drops.

Basil. Basil essential oil eliminates manifestations of nervous exhaustion and overwork, gives clarity and sharpness to thoughts. Helps to relax and recover after a hard day at work, relieves melancholy.

Also, the oil tones and smoothes the skin, is an excellent hair care product, strengthening it, preventing hair loss and brittleness.

It eliminates spasms of blood vessels, so it is effective for headaches.

In lactating mothers, it increases milk production, in general, in women it stimulates menstruation.

Basil essential oil has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

For an aroma lamp, take 3-7 drops per 15 sq. m; for hot and cold inhalations - 1-2 drops (procedure duration 3-5 minutes); baths: 4-7 drops; massage - a mixture of essential and base oils in a ratio of 1: 1; aromamedallion: 2-3 drops.

Do not use in case of increased blood clotting and during pregnancy.

Bergamot. It is the aroma of inspired sexuality, enhances erotic pulsation, awakens the imagination and fantasy, eliminates depression, nervous tension. Suitable for the most subtle erotic massage.

Causes a feeling of cheerfulness, improves memory and attention. In cosmetology, it helps to relieve various inflammatory processes of the skin, improves skin condition, strengthens hair.

For baths, dilute 4-7 drops in 10 ml of milk or honey, add to water, take a bath at a temperature of + 37-38 ° C for no more than 20 minutes; massage: 5-6 drops per 20 g of base oil or cream; head massage to strengthen hair: take 5-6 drops per 20 g of base oil, apply to hair, rinse after 20 minutes; aroma lamp: 6-8 drops per 50 g of warm water.

Verbena. This is a female erotic oil, it eliminates frigidity. It also prevents spasms of cerebral vessels, improves microcirculation, eliminating headaches, dizziness, nausea due to migraines. Normalizes blood pressure in vegetative-vascular dystonia. Promotes quick and easy childbirth, increases lactation.

Helps with increased physical activity. Effectively eliminates manifestations of prolonged fatigue, enhances the productivity of mental activity.

Rejuvenates, smoothes the skin, eliminates sweating. Helps with stale complexion. Reduces hair loss. It will help to make the bust elastic.

For an aroma smoker 3-5 drops; for a bath 4-6 drops with an emulsifier; massage: 4-6 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, masks, tonics: 4-5 drops per 5-7 g of base; aromamedallion: 1-2 drops.

Contraindications: early pregnancy, as verbena increases the tone of the uterus! Individual intolerance to verbena.

Vetiver This plant is related to lemongrass, citronella and some other aromatic herbs. Its oil has a subtle, deep, slightly smoky smell, reminiscent of myrrh and patchouli, but in the dissolved form, the lemon tint becomes more pronounced. In modern perfumery, it is used as a base note in perfumes and as a fixative. It is used for skin care, especially oily and with acne.

Also, vetiver oil removes sexual coldness and impotence, opening a powerful stream of sensual sensations.

In addition, vetiver is an immune stimulant and strengthens the ability to withstand stress. From the Hindi language, the name "vetiver" is translated as "oil of tranquility", which fully reflects its character. It has a deeply relaxing effect and is a valuable remedy for insomnia, tension, anxiety or depression. A vetiver oil bath is a great stress reliever.

It is very useful for people who tend to be in the clouds, for those who focus on intellectual activity at the expense of physical activity, and also for those who sometimes feel insecure. This oil is very good to use in difficult periods of life.

For an aroma lamp: 5-7 drops per 20 sq. m area; in aromamedallion 1-2 drops; for the bath: dissolve 7-8 drops in an emulsifier; massage: 7-8 drops per 30 g of base oil; enrichment of cosmetics: 1-2 drops per 5-10 g of base.

Carnation. Even the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans widely used cloves. In ancient China, it was widely used for headaches and migraines.

Clove oil helps to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, eliminates dizziness and headache, increases the volume and activity of memory. It boosts immunity.

In the sexual sphere, carnation revives naturalness, eliminates vascular and spasmodic reactions, eliminates the expectation of failure.

Aroma smoker: 1-4 drops; aroma medallions: 1-2 drops; enrichment of creams, tonics, rinses: 1-2 drops per 10 g of base; baths 3-4 drops with an emulsifier.

Geranium. It opens the breath of sensuality in a woman and affects both young people and women over 45. This fragrance brings elements of dreaminess and sentimentality into erotic communication. The smell of geranium is equally exciting for both partners.

It also anesthetizes and eliminates spasms of blood vessels with headaches, migraines. Increases mental and physical activity, especially in the elderly. Causes a feeling of cheerfulness.

Eliminates rashes, inflammatory reactions and peeling of dry, sensitive skin, quickly regenerates the skin after burns. Suitable for daily care of oily, impure and irritated skin. It has an antiseptic, rejuvenating effect, promotes cell renewal.

It is successfully used for cellulite, as it has a tightening and dehydrating effect.

In aroma burners 3-5 drops; aroma medallion 1-2 drops; hot inhalations: 1-2 drops, procedure duration 3-5 minutes; massage: 5 drops per 5 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, masks, rinses: 4-5 drops per 5 g of base. To eliminate headaches: apply a mixture of geranium and base oil in a ratio of 1:3, respectively, to the frontal, temporal, occipital region, palms and soles of the feet.

Grapefruit. Its oil helps with migraines caused by nerves, helps with insomnia due to its antidepressant properties, and when massaged, it dissolves lactic acid, thereby eliminating pain and stiffness in the muscles.

Gives vivacity, uplifting and causes euphoria, helps to overcome stress. In manic-depressive states, it has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Increases mental activity and helps to get rid of morning sleepiness.

In aroma burners 5-7 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; for a bath 4-6 drops with an emulsifier; massage: 4-6 drops per 15 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, shower gels, rinses: 5 drops per 15 g of base.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to citrus fruits. It has phototoxicity, that is, after its use it is not necessary to go out into the sun (there may be skin burns).

Jasmine. It liberates bashful natures, enhances mutual understanding of partners. A wonderful women's fragrance oil that allows you to feel the pleasure of intimacy during pregnancy. It also eliminates the pain of menstruation, inflammation. Promotes easy bearing of the child throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The aroma of jasmine has an anti-stress, relaxing effect. It helps to adapt to an unfamiliar environment, eliminates fatigue, muscle tension, mobilizes the body's reserve forces, and improves immunity.

Aroma lamp 3-5 drops (often used as an air freshener); aroma smokers 2-4 drops; aroma medallion 1-2 drops; baths 3-5 drops with an emulsifier; massage: 3-5 drops per 5 g of base oil; enrichment of balms, creams, shampoos, shower gels: 3-5 drops per 15 g of base.

Ylang Ylang is a classic aphrodisiac. Its aroma stimulates the pituitary glands, which produce endorphins, which cause euphoria, excite desire and promote the free expression of feelings, with its help a woman gets rid of internal indecision. The intoxicating aroma of ylang-ylang colors erotic communication in bright, unique colors, gives confidence, sharpens intuition and psychologism of a love game, helps to guess and fulfill the most secret desires of a partner.

It also relieves headaches associated with high blood pressure, facilitates menopause.

Eliminates depression, insecurity, unreasonable anxiety, helps with insomnia, reduces the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Rejuvenates, preserves sensitive skin, cleanses and tightens pores, regenerates skin cells. Restores the health of brittle, thinning, prone to hair loss. Strengthens nails.

Aroma smokers 3-4 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; baths: 4-7 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5-7 drops per 15 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, shower gels: 5 drops per 5 g of base.

Cypress. Its oil is of particular importance for women, as it can regulate the balance of female hormones in the body, therefore it is used for cycle disorders, severe bleeding and menopausal difficulties. It opens up a second wind of love to those over 50, increases endurance and flexibility of the body, optimizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs, “exposes” erogenous zones, increasing their sensitivity.

Aroma burners 4-6 drops; aromamedallion 2-3 drops, hot inhalations: 12 drops with a procedure duration of 4-7 minutes; cold inhalations do 4-6 minutes; baths: 3-5 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, shower gels: 2-3 drops per 5 g of base.

Lavender. Removes the state of depression, reduces mood swings, aggression, improves the state of the body in overwork, relieves headaches, helps with insomnia. Lavender oil has a refreshing and regenerating effect on skin cells. Perfectly cares for damaged hair, eliminates brittleness and excessive hair loss. Normalizes the menstrual cycle.

Baths with lavender oil (especially when combined with oils of mint, rosemary, lemon) help cleanse the body of toxins, alleviate painful conditions and hormonal disorders during menstruation and menopause.

Aroma lamp: 3-4 drops per 50 g of warm water; bath: dilute 3-6 drops in 10 ml of milk or honey, add to water at a temperature of + 37-38 ° C, take a bath for no more than 20 minutes; massage: 4-5 drops per 20 g of massage cream or base oil.

You can not combine lavender essential oil with iodine and iron-containing preparations. Do not use during pregnancy and epilepsy.

Incense. Aphrodisiac. Raises orgasm to the highest degree.

It also eliminates insomnia, helps with nervous exhaustion, eliminates the effects of stress. Antidepressant.

Rejuvenates, improves skin elasticity, evens complexion, has anti-inflammatory effect. Eliminates hair loss, restores hair follicles, suitable for dry hair care.

Strengthens nails.

Aroma burners 4-6 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; hot inhalation 3 drops with a procedure duration of 5-7 minutes; with cold inhalations, the duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes; baths: 3-6 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, shower gels: 4 drops per 5 g of base.

Limett. Aphrodisiac, enhances sensitivity and gives self-confidence. Soothes, invigorates, refreshes perception.

Gets out of depression.

It also rejuvenates and refreshes the skin, whitens it, smoothes wrinkles, and gives elasticity to the bust. Suitable for oily hair.

Aroma burners 4-6 drops; aroma medallion 3-4 drops; bath: 6-8 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5-7 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, balms: 5 drops per 5 g of base.

Marjoram. It exacerbates feelings and reactions, eliminates low self-esteem and stiffness, "complexity" and self-criticism. Develops flexibility and plasticity. Removes anxiety, gives a feeling of cheerfulness.

Helps with insomnia.

Aroma smokers 3-5 drops; hot inhalations: 2-3 drops for 4-5 minutes; cold inhalations for 5-7 minutes; baths: 4-6 drops with emulsifier; massage: 6 drops per 10 g of base oil.

Mandarin. Like other citrus fruits, it unchains the imagination, gives fun and delight to erotic games.

Also extinguishes irritability, helps with depression.

Aroma burners 3-5 drops; baths: 3-5 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5-6 drops per 10 g of base oil.

Myrrh. A sophisticated, gourmet fragrance for sexual sensations. It brings spiritual sensitivity and delicacy to relationships.

Relieves insomnia, depression, nervous exhaustion.

Refreshes and revitalizes dry skin, makes it matte and velvety, eliminates skin irritations, tightens it.

Prevents hair loss and thinning. Restores hair follicles.

Suitable for lip care.

Strengthens nails.

Aroma burners 3-7 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; baths: 5-7 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5-7 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, rinses: 7 drops per 10 g of base.

Myrtle. Eliminates sexual weakness and coldness, the "expectation of failure" syndrome. Activates emotions, increases the stability of the nervous system.

Aroma burners 4-7 drops; hot inhalations: 2 drops with a procedure duration of 4-7 minutes; cold inhalations for 5-7 minutes; baths: 3-5 drops with emulsifier; massage: 4-6 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, lotions, rinses: 6 drops per 10 g of base.

Muscat. It opens a “second wind of love” even for those over 50, increases endurance and flexibility of the body, optimizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs, “exposes” erogenous zones, increasing their sensitivity.

In women, it eliminates dysfunctional disorders in menopause.

Helps with depression. Eliminates hysteria, increases the brightness of the perception of the world.

Regenerates, rejuvenates, strengthens skin cells.

Aroma burners 3-5 drops; cold inhalations: 2 drops with a duration of 5-7 minutes; hot inhalations: 2 drops for 3-5 minutes; enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, masks: 2 drops per 10 g of base.

Contraindications: increased nervous excitability, pregnancy, epilepsy.

Neroli. It opens the channels of passion, enhances potency and sensitivity, allows you to experience long-term enjoyment of orgasm.

Stabilizes the nervous system, eliminates unreasonable emotional manifestations (tearfulness, irritability or euphoria).

Aroma burners 3-5 drops; aroma medallion 1-2 drops; hot inhalations: 2-3 drops with a procedure duration of 4-7 minutes; cold inhalations for 5-7 minutes; baths: 4-7 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5 drops per 10 g of base oil.

Palmarosa. It intoxicates, gives a complex rhythm to the love game.

Relieves premenstrual syndrome.

It restores strength after illness and difficult life situations, helps to concentrate and improve memory.

It rejuvenates the skin, normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, thereby giving the skin a fresh and young look. Helps to make the bust elastic.

An excellent tool for intimate cosmetics.

Aroma smokers 3-6 drops; baths: 5-6 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5-7 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, lotions, tonics, rinses, shampoos: 7-10 drops per 10 g of base; enrichment of shower gels, liquid soaps: up to 10 drops per 10 g of base.

Patchouli. Ancient erotic essential oil. It awakens enthusiasm and erotic generosity, enhances the potency and sensitivity of erogenous zones, introduces an element of novelty and celebration into communication, coloring erotic contact in bright colors; promotes rejuvenation of the endocrine system and balance of hormones.

Stimulates the nervous system, activates mental, physical and emotional processes.

Nourishes, refreshes, smoothes dry tired skin, tightens it.

Increases the elasticity of the bust and abdomen.

Suitable for dry hair.

Strengthens nails.

Aroma burners 3-5 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; baths: 4-6 drops with emulsifier; massage: 6-8 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, gels, soaps, masks: 5 drops per 5 g of base.

Petitgrain. It creates a slight erotic effect, brings elements of freshness and playfulness into relationships, relieves feelings of depression and fear.

Aroma burners 4-7 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; inhalations: 3-5 drops with a procedure duration of 7 minutes; baths: 5-7 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5-7 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, masks, shampoos: 7 drops per 10 g of base; aromatization of wines and tea: up to 10 drops.

Rose. It creates refinement of feelings, enhances a gentle and reverent attitude towards a partner. Ideal for young indecisive natures. Brings naturalness and comfort to the first joint night.

It alleviates the condition with premenstrual syndrome, normalizes the amount of discharge during menstruation. Relieves vaginitis and thrush.

Relieves headaches by relieving vasospasm in case of nausea, weakness, migraine, dizziness.

Causes a feeling of cheerfulness, eliminates neuroses. Increases performance.

Suitable for dry skin care. Eliminates skin irritation, smoothes, improves elasticity, tightens the skin. Helps with stale complexion, normalizes the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Suitable for lip care.

Helps to make the bust elastic.

Aroma burners 4-6 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; baths: 5-7 drops with emulsifier; massage: 10 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, tonics, rinses, gels: 5 drops per 5 g of base; douching: apply 5 drops to 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, dissolve in 500 g of boiled water.

Rosemary. It enhances susceptibility, spiritualizes relationships, promotes the repetition of erotic contacts, increasing their duration and saturation. Makes relationships more sensual.

It also strengthens memory, eliminates suspiciousness, self-doubt.

Aroma burners 3-5 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; baths: 3-5 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5 drops per 10 g of the base product; enrichment of creams, ointments, shampoos, conditioners: 3 drops per 5 g of base.

Contraindications: pregnancy; tendency to convulsions; increased skin sensitivity.

Pink tree. Creates an atmosphere of sexual ease, eliminates sexual coldness and sexual laziness. Helps to renounce everything material and “mundane.

It optimizes cerebral circulation, has a mild analgesic and antispasmodic effect, is effective for migraines and frequent headaches.

It has a tonic effect on the body and at the same time does not give an exciting effect.

Helps with chronic fatigue. Eliminates irritability and feelings of impotence.

Relieves stress. Helps with depression. Promotes relaxation and rejuvenation. Clears the mind and revitalizes the emotions.

Increases firmness, elasticity, protective functions of the skin. Moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes dry sensitive skin. It promotes cell regeneration, therefore it is also useful for aging skin. Forms an even, beautiful complexion without spots and vascular pattern. Promotes the resorption of thin scars.

Aroma smokers 5-7 drops; baths: 6-8 drops with emulsifier; massage: 7 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, gels, tonics, masks: 3 drops per 5 g of base.

Contraindications: Do not use in children under 6 years of age.

Sandal. Enhances fantasy, gives erotic contact a heady, sophistication, communicates hyperexcitability to sexual play from slow, gentle caresses, increases potency.

Helps with insomnia. Eliminates tearfulness.

Helps restore dry sensitive skin, eliminates irritation, smoothes, revitalizes the skin. Eliminates flabbiness and a network of wrinkles around the eyes (carefully, make sure that the oil does not get into the eyes).

Suitable for lip care.

Strengthens hair, reduces hair loss.

Strengthens nails.

Aroma smokers 5-7 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; hot inhalations: 3 drops with a procedure duration of 5-7 minutes; baths: 5-7 drops with emulsifier; enrichment of creams, tonics, gels, rinses, masks: 4 drops per 5 g of base.

Contraindications: acute inflammation of the kidneys, phlegm.

Pine. It gives a surge of energy, diversifies erotic gestures, helps a woman feel comfort and protection in the arms of a man, gain self-confidence, increases the duration of sexual contacts, saturating them with passion.

Also, the aroma of pine eliminates pessimism and self-pity.

Aroma burners 4-5 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; baths: 4-6 drops with emulsifier; massage: 5-6 drops per 15 g of base oil; enrichment of creams, masks, shampoos, conditioners: 4-5 drops per 5 g of base.

Thyme. It helps to open up insecure, nervous natures, restores strength and awakens emotions, facilitates the erotic revelations of partners.

It also eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome, eliminates vegetative-vascular disorders. It helps to quickly relieve trembling and warm up in case of nervous overexcitation or hypothermia.

For women: eliminates the pain of menstruation, prevents inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

Aroma burners 3-5 drops; aroma medallion 2-3 drops; hot inhalations: 1-2 drops with a procedure duration of 3-7 minutes; cold inhalations for 3-5 minutes; baths: 3-5 drops with emulsifier; massage: 3 drops per 10 g of base oil; enrichment of shampoos, creams, conditioners: 3 drops per 5 g of base.

Contraindications: pregnancy, epilepsy; hypertension of a high degree; skin hypersensitivity.

Sage. Releases from fatigue, apathy, pragmatism, restores the freshness of feelings.

Reduces the pain of menstruation, one of the strong means of stopping lactation.

Eliminates depression, balances emotions.

Aroma smokers 1-2 drops; aroma medallion 1-2 drops + 3 drops of petitgrain; baths: 1-2 drops with emulsifier; massage: 2-3 drops per 10 g of base oil; hot inhalations: 1-2 drops with a procedure duration of 3-5 minutes; cold inhalation for 4-5 minutes.

Contraindications: pregnancy; breastfeeding; epilepsy; high-grade hypertension. With strong emotional excitability, do not take orally.

4.3. Massage

What could be better than a massage to relieve fatigue and stress of the day, to get rid of worries or enhance sensuality? Nothing. Therefore, in this section, two options for this beneficial action will be given: relaxing self-massage and erotic massage, which a partner can do to a woman.

You just need to know that not always massage will be useful. There are some conditions when it is simply contraindicated, this should be borne in mind.

Massage is contraindicated at elevated temperature, acute inflammatory processes, skin diseases, blood diseases, any skin diseases, it should not be done in places where there are moles and warts. It is also impossible to massage the legs with severe varicose veins and vascular inflammation. Massage is not done with atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels or if there is atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels with cerebral crises. Massage is not done with inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Contraindications are diseases of the autonomic nervous system during the period of exacerbation, allergies with manifestations on the skin, the active phase of tuberculosis, any tumors (with fibroids that do not require surgical treatment, you can not massage the lumbar zone), with psychiatric diseases in the acute stage, with hypertensive or hypotensive crisis . It is not recommended to carry out self-massage in a state of severe general overwork and excitement, with a tendency to bleeding (nose, hemorrhoidal), during menstruation and pregnancy.

It should be borne in mind that for some diseases, contraindications to massage are temporary. So, after the completion of an acute inflammatory process, a feverish state, a purulent process, an acute form of arthritis, an exacerbation of diseases of the autonomic nervous system, massage is allowed. Moreover, massage sessions are prescribed in some cases after the complete removal of tumors, when recovering from a hypertensive or hypotensive crisis, after drug treatment of a severe attack of angina pectoris (pre-infarction condition) after a week.

For private massage (massage of individual parts of the body) there are also a number of contraindications. For example, you can not massage the abdomen, lumbar region and thighs during pregnancy, during the postpartum period and after an abortion in the first two months, during menstruation, with a hernia, gallstones and kidneys. Massage of other parts of the body in these cases is allowed, if there are no other contraindications.

4.3.1. Relaxing self-massage

Today, life is so full of stress that it is impossible to avoid numerous situations from which a person’s blood pressure rises, muscles tense, and the pulse accelerates. In this case, self-massage will help to calm down and relax.

In addition, it improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, improves sleep, has a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothing wrinkles. A relaxing massage is the perfect way to quickly put yourself in order.

Relaxing (relaxing) massage is indispensable for prolonged muscular and nervous strain, overwork, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome and states of loss of strength. It launches internal reserves of self-regulation and restoration of the body's resources, increases efficiency.

When conducting self-massage, you must adhere to the following rules:

Movements should not cause painful or unpleasant sensations, leave bruises, or damage the skin. Massage should be carried out quite vigorously, smoothly, but rhythmically. After its correct execution, warmth is felt in the area of ​​​​the massaged area, the body as a whole relaxes, and the mood improves.

Self-massage lasts from 3 to 25 minutes, depending on the tasks.

It is necessary to choose the most comfortable position so that all the muscles of the massaged area are relaxed. You should try to maintain the chosen position throughout the session. If there are abrasions, scratches and other damage on the skin, they should be carefully treated and sealed with adhesive plaster before the massage.

Lymph nodes cannot be massaged. All movements are made towards the nearest lymph nodes, taking into account the direction of the lymph flow.

Massage should be done with clean, warm hands. Feet

After a busy day, legs often hurt, ache, and do not allow to relax. It is in this situation that self-massage of the feet will help.

Place the palm of one hand on top of the foot, and the palm of the other on the sole of the foot. Smoothly stroke the foot on both sides from the toes to the ankle. Repeat this movement as many times as you like. Then stroke the second foot in the same way.

Supporting the foot with one hand, massage each toe individually by stroking and rubbing with the other. Finish the procedure by tightly grasping the finger and gently stretching it with light pulling movements.

Use your thumbs to apply a series of firm pressure across the entire surface of the sole of the foot. Then, in a circular motion with your thumb, massage the area just below the toes, as well as the arch of the foot.

Supporting the foot with one hand, clench the palm of the other hand into a fist and tap with a loose fist on the entire surface of the sole of the foot, then massage the sole with circular movements of the knuckles.

Finish the massage with light pats on the sole. Withdraw your hand as soon as it touches the foot, the movements of the hand should be light and springy.

Tap the entire surface of the ankles with your fingertips, then stroke the ankles. Finish the self-massage of the feet with stroking movements. Stomach

These techniques are good for relieving menstrual pain.

In a circular motion, stroke the abdomen in a clockwise direction, slide over the abdomen with the entire surface of the palm of your hand. Then, with a light circular rubbing with your fingertips, massage the entire abdomen, lower abdomen and hip area.

To cheer up after the session, pat yourself on the thighs and lower abdomen. You need to get up, slightly clench your palms into fists and with quick tapping movements barely touch the skin, immediately pulling your hands away. Shoulders

Start by stroking the shoulder from the base of the skull, go along the side of the neck, along the shoulder itself, and gradually go down the arm to the elbow. Then stroke from the elbow to the base of the skull, repeat this path three times on one hand and on the other.

In a circular motion with your fingertips, massage the neck on both sides of the spine, as well as the base of the skull. Lightly tingle through the muscles of the shoulders.

Lightly clench your left hand into a fist and lightly tap it on your right shoulder and upper forearm to the elbow. The fist should not be tightly clenched. Repeat the same with the left shoulder.

The massage ends with a soft stroke. The movement should start from the neck just under the chin, arms crossed, the movement is made with both hands at the same time. From the neck, the palms of the hands slide over the shoulders, then down the arms, all the way to the fingertips. Repeat this continuous movement as many times as you like. This stroke helps relieve tension. Forearms and hands

Stroke the outside of your other hand with one hand. The palm should be tight against the skin as it slides down to the wrist and slide back gently. Then lightly pinch the muscles of the forearm.

Squeeze each finger on your hand, massage each joint in a circular motion. Then grab each finger at the base and gently pull, stretching it, sliding over the surface of the finger to its tip.

With the thumb of one hand, rub the notches on the back between the fingers of the other hand, four strokes in each notch.

Massage the surface of the palms and the skin on the wrists with hard circular movements and point pressure.

Finally, rub your palms until you feel warmth in them. Face

Self-massage of the face will help tension the facial muscles and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. This is because self-massage relaxes the muscles and stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous capillaries.

Before self-massage, wash your face and thoroughly clean the surface of the skin.

Self-massage. As in other cases, it begins with stroking. Start stroking from the bottom of the neck with both hands and move up the front of the neck, along the cheekbones to the ears, then back, massage the forehead in the direction from the center to the temples and back. Finish stroking and gently press on the temple area several times.

Massage with the back of the hands has a stimulating effect on the skin of the face, as well as moving the relaxed fingers up the cheeks. The same techniques can be used for self-massage of the front surface of the neck and chin.

With your thumb and forefinger, gently pinch the skin on the lower jaw, as well as under the chin. These techniques have a stimulating effect and prevent the appearance of a double chin.

To relieve tension in the area around the eyes, a hard pinching of the eyebrows with the thumb and forefinger is applied. Always move from the nose to the temples when performing this technique.

To release tension from the neck and shoulders, use firm, circular rubbing motions on both sides of the neck and shoulders.

It should be especially noted that you need to massage your face with soft, careful movements, in no case wrinkle. Massage cheeks and temples with very light touches. Finishing the session, simply press both palms to the face. The warmth of the hands relaxes the muscles and connective tissues, causing a feeling of relaxation.

Grasp the outer edges of the ears with both hands and gently pull them to the sides, then grasp the upper edges and pull up, finally wrap your thumb and forefinger around the earlobes and gently pull down. Each of these movements must be performed ten to fifteen times.

Next, with your index finger, gently press on the soft point behind the earlobe, at the point where the auricle is attached to the head. Press and release. Repeat pressing 10-15 times. Do the same on the other side.

4.3.2. Erotic massage

The benefits of erotic massage are undeniable, it will bring you not only sexual satisfaction, but also cause a relaxing and pacifying effect on the entire body.

It should be borne in mind that the result of erotic massage depends not only on the type of movements, but also on their speed. Therefore, for each person, you should select your own set of movements, depending on the goal, build and mood.

If the purpose of erotic massage is to stimulate a person, then the movements should be fast, active, warming up. You can use pats, indentations, twisting. There are a huge number of techniques, and you can “wake up” sensuality, cheer up with the help of very different massage methods.

If the massage is supposed to relax and relieve tension, then the movements should be done gently, almost without touching the skin, with light movements. To do this, do rubbing, stroking, tingling of the skin. Blood begins to circulate faster, sweet warmth spreads through the body, and a person may even fall asleep.

For erotic massage, almost the same techniques are used as for other types of massage:

Stroking. Deep stroking relaxes the muscles. Light movements invigorate and excite, barely perceptible - stimulate. One of the most pleasant strokes is circular. For example, you can start it at the coccyx, reach the neck and come back, sliding along the sides;

Shifts. Usually performed after strokes. Putting the palm firmly on the body of the partner, she is pulled towards her. Movements are performed alternately with each hand. The second palm follows the first so that the shifted areas partially overlap;

smoothing. They are very light, alternate stroking movements of the hands towards themselves. The other hand starts the movement before the previous one finishes it;

Stretching and contracting muscles. Good for especially tense muscles, can be done with the middle phalanges of the fingers, in a circular motion;

Tingling. Done with the thumb and forefinger (or thumb and all) of one or both hands. Pinching relieves tension in the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, forearms, back of the shoulders, and also stimulates and invigorates;

Shaking. The hands and feet of the massaged person are raised and gently shaken;

Rubbing. This technique is stronger than stroking, although it is done in the same way.

To increase pleasure, each technique should be performed three times. At first intensively, then with a weakening of pressure, and for the third time - barely touching the skin with your fingertips. The specific techniques of erotic massage include light biting, sucking, licking, blowing wet areas from licking, massage with the chest, body (for women - and hair), it all depends on the imagination and what is pleasant for a woman and her partner.

No matter what muscle group of the body the massage starts from (from large muscles or more sensual ones), gentle movements are first made, rubbing, warming up and preparing the body for maximum pleasure, then the movements become more active so that the blood runs faster and the skin warms up. Erotic massage ends (like any other) with calm and relaxing strokes.

The main thing is the complete openness of both sides (massaging and enjoying). And then even with the help of your fingertips you can lead a person into the boundless world of sensuality and sexual energy. Especially if the massage is done by a loving person, then during the massage there is a feeling that the energy and feelings of one body pass through the points of contact to the partner's body.

Sudden movements can break the harmony, so all movements should smoothly flow into each other.

One of the basic rules: less words - more touches. Beloved partner should be in a state of maximum relaxation.

The following method of influence will be very pleasant. With palms, with a certain degree of effort, pressure is applied to the skin, the hands move away from themselves. Back with palms, gently and practically without touching the body, the skin is smoothed. There is a feeling of waves, ebb and flow of warmth and energy and complete relaxation.

Such waves are often used as the beginning or end of a massage movement. The main thing here is not to allow monotony, so that the person remains awake, and does not fall asleep.

Before the erotic massage procedure, a person must wash and undress completely.

This massage can be done in different positions.

For example, a woman is lying face down, and a man is riding her. He spends gentle stroking of the entire body from head to toes.

The woman lies on her back, the partner easily strokes her face and the whole body (except for the mammary glands and genitals).

Usually, when conducting an erotic massage, it is recommended to start from the initial position of the partner lying on her stomach, and the massage itself begins from the back, because there are many reflex zones of different organs on the back and a gentle massage allows the woman to completely relax. First, the man strokes with his palm, rubs his back with his fingertips. Touches should be light, soft. The lower back is gently stroked with the palm of your hand.

With a slow rhythm, massage leads to calm, relaxation. Massage of the inner thigh (groin) and soles leads to stimulation (excitation). This should be kept in mind.

During breast massage, the partner lies on her back. Movements are performed from the middle of the chest to the shoulders, then they stroke the side surfaces of the body. When exposed to the mammary glands, the man gently strokes them, and kneads the nipples with his fingertips, then strokes again. After that, gently strokes the abdomen and genital area.

Stroking the abdomen and genital area is carried out with the palm and fingers gently, barely touching. Light finger movements are performed around the entrance to the vagina, then, lightly touching the clitoris, gently stroke it. The massage of the clitoris is carried out with fingers or the base of the palm with a gentle touch with pressure. The movements are performed in a circle, very lightly pressing with the fingers, making moderate rotational movements, or, placing the entire palm on the clitoral area, performing vibration, quickly sliding the fingers up and down the clitoris. Then, placing a hand on the pubis across the vagina, they carry out vibrating movements, while pressing and rubbing the clitoris with the base of the palm, making rotational rubbing movements.

When stimulated inside, the middle finger rubs the front wall of the vagina, and at this time the base of the palm can stimulate the clitoris with pressure on the surrounding area.

Each part of the body is most receptive to a particular movement. For example:

If, while massaging the legs, with one hand to support the leg from below by the ankle, and with the other slowly rotate the foot, the effect of this movement reaches the pelvic and inguinal muscles and produces a very erotic sensation.

On the head, the skin under the hair, face and ears are very sensitive to light and gentle strokes and warm breath.

The neck and shoulders are usually very tense. They need to be vigorously kneaded, and then gently stroke the neck and hair roots at the neck.

Hands can be massaged with fingertips, the inner side of the hands is most sensitive to touch.

The main thing in erotic massage, in addition to all of the above, is to remember that the sensitive zones of different people can be different. It is not enough to learn the sequence of impact on certain zones, in each case it is necessary to look for and find those zones that will be sensitive in this particular person.

Things to remember:

During the massage, warn your partner about any discomfort and ask him to immediately report if he has any;

If the massage is long, periodically check if the partner is cold. If necessary, cover parts of the body that are not currently involved;

Where it hurts, don't push. Avoid joints and areas where the skin is damaged. In case of any health problems, consult your doctor first;

No need to massage where the partner is unpleasant, even if it seems to you that he should enjoy it.

Subject to these rules, erotic massage will really become an unearthly pleasure.

Let's talk about 13 pleasures in life that are usually overlooked. But in vain! They make life as comfortable and joyful as possible.

If it seems to you that you are dragging out a “miserable existence” and it is impossible to change this, you are mistaken. In fact, enjoying every minute of this day is not difficult at all. We will learn how to enjoy life using "improvised means" and little tricks available to each of us.

Learning to live happily

The recipes we offer for life's pleasures are really affordable and, as a rule, completely free. Use them.

  1. Make your night dark and fresh.

    You will truly enjoy the day,

    if with the coming of night you fall asleep easily and sleep soundly until morning.

    Recommendation: Avoid all sources of artificial lighting 30-40 minutes before going to bed. Sleep in pitch darkness, having previously ventilated the room, and a life of pleasure will become your constant companion.

  2. Start the day cheerful and with a smile on your face.

    "Stupidity and banality" - someone will think. Not at all.

    How to enjoy life using this rule? This is not about an artificially forced smile (although it often works), but about how to make the morning really pleasant.

    Recommendation: Have you heard of the Zeigarnik Effect? You can find out more about him by searching the web. Let us explain its essence with an example. Before you go to bed, do something pleasant and interesting. Let's say you watch 10 minutes of an exciting movie or read a few pages of an interesting story. Go to bed and watch a movie or read a book in the morning. You will be surprised how quickly and pleasantly you woke up. By creating an anticipation of something joyful, you can wake up easily and with pleasure, maintaining this state for the whole day.

    One more recommendation about getting up early. No, you don't have to get up with the first roosters. Just gradually set your alarm 5-10 minutes earlier than usual. This will free up time for yourself in the morning for something pleasant. Rushing is not conducive to a good day. A measured gathering with a cup of coffee and even reading the news will fill the morning with pleasure.

  3. Your menu should have dishes worthy of any gourmet.

    This does not mean that you should only eat delicacies.

    Do not forget, we offer only those pleasures in human life that are available to each of us.

  4. Get pleasant emotions from waiting.

    Wait and enjoy, not be nervous?

    How to enjoy life and enjoy even waiting for something or being stuck in a traffic jam? It's easy if you use moments of forced inactivity as a time for pleasant communication with yourself.

    Recommendations: you should have weapons against boredom at hand: an audiobook, a pleasant dream that you can visualize in your mind, a beautiful subway neighbor (or rather, thoughts about him). Instead of being angry about the circumstances, devote this time to something that will give you pleasure.

  5. Read interesting books.

    Recommendations: such pleasures in human life as books are available to everyone. Do not give up e-readers if you prefer paper volumes. Take them on the road. Listen to audiobooks if you can't read a paper book.

    And the carrier of the material will not be of key importance. Read aloud, especially if you have children. Read in silence and in a comfortable chair. Make reading a special ritual that gives peace and joy.

  6. Listen to the music you like.

    Change playlists.

    A selection of music has a magical ability to influence mood and self-awareness. Learn to delve into its essence by listening to songs not in the background. Spend time listening to the works of classical composers.

    Recommendations: when listening to your favorite or new songs, do not stoop. You need a straight back. Try to feel the music and words not only with the organs of hearing, but also with the skin itself. You must become one sensitive ear. And then the melody will create magical images in front of you. You should also concentrate on the sensations of the body, especially in the spine area.

  7. The most delicious drink is water. The most pleasant environment is water.

    The water is soothing.

    It also tones, gives strength, energizes, water observation helps to improve thought processes.

    Recommendations: Making life a pleasure, drink pure fresh water daily. You need 7-8 glasses. In addition, you can buy a subscription to the pool, go to the sea or in your own bathroom. An invigorating shower will help relieve stress and provide a healing massage.

  8. Movement is life.

    You won't get a healthy body if you sit in one place all day.

    Do not force yourself with heavy physical exertion if you do not like it. But give your body some pleasure by warming up daily.

    Recommendations: The minimum number of steps that should be taken daily is 10,000. Do you think it's impossible? You are wrong. Use the pedometer apps, fortunately, you can find them on any smartphone. Measure the distance traveled during the day, and if the conquered distance turned out to be too short, go outside. Just 15-20 minutes in the fresh air, and the job is done.

    Also, try dancing or stretching your body in some other enjoyable way every day. The main thing is that during the warm-up every muscle of the body is worked out, which remains inactive during working days. A popular yoga pose called savasana (“dead” pose) should be especially recommended.

  9. Don't give up on new experiences.

    Your psyche needs emotional nourishment.

    And you are in new emotions and impressions. Otherwise, you will start to mope, and in the end, it is very likely that you will get sick.

  10. Try to find bliss and peace.

    Increased anxiety is characteristic of the absolute majority of modern people.

    How to get rid of it? Try to spend every day in the company of people who are really disposed towards you.

    Recommendations: it often turns out that it is impossible to feel calm even in the family circle. After all, relatives can always quarrel with each other. In this case, try to find like-minded people with similar interests. A good decision is a visit.

  11. Fill your life with victories and achievements.

    Often people miss their victories.

    Considering them not worthy of paying attention to them. But in vain!

    Start praising yourself for any completed successful business. So you can tune in to success in major events.

    Recommendations: try to please yourself even with small victories. Do you have a delicious soup? You deserve praise. Did you wake up easily and quickly, and start the day a couple of hours earlier? This is undoubtedly your victory and achievement. Learn to find joy in every day, and life will bring pleasure.

  12. Get to know free will.

    This is pleasure in its purest form.

    It is something more than a feeling of freedom inside or outside of yourself.

    Recommendations: You can understand what is at stake in this case by reading the brilliant story "Will" by Nadezhda Teffi. By the way, we have already said that it is thanks to books that you can turn life into a real pleasure.

  13. Look for meanings.

    Pleasure cannot be meaningless.

    There is a huge difference between a life that is devoted to enjoyment and pleasure and a life that is filled with meaning, don't you think? However, you are wrong.

    If there is no meaning in life, then any pleasure will not bring the desired pleasure. Remember the popular anecdote about how a man demanded to return his money for a “defective” balloon, which did not let air through, but simply did not bring pleasure ...

    Recommendations: ask yourself some magical questions: why and for what? Engage in a search for higher meaning, considering even simple and everyday joys and pleasures. You will see that pleasure can be found everywhere.

What not to think and talk about during intimacy

Sexual life in a couple is an important part of a relationship. When it does not go well, quarrels and disagreements often appear. They may not be directly dependent on sexual problems, but they are largely provoked by them.

What gets in the way of good sex?

If there are disagreements in the "bed", the reason should be looked for in your head. This is mostly for ladies. Their head is sometimes “crammed” with unnecessary thoughts that do not allow them to relax and switch to intimate communication with a partner at a crucial moment. The latter often feels this, misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, problems arise.

Harmony in sexual relations must necessarily exist, you must strive for it with all your might. The task is not simple, but quite achievable if desired and setting an appropriate goal. You need to learn to control yourself, or rather the cycle of your thoughts.

What should you not think about during sex?

To avoid the described troubles, you need to get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Firstly, you should not think about your appearance and attractiveness for a partner. Such experiences do not allow you to tune in to the desired “wave” and enjoy the process. Since a man wanted intimacy, it means that he considers his chosen one attractive, and most likely the most beautiful.

Do not benefit sex and thoughts about the shortcomings of his man. If there is dissatisfaction with his body, it is better to talk about it in a different setting and do it extremely delicately. Now it is better to pay attention to the positive qualities of a sexual partner.

Thirdly, you need to “throw out” all domestic problems from your head. At the moment, they should become absolutely unimportant: are the dishes washed in the kitchen, are the lessons done with the children, is it time to take off the dried laundry, etc. During intimacy, one should move away from everyday life and devote oneself completely to the chosen one.

What should you not talk about during sex?

If you can’t think about what was listed above during intimacy, then you shouldn’t even talk about it.

It is better to remain silent about two more points ...

In the case when a woman believes that during sex she and her desires are not given enough attention, it is imperative to explain. However, it is strongly not recommended to start such a conversation during sex. For him, it is worth choosing a calm environment that is conducive to discussing such nuances of sexual relations.

It is better to keep silent about plans for life. Such a topic can “confuse” many men even in normal times, and during intimacy it will certainly not lead to anything good. When having sex, only he should care, and the future will wait.

A successful relationship cannot exist without sex, the satisfaction from which both partners receive. In order for sex to suit both a man and a woman, it is necessary for this time to free your head from thoughts. You need to be able to switch from worries, forget about problems and enjoy intimacy.

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